ECE-1002 Semiconductor Devices and Circu PDF
ECE-1002 Semiconductor Devices and Circu PDF
ECE-1002 Semiconductor Devices and Circu PDF
Semiconductor Devices
and Circuits
Winter Semester 2015-16
Raja Sellappan
Personal Details
Raja Sellappan
Associate Professor
Room no: TT218 H
Whatsapp: 7708283159
Raja Sellappan 2
Electron devices
Raja Sellappan 3
Electron devices
Raja Sellappan 4
Electron devices
Raja Sellappan 5
Electron devices
Resistors Ac7ve components
Passive components
Raja Sellappan 6
Electronic circuits
Raja Sellappan 7
Electronic circuits
Raja Sellappan 8
Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
• Semiconductor devices: Physical enPty made
of semiconductors that manipulates the flow
of electrons.
• Electronic circuits: ConnecPng different
electron devices by a conducPng material to
perform desired operaPons or to use it for
parPcular applicaPons (Amplifier, voltage
regulator, etc.)
Raja Sellappan 9
About the course
You will learn about
• Semiconductor basics: Energy band, charge carriers,
charge transport
• Diodes device physics, characterizaPon, and circuits that
use diodes.
• Bipolar Junc7on Transistor (BJT) device physics,
characterizaPon, and circuits that employ BJT.
• Metal-Oxide Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) device
physics, characterizaPon, and circuits that employ
• Non-Silicon based transistors (Advanced)
Raja Sellappan 10
ECE1002 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits L T P J C
! 3" 0" 0" 4" 4"
Prerequisite: None
• To give the students a solid background of solid state devices.
• To apply that knowledge to understand and develop simple electronic circuits.
• To design amplifiers under different configurations and study their parameters
• To study the devices under low frequency for small signals
• To simulate the above using soft tools and compare their output with hard-wired circuitry
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand the characteristics of semiconductor devices..
2. Ability to use the devices to build circuits for different applications.
3. Design circuits and demonstrate the operation by doing projects.
Text Books:
1. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith & Arun N. Chandorkar, Microelectronic Theory and
Applications, 5/ e, OUP, Chennai, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Robert F Pierret, ‘Semiconductor Device Fundamentals ’, Pearson Education 2006.
2. B G.Streetman and S.Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Education, Delhi, 2002.
3. A. Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 6/e, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Kanaan Kano, ‘Semiconductor Devices’, PHI, 2005.
4. D. A. Neamen, ‘ Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design’, 4 / e 2009
5. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata Jit, “Electronic devices and circuits” Tata
Mc Graw Hill 2nd Edition , 2007
Projects SLO:
6 and 13
Raja Sellappan 12
Raja Sellappan 16
Sodium street lamp Mercury street lamp
Raja Sellappan 17
Atomic Emission Spectrum
Raja Sellappan 18
Bohr’s Atomic Model
• 1. Electrons revolve around the nucleus only in certain definite circular
orbits, every orbit corresponding to a certain level of energy.
• 2. These orbits are labeled sta0onary orbits. Electrons could stay in these
staPonary orbits without radiaPng any energy.
• 3. The transfer of an electron from an orbit of lower energy (E1) to an
orbit of higher energy (E2) requires absorpPon of radiaPon by the atom,
while a fall from a higher energy level to a lower energy level orbit results
in the emission of radiaPon. This energy difference, whether absorbed or
emided, is
E2 − E1 = hυ
−q 4 m −13.6eV
Hydrogen atom E = 2 2 2 = 2
, n = 1, 2, 3....
8n h ε 0 n
Raja Sellappan 19
Atomic energy level
• No conPnuous energy
• Energy levels are discrete
• Electrons are occupied
only in the specific energy
• The electronic energy level
is unique to different
chemical elements.
Raja Sellappan 20
Max Planck Hypothesis
• In 1900, Max Planck suggested that the radiaPon QuanPzed energy (Discrete energy)
energy emided by vibraPon of atoms (hot body)
is quanPzed (only certain allowable energy is
possible) rather than conPnuous.
E = nhf smallest amount of
possible energy or quantum energy
h= proporPonality constant or Planck’s constant=6.626 x 10-34
m2 kg/s or Js
Reduced Planck's constant = h
• Max Planck laid foundaPon for the birth of
quantum or modern physics.
• Planck constant= Quantum of acPon
Raja Sellappan 21
Wave-ParPcle duality of Electrons
Electrons as a wave (1924): Louis de Broglie
MaNer waves: The waves associated with acceleraPng parPcles like electrons,
protons, etc.
Raja Sellappan 22
Schrödinger equaPon
Raja Sellappan 23
Schrödinger wave equaPon
1.Time-independent Schrödinger equaPon
The wave equaPon is a funcPon of posiPon
2.Time-dependent Schrödinger equaPon
The wave equaPon is a funcPon of Pme
Raja Sellappan 24
Physical significance of Schrödinger
• It is a soluPon of Schrödinger equaPons.
• WavefuncPon does not physically signify anything.
• It predicts analyPcally the probability of outcome or parPcle’s
• It is a complex quanPty.
• The square of the wave funcPon tells that the probability of
finding parPcle at a given locaPon and Pme is one.
∫ ψψ * d τ = ∫ dτ = 1
Raja Sellappan 25
Quantum Numbers
Raja Sellappan 26
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• No more than two electrons can have the
same quantum numbers.
Raja Sellappan 27
Electron configuraPon of Carbon
Raja Sellappan 28
Ref: h8p://
Energy Band formaPon
Raja Sellappan 29
E-K diagram
• Energy band diagram is drawn between
energy and momentum of electrons.
Free electrons Particle in a box
2k 2 K= , n= 1,2,3,..... a = Size of the potential barrier
E= a
2m n 2 2π 2
2ma 2
E ∝ k2
Raja Sellappan 30
Energy level splikng
Raja Sellappan 31
Energy level splikng
• Assume the electrons of two isolated atoms have idenPcal
energy levels.
• As the second atom is moved closer to the first atom, the
outermost electronic orbits tend to overlap.
• The energy levels of the two atoms are slightly modified so as
to accommodate the Exclusion Principle.
• When a solid is formed from Ν atoms, theorePcally, Ν energy
levels are formed for each energy level that exists in one
• The above-phenomenon is known as energy level spliAng.
• Obviously, the degree to which splikng takes place increases
with the extent of interacPons of the atoms.
Raja Sellappan 32
Energy band diagram
Raja Sellappan 34
ClassificaPon of solids
Raja Sellappan 35
Energy Band diagram
• The energy levels of isolated atoms are discrete.
• When atoms are brought together to form a solid, these
discrete energy levels spread out into bands of allowed
• When the spacing between adjacent atoms is large, each
atom has sharply defined discrete energy levels denoted by
quantum numbers.
• As the atoms are far apart their orbitals do not overlap.
• As the distance between the atoms starts decreasing (close to
Å scale), the orbitals overlap.
Raja Sellappan 36
Energy Band diagram
• The electrons of different atoms cannot remain in the
same state because of Pauli Exclusion Principle.
• Pauli principle states that No more than two electrons
can have the same quantum numbers a parPcular state
or a state accommodate two electrons of opposite
• When atoms are brought together, the levels must
split to accommodate electrons in different states.
• Though they appear conPnuum, a band is actually a
very large number of closely spaced discrete levels.
Raja Sellappan 37
Energy Band
• Energy band structure amer approximaPons
Raja Sellappan 38
Direct bandgap Semiconductor
Bandgap: The minimum separaPon
between VBM and CBM
Raja Sellappan 39
Indirect Bandgap Semiconductor
Raja Sellappan 40
Direct and Indirect bandgap SCs
EPhoton ≥ Eg EPhoton ± EPhonon = Eg
Δk = 0 Δk = kPhonon
Δk = kinitial − k final
p = k =
2π 2π f
Photon momentum k = =
λ clight
2π f
Phonon momentum k =
csound Raja Sellappan 41
Silicon Crystal Structure
• Diamond structure.
• Si has 8 atoms in a unit
• Unit cell is the smallest
basic building block that
repeats in 3-D.
• Silicon is a group IV
element in the periodic
table and has four
valence electrons.
• Covalent bonding
Raja Sellappan 42
• Semiconductors are solid materials that conduct electricity in
between conductors and insulators.
Raja Sellappan 43
Ref: hdp://
Semiconductors (SCs)
Raja Sellappan 45
Electrons and Holes
• At any other temperature, thermal energy will
cause a small fracPon of the covalent
electrons to break loose and become
conduc7on electrons.
• ConducPon electrons can move around in a
crystal and therefore can carry electrical
• When an electron breaks loose and becomes
free. It leaves behind a void, or a hole.
• The hole can readily accept a new electron.
• An alternaPve way to think of this process is
that the hole moves to a new locaPon.
Thermal Energy E T = K BT
E T = 8.6173324 ×10 −5 eV / K ×Raja Sellappan
300K = 26meV 46
Intrinsic Semiconductors
Pure SCs
• No free charge carriers at 0 Kelvin (SCsàInsulator).
• At room temperature(RT): Thermal energy breaks some of
the covalent bond (Thermal ionizaPon): CreaPon of free
electrons and holes and thus conducPng electricity.
• Charge carriers: Electrons and holes
• Holes: PosiPve charge
• Electrons: NegaPve charge
Raja Sellappan 48
• Doping is the process of increasing number of free charge
carriers in a given semiconductor in order to improve its
Thermal Diffusion
Ion ImplantaPon
Raja Sellappan 49
3 4 5
Raja Sellappan 53
Compound Semiconductors
Group III-V
• “Crystallize in zinc blende structure.
• 8 valence electrons are shared between a pair of
nearest atoms.
• The bonding has a covalent character.
• The group III elements are more electroposiPve and
group V elements are more electronegaPve.
• Hence, the bonding has a parPal ionic character as
• But the covalent nature is predominant.”
Raja Sellappan 54
Compound Semiconductors
Group II-VI
• Crystal structures
1. CdS and CdSe: wurtzite (two interpenetraPng hexagonal close-packed
2. ZnTe and CdTe: zinc blende
3. ZnS and ZnSe: can be both (depeding on the substrate on which it is
• Bonding: mixture of covalent and ionic types.
• Stronger ionicity than III-Vs, since group- VI elements are considerably
more electronegaPve than group II elements.
• The ionic character has the effect of binding the valence electrons rather
Pghtly to the lakce atoms.
• The band gaps of these compounds are larger than those of the covalent
semiconductors of comparable atomic weights.
Raja Sellappan 55
Advantages of compound
• “Wider choice of bandgap than elemental
semiconductors: IR-visible-UV.
• Direct bandgap materials: optoelectronic
applicaPons, LEDs, lasers, sensors.
• A major difficulty with compounds is that
their prepara7on in single crystal form is
more difficult.”
Raja Sellappan 56
DeterminaPon of Bandgap
hc 1240nm
Photon energy E = hf = = eV
λ λ (nm)
Raja Sellappan 57
EffecPve mass (m )
F = ma
dv 1 p 2
2 2
F + latticeforces = mo
E = mv 2 = =
2 2mn* 2mn*
F = m*n −1
dt *
" d 2E %
F = External applied force (Electric field) mn ∝ $ 2 '
m*n = The mass of the electron in the crystal
# dk &
Raja Sellappan 58
EffecPve mass
Raja Sellappan 59
Density of States
• Number of allowable energy states available per unit energy
per unit volume.
Raja Sellappan 60
Fermi-Dirac DistribuPon
• Fermi func7on: The probability of an energy state being
occupied by an electron.
1 At T = 0
F(E) =
" E − EF %
1+ exp $ ' F(E) = 1
# B & T
Raja Sellappan 61
Fermi-Dirac DistribuPon
• EF is called the Fermi energy or the Fermi level.
• f(E) is the probability of a state at energy E being occupied by
an electron.
• At large E (i.e., E – EF >> kT) the probability of a state being
occupied decreases exponenPally with increasing E.
Raja Sellappan 63
Electron and Hole ConcentraPon
• Dc(E) dE is the number of energy states between E and E + dE for each
cubic cenPmeter, the product f(E)Dc(E) dE is then the number of electrons
between E and E + dE per cubic cenPmeter of the semiconductor.
Raja Sellappan 64
Electron and Hole ConcentraPon
Electron Concentra7on Hole Concentra7on
Raja Sellappan 65
Intrinsic Carrier ConcentraPon
ni2 = BT 3e K BT
= no po
Raja Sellappan 67
Charge Transport in Semiconductors
Raja Sellappan 68
EffecPve mass (m )
F = ma
dv 1 p 2
2 2
F + latticeforces = mo
E = mv 2 = =
2 2mn* 2mn*
F = m*n −1
dt *
" d 2E %
F = External applied force (Electric field) mn ∝ $ 2 '
m*n = The mass of the electron in the crystal
# dk &
Raja Sellappan 69
Fermi-Dirac DistribuPon
• Fermi func7on: The probability of an energy state being
occupied by an electron.
1 At T = 0
F(E) =
" E − EF %
1+ exp $ ' F(E) = 1
# B & T
Raja Sellappan 70
Intrinsic Carrier ConcentraPon
ni2 = BT 3e K BT
= no po
Thermal Velocity vth =
vth = 2.3×10 7 cm / s @300 K for electrons in Si
Raja Sellappan 72
Electrical conducPvity in
• Flow of charge carriers is called electricity.
Raja Sellappan 73
Drim Current
• Dri] is the moPon of charge carriers in
response to an electric field.
• I.e. Drim plays a role when voltages are
applied to a semiconductor device.
Raja Sellappan 74
Carrier Scadering
• The electron that is moving in a solid, subjected to an electric
field, collides with the atoms and with the non-ideal lakce
• The electron loses most of its velocity, and then repeats the
• This process of collision is more accurately known as
Raja Sellappan 75
Carrier Scadering
Carrier scaNering is caused by
1. Thermal (Lakce) VibraPon of atoms (Phonons)
2. Ionized Impurity atoms in the crystal
3. ImperfecPons such as vacancies in the crystal structure and
crystallographic defects.
• Mean free 7me: The Pme it takes for charge carriers between
collisions or before scadering.
• Mean free path: The distance over which the charge carrier
travels before scadering.
Raja Sellappan 76
Drim Current
• Consider that the mean free Pme between collisions is τmp
and that the carrier loses its enPre drim momentum, mpv,
amer each collision.
• The drim momentum gained between collisions is equal to the
force, qE, Pmes the mean free Pme.
• At steady state Gain = Losses
J total = σ E
Conductivity σ = qnµ n + qpµ p
Resistivity ρ = 1 / σ
Raja Sellappan 78
Diffusion Current
Diffusion: Flow of charge carriers from a
higher concentraPon to a lower
concentraPon side.
• It is strongly temperature dependent.
• Diffusion of charge carriers gives rise to
diffusion current.
Raja Sellappan 79
Diffusion and total Current
dp dn
J p,diffusion = −qDp J n,diffusion = qDn
dx dx
dn dp
J total,diffusion = qDn − qDp
dx dx
Raja Sellappan 80
Einstein relaPonship
• Relates the drim with diffusion parameters.
Einstein rela7onship
Dn Dp
= = VT VT= Thermal voltage (KBT/q)=26mV at 300K
µn µ p
Raja Sellappan 81
RelaPon between energy band,
PotenPal (V) and Electric field (E)
• PosiPve voltage raises the
potenPal energy of posiPve
charge and lowers the
energy of negaPve charge.
• The electrons roll downhill
like water drops in the
energy band diagram and
the holes float up like
Raja Sellappan 82
Carrier generaPon and recombinaPon
1. Charge carrier generaPon (absorpPon)
2. Charge carrier annihilaPon (RecombinaPon)
Ø Fundamental operaPon process in (most of
the) opto-electronic devices.
Ø Energy (E) and Momentum (K) must be
conserved in both generaPon and
Raja Sellappan 83
• Charge carriers are generated by photon (light), thermal energy,
and impact ionizaPon.
• The process of generaPng charge carriers by means light is called
• Important one is the minority carriers as the change in
concentraPon is a lot than majority carriers.
Raja Sellappan 85
• AnnihilaPon of e-h pairs. CB
• Types of RecombinaPon
1. RadiaPve (R) (photon) Eg NR R
2. Non-radiaPve (NR) (Thermal
Life7me (τ): The Pme it takes for excess generated minority VB
carriers (reside in the excited state for a while) before they get
recombined with majority carriers.
Raja Sellappan 86
Excess Carrier Concentration
n = n0 + n*
n 0 = Equilibrium concentration, n* = Excess carrier concentration
p = p0 + p*
* *
Under light n = p
• If the light is suddenly turned off, n* and p* will decay with Pme unPl
they become zero and n and p return to their equilibrium values, no and
• The process of decay is recombina7on, whereby an electron and a hole
recombine and annihilate each other.
• The Pme constant of the decay is called the recombinaPon Pme or carrier
lifePme, τ.
Raja Sellappan 87
• When the np = ni2, the rate of thermal generaPon is equal to
the rate of recombinaPon. Under this condiPon, n and p are
said to be at thermal equilibrium.
• When np > ni2, there is net recombina7on.
• When np < ni2, there is net genera7on.
Raja Sellappan 88