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Job Interview Questionnaire 2 1 1 2 1 1

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Applicants name Interviewers name Date Question Answer Interviewer Notes Please check the box that apply

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

Why do you want to work in U.K?

because it is a serious country with a very high quality, for example, regulations in the field that do, because it has had a top performance in science and technology, because it is a country where the sun never sets the sun, because it has its royal dynasty, as it has his mighty army, for more than !U" #$% loves it belongs to a & or ' remaining (serious( country in the world.

What would you need in order to en*oy your time in the U.K?

nothing spectacular, that is, what all !uropean countries have already copied the UK. +ll be only played in the original environment , not a copy environment . work in the field of science, areas that do on a higher level. extremely love every aspect of mental stretching. think have a woman or women, family, home, car .... normal stuff

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

,escribe your plans for the future. What are your goals?

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

,escribe your general health.

-m satisfied , and if am satisfied with my health , don.t see any reason to confess to someone about it.

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

/ave you ever suffered from or sought treatment for depression, alcoholism, drug addiction or an eating disorder? %lease explain.

have bipolar disorder. !xplaining a doctor own current situation, what see, what hear,what read, .... and what think about it from my

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

perspective , ,r. , otherwise female person, then said0 Write a book about it 1

/as anyone in your family suffered from depression or alcoholism? %lease explain.

yes, money, gambling, alcohol, war, arrogance, age, etc. live in an area where there is bribery, corruption, envy, *ealousy, the negation of everything human that is worth while raising the pedestal nonsense, lies ... enough. 3asses this. 4here, conflict situations. 4he pay most talked whoever is least deserved to get it, ignorance and stupidity are the galactic scale ... rather than me. was born in a maternity hospital in 5anski 3ost, 6ugoslavia, where lived until the 7889th year. t was nice to be young.

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

,escribe any history of 2ob abuse in any company you have previously worked?

,escribe where you were born and raised

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

,o you have any siblings? f so, how old are they?

have a biological sister who is younger than me : years, and he acts as if my grandmother in terms of advisory roles.

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

,escribe the relationship you have with your siblings.

described in the previous answer

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

/ow often do you have contact with your family members?

live in a household with his mother but never to write this ;in terms of family closeness<

,escribe your family.s support of your

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question

decision to work in U.K.

n this sense, always decide what is best for me or what like it or where would like to live, and if so then wanted to second or not, and they need to be satisfied

)nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

What is your family.s reaction to you spending a year away from home?

/ow were you disciplined as a child?

When, where and for how long have you spent time away from home?

When, where and for how long have you traveled in !nglish=speaking countries?

)re you willing to be placed with a >ompany that is of a different religion? /ow would you accommodate?

What is your favorite area of study? Why do you like it?

What did you like about your last 2ob experience? What did you dislike about it?

Where and when did you complete any formal !nglish courses?

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

What volunteer work have you done?

/ow will you ad*ust to a new company, country and culture?

/ow much notice do you require before leaving for a placement with your company?

What problems do you anticipate while working in your previous *ob?

/ow do you feel about being placed with a >ompany of a different race or has different political views or beliefs?

)sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences )sked me to repeat or rephrase the question )nswered with isolated words or small phrases )nswered in complete sentences

The remaining questions are to be complete by the interviewer

%oor !xcellent %lease rate the 2ob 5eekers0 )ppearance !xcellent 5elf >onfidence !xcellent )ttitude #ood 3anners !xcellent >ommunication skills #ood ?air #ood

!nglish "ating #cale

7 @ Uses few or no !nglish wordsA understands greetings and other basic, memoriBed phrases. : @ Uses some !nglish phrases though thoughts may be disconnectedA understands basic !nglish sentences when spoken clearly and slowly but relies on body language and facial expressions to determine meaning. & @ "esponds in complete thoughts and has a large vocabulary of everyday common terms. >an perform tasks based on a short series of instructions, takes short time to mentally translate and can understand complex sentences when repeated or rephrased. ' @ "esponds in complete sentences and can re=word what heCshe is saying when the meaning is unclear or when heCshe cannot remember unusual vocabulary words. >an perform tasks based on complex instructions and understands others when they are speaking at a natural rate.

9 @ "esponds completely with more descriptive language and does not take time to mentally translate when listening or speaking. Understands conversations about abstract things.

$ased on the table above, please rate the applicant.s ability both to speak and comprehend !nglish. $riefly explain your decision.

"ating0 Dative !xplanation0

4his applicant will make a good staff workers for the following reasons0

What difficulties will the applicant experience while placed working in a foreign country?

Interviewers signature Date

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