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E Astro Aries

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Circle of Letters on

Good Will Spiritual Astrology ^/4

Eggh ölzliweg 2 CH-3074 Muri Tel. & Fax: ++41-31-951.28.77 guter-wille@ good-will.ch www.good-w ill.ch

For the spiritualist, the path of the zodiac forms an important course
of his theoretical and practical study. The zodiac is the limitation of man
when he is in the lowest and at the same time it is the path of his liberation
when he is on the higher plane.

These lines are from Spiritual Astrology by Dr. E. Krishnamacharya. Spiritual astrology deals with the
relationship between man and cosmos. It is one of the six keys to the secrets of wisdom whose centre is
the consciousness of man. Through study and continuing meditation on the human and animal forms of
the zodiac, he discovers that he is a small image of the cosmic man. He eventually realizes within him-
self all the planets, the solar system, and the cosmic plan to which he devotes his life. This wisdom re-
veals itself to the person who lives in the soul consciousness. Whoever is firmly anchored in the personal-
ity will never find the subtle dimensions.

The Letters on Spiritual Astrology contain thoughts from the wisdom teachings. Their purpose is to
give encouragement to explore connections and correspondences and to elevate oneself to the level of
Oneness which is found beyond the riddles of creation.


cient wisdom. The names of the months of Sep-

The Circle and the Beginning tember, October, November and December contain
The circle is a symbol of the eternal existence, the names of the Latin numbers for 7, 8, 9 and 10
which has no beginning and no end. A circle is and still hint to the old order: If December is the
formed from its centre; it does not have its origin tenth month, it cannot be the closing of the year,
on the circumference, but in the central point. In but January is the eleventh and February the
the centre the beginning of all things can be seen, twelfth month. March with the equinox at 0 degree
how they develop and dissolve again. From the of Aries is then the beginning of the new annual
circumference we can only see what has already cycle. The wisdom teachings also look upon it like
come into being, but not how. People dominated this. When we try to live according to the eternal
by the intellect move only along the circumference values, we should follow this understanding, then a
and cannot reach the centre. Standing in our cen- deeper knowledge about time reveals to us. With
tre we see the things and events on the back- this however, we shouldn t reject the social cus-
ground of eternal existence. Therefore the Scrip- toms, but respect them.
tures say: Man know thyself, don t try to under- Every time several planets enter into Aries, this is
stand other things first. a time of a new beginning. Every year when the
When we mark an event as beginning, we have to sun crosses the spring equinox, Aries supplies fiery
define another as an end. It is a concept of our energies for changes. Life gets a powerful impulse
mind, a frame which we set up. Depending on the so that it doesn t move in a circle, but progresses
point where you begin with the subdivision of the in spirals. The sun stands for consciousness, and
circle you get another wisdom. The circle of the like the plants now strive out of the ground with
solar year has four points of beginning: The equi- full power and start to blossom, the individual
noxes of spring and autumn as well as the solstices consciousness also has the opportunity now to
of summer and winter. As a basis for the subdivi- spring up. Therefore the season starting now is
sion of time you can also take the lunar cycles and called spring in English. When we see the outer
thus obtain the lunar year which is used by some spring we should yearn for the inner spring. The
nations and religions. Some people also have taken spirit should awaken, collect itself and break
the Venus cycles as basis for a year. With the Ve- through the individual egoism and ascend into
nus cycle you work with the line of immortality, higher realms.
the lunar cycles stress the influence of the past,
the solar cycles the consciousness.
To begin the year with the 1st of January which is
Meditative Visualisation
in use today doesn t correspond to any of the cy- The sign of Aries rules the head. The meditation in
cles, but is a date arbitrarily fixed by people in the month of Aries recommends meditating on the
more recent times, without knowledge of the an- symbol of Aries (^). It starts from the tip of the
nose and diverges through the eyebrows. We can depends on how we orient ourselves during these
imagine that we are a lotus unfolding right from 15 days (20 Mar to 5 Apr 2004).
the eyebrows and above. We can imagine our nose
as the stag of the lotus, the eyebrows as the pre-
liminary bifurcated petals of the lotus and the
Bridling the Horses
forehead and the upper part of the head as a globe The senses are compared with wild, untamed
of light positioned in that lotus. We can contem- horses governed by Mars, the ruler of Aries. They
plate the top of the lotus having 1000 dimensions, draw us to the outside and make us run after the
just like a diamond stone which is well cut emit- material things. With this we overexert our ener-
ting brilliant light. The mantram for this medita- gies, we become tired and exhausted. Here the
tion is SOHAM, meaning That I Am : We don t horses decide where the chariot goes and not the
identify any longer with the individual life of our charioteer. This can go to a point where even the
personality, but with the great Life, like the wave chariot breaks, that is that by a wrong, excessive
identifies with the ocean. SOHAM is the song of the lifestyle the body becomes sick and dies. When we
respiration, of the pulsating principle. SO ex- give an order to the senses, we take the reins.
presses through the inhalation and HAM through With our sense of discrimination we neutralise the
the exhalation. The sound SO shall have to be visu- negative, impetuous activity of Mars. Then Mercury
alised at the head centre and the sound HAM right becomes the ruler of Aries, he transmits to us the
from the throat centre. With this the part between light of the soul. The light doesn t manifest by
the throat centre and the head centre should be itself, but it emerges when we invoke the soul and
consciously pervaded by us while we utter forth the presence of the Master.
the sound inwardly. For the one who is living on the soul level Uranus
becomes the ruler of the sign. Uranus causes sud-
den changes. His motto is: Be open for the unex-
The Program for the Year pected, for new possibilities. Uranus initiates
Aries contains the potential of all other sun signs, we works which are in accordance with the Plan, give
can experience in it the energy of the whole year in a a new direction to life and are lasting long. When
seed form. Like this the knowers experience in Aries Uranus again travels through Aries from 2011 on,
the Plan for the year. It is also a good time for us to this will stimulate activities which bring far-
set up a plan for the year and to consider improve- reaching changes.
ments. The equinox offers an opportunity to make an It is an ancient-most knowledge that Aries provides
introspection, to examine our way of life and to think the opportunity to ascend into higher stages of
about the areas in which we can improve something: existence. Likewise in the month of Aries, on Good
In our dealing with time, with food, drink and sleep, Friday the Passover festival is celebrated, a passing
with money or with our fellow men. over into higher circles of existence. In harmony
From ancient most times the spiritual student is with that Master Jesus has manifested this through
recommended to deeply consecrate and live with death and resurrection. The heavens are open at
utmost purity from the beginning of Aries on, in this time, and with the right preparation and
order to attune to the energies of Aries. They try alignment we can receive the incoming energies.
to live on minimum food and drink, try to speak as
little as possible, and link up to the highest possi- 2004. Sources used: K. P. Kumar: Hercules: The Man and
ble awareness. Above all in the time from Aries the Symbol / seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiri-
new moon to full moon they devote themselves to tual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta,
a yogic program in order to bring all the five senses Visakhapatnam, India (www.worldteachertrust.org ) - A.
A. Bailey: Esoteric Astrology, Lucis-Trust, London. (
to a state of equanimity, to give them an order and www.netnews.org / www.lucistrust.org ).
thus to keep them in a good state for the rest of
the year. Our program for the year substantially


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guter-wille@good-will.ch . Further information on www.good-will.ch . If you do not want to receive the newsletter any-
more, please notify us briefly. Circle of Good Will

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