English Newspaper
English Newspaper
English Newspaper
“Choose the right road for your future” Rainy days are over which means during
As a student, I know it’s hard to rainy seasons, many diseases are
manage our time in studying, doing your roaming around our environment
projects and having fun. especially “dengue”. Did you know that
dengue can kill millions of people, and
I have to admit, in our world, many the number of victims are getting bigger
teenagers and out-of school youth people and bigger.
are now “in” to drugs. And it’s also a
fact that year by year… younger people That’s why our government assigned
are getting addicted in drugs. many programs to inform the people and
teach them how to prevent it. And last
For me, drugs are addicting, very October our school held an orientation
dangerous, and very addicting. Good about ‘dengue awareness program’. In
thing there are many programs helping this program many students are informed
these people to stop taking drugs. that we should keep our environment
Especially school programs, they orient clean to prevent dengue and other
the about drugs and its dangerous diseases.
Let us all work together for clean
Jesus gave us free will to do what ever environment and healthy future. Let’s
we want. And as a student we have a start be removing the stock water on the
choice ----- either to study that is full of battle, old tires and open drums that can
hard work but sure of good future… or be a place for the mosquito to egg and
to see your-self in the future, addicted to always clean your surroundings and
drugs. drainages.