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Pastor Thesis 00

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Chapter 1

The Problem and It Setting


Leadership is defined by Delmar (2003) as a process of

influence in which the leader influence others towards goal

achievement. Influence is an instrumental part of leadership

and means that leaders affect others of the inspiring,

enlivening and engaging others to participate. Effective

leadership has always been defined by experts as the ability of

a person to arouse interest in learning among its members

towards the attainment of organizational goals and objectives.

Leadership styles are very important for a person who wishes to

lead a group of people for the attainment of certain objectives.

According to Farley (2002), leadership style is very

important for a person who wishes to lead a group of people for

the attainment of a certain objective. As a leader, one is

empowered to manage every piece of human and material resources

of the organization he or she is leading. Leaders vary in their

leadership style and practices, some are democratic oriented,

others are autocratic, bureaucratic or laissez-faire oriented


An institutions' success is measured by its administration

and achievements. Therefore, administrations need efficient

leaders to take them toward that success. In this sense,

leadership style is one of the main factors determining the

effectiveness of any leader. Leadership style reflects a manager

or leader's personality and how he or she manages work, which in

affects the performance of institutions as well as employees

(Lwasif, 2005). However, Subramaniam (2011) pointed out the

importance of studying leadership styles because of its

significance in an institution's success.

Church process is to achieve its goals, it needs leaders,

workers laborers with high achievement motivation. At the same

time, they need support to increase their satisfaction and

motivation,like mentoring and this will come about through

principals' effective church process style Achievement

motivation is a behavior connected to submission and obedience,

and this is what is looking for in the present church growth

Church pastors or under shepherd are leaders while

discharging their duties as head of the church, they are

assigned in the different situation in the church is headed and

required following every bit of instructions These instructions

are likewise responsible for every tasks or assignments church

programs committed by any workers under his or her supervision.

Church growth is very often disassociated from leadership

growth. The effects of dysfunctional leadership are immature

churches and an open door for syncretism. Often church planters

do not plan how to leave, but stay for too long; they do not

invest a proportional time between evangelism and leadership

training; and they do not address the main cultural problems in

the context, leaving new believers to work this out as they go

along, poorly prepared to face the issues.

Leadership training therefore begins as soon as the first

believers appear. We should avoid making a difference between

basic discipleship and training leaders, as discipleship should

be the first step to identifying those who are natural leaders.

To have a self-supporting and self-governing church need to

reproduce a structure compatible to its reality in terms of

human and financial resources. The only input from outside

should be the Gospel. Leaders, finance, buildings and ongoing

strategies should be generated from the inside by the efforts

and initiative of workers committed to serve the Lord.

The researchers believed that all the above statements,

pieces of information and introductions as well as the

backgrounds of the study can help the readers to strengthen

their knowledge about the G12 Cell church Strategy in the

church growth , it is then the purpose of this study to know and

evaluate the points of view of the chosen respondents to

their participation different churches representing their

pastors that will lead to the success of this study.

Statement of the Problem

The current study aims to examine the G12 cell church


Its Impact On Church Growth In Selected Evangelical

Churches in Central Luzon.

More specifically, base on respondent’s perception, it

attempts to answer the following research questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in

terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Civil status;

1.4 Highest educational attainment

1.5 Years in the church they belong?

1.6 Level of leadership

2. What are the impacts of engaging G12 cell church strategy:

In the Church Growth?

3. What are the effects of this leadership trainings and

management strategy adapted by churches to the member’s

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of engaging G12

cell church strategy In the Church Growth?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of

the respondents to the impact of engaging G12 cell church

strategy In the Church Growth?

Hypothesis of the /study

The study will test the following hypothesis:

1. There a significant relationship between the profile of

the respondents to the impact of engaging G12 cell church

strategy In the Church Growth

Significance of the Study

The study specifically would be useful to the following:

Christian and Non Christian Individuals. The result of this

study shall provide them a baseline information about the G12

cell church strategy and its characteristics. The identified

characteristics may be used as a pattern improving one’s

beliefs and practices, value formation and communication and

interaction processes.

Religious Leaders. The findings of the study shall provide

a clear picture of what G12 cell church strategy is, this shall

be the basis of indoctrinating their constituents in the sect

or congregation
Researcher. This study shall provide him or her a body

of knowledge about the factors which may influence the practices

and beliefs of the Christian families in which he is a leader,

a pastor or workers. The assessment of the respondents may

also provide the researcher the necessary background could be

of help to him in molding the Christian lives of peopled under

his leadership.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main focus of the research is the G12 cell church

strategy: Its Impact On Church Growth In Selected Evangelical

Churches in Central Luzon. The pastors, leaders and workers of

selected Evangelical churches in around Central Luzon are the

subjects of this study. The subjects mentioned are limited to

one hundred .

The elements that operate the study will be the limited

demographic profile or description of the personal

characteristics of the chosen respondents which interrelated to

the subject topic of the present study . This study will be

limited to the use of normative survey with questionnaire as the

main data gathering tool. Collection of data limited to

questionnaires, interviews and observations enabled the

gathering of pertinent facts and information about the

The conceptual paradigm of the study is Depicted in Figure 1

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


1.Profile of the respondents

in terms of:

1.3 Civil status;
1.4 Highest educational
attainment and Years in the
church they belong?
2. The impacts of engaging STRATEGY:
G12 cell church strategy: ITS IMPACT ON CHURCH
In the Church Growth? GROWTH IN SELECTED
3 The effects of this IN CENTRAL LUZON
leadership trainings and
management strategy adapted
by churches to the member’s

4. The advantages and

disadvantages of engaging
G12 cell church strategy In
the Church Growth?
To further discuss the conceptual framework of the study,

independent variable, dependent variable concept are adopted and

hereunder illustrated. Figure 1 presents the paradigm, the

independent variable deals with the demographic profile of the

respondent in terms of: age; Gender; Civil status; Highest

educational attainment and Years in the church they belong.

The impacts of engaging G12 cell church strategy In the

Church Growth; the effects of this leadership trainings and

management strategy adapted by churches to the member’s

performance ;the advantages and disadvantages of engaging G12

cell church strategy In the Church Growth?

The dependent variables deals with the outcome or result from

independent variable and the moderator variable deals with the

respondent. Conceptual paradigm of the study showing the

research environment and relationship of variables of the

research study.
Definition of Terms

For a clearer understanding and an accurate interpretation,

the following terms are defined as will be used in the context

of this study:

Career development programs. This term refers to

respondents service career training programs gained and some

other activities in connection with their duties and

responsibilities given to them by church administrators.

Leadership. this refers to the process influencing and

supporting others to work enthusiastically towards achieving

objectives. It is a critical factor that help individual or

group to identify their goals and then motivate and assist

in achieving the stated goals .

Sex. This term refers to a range of characteristics

distinguishing between male and female identity.

Motivation. This refers to give reason, incentive,

enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain

behavior. Motivation is present in every life function. Simple

acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Education is

motivated by desire for knowledge. Motivators can be anything

from reward to coercion

Pastors motivation. Defined as all those inner striving

conditions, including the wishes, desires, and urges to

stimulate the interest in a learning activity (Tracey, 2000).

Church motivation. A set of energetic forces that

originated both within as well as beyond an individual’s being,

to initiate action - related behavior and determined its form,

direction, intensity, and duration

Strategy. a careful plan or method for achieving a

particular goal usually over a long period of time, : the skill

of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal

Church Growth. are a passion for the "Great Commission" and

a willingness to apply research to attracting members, including

quantitative methods

Impacts. this versatile word can also be used as a verb,

though many people prefer to use its synonyms instead: "affect,"

"bear upon," or "touch on.

Evangelical church, any of the classical Protestant

churches or their offshoots, but especially in the late 20th

century, churches that stress the preaching of the gospel of

Jesus Christ, personal conversion experiences, Scripture as the

sole basis for faith, and active evangelism (the winning of

personal commitments to Christ).

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of materials found to be

relevant and have bearing with the study. These articles

provides additional information which enrich insights about the


Foreign Literature

Pastor César Castellanos developed the G12 strategy after

visiting with Pastor David Yonggi Cho, who had successfully

implemented a cell-group structure in the Yoido Full Gospel

Church in South Korea. With about 1,000,000 members (2007),

Yoido is the largest Protestant Christian congregation in the


Pastor César returned to his church, Misión Carismática

Internacional in Bogotá, Colombia, with the revelation that he

received from God while he was in South Korea — that God had

given him a vision which would increase the number of Christian

believers and help him to care for the growing numbers of


The aim of the G12 Vision is to form disciples with a Christ-

like character who in turn will 'go and make disciples' as

commanded by Jesus. Through prayer, encounters with God,

teaching, support and encouragement, disciples are then

encouraged to also make disciples. In both theory and example

this process leads the church to grow exponentially, without

losing accountability of Christian values due to the eventual

size of the church.

The G12 Vision is based on the methodology used by Jesus to

begin his ministry, when he chose the Twelve Apostles. Following

his 40 days temptation in the desert, the first act of Jesus in

his ministry was to form a group of 12 disciples,who were all

men. (Mark 3:14). Additionally, in the book of Acts the first

action taken by the 11 remaining disciples (Judas Iscariot

having been instrumental in Jesus' eventual crucifixion and

therefore no longer part of the group ) was to re-establish a

group of 12. Seeing fit not to leave it at 11, or allow 13, but

rather to cast lots, which fell on Matthias, to fulfill the 12.

Jesus of course included women in His group of disciples,Mary

Magdalene and His own Mother for example but the men only are

counted as Apostles. (Acts 1:26). It was only after the re-

established as a 12, that the day of Pentecost came,although

Jesus had already appeared to both men and women and many men

and women were present, not just the 12 Apostles, when the Holy

Spirit fell at Pentecost.

The G12 Vision is explained by Pastor Cesar in his self-

published books, Dream and you will Win the World[and Successful

Leadership Through the Government of 12.

"Ladder of Success" is used to describe the main steps of the

G12 Vision

 Win: Evangelism aiming to win people to a new belief in


 Consolidate: This stage involves attending an Encounter

with God weekend retreat, where a new believer is

'consolidated' in the faith by prayer, exposing of

generational curses, casting out of demons and deep


 Disciple: At this stage, individuals enroll in the School

of Leaders, which will begin to train the believer to

recruit new disciples.

 Send: Leaders are 'sent' to do the work by establishing a

new cell group of 12 men or 12 women depending on the

gender of the leader.

An annual G12 International Conference is held in Bogotá,

Colombia in January and is hosted by Mision Carismatica

International church. The President of Colombia has frequently

attended these events. Former President of Colombia (2002–2010)

Alvaro Uribe attended in 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2009. In

2006, Senator Germán Vargas Lleras attended and in 2010, former

Minister of Defence and future President, Juan Manuel Santos

spoke at the conference. At the 2012 conference Alvaro Uribe

returned to thank the church and delegates for their prayers and

support during his time in government. In 2013, former President

Uribe and current President Santos attended the conference as

special guests. Over the years, there have been many influential

leaders and pastors attending the international conference; such

as, Prophet Cindy Jacobs, Martin Smith of Delirious, Cece

Winans, John Maxwell, and many more.

Many churches of all denominations around the world work with

the G12 Vision. Conferences are held each year on every


The G12 Vision movement considered controversial by some pastors

and Christian organizations with some going as far as calling it

a cult

In 2002, Joel Comiskey, founder of the Joel Comiskey Group

raised concerns about the G12 Vision, saying "I'm deeply

troubled by what we are observing in the G12 movement today",

with concerns of "Spiritualization of the Number Twelve in the

Bible, Franchising of the G12 model, and The division this model

is causing".

“Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority

has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and

make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe

all that I commanded you. And remember, I am with you always,

even to the end of the age.”

Rodney W. Dempsey said, “The church must come to grips with

the clear call of the Great the Commission to ‘make disciples.”4

Another question to ask each and every local church in Korea is:

“How can we accomplish the mission of Christ?” According to

Dempsey, “in order to accomplish the mission, the church must

develop disciples to their full potential” for the fulfillment

of the kingdom of God.5 To build up a healthy church, it is the

cell church’s main mission to make disciples. Nowadays many

Korean Church follows the traditional church which has taken the

“program base design (PBD)” structure rather than following the

biblical foundational church that functions as the living body

of Christ.

Some churches have experienced rapid growth by PBD, but they are

not considered a healthy church. “PBD concept does not build

people on the foundation of Christ; it only builds programs.”

Joel Comiskey,(1998) in his book, Home Cell Group Explosion:

How Your Small Group Can Grow and Multiply, states, “Cell

ministry is not another program; it is the very heart of the

church.” The author comes to the conclusion that the cell church

is the best model of leadership development because it is

consistent with the biblical foundation of the living body of

Christ as the community of kingdom of God.

Larry Stockstill wrote a great book, The Cell Church:

Preparing Your Church for the Coming Harvest. He is the senior

pastor of the greatest cell church in the U. S. called Bethany

World prayer Center with 800 cell groups and 10,000 members. He

introduces the most important strategies he has used to make his

church and present how to go about putting cell ministry and

vision into action as a leader in a ministry setting.

Young-Ki Chai wrote a significant book, The Laity Ministry

Through House Church. This book is about a house church. He is

the senior pastor of Seoul Baptist

In October 2008, another report of a telephone survey

published by Christian Ethics Movement of Korea (CEMK) showed an

alarming condition among Korean Churches from interesting data

regarding the question, “How much do you trust the Christian

Church in South Korea?”

Church of Houston. He has transitioned his church

successfully into a house church since he became the senior

pastor of the church in 1993 with the hope of returning to the

early church. It presents three biblical reasons for the home

church: The Great Commission, its Learning System is not through

Listening, but Seeing, and Biblical Ministries’ Sharing.

Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Church points out that

Christian leadership development cannot occur without having

some type of strategy. This book has over a half-million copies,

so it is already known to most Korean pastors. Hundreds of

Korean pastors try to learn this type of strategy as leadership

development process, which is to move a lost person into a

salvation, to move the person to a covenant of membership, to

move the one to discipleship and lastly into leadership. In his

book, Chai introduces how he started the house church and what

are the principles and theological bases of the house church.

Rick Warren has two very helpful websites that are full of

resources for pastors.

Aubrey Malphurs’ book, Strategic Disciple Making is

extremely helpful to clearly understand Matthew’s version of

Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 as to make

disciples, and also it helps leaders to obey the Great

Commission. Some traditional Bible churches have improperly

interpreted the Great Commission to mean that the church’s

mission is just to teach the Bible without practical

implication. In other words, This book can be recommended to all

pastors to read to help developing healthy spiritual leaders in

the local church.

Carl F. George’s book, Nine Keys to Effective Small Group

Leadership: How Lay Leaders Can Establish Dynamic and Healthy

Cells, Classes, or Teams is extremely valuable to know how to

develop cell leaders and what cell leaders have to do. This book

suggests nine keys to effective cell group leadership. In this

book, Car F. George emphasizes that effective small group

ministry must accomplish three goals: first, to provide

nurturing relationships in the presence of Jesus Christ, second,

to invite others to faith in Jesus Christ. Third, to multiply a

new set of leaders so new groups can be formed. Additionally,

Carl F. George’s book, How to Break Growth Barriers is helpful

for leaders who want their churches to experience greater growth

and have energizing impact on lives. He insists that church

health comes when effective leadership and skills are working

together. He suggests a rancher type of leadership.

Oswald Sanders’ book, Spiritual Leadership: Principles of

Excellence for Every Believer is an extraordinarily valuable

classic about spiritual leadership. It has sold over half a

million copies in numerous languages. He explains the principles

of spiritual leadership on the basis of biblical foundations.

Another very valuable book is authored by Henry and Richard

Blackaby entitled Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to

God’s Agenda. The authors of this book are very concerned about

the subtle infiltration of secular leadership ideas into the

world of Christian leadership. They believe many Christian

leaders will not rise to the higher level of leadership because

those leaders uncritically follow secular methods. Out of this

concern, this book attempts to help leaders find true spiritual

leadership principles

M. Scott Boren and Don Tillman’s book, Cell Group Leader

Training: Leadership Foundations For Groups That Work has

significant value in the area of leadership development in the

cell church. It suggests eight sessions of practical training

for cell group leaders. This book is full of practical

guidelines on training leaders

Michael C. Mack (2010)describes a church “of” cells in his

article, “A Church OF Small Groups.” In a church of small

groups, discipleship happens naturally in the proper

environment: small groups where people live together in

authentic biblical community. The role of the leader, then, is

to make that environment available, to provide a place for the

Holy Spirit to work in the lives of people, and to point people

toward the goal of Christ likeness. Discipleship happens more

outside meeting times than in the hour and a half the group

meets each week. Mentoring, modeling, ministry, and maturity

take place as people meet together over breakfasts or lunches,

call or e-mail each other through the week, pray for one

another’s needs every day, get together socially on weekends,

and team up with one another to reach out to one another’s lost

friends. This happens in all kinds of groups in all kinds of

ways with all types of people.

Dan Lenz(2001) illustrate that the church is the cell in the

cell church. If a church IS small groups then it is not built

around the assembly of ALL its members but the clustering of

believers to become “Basic Christian Communities” which do the

work of ministry from small groups that meet in homes. These

small groups then cluster for area Congregation activities, and

assemble regionally for “Celebration” times. While it has weekly

worship events, the focus of the church is in the small groups.

In a church that IS small groups, all of the tasks of the church

(evangelism, discipleship, training, ministry, and education)

find their unifying point in small group life. This simplifies

the operation of a church to the point that senior leadership

can not only lead out in the formation of small groups but can

actively participate in small group life. For instance, the

apostle Paul was never so busy that he could not be involved in

the basic task of the church, which was primarily meeting from

house to house in the first century. A church IS small groups is

built on the fact that all Christians are ministers according to

Ephesians 4. God has provided “Gifted Men” to equip “Believers

Who Are Gifted” to do the work of ministry

Ralph Neighbour, Jr. (1994)detailed the definition of the

cell church in the Cell Church Magazine: The human body is made

up of millions of cells, the basic unit of life. Likewise, Cells

form the basic unit of the Cell Church. Believers actively seek

relationships with God, each other and unbelievers in Cell

Groups of 3-15 people. These relationships stimulate each member

to maturity in worship, mutual edification and evangelism. This

is Community. Built on the principle that all Christians are

ministers and that the work of ministry should be performed by

every Christian, the Cell Church activity seeks to develop each

disciple into the likeness of Christ. The Cell Groups are the

very forum for ministry, equipping, and evangelism. Cells also

cluster together for weekly or biweekly “Congregation” meetings

and “Celebrations.” While these meetings are important, the

focus of the church is fixed on the weekly Cell meetings in

homes. The reason? This is where love, community, relationships,

ministry, and evangelism spring up naturally and powerfully.

Therefore, the life of the church is in the Cells, not in a

building. The church is a dynamic, organic, spiritual being that

can only be lived out in the lives of believers in community In

the cell church, people are not only encouraged to attend cells

meeting, but also the Sunday celebration service of the whole

church, when cells come together for worship.

Finnell (2012states the meaning of the cell church as

follows: A cell church is people centered, community centered,

and relationship centered. It has a “go” structure and builds

relationships with individuals that are brought into cell groups

that meet in members’ homes under the leadership of the Holy

Spirit. It is organized for ministry to people through the use

of spiritual gifts. It is patterned after the New Testament

church. Its leadership style is the servant leader (John 13:12-

15; Matt. 23:10-12), and every member is a minister (1 Peter

2:9) for building and expanding the kingdom of God

Local Literature

According to Neighbour, Jr., “Throughout the Old Testament,

the theme of God and man entering into community is recurrent.

With Abraham, with Moses, with Israel, with David, God offered

intimacy as an alternative to estrangement.” God had a plan to

restore community through people whom God had chosen. For

instance, God gathered together Abraham’s family to begin

accomplishing His planned restoration of community. God said to

Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and

from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; And

I will make you a great nation. And I will bless you.” Abraham

gave up his position of power and comfortable life to take part

in God’s planned restoration of community. In conclusion, God’s

plan to bring His creation back into community with Himself is

dependent upon His working through people in the Old Testament.

They, however, could not fulfill it, so God sent Himself who is

the Son, Jesus Christ, for recreation of community.( Gen. 12:1-2,


Jesus, who was God incarnate on the earth, came to draw

people into intimate relationships with the Father as the Son in

the Holy Spirit. He demonstrated the immediate nearness of God’s

presence in divine community. “Jesus called this demonstration

of God’s rule in community the kingdom of God.” This cell

community who gathered with Jesus in their midst was the visible

kingdom on earth. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God

is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” This new community

was led by the rule of God, who measures the quality of life in

different terms than do earthly kingdoms and leaders. “He

appointed twelve; so that they would be with Him and that He

could send them out to preach.”57God’s desire was for this rule

to become visible through His people in the new community. In

other words, God does work for the kingdom through a person’s

example. This was the purpose of the coming of Christ and the

calling of the twelve disciples. Icenogle explains the

beginnings and purpose of this cell of twelve which Jesus called

together in Mark.

(1) Jesus celled to himself those he wanted.

(2) Jesus appointed twelve.

(3) Jesus wanted them to be with him.

(4) Jesus sent them out to proclaim.

(5) Jesus sent them out to have authority.58

Donahue also states, “Jesus developed a community of followers

and for Paul, 38 These new communities began as cells, just as

Jesus had modeled with the twelve disciples.

Rodney W. Dempsey, “What is God’s Will for My Church?

Discipleship!” in Innovatechurch Jesus gave the Great Commandments

to His people for living in the community of the kingdom of God.

These Commandment are in Matthews 22:35-40: One of them, a

lawyer, asked Him a question, resting Him, “Teacher, which is

the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You

shall love the lord your God with all your heart, and with all

your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the great and

foremost commandment. The second is like it, “You shall love

your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments depend the

whole Law and the Prophets. There are two commandments which are
to love God and to love others. Dempsey explains this Great

Commandment which means that “Christian discipleship must be

about helping people grow in their love and respect for God so

that they can effectively witness to others.” In John 13:34-35,

Jesus also gave the New Commandment, “A new commandment I give

to you that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that

you also love one another. By this all men will know that you

are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” According

to Dempsey, this verse means “the proof that we are His

disciples, if we love other disciples” in the community of the

kingdom of Christ. All motivation for love is derived from God’s

love and His sending Jesus Christ. The cell church develops

people who truly love God, love others, and love believers.

Jesus Christ fulfilled two important roles for three years in

His ministry on earth. These new communities began as cells,

just as Jesus had modeled with the twelve disciples.

In one role Jesus died for the salvation of His people on

the cross, which meant the completion of the redemption through

His crucifixion. The other was that He called the twelve

disciples from the crowd who followed Him, to spread the message

of the gospel to the world. In other words, He made a first

disciple cell group with the twelve members to fulfill of the

kingdom of God. The twelve disciples went from following and

learning moved into the being sent and ministering. Jesus first
called the cell group to come and follow, then to go and


Jesus’ cell group where He had the intimate relationship with

the twelve disciples for three years is the best cell model. He

always lived together with the twelve and trained them during

His ministry on earth. They saw His ministries for the kingdom

of God. There was a deep life connection between Jesus and the

twelve in the new community. Icenogle helps to understand the

life together in the community as a cell through Scripture

recording the life of the twelve with Jesus.

The group visited in the home of a group member (Mk. 1:29).

Jesus healed a group member’s relative (Mk. 1:30-31).

 The group searched for Jesus who wanted periods to be alone

(Mk. 1:35-37).

 The group lived occasionally with Jesus in isolated places

(Mk. 45).

 The group visited in the home of the socially unacceptable

(Mk. 2:15).

 The group lived under constant outside scrutiny and

criticism (Mk. 2:18).

 The group was accused of breaking the Law (Mk. 2:24).

 The group took up the message and ministry of Jesus (Mk.


 The group became the new family of Jesus (Mk. 3:31-34).

 The group was taught secrets that the crowd could not bear

to hear (Mk. 4:10).

 The group often lived in danger and fear of the physical

elements (Mk. 4:37-38).

 The group experienced the power of Jesus over the elements

(Mk. 4:39-41).

 The group watched Jesus heal and exorcise evil spirit

(Mk. 5:1-13).

 Jesus sent the group out to heal and exorcise evil spirit

(Mk. 6:7-13).

 The group reported back to Jesus about their ministry

experiences (Mk. 6:30).

 The group was called away by Jesus to rest (Mk. 6:31).

 The group served the crowd at the direction of Jesus

(Mk. 8:6-8).

 The group entered into dialogue, discussion and questions

with Jesus (Mk. 8:16).

While the group traveled they discussed the identity and

mission of Jesus (Mk. In one role Jesus died for the salvation

of His people on the cross, which meant the completion of the

redemption through His crucifixion. The other was that He called

the twelve disciples from the crowd who followed Him, to spread

the message of the gospel to the world. In other words, He made

a first disciple cell group with the twelve members to fulfill

of the kingdom of God. The twelve disciples went from following

and learning moved into the being sent and ministering. Jesus

first called the cell group to come and follow, then to go and

minister.( Mark 3:14-15, NASB.)

Jesus’ cell group where He had the intimate relationship

with the twelve disciples for three years is the best cell

model. He always lived together with the twelve and trained them

during His ministry on earth. They saw His ministries for the

kingdom of God. There was a deep life connection between Jesus

and the twelve in the new community. Icenogle helps to

understand the life together in the community as a cell through

Scripture recording the life of the twelve with Jesus.The group

visited in the home of a group member (Mk. 1:29).Jesus healed a

group member’s relative (Mk. 1:30-31). The group searched for

Jesus who wanted periods to be alone (Mk. 1:35-37). The group

lived occasionally with Jesus in isolated places (Mk.1:45). The

group visited in the home of the socially unacceptable (Mk.

2:15). The group lived under constant outside scrutiny and

criticism (Mk. 2:18). The group was accused of breaking the Law

(Mk. 2:24). The group took up the message and ministry of Jesus

(Mk. 3:13-15). The group became the new family of Jesus (Mk.

3:31-34). The group was taught secrets that the crowd could not
bear to hear (Mk. 4:10). The group often lived in danger and

fear of the physical elements (Mk. 4:37-38).

The group experienced the power of Jesus over the elements (Mk.

4:39-41). The group watched Jesus heal and exorcise evil spirit

(Mk. 5:1-13). Jesus sent the group out to heal and exorcise evil

spirit (Mk. 6:7-13). The group reported back to Jesus about

their ministry experiences (Mk. 6:30).

The group was called away by Jesus to rest (Mk. 6:31). The group

served the crowd at the direction of Jesus (Mk. 8:6-8). The

group entered into dialogue, discussion and questions with Jesus

(Mk. 8:16). While the group traveled they discussed the identity

and mission of Jesus (Mk.The group asked Jesus for insight about

how to do healing (Mk. 9:28-29). The group participated in an

observational learning process with Jesus (Mk. 12:41-44). The

group regularly ate together (Mk. 14:18). Jesus led the group

through the meaning of their experiences together (Mk. 14:22-

25). The group sang together (Mk. 14:26). Jesus gave away

authority and power to the group when He left them (Mk. 16:15-

20). Jesus continued to be present with the group by the power

of the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8)(Icinogle)

Luke records in Acts 5:42, “Every day, in the temple and

from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching

Jesus as the Christ.” This passage teaches the balance of the

cell church. There was good balance between both large group
celebration in the temple and the cell community at home in the

early church. There was not one part stronger than another in

the church. In addition, Paul not only met people in teaching

“from house to house,” but also in a gathering of all the house

groups for hearing what he taught.

There are so many cell home churches easily found in the

New Testament. For instance, Paul met Roman believers in

Priscilla and Aquila’s house to be used for a church. In Acts,

the house of Jason in Thessalonica, Troas, Ephesus, the home of

Philip in Caesarea, and so forth were used as cell home

churches. In Ephesus, Paul taught the Word of God at the Hall of

Tyrannous which was a larger place rather than just house.71

Dempsey states, “It is to understand at this point that small

groups have excellent Scriptural support. The early churches met

in homes and therefore were smaller sized groupings.”(Demsey


The cell church follows the model of the New Testament

church. The cell church, therefore, has both large group

celebrations in the church building and cells at home .In the

cell church, large celebration worship on Sunday overflows from

the cell’s life taking place during the week in the individual

lives of members. In the cell church, cells meet in houses

during the week and are the basic unit of the church. In cells,
members take off their metaphorical masks and receive healing,

fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, and multiplication

When starting a cell church, it is most important to

understand the philosophy of cells. The reason is that the cell

church is never one of the methods of church growth. The cell

church follows the model of the New Testament church. There are

three basic theologies of the cell church; first is the Lordship

of Christ, second is the priesthood of all Christians, and

finally, that the church is the living body of Christ and the

family of God as the organic community. According to Young Chul

Park, these three theologies are the significant foundation for

the cell church( young, 2012)


George Barna(1997) has spent the fifteen years researching

all phases of American Christian churches. As a result, he

mentions to the main problems in today’s churches. He reached

several conclusions regarding the future of the Christian Church

in America. The central conclusion is that American church is

dying due to a lack of strong leadership. In this time of

unprecedented opportunity and plentiful resources, the church is

actually losing influence. The primary reason is the lack of

leadership. Nothing is more important than leadership

Criswell also says that, “great pastors build great

churches, average pastors build avechurches, and weak pastors

lead weak churches.”3First, pastors must become faithful and

effective spiritual leaders to serve Jesus Christ as the Head of

the Church and all church members as the body of Christ. They

must become a model of biblical leadership to believers. Then,

church pastors must develop faithful and effective spiritual

leaders like themselves for a fulfillment of the Great

Commission as the mission of God’s kingdom.

The cell church is the focal point for fulfillment of the

kingdom through building spiritual leaders as ministers of

Christ in both life-changing cells and training classes. Jim

Egli points out that, “the cell model is not a small-group

strategy; it is a leadership strategy. The focus is not to start

home groups but to equip an expanding number of caring leaders.

If you succeed at this, your church will flourish.” 4 Therefore,

cell leaders are not only called primarily to form and sustain

cells but their primary job is also to discover, train, and

multiply new leadership.

According to Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby, “It

will become clear that many of the modern leadership principles

currently being espoused are, in fact, biblical principles that

have been commanded by God throughout history.”9Therefore,

secular leadership principles are nothing new for Christians

because the Holy Scripture has maintained them as leadership

standard for over two millennia.

Secular leadership definitions as mentioned above focus on

general leadership principles. In other words, they do not take

God and His purposes into account. In addition, secular leaders

do not lead followers and an organization in God’s way. For

example, the terms defined by Gardner “persuasion” and “example”

indicate the means that leaders should use to move people toward

their goals. Cell leaders as spiritual leaders would do well to

listen to Gardner’s stress on persuasion and example for

leadership tools.

This secular leadership, however, fails to take into account the

will and the guidance of God that He gives to leaders. Secular

leaders may lead people to achieve their own goals, even goals

held by their followers, but this is not the focus of cell

leaders. Cell leadership must achieve goals for the kingdom of

God. Secular leaders are motivated by their own desires, but

cell leaders are motivated through the Holy Spirit, not by their

own passion. Therefore, secular leaders try to satisfy the goals

and ambitions of themselves or the people they lead. Cell

leaders do not try to satisfy the goals and ambitions of

themselves or followers but those of the God they serve.

Blackaby(1994) concluded that secular leaders do not know

God, but cell leaders know God and know how to lead in a

Christian way. Cell leaders will be extraordinarily more

effective in their world than even the most skilled and

qualified secular leaders who lead without God.

Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the method of research used, locale

of the study, the respondents, sample/sampling design, the data

gathering techniques and instrument, validation of data and the

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The study will utilized the descriptive method of research.

Descriptive research according to Burns and Grove (2006), is a

method that provides an accurate portrayal or account of

characteristics of a particular individual, event, or group in

real life situations. This type of research is conducted to

discover new meaning, describe what exists, determine the

frequency with which something occurs, and categorize


In the words of Shields (2006), she stated further:

“Descriptive research is also called

Statistical Research. The main goal of this
type of research is to describe the data and
characteristics about what is being studied.
The idea behind this type of research is to
study frequencies, averages, and other
statistical calculations. Although this
research is highly accurate, it does not gather
the causes behind a situation. Descriptive
research is mainly done when a researcher wants
to gain a better understanding of a topic”.

According to Calderon,(2006) descriptive analytical method

of research as certain to prevailing conditions affecting a

given group hence, this study calls for this method. It is a

study component to serve as a direction in reaching a goal. He

pointed out that the descriptive methods tells “what is”, that

which leads to a scientific information about education, and

other situation”. He further described it as a fact-finding with

adequate interpretation usually beyond fact-finding.

The descriptive method of research involves as a certain

data gathering process on prevailing conditions and practice or

descriptions of objects, process or persons as they exist for

about a certain educational phenomenon, predicting for

identifying relationship among and between the available

described. This method, therefore will be the most appropriate

for the study.

Research Site
Figure 1

Figure 1. Location Map of the Study

Sources of Data

There are one hundred Pastors, leaders, deacons and other

workers of Evangelical churches all over the Philippines . A

total of one hundred questionnaires will be prepared and the

survey ended after these questionnaires are being filled up by

the respondents; then will be collected, tallied, analyzed and


Samples and Sampling Design

The sampling strategy considered in this study involves

making observations on the representative group of pastors,

elders and church workers and then generalizing the findings to

the bigger population. The one hundred or subgroup of subject

respondents will be used as a basis for making judgment about

the larger group.

Quota sampling will be adopted where important

characteristics of a population of pastors, leaders and church

workers will be identified and then the desired sample one

hundred will be selected in a non-random way. It is assumed

that the samples will match the population with regard to the

chosen set of characteristics.

The Instruments

The Instruments use for gathering data will be

questionnaire-checklist, the interview, and, scattered sources.

Questionnaire-Checklist. The questionnaire-checklist is the

main instruments to be used in the gathering data. It will be

employed primarily to come up with the perception of respondents

concerning . The G12 Cell Church Strategy: Its Impact On Church

Growth In Selected Evangelical Churches In Central Luzon “ As

pointed out by Treece and Treece (1999), the questionnaire-

checklist will be used to secure data and other information

from varied and widely scattered sources.. A questionnaire is a

research instrument consisting of series of items and other

prompts for the purpose of gathering information from the

respondents. Specifically, the researchers is going to use the

structured questionnaire. Structured questionnaire is a

questionnaire used in large surveys where specific answers are

anticipated. It includes the use of multiple choice and scaled

questions. It generates quantitative information (data), which

can be analyzed statistically, and endeavors to remove any bias

potentially originating from either the researchers or the

Local/ Actual Observation. will be used to determine the

clarity and accuracy of the data taken from interview and


The instrument is a structured questionnaire developed by

the researcher which consisted of a number of items that the

respondents have to answer in a set format. The questionnaire

will be developed consisted of two parts: the profile of the

respondents and the proposed instrument in discovering The G12

Cell Church Strategy: Its Impact On Church Growth In Selected

Evangelical Churches In Central Luzon.

Part I which is the profile of the respondents in terms of

their age, gender , civil status, highest educational

attainment,. Name of church; years in pastors/as leaders/as

church workers.

Part II consisted of The G12 Cell Church Strategy: Its

Impact On Church Growth In Selected Evangelical Churches In

Central Luzon. The respondents will indicate the agreement or

disagreement to the listed attitudes using the following

response mode:

Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly agree (SA)

3 Agree (A)
2 Moderately disagree (MA)

1 Disagree (D)

Scoring. The scoring and verbal interpretation of the

responses were arranged using the Likert-five point scale given


Rating Scale

4.20-5.00 Strongly agree (SA)

3.40-4.19 Agree (A)

2.60-3.39 Moderately disagree (MA)

1.00-2.59 Disagree (D)

Validation of the Questionnaire.

The questionnaire use by the researchers will be developed

by himself It will initially drafted as a result of several

readings and consultations. The draft will be presented to the

researchers’ research adviser for comments. It will be improve

and revise the questionnaire and incorporate all suggestions

that came out after the validation.

Administration of the Questionnaire.

The researcher will seek permission from the adviser. Upon

approval, the researcher will administer the questionnaires to

the target participants. In the administration of the

instrument, the researcher will personally visit the selected

respondents and will distribute the questionnaire. This type of

research answers questions and satisfies curiosity about a

certain phenomenon. It also describes and elaborates the nature

and causes of an existing phenomenon at the time of the study

The researcher will be allowed a period of one month for

data gathering to give ample time for the retrieval of the

instrument. The questionnaire distributed to the respondents

must have fully accomplished all the questions. The data

gathered will be tabulated for presentation and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The responses of the respondents to the questionnaire

checklist will carefully tally , tabulate and organize

including those derive from interviews, observation The data

will be presented, analyzed and interpreted with the use of

weighted mean, frequency counts, percentage and ranking system.

After collecting the data needed, the researcher will

tabulate and analyze the data with the help of statistical

tools. The following are the statistical tools used in this

study together with their corresponding formulas.

1. The profile of the respondents will be determined by

using percentage, ranking and weighted mean (Trochim, 2006).


(P)% = ─── x 100

Where: F = Frequency

N = total number of the respondents

P = percentage

The weighted means will be used in the qualification of the

data which used the five point scale. In the perception of the

respondents regarding, The G12 Cell Church Strategy: Its Impact

On Church Growth In Selected Evangelical Churches In The

Philippines , the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

the data will be based on the weighted mean as shown by the

scale ranges as follows:

Weighted Mean

Weighted ,mean is used in parts 2 and 3 , the formula used


Where: WM = weighted mean

N = total number of responses

WF = weighted frequency


Where TWFS – total weighted frequency score
n - Total number of respondents
Table of Equivalents

Rating Scale

4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3.40-4.19 Agree (A)

2.60-3.39 Moderately Disagree (MD)

1.00-2.59 Disagree (D)

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