1 s2.0 S1836955319300578 Main
1 s2.0 S1836955319300578 Main
1 s2.0 S1836955319300578 Main
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j p hy s
People with low back pain want clear, consistent and personalised information
on prognosis, treatment options and self-management strategies:
a systematic review
Yuan Z Lim a, Louisa Chou a, Rebecca TM Au a, KL Maheeka D Seneviwickrama a, Flavia M Cicuttini a,
Andrew M Briggs b, Kaye Sullivan c, Donna M Urquhart a, Anita E Wluka a
Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne; b School of Physiotherapy and
Exercise Science, Curtin University; c Monash University Library, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Health information Question: What health information needs are perceived by people with low back pain? Design: Systematic
Low back pain review of publications examining perceived health information needs related to low back pain identified
through Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsycINFO (1990 to 2018). Participants: Adults with low back pain of
Patient perspective
any duration. Data extraction and analysis: Two reviewers independently extracted descriptive data
Systematic review regarding study design and methodology, and assessed risk of bias. Aggregated findings of the perceived
needs of people with low back pain regarding health information were meta-synthesised. Results: Forty-one
studies (34 qualitative, four quantitative and three mixed-methods) were identified. Two major areas of
perceived health information needs for low back pain emerged. The first major area was needs related to
information content: general information related to low back pain, its cause and underlying pathology;
strong desire for diagnosis and imaging; prognosis, future disability and effect on work capacity; precipitants
and management of flares; general management approaches; self-management strategies; prevention; and
support services. The second major area of needs related to how the information was delivered. People with
low back pain wanted clear, consistent information delivered in suitable tone and understandable language.
Conclusion: Available data suggest that the information needs of people with low back pain are centred
around their desire for a diagnosis, potentially contributing to expectations for and overuse of imaging.
People with low back pain expressed a strong desire for clear, consistent and personalised information on
prognosis, treatment options and self-management strategies, related to healthcare and occupational issues.
To correct unhelpful beliefs and optimise delivery of evidence-based therapy, patient and healthcare pro-
fessional education (potentially by an integrated public health approach) may be warranted. [Lim YZ, Chou L,
Au RTM, Seneviwickrama KLMD, Cicuttini FM, Briggs AM, Sullivan K, Urquhart DM, Wluka AE (2019)
People with low back pain want clear, consistent and personalised information on prognosis, treatment
options and self-management strategies: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 65:124–135]
© 2019 Australian Physiotherapy Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1836-9553/© 2019 Australian Physiotherapy Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
Research 125
inadequate education and awareness of current guidelines; insuffi- Two investigators (RA and YL) independently assessed the
cient time and resources to appropriately engage patients; pressure eligibility of available studies using a three-stage determination
to maintain patient-clinician relationships; concern for liability; method: title screening, abstract screening, followed by full text.
previous clinical experience; and financial disincentives.11,13,14 Sec- Studies were included if inclusion criteria were met: studies had to
ond, whether patients follow their healthcare providers’ advice is concern patients aged . 18 years; studies had to report on pa-
influenced by their engagement in their own care and their rela- tients’ perspectives regarding their needs, expectations and re-
tionship with the healthcare provider.15,16 Dissatisfied patients tend quirements related to health information; and studies had to
to use more healthcare resources, seek care from multiple providers, concern patients with LBP.
have less favourable LBP rehabilitation outcomes, and are less likely
to return to work than satisfied patients.15–18 As such, better under-
Data extraction and synthesis
standing of patients’ goals, preferences and expectations related to
the management of LBP may improve patient satisfaction, better
Two authors (YL and RA) independently extracted characteristics
facilitate delivery of patient-centred care, and potentially improve
of the included studies using a standardised data extraction form
LBP outcomes.18–20
developed for this review. Data were extracted on: year of publica-
Although education is recommended in most guidelines, the focus
tion; country; study design; study population, including baseline
has been on management strategies, especially on minimising im-
characteristics of the participants (number of participants, gender,
aging use in LBP, rather than how to maximise function and live well
age); primary study aim; and study results. Data extraction syntheses
with LBP.21–23 Most guidelines do not specify what content should be
were performed according to principles of meta-ethnography to
included in patient education, leaving this open to interpretation and
synthesise qualitative data.29 A framework of concepts and underly-
marked heterogeneity in the clinical approach.21,23 In particular,
ing themes was developed, initially based on primary data in the
strategies to link LBP education (knowledge) with positive behaviour
studies and any pertinent points raised by the authors, which was
change and effective pain-coping behaviours (skills) are lacking in
further independently refined by another author (YL), and then
guidelines. Guidelines usually suggest that patients should be reas-
independently reviewed by two experienced rheumatologists (FC and
sured and advised to remain active. Additionally, previous studies
AW) and a physiotherapist (AB) to ensure clinical meaningfulness and
have recognised gaps between patients’ and clinicians’ beliefs in LBP
construct validity.
management, which could negatively impact on the practitioner-
patient therapeutic relationship.24–26 Hence, it is important to:
explicitly seek and understand patients’ perspectives; understand Assessment of methodological quality
and address patients’ attitudes, concerns and beliefs, especially in the
domains of diagnostic uncertainty; and encourage resuming normal Two reviewers (YL and LC) independently assessed the quality of
activity that is meaningful to patients. Increased clinician awareness the studies. The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool was used for
of patients’ perspectives and expectations has the potential to qualitative studies.30 External and internal validity of quantitative
improve outcomes in LBP. studies were assessed through the 11 criteria in Hoy’s risk of bias tool,
Therefore, the research question for this systematic review was: where overall quality of studies was scored as low risk if scoring 8
‘yes’ answers, moderate risk of bias if scoring 6 to 7 ‘yes’ answers, and
What health information needs are perceived by people with low high risk of bias if scoring 5 ‘yes’ answers.31
back pain?
Results of review
Titles and abstracts screened (n = 3733)
• EMBASE 1990 to July 2018 (n = 1736) Two major areas of patients’ perceived health information needs
• CINAHL 1990 to July 2018 (n = 1046) for LBP emerged from the review: information content and infor-
• MEDLINE 1990 to July 2018 (n = 771)
mation delivery. Selected results from individual studies relating to
• PsycINFO 1990 to July 2018 (n = 180)
each of these themes are presented in Boxes 1 and 2, respectively. For
a complete list of results supporting these themes, see Appendices 3
Duplicate papers excluded (n = 939) and 4 on the eAddenda.
Author (Year) Diagnosis of LBP Participants Aim stated in study publication Study methodology
N Source Age (yr) a
Allegretti (2010)61 Chronic (.6 months) 23 Primary care practice 45 (28 to 72) Explore paired interviews of shared experiences Qualitative: Interview
US 12M:11F among chronic LBP patients and their physicians
Ali (2015)57 Any duration 18 Hospital and private physio (19 to 81) Explore patients’ expectations and satisfaction with Qualitative: Focus group
UK clinics 9M:9F physiotherapy management of LBP and interview
Amonkar (2011)24 NS 427 General practices .18 Investigate perceptions and expectations of general Quantitative: Questionnaire
UK (206 LBP) 158M:269F practitioners and patients concerning management
of simple LBP
Bishop (2011)62 Acute (89 days) 112 Hospital clinics 40 Examine patients’ expectations related to common Quantitative: Questionnaire
US 54M:58F interventions for LBP and the influence that specific
expectations about spinal manipulation might have
had on disability
Borkan (1995)70 Anyone with 1 66 Primary care practices 40 (18 to 67) Increase understanding of LBP from patients’ Qualitative: Focus groups,
Israel episode of LBP (duration NS) 43M:23F perceptions and experiences interviews, participant observation
Bowman (1994)63 Chronic (duration NS) 15 Pain clinic Age NS Examine the reactions of individuals to chronic LBP Qualitative: Interview
US 9M:6F
Briggs (2012)67 Chronic (3 14 Pain self-management 57 (35 to 77) Explore barriers experienced by consumers in rural Qualitative: Semi structured
Australia months) education forums 5M:9F Western Australia to access information, services and telephone interview
implementing effective self-management behaviours
for CLBP
Buus (2015)58 NS 25 Participants from intervention 47 (9) Explore LBP patients’ perceptions of long-term effects Qualitative: Semi-
Denmark arm of a trial who had 11M:14F of participating in a counselling intervention to change structured interviews
completed follow-up (n=110) work routine and to exercise
Campbell (2007)33 Chronic (1 year) 16 Hospital (patients from pain (34 to 78) Examine treatment expectations, whether they Qualitative: Interviews
UK management programme) Gender NS influence health service consumption in people
with chronic LBP
Coole (2010)34 Chronic (3 months 25 LBP pain rehabilitation 45 (22 to 58) Explore individual experiences and perceptions of Qualitative: Semi-
UK to 35 years) 12M:13F patients awaiting rehabilitation who were structured interview
concerned about their ability to work due to
persistent, or recurrent LBP
Corbett (2007)35 Chronic (duration NS) 37 General practitioner clinic (19 to 59) Illustrate the struggle between hope and despair Qualitative: Narrative
UK 15M:22F through the narrative of people with chronic LBP and interview
Darlow (2013)71 Acute (,6 weeks) 23 General public (18 to 67) Explore the formation and impact of attitudes and Qualitative: Semi-
New Zealand and chronic (.3 months) 9M:14F beliefs among people experiencing acute and structured interview
chronic LBP
Dima (2013)59 Chronic ( 6 weeks) 75 General practitioner or Median 62 (29 to 85) Explore patient preferences and beliefs about LBP Qualitative: Focus groups
UK complementary and 27M:48F treatments
alternative medicine clinics
Farin (2013)37 Chronic ( 6 months) 701 Rehabilitation centre 51 (11) Identify predictors of communication preferences in Quantitative: Questionnaire
Germany 300M:401F patients with chronic LBP
Farin (2012)36 Chronic (duration NS) 703 Rehabilitation centre 51 (11) Develop an instrument that measures the extent of Quantitative: Questionnaire
Germany 301M:402F matching between patient communication preferences
and physician communication behaviour
Table 1 (Continued)
Author (Year) Diagnosis of LBP Participants Aim stated in study publication Study methodology
N Source Age (yr) a
Hoffmann (2013)68 Acute (,3 months) 11 Urban general practice 52 (22 to 72) Explore care expectations, influences on expectation Qualitative: Semi-
Australia 1M:10F and congruence with clinical guideline structured interview
recommendations in patients with acute LBP
Holloway (2007)38 Chronic (duration 2 to 22 years) 18 Pain clinic (28 to 62) Explore and conceptualise the experiences of people Qualitative: Interview
UK 12M:6F with chronic LBP in pain clinics
Kawi (2014)64 Chronic (.3 months) 110 Pain clinics 47 (19 to 86) Describe perceptions of chronic LBP patients on their Qualitative: Qualitative
US 45M:65F self-management, self-management support and content analysis on open-ended
functional ability survey questions.
Laerum (2006)39 Chronic (.3 months) 35 8 outpatient spine clinics 46 (23 to 65) Identify core elements of what patients perceive to Mixed: Observation and
Norway M18:F17 be good clinical communication and interaction with semi-structured interview
specialist in chronic LBP
Larsen (2013)40 Patients who are 8 Specialist centre (spine centre) (22 to 57) Illustrate how LBP is expressed and managed in Qualitative: Semi-
Denmark out of work due 3M:5F different contexts: at the clinic, at home and at work structured interviews
to LBP (duration NS)
Lee-Treweek (2001)42 Chronic (duration NS) 16 Osteopathic practice (17 to 72) Illustrate patients’ ideas about responsibility and Qualitative: Semi-
UK 8M:8F control over their symptoms structured interview
Liddle (2007)43 Chronic (.3 months) 18 Volunteer (18 to 65) Identify chronic LBP patients’ perceived most value Qualitative: Focus groups
UK 4M:14F components of treatment by exploring their
experiences, opinions and treatment expectations
MacKichan (2012)44 Chronic (duration NS) 23 GP practices (38 to 83) Describe patients’ experience and their views on Qualitative: Interview
UK 12M:11F self-care and provision of support for self-care for
long term LBP
May (2000)45 Chronic ( 1 year) 12 LBP rehabilitation clinic (20 to 55) Explore the ways chronic LBP patients respond to Qualitative: Semi-
UK 6M:6F the problem of medical doubt structured interview
McIntosh (2003)25 Anyone who has LBP 37 Patients from primary (25 to 64) Ascertain patients’ and clinicians’ experiences and Qualitative: Semi-structured
UK (duration NS) care practice Gender NS expectation of information in LBP to aid development interview and focus groups
of “patient-centred” information pack
Moffett (2000)46 NS 507 Community (20 to 60) Compare public and patient perceptions about LBP Qualitative: Interview
UK 253M:254F and its management with current clinical guidelines
Ong (2011)47 Sciatic pain, acute and 37 Selected patients from (19 to 59) Enhance the understanding of patients’ perspectives Qualitative: Interview
UK chronic (,1 month to .3 years) The Keele BeBack cohort study 15M:22F on living with sciatica to improve care and treatment
Palazzo (2016)60 Chronic (mean duration 29 Tertiary care hospital 54 (24 to 85) Assess chronic LBP patients’ views concerning Qualitative: Semi-structured
France 4.9 years, SD 3.8) 12M:17F barriers to home-based exercise program adherence interviews
and expectations regarding new technologies
Scheermesser (2012)48 Chronic (.3 months) 13 Rehabilitation centre clinic (38 to 60) Understand the experience of patients with LBP and Qualitative: Semi-structured
Switzerland 9M:4F explore barriers to successful rehabilitation interviews and focus groups
Schers (2001)49 Acute and chronic LBP 20 General practices 43 (25 to 68) Explore factors that determine non-adherence to Qualitative: Semi-
Netherlands (,6 weeks to .12 weeks) 11M:9F the guidelines for LBP structured interview
Table 1 (Continued)
Author (Year) Diagnosis of LBP Participants Aim stated in study publication Study methodology
N Source Age (yr) a
Shaw (2005)65 Acute (duration NS) 544 Community occupational health 36 (18 to 79) Evaluate the relationship between perceptions of Quantitative: Questionnaire and
US clinics 363M:181F provider communication and treatment satisfaction telephone follow up
for acute, work-related LBP
Skelton (1995)51 .1 recorded visit 52 General practices 41 (18 to 66) Compare patient and general practitioner perceptions Qualitative: Semi-structured
UK (duration NS) 26M:26F of patient education for LBP interviews
Skelton (1996)50 .1 recorded visit 52 General practices 41 (18 to 66) Elicit patients’ views on LBP and its management in Qualitative: Semi structured
UK (duration NS) 26M:26F general practice interviews
Tavafian (2008)69 Chronic (.90 days) 24 Rheumatology research centre at 43 (18 to 70) Explore Iranian women’s beliefs regarding the cause Qualitative: Focus groups
Iran Tehran university of medical sciences. 0M:24F of LBP
Toye (2009)52 Chronic (duration NS) 20 Hospital pain management programme (29 to 67) Explore how patients with persistent unexplained Qualitative: Interview
UK 7M:13F pain interpret and utilise the bio-psychosocial model
Toye (2012)54 Chronic (duration range 20 Hospital (pain management programme) (29 to 67) Explore the differences between patients with Qualitative: Interviews
UK 3 to 23 years) 7M:13F persistent LBP who benefited from a pain
management programme, and those who did not
Toye (2012)53 Chronic (duration NS) 20 Hospital (chronic pain management (29 to 67) Analyse patients’ experience of general practice in Qualitative: Semi-
UK programme) 7M:13F relation to their persistent non-specific LBP structured interviews
Turner (1998)66 Acute and chronic LBP 68 Primary care practices (18 to 75) Examine the content of primary care visit for LBP Mixed: Questionnaire,
US (1 month to . 1 year) 24M:44F interview
Walker (1999)55 Chronic (2 to 50 years) 20 Pain clinic (28 to 80) Explore the lived experience of chronic LBP Qualitative: Interview
UK 12M:8F and narrative
Young (2011)56 Anyone with a history 31 Community volunteers with LBP (20s to mid 70s) Understand LBP recurrence and how to measure Qualitative: Focus groups
UK of LBP (duration NS) 17M:14F it by describing experiences of those with LBP
130 Lim et al: Health information needs for low back pain
Table 2
Quality of the qualitative studies according to the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme criteria.30
Study Clear Qualitative Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Researcher Ethical Rigorous Clear statement Research
statement methodology research recruitment data collection reflexivity consideration data analysis of findings value
of aim appropriate design strategy
Allegretti 201061 Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y
Ali 201557 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Borkan 199570 Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y
Bowman 199463 Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y
Briggs 201267 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Buus 201558 Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y
Campbell 200733 Y Y Y N Y U Y N Y Y
Coole 201034 Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y
Corbett 200735 N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y
Darlow 201371 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y
Dima 201359 Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y
Hoffmann 201368 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Holloway 200738 Y Y Y N N N Y N Y N
Kawi 201464 Y Y N N N U Y Y Y Y
Laerum 200639 Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y
Larsen 201340 Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Layzell 200141 Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N N
Lee-Treweek 200142 N Y Y N N N N N N N
Liddle 200743 Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y N
MacKichan 201244 Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y
May 200045 Y Y Y N N N Y N Y Y
McIntosh 200325 Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y
Moffett 200046 Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y
Ong 201147 Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y
Palazzo 201660 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Scheermesser 201248 Y Y Y N Y N Y N Y N
Schers 200149 Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y
Skelton 199551 Y Y Y Y N N N N N N
Skelton 199650 Y Y Y Y N N N N N N
Tavafian 200869 Y Y Y N N N Y N Y N
Toye 200952 Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y N
Toye 201253 Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y N
Toye 201254 Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y N
Turner 199866 Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N
Walker 199955 Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Young 201156 Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y
symptom control.43 Participants in only one study expressed the need lifestyle needs.37,43,57,59,64 Darlow and colleagues’ results illustrated
for information on complementary therapy.50 the importance of patient-specific advice, as patients were more
Non-pharmacological treatment was highly valued. Participants likely to reject advice if it conflicted with their lived experience, life
specifically wanted information about the role of physiotherapy, goals and beliefs.71 Some participants were frustrated with the pro-
osteopathy, postural advice and back muscle exer- vision of general principles and generic exercises instead of individ-
cises.24,25,39,40,42,48,49,53,57,58,60,71 They also wanted to know about ually tailored and specific exercise advice.51,57,59,60
which physical activities would be beneficial and which would not, in Information about pain management: Five studies described patient-
order to avoid flares of LBP.39,40,42,49,56,57,71 Some participants iden- perceived needs for pain management in LBP.34,43,49,64,66 Whilst
tified the need for information to help them psychologically deal with participants wanted general information about pain management,
LBP and improve their ability to cope.33,35,53,56 In the context of this included both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic options.64
coping with LBP, maintaining independence was valued by many Participants wanted information about role, efficacy, safety, and side
participants.33–35,39,43,56,64,66 effects of pharmacological therapies.34,43,49
The need for tailored information about low back pain manage- Information about management of flares and preventive measur-
ment: Nine studies identified participants’ desires for personalised or es: Seven studies described patients’ perceived needs relating to the
tailored treatment for LBP.37,43,51,57,59,60,62,64,71 They believed that management of flares and prevention of LBP.33,41,43,51,56,65,71 Three of
management should be specific to their own circumstances, taking these found that participants wanted information about how to deal
into account their other health conditions,59,62 age,37,59 and specific with flares when they occurred.41,43,71 They valued information that
Table 3
Quality of the quantitative study according to the Hoy risk of bias tool criteria.31
Study Representative Appropriate Random Minimal Data collected Acceptable Valid and Consistent Appropriate Numerator and
study sampling selection non-response directly from case reliable mode of data data collection denominator
population frame or census bias participants definition measurements collection period appropriate
Amonkar 201124 N Y N N Y N N Y N N
Bishop 201162 N N N N Y Y N Y N N
Farin 201337 N N N N Y Y Y Y N N
Farin 201236 N N N N Y N Y Y N N
Layzell 200141 N N N N Y N N Y N N
Shaw 200565 N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y
N = no, Y = yes.
Research 131
Box 1. Selected examples of participant-perceived needs regarding health information content related to low back pain. For a more
extensive list, see Appendix 3 on the eAddenda.
did not conflict with their previous lived experience, and wanted identified the need for information about work-specific support ser-
practical information that could be applied under difficult circum- vices, for example information from an employer about the absence
stances, such as at work.51,71 Five studies also identified the need for management policy.34
information about how they may prevent LBP.33,43,56,65,71
Self-management strategies: Six studies focused on patients’ Patients’ perceived needs relating to the mode of delivery of health in-
perceived needs about self-management strategies in LBP manage- formation related to low back pain
ment.25,39,44,55,67,69 Most participants wanted to learn specific exer- Eleven studies addressed patients’ perceived needs related
cises that they could perform to manage their LBP.39,44,67,69 Many to the mode of delivery of information relating to
participants were interested in knowing the limit of exercise in self- LBP.25,33,36,37,39,48,50,53,55,59,67 The needs related to the quality of in-
managed LBP.39,44 formation provided, the language and tone used, and the sources of
Information about support services for low back pain: Five studies information.
identified patients’ needs for information about support services for The need for high-quality information: Three studies described the
LBP.34,41,58,63,67 Some wanted information about availability of medi- need for high-quality health information about LBP.25,53,67 With
cal and allied health services, with one study focusing specifically on regards to the quality of information provided by various healthcare
barriers to access as perceived by rural patients.41,67 One study practitioners, participants valued valid, trustworthy and consistent
described the need for information about non-medical support from information.25,53 They disliked receiving conflicting and discordant
social networks and support groups.63 Participants in another study advice from different health professionals.25,53 In one study,
132 Lim et al: Health information needs for low back pain
participants were not satisfied with the quality of information ob- shown to have sustained impact on changing public LBP misconception
tained from general practitioners.67 of activity avoidance in LBP.81
The need for health information to be delivered in a suitable tone and In terms of other health information needs, patients wanted clear,
understandable language: Eight studies identified that patients wan- trustworthy, consistent information about the nature of LBP, its
ted health information to be delivered in a suitable tone and under- benign prognosis, and advice on both pharmacological and non-
standable language.25,36,37,39,48,50,55,56 Patients perceived a need for pharmacological management strategies. However, while informa-
information to be communicated in an open and clear way,36,37,39,48,55 tion about general strategies for managing LBP was wanted, there was
with emotional support,36,37,55,56 and using simple language without also a clear preference for the health practitioners’ advice to be
medical jargon39,48,55 and with acceptable tone.25 Patients also tailored to the individual’s age, lifestyle, and occupational sta-
preferred information to be delivered in their own language, without tus37,51,57,59,60,64,71 and be delivered in a suitable tone and under-
using medical jargon.48 standable language. In addition to the need for customised advice on
Source of information: Five studies described the need for information options, safety and efficacy of pain management in LBP, this review
on how to source information about LBP.25,33,39,59,67 Participants also revealed a consistent preference among patients to explore other
wanted information about where to obtain credible informa- non-pharmacological domains, including exercise, self-management
tion.39,59,67 They found that information not obtained from the and support services available for LBP. However, most LBP clinical
medical practitioner – but from physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiro- guidelines have generic recommendations, for example recommen-
practors, family, friends or magazines – may have provided unhelpful, dation to consider group exercise to minimise cost, with little
conflicting information.25,33 emphasis on how to approach ‘patient-tailored’ management21,82 and
how to appropriately integrate physical activity with the other factors
contributing to the LBP experience. This further illustrates the
Discussion mismatch between patients’ perceived needs and current recom-
mendations in LBP management.
This review identified 41 relevant studies that addressed aspects Approaches such as Cognitive Functional Therapy are likely to help
of patients’ perceived health information needs related to LBP. Within bridge this gap.83 Practising clinicians and physicians have been re-
these studies, two major areas of patient-identified needs emerged: ported to be inadequately trained and lack confidence in managing
health information content-related needs; and needs related to in- long-term musculoskeletal pain conditions and have expressed
formation delivery. Participants sought information about to the difficultly in adopting and implementing a biopsychosocial approach
cause of LBP, underlying pathology and prognosis, with a consistent to LBP management.84–87 This may contribute to patients receiving
desire for a legitimate diagnosis. Participants also wanted personal- inconsistent advice from different healthcare professionals, which
ised information about self-management strategies, including the often results in the provision of low-value care, leading to frustration,
available support services, related to both healthcare and occupa- which threatens the therapeutic practitioner-patient relationship.
tional issues. Educating practitioners to address patients’ underlying unhelpful
Underlying much of patients’ needs for health information about beliefs and attitudes around LBP may improve long-term LBP out-
LBP was the strong need to obtain a ‘definitive diagnosis’, which comes.88 Hence, new educational approaches to upskill clinicians in
underscored the perceived need for imaging for a diag- the provision of effective LBP education may be required to ensure
nosis.33,35,41,46,52–54,57,59,61,65,70,71 A definitive diagnosis was perceived that correct, consistent information is delivered. Innovative ap-
by many to justify, reassure and legitimise their LBP symptoms, and proaches such as interactive group learning or computer-assisted
many were frustrated with the generic ‘age-related wear and tear’ virtual learning, instead of the traditional guideline dissemination
explanations.33,34,40,43,45,52 However, this is contradictory to current and educational updates, have been used successfully.85,89 Further-
evidence-based LBP management that strongly advises against routine more, the use of non-threatening, suitable language could be
back imaging in the absence of red flags, with imaging considered to be emphasised in these new educational approaches to ensure better
low-value healthcare and a potential driver for unhelpful beliefs.2,12,72 success in delivering effective LBP education.90
This finding highlights the clear mismatch between patients’ perceived This review also underscored the impact of LBP on employment
health information needs and clinicians’ knowledge in LBP manage- and the work environment from patients’ perspectives. There is a
ment. In the United States, the ‘Choosing Wisely’ campaign was consistent strong desire for information about prognosis, manage-
launched in 2012, with the aim of raising awareness and educating ment and prevention of flares, with a personalised approach to back
patients and clinicians to avoid unnecessary medical tests and treat- safety at work, information about workers’ rights, uncertainties about
ments across various specialties.73 However, a trial examining the ef- future work capacity, leave entitlement and informing the workplace
fect of reminders for clinicians committing to not image patients with about their condition, to avoid being considered a malin-
uncomplicated low back pain following these guidelines failed to show gerer.34,35,57,65 In line with our findings, despite being a common
any sustained decrease in clinicians’ routine LBP imaging orders. This problem, LBP often elicits scepticism from workplace colleagues, with
was interpreted as indicating the significant role of patient factors (eg, the problem being viewed as psychogenic or malingering, which
needs and preferences) in explaining this mismatch.74 Despite patients’ further exacerbates patients’ distress, delaying participation in LBP
strong desire for imaging to reach an accurate diagnosis to relieve rehabilitation.91,92 Furthermore, other work-related factors, including
anxiety about diagnosis, when performed, imaging was not associated negative responses from supervisors, job demands and failure by
with any psychological benefits.52,68,75,76 Effective interventions to employers to provide suitable modification to work tasks, were also
correct patients’ unhelpful beliefs may require enabling clinicians to shown to contribute to unsuccessful return to work,91 suggesting that
communicate the role of imaging more effectively and provide reas- education interventions need to target not only patients, employers
surance and a meaningful management plan to patients. However, and clinicians, but also the entire societal attitudes and beliefs to-
limited time and financial pressures in clinical practice make this wards LBP. The Victorian WorkCover Authority mass media campaign
challenging.11,77 A variety of strategies, such as customised patient ‘Back Pain: Don’t Take It Lying Down’ successfully altered community
education videos and a consumer-focused pamphlet intervention via beliefs in LBP, resulting in a significant sustained reduction in the
community pharmacies, has been used to correct LBP-related beliefs number of workers’ compensation claims for LBP and healthcare
outside the clinical consultation, with promising results.78,79 However, utilisation.93 This campaign had been replicated by three other
these strategies were implemented on a small scale, where the effect countries, with reasonably positive results,93 making it a compelling
may differ when they are more widely implemented. Hence, to effec- evidence-based example for a similar societal approach to enhance
tively target the unhelpful belief about the need for imaging in LBP in LBP outcomes, incorporating all patients’ perceived important health
the community, a large-scale public mass media campaign is information content about LBP.
required.80 A large-scale mass media campaign in Canada targeting This review had several limitations. There were few publications
general public attitude to stay active, while experiencing LBP was that directly assessed the patients’ perceived needs for health
Research 133
Box 2. Selected examples of participant-perceived needs relating to the mode of delivery of health information regarding low back pain.
For a more extensive list, see Appendix 4 on the eAddenda.
information about LBP, such that the identified needs for health in- unhelpful beliefs may better align patients’ expectations with those of
formation content have been extrapolated from heterogeneous healthcare providers.
studies evaluating different primary study aims in different pop-
ulations. Thus, it is possible that all areas of perceived health infor-
mation needs for LBP may not have been identified within this What was already known on this topic: A large range of
review. Most of the studies were performed in the UK where the diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are frequently applied in
National Health Service is the main healthcare provider. LBP out- low back pain management, despite evidence that many of them
comes are affected by compensation status, which differs in various are of low value. Although education is recommended in most
countries and may affect needs; thus, it is unclear whether these LBP guidelines, most guidelines do not specify what content
should be included in patient education.
findings are generalisable to those of different ethnicities and econ-
What this study adds: People with low back pain expressed a
omies. Most of the other studies were also performed in Western
strong desire for clear, consistent and personalised information
countries with developed healthcare systems. Only one was per- on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment options and self-management
formed in Iran,69 and there were none from other low-income or strategies, related to healthcare and occupational issues.
middle-income countries. The social and cultural aspects of infor-
mation needs are unlikely to have been captured outside the UK,
Europe or the United States. The Australian study by Briggs et al was eAddenda: Appendices 1-4 can be found online at https://doi.
centred on rural healthcare.67 Whether those with LBP were in org/10.1016/j.jphys.2019.05.010.
receipt of compensation or not was not addressed in most of the Ethics approval: Nil.
identified studies. This may have impacted on health information Competing interest: Nil.
needs. Source of support: This work was performed in partnership with
The strengths of this review relate to the performance of a Move: muscle, bone & joint health and supported by a partnership
comprehensive systematic scoping review in four complementary grant from the organisation. YZL is the recipient of National Health
databases to identify patients’ perspective of information needs and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Clinical Postgraduate Schol-
related to LBP. The results were remarkably consistent across the arship (#1133903), Royal Australasian College of Physicians Woolcock
identified studies from high-income countries, spanning care Scholarship, Australian Rheumatology Association Top-Up Scholar-
from the community, primary care, hospital clinics, tertiary pain ship and Monash University Postgraduate Excellence Award. LC is the
clinics and rehabilitation centres, suggesting universality of the recipient of an Australian Postgraduate Award. AMB and AEW are
themes. recipients of NHMRC TRIP Fellowships (APP 1132548 and
This review highlighted that patients’ health information needs APP1150102). The funders had no role in study design, data collection
about LBP remained driven by their need for a diagnosis, in order to and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
validate and legitimise their symptoms. This may contribute to the Acknowledgements: Nil.
increasing use of inappropriate imaging for LBP. Additionally, other Provenance: Not invited. Peer reviewed.
work-related and employment concerns were identified, suggesting Correspondence: Anita E Wluka, Department of Epidemiology and
that there is ongoing scepticism associated with LBP, especially in the Preventative Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
workplace. Inability to access individualised and consistent advice Email: anita.wluka@monash.edu
from multiple trustworthy sources may contribute to a deterioration
in the patient’s relationship with their healthcare provider, further
stigmatising them. Thus, an integrated public health approach in References
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