Blood Donation: SMJK Kwang Hua, Klang Project Base Learning 2
Blood Donation: SMJK Kwang Hua, Klang Project Base Learning 2
Blood Donation: SMJK Kwang Hua, Klang Project Base Learning 2
NAME : Look Yu Qi
YEAR : 2021
Problem Statements
The importance of blood donation.
The criteria that needed by someone to be a blood
Benefits of blood donation to the donors.
Issues regarding blood donation.
Methods in blood managements in terms of storing
the blood samples.
Can a person who is vaccinated with COVID-19
vaccine donate their blood to others person? Explain.
1 “Whole blood” includes red blood cells, white blood cells,
platelets and plasma. Whole blood donations are typically
used to help patients fight cancer, blood disorders and
traumatic injuries. Since three different components are
provided by a single donation, three different people may
be helped by it.
Someone to be a Blood
You are healthy on the day you wish to donate blood.
You are 18 to 65 years old. (Those above 17-years-old
can donate with the consent of their guardians or parents)
You weigh above 45kg.
You slept for more than five hours the day before.
You have eaten some food in the past four hours before
the blood donation.
It has been at least three months after your last blood
You do not have any medical problems. (You can discuss
them with the medical officer present if you have them.)
You are not on any medications.
For women, you are not having your period for the past
three days.
You are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
You are not a MSM (a man who has sex with men).
You do not take part in high-risk behaviours (e.g. have
multiple sexual partners – more than one within six
months, or have sex with sex workers.)
You do not have tattoos, ear/body piercing or
acupuncture within 12 months.
ts of
The cell depletion occurs due to blood donation, forces the body
to produce new cells within 48 hours, thereby freshening up the
entire body system. Within just one or two months, a donor
regains his lost blood. Thus, donating blood is in another way, a
step towards revitalizing your body.
Lowers the risk of cancer. Offloading a batch of your blood
means reducing iron stores in your body. Iron has been
associated with cancer causing free-radicals. The group that
donated a couple times a year lowered their iron levels and
therefore their risk of getting cancer is lower compared to the
non-donor group.
When a needle pricks a vein, there’s always a chance that some bruising will occur around
the site where the needle was inserted. For that reason, bruising is common among blood
Continued Bleeding
When a blood donation is complete, a healthcare provider will remove the needle from your
Methods in Blood
Managements in
terms of Storing the
Blood Samples
Blood is a life,
pass it on!