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TASK-1 BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work

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BSBPMG522 Undertake project work


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Project brief
Project title
MLR code of conduct enhancement.

Project purpose

Based on previous analysis, the company had a few unlikely characteristics which are not good to be kept and in needs of
enhancement. As a preferred contractor, Ace consultant has been tasked to manage a project in order to fulfil their needs of

Background and strategic context

The primary focus of the project is to make sure that all the MLR’s stakeholder and agent are following their policy and work
ethics thoroughly. This project is necessary in order to act from the customer and client’s complaint about the company’s bad
code of conduct. We will conduct a few sets of lectures to remind their code of conduct and make a few changes if needed on
it. After that, we will launch a system to get a life feedback on how they work and sustain the good code of conduct in the
company if it’s needed. The main outcome of the project is increasing the company reputation.


● Explaining to the key stakeholder of their legal obligation that need to fulfil and their commitment to it.

● Review and if needed update the company policy

● Installing and introducing the live feedback system and call monitoring

Related projects

Previous WHS project and most of the company current project as this is high level project and in need of everyone’s
commitment for it to success.

Project client/owner

Max Lionel Realty

Project sponsor

Board of director and the CEO, Max Lionel

Project manager


Project status

We have done the analysis of current business performance and having a cleared view of project scope. Based on our
experiences, we could assume that this project will be success by the end of the year. A few constraints of this project that we
could conclude is the willingness of the employees to actively participate in this event and clashing with the company’s daily
business activity.

Special provisions

As a member of Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), Max Lionel Realty must follow their Code of Conduct and legislation.

Project approvals

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Project Client/Owner Other

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Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: Max Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Lionel Realty Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project brief Page 2 of 23

Page 3 of 23
Project scope document

In Scope Out of scope (exclusions) Assumptions Constraints

Hire place Continuous improvement The project is within

techniques budget of $15 000
Making proposed Individual acceptance
budget Frequent monitor of the The project will be of the good ethics
deliverability post- finished by the end of
Planning staf Individual daily bad
project the year
Risk analysis
At least 90% of the
Workspace bad
Initiate the live company’s employees
feedback system attend the lecture
Conducting the The board of director
courses will give full support
during project
Having IT
department to All managerial director
record all the call will give full support
inside company during the project
telephone line
The employees will
proactively gather
feedback from the
customer on their

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: Max Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Lionel Realty Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Scope Page 4 of 23
Lionel Ahmad

Stakeholder analysis

Page 4 of 23
Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/by project,
(client, end-user) requirements, success

General Time management End-user and Agents Achieve excellent time

employees management

General Legal requirement End-user and Agents Their word will be based on
employees the legislation and not just to
please the clients with
impossible conduct

General Cultural diversity End-user No discrimination on

employees differences of races and

Max Lionel Authorise the project CEO As an example to the

and participate on employees as their CEO is
the course doing a good conduct

Kim Sweeney Assign the time for Operation general Everyone can pause their
employees to manager work and participate in the
conduct the lectures lecture

Les Goodale Project coordination HR manager Successful review of

company policy and
management system

Sam Lee Allowing and Manager Residential Project success is more

monitoring the Realty thorough
participation of
residential agent

Pat Misfud Allowing and Manager Commercial Project success is more

monitoring the Realty thorough
participation of
commercial agent

Ahmad Project management Consultant Manage the project

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Stakeholder analysis Page 5 of 23

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Communication plan
What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods

Initiation All Gather information for FIRST Meeting.

meeting stakeholders. initiation plan. Before project start
Distribut All Distribute plan to alert Before kick-off Project snapshot
e project stakeholders. stakeholders of project meeting. distributed via
initiation scope and to gain buy in. Before project start hard copy or
plan date. electronically.
May be posted
on project
Project All Communicate plans and At or near project Meeting.
kick-of stakeholders. stakeholder roles/ start date.
Encourage communication
among stakeholders.
Status All stakeholders Update stakeholders on Regularly scheduled. Distribute status
reports and project progress of the project. Weekly is report
office. recommended for electronically
small-medium and post via
projects. website.

Team Entire project To review detailed plans Regularly scheduled. Meeting:

meetings team. (tasks, assignments, and Weekly is detailed plan.
Individual action items). recommended for
meetings for entire team. Weekly
sub-teams as or bi-weekly for
appropriate. sub-teams as
Sponsor Sponsor/s and Update sponsor/s on status Regularly scheduled. Meeting.
meetings Project and discuss critical issues. Recommended
Manager. Seek approval for changes bi-weekly or monthly
to project plan. and also as needed
when issues cannot
be resolved or
changes need to be
made to project plan.
Project Title: MLR code of conduct enhancement Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Communication Page 6 of
plan 23

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Roles and responsibilities

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s


Project client/owner MLR Get service from consultant for

their own beneficiary

Project sponsor/project Max Lionel Fulfils the needs of the project

director/project board manager in providing project
funding, resolves issues and
scope changes, approves major
deliverables and provides high-
level direction

Project manager Ahmad Leads the planning and the

development of all project
deliverables. The project manager
is responsible for managing the
budget and schedule and all
project management procedures

Manager of the project Les Goodale Monitor the work of project

manager manager to ensure they follow
the regulation and have the work

Project team members HR department Understand the work to do

Completing assigned work within
the budget, timeline and quality
Informing the project manager of
issues, scope changes, risk and
quality concerns
Proactively communicating about
the project status

Steering committee/ Ace consultant Provides advice on the project

working party activities and adjust the current
one if needed

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Roles and Page 7 of 23
Lionel responsibilities

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Project snapshot

Project snapshot

Name of project: MLR code of conduct enhancement

Project purpose:

The objective of this project is to improve the code of conduct of MLR in their daily business activity.
This is necessary to improve the company’s reputation which received a lot of negative complaints
from the client. The problem is most of the employees does not follow the company’s policy
thoroughly and by time it become a bad habit which need to change.

Deliverables with timeframes Stakeholders

Conduction a set of courses and lectures for the
client on ethics and legal obligation on a date CEO, Operations General Manager,
specify by the HR manager. One day a week for two Managers, Agents, General employees,
Review the all current company’s policy and legality
and update it if needed and compliance with REIV
before the lecture
Installing the live feedback system into the company
within the period of the courses.
Record all the call inside the company telephone
line for training purposes within the period of the

Resources Risks
Company’s WHS policy Availability and transparency of company’s
policy and legal resource
Company’s procurement policy
Availability of all the employers to attend the
Company’s anti-discrimination policy
seminar within the allocated time
Hall facility and equipment for the lectures
Risk on the clashing with ongoing work
Food during the activity day within the project month which will change
the project deadline
Live feedback system’s equipment and software
Lack of participant from managers

Interdependencies Success criteria

Live feedback system which able to tell the
REIV code of conduct punctuality of the employees and their
customer’s review and records of call
recording service for the training purpose.

Project Title: MLR code of conduct enhancement Project Client: Date: 1 Aug 2019
MLR Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Ahmad File Name: Project snapshot Page 8 of 23

Page 8 of 23
Work breakdown structure

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Task 1
Gather the company’s policy
and legal obligation

Sub-task 1.1
Review the policy

Work item 1.1.1

Comply it with REIV

Work item 1.1.2

Make change if necessary

Work item 1.1.3

Get approval from Board of

Sub-task 1.2
Review the legal obligation

Work item 1.2.1

Comply it with REIIV

Work item 1.2.2

Make change if necessary

Work item 1.2.3

Get approval from Board of

Task 2
Conducting courses and
installing the system

Sub-task 2.1
Conduct courses and lecture

Work item 2.1.1

Giving one day lecture on the
code of conduct and legislation

Work item 2.1.2

One day courses on how to use
the new live feedback system

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Work item 2.1.3
Six days courses on reviewing
the code of conduct based on
data collected from the system
and improvise over period of 2

Sub-task 2.2
Installing live feedback system

Work item 2.2.1

Testing the system (hardware
and software)

Work item 2.2.2

Collecting data

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: WBS Page 10 of

Lionel 23

Page 10 of 23
Project plan

Project title:
MLR code of conduct enhancement

Project purpose

Based on previous analysis, we uncovered that the company had a few unlikely characteristics which are not good to be kept
and in needs of enhancement. As a preferred contractor, Ace consultant has been tasked to manage a project in order to fulfil
their needs of changing.

Background and strategic context

The primary focus of the project is to make sure that all the MLR’s stakeholder and agent are following their policy thoroughly.
This project is necessary in order to act from the customer and client’s complaint about the company’s bad code of conduct.
We will conduct a few sets of lectures to remind their code of conduct and legal obligation. Then, make a set of reviews on
how they are doing their work based on the telephone records and live feedback system. The main outcome of the project is
to enhance the company’s key stakeholders code of conduct and increasing the company reputation.

Other related projects

Previous WHS project and most of the company current project as this is high level project and in need of everyone’s
commitment for it to success.

Project objective

Max Lionel Realty will undergo a course of improving their code of conduct in their daily business activity. This project will be
done during the working hour at the company venue with participant of all company’s stakeholders. The project will be
completed by the end of 2019.

Scope including key deliverables

In scope.
● Hire place

● Making proposed budget

● Planning staf

● Risk analysis

● Initiate the live feedback system

● Conducting the courses

● Having IT department to record all the call inside company telephone line

Out of scope.
● Continuous improvement techniques

● Frequent monitor of the deliverability post-project

● The project is within budget of $15 000

● The project will be finished by the end of the year

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● At least 90% of the company’s employees attend the lecture

● The board of director will give full support during project

● All managerial director will give full support during the project

● The employees will proactively gather feedback from the customer on their conduct

● Individual acceptance of the good ethics

● Individual daily bad habits

● Workspace bad culture

All the role and responsibilities are stated above

Project client/owner
Max Lionel Realty

Project sponsor
Max Lionel

Project Manager

Manager of the project manager

Ace consultant manager

Project team members

Project manager, Ace consultant, Operation general manager, motivator, lecturer, IT, CEO, HR manager

Key stakeholders
Item Milestone date Responsibility CEO, Operation GM,
Gather the company’s policy and legal obligation 31 Aug 2019 Consultant, HR manager HR manager,
Residential Manager,
Review the policy and legal obligation 7 Sept 2019 Consultant Commercial
Manager, Agents,
Comply them with REIV 14 Sept 2019 Consultant General employees.
Make changes if necessary 21 Sept 2019 Consultant
Get approval from BoD 30 Sept 2019 Consultant, CEO

Conducting lecture on code of conduct and 6 Oct 2019 Lecturer, consultant


Conducting course for the new implemented 7 Oct 2019 Tutor, consultant

Conducting review course 30 Nov 2019 Tutor, consultant

Installing and testing system 6 Oct 2019 IT

Page 12 of 23
Collecting data 30 Nov 2019 Consultant
Resource and cost plan
Deliverable/milestone/phase Resource Cost

Installing and testing feedback Equipment $5000


Conducting courses and lecture Hall $2500

Installing telephone voice recorder Equipment $500

Conducting courses and lecture People $5000

Policy and legal advice People $2000

Project risk assessment

Risk Level Management strategy

Availability and transparency of High Ace consultant confidentiality act.

company’s policy and legal
Work HR Manager to achieve a
better work result related to the
company’s documentation

Availability of all the employers to Medium The training day is also part of
attend the seminar within the work which count as work
allocated time attendance

Risk on the clashing with ongoing High Having operation general manager
work within the project month to assign the date according to the
which will change the project company working activity

Lack of participant from managers High Having a direct order from the
board of director

Page 13 of 23
Quality management plan

Item from WBS Agreed quality standard Recovery procedure

Gather the company’s policy and Yes -

legal obligation

Review the policy and legal Yes -


Comply them with REIV Yes -

Make changes if necessary Yes -

Get approval from BoD Yes -

Conducting lecture on code of Yes -

conduct and legislation

Conducting course for the new Yes -

implemented system

Conducting review course Yes -

Installing and testing system Yes -

Collecting data Yes -

Communications and reporting

Stakeholder Information required When required Format

All Project initiation plan Before project Meeting


All Stakeholder At project start Meeting

responsibilities on the date

All Project status report Weekly Electronic report on


Project team Review detailed project Weekly Meeting

plan and status

● status reports – electronically post on company website after the weekly project review meeting

● exception reports – gather during the weekly meeting from the project team member

● issues/risk log – track it on the live feedback software platform and create report for meeting

● variance requests – post on the feedback report system

● stakeholder needs analysis

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● work breakdown structure

● Gantt chart

● activities schedule

● budget/cash flow

● human resource planning schedule

● roles and responsibilities

● procurement schedule

● combined resources and cost schedule

● risk management plan

● quality management plan

● communications management plan.

Future related projects


Project approvals

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Project Plan Page 15 of
Lionel 23

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Gantt chart

Task/Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Gather the company’s policy /

and legal obligation

Review the policy and legal /


Comply them with REIV / /

Make changes if necessary / / /
Get approval from BoD / /
Conducting lecture on code of /
conduct and legislation

Conducting course for the new /

implemented system

Conducting review course / / / / / /

Installing and testing system /
Collecting data / / / / / /


Task 1 Task 5
Task 2 Task 6
Task 3 Task 7
Task 4 Task 8

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Gantt chart Page 16 of
Lionel 23

Activities schedule

Page 16 of 23
Comment/ status

Efort (hrs)

Phases &

Gather the Consultant Company 3 27 Aug 31 Aug 30 Aug
company’s policy , HR profile 2019 2019 2019
and legal obligation manager

Review the policy Consultant 8 3 Sept 7 Sept 12 Sept Overdue

and legal obligation 2019 2019 2019

Comply them with Consultant REIV 6 5 Sept 14 12 Sept

REIV profile 2019 Sept 2019

Make changes if Consultant 14 6 Sept 21 25 Sept Overdue

necessary 2019 Sept 2019

Get approval from Consultant 6 20 30 27 Sept

BoD , CEO Sept Sept 2019
2019 2019

Conducting lecture Lecturer, 12 2 Oct 6 Oct 3 Oct

on code of conduct consultant 2019 2019 2019
and legislation

Conducting course Tutor, Trackstar 6 4 Oct 7 Oct 4 Oct

for the new consultant system 2019 2019 2019

Conducting review Tutor, 36 8 Oct 30 Nov 30 Nov

course consultant 2019 2019

Installing and IT Manager 8 3 Oct 6 Oct 4 Oct

testing system 2019 2019 2019

Collecting data Consultant 40 5 Oct 30 Nov 30 Nov

2019 2019 2019

Project Title: MLR code of conduct enhancement Project Client: Date: 1 Aug 2019
MLR Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Activities Page 17 of
schedule 23

Page 17 of 23
Project Name: MLR code of conduct enhancement

Income Inc. GST Ex. GST

Consultation fees 15000 13636.36

Total income 15000 13636.36

Expense Inc. GST Ex. GST

Material 500 454.55

Hall and equipment 1000 909.09

Software and Hardware 5000 4545.45

Installation fee 500 454.55

Legal service 1000 909.09

Quality check up 1000 909.09

Consultation 4500 4090.91

Subtotal 13500 12272.73

Contingency (+10%) 1500 1363.64

TOTAL 15000 13636.36

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Budget Page 18 of

Lionel 23

Page 18 of 23
Risk register

Likelihood Impact Risk response

Risk Responsible
(H/M/L) (H/M/L) (contingency strategies)

Ace consultant
Availability and
confidentiality act.
transparency of
company’s policy and M H Work HR Manager to
legal resource achieve a better work HR manager
result related to the
company’s documentation

Availability of all the

employers to attend The training day is also
the seminar within the Operation
M M part of work which count
allocated time manager
as work attendance

Risk on the clashing

with ongoing work
within the project Having operation general
month which will manager to assign the Operation
change the project date according to the manager
deadline company working activity

Lack of participant
and support from Having a direct order from
managers L H CEO
the board of director

Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 1 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: File Name: Risk register Page 19 of
Lionel 23

Page 19 of 23
Risk assessment form

Project details

Project Name MLR code of conduct enhancement.

Project Manager: Ahmad

Risk details

Risk ID: R0005

Raised by: IT manager
Date raised: 4 Oct 2019

Description of risk:

Equipment failure. Software crashing. It will be impacting the project deliverable and budget.

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

Low High

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

Regularly check the battery condition of the tablet for the live feedback system.
Buying a software that will automatically controlling the charge and discharge rate of the tablet.
Contingency actions recommended:
Having a backup hardware in case of malfunction.

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
User manual for the required hardware and software

Signature: _______________________ Date: 4 /10 /2019


Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 10 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page 20 of

Max Lionel Ahmad Risk Assessment Form

Page 20 of 23
Project details

Project Name MLR code of conduct enhancement.

Project Manager: Ahmad

Risk details

Risk ID: R0002

Raised by: HR manager
Date raised: 4 Oct 2019

Description of risk:
Availability and transparency of company’s policy and legal resource

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

Medium High

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

Ace consultant confidentiality act.

Contingency actions recommended:

Work HR Manager to achieve a better work result related to the company’s documentation

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
Ace consultant confidentiality policy

Signature: _______________________ Date: 4 /10 /2019


Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 10 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 2

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page 20 of

Max Lionel Ahmad Risk Assessment Form

Page 21 of 23
Project details

Project Name MLR code of conduct enhancement.

Project Manager: Ahmad

Risk details

Risk ID: R0003

Raised by: Operation general manager
Date raised: 4 Oct 2019

Description of risk:
Availability of all the employers to attend the seminar within the allocated time

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

Medium Medium

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

The training day is also part of work which count as work attendance

Contingency actions recommended:

Having operation general manager to assign the date according to the company working activity

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
Daily work routines

Signature: _______________________ Date: 4 /10 /2019


Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 10 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 2

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page 20 of

Max Lionel Ahmad Risk Assessment Form

Page 22 of 23
Project details

Project Name MLR code of conduct enhancement.

Project Manager: Ahmad

Risk details

Risk ID: R0004

Raised by: Project manager
Date raised: 4 Oct 2019

Description of risk:
Lack of participant and support from managers

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

Low High

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

Consult with operation general manager

Contingency actions recommended:

Having a direct order from the board of director

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
Risk assessment plan

Signature: _______________________ Date: 4 /10 /2019


Project Title: MLR code of conduct Project Client: MLR Date: 10 Aug 2019
enhancement Version: 4

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page 20 of

Max Lionel Ahmad Risk Assessment Form

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