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G.R. No. 196347 SUSAN A. YAP, Petitioner ELIZABETH LAGTAPON, Respondent Decision Caguioa, J.

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G.R. No.


SUSAN A. YAP, Petitioner




The presumption of regularity in the performance of official duties is an aid to the effective
and unhampered administration of government functions. Without such benefit, every
official action could be negated with minimal effort from litigants, irrespective of merit or
sufficiency of evidence to support such challenge. To this end, our body of jurisprudence
has been consistent in requiring nothing short of clear and convincing evidence to the
contrary to overthrow such presumption. This case is no different.

The Case

In this Appeal by Certiorari 1 (Petition) filed under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, petitioner
Susan A. Yap (Yap) is assailing the Decision dated July 27, 2006 2 (questioned Decision)
and Resolution dated February 23, 20113 issued by the Court of Appeals - Twentieth (20th)
Division (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 61944, which denied the Petition for Annulment of
Judgment (Petition for Annulment) dated November 8, 2000 4 and the subsequent Motion
for Reconsideration filed by petitioner Yap. The questioned Decision was rendered in
connection with the Decision dated February 12, 1998 5 (RTC Decision) of the Regional
Trial Court of Bacolod City, Branch 46 (RTC) in the case filed by herein respondent
Elizabeth Lagtapon (Lagtapon), entitled "Elizabeth Lagtapon v. Susan Yap" and docketed
as Civil Case (CC) No. 97-9991.

The Facts

The factual antecedents, as summarized by the CA, are as follows:

On 9 October 1997, [respondent Lagtapon] instituted a civil suit against [petitioner Yap] for
a sum of money with the Regional Trial Court of Negros Occidental docketed as Civil Case
No. 97-9991 and the same was raffled off to the respondent court.

Summons was issued and as per return of service of summons dated 4 November 1997
prepared by the process server of the respondent court in the person of Ray R. Precioso,
he served on November 4, 1997 the summons on [petitioner Yap] who, however, refused to
acknowledge receipt thereof, thus, compelling him to tender the same and left (sic) a copy
thereof for her.

As no answer was filed, [respondent Lagtapon] filed a motion to declare [petitioner Yap] in
default dated 16 December 1997. The said motion was granted by the respondent court in
an order issued on 12 January 1998 declaring [petitioner Yap] in default and allowing
[respondent Lagtapon] to present her evidence ex-parte on 9 February 1998.

Accordingly, [respondent Lagtapon] adduced evidence in her favor ex-parte. On 10

February 1998, the respondent court issued an order admitting the documentary exhibits
offered by [respondent Lagtapon].
On 12 February 1998, the respondent court rendered the challenged Decision in favor of
[respondent Lagtapon] and against [petitioner Yap]. Under date of 6 March 1998,
[respondent Lagtapon] filed a motion for execution which was favorably acted upon by the
respondent court through an order of 21 May 1998.

The Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff for Negros Occidental issued a notice of sale on execution
dated 25 September 2000 setting the auction sale of petitioner's property on 17 October
2000. The property of petitioner that was put up for execution sale consists of a parcel of
land identified as Lot 11, Block 2 of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-91608 covered by
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-110467 situated at Herminia Street, Villa Valderranm (sic),
Barangay Mandalagan, Bacolod City.

On or about 11 October 2000, Joey de la Paz, to whom [petitioner Yap] mortgaged the
same property, informed her that when he asked his secretary to secure a copy of the title
covering the property from the Registry of Deeds of Bacolod City, it was found out that
annotated on the title is a notice of embargo relative to Civil Case No. 97-9991, that a
notice of sale on execution had already been issued and that the said property was
scheduled to be sold at auction on 17 October 2000.

Immediately upon receiving such information, [petitioner Yap] proceeded to the Hall of
Justice to verify the truthfulness thereof. It was only then that she discovered that she was
sued by [respondent Lagtapon] and a judgment by default against her had long been

Proceeding from such developments, petitioner Yap filed the subject Petition for Annulment
with the CA, assailing the RTC Decision on the ground that Summons was not validly
served on her, which thus prevented the RTC from acquiring jurisdiction over her
person.7 In particular, petitioner Yap alleged that at the time Summons was allegedly
served on November 4, 1997 (as evidenced by the Return of Service), 8 she was not
residing in either of the addresses supplied by respondent Lagtapon in her
Complaint,9 namely: (i) Herminia Street, Villa Valderama, Bacolod City, and (ii) Frankfurt
Street, Jesusa Heights, Bacolod City. 10

With respect to the first address, petitioner Yap claimed that while she used to reside
therein, she had already moved out from the said address sometime in June 1997 and
started leasing out the same on July 1998.11 Hence, the Summons could not have been
served on her on November 4, 1997, as she had already vacated from the said address by

Meanwhile, regarding the second address, petitioner Yap averred that she never resided at
any such place. 12Allegedly, at the time of the service of Summons, she was residing
somewhere else, specifically in "Frankfurt Street, Sunshine Valley Subdivision, Barangay
Estefania, Bacolod City" (as compared to "Frankfurt Street, Hesusa (sic) Heights, Bacolod
City"), which she started leasing from June 1997 (upon vacating the first address) until
September 1999. 13

Simply put, petitioner Yap wholly denied the fact of service of Summons, as reflected in the
Return of Service dated November 4, 1997 14 accomplished by the RTC's process server,
Roy R. Precioso (Precioso).

Notably, it was stated in the said Return that the Summons, together with a copy of the
Complaint and its annexes, was served personally on petitioner Yap on November 4, 1997,
at about 4:35 p.m., and that the latter refused to sign the same, which prompted Precioso
to tender and leave a copy of the Summons with petitioner Yap. 15 While the place of
service was not indicated in the Return, it should be noted that Precioso subsequently
executed an Affidavit dated February 21, 2001, attesting to the fact that he served the
Summons on petitioner Yap at "Frankfurt Street, Hesusa Village, Bacolod City". 16

Petitioner Yap likewise categorically denied receipt of the Motion to Declare in Default
dated December 16, 1997. 17As indicated in the records, the said Motion was served on
petitioner Yap via JRS Express mail, evidenced by JRS Express Cash Airbill No. 734216,
and that a certain "Tommy Lim" received it. 18 Petitioner Yap again claimed that she could
not have received the same as she was never a resident in the address indicated in the
said Airbill, which was also "Frankfurt Street, Hesusa (sic) Heights, Bacolod City". 19

On the other hand, respondent Lagtapon denied all the factual allegations in the Petition
for Annulment to the effect that petitioner Yap was never served with Summons on the date
indicated, and claimed that petitioner Yap was indeed aware of the proceedings, as borne
out by the records of the RTC. 20 In her Answer to Petition for Annulment of Judgment dated
March 7, 2001,21 respondent Lagtapon also raised the following grounds for the dismissal
of the said Petition: (i) assuming arguendo that petitioner Yap did not receive the RTC
Decision, she was constructively notified thereof as well as the corresponding Writ of
Execution dated May 22, 1998 issued by the RTC when the Provincial Sheriff of Negros
Occidental caused the registration and annotation of the Notice of Embargo or Levy at the
back of petitioner Yap's Transfer Certificate of Title No. T- 110467. 22 Hence, respondent
Lagtapon argued that petitioner Yap's failure to file a petition for relief from judgment within
sixty (60) days from the time of the said annotation on May 26, 1998 rendered her Petition
for Annulment dismissible;23 (ii) petitioner Yap failed to file a petition for certiorari under Rule
65 to question the Order declaring her in default, the RTC Decision, or the Notice of
Embargo or Levy;24 and (iii) there was no extrinsic fraud extant from the records of the case
that would serve as basis for the Petition for Annulment under Rule 47 of the Rules of
Court. 25

Ruling of the CA

In the questioned Decision, the CA denied the Petition for Annulment and upheld the
validity of the service of Summons on petitioner Yap. The CA held that petitioner Yap's
evidence failed to rebut the presumption of regularity, i.e., that she failed to satisfactorily
establish the fact that she was residing elsewhere during the time of the service of
Summons, contrary to what was stated in the Return of Service. 26

In her Motion for Reconsideration dated April 15, 2008, 27 petitioner Yap claimed that the CA
"overlooked very important documents which, if taken into consideration, could materially
affect the decision it first arrived at". 28 In its Resolution dated February 23, 2011, the CA
denied petitioner Yap's Motion for Reconsideration for lack of merit. 29

Hence, this Petition.

Proceedings before the SC

On June 9, 2011, respondent Lagtapon filed a Motion to Dismiss, 30 which was noted without
action by the Court in its Resolution dated October 19, 2011. 31 Thus, in her Comment dated
January 12, 2012,32 respondent Lagtapon raised the sole issue of whether the remedy of
Annulment of Judgment could still be availed of by petitioner Yap on the ground that "[ e ]
xtrinsic [ f]raud cannot be a valid ground if it was not availed of in a Motion for [New] Trial
or Petition [f]or Relief of Judgment".33

Accordingly, Yap filed her Reply dated September 1 7, 2012, 34

which was duly noted by the
Court in a Resolution dated October 22, 2012.35

At issue in this case is whether the CA committed reversible error in dismissing the Petition
for Annulment and ruling that the RTC had validly acquired jurisdiction over petitioner Yap's
person through service of summons.

The Court's Ruling

The Petition is denied.

In resolving the principal issue of this case, the Court shall separately discuss the matters
raised by the opposing sides according to their nature.

I. Procedural Matters

Questions of fact are not cognizable in a Rule 45 petition.

At its core, the instant controversy hinges on whether Summons was validly served upon
petitioner Yap or not. As discussed above, the parties' claims are diametrically opposing:
on the one hand, petitioner Yap denies any service of Summons on her person, while on
the other, the RTC's process server, Precioso, attests to having served Summons on
petitioner Yap herself. Resolving this issue would thus necessitate a re-examination and re-
weighing of the evidence on record.

In this regard, it has been repeatedly held by the Court that an appeal by certiorari under
Rule 45 of the Rules is limited in its scope - the Court may only entertain questions of
law36 as jurisdiction over factual questions has been devolved to the trial courts as a matter
of efficiency and practicality in the administration of justice. As an arbiter of laws, the Court
is not expected to recalibrate the evidence already considered by inferior courts. 37 More
importantly, to the extent that the evidence on record amply support the factual findings of
the trial court, such findings are deemed conclusive and will not be disturbed on
appeal. 38 On this score alone, the Petition, for raising factual issues, may already be
denied pursuant to the Court's discretionary appellate jurisdiction.

The remedy of annulment of judgment under Rule 47 of the Rules is based either on
extrinsic fraud or lack of jurisdiction.

In her Comment dated January 12, 2012, respondent Lagtapon insists that the instant
Petition should be dismissed on the ground that the same is based on extrinsic fraud and
that petitioner Yap's failure to avail of the remedies of new trial or petition for relief from
judgment on such ground bars a resort to the remedy of annulment of judgment. 39

Respondent Lagtapon's argument is misplaced.

The remedy of annulment of judgment, embodied in Rule 4 7 of the Rules, is extraordinary

in character, and does not so easily and readily lend itself to abuse by parties aggrieved by
final judgments. The grounds for a Rule 4 7 petition are: (i) extrinsic fraud and (ii) lack of
jurisdiction. 40 Extrinsic fraud cannot be a valid ground if it had been availed of, or could
have been availed of, in a motion for new trial or petition for relief. 41 On the other hand,
lack of jurisdiction means either lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter or nature of the
action, or lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. 42

In the Petition filed by petitioner Yap, she did not specify her exclusive reliance on extrinsic
fraud as basis of her Petition under Rule 47. To be precise, petitioner Yap's claim of
defective service of Summons brings to fore the lack of jurisdiction of the RTC over her

Moreover, the Court agrees with the position of petitioner Yap that she could no longer
avail of the remedies of new trial or petition for relief from judgment because, as borne out
by the records, she alleged to have become aware of the RTC Decision on October 11,
2000 at the latest, at the time when a writ of execution had already been issued. 44Clearly,
the remedies of appeal or new trial were no longer available to petitioner Yap. Under the
Rules, execution shall issue upon the expiration of the period to appeal therefrom, if no
appeal has been duly perfected. 45 In the same manner, a motion for new trial can only be
filed within the period for taking an appeal. 46 Under the present circumstances, by the time
petitioner Yap acquired knowledge of the proceedings, the period for perfecting an appeal
had already lapsed. Likewise, the remedy of a petition for relief was no longer available,
considering that a writ of execution had already been issued as early as May 22, 1998,
which was already more than six (6) months after petitioner Yap acquired knowledge of the
RTC Decision.47

II. Substantive Matters

Be that as it may, even if the foregoing rules were to be relaxed in the interest of
substantial justice, the Court finds no reason to arrive at a conclusion different from that
reached by the CA. Upon judicious review of the records, the Court rules that the CA
committed no reversible error in finding that Summons had been validly served on
petitioner Yap.

The Court explains.

It is axiomatic that a public official enjoys the presumption of regularity in the discharge of
one's official duties and functions. 48 Here, in the absence of clear indicia of partiality or
malice, the service of Summons on petitioner Yap is perforce deemed regular and valid.
Correspondingly, the Return of Service of Precioso as process server of the RTC
constitutes prima facie evidence of the facts set out therein. 49

The Return of Service states:

Respectfully returned to the Officer-in-Charge of this Court the herein-attached Summons

dated October 15, 1997, DULY SERVED with the following information, to wit:

That on November 4, 1997 at about 4:35 p.m., the undersigned served a copy of the
complaint, its annexes as well as the Summons to the defendant Susan A. Yap,
personally, but she refused to sign said

Summons despite the undersigned's explanation to her but nevertheless, the undersigned
tendered and leave (sic) a copy for her.

For the information of this Honorable Court.

Bacolod City, November 4, 1997.50 (Emphasis supplied)

Hence, as far as the circumstances attendant to the service of Summons are concerned,
the Court has the right to rely on the factual representation of Precioso that service had
indeed been made on petitioner Yap in person. A contrary rule would reduce the Court to a
mere fact-finding tribunal at the expense of efficiency in the administration of justice, which,
as mentioned earlier, is beyond the ambit of the Court's jurisdiction in a Rule 45 petition.
To successfully overcome such presumption of regularity, case law demands that the
evidence against it must be clear and convincing; absent the requisite quantum of proof to
the contrary, the presumption stands deserving of faith and credit. 51 In this case, the
burden of proof to discharge such presumption lay with petitioner Yap. 52

In her Petition, petitioner Yap makes much of the failure of Precioso to include the place of
service in his Return, contrary to Section 18, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court, 53 relying on the
pronouncements in Santiago Syjuco, Inc. v. Castro. 54 Notably, however, the circumstances
attendant in that case are not on all fours with the facts at hand. In Syjuco, which cited
Delta Motor Sales Corporation v. Mangosing, 55 the service of Summons involved a juridical
entity and the crux of the defect there was the process server's failure to properly identify
the person served inasmuch as Section 11 of Rule 14 of the Rules provides an exclusive
list of persons that may be served Summons when the defendant is a corporation. Here,
the disputed service of Summons was made personally upon Yap as defendant in CC No.
97-9991 and was made pursuant to Section 6 of the said Rule.

Moreover, and as previously adverted to, while such detail was indeed lacking in the said
Return, the Court cannot ignore the fact that Precioso subsequently executed an Affidavit
supplying the place of service, which, to the mind of this Court, constitutes substantial
compliance with the Rules. On this note, the Court agrees with the following disquisition of
the CA:

Petitioner puts in issue the place of her residence at the time of the alleged personal
service of summons on her. However it is clear from the foregoing provisions of the Rules
of Court that where there is personal service of summons, the place is of no moment. The
place becomes material only where the service is by substituted service for in such a case
the rule requires, in explicit manner, that the summons be served only either at the
defendant's residence or his office/place of business. Insofar as personal service is
concerned, what matters is that the defendant has been personally put on notice regarding
the institution of an action against him and was furnished with copy (sic) of the summons
and the complaint. Service to be done personally does not mean that service is possible
only at the defendant's actual residence. 56

This presumption of regularity accorded to Precioso' s Return of Service of Summons was,

however, according to Petitioner Yap, sufficiently rebutted by the following pieces of

(i) Affidavits of her neighbors attesting to the fact that Yap had been residing in "Frankfurt
Street, Sunshine Valley Subdivision, Barangay Estefania, Bacolod City" beginning June

(ii) Utility receipts bearing the name of her alleged landlord, Liberato Reyes; 59

(iii) Mail matters from the RTC (i.e., Orders dated January 12, 1998 and February 10,
1998) in envelopes which had handwritten notations reading "UNCLAIMED". 60

Directly addressing this argument, the CA, in the questioned Decision, ruled that the above
evidence was insufficient to support the claim that petitioner Yap was residing elsewhere at
the time of the service of Summons and therefore inadequate to overcome the
presumption of regularity. 61 The Court agrees.

With respect to item (i), petitioner Yap would want the Court to rely on statements allegedly
made by petitioner Yap's neighbors with respect to a purported lease contract between
petitioner Yap and her landlord in lieu of a statement from the landlord himself. In the first
place, the records are bereft of any lease contract involving the residence in the Sunshine
Valley address. The Court affirms the following observations of the CA on this matter:

Petitioner contends that when the summons was allegedly served on her on 4 November
1997, she was not residing at both addresses given by private respondent but at Frankfurt
Street, Sunshine Valley Subdivision. The said alleged fact was not established by
petitioner to the Court's satisfaction. No contract of lease covering her lease of the
said place was given by petitioner. To prove the alleged lease, mere affidavits of
alleged neighbors of her in the said area were submitted. The affidavits of petitioner's
witnesses were executed in October 2000 and both affiants made the impression that they
could very well recall that petitioner's lease of the residential unit started in June of 1997
(and not other month of that year, for that matter). Nothing in said affidavits would explain
why both affiants were able to retain that particular time in their minds as the date when
petitioner commenced her lease of the aforesaid dwelling place. No affidavit from the
supposed lessor was submitted. Petitioner put as an excuse her former lessor's
reluctance to get involved in the case. To the mind of the Court, the refusal of the
said lessor to execute an affidavit for the alleged term, only casts more doubt on
petitioner's claim to this effect.

W[e] also wonder why petitioner agreed to lease the said place from Mr. Reyes from June,
1997 up to September, 1999 without any written lease contract. Petitioner herself is a

lessor and she is that kind whose lease of her property even for a short time is covered by
a written agreement as illustrated by two samples of such contract she attached to her
petition involving her property at Herminia Street, one is for one year while the other, for a
shorter term of six (6) months.62 (Emphasis supplied)

While it is true that the trial court cannot dictate what particular evidence the parties must
present in order to prove their respective cases, the fact remains that petitioner Yap is still
bound to present clear and convincing evidence to support her claims. Proceeding
therefrom, the Court remains unconvinced that petitioner Yap had not and could not have
been served Summons as specifically detailed in the Return of Service.

As to item (ii), petitioner Yap implores the Court to examine Central Negros Electric Coop.,
Inc. Provisionary Receipt No. 156556 dated November 12, 1997 63 and BACIWA Official
Receipt No. 1738502 dated September 8, 199764 that are attached to a Letter dated
February 16, 199865 purportedly written by Liberato Reyes and addressed to petitioner Yap.

However, examining the above documents, the Court finds them severely lacking in
establishing petitioner Yap's residence in the Sunshine Valley address. First of all, both
receipts do not indicate any address corresponding to the purported utility expenses
incurred by petitioner Yap during the alleged lease. In the same manner, no address was
mentioned in the Letter dated February 16, 1998 - what the Letter simply contained were
vague statements regarding the collection of rentals.

Based on the said documents, it would be impossible for the Court to determine where
petitioner Yap had her residence at the time Summons was served on her person. Granting
that there was indeed a lessor-lessee relationship between petitioner Yap and Liberato
Reyes, there is no showing that the property subject of the lease was "Frankfurt Street,
Sunshine Valley Subdivision, Barangay Estefania, Bacolod City" and no place else. While it
may be true that Liberato Reyes was a lessor of petitioner Yap, there is no way for this
Court to know whichaddress the latter was occupying specifically, for it may very well be
that Liberato Reyes had other properties at the time the alleged lease was entered into.
Moreover, that the handwritings thereon were indeed those of Liberato Reyes was not
even satisfactorily established.
Most significant, however, is the glaring fact that the Letter was dated several months after
the service of Summons on November 4, 1997. As pointedly stressed by the CA, that
petitioner Yap was residing in a place owned by Liberato Reyes on February 16, 1998 is
immaterial in proving her residence at an earlier time, i.e., November 4, 1997. 66

Taken together, the above pieces of evidence do not, in any respect, tend to establish the
fact that petitioner Yap was not served Summons on November 4, 1997 in "Frankfurt
Street, Hesusa Village, Bacolod City".67

Finally, as regards item (iii), the Court finds that the mail matters from the RTC bearing
handwritten notations "UNCLAIMED" are highly inconclusive to establish her non-
residence at the Hesusa Village address, let alone her residence at the Sunshine Valley
address, considering that they involved orders dated after the service of Summons on
November of 1997. On the other hand, what is present in the records is evidence of receipt
of the Motion to Declare in Default dated December 16, 1997 via JRS Express by a certain
"Tommy Lim," albeit denied by petitioner Yap. 68

All told, the Court hereby upholds the finding of the CA in its questioned Decision that
petitioner Yap's evidence does not constitute clear and convincing evidence to overturn the
presumption of regularity attendant to the Return of Service. Following Umandap v. Sabio,
Jr., 69 self-serving assertions made by an aggrieved party are insufficient to disregard the
statements made in the sheriff's certificate after service of Summons. In light of petitioner
Yap's failure to rebut such presumption, the Court finds that the RTC properly acquired
jurisdiction over petitioner Yap's person, which renders the RTC Decision valid.
Accordingly, the CA correctly dismissed the subject Petition for Annulment.

WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the Court resolves to DENY the instant
Petition and AFFIRM in toto the Decision dated July 27, 2006 and Resolution dated
February 23, 2011 of the Court of Appeals - Twentieth (20th) Division in CA-G.R. SP No.



Associate Justice



Chief Justice

Associate Justice
Associate Justice

Associate Justice


Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in
the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
Chief Justice

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