Exempt Timecard 1
Daily Entry in Hours
Ability for user to set default Project/Tasks displayed on time entry screen Standard Functionality
System must be “User Friendly’ – people have to want to do this. Fast, easy to use with the ability to Custom Timecard
enter time for 3-4 projects over the course of the month in under 10 minutes.
Ability to check Home Code and Vacation Accrual Bank balance as of the last pay period on timecard Custom Timecard
Default home codes from PeopleSoft are always displayed on the timesheet. Custom Timecard
Customizable interface (at the department level) that allows capturing department dpecific Custom Timecard
information so that the user is presented with department specific activities, not project account
tasks. Includes:
Aliases/alternative task names
Entry of diverse types of numbering systems for activities: i.e., work orders, project
numbers, R&G job codes, etc
Ability to setup relationships between work orders and project/tasks. Can be one to one or
many (work orders) to one (project/task)
Project codes (like job numbers) and ability to attach one project code to multiple
project/task numbers. Need to have definitions in the system for project codes
The Fermilab Standard timecard layout should have the following functionality: Custom Timecard
Elements – Filtered by Eligibility
Home Project
Home Task
Should be able to display the Projects based on employee eligibility Application setup-
Must be able to enter time to specific hours on a 24 hour clock to identify overtime and shift Standard Functionality
H2 Transaction history for any changes in OTL to time reported after it has been submitted to payroll. Standard Functionality
Transaction history for any time that is entered or corrected by someone other than the person
working the time. Provide a text comment when corrections are made.
Major Features
Ability to enter Payroll Data and Effort Data in one central system
Ability to validate vacation and sick time
Ability to calculate Effort Reporting from ‘Hours’ to ‘Units’
TC GENERAL Time will be charged against Activities, Project-Tasks, or Default Home Codes
TC GENERAL The current time periods timecard will open as a default when ‘Creating’ a new
timecard (unless it has already been previously submitted)
TC TIME CARD The time card time period will appear on the timecard entry screen
TC TIME CARD Vacation and Floating Holiday accruals will display on the timecard for the
HEADER period. (Sick hours will validate but will not be displayed)
TC TIME CARD Vacation Accruals sent from PS will be Zero during an EE‘s probation period.
TC TIME CARD EE’s Home Project / Task(s) will be displayed (up to 5) along with the dist. %
HEADER allocated to each Project / Task.
TC EFFORT The ‘Description’ field, will be a hyperlinked. The long task description in PA ‘Long Description’
DETAILS will be used to populate the description on the timecard. This hyperlink will will most likely
open another frame to display the full description. expand to a larger
box when clicked
on vs. calling
another frame via
a hyperlink
TC EFFORT The ‘Description’ field will also be used to populate the description tied to the At this time
DETAILS ‘Activity’. This hyperlink will open another frame to display the full Development is
description. not sure how this
will work
TC EFFORT An Activity (alternate name) table will contain the Activity name and its
DETAILS description. The description will populate in the ‘description’ field. This
hyperlink will open another frame to display the full description.
TC SUMBITTAL Time is submitted weekly for current pay periods or at anytime for future
WS Setup VALIDATION Transaction controls may be used to filter available Project / Task /
Activities by employee
WS Setup / VALIDATION At ‘Submittal’ The system will ‘Warn’ the employee that they are
Fast Formula overspending their accruals and the timecard may not be ‘Approvable’.
A ‘soft’ warning will be give for submittals before accruals are updated.
A ‘hard’ warning will be give once the accruals have been updated. The
ability to correct the timecard within the same period will be offered.
WS Setup / VALIDATION Absence codes for Vacation / Sick / Floating Holiday will not validate for
Fast Formula future timecard period entries when the timecard is submitted. An
employee will receive a ‘soft’ warning that the hours submitted will be
validate against their accruals until the timecard is approved. The
timecard will will either be rejected to the employee for correction or the
group timekeeper will modify the rejected timecard to replace the
invalid code with leave without pay so that the timecard can be
TC CANCEL The ‘Cancel’ button will take the user back to the initial layout/screen
(1st screen after login). Will clear the screen from the last save.
TC Save for Later The ‘Save for Later’ button will not take the user to any other
TC Continue to The ‘Continue to Confirmation’ button will take the user to the 1st
Review confirmation page
TC TrashCan Icon The ‘Clear’ trashcan icon will delete at the ‘row’ level only
TC Save and This button will navigate the employee to the ‘Start / Home’ screen (NOT
Return to the navigator)
Tmecard Home
Descriptions of new, confusing, or critical terms
This design assumes that the following statements are true:
TC Note to Approver / Reviewer is free form field that is at the ‘week’ level
and is displayed at the header of the timecard
TC Timecard will Auto-Populate the Holidays via the Holiday Calendar. The
default data will be modifiable.
Process Overview
Visio diagram that depicts the data flow from source to destination. Does not identify specific
modules, platforms, etc, just the steps to move the data
Form/Report/Interface Description
Fermilab Exempt Custom Timecard – Daily Entry in Hours – TC Calculates Units
- We will be receiving the ‘Sick’ accrual balance … It will be validated against but will not be displayed.
-PS will send an accrual balance of ‘0’ for Vacation during an employee’s initial probation period.
-Renamed ‘Comments’ label for the free form data entry box to ‘Note to Approver / Reviewer’. This comment box will be displayed to
the Approver / Reviewer once the timecard is submitted. This box is at the ‘week level’
WS Hours Drop Down of Absence Elements Drop down will default from
Type employees assigned
Preference Tree
WS Details Drop Down of family members that The drop down will populate
correspond w/ DFS. No other lists with the appropriate choices
have been identified
Cancel – Close form take user back to 1st search page (do not close form w/out a warning that changes have not been saved .. do
you want to .. yes/no)
Save for Later – Save/Store data entered. User will NOT be automatically linked to a different screen
'Save and Return to Timecard Home' - This button will navigate the employee to the ‘Start / Home’ screen (NOT the navigator)
Continue to Review – Save/Store data and continue to confirmation/submittal page
Calculate Hrs to Units – This button will calculate (weekly summary) using the following formula. The ‘Total Units Available’ is
equal to 40 - # of units entered in the Payroll Details.
Task LOV (view should be of task # and first X characters DROP DOWN will default from employees
of the description) assigned Preference Tree – PA original source
Will the pulldown view include the task
description ?
If user interaction is required – may only be needed for forms/screens
User Procedures
Outline of the user procedures that will need to be created/updated because of this
File/Table/Object Details
Object Name Object Type Purpose
fnal_custom_home_codes_pkg Database Package This is a custom package. The
gethomecodes procedure of this package will
be used to populate the Home Project/Tasks
details in the Section B.
per_accrual_calc_functions Database Package The get_net_accrual procedure of this
package will be used to get the Accrual
hxc_deposit_wrapper_utilities Database Package The timecard_hours_type_list function of
this package will be used to fill the Hours Type
field on the Payroll Details section.
hxc_timecard_utilities Database Package The get_time_periods procedure of this
package will be used to populate the Periods
field in the Section C.
hxc_timecard Database Package The create_timecard procedure of this
package will be used to store the timecard
details into the Self Service tables.
hxc_self_service_timecard Database Package The fetch_blocks_and_attributes
procedure of this package will be used to
retrieve the existing timecard data from the
database and store it into the Java view
hxc_lock_api Database Package The release_lock procedure of this package
will be used to release the locks from the
hxc_locks table.
fnal_otl_custom_pkg Database Package This is a custom package. The
getAltNamesWhere procedure will be used
to filter the rows for Project and Task fields.
Program Overview
Oracle Applications Framework (OA Framework) is the Oracle Applications development and
deployment platform for HTML based business applications. The Exempt Timecard Daily Entry
in Hours page will be designed and developed using Oracle 9i JDeveloper with OA Extension.
The Exempt Timecard Daily entry in Hours screen will be invoked from the search screen.
This screen can be used for entering a new timecard or modifying an existing timecard. This
screen can be used to report the time against the Payroll elements (Sick, Jury Duty etc) or
Effort details (Projects/Tasks) or both. The payroll elements data and effort details will be
stored for each day as per the user input.
The Section A and Section B data is static i.e., display only. The Section A has the Accrual
balance information which will be extracted from the seeded database package. The Section
B has Home Projects/Tasks allocation information which will be extracted from the Employee
Assignments DFF.
The Section C contains the Period dropdown which has the list of the Timecard Periods
entered, empty and archived. The timecard periods will be extracted from the seeded
database package.
The employee can either report time to a project/task or Activity (which is tied back to a
project and task). In the Effort Details Section, the Project, Task and Activity values will be
extracted from the Alternate Names assigned to the employee/group. This section has “Add
Another Row” and “Calculate Hrs to Units” buttons. The “Add Another Row” button is used to
add an empty row in the effort details section. The “Calculate Hrs to Units” button calculates
the total hours entered and also converts the hours to units in the Effort Details section. The
“Delete (Trash can)” icon is used to delete the selected effort detail row.
The page has three buttons “Cancel”, “Save for Later” and “Continue to Review”. When the
user clicks the “Cancel” button, the control will be taken back to “Search page”. When the
user clicks the “Save for Later” button, the data entered will be stored into the Time Store.
When the user clicks the “Continue to Review”, the control will be changed to Review page.
Program Modules
Name Type Purpose Location Execution Method
FNALExHoDyTimeCardPG.xml XML This file /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/webui This page will be invoked
will from the Timecard Search
contain screen.
Daily Entry
in Hours
in XML
ProjectLOVRN.xml XML This file /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/lov/webui This region will be invoked
contains when the user clicks on the
the Project Flash Light Icon on the
LOV project field.
in XML
region can
be shared
TaskLOVRN.xml XML This file /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/lov/webui This region will be invoked
contains when the user clicks on the
the Task Flash Light Icon on the task
LOV field.
Business Systems Page 18 3/12/2009
in XML
region can
be shared
pages. Java Java /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/webui The controller code will be
Controller executed at the page
file rendering time.
with the
Daily Entry
in Hours
Page. This
file will
have the
java code
the UI,
to the
directs the
flow on
the page. Java Java /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/lov/webui The controller code will be
Controller executed at the project
file region rendering time.
with the
region. Java Java /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/lov/webui The controller code will be
Controller executed at the task region
file rendering time.
with the
Task LOV
TBBExHoDyVO.xml XML The /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/server In the controller code any
Timecard reference to this view object,
Building the query will be retrieved
Blocks from the xml definition.
in XML
TimeAttributesExHoDyVO.xml XML The /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/server In the controller code any
Business Systems Page 19 3/12/2009
Timecard reference to this view object,
Attributes the query will be retrieved
View from the xml definition.
in XML
TimecardPeriodVO.xml XML A non- /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/server This view is independent of
query the query and this view will
based be referred in
object for to fill the Periods field.
in XML
HoursTypeVO.xml XML Hours /fnal/oracle/apps/hxc/otl/server This view will be referred in
Type View
definition to populate the Hours Type
in XML Field in the Payroll Details
format. section.
This screen will be invoked from the Timecard Search Page.
Process Details
Development Estimates
The development and unit test will take minimum 160 hours.