for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 Rule 1 states that the rules apply to all vessels
(COLREGs) upon the high seas and all waters connected
to the high seas and navigable by seagoing
Adoption: 20 October 1972; Entry into force:
15 July 1977
In Rule 9 a vessel proceeding along the course In other areas where such schemes did not
of a narrow channel or fairway is obliged to exist the number of collisions rose sharply.
keep "as near to the outer limit of the channel New traffic separation schemes are
or fairway which lies on her starboard side as introduced regularly and existing ones are
is safe and practicable." The same Rule amended when necessary to respond to
obliges a vessel of less than 20 metres in changed traffic conditions. To enable this to
length or a sailing vessel not to impede the be done as quickly as possible the MSC has
passage of a vessel "which can safely navigate been authorized to adopt and amend traffic
only within a narrow channel or fairway." separation schemes on behalf of the
Rule 11 says the section applies to vessels in Rule 20 states rules concerning lights apply
sight of one another. from sunset to sunrise.Rule 21 gives
Rule 18 deals with responsibilities between Rule 27 covers light requirements for vessels
vessels and includes requirements for vessels not under command or restricted in their
which shall keep out of the way of others. ability to manoeuvre.
Section III - conduct of vessels in restricted Rule 28 covers light requirements for vessels
visibility (Rule 19) constrained by their draught.
Rule 34 covers manoeuvring and warning
The COLREGs include four annexes:
signals, using whistle or lights.