Design of Concrete Structures Reinforced With Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars
Design of Concrete Structures Reinforced With Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars
Design of Concrete Structures Reinforced With Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars
Anil Patnaik is a professor of structural About NITK NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA,
engineering at The University of Akron in Ohio, SURATHKAL, MANGALORE – 575025
National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal is
USA. He earned his Ph.D. from the University
located in Mangalore (also called Mangaluru) City, Karnataka
of Calgary, and Master’s degree in Structural
State, India. NITK is a centrally funded technical institute and
Engineering from the Indian Institute of
was established in the year 1960. NITK is a premier institution
Technology in Kanpur, and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil
engaged in imparting quality technical education and providing
Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela in
support to research and development activities. NITK is
India. He has over twenty years of experience in academic
recognized as an institute of national importance by an act of
positions at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Indian parliament. NITK has carved a niche for itself among the
(SDSM&T) in Rapid City, Curtin University in Perth (Australia), A Five Day
best technical institutions in India. NITK has been consistently
the University of Western Australia, and presently is working
ranked among the top ten technical institutions in the
at the University of Akron in Ohio. His area of research
country. Today, the institute offers 9 B.Tech, 27 post graduate
includes corrosion of reinforced concrete and steel structures,
and doctoral programmes in all its 14 Departments and is
reinforced concrete members subjected in impact loads; fiber
making significant advances in R&D and outreach activities.
reinforced polymer (FRP) materials for structural concrete
NITK is probably the only institution in the country which can
applications; repair and strengthening of existing structures; Course on
boast of its own beach.
construction; carbon footprint assessment and life cycle
analysis (LCA). He is the author or co-author of over 100 About the Department Design of Concrete Structures Reinforced
technical papers, and over 100 research and design reports. He
edited a book on high volume fly ash concrete and co-edited a
The Department of Civil Engineering is the one of the oldest with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars
departments of this institute, which established in the year
book on high performance high strength concrete. He has
1960. The department presently offers one B.Tech, six post 29th July – 2nd August 2019
several years of experience as a practicing engineer in design
graduate and doctoral programmes in various disciplines. The Call for Registration and Participation
and construction of large industrial, commercial and offshore
department has well experienced faculty, skilled technical staff
structures, and tall buildings
and well equipped laboratories. It is recognised QIP centre for
Resource Person
Host Faculty/Course coordinator training of faculty from other engineering colleges and
Dr. Anil Patnaik
polytechnics. The department has been always in the forefront
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Das is currently serving as Professor of Structural Engineering and
in taking up R&D initiatives and industrial consultancy
Associate Professor at National Institute of Associate Department Chair (Graduate Programs)
Technology Karnataka, Surathkal since May Dept of Civil Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron.
2015. Prior, he was serving as a Senior For more information:
Associate Professor and Centre Head at Contact Course coordinator
National Institute of Construction Management and Research
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Das
(NICMAR), Goa campus. He has been working as a Post- Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Das
Doctoral Research Associate and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering,
Organised by
Department of Civil Engineering at Lawrence Technological National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
University, Southfield, Michigan, USA. His area of research Department of Civil Engineering
Surathkal, Mangalore – 575025, Karnataka, India.
includes project management, microstructure characterization National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal,
Phone no: +91-8050765791 (M), 0824-2473970 (L).
of materials, non-destructive testing of concrete structures, Mangalore-575025, Karnataka, India
corrosion of reinforcement and durability studies on concrete.
Course Overview This course will provide an overview of material and Registration Process
mechanical properties of FRP reinforcing bars, structural
Reinforced concrete is a common building material that is applications, construction practices, design philosophy, Stage-1: Web Portal Registration: Visit
versatile and economical in civil engineering structures. In flexural behavior, serviceability, shear behavior, and detailing and create login
most circumstances, reinforced concrete is strong and durable issues. The course will be beneficial to asset managers, design User ID and Password. Fill up the blank registration form and
providing maintenance-free service over a long life span. engineers, concrete specifiers, consultants, builders, and do web registration by paying Rs. 500/- online through Net
However, corrosion of steel reinforcement embedded in researchers. Banking/Debit/Credit card. This provides the user with life
concrete is a problem particularly in coastal and saline
environments. Therefore, non-corroding bars made from Course Objectives time registration to enrol in any number of GIAN courses
structural composites that are made from fibers and polymer offered.
Successful completion of the course will lead to the following
binders called Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) reinforcement Stage-2: Course Registration: Login to the GIAN portal with the
learning outcomes:
have been introduced to the industry in the last two decades. user ID and Password already created in Step 1. Click on
In recent times, the use of FRP reinforcement has been Knowledge and understanding of: Course Registration option at the top of Registration form.
demonstrated to be beneficial for structures that are exposed
(1) concepts related to the use of structural composites in Select the Course titled “Design of Concrete Structures
to deicing salts such as pavements, bridge decks and bridge
civil engineering structures Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars” from the
superstructures, and for structures in highly corrosive
(2) physical and mechanical properties of different types of list and click on SAVE option. Confirm your registration by
environment such as those in water treatment plants, seawalls
composites clicking on Confirm Course.
and other marine structures. Glass, carbon and aramid fiber
(3) flexural design of FRP reinforced concrete members
are commonly used fibers in composites (GFRP, CFRP and
(4) advantages and disadvantages of the use of FRP in the Selection and Mode of Payment
AFRP) to manufacture reinforcing bars. Significant research is
construction industry.
documented in ACI 440R (State of the Art Report on FRP On registration in the course, selected candidates will be
reinforcement for Concrete Structures) and ACI 440.1R (Guide Intellectual Abilities to: intimated through e-mail. They have to remit the required
for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete
(1) design concrete elements and structures using FRP course fee through DD drawn in favour of Director, NITK
Reinforced with FRP Bars). There have been more than 100
internal reinforcement Surathkal, payable at Surathkal.
demonstration or commercial projects in the United States
(2) identify structural applications where it is beneficial to In addition to the above fee, one-time online fee of Rs. 500/- is
and overseas that successfully demonstrated the use of FRP
use FRP internal reinforcement and where to avoid the
bars in reinforced concrete structures (ACI 440.1R). to be paid for registration in the GIAN web portal. (See
use of such reinforcement
There are several advantages of using FRP bars as reinforcing registration process stage 1)
(3) distinguish between the designs of cost-critical and
material in concrete structures. High strength, light weight,
performance-critical structures. Registration/Course Fee (Non-refundable)
non-magnetic and non-corrosive properties, and high fatigue
endurance are among the most favorable properties that Practical Skills: to design concrete members reinforced with
Participants from abroad: US $100 (students), US $200 (others)
would encourage their use. High initial cost, low modulus of FRP internal reinforcement and make decisions on when and
Industry/ Research Organizations: Rs. 5000/-
elasticity, linear stress-strain behavior until failure, lack of where to adopt FRP internal reinforcement in place of steel
insight into durability issues, and general skepticism of Academic Institutions: Rs. ₹ 1500 (students), Rs. ₹ 3000
reinforcing bars.
practicing engineers are some of the common obstacles to (others)
wide spread adoption of FRP materials in structures. Despite Who can participate? Note: Maximum number of Participants: 50 (Participants will be
some of the disadvantages, the use of FRP bars as internal
Executives, engineers (government, PSU and Private) and selected on first-cum-first serve basis). The Registration fee includes
reinforcement in place of steel reinforcement in concrete
instructional materials and tutorials.
bridge decks and water treatment plants (which are highly researchers from manufacturing, service and government
corrosive), is attractive to reduce the deterioration of such organizations including R&D laboratories. Accommodation
structures due to corrosion. FRP reinforcing bars are
particularly useful in highly corrosive environments such as Students at all levels (B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech/Ph.D) or Faculty Out station participants can be provided accommodation in
those in waterfront structures, and structures supporting from academic institutions and technical institutions. the Institute Guest Houses (limited accommodation on first-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units in hospitals. cum-first serve basis) inside the campus on direct payment.
The Registration fee does not include lodging and boarding.
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
MHRD Scheme on Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN)
Advance Level Course
“Design of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars”
Duration: 29-07-2019 to 02-08-2019
Registration Form
1. Name of applicant: ___________________________________________________________________
5. Email: ______________________________________________________________________________
6. Qualification: ________________________________________________________________________
I agree to abide by the rules and the regulations governing the GIAN–MHRD Course and I will attend
the course for entire duration.
Note: 1. Filled registration form with Demand Draft should be send to the course coordinator.
2. Demand draft drawn in favour of Director, NITK Surathkal, payable at Surathkal