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Mortenson Job Interview Questionnaire

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Applicant’s Full Name: Yavuz Selim Şen

Present Contact Address: Adana / Türkiye

Passport Number:
Marital Status: Married
Contact Telephone: +90539 781 65 73
Post / Position Offered: Civil Engineer
Job Reference #:
Contact Email Address: yavuzselimsenn@gmail.com
Nationality: Türkiye

Question Answer Interviewer Notes

Please check the box that apply
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Why do you want to work in USA? question
To go further in my career.  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
What would you need in order to question
enjoy your time in the USA? Sports, working hours to be efficient and  Answered with isolated words or small
be in communication with my family. phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Describe your plans for the future. question
What are your goals? My goals for the future; to improve my  Answered with isolated words or small
level of english, to make money, to phrases
prepare a useful future for my family and  Answered in complete sentences
to be useful to my profession.
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Describe your general health. question
I don't have any health problems.  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Have you ever suffered from or question
sought treatment for depression, No. Do not use alcohol drugs and  Answered with isolated words or small
alcoholism, drug addiction or an cigarettes. phrases
eating disorder? Please explain.  Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Has anyone in your family suffered question
from depression or alcoholism? No.  Answered with isolated words or small
Please explain. phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Describe any history of Job abuse in I have never had such a past. question
any company you have previously  Answered with isolated words or small
worked? phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Describe where you were born and question
raised I was born in Turkey and grew up. I live  Answered with isolated words or small
in Adana. phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Do you have any siblings? If so, how My 40 year old sister question
old are they? My 35 year old sister  Answered with isolated words or small
My 37 year old brother phrases
22 year old brother  Answered in complete sentences
I have a 15-year-old brother.

 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the

Describe the relationship you have question
with your siblings. We often visit each other and make  Answered with isolated words or small
phone calls. phrases
Our bond of respect and love is eternal...  Answered in complete sentences

 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the

How often do you have contact with Every day. question
your family members?  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Describe your family’s support of question
your decision to work in USA. My family supports my work in the US  Answered with isolated words or small
because it is an important point for my phrases
career and I will make money.  Answered in complete sentences

 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the

What is your family’s reaction to you question
spending a year away from home? Of course a little sad. Who would want to  Answered with isolated words or small
stay so far away from family. But phrases
circumstances sometimes lead you to it.  Answered in complete sentences
We will endure it for my career.
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
How were you disciplined as a child? Respectful, honest, optimistic and good question
at all.  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
When, where and for how long have I stayed away from home for work at question
you spent time away from home? various times. Sometimes like 3 months,  Answered with isolated words or small
sometimes like 1 year. phrases
 Answered in complete sentences

 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the

When, where and for how long have . question
you traveled in English-speaking I've never traveled.  Answered with isolated words or small
countries? phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
I'm sensitive about my religion. I believe  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Are you willing to be placed with a that the staff of a company like you will question
Company that is of a different respect the religion of your employees  Answered with isolated words or small
religion? How would you and will provide the necessary facilities phrases
accommodate? to perform their prayers.  Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
What is your favorite area of study? I love working at the construction site. question
Why do you like it? because I like being at the head of the  Answered with isolated words or small
material being produced. phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
What did you like about your last Job In my last work experience, I liked to do question
experience? What did you dislike work on steel structures. There is  Answered with isolated words or small
about it? nothing I don't like. phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
Where and when did you complete I didn't officially complete the English question
any formal English courses? course, but I'm trying to improve my  Answered with isolated words or small
language by studying English through phrases
Udemy.  Answered in complete sentences

 Asked me to repeat or rephrase the

What volunteer work have you Helping children and being there when question
done? they're happy.  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences

I'm gonna live and find out. I have to do  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
How will you adjust to a new this for my family. Once I've improved my question
company, country and culture? English, I believe I can do it.  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences
One month.  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
How much notice do you require question
before leaving for a placement with  Answered with isolated words or small
your company? phrases
 Answered in complete sentences
As we always solve the problems we  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
What problems do you anticipate encounter with my team mates, there are question
while working in your previous job? no problems for us.  Answered with isolated words or small
 Answered in complete sentences
I think it won't be easy for me because  Asked me to repeat or rephrase the
How do you feel about being placed I've never been to the US before. But I am question
with a Company of a different race sure I will get used to it and contribute to  Answered with isolated words or small
or has different political views or my company. phrases
beliefs?  Answered in complete sentences

The remaining questions are to be completed by the interviewer

Poor Fair Good Excellent

Please rate the Job Seekers: Appearance Excellent

Self Confidence Excellent

Attitude Good

Manners Excellent

Communication skills Good

English Rating Scale

1 – Uses few or no English words; understands greetings and other basic, memorized phrases.

2 – Uses some English phrases though thoughts may be disconnected; understands basic English sentences when spoken clearly
and slowly but relies on body language and facial expressions to determine meaning.

3 – Responds in complete thoughts and has a large vocabulary of everyday common terms. Can perform tasks based on a short
series of instructions, takes short time to mentally translate and can understand complex sentences when repeated or

4 – Responds in complete sentences and can re-word what he/she is saying when the meaning is unclear or when he/she cannot
remember unusual vocabulary words. Can perform tasks based on complex instructions and understands others when they are
speaking at a natural rate.

5 – Responds completely with more descriptive language and does not take time to mentally translate when listening or
speaking. Understands conversations about abstract things.

Based on the table above, please rate the applicant’s Rating: Native
ability both to speak and comprehend English. Briefly
explain your decision. Explanation:

This applicant will make a good staff workers for the

following reasons:

What difficulties will the applicant experience while

placed working in a foreign country?

Interviewer’s signature


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