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• The word set has more

definitions than any other word
in the
English language.
• Underground is the only word
in the English language that
begins and ends with the letters
• The longest word in the English
language, according to the
Oxford English Dictionary, is
ovolcanoconiosis. Which means
“a lung cancer”.
• “Dreamt” is the only English
word that ends in the letters
• Los Angeles’s full name is “El
Pueblo de Nuestra
Senora la Reinade los Angeles de
Porciuncula” and
can be abbreviated to 3.63% of
its size, L.A.
• English is spoken as a first
language by around 375 million
and as a second language by
around 375 million speakers in
the world.
• English is the main language of
books, newspapers, airports and
air-traffic control, international
business and academic
conferences, science, technology,
diplomacy, sport, international
competitions, pop music and

“Choose the right road for your future” Rainy days are over which means during
As a student, I know it’s hard to rainy seasons, many diseases are
manage our time in studying, doing your roaming around our environment
projects and having fun. especially “dengue”. Did you know that
dengue can kill millions of people, and
I have to admit, in our world, many the number of victims are getting bigger
teenagers and out-of school youth people and bigger.
are now “in” to drugs. And it’s also a
fact that year by year… younger people That’s why our government assigned
are getting addicted in drugs. many programs to inform the people and
teach them how to prevent it. And last
For me, drugs are addicting, very October our school held an orientation
dangerous, and very addicting. Good about ‘dengue awareness program’. In
thing there are many programs helping this program many students are informed
these people to stop taking drugs. that we should keep our environment
Especially school programs, they orient clean to prevent dengue and other
the about drugs and its dangerous diseases.
Let us all work together for clean
Jesus gave us free will to do what ever environment and healthy future. Let’s
we want. And as a student we have a start be removing the stock water on the
choice ----- either to study that is full of battle, old tires and open drums that can
hard work but sure of good future… or be a place for the mosquito to egg and
to see your-self in the future, addicted to always clean your surroundings and
drugs. drainages.

I admit… I can’t do anything to stop

them… but I can do something to
prevent them. With this editorial I hope I
can open the eyes of my readers and
consider this as a wake up call to have a
good life and good future.

People needs you, the world needs your

cooperation to help our mother earth. I
repeat, you have a choice… your future
is all up to your decision. And I tell you
this once and for all, ‘whatever your
decision is, it always affects your

So why depending others for your future

when you have the power to choose your
REPORT: important, it help to cut down the germs.
Mirror, some girls can’t stay longer
“MMGPS at 2010” without looking at the mirror so that's
Every child has an ideal home, every why our beloved school principal and
student has an ideal school. Me as a our supporting SSC officers planned to
student of Mary, Mother of God place mirrors in every comfort rooms.
Parochial School my ideal school is my Next in school improvement is the-- best
school. Why? Did you know that Mary, educational quality, our school is now
Mother of God Parochial School has lots improve by means of our facilities and
of improvement this year 2010. One of curriculum. One of our improvement is,
these are: Improve school facilities-- our school is God centered school.
every school has its own identity by Because our core subject is religion and
means of its high-end facilities, my even that's sound silly but its true. Every
school even that it does not high-end time that we have new topic in any
facilities, it have the best of the rest gym. subject, we take bible reading first and
Our gym has recently finished around take devotion about it. I saw the changes
the later part of the first semester. Our in the attitude of my fellow classmate
gym is big enough to accommodate all and schoolmate and for me being
the students of Mary, Mother of God religion is the core subject it has a good
Parochial School that has a total count of feedback on every one of us and I hope
students approximately less than 350 other school would also have this kind of
students. Imagine that! One of our curriculum. Next in our school
improve facilities is our canteen. Did improvement-- high end teaching staff.
you know that our canteen now has a Last year 2009 two newly hired teachers
two-line? One for those who will buy had come. And last but not the least,
their lunch and drinks, the other is for students-teacher/facilitator interaction.
junk foods and biscuits. For me it is a Many schools and university does not
great idea and convenient especially have this kind of attitude so that’s why
on others who do not bring their snacks their student does not even care nor love
instead they buy in the canteen. In their teacher. But here at MMGPS, we
instant I easily saw the big great result of all love our school our second home and
that idea the students are not crowding we also love and care on our second
the canteen because they can easily get parents, our teachers and school
out because they can buy snacks in no facilitator. Our school they improve by
time. Our canteen also have a newly means of having more time with
stack electric fan for the ventilation of interacting with us. Did you know that
the room it is a great help for me last June we had our "Getting to know"
because even its quiet hot you can just Olympics. Imagine that! No school will
turn it on. And last in our improve think about that. It just shows that our
facilities--- this is the most essential school really care for us.
place for girls and sometimes in us. Yes
our comfort room is more improve So if you ask me how I love my school, I
compare to the last few years. Our would tell that I care for it as how I care
comfort room had already have soap and my for my home!
water on the sink compare last year.
Washing hands with soap is very

Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the

most venerated religious figures in GOD WOULD KNEEL DOWN
Roman Catholic history.
I think God might be a little prejudiced.
Francis was the son of a wealthy cloth For once He asked me to join Him on a
merchant in Assisi, and he lived the walkthrough this world,
high-spirited life typical of a wealthy
young man, even fighting as a soldier for and we gazed into every heart on this
Assisi. While going off to war in 1204, earth,
Francis had a vision that directed him and I noticed He lingered a bit longer
back to Assisi, where he lost his taste for before any face that was weeping,
his worldly life. On a pilgrimage to
Rome, Francis begged with the beggars and before any eyes that were laughing.
at St. Peter's. The experience moved him
to live in poverty. Francis returned And sometimes when we passed a soul
home, began preaching on the streets, in worship
and soon amassed a following. He and
his followers lived a simple life of God too would kneel down.
poverty and wandered throughout
Umbria, always cheerful and full of I have come to learn: God adores His
songs, while making a deep impression creation.
upon their hearers. His order was
endorsed by the Pope in 1210. He then
founded the Order of Poor Ladies, which PRAYER:
was an order for old women, as well as
the Third Order of Brothers and Sisters Lord, make me an instrument of your
of Penance. In 1219 he went to Egypt, peace.
where crusaders were besieging Where there is Hatred, let me sow Love.
Damietta. Francis achieved personal Where there is Injury, Pardon.
rapprochement with the Muslim sultan. Where there is Doubt, Faith.
By this point, the Franciscan Order had Where there is Despair, Hope.
grown to such an extent that its primitive Where there is Darkness, Light, and
organizational structure was no longer Where there is Sadness, Joy.
sufficient. He returned to Italy to
organize the order. Once his O Divine Master,
organization was endorsed by the Pope, Grant that I may not so much
he withdrew increasingly from external seek to be consoled as to console;
affairs. In 1223, Francis apparently To be understood, as to understand;
arranged for the first Christmas manger To be loved, as to love;
scene. In 1224, he received the stigmata, For it is in giving that we receive,
making him the first saint known to bear It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
the wounds of Christ's Passion. He died And it is in dying that we are born to
in 1226 while singing Psalm 141. Eternal Life.
“High School Love Affair”

It was June 2001 when Billie & Anne

became classmates during their 2nd year
high school. Billie is a jock, bully and a
war-freak guy, on the other hand, Anne
is sweet, sensitive and very smart.
During their first day on class, Billie saw
Anne entering to the door, and fall in
love with Anne. Anne is an exchange
student so she doesn’t talk too much
unlike Billie.

Because Billie liked Anne so much, he

decided to court her. Anne also felt
something to Billie, so after 3 months
they become boyfriend and girlfriend.
Billie changed a lot when Anne entered
to his life--- he became sensitive and
sweet. Billie promised Anne that he will
not fight nor be bully anymore.

They became really great couple

together… suddenly when Billie is with
his friends, a gangster attacked them. It
was the same gang who Billie and his
friends fought before when Billie and
Anne aren’t a couple yet. Because Billie
promised Anne that he will not fight
anymore, he didn’t fight back. Billie and
the company were rushed to the hospital,
Anne went to Billie and asked why he
didn’t fight back…Billie smiled and said
“I promised you tat I will quit fighting so
I didn’t fight back”.

After a week, Billie came out to the

hospital and went back to school. They
are still a sweet couple and they already
had their plans for their future together.
They also promised that they will live
together and love each other forever.

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