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A. Reflection Give Blood, Save Lives: A Hero in The Eye of Beholder

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1G-MT MARCH 22, 2019

A. Reflection


During the Pharmacy Week, our class was tasked to participate and/or observe the blood donation
drive hosted by the Red Cross Youth Council (RCYC) in cooperation with the Organization of Medical
Technology Interns (OMTI) at the University of Santo Tomas. The blood drive, held in the lobby area of the
Tan Yan Kee (TYK) Building on March 12-13, 2019, is an annual event in the Pharmacy Week celebration.
It aims to raise awareness among students that they can save lives and improve the health of others by
donating blood; also, it encourages the students to donate blood without compensation and to support the
operation of safe and reliable blood services. The collected blood from the students will be used for the
benefit of the patients in the partner health institutions of the university where 4th year B.S. Medical
Technology students spend their internship year.

Our block was scheduled to observe last Tuesday, March 12, 2019, from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM in
the said activity area. During that event, we were able to observe quickly the materials and equipment used
in the screening of donors and the blood letting procedure itself. Unfortunately, we were asked by the
security officers to vacate the area and prohibited by the medical volunteers to take detailed pictures of the
materials and procedure because it violates the privacy of the patients and the volunteers themselves.
However, I was given the chance to take pictures that I ought to share with my classmates which is more
convenient and prevents disturbance towards the procedure being performed by medical volunteers, as
well as the promotion of patient comfortability.

In spite of this happening, some of my blockmates volunteered to donate but they did not qualify
due to certain conditions such as their weight, menstruation period and medicine intake. However, two of
them qualified and were able to donate blood. They told us the feeling of bloodletting—which is painful by
the time they inserted the needle, and a bit draining. We have seen how the medical volunteers performed
the procedure and it was done thoroughly. The volunteers were very accommodating, careful and organized
when attending patients and performing the procedure. Based on my observation, the bloodletting
procedure is not as daunting as what I have expected because of how they treat the patients. They assist
the patients with care, promotes respect for confidentiality, and ensures their safety while doing the

After such, I came up with the realization that people, including me, should not be afraid of donating
blood because it only takes a small amount of time and a little sacrifice to help save a person. Imagine, it
only takes at least 10-15 minutes to save three meaningful lives, and it is only a pint of blood wherein you
can make a difference to a person’s life. Oftentimes, life is worth living if we know how to make sacrifices
for the betterment of others. It is not always about ourselves, but also to the common good of the people,
especially those who are in need. But, we should always remember to take care of ourselves because it is
true that “health is wealth” and how could we manage to help others if we cannot help ourselves.

We should always remember that blood drawn from our body could be regenerated, but a life taken
from the body could not be brought back. Let this meaningful activity serve as a lesson to every one of us,
especially among healthcare professionals who are the future of our nation. It is our duty to deliver the
utmost quality of healthcare towards our patients, and it is our dedication to serve the underserved people
of our community.
B. Materials and Equipment used in Blood Donation


Blood Pressure Monitor This instrument is used to
(Sphygmomanometer) measure the blood
pressure, particularly in
This includes a stethoscope, arteries of the patient to
inflatable rubber cuff, bulb determine if he/she is fit for
which inflates the cuff, valve the bloodletting procedure.
which releases pressure, A very high or low blood
and a graduated monitor pressure would indicate that
scale. the person is not in the right
condition to participate in
the blood donation drive.
Evacuated Tubes (Red-top The red-top tube is used to
and EDTA/Purple-top contain blood, it has clot
Tubes) activator that promotes
blood clotting with silica
These containers have particles. While the EDTA
specific use and contains tube contains anticoagulant,
additive that are in important which prevents blood from
for certain blood assays. The clotting by binding to the
red-top tube is silicone- calcium in the blood.
coated and the purple-top
tube contains EDTA
Blood Donor Beds These beds are designed to
provide a higher level of
These foldable beds, which adjustability and comfort for
are made out of steel frames patients during phlebotomy
and highly durable cloth are procedures or longer
designed for use in blood treatments.
donation or collection
facilities. These are able to
accommodate patients in a
range of body sizes; donor
beds offer support for the
entire body and easily
transition between positions.
Sharps Container and The purpose of these two
Yellow Plastic Bag materials is to contain
infectious bloodletting
The sharps container is a sharps and wastes which
puncture-proof plastic are contaminated with
container that contains used blood. The sharps container
needles and broken glass. is used to prevent the waste
On the other hand, the yellow collectors and hospital staffs
plastic bag indicates that the from getting needlestick
waste is infectious and injuries while the yellow
should be disposed in the plastic bag is used to
correct disposal site of contain infectious wastes
hospital waste. which could harm the
people who are directly
exposed to it.
Cotton Jars These are being used to
contain cotton balls needed
These jars are usually made for the application of 70%
out of stainless-steel alloy. isopropyl alcohol in the
puncture site.

Syringe The purpose of the syringe

is to withdraw blood from the
A single-use medical device vein which is necessary for
which is a widely known blood screening purposes to
delivery system consisting of determine if the blood is fit
a graduated barrel, hub, for donation and/or
plunger, and the needle. transfusion.

Personal Protective The purpose of these PPE is

Equipment (PPE) to protect the healthcare
worker, specifically the
In bloodletting or in a blood phlebotomist, and the
bank laboratory, PPE patient from acquiring
commonly include face infections and prevent the
masks, lab gowns, and spread germs in the working
disposable nitrile area.
examination gloves. PPE
should be worn when there is
contact with blood and other
bodily fluids.
Tourniquet A tourniquet is used by the
phlebotomist to assess and
This is a constricting or determine the location of a
compressing device made suitable vein for
up of rubber that is being venipuncture.
used to control arterial and
venous blood flow to a
portion of an extremity for a
period of time.
Blood Grouping Antisera These are used to
determine the blood type of
There are three antisera the patient which gives
used in determining ABO information if he/she can
Blood Groups, namely; Anti- safely donate blood or
A (blue), Anti-B (yellow), and receive a blood transfusion
Anti-AB (clear).
Blood Transfusion Bags These blood transfusion
bags are designed to store
These are typically made out blood withdrawn from a
of sturdy clear plastic and volunteer for short periods
their insides are coated with of time.
various preservatives
(anticoagulants) and are
sterile to ensure that
the blood remains viable
until it is needed for a

Blood Bag Needle and The purpose of this needle

Collection Tube and tube set is to allow safe
and smooth transfer of
Needles used in blood blood from the vein to the
transfusions are usually blood transfusion bag.
gauge-16 or 17 to prevent
hemolysis of blood because
lower pressure is less
harmful to red blood cells
(RBCs) and it also allows
more blood to be collected in
a shorter time. The collection
is a flexible plastic that allows
transfer of blood from the
vein towards the blood bag.
Blood Donor’s Form This is being done to make
a legal agreement between
This form is filled out upon the donor and the blood
arrival at the blood collection collection facility, and also
site while being interviewed to know if the patient is
regarding the donor’s health suitable for the procedure.

Phlebotomy Tray (Toolbox This tray is a compact,

Type) efficient way to store and
transport the essential
It contains all the materials materials for phlebotomy.
needed in performing
venipuncture or phlebotomy,
which makes the work easier
and more organized.
Skin Antiseptics These are used to clean and
disinfect the site for
This set contains cotton venipuncture in order to
balls, gauze pads (not shown prevent infection or
in the picture), 70% isopropyl contamination which may
alcohol, and a surgical affect the sample collected,
adhesive tape. and the results (if for
testing). The adhesive tape
and gauze pads are used
after the procedure to cover
the puncture wound to
prevent it from
Portable Hemoglobin The purpose of using this
Analyzer device in blood screening is
to test the hemoglobin and
This device is palm-sized, hematocrit component of
making it easily the donor’s blood. This
transportable, and ideal for determines whether the
use in any screening setting donor is anemic or not.
even in challenging climatic

Stress Ball Squeezing the stress ball

promotes blood flow from
This is a malleable toy made within muscles into
out of gel, clay or form which superficial veins and thus
is squeezed by the hand and increased venous pressure,
manipulated by the fingers. keeping the veins full and
blood flowing.

Weighing Scale This is used to determine if

the volunteer donor is fit for
This is a device for the blood donation
measuring the weight of an procedure. It is important to
object, typically a person. consider several factors
such as age and weight (at
least 110 pounds) before
performing the procedure to
the potential donor.

*Photo was downloaded from the Internet

because it was not photographed during
the event.
C. Donor Interview Questions

The following questions were asked to all interested and potential donors in the blood drive:

1. Are you feeling healthy today?

2. Currently taking medication?
3. Have you received any vaccinations? If so, how long ago?
4. Have you taken aspirin or anything that has aspirin in it?
5. Have you donated blood, platelet or plasma in the last 12 weeks?

In the last 12 months:

6. Have you had a blood transfusion?
7. Have you had surgery or surgical dental extraction?
8. Had a tattoo, ear, body piercing, needle stick incident, accidental contact with blood, or
9. Had sexual contact with high risk individuals?
10. Had sexual contact for monetary or material gain?
11. Had sexual contact with anyone from abroad?
12. Have you engaged in casual sex?
13. Have you lived with a person with hepatitis?
14. Have you been imprisoned?
15. Have your relatives ever had mad cow disease?

Have you ever:

16. Lived outside your place of residence?
17. Lived outside the Philippines?
18. Used needles to take drugs, steroids, or anything not prescribed by a doctor?
19. used clotting factor concentrates?
20. Had a positive test for HIV/AIDS virus, syphilis, hepatitis, or malaria?
21. Had hepatitis?
22. Had malaria?
23. Been told to treat a genital wart, syphilis, gonorrhea, other STDs?
24. Had any type of cancer?
25. Had any problems with your heart or lungs?
26. Had a bleeding condition or blood disease?
27. Are you giving blood because you wanted to be tested for HIV or Hepatitis?
28. Are you aware that if you have the AIDS, or hepatitis, virus, you can give it to someone else
though you may feel well and a negative HIV/hepatitis test?
29. How many hours did you sleep?
30. Have you eaten your previous meal?

Additional questions asked to female donors:

 Do/Did you have menstruation period today/in the past 7 days?
 Are you expecting for your menstruation period to come (starting today and/or in the next
7 days)?

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