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Elliot Wave

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8/7/2019 RIDING THE ELLIOTT WAVE - [ 5 ways to catch market Reversals ] - HumbleTraders


As an Elliott wave trader I am constantly on the lookout for

trend changes and the big opportunities they bring.
In every market cycle extremes of bullishness or bearishness
overcome the crowd, and every last person piles into the same
trade right before the trend changes!
At times like these – the Elliott wave principle tells me to start looking for the exit, To avoid
getting trampled by the crowd, when the trend change appears!

By using Elliot wave analysis, you will learn to see trend changes coming,

and be ready before they happen!

Elliott Wave Trading strategy – Video tutorial.


Stick around;
I am going to show you 5 practical areas where Elliott
Wave helps a trader:
( click the link for a video tutorial )
1. Identify the dominant trend.
2. Identify countertrend moves.
3. Identify maturity of a trend.
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4. Setting price targets.
5. Placing trades and setting stop losses.

Elliott wave analysis, is a lens to view the market in an objective

let’s get into the meat of the matter to see what exactly is the
wave principle.

What is Elliott Wave Theory?

Elliott Wave theory maintains that collective investor psychology shifts between optimism
and pessimism as part of a natural cycle.

These mood swings create Elliott wave patterns (http://humbletraders.com/elliott-wave-

correction-patterns/) in the price action.

The wave principle views the price movements of the market as being part of an overarching
pattern. There are three main descriptive features of the wave principle.

1. The patterns exist at all degrees of trend, (from a yearly chart, down to a minute chart)
2. The patterns are fractals, that is, they are self-similar at all degrees of trend
3. The patterns are hierarchical, meaning smaller degrees of the pattern link together to
construct larger versions of the similar pattern.

Elliott wave model.


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The wave principle states that the basic form of market price action is ve waves in the
direction of the trend and three waves against the trend.

Moves in the direction of the trend are labelled 1 through 5 and counter trend moves are
labels as letters, usually A,B and C.

How can Elliott wave patterns be applied to trading?

These are EXACT price patterns I used for years to generate signals
(http://humbletraders.com/elliott-wave-signals-forex-trading/) and steadily grow my
trading account while taking minimum risk.

The most common statement in the investment world is ‘the trend is your friend’, wouldn’t
be great to be able to identify the trend.


Here are ve areas where the wave principle can help identify the dominant trend.

1. Identifying the dominant trend.

The Elliott wave model holds that a ve wave advance identi es the overall trend as up, and
conversely a ve wave decline identi es the trend as down.

Why is this information of any consequence?

It is far easier to trade in the direction of the dominant trend than to ght against it,

The trend is the path of least resistance.

If you can identify the trend then you can get on board and Elliott wave analysis will allow you
to ride that trend until the end.

Below is a daily chart of the Euro Dollar cross rate.


You can see wave [A] down marked in black, followed by an ongoing corrective pattern called
a contracting triangle which will complete wave [B] soon.

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We know from the Elliott wave pattern that this will be followed by a wave [C ] down.

This wave should be equal in size to wave [A].

The wave model foresees much lower prices for this pair as the trend reasserts itself.

2. Elliott wave identi es countertrend moves.

The Elliott wave model also identi es counter trend moves.

The impulsive trend will unfold in ve distinctive waves, which will then be followed by a
three wave corrective move.

Knowing this will allow a trader to position themselves for when the larger trend resumes.

Below is the daily chart of USDJPY

A very large three wave movement upwards is under way from the lows in 2011 the chart.

You can see wave [A] red completed in ve waves, wave [B] down in three waves is complete.

Wave [C] up is about to begin as I write, and should carry the market above the wave [A] high.

While no method of market analysis is perfect, the Elliott wave model does give the
practitioner a perspective for possible future action which gives you time to prepare and
de nite target zones to aim for.



3. Elliott wave identi es maturity of trend.

When oil was trading at $130 per barrel and going higher in 2008, was it a good time to buy
into the market and believe all the hype?
Well, had the wave principle been part of you analytical tool belt, you might have noticed a
very distinctive pattern emerging.

That being ve waves up from the lows in 2002.

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The Elliott wave trading model was screaming a sell signal

(http://humbletraders.com/elliott-wave-signals-forex-trading/)! while the rest of the
world only saw higher prices.

But the Elliott wave signal And then the decline began, an 80% freefall began in July that year.
And Robert Prechter was well positioned, as was Paul jones.


4. Price targeting.
One useful element of the wave principle is its ability to provide price targets. When used in
conjunction with Fibonacci proportions
(http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emat6680/parveen/ b_nature.htm)we can construct high
probability price targets.
For example a common relationship between wave 1 and 3 is 1.618. And a common
retracement level for wave 2 is .618 of the previous wave 1 advance.

These relationships allow us to create a high probability target for wave 3. And also allows us
to protect our pro ts in case we are wrong.

5. Elliott wave theory provides speci c invalidation points!

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The wave principle has 3 steadfast rules which can never be broken when interpreting the
price action.

1. Wave 2 can never retrace more than 100% of wave 1.

2. Wave 4 can never enter the price territory of wave 1.
3. Wave 3 is never the shortest wave.

If the price action breaks any of these rules then the count you are operating with, is wrong.

And you must go back to the drawing board.

The advantage of these rules is that you can use them to place protective stops or trail stops
closer to the action, if the wave structure is not working out as planned.

Below shows a model of how a trend might develop, you notice the development of 5 waves
up and then a retracement of the advance to the Fibonacci 0.618% decline level.


At this point a trader can turn bullish under the wave principle. As the price is expected to rise
at least the same magnitude as wave (1). As wave (2) cannot retrace more than wave (1) a
protective stop can be placed one point below the start of wave (1) ensuring that you will not
risk any more than necessary.

As the price advances in another clear 5 waves to complete wave (3) up, a protective stop can
be placed at the high of wave (1) for we know that wave (4) cannot enter the price territory of
wave (1). Thereby protecting the pro ts earned.

From my experience, the wave principle can genuinely help you see how the market may be
positioned within the overall pattern.

The Elliott wave principle will help you spot these big opportunity turning points
(http://humbletraders.com/elliott-wave-and-rsi/) before they happen!

And on top of that:

If the model is applied correctly it can increase the predictive con dence in the direction of
future price moves to 80% and more.
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All the while providing the practitioner with clear levels where the interpretation is incorrect.

Trading is hard work, no matter what methods you use.

Trading is intellectually challenging and emotionally draining. You will lose at this game
more times than you will win. Every penny you earn will be hard earned, and every penny you
lose will be easily lost!

Trading is not that easy, but then again nothing worthwhile is, so don’t give up easily!
As the expert Paul Jones says:

“I’m always thinking about losing money as opposed to making money. Don’t focus on making
money, focus on protecting what you have”

Any method that can help achieve this goal is a method worth trying.

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