Chile BUR3 1 Chile - 3BUR PDF
Chile BUR3 1 Chile - 3BUR PDF
Chile BUR3 1 Chile - 3BUR PDF
Carolina Urmeneta L.
(Ministry of Environment)
Jenny Mager
(Ministry of Environment)
Prologue 7
Executive summary 9
3.3. International projects of mitigation 103 6.2. Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) 155
support in Chile 6.3. Green taxes 156
4. ACTIONS AND POLICIES ASSOCIATED TO 106 6.4. Carbon Social Price 156
4.1. Mitigation in the National Action Plan on Climate 107 OF MITIGATION ACTIONS
Change 7.1. MRV Chilean Technical Team 158
4.2. Sectorial mitigacion actions 109 7.2. MRV Initiatives under Development 160
4.3. GHG Mitigation efforts at a subnational level 130 7.3. Next Steps 164
4.4. Mitigation initiatives in the private sector 134 References and bibliography 165
Santiago, Juan Ernesto Jaegger - Imagen de Chile
Climate change and its effects in Chile has been a permanent concern during the last
years, which transcends governments and has become one of the most significant
environmental issues in the country, as well as in the World. Within the commitments
undertaken by Chile with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, we present for the third time our Biennial Update Report which accounts for
progress achieved regarding greenhouse gases mitigation.
Chile ratified the Paris Agreement in February, 2017. A key aspect of such Agreement
consists in having an enhanced transparency framework so as to provide a clear view
on the measures adopted to face climate change in the light of the Convention’s
purpose. For this reason, the effort we make as a country at delivering this Third
Biennial Update Report shows our interest in drawing attention to the actions carried
out by the public and private sectors, reflecting the country’s commitment towards a
sustainable, resilient and low-carbon emission development.
This report presents the update of our greenhouse gas national inventory from 1990
to 2016. This inventory is developed under the best standards and information
available per sector. In addition, the biennial report presents the progress in public
policies that are contributing to GHG emissions reduction in the country, as is the case
of the 2050 Energy Policy, the Energy Roadmap, the National Strategy on Climate
Change and Vegetation Resources and the Electro-mobility Strategy, among other.
The report shows, in turn, information on international support the country has received for the development of activities related
to climate change, in addition to an identification of the main needs still existing at the sectors, so that we as a country move
forward in the fulfillment of our commitments.
Having this type of reports is not only positive as regards our country’s transparency, but it also allows us to make timely decisions
and to design public policies based on the best information available, apart from creating an instance of capacity building and
collaboration among the different organizations.
Commitment, collaboration and the excellent job performed by each of the public organizations participating in the preparation
of this report are specially highlighted, as well as the technical and financial support delivered to Chile by the international
cooperation projects.
Our challenges related to climate change are numerous and urgent. President Sebastián Piñera, in his first public statement of
2018, has considered climate change as one of the three main challenges for the country. This report provides us with valuable
information regarding what we have been doing in the country, and how is our greenhouse gas emissions trajectory behaving.
In this respect, we in Chile are working on climate action and also on the Climate Change Framework Law project; in the
development of a Long-Term Climate Strategy and in the review and update of our Nationally Determined Contribution.
All of the above shall provide us with the necessary climate institutions, in order to approach the commitments and challenges of
the future, those allowing us to leave a more sustainable and resilient to climate change country for the future generations.
1.1. Geographical Profile Chilean population experienced an 2016. From an origin perspective,
important growth during the twentieth increases were observed in most of the
Chile is a tri-continent country which century, but the growth rate slowed in the activities, being personal services and
territory is located at the western first decade of the 21st century and it is trade those with the largest contribution
and southern part of South America, projected to decline even further towards to the GDP outcome; meanwhile, the
between parallels 17° 30' and 56° 2050. The continued development of the main negative effects came from business
30' South latitude. It includes Easter country has improved the quality of life services, construction and mining.
Island, in Oceania, and extends to of its inhabitants. The positive evolution
the South in Antarctica, at an area of the human development index (HDI)1 Table RE1 shows some key indicators
between the meridians 53° and 90° in recent years is a proof of these for Chile, obtained from the information
west longitude and to the South Pole. Its transformations (Undp, 2015). presented in the Third National
maritime territory extends to the North, Communication of Chile to the United
Nations Framework Convention on
from the maritime boundary with Peru 1.2. Economic Profile
to the banks of the Antarctic continent Climate Change (3CN 2016) as updated
in the South. Although it has multiple Chile has an open and stable economy for this report.
climates mainly governed by latitude model, which promotes trade and
and height conditions, temperate climate investment. During 2017, the economic
characteristics are dominant. activity grew by 1.5 % compared to
Total surface area (km2) 2,006,096
South American Surface (km ) 2
755,915 The Military Geographic Institute (IGM)
Surface in Oceania (Easter Island) (km2) 181
Use of Land:
The human development index evaluates the progress of countries considering health (life expectancy), education (average years of schooling
and those expected) and income (gross domestic product per capita).
Regarding the surface of South America and Oceania.
6 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
Social Development
Life expectancy year 2017 (years) 79.3 The National Institute of Statistics (INE),
Infant mortality year 2015 (per thousand live births) 6.9 2017
Economic Activity
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 11
1.3. Institutional made in its position as a developing the Inter-American Institute for Global
Arrangements for Climate country. The Paris Agreement, adopted in Change (IAI), among other. In addition,
December 2015, was enacted in Chile in the OCC participates in various
Change networks for information exchange,
February 2017 through Supreme Decree
N° 30 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs3. such as the Iberian-American Network
1.3.1. Environmental Institutional of Climate Change Offices (RIOCC),
framework the Regional Cooperation Program
Climate Change Office (OCC) of the
Ministry of Environment between the European Union and
National policies aimed to sustainable
Latin America (EUROCLIMA), the Latin
development are a part of the integral
The Climate Change Office, which American Network of GHG inventories
development strategy of the country.
directly depends from the Environment (REDINGEI), the Scientific Committee for
The Political Constitution guarantees,
Undersecretary was created in 2010. Climate Change of the Pacific Alliance
as a fundamental right, living in an
According to the MMA Resolution N° 278, and the Independent Association of Latin
environment free of contamination, and
of April 2018, the OCC is responsible America and the Caribbean (AILAC).
grants to the Government the duty to
for (a) generating and collecting
safeguard and preserve nature and the Sectorial Institutional framework
technical and scientific information to
environmental heritage (Government of
support the design of policies and plans
Chile, 2002). The consolidation process National public institutions comprise
and programs formulation in the field of
of the Chilean environmental institutions a series of institutions, agencies or
climate change; (b) following up and
has been marked by the creation of the entities that, without belonging to
advising the Ministry on the progress in
Ministry of Environment (MMA), the the MMA, are related to the climate
the implementation of public policy on
Environmental Assessment Service (SEA) change issue. Among the ministries
climate change instruments in the country,
and the Superintendence for Environment that currently have units, departments
among other functions indicated in the
(SMA) in 2010, together with the Council or offices specifically associated to this
above-mentioned resolution. In addition,
of Ministers for Sustainability (CMS). matter those standing out are: Ministry
it acts as: National Designated Authority
of the Clean Development Mechanism of Foreign Affairs (MINREL), Ministry of
1.3.2. National Climate Institutional (NDA), Technical Advisor to the Finance (MINHACIENDA), Ministry of
framework Committee for International Negotiation, Energy (MINENERGIA) and the Ministry
Designated Authority for the Adaptation of Agriculture (MINAGRI). In addition,
Since Chile’s ratification in 1994 of the other outstanding agencies that have
Fund, the Focal Point of the IPCC, Focal
United Nations Framework Convention advanced significantly in the issue of
Point of the Iberian-American Network
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and by climate change inside their institutions
of Climate Change Offices, Focal Point
becoming a part of the Kyoto Protocol in of the EUROCLIMA+ Project, Focal Point include: Ministry of Housing and Urban
2002, it has been actively participating in of NAMA Registry, Focal Point of the Development (MINVU), Ministry of
discussions and international efforts, and Climate and Clean Air for Reduction of Social Development (MDS), the Agency
it has faithfully fulfilled the commitments Short Life pollutants, representative to for Energy Sustainability and CORFO.
Supreme Decree N° 30, 13 February 2017, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, promulgates the Paris Agreement, adopted at the twenty-first
meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change may be accessed at the link: https://
8 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
• In 2016, the country´s total GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) amounted to 111,677.5 kt CO2 eq, increasing by 114.7 % compared
to 1990 and by 7.1 % compared to 2013. The main GHG emitted was CO2 (78.7 %), followed by CH4 (12.5 %), N2O (6.0 %), and
fluorinated gases (2.8 %).
• The Energy sector is the largest GHG emitter in the country, accounting for 78.0 % of total emissions in 2016, mainly due to the
consumption of coal and diesel for power generation and consumption of liquid fuels in road transport.
• Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector is the only sector that consistently removes GHG in the country and remains as
a sink for the entire time series. In 2016, the balance of GHG emissions recorded -65,492.3 kt CO2 eq, mainly due to the increase of
biomass in second-growth native forest and forest plantations.
• The balance between GHG emissions and removals for Chile (including LULUCF) reached 46,185.2 kt CO2 eq.
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 13
The preparation of the current NGHGI the Environment, which have worked in
began during the first half of 2017, coordination within the framework of the
and concluded in mid-2018. The SNICHILE, strengthening the preparation
Energy SGHGI was updated by the of Chile’s NGHGI by adding expert
Division of Foresight and Energy Policy knowledge from the different sectors’
of the Ministry of Energy; the Industrial participating ministries.
processes and product use (IPPU)
SGHGI was updated by the OCC of 2.3. Trends in Greenhouse
the MMA; the Agriculture SGHGI was Gas emissions and removals
updated by the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile
through the Agricultural Research
Institute (INIA), the LULUCF NGHGI was
In 2016, the balance of GHG emissions4
updated by the Ministry of Agriculture
and removals of Chile accounted for
through the Forestry Institute (INFOR)
46,185.2 kt CO2 eq, while total GHG
and the National Forestry Corporation
emissions5 in the country accounted
(CONAF); and the Waste SGHGI was
for 111,677.5 kt CO2 eq, a 114.7 %
updated by the Office of Legislative
increase since 1990, and a 7.1 % since
Implementation and Circular Economy
2013 (Table RE2). The main causes of
in collaboration with the OCC, both of
the MMA. Once the updating process this trend are the Energy and LULUCF
ended, the SGHGIs were compiled by sectors. The values that are outside the
the OCC of the MMA for the preparation trend in the balance (Figure RE1) are
of Chile’s NGHGI and its corresponding mainly a result of forestry fires accounted
Table RE2. Chile’s NGHGI: balance and total GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by sector, 1990 - 2016 series
The term "balance of GHG" refers to the addition of GHG emissions and removals, expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq). This
term includes the LULUCF sector as a whole.
In the present report, the term "total GHG emissions" refers only to the addition of the national GHG emissions expressed in carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2 eq). This term excludes the emission sources and absorption sumps of the LULUCF sector.
10 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
Figure RE1. Chile’s NGHGI: balance of GHG (kt CO2 eq) by sector, 1990 - 2016 series
Total GHG emissions were dominated the most important with 41.5 % share, use and finally, 1.9 % of Non-energy
by CO2, which accounted for 78.7 %, followed by a 31.3 % of Transport, products from fuels and solvent use.
followed by CH4 with 12.5 %, and N2O 18.7% of Manufacturing industries and
with 6.0 %. Fluorinated gases collectively construction and finally, 8.5 % from Other The Agriculture sector accounted for
accounted for 2.8 % of GHG total sectors. On the other hand, within the 10.6 % of the total GHG emissions in
emissions for the country as of 2016. Fugitive emissions from fuels category, 2016. In the same year, their emissions
the subcategory Oil and natural gas is reached 11,801.6 kt CO2 eq, a 14.7 %
The Energy sector is the main GHG the one with the greatest relevance, with decrease since 1990 and 11.5 % since
national emitter, with 78.0 % of the 90.8 % followed by Solid fuels with a the 2013, largely due to the low population
total GHG emissions in 2016. In the remaining 9.2 %. of cattle and sheep that has been
same year, GHG emissions in the sector recorded during the last decade. This
accounted for 87,135.6 kt CO2 eq, The IPPU sector accounted for 6.2 % of in spite of the sustained increase in the
which represents an increase of 137.5 % the total GHG emissions in 2016. In the number of pigs and poultry; and the use
from 1990 and of 16.6 % since 2013. In same year, their emissions amounted of nitrogen fertilizers. With regard to the
general, the main cause for this growth to 6,939.3 kt CO2 eq, increasing by categories, 39.7 % of GHG emissions
is the increase in the country's energy 110.6 % since 1990 and 12.9 % since correspond to Enteric Fermentation,
consumption, including the consumption 2013. In general, the main causes are followed by 38.0 % of Agricultural
of coal and natural gas for power the sustained rise in the production of soils, 17.1 % of Manure management,
generation, as well as liquid fuels for iron and steel, lime, nitric acid, cement, 3.0 % to Urea application, 1.1 % to
road transportation, mostly diesel and and the increased use of HFCs for Rice cultivations, 0.7 % to Liming and
gasoline. Regarding the categories, Fuel refrigeration. Regarding categories, 0.3 % corresponding to Field burning of
combustion activities in 2016 accounted 41.4 % of GHG emissions correspond agricultural residues.
for 98.9 % of the sectorial emissions, to Product uses as substitutes for ozone
and the remaining 1.1 % to the category depleting substances, followed by 23.1% The LULUCF sector is the only one that
Fugitive emissions from fuels. Within of Mineral Industry, 19.1 % of Metal consistently absorbs CO2 in the country,
the category Fuel combustion activities, Industry, 10.6 % of Chemical industry, making of it one of the most relevant
the subcategory Energy Industries is 3.9 % of Other product manufacture and sectors given its mitigation potential. In
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 15
2016, the balance of GHG emissions 2.1 % of Cropland, 0.7 % of Other land, waste and finally, 0.01 % of Incineration
in the sector accounted for -65,492.3kt 0.5 % of Settlements and finally, 0.03 % and open burning of waste.
CO2 eq, increasing its sink condition by corresponding to Wetlands.
30.8 % since 1990 and decreasing it In accordance with the requirements
by 8.9 % since 2013. This is due to the The Waste sector accounted for 5.2 % of the UNFCCC and the 2006 IPCC
effect of emissions caused by forest fires, of the total GHG emissions in 2016. In Guidelines, GHG emissions from
since although the increase in biomass the same year, GHG emissions in the fossil fuel consumption in international
and harvest are stable for this period, sector accounted for 5,801.1 kt CO2 eq, aviation and maritime transport, and
the fires in recent years of the series increasing by 95.4 % since 1990 and CO2 emissions from biomass burned for
are greater, causing a less-conducive to 9.1 % since 2013, due to the population energy purposes, were quantified and
absorption balance. This demonstrates increase and their waste generated. reported as memo items, but they were
how forest fires adversely affect GHG Regarding categories, the 74.2 % of excluded from the balance of emissions
balance. With respect to GHG emissions GHG emissions correspond to the Solid and removals of the country.
and removals in absolute terms by waste disposal, followed by a 24.7 %
category, -94.4 % corresponds to Forest of Wastewater treatment and discharge,
land, followed by 2.3 % of Grassland, 1.0 % of Biological treatment of solid
12 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
In relation to the last BUR of 2016, During 2017 the exercise carried out by iii) capacity building, iv) development
progresses in mitigation policies have MAPS Chile to determine BAU emissions and transfer of technologies; and v)
been significant given the greater was updated, this time with updated financing.
sectorial involvement. This has allowed information from the country's inventory,
the development of new public policies in order to have an approximation to the For the mitigation pillar, Chile chose
aimed to support the reduction of GHG progress of the voluntary pledge, finding to present its contribution using the
emissions. In addition, the growing that, in general, since 2007 emissions format of emission intensity (CO2
involvement of the private sector will have been in line with the fulfillment of equivalent tons per unit of gross
enable the implementation of concrete such commitment. domestic product in millions of CLP$ at
actions that will lead the country to 2011). Methodologically, the Land use,
comply with its commitments and Nationally determined contribution land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)
increase its ambition. The announcement sector was separated from the national
of the preparation of a climate change Chile submitted its NDC to the UNFCCC commitment to mitigation due to the high
law and the development of a strategy secretariat in September 2015. The annual variability of their captures and
to 2050 undertake the creation of new country's commitments are divided into emissions, and for being less dependent
management tools allowing the country five pillars: i) mitigation, ii) adaptation, on the economic growth.
to take a sustainable and low-emission
pathway, an effort that will be in line with
the international objectives subscribed in
the Paris Agreement.
3.1. International
Commitments in the field of
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 17
a) Chile is committed to reduce its CO2 emissions per GDP unit by 30 % below their 2007 levels by 2030, considering a future economic
growth which allows to implement adequate measures to reach this commitment.
b) In addition, and subject to the grant of international monetary funds, the country is committed to reduce its CO2 emissions per GDP unit
by 2030 until it reaches a 35 % to 45 % reduction with respect to the 2007 levels, considering, in turn, a future economic growth which
allows to implement adequate measures to achieve this commitment.
a) Chile has committed to the sustainable development and recovery of 100,000 hectares of forest land, mainly native, which will account
for greenhouse gas sequestrations and reductions of an annual equivalent of around 600,000 tons of CO2 as of 2030. This commitment
is subject to the approval of the Native Forest Recovery and Forestry Promotion Law.
b) Chile has agreed to reforest 100,000 hectares, mostly with native species, which shall represent sequestrations of about 900,000
and 1,200,000 annual equivalent tons of CO2 as of 2030. This commitment is conditioned to the extension of Decree Law 701 and the
approval of a new Forestry Promotion Law.
During 2017, the MMA coordinated new National Action Plan on Climate generation of capacities and institutional
a Working Group of the Public Sector Change 2017 - 2022 (PANCC 2017- strengthening on climate change at
focused on discussing the NDC update 2022). The preparation of the National subnational government levels.
(WGPS-NDC) in 2020, as required in the Plan is the result of the collaboration of
Paris Agreement. The ultimate purpose over 20 public institutions6, including 3.3. Sectorial Mitigation
of this group was to develop a shared ministries and services with competences
diagnosis on which elements should be in the field of climate change, and it
updated, along with identifying possible was coordinated by the Climate Change
Regarding the second BUR submitted
institutional arrangements that contribute Office of the Ministry of Environment. As
in 2016, sectorial policies have made
managing the NDC, and also to propose an articulating instrument of the national
progress to increasingly include climate
guidelines and next steps to move policy on climate change, the PANCC
change as a variable for analysis. Also,
forwards in this matter. 2017 - 2022 integrates the actions to
emitting sectors have begun to design
be carried out by the various public
specific policies that will allow GHG
3.2. Mitigation in the National institutions with jurisdiction on these
matters in the next 5 years. In addition, emission reductions in the mid-term.
Action Plan on Climate Change
the new National Plan emphasizes,
On 19 June 2017, the Council of for the first time, the implementation of
Ministers for Sustainability adopted the measures at a local level, looking for the
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Ministry of
Public Works, Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, Ministry of Mining, National Office of Emergencies and Secretary for Regional
Development of the Home Office and Public Security, Undersecretary for Fisheries and the Production Development Corporation of the Ministry
of Economy, Oceanography and Hydrography Service of the Chilean Navy and Weather Forecast Directorate in of the Ministry of National
Defense, General Water Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works, National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of the
Ministry of Education, Chilean Copper Commission of the Mining Ministry, Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change.
14 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 19
Regard to the Building, urbanization to promote integration of sustainable clean production agreements and the
and public infrastructure sector, the development concept in the building systems of recognition of the Footprint
entities responsible for public policies area in Chile. Chile Program (HuellaChile) should be
associated to mitigation and adaptation highlighted.
to climate change are the Ministry of In addition to the actions and policies
Public Works (MOP) and the Ministry of implemented and carried out by the 3.4. Nationally Appropriate
Housing and Urban planning (MINVU). different sectors, there is a growing interest
Within the instruments that have an from local governments to generate and
Mitigation Actions
impact on mitigation, the National maintain actions that identified with the
With the opening of the prototype for
Urban Development Policy stands out, realities of each of the localities they
the NAMA registration and subsequent
which states that is key to move towards represent. Progress is highlighted by the
official recording (NAMA Registry),
a sustainable urban development which Municipal Environmental Certification
Chile was able to complete the task and
considers both sustainable construction System (SCAM) and the regional efforts
in October 2012 it was the first country
in the city as well as the efficient developed through international and
in the world to register a NAMA with the
management of energy and handling of domestic funds such as the Environmental
UNFCCC. However, despite the initial
natural resources and waste which, as a Protection Fund.
enthusiasm for the instrument, it has not
consequence, will result in a reduction of
been possible to increase the interest
GHG emissions generation. In addition, Regarding the private sector, it engages
of project developers with a mitigation
in 2016 the MOP updated its Policy of each year with greater strength in
potential. In Chile, six sectorial NAMAS
Environmental Sustainability, and also initiatives related to the reduction of
are identified, with different levels of
developed a Plan for Adaptation and GHG emissions in the country. In this
maturity and information availability. All
Mitigation of Infrastructure Services line, one of the first steps carried out
of them are registered with the NAMA
to Climate Change 2017 - 2022. In by private organizations is to know
Registry of the UNFCCC.
the same line, the MINVU, through their sources and emission levels, which
the National Strategy for Sustainable may help them at the decision-making
Construction sets the main guidelines process. The achievements through the
16 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 21
In this sense, since 2011 Chile has been generated through the implementation in Chile and preliminarily design the
working on independent MRV systems of mitigation actions be measured, contents of a possible platform for
that have served as management tools reported and verified. While developed centralized MRV.
for NAMA, in addition to creating for NAMAs, this framework can be used
capacities in this area through the for any type of action that generates In addition, other agencies stand out that
international support of various projects, mitigation of GHG emissions. Also, have made significant progress in the
for example, to the preparation in 2014 during 2016, the Department of Climate issue of monitoring, reporting and veri-
of the document "Guidelines for a Change of the MMA, through the project fication within their institutions, such as
generic framework of MRV for NAMAs", Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry
which explains how can the impacts on developed a study to define basic of Agriculture, through the National For-
GHG emissions and other co-impacts accounting rules for mitigation actions estry Corporation (CONAF).
18 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
4.1. Methodology and approved in the reporting period (ii) on Climate Change (ETICC) and 15
Analysis Period workshop with these public institutions Regional Committees on Climate Change
for participatory identification of needs, (CORECC). However, there is still a need
barriers, opportunities, etc., and (iii) to develop and strengthen the institutional
For the development of the present
bilateral meetings to validate and/ framework through regulations that
chapter, the UNFCCC reporting
or complete the previously gathered support its construction beyond the
guidelines have been applied as
information. sectorial intentions; in addition, financial
methodological framework for the
needs are detected, ranging from access
presentation of the biennial update
The information presented covers the to international funds to the capacity to
reports from Parties not included in
period immediately following the data receive financial resources, in particular
annex I to the Convention (Annex III,
gathering phase from the Second BUR in the public sector.
Decision 2/CP177 ), which specifies that
(from July 2016 until March 2018).
those countries, which includes Chile,
shall provide updated information on
needs and support received for climate
4.2. Needs for climate action
action. Although Chile has developed and
In recent years institutions have submitted their national reports on
The analysis of support and needs was developed and capacity has been a regular basis, responding to the
made for the three following areas: generated on climate change issues delivery time committed to the UNFCCC,
(1) financial resources, (2) capacity in Chile. However, needs, gaps and the challenge of the installation of
building and technical assistance, and barriers can still be identified, which permanent capacities for the generation
(3) technology transfer. In turn, these hamper the development of a more of reports subsists, which necessarily
areas were subdivided into five areas of effective climate action. The major requires specific budgets to support the
analysis: report, mitigation, adaptation, crossed needs relate to the generation reporting activity with due continuity.
national inventory of climate change of an adequate institutional system to Compared to the work of the Second
and international negotiation, while facilitate the development of actions BUR, for this Third Report the sectorial
maintaining the same structure of the First on climate change in the country, and teams are more familiar with the
and Second BUR. a financing strategy consistent with the requirements of information requested
requirements that are generated during by the Ministry of Environment (which
To gather the information the process the process. works as the compiling entity), however
was divided into three stages: (i) sending it is still necessary to move forward in
a formal survey to public institutions that With the adoption of the National Plan the information systematization so that
make up the Inter-Ministerial Technical for Adaptation to Climate Change in it is possible to count on it in a timely
Team on Climate Change (ETICC) December 2014, an operational structure manner, and that this information also
requesting (a) information regarding was proposed that has served as the serves for the internal management of
needs, gaps and barriers identified in their basis for strengthening the institutional each agency.
sector for the development of the climate framework of climate change in recent
change agenda and (b) information years. This structure is composed of
on initiatives with international support an Inter - Ministerial Technical Team
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 23
Mitigation perform measurements (carbon content in and impacts of climate change; (3)
fossil fuels, soil carbon, GHG emissions Incorporating climate change to the
The generation of information on from soils, firewood and animals, among design of public policies and investment
mitigation actions has progressed others) is currently not available. decisions, considering funding for the
through time and also the experience implementation of actions, so as to meet
gained by the preparation of the national Adaptation the challenges of medium and long term.
reports. With respect to the previous
reporting period, Chile maintains During the period covered by this report, International Negotiation
the need to strengthen its information the following advances have been made
management system, which would allow with respect to adaptation policies In the area of negotiation and
the systematization and management, in involved in the National Plan for Climate international climate agenda, the main
a transparent manner, of the information Change Adaptation PNA (2014): need continues to be enhancing the
associated with the mitigation efforts in sector plans reported in the second BUR current negotiating team in the country,
the country. Between 2018 and 2020 (Agriculture and Forestry; Biodiversity; along with establishing permanent
Chile will perform a set of activities Fisheries and Aquaculture and Health), teams in the relevant sectorial ministries,
under the CBIT initiative to improve its in addition to the adoption, in 2017, with adequate financial and technical
reporting capabilities within the context of the Adaptation and Mitigation Plan capacity for the preparation, follow-up
of the Paris Agreement and of the newly of Infrastructure Services to Climate and transfer of international issues to a
established requirements under the Change and in 2018, Climate Change domestic level.
Enhanced Transparency Framework. It adaptation plans for Chilean cities and
for the Energy Sector. In addition, during Private Sector
is important to emphasize the need to
strengthen inter-sectorial coordination 2018 has started the development of the
plans for the sectors of Water Resources The private sector maintains a relevant
and institutional strengthening, both to
and Tourism, thus complementing the role in both investment and the
perform actions and to evaluate and
adaptation plans for the 9 areas defined implementation of innovative measures
project the progress of compliance with
as priorities by Chile in the PANCC. for mitigation and adaptation to climate
domestic and international goals.
Also, the first steps have been taken to change. Private sector respondents
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory update the Agriculture and Forestry and expressed willingness to deepen
biodiversity adaptation plans, which instances of public - private work as a
Chile has made efforts to ensure the are close to completion of their first mechanism to mobilize resources and
operation and continuous improvement implementation cycle, and that should respond to interests of both sectors.
of its National GHG Inventories System initiate a second cycle, as committed in The current NDC helps to understand
(SNICHILE). It permanently maintains the Chile’s NDC. the vision of the medium-term, however
a line of work at the Ministries of for the private sector it would be useful
Agriculture, Energy and the Environment, In general terms, the needs for adaptation to have more information on sectorial
where staff has been appointed and to climate change are summarized implementation and climate planning in
technical and financial resources have in three areas: (1) Strengthening the the long run. The sector sees potential
been granted for the regular update of mechanisms of coordination between for development and technology transfer,
the inventory. In spite of the progress, the different sectorial ministries involved, but poses the need to establish the
there is a need to ensure the permanent and to endow them with trained and appropriate mechanism to facilitate this
recruitment of specialists on the basis of permanent professionals, both at result.
local budget. We identify the need to national and regional levels; (2) Better
strengthen technical capacities for the climate and territorial information for
development of specific country emission adaptation, including research on
factors. The appropriate technology to climate variables, interrelationships
20 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry
Needs identified in the process of analy- this report, the OECD database for Domestic support for climate change
sis and international consultation Official Development Assistance (ODA) related activities
contains information about flows for
During 2017 the Second BUR of Chile climate action updated to the 2016. In the context of the work to develop
was subject to the process of interna- However, this report includes information a strategy for climate financing
tional consultation and analysis (ICA), as from July 2016, so it is likely that it (commitment of its NDC), the Chilean
which main objective is to help countries includes information that does not Government is implementing measures
No-Annex I to identify their needs in ca- correspond to the period of analysis. In to define and assess domestic resources
pacity building. The final report of the addition, as of 2017 Chile no longer intended for actions related to climate
process was published by the UNFCCC8 qualifies as a beneficiary country of change.
on December 4, 2017. In this section ODA.
of the BUR appears the summary of the According to Chile’s NDC, specifically
identified needs and its states at the time Regarding the area of capacity building to the pillar of Capacity Building and
of elaboration of this Third BUR. and technical assistance, the scope of Strengthening, Chile undertook to work
the support received is broad, covering in cooperation with other countries, to
4.3. Support for Climate projects, workshops, studies and expert develop and strengthen the capabilities
Action visits to and from abroad. After the of nations that so require. The above
COP 21 in 2015, the focus of programs through coaching and trainings based
Below the information on support and international initiatives has been to on the information and knowledge
received (international) and delivered facilitate the successful implementation acquired in the preparation of national
(national) for activities related to climate of the Paris Agreement. Access to this communications, greenhouse gas
change is presented. type of support and activities has been inventories and biennial update
fundamental to the development of reports, among others. In addition,
Support received for activities related to capabilities and instruments to facilitate Chile maintains bilateral cooperation
climate change climate public policy. The progress made programs that address different areas of
regarding GHG inventories, reporting work, including climate change. Among
During the reporting period (July 2016 and transparency capabilities and them stands out the Joint Cooperation
to March 2018), donor countries and planning of mitigation and adaptation Fund Chile-Mexico, managed in Chile by
institutions have approved to Chile actions stands out. the International Agency for International
a total of USD 40,207,701 to carry Cooperation for Development (AGCID).
out activities of the national climate It is important to note that, given the
agenda. Bilateral contributions represent global nature of these initiatives and
approximately 28 % of the financial their way of functioning, in most cases no
resources approved in the period. information is available on the specific
Resources channeled through “Financial amounts intended to finance the activities
Institutions and Multilateral Initiatives" Chile is participating in.
are equivalent to a 72 %.
With regard to technology transfer, a
Chile´s ThirdBiennial
Report-- Ministry of Environment 25
Antofagasta, Claudio Badilla
28 Chile´s Third Biennial Update Report - Ministry of Environment
1.1 Physical Context Chile is a unitary republic whose Chile has a variety of climates
political-administrative framework is determining mainly by its latitude and
Territory and Administrative Division based on three territorial government height, which originate four macro
levels: administrative regions, provinces bio-climates: tropical, Mediterranean,
Chile is a tri-continental country, whose and districts1. temperate and anti-boreal, with 127
territory lies on the western and southern terrestrial ecosystems are distributed,
part of South America, between 17° 30' Geography and morphology and 96 marine ecosystems along the
and 56° 30' south latitude, reaching up Chilean coast.
to Easter Island in Oceania and extends The topography of the country is mainly
to the south at Antarctica, in an area determined by the following three Land use
between the meridians 53° and 90° morphological units: the Andes mountain
west longitude until the South Pole. The range to the east; the Coastal mountain Most part of the territory corresponds
country has a total area of 2,006,096 range to the west; and the Intermediate to areas without vegetation (31.7 %),
km2, without considering its territorial Depression located between these two grassland and natural bushes (27.5 %)
sea, the exclusive economic zone and mountains. There are also other smaller and native forest (19.4 %); urban and
the continental shelf, and it is distributed scale areas such as the Coastal Plains, industrial areas represent only 0.6 %
in 755,915 km2 that corresponds to the Altiplano and the Magellanic Steppe. of the total surface area, but showing
South America, 1,250,000 km2 to These geological variety shapes become a sustained upward trend (CONAF,
Antarctica and 181 km2 to Oceania, a very rugged terrain where the flat 2017). The Table 1 presents the land use
according to the mapping records made terrains do not exceed 20 % of the change.
by the Military Geographic Institute continental territory.
(IGM) in 2005. Also, Juan Fernández
archipelago, the Islands Salas y Gómez,
San Felix and San Ambrosio are part of
the national territory.
The Constitution of the Republic of Chile points out in his article 110 that "For the internal governance and administration of the State, the
territory of the Republic is divided into regions and these into provinces. For the purposes of the local administration, the provinces are
divided into districts. The creation, abolition and designation of regions, provinces and districts; the modification of their limits, as well as the
appointment of the regions and provinces capitals, will be subject of the Organic Constitutional Law" and of exclusive initiative by the President
of the Republic.
1.2. Environment status per person for 2017, that is 396 kg per considerable increase of temperature,
person of waste generation annually. For particularly in the daily maximum.
Regarding the air quality according this reason, the Government promoted According to the Meteorological
to the Third Report of the Environment Law N° 20,920 Framework for Waste Directorate of Chile (DMC), during
Status (MMA, 2017) this topic Management, Extended Producer 2017, there were thirty records, in
remains as one of the priorities in the Responsibility and Recycling Promotion, absolute terms and monthly and annual
environmental management. Most of known as the REP Law under the principle averages. As a result of this rise, there
the national territory is affected by air of “polluter pays”. has been an increase in the frequency
pollution, by which various actions and the intensity of heat waves, with
are being implemented that including On the other hand, Chile has water more than 50 consecutive ones between
9 decontamination plans in force, shortage problems. Between 2008 2015 and 2016, and between 2016
others in elaboration process set by the and 2017, the General Directorate of and 2017 (Dirección Meteorológica de
Decontamination Strategy, and the work Water (DGA), declared 82 areas with Chile, 2018).
with the communities in order to improve water shortage between the regions
the household energy efficiency. In this of Atacama and Aysén, mainly in the Based on DMC data, it could be said
matter, as shown by various statistics regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Maule that even though in most areas of the
at a national level, the combustion of and the Metropolitan Region. In addition, country there is a trend to a decrease
firewood remains the main emitter of in 2008 the Ministry of Agriculture in rainfall during the period 1961-
PM2.5 for 2015, while mobile sources, informed that the most geographically 2016, it can be noted that its intensity
thermal power plants and other industrial extensive drought was reported, shows a great variation. The extreme
processes are mainly responsible for declaring an agricultural emergency for rainfall events tend to be more prevalent
emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOX). 225 districts across the country which in regions of scarce rainfall, such as
Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) are has continued as a "Mega-drought". Antofagasta, Atacama and Coquimbo
led by copper smelters and thermal This means that the drought at a national regions, which it is important to highlight
power plants, due to the sulfur content level affects 72 % of the country's land given the occurrence of mass movements
of the raw materials processed in both in different categories (mild, moderate, and floods, such as those that happened
industrial activities. severe), corresponding approximately in May and January 2017. However,
to 55 million hectares. The affected the central area of the country continues
In relation to waste, also according to the population is 16 million inhabitants with a deficit in the total annual rainfall,
Third Report of the Environment Status (90 %) (Ministerio de Agricultura, 2016). ending the year of 2017 with a 17 %
(MMA, 2017), it remains as a significant less rainfall in average, extending to
problem and if the economic growth Regarding the climate, although there 9 consecutive years with deficit. In the
continues that will be worse. Chile shows are differences according to the country’s south-austral area of the country, during
an average daily rate of 1.1 kg of waste areas, at the aggregate level there is a 2017, the annual rainfall was in the
Table 2. Population Indicators of Chile, disaggregated per age group, based on the Population Census 2017, INE
Social Development the country is 30 times higher than the dimensions of well-being: education,
10 % poorest population and shows health, labor and social security, housing
Although Chile presents a positive a Gini3 coefficient of 0.502, according and environment, along with networks
evolution of the Human Development to autonomous income (MDS, 2017). and social cohesion. According to this
Index (HDI)2 with a growth of 30 % survey in 2017, poverty by income
from 1980 to 2014 (0.64 to 0.83) The Ministry of Social Development and multidimensional were 8.6 % and
(UNDP, 2015) inequality remains (MDS) based on data from the CASEN 20.7 % respectively. Between 2006 and
one of the biggest challenges of the survey, estimates poverty both by 20154 there was a significant reduction
country, considering that the income income and multidimensional poverty. of poverty (Figure 2).
of 10 % of the richest population of The latter includes the following relevant
The Human Development Index evaluates the progress of countries considering health (life expectancy), education (average years of schooling
and those expected) and income (gross national income per capita).
Index of inequality that shows the distance between the distribution of income with respect to a situation of perfect equality, which value is
within the range (0.1). 0 corresponds to perfect equality.
The series of data on poverty by income (estimated through the new measurement methodology) is available for years 2006, 2009, 2011,
2013 and 2015.
Education with the environment and social activity grew by 1.5 % compared to
responsibility, which it is approved for all 2016. There were increases in most of
Regarding climate change contents in levels except for the last years of high the activities, being services and trade
the curricula of primary and secondary school which is in revision process. the largest contribution to the GDP;
education, these are addressed through meanwhile, the main negative effects
a Crosswise Learning Objective (OAT 1.4. Economic profile came from business services, construction
16. Protecting the natural environment and mining. More details of the GDP
and its resources as a context of human Chile has an open and stable economic from 2013 to 2017 are presented in
development), which from a social- model, which promotes trade and Table 3.
cultural dimension raises the commitment investment. During 2017, the economic
Table 3. Gross domestic product by type of economic activity, at current prices, reference 2013 (Billions of Chilean pesos)
1.5. General indicators indicators for Chile obtained from the United Nations Framework Convention
information presented in the Chile’s on Climate Change (3CN 2016) and
In synthesis, Table 4 presents some key Third National Communication to the updated for this report.
Total surface area (km2) 2,006,096
South American surface area (km ) 2
755,915 The Military Geographic Institute (IGM)
Surface in Oceania (Easter Island) (km )2
Land uses:
With respect to the area of South America and Oceania.
Marine protected areas (1,000 ha) 46,323 Ministry of Environment (MMA), 2018
National Register of protected areas
The National System of Protected Wild Areas (SNASPE)
(thousand ha)
Social development
Life expectancy year 2017 (years) 79.3 The National Institute of Statistics (INE),
Infant mortality year 2015 (per thousand live births) 6.9 2017
Economic Activity
Below is presented the existing institutional free environment assigning to the State Assessment System (SEIA) started as an
framework. The intention is promoting the liabilities on protecting and preserving environmental management instrument.
coordination and collaboration between the nature and the environmental On January 2010, Law N° 20,417
different levels of decision-making, heritage (Gobierno de Chile, 2002). created the Ministry of Environment
including different partners, actors and On March 1994, Law N° 19,300 of (MMA), the Environmental Assessment
sectors, in environment matters focused General Bases of the Environment was Service (SEA) and the Superintendence
on climate change. enacted, laying down the bases for the of the Environment (SMA). On the
environmental institutional framework other hand, Law N°20,600 of 2012
and creating the National Environment created the Environmental Courts. A
2.1. Environmental Institutions Commission (CONAMA), the first brief overview of the national institution
Chilean environmental agency and framework related to environmental
The Constitution of Chile guarantees, as supervising compliance in the matter. On issues and climate change is summarized
a fundamental right, to live in a pollution April 1997, the Environmental Impact in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Organization chart of the Chilean environmental institutional framework and its main functions
I. Implement a Law on climate change in order to comply with our international commitment
to the year 2030.
II. Create or strengthen the National System of National Inventories of Greenhouse Gases
(GHG), the National System for prospective GHG emissions and the Pollutants Release
and Transfer Register.
III. Integrate the adaptation of climate change into the National Investment System, the
National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Strategic Environmental Assessment and
the standards for infrastructure and buildings.
IV. Assign sectorial responsibilities for reducing global emissions, update the adaptation
V. Create a Climate Change Forum to promote the inclusive and participatory approach
to the prevention and adaptation to climate change.
VI. Decentralize and regionalize the actions of mitigation, adaptation and capacity
building in the field of climate change.
VII. Create a Scientific Advisory Committee of climate change in order to promote science-
based decision-making.
VIII. Create a funding strategy, along with the creation of a National Climate Fund
for scientific research, information generation, measures design and the transfer of
On Thursday, July 5, 2018 the move toward a country more resilient Until December 2018, the "Dialogue
President of the Republic, Mr. Sebastián to climate change, so the law will have about the Framework Law on Climate
Piñera, together with the Minister of a medium and long-term vision and it Change" will be carried out through
Environment, Ms. Marcela Cubillos and will be built from the regions through a the MMA at each of the regions in the
with the special participation, as a guest, highly participatory process. The law will country, where is expected that ONGs,
of the economist and French diplomatic establishes the objectives of greenhouse academia, communities, associations,
PhD Ms. Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the gas reduction and adaptation to climate private sector, congressmen, authorities
European Climate Foundation, officially change, in addition to establishing a from various ministries and local
launched the designing process of a law system of climate governance, allowing authorities participate, among others.
on climate change for Chile. Among the to face the challenges of this reality
major announcements of this activity, adequately.
it was indicated that it is needed to
Law 20.417, Article 70 letter h.
Supreme Decree N° 30, of February 13, 2017 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs enacts the Paris Agreement, adopted at the twenty-first
meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, may be accessed in the link:
Supreme Decree N° 52, November 22, 2017 the Ministry of Environment creates permanent the Permanent Presidential Advisory
Commission on climate change may be accessed at the link:
CORECCs are committees established CORECCs are an instance of the The framework within which the
at each of the administrative regions of regional authorities’ leadership to CORECCs are inserted as a leadership
the country, through a summons by the address the challenges of climate institution on climate change at a
Intendente (top regional authority) to the change. Their function is to promote and regional level, is shown in Figure 4.
rest of the regional authorities, considering facilitate the implementation, at regional
Figure 4. Outline of the institutional structure for implementing climate change policies
Available at
CONAF. (2017). Superficies Catastros Usos de Suelos y Recursos Vegetacionales. Recuperado el 01 de 09 de 2016, de CONAF: https://sit.
Dirección Meteorológica de Chile. (2018). REPORTE ANUAL DE LA EVOLUCIÓN DEL CLIMA EN CHILE 2017. Santiago: DIRECCIÓN
DIRECON. (2015). Informe Anual, Comercio Exterior de Chile. Recuperado el 01 de 09 de 2016, de DIRECON: https://www.direcon.gob.
Gobierno de Chile. (2002). Cumbre Mundial sobre Desarrollo Sostenible Johannesburgo: Informe Nacional de la República de Chile.
INE. (2013). Estadísticas vitales. Anuario 2013. Recuperado el 01 de 09 de 2016, de INE. Demográficas y Vitales:
INE. (2017). Censo 2017. Recuperado el 18 de 04 de 2018, de INE. Censo 2017:
MDS. (2017). Casen 2017. Ingresos de los hogares. Obtenido de MIDESO:
MINEDUC. (2015). Resumen estadístico de la educación 2015. Recuperado el 02 de 08 de 2016, de MINEDUC: http://centroestudios.
MINENERGIA. (2015). Energía 2050. Política Energética de Chile. Santiago de Chile: MINENERGIA.
Ministerio de Agricultura. (Junio de 2016). Programa de Acción Nacional de Lucha Contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de Tierras y la
Sequía PANCD-Chile 2016-2030. Obtenido de
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional. (2010). Ministerio de Defensa Nacional. Recuperado el 02 de 08 de 2016, de libro
de la defensa 1.pdf
ODEPA. (2005). Agricultura Chilena 2014: Una perspectiva de mediano plazo. Santiago.
PNUD. (2015). Desarrollo humano en Chile; los tiempos de la politización. Recuperado el 01 de 09 de 2016, de PNUD: http://
Santibáñez, F., Roa, P., & Santibáñez, P. (2016 por publicar). Capíotulo 1. Medio físico. En MMA, Biodiversidad de Chile. Santiago de Chile:
Sernapesca. (2017). Resumen Ejecutivo Principales resultados y conclusiones acumulados al mes de octubre de 2017. Informe comparativo de
las Principales Pesquerías 2016/2017.
SISS. (2014a). Informe anual de coberturas urbanas de servicios sanitarios. Recuperado el 08 de 08 de 2016, de Superintendencia de
Servicios Sanitarios:
This chapter is the summary of the emissions and removals in Chile. Sections the NGHGIs, UNFCCC proposes
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 3 to 7 present detailed information of the methodological guidelines developed by
Report in Chile, series 1990-20161 which four sectors: Energy (which includes the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
contains the Fifth National Greenhouse reporting items); Industrial processes and Change (IPCC) to prepare or update their
Gas Inventory of Chile (Chile’s NGHGI) products use; Agriculture; Land use, Land- inventories. In the NGHGIs, economic
presented by the country to the United use Change and Forestry; and Waste. sectors of the countries are grouped
Nations Framework Convention Section 8 summarizes recalculations. into sectors that share characteristics
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in relating to the processes that generate
compliance with article 4, paragraph emissions or removals. These sectors are
1(a) and article 12, paragraph 1(a) 1.1. General background Energy Industrial Processes and product
of that Convention, and decision 1 of use (IPPU); Agriculture; Land use, land -
the 16th Conference of the Parties of On March 21, 1994 the UNFCCC came use change and forestry (LULUCF), and
Cancun, in 2010. into force, ratified by Chile in the same Waste.
year, with the purpose of stabilizing
Chile’s NGHGI covers the entire national GHG concentrations in the atmosphere
territory and includes emissions and at a level that would prevent dangerous
removals of greenhouse gas (GHGs) anthropogenic interference with the
of anthropogenic origin not controlled climate system. In order to achieve this
by the Montreal Protocol2, emissions of objective, all members of the UNFCCC
precursors and black carbon emissions shall prepare, periodically update,
in a time series that goes from 1990 publish and facilitate national GHG
to 2016. The results of the estimates inventories (NGHGI).
of GHG emissions, precursor gases
and black carbon are presented at NGHGIs consist of a comprehensive
the national level; in kilotons3 (kt), and numeric listing of the entry of each of the
they refer to 2016, the last year of the anthropogenic GHG emissions released
The Report of the National GHG Inventory in Chile, series 1990-2016 is included as technical annex of the Third Biennial Update Report
from Chile submitted to the UNFCCC.
The GHG inventories included are: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons
(PFC) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
One kilotonne (kt) is equivalent to a gigagram (Gg) or 1,000 tonnes.
1.2. Institutional
Arrangements for the
preparation of the Chile’s
Update of Chile’s NGHGI: implementation GHG inventories; and preparation of the verification. In addition, to identify
and maintenance of a Biennial Work Plan reports (the NIR in Chile and the chapters and prioritize potential improvements
with activities, timelines and budgets to for BURs or national communications). of the Chile’s NGHGI a Continuous
guide the permanent task of the National Improvement Plan is prepared. Since
Technical Team. In general, during the Quality Assurance and Quality Control 2015, the SNICHILE implemented a
first year of the biennial cycle of the System: Improving the quality of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control
work plan, Sectorial GHG inventories Chile’s (transparency, completeness, System (QA/QC) in accordance with
(SGHGI) are updated, while in second consistency, comparability and the IPCC good practice guidance for the
year crosswise themes in the Chile’s accuracy) through the establishment NGHGI’s preparation.
NGHGI are compiled and developed; and implementation of quality assurance
the inventory of black carbon; local and quality control procedures, and
1.4. Methodology and main the exception of the Agriculture and the UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines for
sources of information LULUCF sectors; and some categories Biennial Update Reports from Parties not
of IPPU sector for which a level 2) included in Annex I to the Convention6
GHGs and precursor gases estimates methodology was used; including the and the Guidelines for the Preparation of
of the current Chile’s NGHGI, series analysis of main categories, uncertainty National Communications by Parties not
1990-2016, were carried out in line assessment, completeness and included in Annex I to the Convention7.
with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for recalculations assessment. In addition, ANNEX 1 presents a summary of the
National Greenhouse Gas Inventories4 Chile’s NGHGI has been prepared to methods and levels applied in Chile’s
and applying the IPCC software5 (with meet the information requirements of NGHGI.
Recovered from
Recovered from
Annex to Decision 17/COP8. Recovered from
Annex III to Decision 2/COP17. Recovered from
CO2 1
CH4 25
N2O 298
HFC-23 14,800
• In the Energy sector activity and parametric data were used, the majority from the National Energy Balances, statistics of automotive
park for Road Transportation and default emission factors.
• In the IPPU sector activity data from the public yearbooks of the productive companies, of Chile official statistics from the National
Institute of Statistics (INE) and from the National Customs Service were used; in addition to country-specific emission factors for productions
of lime, cement, glass, iron and steel, while for the rest of the categories default emission factors were used.
• In the Agriculture sector activity data were used mainly from Agricultural Censuses; in addition to country specific emission factors for
enteric fermentation (cattle), manure management (cattle and pigs) and direct emissions for use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers, while for
the other categories default emission factors were used.
• In the LULUCF sector activity data were used mainly from the Vegetation Record and Sectorial Statistics; and country-specific emission
factors for forest land mainly from the National Forestry Inventory, while for other uses of the land default emission factors were used.
• In the Waste sector activity data from the population censuses of the INE, statistics of solid wastes of the MMA, flow of waste water
and sludge by the Superintendence of Sanitary Services (SISS) and the Survey of National Social-Economic Characterization (CASEN)
prepared by the Ministry of Social Development (MDS) were used; in addition to default emission factors.
Black carbon emissions were estimated The concept of key category allows
using the same activity data raised by the identifying the categories that have a
corresponding Sectorial Technical Teams. significant impact on the NGHGI of a
Emissions were estimated for the sources country in terms of absolute level, trends
that burn fossil fuel or biomass with energy and uncertainty of GHG emissions and
purposes; Agricultural waste burning; removals. The main categories of Chile’s
forest fires; burning of hospital waste NGHGI for 1990 and 2016 were
and cremation, among other. According identified according to the criteria of level
to the source, the emission factor of fine and trend (N, TD), using the Method 1,
particulate matter (MP2,5) was selected which considers emissions and removals
in addition to the corresponding black in an absolute manner and Method 2,
carbon speciation factor, according to which also considers uncertainty.
the Guide for Inventories of Pollutants
Emissions into the air of the European Table 2 summarizes the emission
Monitoring and Evaluation Program and sinks sources identified as key
(EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission categories, showing in turn with an "X"
Inventory Guidebook 2016. Technical the criterion or criteria and methods by
guidance to prepare national emission which they were categorized this way.
inventories. EEA Report N° 21/2016, Some categories meet both level and
ISSN 1977-8449, https://www.eea. trend criteria, as is the case of 9 sinks and sources of emission of Forest Lands
guidebook-2016). Regarding black that Remain as Such. On the other hand,
carbon emissions of the LULUCF sector, there are sources of emission that are key
the emission factor of black carbon of the category only because of one criterion,
associated to biomass burnt was used such is the case of Foaming Agents in the
(Akagi et. al, 2011). trend with Method 2.
It should be noted that for black carbon This summary is the basis for discussions
emissions, emissions from biomass with Sectorial Technical Teams on the
burning in furnaces that produce bricks quality of the estimates and possible
(Ladrilleras) were not estimated, nor the improvements. The key categories of
N1 1990: analysis of 1990 Level Method 1; N1 2016: analysis of 2016 Level Method 1; TD1: trend analysis 1990-2016 Method 1; N2
1990: analysis of 1990 Level Method2; N2 2016: analysis of 2016 Level Method 2; TD2: trend analysis 1990-2016 Method 2.
1.6. General assessment of estimation parameters of each SNGHGI uncertainty (contribution to variance) of
uncertainty and developed an analysis using Method 2016 are the LULUCF sector, followed by
1: Propagation of error of the IPCC IPPU, the Energy sector, then the Waste
According to the IPCC Guidelines of Guidelines of 2006, which estimates sector and finally, the Agriculture sector.
2006, uncertainty estimates are an uncertainty in the individual categories Although the combined uncertainty of the
essential part of a comprehensive of the entire inventory, and in the trends Energy sector is low (-3.0% and +4.3%)
inventory of GHG emissions and between one year of interest and the and that of Waste is high (-67,2%
removals. The uncertainty analysis base year. It should be noted that the and +72,4%), the first one generates
should be considered as a means to uncertainty of each individual category a greater contribution to uncertainty
prioritize national efforts aimed to is weighted by the emissions or removals due to the emissions level. In general,
increase the accuracy and precision of in that category to obtain the contribution the uncertainty of Chile’s NGHGI is
future inventories and to guide decisions to the total combined uncertainty. explained by the use of default emission
on the methodology selected. factors from the IPCC Guidelines of
According to this analysis the balance of 2006, more than by the uncertainty
For the analysis of Chile’s NGHGI emissions and removals of the country’s associated with the activity data.
uncertainty, the Coordinating Technical GHG presents a combined uncertainty of
Team compiled the uncertainties of -78,7 % and +79,2 %. In general terms,
emission factors, activity data and other the sectors that most contribute to the
Notation keys are: NE = Not estimated; IE = Included elsewhere; C = Confidential; NA = Not applicable; NO = Does not occur.
In 2016, GHG emissions at a national accounted for 2,869.5 kt CO2 eq; and CO accounted for 963.4 kt; non-methane
level and per type were as follows: SF6 emissions accounted for 272.3 kt volatile organic compounds (NMVOCS)
net emissions9 of CO2 accounted for CO2 eq (Table 3). accounted for 364.0 kt; and finally, SO2
22,186.4 kt; CH4 emissions accounted accounted for 357.4 kt (Table 3). On the
for 562.6 kt and N2O emissions Regarding precursor gases, in 2016 other hand, black carbon emissions were
accounted for 22.8 kt. In the case of emissions throughout the country were 19.5 kt for the whole country.
fluorinated gases, emissions of HFC as follows: NOx accounted for 300.8 kt;
In this report, the term "net emissions" refers to the summation of GHG emissions and removals, it is also understood as "balance of GHG".
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases Net CO2 CH4 N2O
All national emissions and removals 22,186.4 562.6 22.8
1. Energy 84,121.0 75.5 3.8
1.A. Fuel combustion activities(Sectorial approach) 84,119.8 35.5 3.8
1.A.1. Energy industries 35,483.7 1.6 0.6
1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction 15,684.7 6.7 0.9
1.A.3. Transport 26,231.2 5.3 1.9
1.A.4. Other sectors 6,720.0 21.8 0.3
1.A.5. Non-specified IE, NE IE, NE IE, NE
1.B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.2 40.0 NA, NE
1.B.1. Solid fuels NA, NE 3.7 NA
1.B.2. Oil and natural gas. 1.2 36.3 NA, NE
1.B.3. Other emissions from energy production NE NE NE
1.C. Transportation and storage of CO2 NO
1.C.1. Transportation of CO2 NO
1.C.2. Injection and storage NO
1.C.3. Other NO
2. Industrial Processes and product use 3,322.5 0.9 1.5
2.A. Mineral industry 1,601.7
2.B. Chemical industry 263.3 0.9 1.5
2.C. Metal industry 1,327.6 IE, NO
2.D. Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use 129.9
2.E. Electronics Industry
2.F. Use of products as substitutes for ozone depleting substance NA
2.G. Other product manufacture and use NA, NE
2.H. Other
3. Agriculture 445.4 263.6 16.0
3.A. Enteric fermentation 187.3
3.B. Manure management 69.9 0.9
3.C. Rice cultivation 5.3
3.D. Agricultural soils 15.0
3.E. Prescribed burning of savannas NO
3.F. Field burning of agricultural residues 1.1 0.0
3.G. Liming 88.4
3.H. Urea application 357.0
3.I. Other carbon-containing fertilizers NO
3.J. Other NA NA NA
4. Land use, land-use change and forestry - 65,703.0 5.1 0.3
4.A. Forest land - 69,851.9 4.9 0.3
4.B. Cropland 1,549.9 0.0 0.0
4.C. Grassland 1,661.2 0.1 0.0
4.D. Wetland 20.6
4.E. Settlements 368.7
4.F. Other Land 548.6 NO NO
4.G. Collected wood products NE
4.H. Other (please specify)
5. Waste 0.5 217.5 1.2
5.A. Solid waste disposal 172.2
5.B. Biological treatment of solid waste 1.3 0.1
5.C. Incineration and open burning of waste 0.5 0.0 0.0
5.D. Wastewater treatment and discharge 44.0 1.1
5.E. Other
2.8 93.6
1.0 36.3
3.3 116.1
3.2 112.7
0.0 1.1
0.1 2.3
(Table 4). The main cause of the GHG 4) are CO2 emissions generated by the
Table 4. Chile’s NGHGI: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq) by sector, 1990-2016 series
Regarding participation in 2016 by each sector accounted for 49.2 %, followed (3.9 %), and finally the Waste sector
sector in the GHG emissions balance in by the LULUCF sector (- 37.0 %), the (3.3 %).
absolute terms12 (Figure 3), the Energy Agriculture sector (6.7 %), IPPU sector
The term "balance of GHG emissions" or "net emissions" refers to the summation of GHG emissions and removals, in carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2 eq). This term includes to the LULUCF sector as a whole.
In the present report, the term "total GHG emissions" refers only to the summation of the national GHG emissions in carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2 eq). This term excludes the emission sources and removal sinks of the LULUCF sector.
In this report, the term "absolute" refers to the magnitude of value. Its purpose is to compare the magnitudes between GHG emissions and
removals. In this regard, the values that correspond to removals shall be accompanied by a negative sign to represent their condition of sink.
Regarding participation of each sector 78.0 %, followed by the Agricultural This shows that, both in the balance of
in the total GHG emissions (Figure 4), sector (10.6 %), IPPU sector (6.2 %), GHG emissions and in total emissions,
The Energy sector accounted for and finally the Waste sector (5.2 %). the Energy sector is the most important.
Figure 4. Chile’s NGHGI: total GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by sector, 1990-2016 series
6.2% 5.2%
Table 5. Chile’s NGHGI: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq) by gas, 1990-2016 series
In 2016, the balance of GHG emissions GHG emission that moves the trend, as the period between 2000 and 2007.
of Chile was dominated by CO2, evidenced by the peaks (years 1998, This is due to the absorption of forest
representing a 48.0 %, followed by 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2015) and lands and a greater use of natural gas
CH4 with a 30.5 %, N2O with a 14.7 % valleys (2003, 2010) in the series. It for power generation compared to other
and fluorinated gases, which collectively is striking how the balance of CO2 is fossil fuels.
accounted for the remaining 6.8 % conducive to absorption for the early
(Figure 5). It is clear that CO2 is the years of the series (1990-1998), and for
Figure 5. Chile’s NGHGI: balance of GHG (kt CO2 eq) by gas, 1990-2016 series
Figure 6. Chile’s NGHGI: total GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by gas, 1990-2016 series
2.3. Trends in Precursors In 2016, precursor emissions accounted 48.5 %, followed by a 18.3 % of
Emissions and Black Carbon for a total of 1,985.5 kt, which were NMVOCS, SO2 with a 18.0 % and then
dominated by CO, representing a NOx with a 15.1 % (Figure 7).
In 2016, black carbon emissions Energy sector. The increases in years 90.7 %, followed by the LULUCF sector
accounted for 19.5 kt, increasing by 1998, 2002, 2007, 2014 and 2015 (7.5 %), the Agriculture sector (1.7 %),
71.8 % from 1990 and a 0.8 % from are due to black carbon emissions IPPU sector (0.1 %) and finally the Waste
2013. The main cause of the trend are related to forest fires. Regarding the sector which percentage of participation
the emissions associated to the use of participation of each sector (Figure 8), is marginal.
biomass for energy purposes in the the Energy sector accounted for
2.4. GHG Intensity Indicators Bank converted to prices of 2011 in variation observed, with peaks in 1998
thousands of millions Chilean pesos, and and 2015, is mainly due to the influence
It is important for the country to manage population corresponds to INE statistics of forest fires in the balance of GHG
the information of Chile’s NGHGI based on 1992 and 2002 censuses and emissions in the country. On the other
with the purpose of understanding the population projection to 2020. hand, the indicator of GHG emissions/
evolution of GHG emissions in a broad total GDP was 0.93 t CO2 eq/MMCLP,
context. To do this, indicators have been In 2016, the balance indicator of GHG/ a decrease of 35.9 % since 1990 and
defined that relate the balance of GHG GDP ratio was 0.38 t CO2 eq/MMCLP, 9.9 % since 2007; the trend is influenced
emissions and total GHG emissions increasing by 605.0 % since 1990, but by emissions of the Energy sector that
with the Gross Domestic Product decreasing in 7.0 % since 2007, Chile’s dominates the total GHG emissions in
(GDP) and the population (per capita). base year for its contribution determined the country (Figure 9).
The GDP used is that of the Central at a national level (NDC). The interannual
Figure 9. Chile’s NGHGI: balance of GHG emissions per GDP and total GHG emissions per GDP (t CO2 eq/MMCLP), series
Source: own preparation by the Coordinating Technical Team of the MMA, on the basis of information from the Central Bank of Chile
Figure 10. Chile’s NGHGI: balance of GHG emissions per capita and total GHG emissions per capita (t CO2 eq per capita),
series 1990-2016
Source: own preparation by the Coordinating Technical Team of the MMA, on the basis of information from the National Institute of Statistics (INE)
3.1. Overview kt CO2 eq, increasing by 137.5 % Regarding the participation of each
since 1990 and 16.6 % since 2013, category, 98.9 % of GHG emissions of
The Energy sector, which includes the mainly due to the steady increase in the sector corresponds to the category
consumption of fossil fuels in the country the country's energy consumption, Fuel combustion activities and the
and their fugitive emissions associated, including the consumption of coal and remaining 1.1% to the category
is the main GHG emitter sector in the natural gas for power generation; Fugitive emissions from fuels.
country, with a 49.2 % of the balance and consumption of liquid fuels for
of GHG emissions in 2016. This year, transportation, mostly diesel and
their emissions reached 87,135.6 gasoline (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Energy Sector: GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by category, series 1990-2016
In 2016, the main GHG emitted by the 3.2. Fuel combustion activities increase in the use of liquid fuels (diesel
sector was CO2, representing a and gasoline) for road transportation.
96.5 % of total GHG emissions in the Regarding power generation using coal,
sector, followed by CH4 with a 2.2 %, This category includes emissions from while in 2013 there was a decrease in
and N2O with a 1.3 %. fossil fuel burning, inside or outside of a this generation, it increased again mainly
device designed to heat, or provide heat due to fluctuations in the hydroelectric
Regarding precursor emissions, in the to a process through heat or mechanical generation, given the variability of this
last reported year they amounted to a work. type of source. Within the category, the
total of 1,710.5 kt, of which 47.4 % Energy indutries is the most important
corresponds to CO, followed in In 2016, GHG emissions accounted with a 41.5 %, followed by a 31.3 %
20.9 % by SO2, then NOx with 16.8 % for 86,133.9 kt CO2 eq, increasing by of Transport, 18.7 % of Manufacturing
and finally NMVOC with 14.9 %. On 174.1 % from 1990, and in 9.1 % since industries and construction and 8.5 % of
the other hand, black carbon emissions 2013, mainly due to the steady increase Other sectors (Figure 12).
accounted for 17.7 kt. in power generation from coal, and an
3.2.1. Comparison between the each category that as a whole add up to presents the smallest difference, less than
Reference approach and the Sectorial the national total Energy sector. 0.01 %. All these values are below the
Approach 5 % indicated by the IPCC Guidelines of
In general, the trend in CO2 emissions 2006 as acceptable difference between
A comparison of the CO2 emissions does not present significant differences both methods except in 2013 in which
results obtained with the Reference between both methods. Figure 13 shows the difference is due to the redefinition
approach and the Sectorial Approach the percentage of difference between the of some fuels as fuels for non-energy
allows verifying the validity of the Reference approach and the Sectorial purpose. Differences for the rest of the
calculations performed. The Reference Approach for series 1990-2016. The series are due to various considerations
approach uses the total values of energy absolutes average of these variations is in the end use and transformation of fuels
national statistics, while the Sectorial 1.7 % with an absolute maximum of such as coal, natural gas, biomass and
approach uses biased values related to 6.8 % in 2013. On the other hand, 2004 biogas.
Figure 13. Fuel combustion activities: percentage difference between CO2 emissions with the Sectorial approach and the Reference
approach, 1990-2016 series
Figure 14. Power and heat production as main activity: power generation by source type and GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq), series
Figure 15. Mining (with the exception of fuels) and quarrying: GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) per subcomponent, 1990-2016 series
3.2.5. Transport (1.A.3.) for 26,936.4 kt CO2 eq, increasing by Water-borne navigation 2.8 % of Other
191.8 % since 1990 and 8.4 % since type of transportation and 0.6 % of
This subcategory includes GHG 2013 (Figure 16), due to the growth of Railways. At the emissions level by fuel
emissions generated by fossil fuels the national automotive park induced type of Road transportation, diesel is the
burning in all activities of the national by population’s expansion, greater most important with 57.9 %, followed by
transportation (aerial, terrestrial, purchasing power and improvement of 42.1 % of engine gasoline.
railways, navigation, etc.), excluding the road infrastructure in the country.
military and international transportation
(maritime and aerial), which are reported Within the subcategory, Road
separately. Transportation is the most important with
87.7 % of GHG emissions, followed
In 2016, GHG emissions accounted by a 6.2 % of Civil aviation, 2.8 % of
4.1. Overview increasing by 110.6 % since 1990 and Uses as Substitutes for Ozone Depleting
13.0 % since 2013, due to the steady Substances , followed by 23.1 % of
The IPPU sector, which includes GHG increase in the productions of iron and the Minerals Industry, 19.1 % of
emissions produced by a variety of steel, lime, cement, and the increase in the Metals Industry, 10.6 % of the
industrial activities that transform raw the use of HFC in the refrigeration system Chemical industry, 3.9 % of Manufacture
materials by chemical or physical means, (Figure 17). and use of other products and finally, 1.9
represented 3.9 % of the GHG emissions % of Non-energy products from Fuels
balance in 2016. The same year, their Regarding the categories, 41.4 % of and Solvent Use.
emissions reached 6,939.3 kt CO2 eq, GHG emissions correspond to Product
Figure 17. IPPU Sector: GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by category, series 1990-2016
In 2016, the main GHG emitted by the 4.2. Mineral industry (2.A.) in the production of cement. Within
sector was CO2, representing 47.9 % of the category, Cement production is
the total GHG emissions in the sector, This category includes CO2 emissions of greater relevance with a 55.1 %,
followed by HFC with 41.4 % and N2O related to the processes resulting from followed by 38.5 % of Lime production
with 6.5 %. SF6 amounts to 3.9 % of the the use of carbonated raw materials in and 6.4 % of Glass production.
emissions and CH4 to 0.3 %. the production and use of a variety of
industrial mineral products.
With respect to precursor emissions, the
last year reported amounted to 5.7 kt, of In 2016, GHG emissions accounted
which 97.8 % corresponds to NOx and for 1,601.7 kt CO2 eq, increasing by
2.2 % to NMVOC. On the other hand, 105.3 % since 1990, and 2.7 % since
black carbon emissions accounted for 2013, mainly due to the increase in the
less than 0.01 kt. production of lime despite the decline
Blowing Agents, 0.6 % of Aerosols,
5.1. Overview of cattle and sheep (animal population fermentation, followed by Agricultural
responsible for more than 60 % of total soils with 38.0 %, 17.1 % for Manure
The Agriculture sector, which includes emissions from the sector) that has been management, 3.0 % for Urea application,
GHG emissions associated with recorded during the last decade. This 1.1 % for Rice cultivation, 0.7 % for
agricultural activities, represented 7.2 % is in spite of the steady increase shown Liming and 0.3 % corresponding to Field
of the GHG emissions balance in 2016. by swine and poultry, and the use of burning of agricultural residues.
In the same year, its emissions reached nitrogen fertilizers (Figure 18).
11,801.6 kt CO2 eq, a decrease of
2.2 % since 1990 and 8.1 % since With regard to categories, 39.7 % of
2013, largely due lower population GHG emissions correspond to Enteric
Figure 18. Agriculture Sector: GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by category, series 1990-2016
In 2016, the main GHG emitted by the 5.2. Enteric fermentation a fall in the population of cattle, sheep,
sector was CH4 representing 55.8 % (3.A.) goats and horses, which together account
of total GHG emissions in the sector, for 97.1 % of the category’s emissions.
followed by N2O with 40.4 % and CO2 This category includes CH4 emissions Within the category, Cattle accumulates
with 3.8 %. from herbivores as a by-product of the most of the emissions, representing
enteric fermentation. Ruminants are 85.9 % of the category, followed by
With respect to precursor emissions, a important sources while non-ruminants Sheep with 7.6 %, Other species with
total of 138.9 kt were reported in the produce moderate amounts. 4.0 % and Swine with 2.4 %.
last year, 71.1 % of which correspond
to NMVOCS, followed by CO with In 2016, GHG emissions from this
26.1 % and NOx with 2.7 %. On the category accounted for 4,682.0 kt CO2
other hand, black carbon emissions eq, a decrease of 14.7 % since 1990
accounted for 0.3 kt. and 11.5 % since 2013, due mainly to
6.1. Overview and removals reached -65,492.3 kt affect GHG balance (Figure 19).
CO2 eq, increasing its status as a sink in
The LULUCF sector, which includes GHG 30.8 % since 1990, and decreasing it With respect to GHG emissions and
emissions and removals associated by 8.9 % since 2013. This is due to the removals in absolute terms by category,
with silvicultural activities and land-use effect of the emissions caused by forest -94.4 % corresponds to Forest land,
change, is the only sector that consistently fires, because although the increase in followed by 2.3 % of Grassland, 2.1%
absorbs CO2 in the country, making biomass and harvest are stable for this of Cropland, 0.7 % of Other land,
of it the most relevant for its mitigation period, fires in recent years of the series 0.5 % by Settlements and finally, 0.03 %
potential. This sector represented have been greater causing a balance corresponding to Wetlands.
-37.0 % of the GHG emissions balance less conducive to absorption. This
in 2016. In the same year, its emissions demonstrates how forest fires adversely
Figure 19. LULUCF Sector: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq) by category, series 1990-2016
0.5% 0.7%
In 2016, the main GHG emissions and year, 97.2 % of which corresponds
removals in absolute terms was CO2, to NOx and 2.8 % to CO, and black
representing -99.7 % of the sector, carbon emissions accounted for 1.5 kt.
followed by CH4 with 0.2 % and N2O
with 0.1 %.
In this report, the term "absolute" refers to the magnitude of value. Its purpose is to compare the magnitudes between GHG emissions and
removals. In this regard, the values that correspond to removals shall be accompanied by a negative sign to represent their quality of sink.
Figure 20. Forest land: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq) per subcategory, series 1990-2016
Wildfires have an important effect on the and 2015 more than 60,000 hectares impact on the net balance of GHG
trends in GHG emissions and removals. have been affected by fires, with an emissions.
Figure 22 shows that in the years 1998
Figure 22. Wildfires in forest land remaining forest land: annual area affected by fires (ha) and CO2 emissions (kt CO2 eq), series
7.1. Overview represented 3.3 % of the GHG emissions With regard to categories, 74.2 % of
balance in 2016. In the same year, its GHG emissions correspond to the Solid
The Waste sector, which includes the emissions reached 5,801.1 kt CO2 eq, waste disposal, followed by 24.7 % of
GHG emissions from microbiological increasing by 95.4 % since 1990 and Wastewater treatment and discharge,
processes that occur in the organic 9.1 % since 2013, due to the increase 1.0 % of Biological treatment of solid
matter of solid waste under anaerobic in population and their generated waste waste and finally, 0.01 % of Incineration
degradation, and the anaerobic treatment (Figure 23). and open burning of waste.
of domestic and industrial wastewater
Figure 23. Waste Sector: GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) by category, series 1990-2016
In 2016, the main GHG emitted by the 7.2. Solid waste disposal (5.A.) reduction in the trend which is due to
sector was CH4, representing 93.7 % of the CH4 recovery in some landfills in
GHG emissions in the sector, followed by This category includes CH4 emissions in the country; however, the total CH4
N2O with 6.3 % and CO2 with less than the treatment and disposal of municipal that is recovered in Chile has declined,
0.01 %. solid waste, industrial and others, which attributed to the drop in the price of
are eliminated on solid waste disposal carbon credits generated by the projects
Additionally, in the last year reported, the sites (SWDS). of the Clean Development Mechanism.
precursor emissions were dominated by Within the category, Managed waste
NMVOC, representing 99.9 %, which In 2016, GHG emissions accounted disposal sites (landfills) is the most
is equivalent to 11.0 kt. The remaining for 4,305.3 kt CO2 eq, increasing important with 74.2 %, followed by
percentage is composed of NOX, CO by 88.1 % since 1990 and 12.3 % 21.4 % of Uncategorized waste disposal
and SO2. On the other hand, black since 2013, due to population growth. sites (dump) and 4.4 % of Unmanaged
carbon emissions were marginal. Between 2006 and 2010 there is a waste disposal sites (open dump).
The methodological changes and the Report were prepared according to decrease of 116.1 % for 2013, the last
refinement of activity data are an the IPCC Guidelines of 2006. For the comparable year (Table 6 and Figure 24).
essential part of the improvement of preparation of the present Chile’s This is mainly attributed to an increase
NGHGIs quality; but when this occurs, NGHGI, new sources of information in removals of the category Forest land
it is required to recalculate the entire along with their respective refinement of the LULUCF sector, which included
time series to ensure consistency. Then have been sought in all sectors. In new carbon sinks and also assumptions
it will justify the new calculations and addition, new country-specific emission and related values were refined. While
its implications for GHG emissions and factors were developed in the sectors the other sectors of Chile’s NGHGI
removals of the country. of IPPU and Agriculture, and new show variations, changes in Forest land
sources and sinks were incorporated are equivalent to magnitudes of GHG
8.1. Chile’s NGHGI in Agriculture and LULUCF causing emissions that noticeably have an impact
recalculations differences between the magnitudes of on the general trend. Additionally, it is
previously reported GHG emissions. important to mention that the change
Both the current Chile’s NGHGI of GWP (previously based on the SAR
(INGEI2018, series 1990-2016) and In general, the balance of GHG emissions values and now based on the AR4
the previous (INGEI2016 series, 1990- of INGEI2018 shows an average values) causes an increase in the value
2013), which was submitted by the decrease between 1990 and 2013 of of the emissions when taking them to
country to the United Nations in 2016 18,653.2 kt CO2 eq, in comparison CO2 equivalent.
as a part of its Second Biennial Update to the INGEI2016 thus generating a
Table 6. Recalculations: comparison of the GHG balances (kt CO2 eq) of INGEI2018 (1990-2016 series) and INGEI2016
(1990-2013 series)
8.2. Recalculations in the significant decrease in emissions is transportation. For 2013, there is a
Energy sector shown. 2013, the last comparable year, significant difference with respect to
shows a decrease in GHG emissions of INGEI2016 mainly due to corrections in
GHG emissions of the Energy sector 5,081.7 kt CO2 eq which is equivalent the consumption of electricity generation
(Figure 25) in the INGEI2018 presented to 6.4 %. This decrease is linked with the from coal and the reallocation of natural
an average decrease between 1990 modification performed on the National gas consumption at refineries. The slight
and 2013 of -103,8 kt CO2 eq (less Energy Balance (BNE) for series 2010- increase in emissions for the first years of
than 1 %) in comparison to INGEI2016. 2015, which main consequence was the the series is due to the change of GWP
Although there is no evidence of greater relocation of certain energy consumption, and the increase in this value for CH4.
changes in the trend, since 2010 a with special effect on refinery and road
Figure 25. Recalculation: comparison of GHG emissions in the energy sector (kt CO2 eq) INGEI2018 (1990-2016 series) and
INGEI2016 (1990-2013 series)
Figure 26. Recalculation: comparison of GHG emissions in the IPPU sector (kt CO2 eq) INGEI2018 (1990-2016 series) and
INGEI2016 (1990-2013 series)
8.4. Recalculations in the of CH4. Particularly, an improvement in factors used in the INGEI2016 series.
Agriculture sector the disaggregation of cattle population, In addition, new species of livestock
evidencing a decrease of the whole were added (warthog, deer and emus)
GHG emissions of the Agriculture sector population, particularly of dairy cows. In and new components to the calculation
(Figure 27) presented an average addition, new country-specific emission of emissions that are related to organic
increase in the INGEI2018 of 126.0 kt factors were developed for cattle, soils (histosols). Regarding the GWP,
CO2 eq compared to the INGEI2016, both for enteric fermentation and CH4 given the increase in the potential of
thus generating a 6.9 % decrease for emissions for manure management, CH4, the main GHG emitted by this
2013, the last comparable year. The moving from fixed factors to dynamic sector, the decrease due to changes in
difference in the series is attributed to factors (i.e. regional and annually the population and new factors is not
three situations: improvements in the change throughout the entire time series); apparent, which would explain the slight
management of activity data and emission emission factors for CH4 also improved average rise of the series.
factors; inclusion of new emission in the management of swine manure,
sources; and the change in the GWP with a slight decrease with respect to the
8.5. Recalculations in the in the management of activity data, new is extended to perpetuity; reconstruction
LULUCF sector carbon sinks were included and new of the time series of the forest species
country-specific emission factors were Eucalyptus nitens; the incorporation
The balance of GHG emissions from developed. of fuelwood consumption of exotic
the LULUCF sector (Figure 28) in the species; the incorporation of the carbon
INGEI2018 presents an average More specifically, changes with the reservoir in the soil and litter, according
increase between 1990 and 2013 in greatest effect are: the incorporation to the IPCC Guidelines of 2006; more
the absorption of 19,085.6 kt CO2 of parks and reserves as forests under detailed information for wildfires; and
eq in comparison to the INGEI2016, management; the redefinition of the parametric data on growth by forest
which led to a favorable increase in the equilibrium status of second-growth type with greater accuracy. This causes
absorption of 44.6 % for 2013, the last forest, which changed from 50 cm to 60 an increase in net removals of the sector
comparable year. The difference in the cm of mean quadratic diameter14; the ranging from 30,000 to 40,000 kt CO2
series is attributed to the fact that the redefinition of the permanence period annual average for the entire series.
sector made a number of improvements of forests with management plans, which
This was analyzed by a group of experts of the sector and it was demonstrated with data from the National Forest Inventory prepared by
INFOR that the growth of these forests extends up to 60 cm of mean quadratic diameter.
8.6. Recalculations in the last comparable year, an increase of an improvement of the parameter that
Waste sector 15.8 %. The difference in the series is refers to the degree of use of water
mainly attributed to the increase in the treatment systems for each income group
GHG emissions in INGEI2018 for the value of the GWP of CH4. In addition, and additionally, changes in the source
Waste sector (Figure 29), presented an there is a variation in emissions due of information to obtain data on CH4
average increase of 623.7 kt CO2 eq to the data handling of the Domestic recovery from wastewater treatment
per year compared to the INGEI2016. wastewater treatment and disposal plants.
This represents for 2013, which is the subcategory, specifically associated to
Figure 29. Recalculation: comparison of GHG emissions of the Waste sector (kt CO2 eq) INGEI2018 (1990-2016 series) and
INGEI2016 (1990-2013 series)
kt CO2 eq
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Wylie W., A. (2011). Characterization of carbon balance: The case of the Chilean fruit export and possibilities of mitigating CO2 emissions.
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CONAF. (2011). Cadaster of Vegetation Native resources of Chile. Monitoring of changes and updates. Period 1997-2011.
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Coomes, D., & Grubb, P. (2000). Impacts of root competition in forests and woodlands: a theoretical framework and review of experiments.
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tion in the world market. Carbon content and biomass functions in native and exotic species. Technical report.
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Report N°178.
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The increase in global temperature sources or enhance sinks of greenhouse change has the characteristics of a
observed strongly correlates to increased gases (IPCC WG3, 2014). collective action problem at a global
concentrations of greenhouse gases in scale, since most of the greenhouse gas
the atmosphere, therefore, reducing According to the Fifth Assessment (GHG) emissions accumulate over time
emissions of this type of gases or increase Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental and combine globally, and emissions
their capture becomes critical to deal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an generated by any agent (e.g., individuals,
with this problem. Within the context of effective mitigation will not be achieved communities, companies or countries)
climate change, mitigation is understood if the different agents prioritize their affect the other agents. Therefore, there
as a human intervention to reduce the own interests independently. Climate is a need for international cooperation to
effectively mitigate GHG emissions and
address other issues of climate change
(IPCC WG3, 2014).
Parque Karukinka reserva natural privada Tierra del fuego, Juan Ernesto Jaegger - Imagen de Chile
developed countries would have legal
duties to reduce their GHG emissions,
but all Parties would be summoned to
contribute and would have legal duties to • definition and adoption of rules for
reduce their emissions. The new binding the application and follow-up of the
Paris Agreement commitments;
instrument to limit global GHG emissions
was adopted at the 21st Session of the
Conference of the Parties (COP21) in • implementation by each country
December 2015, known as the Paris and with international support in
the case of developing countries, of
Agreement. public policies that allows to achieve
the commitments adopted in each
The Paris Agreement, ratified by Chile national contribution;
in February 2017, involves all parties
for the first time in the common cause of • start-up of the pre-2020 commitments
fighting climate change and adapting that would strengthen the ambition
to its effects. Its main objective is to and prepare for fulfillment of the
strengthen the global response to the commitments undertaken, particularly
after a first global balance in 2018,
climate change threat, for which it on the basis of the scientific reports,
proposes a limit of global temperature particularly on the limit of +1.5°C3.
increase of less than 2°C toward the end
United Nations, "News of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action". Retrieved from
UNFCCC "Copenhagen Climate Change Conference", December 2009. Retrieved from
The UNFCCC, entered in force since this Protocol, but it can participate in strengthen and formalize the institutional
March 1994, is the international the flexible mechanisms that set the framework on climate change policy,
framework within which it is intended to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) adopt and implement a set of national
stabilize GHG emissions to avoid negative particularly. climate change policies, and implement
and unmanageable consequences in a monitoring and evaluation framework
the climate system. One of the guiding Within the international context, Chile for adaptation and mitigation policies.
principles of this Convention is "common is not a GHG relevant emitter. Its
but differentiated responsibilities and contribution to the total global emissions In relation to the last BUR of 2016,
respective capabilities", in other words, is approximately 0.25% as of 2015. The significant progress in mitigation policies
the need for all parties to address the global average of CO2 emissions is 4.4 have been made given the greater
problem but differentiating the efforts tonnes per person (tCO2/pp) for that sectorial involvement. This has allowed
to leave in the hands of developed same year and according to estimates by the development of new public policies
countries the greatest responsibility the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, aimed at supporting the reduction of
to reduce emissions, in addition to Chile exceeds by very little that figure GHG emissions. In addition, the growing
support developing and least-developed with 4.7 tCO2/pp, and is far below the involvement of the private sector will
countries to grow in a sustainable way. average of OECD countries, which is 9.2 enable the implementation of concrete
All the Parties should report their efforts tCO2/pp (IEA, 2015). actions that will lead the country to comply
to implement the Convention through a with their commitments and increase
National Communication. The OECD in its environmental assessment their ambition. The announcement of the
of Chile in 20164, points out that given preparation of a law of climate change
In 2002, Chile ratified the Kyoto the growth of GHG emissions in the and the development of a strategy to
Protocol, which entered in force only in country in recent years, it is expected 2050, undertake the creation of new
2005. This instrument establishes that that these will continue to increase. For management tools that allow the country
the countries listed in Annex I of the this reason, it indicates that in order to to take a sustainable and low in emissions
UNFCCC must comply with a reduction fulfill its commitment of reducing by 30% path, an effort that will be in line with
percentage with respect to 1990. As the intensity of its emissions to 2030 the international objectives signed in the
Chile belongs to the group of developing (see 3.2), it is crucial that the policies Paris Agreement.
countries Non-Annex I, has no binding of all emitting sectors are aligned with
commitments to reduce emissions under mitigation. Consequently, it proposed to
"Letter from the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs to Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC", August 23, 2010.
MAPS Chile is a government project that delivered through a process of research and multi-actor participation evidence, projections, and
options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Chile
Figure 1. GHG Balance 1990-2016 compared to BAU 2007-2020 revised, and 20 % progressive deviation respect to the BAU
Source: Own preparation based on the revised 1990-2016 NGHGI and BAU (MMA - E2Biz, 2017)
3.2. Chile's Nationally (i) Mitigation, (ii) Adaptation, iii) of Environment, Energy, Finance and
Determined Contribution Capacity building and strengthening, (iv) Agriculture, and on the comments
Technology development and transfer, received from the public consultation
(NDC) and (v) Financing. process of the Intended National
Contribution (MMA, 2015a).
The National Contribution or NDC The mitigation pillar considers a
(Nationally Determined Contribution) as quantified reduction commitment of the Methodologically, the LULUCF sector was
mentioned above, is a commitment by indicator "intensity of GHG emissions" separated from the national mitigation
the countries to the UNFCCC within the to 2030. This reduction is based on commitment due to the high annual
framework of the Paris Agreement, which the sectorial analysis and mitigation variability of captures and emissions,
describes their contribution to meet the scenarios developed in the framework of and for being less dependent on the
objectives of the Agreement. the project MAPS-Chile (Phase 2); on the economic growth path.
results of the National Greenhouse Gas
Chile introduced its NDC in September Inventory (1990-2010); on additional
2015, which is divided into 5 pillars: information provided by the Ministries
• A carbon intensity target, expressed in GHG emissions per unit of GDP (tonnes of CO2 equivalent per unit of GDP in millions of
CLP, 2011), which includes all sectors quantified in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2010), except the LULUCF sector.
It should be noted that the gases correspond to those of the National (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide
considered in the carbon intensity target, Inventory of Greenhouse Gases (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCS),
without including the LULUCF sector, (1990-2010), that is, carbon dioxide perfluorocarbons(PFCS).
During 2017 the MMA coordinated manage the NDC and also, to propose the country's climate commitments.
a Working Group of the Public Sector guidelines and next steps to make Faced these elements, the coordinating
focused on discussing the NDC (WGPS- progress in the matter. team of the MMA has analyzed the
NDC) updating in 2020, as required in main themes or key points that require
the Paris Agreement. The ultimate purpose This group met on six opportunities, and priority treatment, in order to implement
of this group was to develop a shared from the process developed, a series measures to comprehensively address
diagnosis on what elements should be of elements were identified that should the NDC in its next update.
updated, along with identifying possible be considered in the update process,
institutional arrangements contributing to and that are keys to properly manage
• The definition of governance for climate change, in which the whole society and its actors - the State, civil society, the private sector-
are included and converged towards a common, long-term goal. This will allow giving a response to the impacts - economic, social,
environmental and human - generated by climate change; and it will ensure that climatic actions generate tangible benefits to move
towards a low-carbon development and resilient to climate.
• Having a long-term vision of climate change. This allows guiding the definition of the goal and peak emissions, as well as the actions
and instruments for its compliance. In addition, it will provide guidelines to the sectors and a time horizon to the financial strategies,
creation and strengthening of capacities, and technology and development transfer. This will make it easier to project them in the long
term, achieving order and integration with greater coherence to climate policy in Chile.
• The need to review and reconsider the design of the NDC which should include at least the following points: vision of climate policy,
its role, content and structure, sectorial responsibilities, among others.
• Evaluation of Chile’s commitments and strengthening governance for the fulfillment of the NDC.
• Development of sectorial mitigation scenarios linked to the NDC for the planning of public policy.
• Strategy to increase the participation of the private sector in the implementation of actions by incorporating a gender approach.
3.3.3. Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) aims to: Chile's Nationally Determined
for Transparency (CBIT) Project Contribution (NDC) Transparency
a) Strengthen national institutions Framework" in the amount of USD
Paragraph 84 of decision 1/CP.21 for activities related to transparency, 1,232,000; which main objective is
of the Conference of the Parties where according to national priorities; to strengthen national capacities for a
the Paris Agreement7 was adopted, it transparent follow-up system to Chile’s
was decided to establish a "Capacity- b) Provide tools, training and assistance NDC.
building initiative for transparency in for the implementation of the provisions
order to improve the institutional and of article 13 of the Agreement; The components and expected results
technical capacity, both before and after of the project are shown in Table 1.
2020", that "will help the Parties that c) Help improving transparency through It is expected that with this initiative
are developing countries, upon request, time; capabilities are created, and the
in meeting enhanced transparency mechanisms needed to have a robust
requirements as defined in Article 13 of This translates into a fund in charge of follow-up system to the NDC is designed,
the Agreement in a timely manner”. the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) in addition to supporting the inputs for
aimed to meet the objectives defined in the development of a long-term climate
As set out in paragraph 85 of the the decision. Chile applied to this fund strategy in the country.
decision, the Capacity Building Initiative through the project: "Strengthening
1: Strengthen the 1.1. The analysis of climate 1.1.1 Centralized platform of Climate Information
existing framework of data is integrated in the 1.1.2 Training for data users and suppliers
transparency in Chile preparation of policies and 1.1.3 Guidelines to ensure consistency and comparability of
for mitigation and international reports GHG emissions among sectors
adaptation actions 1.1.4 Training to decision-makers in the use of the information
1.2. Chile’s NDC is followed-up 1.2.1 Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system of
and evaluated Chile’s NDC implementation
1.2.2 Development of metrics, indicators and methodologies
for monitoring Adaptation actions
2: Institutionalization 2.Public Institutions are able to 2.1.1 Training Plan for public institutions on the report of
of the Climate public report their climate expenditure climate finance
expenditure report and support received 2.1.2 Improvement of the climate expenditure Form
2.1.3 Publication of a guide to report climate public
3.3.4. Supporting National Action policy actions for the mitigation nationally determined contribution
and Planning on Short-Lived Climate of short-lived climate pollutants". (NDC) of the Paris Agreement (number
Pollutants (SNAP) 2.6) using LEAP-IBC; 2) to propose a
Chile’s NDC, in its number 2.6 has a new NDC for black carbon at the end
Chile, through the Ministry of mitigation section of short-lived pollutants. of 2019, and 3) to have a National
Environment is a part of the Climate & It should be noted that currently at Plan of SLCP's mitigation at the end of
Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) since 2013. international level over 30 countries 2020. The period of implementation
The CCAC is a global coalition which include in their NDCs some commitment of the project is from 2016 to 2020.
unites countries, governmental and non- to mitigate such pollutants. In this regard,
governmental organizations, with the Chile leads together with Norway the
aim of joining efforts to move forward initiative of the CCAC called "Pathway
in an integrated view on the benefits of Approach', which is the body to share
mitigating local climate pollutants, called on the mitigation path with local and
short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs); and global approaches, the experience on
internationally comply with the climate policies and regulations, learning, needs,
change challenge. In 2018, the members assessment and updating of Chile’s
of the CCAC were close to 54 countries, NDC to jointly reduce GHG and SLCPs.
18 intergovernmental agencies and
60 non-governmental organizations8. In such a context, the project SNAP
Supporting National Action and
In terms of coordination in 2017, the Planning on Short Lived Climate
United Nations and the Ministry of Pollutants (SLCPs) was implemented,
Environment signed a Memorandum which contributed to Chile with a total
of Understanding for Cooperation9, of USD 184 thousand, budget managed
a document that includes, among by UN-Environment. The objectives
other subjects "moving forward in of the project include: 1) assess the
Acknowledgment by the Comptroller on December 14, 2017.
According to the National Greenhouse country accounted for 111,677.5 kt sector) and removals of CO2 of forest
Gas Inventory of Chile (NGHGI) (see CO2 eq, increasing by 114.7 % from lands (accounted for in the LULUCF
chapter 2), in 2016, the balance of 1990 and 7.1 % since 2013 (Table 2). sector). The values observed that are out
GHG emissions and removals10 from The main causes of the trend are the CO2 from the trend in the balance (Figure 2)
Chile accounted for 46,185.2 kt CO2 emissions generated by the burning of are mainly consequences of forest fires,
eq, while total GHG emissions11 in the fossil fuels (accounted for in the Energy accounted for in the LULUCF sector.
Table 2. Chile’s NGHGI: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq) by sector, 1990-2016 series
Figure 2. Chile’s NGHGI: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq) by sector, series 1990-2016
The term "balance of GHG" refers to the addition of GHG emissions and removals expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq). This
term includes the LULUCF sector as a whole.
In the present report, the term "total GHG emissions" refers only to the addition of the national GHG emissions expressed in carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2 eq). This term excludes the emission sources and absorption sumps of the LULUCF sector.
The information presented in the inventory 1) adaptation to climate change, 2) institutional and also financing aspects.
delivers the context and the basis to mitigation of GHG emissions, 3) means
understand the relevance of sectorial of implementation, and 4) management It was developed with a sustained inter-
mitigation actions, given that proceeds of climate change at regional and district sectorial work, with inputs resulting
steps by step in the implementation of levels, in order to comply with 16 specific from consultancies and visions of the
these actions could be reflected in the objectives that translate in 20 lines representatives of ministries, academia,
GHG emissions trend in the country. of action and a total of 96 measures. the private sector and citizens, at a
central, regional and municipal levels.
4.1. Mitigation in the National The preparation of the new National In addition, in 2015 a process of early
Action Plan on Climate Plan is the fruit of the collaboration of citizen participation took place, through
Change over 20 public institutions12, between workshops in four cities of the country,
ministries and services with competences extended surveys and interviews with key
in the field of climate change, and it actors. Also, a public consultation was
On 19 June 2017, the Council of was coordinated by the Climate Change carried out between April and August
Ministers for Sustainability adopted the Office of the Ministry of Environment. The 2016, where around 1200 observations
new National Action Plan on Climate design stage started in 2014, considering were collected and analyzed by the
Change 2017-2022 (PANCC 2017- for its purpose the lessons learnt from corresponding ministries and services,
2022), a public policy instrument that implementation of the National Action from the point of view of its relevance
integrates and guides the actions to be Plan on Climate Change 2008-2012 and chance to be incorporated in
taken with regard to climate change in (PANCC 2008-2012), the progress and the final draft of the National Plan.
the country. The PANCC 2017-2022 future challenges the country must face, as
is structured in 4 main lines of action: well as the initiatives in development, the
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Min-
istry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Ministry of Public
Works, Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, Ministry of Mining, National Office of Emergencies and Secretary of Regional
Development of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, Undersecretary for Fisheries and the Production Development Corporation of the
Ministry of Economy, Oceanographic and Hydrographic Service of the Chilean Navy and Chile´s Meteorological Directorate of the Ministry of
National Defense, General Water Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works, National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research
of the Ministry of Education, Commission Chilean Copper Mining Ministry, Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change.
It is understood by Non-Conventional Renewable Energies or NCRE all those sources of energy generation in which consumption expenditure
or depletion of its source are not incurred. Chilean legislation indicated as such the energy from the following technologies: small hydroelectric
stations (less than 20 MW maximum power), and projects that use energy from biomass, geothermal, solar, wind, seas, among other.
Law N° 20.257.
Safety and quality of Energy as a Energy compatible with Energy efficiency and
supply development engine the environment education
In addition, but this time as a tool with a society, including academia, ONGs, The work to prioritize during the following
short-term span, during 2018 the 2018 environmental groups, neighbors four years around the energy sector, was
- 2022 Energy Pathway was developed. associations, trade unions, companies structured in seven axes, described in the
This energy pathway was built through and representatives of indigenous following figure:
a process of public consultation and peoples and communities, under the
dialogue throughout the country, that is, conviction that they are key agents for
listening to the different actors from both achieving sustainable development
the private and public sectors of civil (Ministerio de Energía, 2018).
• Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Plan for the Energy Sector, whose main objective is to encourage measures to address climate variability
and support a gradual transition to an economy and energy matrix significantly lower in carbon.
• Energy efficiency law, which seeks to generate the necessary incentives to encourage efficient use of energy in the sectors of greatest
consumption (large industry and mining, transportation and buildings) and create a greater energy culture throughout population.
• National Strategy for Electromobility, an initiative that sets the axes and priority actions for the promotion of electromobility in Chile, that
will allow reducing GHG emission by obtaining their energy from an energy matrix with increasing participation of renewable sources.
This initiative is being developed together with the ministries of Environment and Transportation.
• Decarbonization table, developed within the framework of the voluntary agreement signed by the companies members of the Association
of Chilean Generators, AES Gener, Colbun, Enel and Engie, to carry out a process of decarbonization of the matrix, where the Ministry
of Energy cooperates through a multidisciplinary coordination and the collection of background information, in order to strengthen the
discussion in labor, security of supply, economic, environmental and health areas.
• Strategy for the development and penetration of renewable thermal technologies, which will enhance the use of renewable technologies
for the supply of thermal or heat needs, replacing the use of fossil fuels and wet firewood.
• Renewable thermal programs, including program of direct uses of geothermal energy, the installation of solar thermal systems in homes
and identification of the potential of biogas plants in industrial sectors.
• Public-private work table on adaptation to climate change in the Energy sector, in order to share experiences of adaptation applied,
prioritize adaptation actions and address a timeline for implementation of the actions.
• Public-private table on mechanisms of tradable emission or other that generate a strategy proposal with the options of cost-effective
instruments for the sector.
• Trading platform of renewable generation projects certificates, both at a large and small scale of distributed generation, in addition to
energy efficiency measures.
• Coordinating Committee on Energy Innovation, which role is to identify and prioritize challenges and define the strategic guidelines to
guide decision-making, in pursuit of the market competitiveness, social wellbeing and the sustainability of the sector.
• Promotion of distributed generation at a residential level, through the diffusion of benefits, consumer profiles, suppliers and financing
• Educational energy strategy, an instrument that aims to bring the energy sector closer to society as a whole, improving the skills of
individuals to make informed decisions, adopting new technologies, be responsible citizens and efficient managers of their natural
Table 3. National energy policy: measures in the short, medium and long term related to climate change
• Establish a regulatory framework for • At least 50 % of fuels low in GHG • The public, commercial and residence
energy efficiency (EE) to generate the emissions and pollutants in the fuels’ sectors takes advantage of distributed
necessary incentives to encourage the matrix. generation potential and management
efficient use of energy in the sectors with of the electricity demand.
the highest consumption (industry and • A Mitigation Plan of GHG emissions
mining, transportation and building), and is applied in the Energy sector. • The innovation policies in the industry
create a culture of energy in the country. contribute to achieve the potential
• An Adaptation Plan to climate change reduction of energy consumption.
• Update and incorporation of new is applied in the Energy sector, within
products to the EE labelling program. the framework of a national plan in this • 100 % of the main categories,
regard. appliances and equipment that are sold
• Start the process of decarbonization of in the market correspond to energy-
the energy matrix through the creation of • 100 % of vehicle models for road efficient equipment.
a timeline for retirement or reconversion of transportation of new trade feature EE
coal power plants, and the introduction of label. • 100 % of the new buildings are
concrete measures in electromobility. equipped with OECD standards of
• 100 % of new vehicles tendered for efficient building, as well as control and
• Reach four times the current capacity of public passenger transportation include intelligent management energy systems.
renewable distributed generation at small- EE criteria among the variables to
scale (less than 300 kW). evaluate.
Table 4. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions in the Energy sector18
The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
More detail of the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 to this document.
Policy of use of firewood and its derivates for heating Policy 2015
Implemented and active
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Plan for the Energy Sector Policy 2017
Implemented and active
Action Line 6: Explicit incorporation of vehicles and their components in the Recycling Law
Action Line 8: Incentives to move to electrical technology for collective taxis (it should be noted that the
"Renew your collective taxi" program already exists)
Action Line 9: Incentives to move to electrical technology for taxis (basic, executive and tourism)
Line of Action 12: Incentives to the training of technicians and professionals specialized in electromobility
Line of Action 13: Training in electromobility for emergency, rescue and care of injured personnel
Clean Turn Certification and Validation Project of the Freight Project 2017
Transportation of the Transforma Logistics Program by Implemented and active
CORFO for cargo transportation by road and ports
[1] The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
Voluntary action, Project, Policy, Economic incentive, Governmental, Technological Development.
More detail of the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 to this document.
Prevention and Atmospheric Decontamination Plan for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Decree N°31, 2016 of the MMA, published on
4.2.3. Agriculture , forestry and By virtue of the contribution capacity Change and Environmental Services
other land uses Sector regarding mitigation of this sector, Chile’s (UCCSA), is implementing the National
NDC presents a specific contribution Strategy for Climate Change and
The Agriculture, forestry and other associated to sustainable management Vegetation Resources (ENCCRV),
land uses (AFOLU)24 is the only sector and forest recovery, mainly native; and which was validated by the Council
presenting GHG emissions and CO2 to forestation, mostly with native species. of Ministers for Sustainability in
removals, which is why its mitigation November 2016. This strategy aims to
potential is relevant. Sources of As a key instrument for the fulfillment reduce the social, environmental and
absorption are primarily seedlings of of this goal contained in the NDC, economic vulnerability generated by
native forest, regeneration of managed the National Forestry Corporation climate change, desertification, land
native forest and forest plantations, (CONAF), through the Unit for Climate degradation and drought over vegetation
mostly exotic. This sector is equivalent resources and human communities that
to the integration of Agriculture and depend on them, in order to increase
LULUCF sectors of Chile’s NGHGI. ecosystems’ resilience and contribute
to mitigate climate change, promoting
This sector is high vulnerable to the effects emissions reduction and increased
of climate variability and climate change, capture of greenhouse gas in Chile.
being its challenge continuing with the
increase of the sector's productivity and To meet this goal, 26 measures were
the sustainable use of natural resources. established with operational goals,
For this reason, MINAGRI and its considering seven activities associated to
services have a prevailing role regarding the prioritized causes, and a crosswise
mitigation issues and in particular, activity to all causes, which respond to
climate change adaptation at a national various areas of application: institutional
level. For this reason, a number of management, operational, regulatory,
instruments has been developed that seek monitoring, environmental education,
to challenge and prepare the sector to research, planning and development.
address climate change. As mentioned
in the section on national circumstances,
technical coordination among the
different services of MINAGRI in the field
of climate change is carried out by the
This sector covers the Agriculture and use of land, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sectors, outlined in Chapter II: National
Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Chile 1990-2016.
• Support to the design and implementation of the ENCCRV. The objective of the NAMA was established within the framework of the
ENCCRV, serving as technical and economic support for the development of studies and activities aimed at identifying and reducing
weaknesses of baseline information, in addition to increasing the capacities of national technical teams and regional ENCCRV.
• Removal of atmospheric carbon through the recovery of degraded agricultural soils in Chile. This NAMA seeks to provide some sort
of incentive to farmers who adopt practices for the recovery of degraded organic soils. This NAMA seeks support for its preparation.
On the other hand, it should be noted officially, which establishes the agricultural sector, working in good
that for this sector adaptation actions grounds for sustainable, participatory, practices for nitrogen fertilization,
can have impacts on GHG emission inclusive and socially equitable forest livestock management practices or
reductions, so the current plans for development. The Forest Policy has carbon sequestration in soils, to mention
biodiversity and agriculture (SAP) been structured around four strategic a few, and analyzing forest policies
adaptation directly contribute to climate axes: 1) Forestry institutions; 2) Inclusion leading carbon capture in forests and
change mitigation. Also relevant are the and social equity; 3) Productivity and prevent fires, to achieve a carbon neutral
benefits for mitigation of future update economic growth; and 4) Protection and agricultural sector.
of Adaptation Plan 2018 - 2022 SAP, restoration of the forest heritage, each of
and projects such as the technical them broken down into impact targets and Regarding sectorial actions that
cooperation activities in the measurement result objectives that present a synthesis contribute to the mitigation of GHG
of carbon footprint and management of of the base line or initial situation (year emissions and promote sequestration,
pests and diseases in non-traditional 2015) and of the situations expected in they are presented in Table 7.
export products adapted to conditions of the short, medium and long term, set in
water scarcity, improvement in resilience periods of four (2020), ten (2025) and
to climate change of small agriculture in twenty years (2035), respectively.
O'Higgins Region, Chile, among other.
Among the sector challenges, moving
On the other hand, in May 2016 the forward in research to bring down
2015-2035 Forest Policy was announced the curve of GHG emissions in the
Table 7. Measures related to mitigation of GHG emissions of Agriculture, forestry and other use of land Sector 25
The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
Further detail of the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 to this document.
In the current BUR, an estimate of the Reference Levels in the Technical Annex of REDD+ results is included.
Manufacturers and importers
Table 8. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions of the Waste sector29
The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
Voluntary action, Project, Policy, Economic incentive, Governmental, Technological Development.
4.2.5. Mining Sector series of processes that go from ore In terms of GHG emissions, mining
extraction (open pit or underground contributes in two main ways. In the
Chile is the world's largest copper mine), passing through concentration first place, there are "in situ" emissions
producer, contributing with 27 % of and refining, in the case of sulphide resulting from the fossil fuels combustion,
global production in 2017, with exports minerals (pyrometallurgic processes); or mainly associated to transportation,
of approximately 5.5 million tonnes of leaching, solvent extraction and electro- heating, drying and material processing.
fine copper (COCHILCO, 2018a). At a winning, if it is leachable minerals On the other hand, and most importantly,
national level, copper mining is relevant (hydrometallurgical processes). The main mining consumes large amounts of
for the economy, since it contributed with copper products that Chile markets are: electrical power, most of which is
9 % of Gross Domestic Product in 2017 copper concentrate, copper cathodes generated by processes that involve the
(Banco Central, 2018) obtained with electro-winning, and fossil fuels combustion (COCHILCO,
copper cathodes obtained with electro- 2008).
The exploitation and production of refining.
copper in the country considers a
Further details on the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 to this document.
"A Master Plan to sustain the future of Codelco", available at:
Measures for the industry and mining sector of the Greenhouse gases Mitigation Plan for Policy 2017
the Energy sector. Under
Energy efficiency measures for mining of the Chilean Agency for Energy Efficiency. Projects 2014
The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
More detail the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 of this document.
Incorporation of non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE) in the execution of Public Policy 2017
Infrastructure MOP. Information Planned
Incorporation of energy efficiency and environmental comfort in public building that runs the Policy 2006
MOP. Regulatory Implemented
Framework Planned
Measurement and management of the carbon footprint in the works of infrastructure and Information 2018
public building that runs the MOP. Planned
The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
Voluntary action, Project, Policy, Economic incentive, Governmental, Technological Development.
In the same line, it is well known that in Chile’s building area" (Ministerio de towards a sustainable construction.
inappropriate construction and operation Vivienda y Urbanismo, 2013), recently These voluntary guidelines seek
of houses significantly contributes to the presented the Sustainable Building to contribute to the construction of
emission of local and global atmospheric Standards for houses36 and the Manual inclusive housing, bearing in mind the
pollutants, the consumption of energy and of Sustainable Urban Elements37. different geographic issues and climate
materials, and waste generation. In this conditions of the country, giving priority
sense, the MINVU, within the framework The first corresponds to a guide of good to families’ wellbeing and care for the
of the National Strategy for Sustainable practices to improve the environmental, environment, thus aiming to give the
Building35, "instrument intended to be economic and social performance country’s inhabitants access to adequate
an orientation tool establishing the main of housing, from design to their housing, resilient and sustainable.
guidelines to encourage integration of operation, and encourages continuous
the concept of sustainable development improvement in the practices tending
Further detail on the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 to this document.
Table 11. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions of Building, Urbanization and Public Infrastructure sector (Hous-
ing and Urban Planning)38
Reduce the deficit of green areas in the country, through Project 2015
investment in conservation and construction of parks and Implemented and active
Bikeways Plan Project 2014
The type of instrument is classified as corresponding to a measure of Economic instrument, Education, Research, Information, Regulatory,
Further detail of the various measures may be consulted in Annex 5 to this document.
Figure 8. Chile’s NGHGI, series 1990-2013: GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2eq) by region and sector, year 201342.
On the other hand, if the balances and obtained. The analysis shows some opposite is the case of Magallanes,
GHG emissions are transformed to interesting situations, such as the case whose indicators pass the average,
comparable indicators such as emission of Metropolitan region, which although despite not being a great emitter.
intensity per unit of GDP or per capita is one of the main emitting regions, all
emissions, values from Table 12 are its indicators are below average. The
The values of RNGHGIs in this section do not consider the last Chile’s NGHGI, series 1990-2016, presented in chapter 2 of the second BUR.
In this regard, the values presented here have a primarily illustrative role.
Its GHG balance is favorable to emission.
Its GHG balance is favorable to absorption.
The AFOLU sector corresponds to the addition of the Agriculture and LULUCF sectors.
Source: Technical Coordination Team of the MMA on the basis of information from the National Institute of Statistics and Central Bank of Chile
Throughout the country it is possible to Over the past few years it is possible
show manifestations of climate change, to observe an increased activity at a
making it more urgent to take actions at regional level, particularly with regard
a local level to cope with them. From the to the gathering of local information
preparation of the Adaptation National on current and potential impacts of
Plan, Chile has an operational structure climate change on natural resources
at a regional level through the CORECCs and regional biodiversity, as well as
(Regional Committees on Climate on economic activities and population’
Change), which are the operational arm safety.
at a regional level for the coordination
Tarapacá "Support to the Project developed within the framework of the cooperation program
implementation of National between the Governments of Chile (represented by the Ministry of
Contributions in the Waste Environment) and Canada, with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
sector in Chile" (GHG) within its main axes through the implementation of best practices in
the Waste management at a municipal level (Mitigation).
The region has been, given its climate characteristics and the issues
presented by the Boro disposal site, where a technical visit was carried
out with the objective of analyzing the mitigation potential associated with
methane recovery.
Maule Breathelife Campaign Campaign led by the World Health Organization (WHO), together with
the United Nations Environment Program and the Climate and Clean Air
Coalition (CCAC), which aims to mobilize the cities and people to protect
the health and the planet from the effects of air pollution.
The city of Talca joined the initiative focusing its efforts on reducing the use
of firewood for home heating, thus contributing to the reduction of polluting
emissions by reducing the extreme pollution episodes experienced by city in
previous years.
It should be noted that in 2017 a measures of climate change to a private the country. Of the private sector,
recognition of neutralization is delivered company. agricultural industries, tourism, energy,
for the first time, giving a new perspective industry, mining, logistics and fishing
to the effective participation of the Until April 2018 more than 40 areas have participated; in addition,
private sector to the potential voluntary workshops have been organized on professionals of municipalities and other
implementation of national mitigation the calculation of GHG emissions and public agencies have been trained.
actions. It also delivers a logo of their management, with over 1,000
excellence for incorporating additional participants, in different cities across
Parque Pingüino Rey bahía inútil tierra del fuego, Juan Ernesto Jaegger - Imagen de Chile
• Implementers and verifiers table, which aims to reach agreements with respect to the verification process and propose methods for
integration into the program, identifying benefits and barriers for different types of organizations.
• System of verifiers Accreditation: In 2015 arises from the Ministry of Environment, through the HuellaChile Program, the need to
create a system of accreditation of verifiers in the management of GHG emissions. Currently, the National Institute of Standardization
is developing such a system, based on international experiences on requirements for organizations which perform verification and
validation activities, together with the start-up of the incorporation of the ISO/CASCO Mirror Committee, aimed to begin the discussion
of the international standard ISO/IEC CD 17029 draft, General principles and requirements for bodies performing validation and
verification activities.
• Support local environmental management: since 2015 HuellaChile and the team of Local Environmental Management (GAL) began
supporting municipalities that are participating in the Municipal Environmental Certification System (SCAM), so that they can be part of
the HuellaChile program. This support consisted in trainings to those responsible for the environmental certification of municipalities at
advanced levels in different regions of the country.
• Negotiation and implementation of goals of GHG management in Clean Production Agreements (CPA). To date, there has been
participation in the negotiation of the processed foods III and Transportation CPAs. Additionally, the team of HuellaChile has supported
the implementation of the goals related to the management of GHG emissions of Containers and Packaging, Smelters III, San Antonio
Port logistics APL, among other. This support involved training to those responsible for the facilities participating in the various agreements
on quantification and reduction of GHG emissions, and about the use of the calculation tool of the program.
• Consultancy for the preparation of GHG reduction guides at offices and in the agricultural sector. During 2017 a consultancy
developed for the preparation of a guide to best techniques and technologies for the reduction of GHG emissions at offices and in the
agricultural sector. The objective was to support the generation of information for the encouragement of the implementation of GHG
reduction actions in the sectors mentioned.
• Estimation of local emission factors. During 2017 and 2018, with the participation of interns, work was done in the obtaining of
local emission factors, including electrical subsystems, raw materials and commodities, waste treatment and disposal, among other. The
calculation of these factors is carried out through the life cycle assessment (ACV).
• Updating calculation tool, includes error fixing and improvements for quantification of GHG emissions. In addition, to incorporate into
the tool a system for calculation and reporting of GHG reductions through implementation of mitigation actions, as well as reporting
neutralization and excellence.
• Preparation of guidelines and rules for the accounting of GHG reduction by the implementation of actions.
On the other hand, it indicates that the following causes for the implementation of mitigation actions:
Personal communication with Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change (ASCC), the Development Committee of the Solar Energy Industry
(Solar) Committee, Business Leaders Against Climate Change (CLG-Chile), Action Companies, Global Compact Network Chile, Carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP), Energy Efficiency Agency, Electric Companies A.G., Generators of Chile A.G., the Chilean Wood Corporation
(CORMA), National Society of Agriculture (SNA), Association of Exporters of fruits of Chile (ASOEX), Association of Swine Producers of Chile
(Asprocer), National Society of Fishing (SONAPESCA), Wines of Chile, ChileAlimentos, Mining National Society (SONAMI), Cement and
Concrete Institute of Chile, FISEM, National Association of the Recycling Industry (ANIR), between March and April 2018.
• Acción Empresas: Since 2018, it defines Climate Change and Circular Economy as one of its six thematic lines. This line has an
Executive Committee, who will define the work program during the next two years, with indicators and specific goals. In addition,
training courses and workshops that address a specific subject of climate change will be carried out. During 2016 and 2017 meetings
and workshops were also held related to this topic.
• The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): during 2017, the implementation of 14 workshops which provide information on how to answer
the CDP questionnaire related to climate change issues has been supported. On the other hand, an online platform for the whole Latin
America to deliver an assessment to companies on their actions is expected in 2018.
• Business leaders against Climate Change (CLG-Chile): organization with the participation of 19 leading companies that are a part of
a network of centers in the world that form the Corporate Leaders Network for Climate Action driven by Great Britain which, together
with the academy, drive policies and instruments that facilitate the transition towards a low- carbon economy, that in turn translate into
opportunities for sustainable development for our country, from a high level summons, leadership and business innovation. Outstanding
is the co-organization of the seminar for the Financial Sector, as well as support in the implementation of the training workshop on
tradable emission systems (GIZ and PMR).
•Red Chile Global Compact: in 2017, a specific work on climate change has begun to arise, through a group of leading companies
in the ODS 13, Action for Climate. The objective of this group is to work together to achieve progresses that contribute to the goals
13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 of the corresponding ODS. Within the tasks assumed by the companies, individual commitments are identified
that include defining measurable goals of GHG, consumption and energy efficiency, sustainable raw materials, in addition to sharing
experiences and good practices. It is still in the initial phase, to then identify details of the goals, dates, benefited, and more information
about the expected results. In addition, during 2016 and 2017 this organization held various meetings and workshops to strengthen
capacities in the field of climate change.
Table 14 presents the update of mitigation initiatives and means of implementation in the sector.
Transportation The transportation sector has various edges. LATAM aviation company is working since 2011 to reduce its CO2
On the one hand, the companies of road cargo emissions according to the sectorial strategy driven by the IATA
transportation represented by the Association (International Air Transportation Association). Improve efficiency in
of Chile Transportation are addressed in this the use of fuel by 1.5 % per year. Reaching carbon neutral growth
table. Additionally, CORMA, which includes the in 2020. Reduce emissions by 50 % in 2050, compared to 2005.
transportation of wood, addresses this sector. Average annual reduction of 2.5 % in fuel use between 2012 and
Also, the actions of international maritime 2015.
transportation and air transportation are also
addressed in this row.
In this section of the previous BUR actions of
Metro, EFE and LATAM were reported. In this
report the progress of METRO and EFE are
reported in the public sector and LATAM in this
Mining (d,e) The sector in Chile can be separated into Large- Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Energy and
scale mining and Small and Medium-sized mining. Mining Council (2014) to encourage energy efficiency. Each
SONAMI gathers more than 3,000 entrepreneurs partner conducted an audit and a plan of action was presented in
from both groups and the Mining Council 2015. In 2016, the 10 principles of the CM on Climate Change
represents only the great Mining (14 partners, were published. SONAMI is a member of the International Council
95 % of copper production) including the State’s on Minerals and Metals (ICMM), which in 2015 presented a
company Codelco. statement on climate change.
This update considers the opinion of professionals
and experts of these institutions, based on their
knowledge and experience.
In relation to freight transportation, in November 2016 the Clean Production Agreement of Regarding the Clean Production Agreement
Road Transportation Sector was executed. This Agreement is addressed to 32 companies of of freight transportation, it is expected at the
cargo road transportation located in the national territory, in order to incorporate additional end of this agreement to have the results of
measures to those mandated by the regulations in force, associated to the decrease in fuel GHG reductions of companies adhering to the
consumption, increased recycling and recovery of waste, thereby contributing to climate agreement.
change mitigation. With regard to LATAM, they annually monitor
One of the goals of this agreement is to reduce GHG emissions, for which we have established their GHG emissions.
training actions, calculation and reporting of annual GHG emissions at the organizational Throughout 2016, the work prioritized the
level, considering a base line. On the other hand, Chiletransporte association will consolidate pursuit of efficiencies in the cruise stage of
the results of the previous action and calculate GHG reductions. flights, which comes to represent a 95 % of
Then, regarding the progress presented in the previous report, LATAM reports that it has total consumption. A high-tech system began
achieved a 27 % less in the road transportation of 2012 to 2016 and during this period it has to process the information of flights and check
been compensated for, including travel of collaborators and other indirect emissions, 26,573 it with the pre-established plans, allowing the
tCO2eq (LATAM AIRLINES, 2017). identification of reduction opportunities for route
The initiatives of eco-efficiency in fuel consumption also had a positive impact on GHG to route. (LATAM AIRLINES, 2017).
emissions, with the reduction of 440,300 tCO2eq emissions of 2016 (LATAM AIRLINES,
It is estimated that the initiatives implemented of the Great mining action plans within the The partners of the Mining Council have
context of the cooperation agreement could generate reductions in energy consumption delivered 3 progress reports of the action
between 3 and 5 %. It includes improvements in logistics, operations and technology. plan (2015, 2016 and 2017), they have
According to SONAMI mitigation actions are under implementation in small and medium officials responsible for Energy Efficiency and
mining in the form of associations, together with the Agency of Energy Sustainability or incorporated the concept to the institutional
through ENAMI. culture.
Both SONAMI and Mining Council provide
information annually on direct GHG emissions
to Cochilco.
On the other hand, the sector participates in
the solar technology institute of Corfo, in the
technology RoadMap 2015-2035, and in the
Corfo project "Integration of solar thermal
technologies in the Chilean metallurgical
industry to improve their competitive
Forestry (h) It considers the opinion based on the knowledge Co-generation of energy through biomass as a solution to the
and experience of professionals and experts in the industry’s waste management.
sector that brings together companies throughout
the production chain including plantations, native
forest, transportation, cellulose, boards, sawmill,
ports and research, represented by the Chilean
corporation of wood (Corma).
Agriculture (i,j) It considers the opinion based on the knowledge
and experience of professionals and experts in
the sector including the SNA, National Society
of Agriculture, which objective is to support
entrepreneurship in Chile and public actions in the
agricultural sector (is subdivided by categories,
such as Fedefruta, Fedeleche, Corma, etc.)
and the Association of Exporters of Fresh Fruit
Wine (k) It considers the opinion based on the knowledge Wine companies respond to a greater experience in the subject
and experience of professionals and experts in the because of the requirements they have to comply with to export to
sector represented by the association of Wines of certain countries.
It should be noted that in terms of production and
participation in the market, it is concentrated in a
few large companies, but at the same time it is a
diverse sector with large number of stakeholders,
including agricultural suppliers even to the
production process.
Along with the use of biomass as an energy source, the sector has been actively involved in Corma is a part of the Council of Forestry Policy
fire prevention (driven by the large fires of the summer 2016-2017). In 2017 the network of and Policy Council of Infrastructure, which are of
community prevention was created that has trained 350 local communities also with support interest to assess and encourage implementation
by the ASCC. of actions with impact on mitigation of GHG
On the other hand, the use of wood in construction has been encouraged, considering that the emissions, such as freight transportation
use of this material might have a lower carbon footprint.
Among the initiatives implemented by these organizations that lead to a reduction of GHG According to the SNA, in general, the actions
emissions include: that have been implemented have their focus on
1) Fertilizer Application Program based on an assessment of the need and not by schedule. adaptation and mitigation, are not independent.
It encourages the efficient use of fertilizer and research in biofertilizers. Increase in certifications such as GAP (good
2) To encourage the installation of photovoltaic panels as a source of energy for use in cold agricultural practices) that require measurement
chambers. of carbon footprint.
3) To improve working conditions a break in the hours of higher temperature of the day was ASOEX has developed guidelines for
implemented, which brought as co-benefit a decrease in energy used to cool the fruit at the sustainability, use of agrochemicals and energy
packing. efficiency among others.
4) To foster more efficient irrigation actions including techniques and technologies according to SNA reports:
the type of production. - Participation in financing the agriculture climate
5) To encourage genetic improvement associated to a lower use of agrochemicals and atlas of Chile, 2017, being relevant to the
adaptation to new conditions with increased drought. actions of the sector.
6) Program of Corfo for adaptation to climate change in the production of blueberries, - Training and formation: “SNA educa” has
includes actions of efficiency in the application of agrochemicals, irrigation, among others. 20 technical colleges which included as
relevant topics energy efficiency and renewable
- Specialized Center of Irrigation by SNA educa
in San Fernando, with the aim of providing
the knowledge and skills in the use, operation
and maintenance of these technologies to our
- Awareness with radio programs in Radio
Agricultura, the Radio that invites panelists
specialized in climate change to discuss this
The main initiative encouraged by the sector is the Sustainability Code of Wine, which This code has already certified 75 % of bottled
goal is the sustainable production of wine. In the environmental aspect, it includes aspects wine exports.
energy efficiency, pest management, packaging, along with monitoring of GHG emissions Through the Association of Wines of Chile it is
at the corporate level. To fulfill this aspect, calculation tools of GHG emissions have been expected in about a year to have data collection
generated. Each establishment must have a base line and define their own GHG reduction of the establishments’ certificates that allow
goals with measures including energy efficiency, soil coverage, integrated pest management, estimating a value with goal and total reduction
conservation of biodiversity, among other. of GHG emissions.
Source: Own preparation based on interviews with the following institutions: (a) Generators of Chile A.G; (b) Solar Committee; (c) Electric Companies A.G.; (d)
The Mining Council; (e) SONAMI; (f) Cement and Concrete Institute of Chile; (g) FICEM; (h) CORMA; (i) ASOEX; (j) SNA; (k) Wines of Chile; (l) Sonapesca; (m)
Cenem; (n) ANIR.
According to the UNFCCC, the it would seek international support, their widespread use. In general, the
concept of NAMA refers to any action facilitated by a technical file developed developers of mitigation actions have
that reduces emissions in developing for those purposes by the Ministry. The achieved international support for their
countries and is prepared under the initial portfolio of Chile’s NAMAs was preparation through mechanisms and
umbrella of a government initiative. constituted with several proposals, international projects for which there
These actions can be policies to achieve in particular from the Ministries of is no requirement on the Convention
transformational changes within a Agriculture, Energy and Transportation. record.
sector of the economy, or actions of all
sectors for a broader national approach. With the opening of the prototype for the 5.2. Summary of Chilean
NAMAs are supported and facilitated registration of NAMAs and subsequently NAMAs
by technology, financing and capacity the official register (NAMA Registry),
building, and are geared to achieve Chile was able to complete the work and In Chile, six sectorial NAMAS are
a reduction in emissions relative to the in October 2012 it was the first country identified, with different levels of maturity
"business as usual" scenario in 2020 in the world to register a NAMA with the and available information. All of them
(CMNUCC, 2018). UNFCCC (NAMA of Clean Production are registered in the NAMA Registry of
Agreements). However, despite the the UNFCCC. Some of the NAMAs have
5.1. Chile’s NAMA initial enthusiasm for the instrument, it undergone significant changes in their
has not been able to increase the interest design that are embodied in the ANNEX
The Climate Change Office (OCC) of of project developers with mitigation 6. A brief summary of the Chilean
the Ministry of Environment initiated in potential. It is not that there is a lack NAMAs recorded in the NAMA Registry
October 2010 a process of gathering of initiatives, but rather that the added is presented in Table 15.
ideas and proposals for NAMAs of the value that provides the registry does not
major emitting sectors of Chile, for which appear to be sufficient to encourage
This considers the pilots of new types of territorial agreements and pre-investment studies characterized by a methodology for generation and
mode of operation different from that of the CPAs based on technical standard, 3 pre-investment associated to commitments in the framework of
the installation of productive plants of sufficient size to have to issue statements or environmental assessments, 3 of watershed management and
1 of territory management for fire prevention.
While the world continues to explore (NDA), in accordance with the modality
global mitigation efforts of post-2012 and procedures for the CDM, which
GHG emissions, countries such as Chile features a technical committee, chaired
are looking for new and profitable ways by the MMA, to review and assess the
to intensify the reduction of emissions background of each project to grant
and encourage financial flows, including the National Approval Letter (LoA), and
market-based instruments. Chile has represent that the proponents of the CDM
already used market instruments for the projects are involved on a voluntary
management of natural resources, mainly basis, and that the project activities
in water rights, fishing and air quality. contribute to sustainable development in
the country.
6.1. Clean Development
Mechanism of the Kyoto From 2003 to date, the NDA of Chile has
granted approval letter to 153 national
projects, of which 102 (61 %) have
Source: own preparation of the MMA based on information from United Nations
Source: own preparation of the MMA based on information from United Nations
It is important to note that 77 MDL 13 shows that the main contribution and finally, the methane avoided (0.1%).
registered projects and under validation comes from wind energy (42.7 %), Chile ranks fifth among the countries with
correspond to new forms of energy, followed by hydroelectricity (35.7 %), the largest number of installed capacity
which have contributed with 4,023 MW solar energy (13.4 %), biomass (5.8 %), for MDL projects of solar and wind
of installed capacity in the country. Figure geothermal (1.8 %), landfill gas (0.5 %) energy.
Source: own preparation of the MMA based on information from United Nations
With regard to the Certified Emission Figure 14 shows that the main typologies overall of the CER, these represent only
Reduction (CER) issued, 41 registered that have issued CERs are landfill gas 10% and 5% of the projects emitting
projects have already generated a total (25%) followed by nitrous oxide (24.7%), CER, respectively. Of these CER emitted,
of 30 million CER, representing 1.6 % of methane avoided (17.6%), biomass to date 747,190 have already been
the CERs issued in the world and 11.8% (15.8%) hydroelectricity (14.6%), called off voluntarily (UNEP, 2018).
in Latin America, which positioned Chile forestation (1.4%), wind energy (0.9%)
as the sixth country with more CERs and change of fuel (0.1%). On the other
issued in the world and third in Latin hand, while the methane and nitrous
America. oxide avoided contribute with 42.3%
Figure 14. Percentage of CER issued and registered CDM projects that have issued CERS, by type
Source: own preparation of the MMA based on information from United Nations
The activities proposed for the additional phase are executed through two new components that are added to the PMR-Chile:
• Component 5: improvement and supplementation of the scope of current carbon tax and the registration system.
Considered to be within its expected results: (i) assess the first year of implementation of the carbon tax in order to deliver recommendations
to address some of the impacts of its operation, such as costs of implementation, arrangements of regulated entities, fundraising,
operation of the registration system and MRV system, among other; (ii) implement the recommendations identified in the assessment
of the tax that permit their continuous improvement; (iii) support the efforts of the Ministry of Environment to implement a system of
mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases.
Its implementation is led by the Ministry of Environment (MMA), in coordination with the Ministry of Energy (MdE), Ministry of Finance
(MdH), Superintendence for the Environment (SMA) and Internal Tax Service (SII).
• Component 6: Assessment alternative plans of carbon pricing for the energy sector.
Under this component, alternative carbon pricing in the medium and long term, their contribution to the reduction of GHG emissions in
the context of compliance with national commitments on climate change under the Paris Agreement and their role in sectorial climate
policies of our country in the future will continue being evaluated. In this context contributes to: (i) The implementation of a simulation
tool of climate policies in the energy sector. Assessment of complementary initiatives of carbon pricing, including the identification of
possible trajectories of emissions reductions and corresponding measures in the energy sector up to 2030; (ii) Development of an MRV
scheme for accounting for emissions reductions of mitigation actions related to energy.
Its implementation is led by the MdE, in coordination with the MMA and SMA.
• Component 3 and 4:
These two components will continue to be executed in the additional phase, as are crosswise and required to support two new
components mentioned above. Thus, under Component 3, will continue running the strategy of communication, consultation and
participation with decision-makers and other interested parties, and strengthening technical expertise in the public and private sector
with regard to the new activities proposed for the additional phase of the Project PMR-Chile, while under Component 4, will include all
the activities associated with the administrative, financial and management control of the PMR-Chile Project.
Since the start of the international climate In this aspect, from 2011 Chile has inconsistencies, assumptions, indicators,
regime, measurement, reporting and worked in independent MRV systems etc.). Among the results, mitigation
verification (MRV) of the progress of the that have served as management tools actions that are developed in the country
Parties has been one of the most important to NAMA, and to build capacity through with different scopes and limits were
components. For climate policy to be the international support of various identified, and a structure of analysis
designed and implemented effectively, projects. This is how in 2014, thanks to was proposed based on information
the parties need reliable information the sponsorship of the United Kingdom maps to identify the interrelationships
on emissions, actions and support both through its Prosperity Fund, the Ministry between actions and policies and to be
at international and national level ( of Environment (MMA) developed the able to apply the accounting rules.
(Partnership on Transparency in the Paris document "Guidelines for a generic
Agreement, 2018). In this sense, the framework for MRV for NAMAs in 7.1. MRV Chilean Technical
UNFCCC Parties must communicate to Chile" (Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Team
the Conference of Parties (COP), through 2015), which explains how impacts on
the UNFCCC secretariat, information on GHG emissions and other co-impacts In the framework of the UNFCCC, the
the climate actions that have been taken of mitigation actions can be measured, concept of MRV is not new, since it has
or planned to take in order to implement reported and verified, and whose main been implicit in one way or another in the
the Convention. This allows them to objective is to allow the consistency of decisions and multilateral mechanisms
keep each other informed about their the MRV approaches applied to these such as a fundamental part in the follow-
actions at a national level and serves actions in Chile and to support the up to the progress of each of the Parties
as the basis for the COP to evaluate the procedure of coordination between the on issues of climate change mitigation.
implementation of the Convention by the various systems. While it was developed In Chile, since 2010 and after the
Parties (CMNUCC, 2015). for NAMA, it can be used for any type of declaration in Copenhagen on the
action that generates mitigation of GHG voluntary reduction of GHG emissions
In this regard, the challenge of GHG emissions. through the NAMA, this subject became
mitigation in Chile and in the world even more important becoming a standing
not only has to do with the reduction of On the other hand, during 2016, the item of work within the subjects related
emissions or the increase of removals, Climate Change Department of the to the mitigation of GHG emissions in
but also with the transparency and MMA, through the project Low Emission the country. At the same time, with the
consistency with which to report Capacity Building (LECB), developed a Paris Agreement, the importance of the
these commitments. For this reason, study to define basic accounting rules NDC as essential tools for achieving low
accounting rules that will be used for mitigation actions in Chile and GHG emissions has been revealed. To
within the framework of international preliminarily design the contents of a meet these commitments, it is expected
agreements pre and post 2020 acquire possible platform for centralized MRV. that mitigation actions, as well as other
relevance, in addition to the correct use This study had as additional objectives initiatives, play an important role in
and application of systems for MRV of identify the linkages and synergies reducing emissions.
mitigation actions in each country. between the information generated
by the National GHG Inventories
According to this, the goal of making (SNICHILE) and the MRV systems used
MRV in Chile is to encourage the in Chile, and count with a preliminary
transparency of the activities of GHG analysis of aspects related to accounting
mitigation through mechanisms to rules for mitigation actions, and MRV in
monitor compliance with its objectives. Chile (double counting, methodological
Cordillera del Valle de la Luna en San Pedro de Atacama, Juan Ernesto Jaegger
In alphabetical order: Energy Efficiency Agency, Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change, the Development Committee of the Solar
Energy Industry, National Forestry Corporation, General Directorate for Civil Aviation, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of
Environment and the Superintendence for the Environment.
• Dots or sampling: through a team of sampling for posterior analysis in the lab or in situ measurement. Deliveries the concentration of
output and the flow is representative of the time of measurement.
• Continues: Data Collection and analysis in real time of emissions, through a continuous emissions measurement system (CEMS).
• Estimate: indirect quantification of emissions through emission factors (associated with the specific productive process), and the level of
annual activity (hours of operation, fuel consumption, among other).
From these three methodologies and The report of emissions responds to All the establishments subject to the
depending on the Environmental the protocol for report of emissions green tax should report through the VU-
Instruments (ICA) that regulate each elaborated by the SMA (2018). It seeks PRTR. Like the measurement system, the
establishment, 11 Measurement to regulate the administrative duties reporting system is in conformity with the
alternatives were originally established, relating to the drafting of the report type of ICA that rules the establishment.
plus an additional alternative (12), of data and background information Also, the sources report through the
which could be proposed by the necessary for the calculation of the tax, Information System of Thermal Power
establishment and which later had to for each source, which performs the Plants (SICTER) if this affects to the
be validated by the sanctioning body Internal Tax Service. In addition, the Supreme Decree No. 13 of 2011
(Superintendence for the Environment, instructive sets the rules for sending an (D.S.13/2011), or through a system of
2016). However, after the first year of individual report to the National Energy green taxes (IMS) if it is not affected the
measuring emissions affected, by way Commission (CNE) and the National Decree. In line with the periodicity of the
of simplification, the SMA amended Electrical Coordinator, containing report of the D.S.13/2011, the report
protocol of quantification of emissions, the consolidated data, with hourly of all sources subject to tax will be done
shortening it to 7 + 1 methodological breakdown of the emissions generated quarterly.
alternatives (Superintendencia del Medio for each of the power generation units
Ambiente, 2018). (GEU) subject to coordination.
• Check that the systems and monitoring procedures comply with the indicated in the proposal of quantification sent by the regulated
and approved through resolution by the SMA.
• Check that the methodologies for measuring/sampling are applied in compliance with the guidelines of reference methods upon which
they are based.
• Check that the data reported are consistent with the operational data indicated by the establishments.
The verification exercise comes through the evaluation of the MRV change in The first challenge is the one with the
an environmental audit activity previously emissions in the energy sector and will greatest progress, since to date a
set by the SMA (R.E. 1.184/2015). allow monitoring the progress of such number of mitigation actions have a
The activities are translated into tests actions throughout its implementation. monitoring of their impacts and, in the
of information, sampling, measurement Inspired by the standard policy and case of those actions that do not have
and/or analysis, to an inspection, or a action of the World Resources Institute one, work is already being done on the
combination of these. (WRI)46, the six principles that govern this determination of methodologies using
system are: Relevance, Completeness, methodologies validated internationally
7.2.2. MRV of Energy sector Consistency, Transparency, Accuracy as a reference. As a solution to the last
mitigation actions and Comparability. two challenges, work is being done on
two complementary systems on MRV of
To fulfill international commitments that During 2017, the consultants Inodu mitigation actions in the energy sector:
Chile has assumed and move toward a and Carbon Trust, commissioned by MRV of Energy District and Certification
low-carbon development for the energy the Ministry of Energy and the PMR- of Energy Savings in Energy Projects
sector, actions that generate the correct Chile Project, conducted the study (CAPE).
incentives to encourage investment "Determination of general requirements
in low-carbon technologies and to of a system of measurement, reporting
encourage a change in production and verification for the monitoring
practices and energy consumption are and follow-up of mitigation actions,
being implemented. In pursuit of this and emission reduction projects; and
objective, it is necessary to ensure the proposal of a recognition program for
correct quantification of the reduction emissions reduction in the Energy sector"
of GHG emissions that generate these which sets out the basis on which the
actions. system will be implemented. The scope
of this MRV considers both public sector
• Management Entity (Agency of Energy Sustainability): entity in charge of managing the CAPE mechanism. It is the one reviewing the
assessment and issuing then certificates of Annual Energy Savings.
• CAPE Assessor: natural person accredited by the entity managing the CAPE mechanism, either dependent or independent worker. Who
is responsible to assess and verify that the information declared by the customer is truthful, on the basis of the mechanisms and regulations
of certification. It is also responsible for sending the information assessed from the different stages, for review by the Agency.
• Client: Legal Person (organization) that requests the entity managing to certify the savings of an energy project in particular.
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This chapter provides relevant 2016 (period immediately following individuals, organizations and institutions
information about needs in the field of the information gathering phase of the capacity in developing countries and
Climate Change in Chile, including Second BUR, submitted to the UNFCCC countries with economies in transition by
the existing barriers and gaps, and the in 2016) to March 31st, 2018 (deadline identifying, planning and implementing
international support received either to gather information for this report). ways to mitigate and adapt to climate
through financial resources, capacity change. This process takes place at three
building and technical assistance, and different levels:
technology transfer detected between 1.1 Definitions
2016 and 2018. ·Individual level: through education,
The concepts of financial resources, training and awareness activities;
For the development of this chapter, capacity building and technical · Institutional level: through fostering
the UNFCCC reporting guidelines have assistance, and technology transfer will cooperation among organizations and
been applied as a methodological be understood as follows: sectors, as well as the development of
framework of the presentation of biennial organizations and institutions, including
update reports from Parties not included • Financial resources (or financial their missions, mandates, cultures,
in Annex I to the Convention (Annex III, support): This refers to mobilizing funds structures, competences and human and
decision 2/CP17) which specifies that which can come from public, private or financial resources;
those countries, including Chile1, should alternative financing sources (UNFCCC, · At a systemic level: with the creation
provide updated information on: 2014). These funds are usually handed of favorable environments, through
over the performers through an economic and regulatory policies,
• Needs for climate action with respect implementing agency. and the accountability frameworks
operated by institutions and individuals.
to financial resources, capacity building
• Capacity building and technical (UNFCCC, 2014)
and technical assistance, and technology
transfer including the analysis of gaps assistance: It is understood as a process
and barriers. that seeks to increase/improve the
Methodological and technical gaps for information collection, lack of a clear mandate on the type of
information to be collected on a permanent basis, especially regarding to progress indicators related
to mitigation policies and actions, and support received.
Capacity building and technical
Restricted budget for administrative, technical team devoted to the document’s preparation.
Financial Resources
Limited financial resources make it difficult to establish Budget supporting the activity in an iterative manner, as set Very High
a sustainable system for the fulfilment of the report’s out in the decisions by the COP.
Lack of specific knowledge in the sectorial and Methodological and training guides for the implementation High
institutional level; difficulties to access training of guidelines in order to understand the prioritization of
both in financial resources as per English mandatory information to report, and the level of detail
language. expected.
Professionals from public institutions with access Building capacity for sectors’ report (other ministries and
to the information required in the BUR have institutions) for BUR’s preparation.
other functions and priorities, making slow and
complicated the process of gathering information.
Limited financial resources make it difficult to establish A budget that supports the activity in an iterative manner, Very High
a sustainable system for reporting as set out in the decisions by the COP. It requires sup-
port from specialized professionals, to give continuity to
information collection and the document’s preparation, be-
cause nowadays the technical content is created through
Lack of systematization in the form of an information report to make periods in between NCs comparable.
As the negotiation makes progress and the new NDC communication and transparency framework are defined,
NDC Lack of capacity for early content definition and political agreement for its approval. Limited capacity
Capacity building
Professionals of public institutions with access to the Building capacity for sector reporting (other ministries and
information required at the NC have other functions institutions) for the NC preparation.
and priorities, making the process of gathering
information slow and complicated.
Financial and language difficulties to access Systematizing the gathering of sectors, public and private
training. information for the preparation of the report: permanent
system active during the years covered by the report.
There is no information systematization Cross-cutting platform to incorporate the initiatives of the
procedure. sectors and the regional and local initiatives.
Limited financial resources make it difficult to Financial resources to gather information and High
establish a sustainable system for reporting. methodologies associated to the NCD updates, in
accordance with the review systems to be negotiated
within the framework of the post 2020 agreement.
Sector interests sometimes prevail over To strengthen coordination between technical design High
technical criteria. and policy priorities. To establish permanent capacity in
sector ministries to facilitate the systematization of NCD’s
development. Integration capacity of sector exercises to
have a model at a national level.
Lack of effective coordination between To have a technological platform that brings together Very High
stakeholders on the subject, both on supply and existing information on climate change for its use in the
demand for technology transfer. sector report of actions on climate change, and efficient
handling of information which is systematized. This
platform must gather all information on topics related
to climate change, generated by various public, private
institutions, academia, etc. with differentiated privileges
for institutional use and citizenship. It is expected to move
forward in this area through the CBIT-Chile project.
Ministry of Energy
Generate sub-national capacity on the mitigation issue and adaptation
in the energy sector.
Capacity building and technical assistance
Ministry of Energy
Capacity building to implement the MRV system of local energy strategies.
Ministry of Energy
Increased participation of Non- conventional Renewable Energy in the energy matrix.
Ministry of Energy
Technical and technological assistance to maintain information platforms in
Renewable Energies.
Lack of adequate financial instruments to finance energy Projects financing Very High
efficiency projects in the industrial and housing sectors.
(USD 326,000,000 per year).
It is required to improve the knowledge on the climate This is a new work line that will require allocating funds, Very high
change issues in the energy sector. professional support, advice and taking advantage of
To increase the number of professionals trained in the synergies with other lines of work.
climate change issues at an institutional level in the
sub-national level.
Not quantified.
It is required to increase the knowledge on the climate In many cases the municipalities do not have the budget High
change issues and specifically on the monitoring, report- and staff that can devote time to these issues.
ing and verification of mitigation measures at a local
This gap is valued at USD 100,000.
There is a need to improve forecasting systems, Need for regulatory changes to overcome obstacles Very high
implementation of the market of complementary services and coordination with the industry.
(entry in force) and development of transmission systems
to avoid cuts of renewable generation, and maintain the
safety standard of the system.
It is required to increase the technical knowledge and Updating the base information source requires Very High
technology improvements to develop a high-quality considerable time, as well as computing capacity both
platform information. for modeling and storage. Also, to deliver faster results
and greater volume a secure web service is required
and constantly available.
There is a need to improve the base information availa- High
Lack of information with regarding quantification and ble at a local level.
georeferencing of organic waste generated in the industry.
Ministry of Energy
Financial assistance to support the implementation of projects with renewable energy
and energy efficiency for internal consumption in micro and small companies.
*The main scope of this measure corresponds to mitigation. However, some of its activities also cover the scope of adaptation.
Source: Climate Change Office, MMA based on consultations with sector ministries.
Lack of adequate financial instruments to finance self-con- Low availability of suitable financial instruments to High
sumption projects with RE and energy efficiency. finance self-consumption projects with RE and energy
Table 3. Summary of needs, gaps and barriers reported for the AFOLU sector (mitigation)
Financial resources for the development and implementation of the of reforest and
revegetation program at prioritized districts/areas in 140,000 hectares.
Strengthening and updating of Management Financial resource for strengthening and updating the Management Plans in 50%
Plans for SNASPE areas within the context of SNASPE areas within the context of the ENCCRV.
of the ENCCRV
Strengthening of the Communities Prepared Financial resources to strengthen the program "Communities Prepared against
against Forest Fires program Forest Fires", to establish the program in 40 districts.
Lack of permanent budget (USD168,150,000) to implement the The lack of funding to escalate in the implemen- Very
ENCCRV at a national level. tation of the strategy at a national level. High
Lack of permanent financial resources (USD41,140,480) to imple- The lack of funding to escalate in the implemen- Very
ment the ENCCRV at a national level. tation of the strategy at a national level. High
Lack of permanent financial resources (USD2,220,000) to imple- The lack of funding sources to escalate in the Very
ment the ENCCRV at a national level. implementation at a national level High
Lack of permanent financial resources (USD9,437,940) to imple- The lack of funding sources to escalate in the High
ment the ENCCRV at a national level. implementation at a national level
Lack of permanent financial resources (USD1,970,000) to imple- Funding to escalate in the management plans High
ment the ENCCRV at a national level. update for all SNASPE areas, training of rang-
ers and other professionals in these topics.
Lack of permanent financial resources (USD2,126,250) to imple- Obtaining supplies to strengthen the program, High
ment the ENCCRV at a national level. financing to escalate the program at a national
Agricultural and Livestock Research Program Financial resource to develop the agricultural and livestock research program.
Strengthening of forestry and environmental Strengthening the institutional and technological capacity of CONAF’s
control programs forestry and environmental control.
Capacity building and technical assistance
Strengthening and expansion of the Strengthening and expansion of the Management Boards of summer pastures.
Management Boards of summer pastures
Strengthening of a phytosanitary protection Strengthening the of Phytosanitary protection Program for native vegetation
program for native vegetation resources resources.
Source: Climate Change Office, MMA based on consultations with sector ministries
Lack of permanent financial resources (USD805,250) to implement Lack of funding sources to escalate in the imple- High
the ENCCRV at a national level. mentation at a national level.
Lack of financial resources to widely cover the requirements associ- Funding in order to strengthen programs at a Very
ated with the enforcement. national level, and to improve the coordination High
Lack of capacity and knowledge by civil society regarding the with municipalities.
enforcement and monitoring, together with the existing systems to
file claims.
The cost of these gaps has been estimated at USD 1,070,000.
Lack of resources to strengthen the operational effectiveness of the Involvement and articulation of the stakeholders High
Management Boards of summer pastures, as well as knowledge to of civil society, public sector and related owners.
promote the best management practices. To promote a public-private network associated
The cost of this gap has been estimated at USD 50,000. to the administration and management of these
areas; financing to escalate the implementation.
Lack of resources to technically assist the program at a national Involvement and articulation of the stakeholders High
scale. Lack of the necessary infrastructure needed to carry out the of civil society, public sector and related owners.
required analyzes in the program. Funding to escalate the implementation.
This gap has been estimated at USD4,080,000.
Targeting of incentives, currently delivered to farmers to encourage Implementing the Agricultural NAMA. Training Medium
farm management plans. SIRSD’s operators on issues of sustainable soils
management and to create incentives for their
Table 4. Summary of needs, gaps and barriers reported by other sectors (mitigation)
energy efficiency, energy consumption record, efficiency in touristic transportation and for
waste management at consolidated touristic destinations.
Lack of coordination between public-private sector allowing to include the measurement of carbon
footprint in all MOP’s biddings.
Lack of technical expertise and availability of key information to perform feasibility study.
There is a need for prioritization in the public expenditure that Financial resources to design a strategy for low Very High
enables the implementation of the strategy. carbon infrastructure.
1) Existence of general and not precise parameters, involving Development of specific parameters of carbon High
underestimating the benefit or cost related to GHG emissions. capture for public building.
2) Not having parameters to estimate emissions of other GHG
prevents incorporating the cost or benefit to social assessment of
public investment projects.
Lack of basic studies and stakeholders’ articulation Development of strategy for measurement of car- High
bon footprint in infrastructure works and public
building performed by the MOP.
Availability of resources and associated studies to reveal this incor- Development of technical feasibility at a terri- High
poration in terms of economic, social and environmental aspects. torial level on the incorporation of Non-Con-
ventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) in public
Gathering baseline and methodologies to characterize the sector. Technical advisory for the development of low High
carbon infrastructure, through the measurement
of carbon footprint and incorporation of NCRE.
Targeting of incentives currently delivered to farmers so as to Implementing the Agricultural NAMA. Training Medium
encourage farm management plans. SIRSD-S operators on issues of sustainable
management of soils and creating incentives for
their application.
Source: Climate Change Office, MMA, based on consultations with sector ministries
High cost of replacing smelting technology by a more novel Development of technological improvements for High
technology. emissions capture in smelting and refinery.
Financial resources to implement this measure. Extending coverage of black carbon filters High
reduction to the total existing machinery.
Lack of resources in the annual budget of the Agency for Sustaina- Identification of improvements to the ASCC Very High
bility and Climate Change (ASCC). platform so that APL companies have access to
the carbon market.
At least one professional of each technical sector technical teams and guidance ensure the sustainability of the system and
team of SNICHILE has participated in received during the voluntary external the quality of GHG emissions estimates.
international workshops and experience review process of the previous NGHGI, In addition, it is expected to count with
exchanges for capacity-building on SNICHILE has made progress in the the greater amount of country-specific
NGHGI. This has undoubtedly been improvement of activity data, parametric emission factors to more accurately reflect
useful to increase the technical team data and emission factors. This has been the national reality in terms of their GHG
capacity. done mainly with its own resources. emissions and removals, particularly in
However, despite the progress in this the main categories identified in Chile’s
As of July 2018, the country has eight field, it has become a priority to improve NGHGI.
professionals qualified as NGHGI national research and information
expert reviewers, of Annex I Parties to related to the development of specific Table 5 presents a summary of the needs
the Convention, one more than in 2016. emission factors for the country. This way related to the NGHGI scope in Chile, in
These professionals implement their it is expected to represent the national addition to the most relevant gaps and
specific knowledge at different stages of reality more accurately and with less barriers identified.
Chile’s NGHGI process, collaborating in uncertainty.
its quality assurance.
What the SNICHILE expects continues to
With regard to the information needed be having the largest possible number of
to prepare Chile’s NGHGI, according permanent and competent professionals,
to the experience of the consolidated constituting stable technical teams to
Area Gap
In the short term, the national funding is insufficient for the permanent recruitment of suitable personnel at the technical
teams, and the development of country-specific emission factors.
Financial Resources
There are still gaps in the technical capabilities of professionals who are a part of the technical teams at SNICHILE,
particularly in the development of country-specific emission factors.
Capacity building and technical assistance
• All SNICHILE professionals have other responsibilities within their position profile, added to the reduced number of
professionals which causes a work overload, translating into each professional being forced to prioritize their working
hours, abandoning the opportunity to train themselves in the NGHGI;
• Staff turnover inherent to work at State agencies, and to the fixed-term retention of external consultants that leave the
teams at the end of the service provision;
• The limited number of experts in the NGHGI field inside the country, in both the public and private sectors, which
reduces the chances of a frequent exchange of experiences at a national level.
Having information that better reflects the national reality, the country does not possess the adequate technology
to perform measurements (fuel carbon content, soil carbon, GHG from soils, firewood and animals, among other).
Technology transfer
Lack of Governmental incentives for the promotion of Increasing and promoting scientific research in the
scientific research in the NGHGI field, particularly development of country-specific emission factors,
for the scientific and academia community. particularly for the Energy and LULUCF sectors. It requires
technical support by the Parties included in Annex I to the
Lack of budget allocated to activities of creation and Convention with circumstances similar to the national, in
maintenance capabilities. the understanding that these Parties have already made
considerable progress in this matter and that the similarity
Limited interest, at the level of the scientific and of conditions makes it feasible to replicate the GHG
academia community, in the research that will allow measurement methods.
the development of country-specific emission factors.
Lack of permanent budget for the development There are other priorities in the country that make it difficult to
of research on adaptation. allocate resources to this area.
Lack of effective mechanisms to allocate public resources
for scientific research aimed to subjects of interest of public
Lack in strengthening coordination and unifying There is coordination between public entities given the
criteria among the various entities responsible institutions’ willingness, in the lack of regulatory requirement
for monitoring and financing the improvement of regarding each institution’s competences.
different variables’ monitoring systems.
Forestry: Lack of funding for the implementation Given the country's needs and priorities in other areas,
of measures and actions contained in the sector no necessary relevance has been given to climate change
plans for adaptation of existing legislation and adaptation within the allocation of fiscal budget for
Financial Resources
of the National Climate Change Strategy and implementation of the sector plans measures already approved.
Vegetation Resources (ENCCRV). The categorization of Chile as a medium-high income country,
makes access to international funds difficult. Without prejudice
of such categorization, fiscal funds are not sufficient to deal with
the issue of climate change and associated disasters to which the
country has been exposed.
Tourism: Lack of additional financing for the The Tourism Undersecretariat does not have the financial
development of the adaptation plan for the resources to cover the development of workshops at the 84
tourism sector. destinations defined as priorities in relation to the impact of
climate change.
Water resources: Lack of additional The necessary financial resources are not available, to cover all
funding to prepare the plan. the activities planned for the preparation of the adaptation plan
for water resources (studies, workshops development, among
other activities).
Permanent financing is required for research and academia initiatives to continue with this type of projects. High
Financing to improve and expand monitoring of environmental and climatic variables: oceanographic data, rivers High
flow, ice extension, glaciers, high Andean wetlands, biodiversity, among other.
Permanent fiscal budget allocation is required at the MMA and at each of the sector ministries that have been Very High
prioritized in the field of adaptation to implement the measures contained in the plans.
International financial support is required for implementation of adaptation and risk reduction measures contained
in the plans.
Having an adaptation plan to Climate Change 2018-2023 for Water Resources. Very High
Having a strategy that directs the efforts of the Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for Climate Change Infrastructure Very High
Services in the areas of resilient and carbon-low infrastructure.
There is a limited number of experts for the The Government has few instruments to influence the content
development of research and studies on of higher education programs, which translates into a limited
vulnerability, adaptation and risks of climate inclusion of climate change issues in programs, and a lack
change issues. of knowledge of the national scientific community to develop
research and projects on adaptation to climate change matters.
There is a lack of knowledge and capacity in the Minimum or inexistent dissemination of the various national and
Capacity building and technical assistance.
national, regional and local public sector levels international existing Funds on the part of the institutions that
for projects preparation and presentation to manage and/or know them.
specific Funds and financial institutions.
Lack of information on existing funds and their
characteristics, for projects identification by the
different institutions.
Lack of capacity by the public services to Internal prioritization is required to enhance training activities at
promote and supervise innovation initiatives in the appropriate public services.
adaptation to climate change at the Forestry-
Farming sector
Lack of a greater involvement by the private Lack of Government’s capacity, means and coordination tools
sector in the field of adaptation, as well as with the private sector on the matter.
awareness by this sector on how Climate
Change will affect them.
Lack to develop and strengthen relationships
between the private sector and public institutions
in the field of adaptation.
Lack of knowledge and capacity in various The permanent training of teachers and professionals of the
sectors of society (formal and non-formal institutions is not mandatory.
education, education professionals, citizens
in general) on impacts, vulnerability and
adaptation to climate change and risk.
Researchers and specialized Academia in vulnerability, adaptation and risks at all regions of the country. High
Ongoing and excellence research in the areas of adaptation to climate change, from both national and territorial
standpoints, considering the particulars of each territory which responds to local problems in adaptation.
Development of knowledge and capabilities on international and national existing support Funds, their High
requirements, coverage, presentation formats and other specific aspects to apply to each of them.
Strengthening professionals capacities in the public sector regarding the scope of adaptation to climate change, High
to promote and monitor innovation initiatives to face the effects of climate change, and also to take advantage
of their opportunities for the Forestry-Farming industry in Chile, and the opening of new technological areas (and
technologies) that can answer the challenges faced by the sector, because of the behavioral changes in climate.
Improving and strengthening the task of the Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change (ASCC) at regional and High
local level, for the coordination and generation of joint strategies with the private sector.
Development of strategic alliances and commitments by the private sector for the implementation of adaptation
Developing adaptation to climate change contents and incorporate them to the curricula at all educational levels High
handled by MINEDUC.
Dissemination of adaptation to climate change subject among children, young people and society in general.
Capacity building in adaptation to climate change to teachers of different levels.
Incorporation of adaptation to climate change issues in post-graduate careers.
Meteorology: Lack of introduction of new Different institutions have monitoring stations, so that the transfer
technological solutions and cutting-edge of data requires inter-institutional agreements.
equipment, weather radars for climate
monitoring, focused on management of climate
Technology transfer
Health: Insufficient capacity to predict the Limited resources due to other priorities of the health sector.
possible geographical distribution and likely
proliferation of zoonotic and vector diseases
throughout the country allowing to prevent
health effects associated to them, at a local
Biodiversity: Lack of funding to implement the It requires inter-sectors coordination and capacity development.
biodiversity and climate change monitoring
network, which already has a design proposed.
Source: Climate Change Office, MMA based on consultations with sector ministries
Use of technologies to improve and expand the coverage of services and products information required to support High
the climate risk management. .
To provide with a system of control and remote monitoring for the infrastructure of coastal edge (DOP), fluvial Medium
defenses (DOH) and bridges (DV) to reduce the disaster risk (as proposed in the Sector Plan)
Need for technological solutions to know the burden of diseases associated to climate change and the Establish- High
ment of predictive models on the behavior of vector-borne diseases and zoonoses associated to climate change
(proposed in the Sector Plan)
Specific software for remote sensing, statistical, and specialized in data analysis, and technologies and storage Medium
capacity for biodiversity and climate change monitoring network.
Table 7. Summary of needs, gaps and barriers in the field of International Negotiation
Restricted availability of
negotiators and supporting
professionals due to the need
to allocate time to other tasks
of the climate agenda.
Resources to meet the Lack of knowledge of the links Development of capacities in the High
Capacity building and technical
demand for adequate in the negotiation issues with different sectors and ministries
capacities at the negotiation the sector agenda of public regarding international negotiation,
agenda. Some officials policy. in specific topics of each sector.
with technical capacity to
2.1.6. Needs identified by the As reported in the second BUR, it is noted precise information about consumption
private sector that the implementation of actions with an at a household level. With respect to
impact on climate change depends to a the mining sector, the need reported in
In accordance to the second BUR, the great extent on the interest, commitment the second BUR has decreased, since
domestic private sector has played an and continuity of those responsible for there are greater opportunities for the
important role both in the investment and the areas of sustainability or environment penetration of renewable energies as a
in the implementation of mitigation and in the companies. result of changes in the bidding rules and
adaptation to climate change measures, lower prices of these technologies. The
allowing fulfillment of the NDC, which In general, the needs, gaps and cross main need of the sector reported in this
is why it is important to know the main barriers indicated in the second BUR BUR is the development of technologies
needs, gaps and barriers that affect their remain, and additionally new items are for alternative fuels such as gas and
action on climate change. added. On the other hand, the energy hydrogen. The other sectors, Forestry
sector highlights that in the previous and Cement maintain their needs and
A survey was carried out directly with report the need was aimed to a territorial new supplementary elements are added.
the private sector through interviews organization preventing communities’ While the first looks for the increase of
with trade associations, companies and rejection to renewable energy projects. wood in construction, the second aims to
organizations of production. Information However, based on the opinions increase the use of concrete on roads,
was gathered on the barriers, gaps and delivered, it has been indicated that both measures to reduce GHG emissions.
needs that crosswise affect all industries this need is not currently present, since Table 8 presents the main needs, barriers
in the sector, and other attributable to a the new renewable energy projects do and gaps of the private sector.
particular sector. Based on the above, not have a significantly negative impact
the table reported in the second BUR on environment. The biggest challenge
was updated with new elements and observed by the sector now is related
new sectors. Listed below are the main to a more homogeneous electrical
changes: consumption throughout the day and
as regards energy efficiency, more
Generating greater instances and efforts to promote a low-carbon economy and sustainable development considering
the exchange of public-private information.
As regards education and awareness, there is a lack in communicating with greater clarity and transparency the risks
and limitations of not implementing mitigation or adaptation actions.
Promoting technology transfer for implementation of climate actions according to stakeholder is required:
1) For Small and Medium-sized companies (PYMES) which install and use technologies from domestic markets, more
support is needed for capacity building, financing, innovation, among other aspects.
2) There are specific sectors, such as mining and aquaculture, where fostering innovation is required.
Source: Climate Change Office, MMA based on consultation with private sector stakeholders
The main barrier is information dissemination. Transferring knowledge to the public and also to entities is required.
There are many entities that have already gained These, in turn, should be more transparent by means of a general
experience in carrying out management in adaptation awareness plan at a Governmental level, which could be developed
and implementation of mitigation actions to climate with support from the private sector, addressed to the general population
change, so a instance is needed to share those ideas in order to achieve greater awareness and to change consumption
and search for coordination among stakeholders, behaviors, among other impacts.
both public and private.
The introduction of technology implies an important There is a significant technological barrier between technologies currently
initial investment, which leaves out small businesses used and the best technology available in the market.
that do not access a credit. Mobilization of financial resources and/or creation of crosswise
instruments to promote technology introduction and implementation of
In addition, it requires articulation of the entire mitigation measures in the companies.
Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI) It is necessary to involve the private sector in the applied research to its
ecosystem, so as to provide capacity to develop business activities to detect the environmental impact of its operations,
new technologies and/or adopting already proven and to strengthen their capacities to develop sustainable technologies
technologies. and operations related to climate change.
Need to increase spending in research and general development of the
country with the active participation of the private sector.
Also, it is necessary to promote a research for technologies development,
the so-called "Business pull", in which the private sector plays an active
role together with academy, for the development of new technologies.
(b) Improving the estimation of GHG emissions in the waste sector. (UNFCCC, 2017) (Unfccc, 2017).
(c) Increasing and promoting scientific research on the development of emission factors specific to each country, particularly for
the energy sector. (UNFCCC, 2017) (Unfccc, 2017).
(d) Strengthening institutional arrangements (roles and responsibilities) of the different units involved in the preparation of the
GHG inventory. (UNFCCC, 2017) (Unfccc, 2017).
(e) Improving institutional arrangements for a better interaction with all institutions that have information on methodologies and as-
sumptions that are used to track the progress of mitigation actions and their effects for the BUR report. (UNFCCC, 2017) (Unfccc,
(f) Strengthening the capacity to quantify the impact of the real and expected GHG mitigation actions and their effects.(UNFCCC,
2017) (Unfccc, 2017).
(g) Building capacity on mitigation actions involving other ministries and institutions for BUR preparation.(UNFCCC, 2017) (Un-
fccc, 2017).
(h) Improving the systematization of information collection, from public and private sectors through the development of a perma-
nent active system expected in the report.(UNFCCC, 2017) (Unfccc, 2017).
Source: Climate Change Office, MMA based on ICA report (UNFCCC, 2017)
Need Status
The need to improve the way in which information on support received is recorded and compiled at a sector level subsists, and
how we could centralize its management. The information reported does not allow identifying and accurately differentiate the
resources committed from those disbursed for a particular project over a specific period of time.
To increase the quality of the emissions estimate from the waste sector the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT)
project is considered, which includes resources for data activity and parameters improvement of this sector, particularly those
related to solid waste.
Emission factors have been developed for some categories of Agriculture and LULUCF sectors. However, it is necessary to
continue promoting scientific activity (through training and technology transfer) for a continuous research of these values. In
the case of the energy sector, it is required to improve the collection of information on fuels characteristics for the subsequent
development of country-specific emission factors. Notwithstanding the above, the MINENERGIA does not yet have the means
(legal and technical) to begin this process.
Although a working agreement with the MINENERGIA is maintained, there is a need to institutionalize the links with the MINA-
GRI and its institutions. Such strengthening is still pending, but in spite of its absence, the sector teams’ willingness has allowed
the good performance of the SNICHILE work plan.
Work has been done towards the delivery of technical support on the MRV issue, as well as in the follow-up of policies related
to mitigation. We have also participated in the development of sector policies linked to the issue of climate change. In the short
term, it is intended to develop a platform for registration and information of mitigation actions, allowing to permanently maintain
communication and systematization of information through the registration of mitigation actions that include sector policies. It is
expected to develop this platform through the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) project.
The Ministry of the Environment is looking for ways to strengthen the capacity to quantify the impact of the real and expected
GHG mitigation actions within sectors. So far, the most important progress is associated to the development of the future Chilean
Climate Change Law, where it is expected to define certain sector responsibilities that include this point.
This work was undertaken for the preparation of the present report, strengthening the capacities on mitigation actions in
different sectors. Among them, the Energy sector entirely assumed the development of its section in the preparation of this BUR.
It is soon expected to have some type of platform that allows keeping involved the various ministries and institutions in the BUR
As mentioned in point e), it is expected to have a registration of mitigation actions platform to gather the information necessary
for reports on a permanent basis.
This chapter of the report presents • Stage IV: For support information to 3.1.1. Financial Resources
information on support received private sector initiatives, it was reviewed
(international) and delivered (national) and analyzed the web pages of funds Support in the preparation and
for activities related to climate change. and multilateral institutions that contribute publication of National Communications
The supporting information is presented with concession loans or other financial
in the following three categories and instruments. Para la preparación y publicación del
corresponding subcategories: The support committed through the GEF
• Stage V: For information on domestic for the preparation and publication of
• Support received for activities related support, it was included an update the Third Biennial Update Report and
to climate change study on the public spending, as well as Fourth National Communication is USD$
- Financial Resources information on resources and activities 852,000, amount that will be put in
- Capacity building and technical designed to bilateral cooperation. place during the period 2017 - 2021.
assistance Approximately 73 % of the budget
- Technology transfer The time scope of the information (USD$625 thousand) is intended for the
• Domestic support for activities related contained in this section focuses on those preparation of information on adaptation
to climate change initiatives that were granted support and mitigation components included in
during the period between August 2016 the reports (Table 10).
Gathering the information in this section and March 2018.
was performed using the following
methodology: However, it also includes information on
projects started prior to the reporting
• Stage I: Identification of the various period, but still under performance during
initiatives and international support the term July 2016 - March 2018. This
received about climate change in information is presented separately from
the country, those coordinated by the the figures for new financial resources
MMA and those performed by other awarded during this period.
public institutions. It was reviewed the
Lago Grey en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Juan Ernesto Jaegger - Imagen de Chile
information reported in the second BUR
and all initiatives known by the MMA. 3.1. Support received for
activities related to Climate
• Stage II: Afterthe information was Change
collected and identified various
initiatives and the support that was This section summarizes the Climate
received, a formal survey was sent to Change initiatives for which Chile has
public institutions that are a part of received international support in their
the Inter-Ministrial Technical Team on development and/or implementation.
Climate Change (ETICC), requesting The information is classified according to
for validation and updating of such the type of support received, as per the
initiatives, as well as for incorporation of following three categories:
new information on support received for
the reporting period of this report. • Financial Resources
• Stage III: A review process was carried • Capacity building and technical
out with some public institutions to clarify assistance
and/or to complete the information
reported. • Technology transfer
Support in the preparation of Chile’s Third Biennial Update Report (3BUR) and the Fourth National Communication (4NC) to
Assist the country in the preparation of the national reports on climate change to be submitted by Chile to the UNFCCC in
2018 and 2020.
Project description:
Preparation and publication of the Third Biennial Update Report and Fourth National Communication.
Para el desarrollo de los reportes For the of specialized staff to the report contribution of USD $4,337 in expenses
development of the international reports, preparation tasks, a contribution valued associated with logistical support (Table
Chile contributes with the assignment at USD $77,265. In addition, a domestic 11) is estimated.
Table 11. Domestic contribution to the preparation of the Third Biennial Update Report and Fourth National Communication
Financial Scope
Type of donor resources Sectors
Bilateral/countries 11,268,388
Germany 5,055,559 • Crosswise | Energy |
Canada 5,300,000 • • Waste
Switzerland 800,000 • • Forestry
United Kingdom 62,829 • • Crosswise
Korea 50,000 • • Forestry
Initiatives and Multilateral Financial Institutions 28,939,313
Adaptation Fund (United Nations) 9,960,000 • Agriculture
Readiness Fund Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF- 4,000,000 • • Forestry
World Bank)
UN-REDD Targeted Support 560,000 • • Forestry
UN-REDD National Program 1,000,000 • • Forestry
The Clean Technology Fund (World Bank) 3,500,000 • Energy
Various GEFs 2,680,000 • Forestry| Energy
Partnership for Market Readiness PMR (World Bank) 1,980,000 • Crosswise |Energy
UNFCCC Green Climate Fund GCF (World Bank) 2,000,000 • • Crosswise
CBIT-GEF 1,200,000 • • • Crosswise
NDC Support Program UNDP Federal Republic of Germany 802,500 • Crosswise
| Spain | European Commission
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program ESMAP 500,000 • • Energy| Housing
Other IDB 307,813 • • Crosswise |Energy
CCA-SNAP (Supporting National Action and Planning on 184,000 • Energy| Waste |
Short Lived Climate Pollutants) Transportation
APEC fund 170,000 • Agriculture
Euroclima Plus - GIZ /ECLAC 95,000 • Energy | Transport |
Total 40,207,701
Table 13. Main projects approved to receive support in financial resources, period July 2016 - March 2018
Project Objective
“Enhancing resilience to climate change of the small Increasing the resilience capacity of rural communities at the coast
agriculture in the Chilean Region of O'Higgins” (2016- and dry land of the O’Higgins Region in Chile.
Chile - Canada cooperation program for the reduction Implementing measures to improve the municipal organic waste
of greenhouse gas emissions associated to municipal management to reduce GHG emissions;
organic waste management. Adaptation of Canadian MRV protocols for Landfills that capture
biogas, anaerobic digestion and compost plants.
Crosswise activities in causes of deforestation, vegetation Crosswise support to the preparation of the ENCCRV phase
and degrading of vegetation resources. Supporting the design of a payment structure for environmental
Design of a payment structure for environmental services. services within the context formulated by the ENCCRV and other
instruments and related programs under performance in the country.
CO2 emissions reduction through the use of Accelerating the incorporation of co-generation technologies in Chile.
Cogeneration in Industry and Commerce
Strengthening of products necessary for the Reducing emissions from deforestation and forests degradation.
implementation of ENCCRV in the territory.
Support for the ENCCRV implementation phase. Reducing emissions attributed to deforestation, forestry degradation
and increased stocks by conservation and management.
Technical assistance for the Sustainable Geothermal Promoting sustainable development in the use of geothermal
Project Development. marketable resources in the country.
Strengthening the capacity of adaptation to climate Reducing vulnerability and increasing capacity of adaptation to
change in the Chilean fishery and aquaculture sector. climate change of Chilean fishery and aquaculture sector.
Identifying projects’ feasibility at different municipalities throughout the country, Government of Canada 5,300,000
in order to act as pilots;
The typology of projects can be: compost, anaerobic digestion or energy,
whether thermal or electric energy.
Using MRV protocols in projects related to solid waste management, so as to
consider the market of tradable emissions.
Studies associated to generating synergy links in order to comply with the goal Forest Carbon Partnership 4,000,000
of the forestry sector in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Facility (FCPF).
The project supports the introduction to the market and to the Chilean energy Germany 4,538,418
sector of efficient cogeneration technologies, particularly in the industry and
commerce and it contributes, through specialized training and the efficient use of
fossil fuels and renewable sources, for reduction of GHG emissions.
Support for the design of an Environmental Forest Fund (FFA) as a financial UN-REDD 560,000
architecture tool of the National Climate Change Strategy and Vegetation Targeted Support
Resources (ENCCRV) of Chile and implementation of pilot projects in the
Through the UN-REDD’s NP, it will strengthen and answer the four elements UN-REDD 1,000,000
of the Cancun Agreements included in the Warsaw Framework for REDD+, National Program
where there are still gaps in the country, in the case of Chile correspond to:
the National ENCCRV, Forest Monitoring System (NFMS), Reference Level of
Forestry Emissions/ Forestry Reference Level (NREF/NRF) and the Safeguards
Information System (SIS), through the NP it will develop a system allowing to
issue the reports required by the UNFCCC.
Technical assistance to mitigate barriers and to improve conditions in the sector CTF 3,500,000
of geothermal energy in Chile: management of geothermal energy concessions
system, indigenous consultation processes for geothermal energy exploitation
concessions, the analysis of the conditions for the development of geothermal
projects for power generation, and their contribution to the electrical system and
the implementation of the Low Enthalpy Geothermal Program driven by the DER.
Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) Providing technical assistance to the monitoring, reporting and
2017-2019 verification (MRV) and designing economic instruments to set carbon
Support to the implementation of activities of the Green Strengthening the task of DNA and the GCF in Chile.
Climate Fund (GCF).
Strengthening the Chile’s NDC Transparency Framework Strengthening and improving the mechanisms of national institutions
for international and domestic reporting.
NDC Programme UNDP Support Expanding investment in Climate Change and supporting sustainable
development, using NDC as instrument and vehicle.
Institutionally strengthening of the regions for Contributing to consolidation of the overall objective of ENCCRV.
implementation of the ENCCRV.
Global Carbon Market Chile Supporting the development of carbon pricing instruments and
exploring climate financing mechanisms that can contribute to the
fulfillment of Chile’s commitments in terms of greenhouse gases
Developing a country program and build a portfolio of projects that can be GCF 2,000,000
submitted to the GCF.
Developing an accreditation process for local entities.
Supporting to the DNA.
Developing the institutional framework to get a no objection letter of the projects.
Strengthening and improving the mechanisms of national institutions for GEF-CBIT 1,200,000
international and domestic reporting, with emphasis on emissions prospective
work, climate actions follow-up and public and international financing.
Supporting the implementation of the NDC, transparency systems, commitment UNDP 802,500
by the private sector and integration of the measures on gender approach in the Germany | Spain | European
planning and implementation of the NDC. Commission
Implementation of activities and actions of the National Strategy on Climate Swiss Confederation 800,000
Change and Vegetation Resources at Puren district "Ecological restoration
project of the basin of high Puren river"
Knowledge-sharing activities with the Andean Forests Program
Knowledge Management activities (international courses, among other).
Supporting Chile’s efforts for the fulfilment of its Climate Change international Government of Germany 517,141
commitments, through the generation of the necessary knowledge for decision-
makers in the public and private sectors to be prepared for development and
implementation of ad-hoc mitigation actions for the national context.
Table 14. Main projects under implementation reported by public agencies, with resources approved before July 2016.
Amounts reported correspond to the total cost of the project.
Low Emission Capacity Promoting and building capacity in the public and private sector European 1,614,000
Building - Chile (LECB-Chile) for measurement and mitigation of GHG emissions. Com-
2012 - 2017 mission,
Supporting to the Chilean Non-reimbursable Technical Cooperation contributed by the IDB to IDB 550,000
energy agenda the Ministry of Energy for the implementation of a series of studies
2015-2018 and consultancies within the framework of the Energy Agenda in
Chile 2014-2018.
Emerging and Sustainable Establishing the conditions and formalities allowing the solution of IDB 1,000,000
Cities Initiative (ESCI) for the common problems to a metropolitan government, through munici-
Metropolitan Area of La Ser- pal, provincial and regional associativity.
ena/ Coquimbo and Puerto
Montt/Puerto Varas
TOTAL 50,533,273
M,A UNDP Supporting countries in the domestic implementation of the Paris Agree-
NDC Support Programme ment.
M,A NDC Partnership Facilitating access to technical and financial support so that countries
accelerate climate action objectives achievement.
M,N,R Partnership on Transparency in the Facilitating the exchange and communication among countries to
Paris Agreement (PATPA) strengthen the implementation effort towards an improved framework for
transparency of the Paris Agreement.
M, I Low Emission Capacity Building Promoting and building capacity in the public and private sector for
Programme LECB measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
R,M,I Information Matters Supporting institutions of participating countries in the analysis of their
monitoring and communication processes, reducing gaps, improvement
of these processes in accordance with international standards and
requirements by the UNFCCC
M,A EUROCLIMA PLUS Facilitating the strategies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to
climate change integration into the development of public policies and
plans in Latin America.
M,A Regional Platform for Latin America Strengthening quality, support and leadership of LEDS strategies in the
and the Caribbean: LEDS LAC region, adopting their effective implementation, driving their development
at a national and sub-national level.
The Chilean LECB chapter is concentrated in five components: (1) Updating the European Com- 2012 Completed
national GHG inventory and the creation of a national inventories system, (2) mission, Germany, in 2017
Implementation of the national carbon management program, HuellaChile, Australia
(3) System of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for appropriate
mitigation actions in the public and private sectors.
(4) Design of a low-carbon national development strategy for (LEDS) and (5)
Promoting the involvement of the private sector in mitigation, increasing
financing options in mitigation measures and analyzing climate change public
and private expenditure.
In consultation with counterparts, identifying the specific needs and priorities of Germany 2013 Completed
MRV systems and of GHG emissions monitoring, and improving these systems in 2017
through customized workshops and courses developed.
Regional cooperation program between the European Union and Latin European Phase III Under
America, focused on climate change. The Program seeks to achieve the Commission Performance
following results: Improving the exchange of information and experiences on
climate change, increasing political awareness and strengthening institutional
capacities; identifying and prioritizing adaptation and mitigation measures
"useful in any case" and/or with additional benefits; and strengthening food
security in Latin America, contributing to a sustainable agriculture with a
greater capacity to mitigate the effects and adapt to climate change.
It is a part of the Global Alliance on Low-Carbon Development Strategies Multilateral 2011 Under
(LEDS-GP) founded in 2011, which operates through an innovative model of Performance
distributed leadership, with regional institutions managing the local platforms
from the countries, and international organizations providing technical support
(LEDS GP, 2012)
M,I Global Research Alliance (GRA) Join the countries to finding ways to produce more food without
increasing GHG emissions
M,N Mitigation Action Implementation Driving ambitious mitigation actions by means of identifying best
Network (MAIN) practices, effective financing mechanisms and MRV.
N,M,A Cartagena Dialogue for Progressive Building an ambitious, comprehensive and legally binding regime under
Action. the UNFCCC.
N Ambition Leaders: Supporting the To support AILAC countries to provide advice to delegations, their experts
AILAC countries at the climate and the performance of logistic tasks, both during negotiations and in-
negotiations between sessions.
I Latin American Network of National Facilitate the sustainable development of technical and institutional
Inventories of Greenhouse Gases. capacities in national inventories of greenhouse gases through the
exchange of experiences, lessons learned and the adoption of good
practices among the member countries.
Technical Cooperation, organization of workshops and regional and global Germany | Kingdom 2012 Under
dialogues on development and implementation of specific NAMAs in the of Denmark | Performance
transportation, energy and waste sectors. Canada
Chile is participating in this informal forum for dialogue on Climate Change, Multilateral 2011 Under
which brings together the countries maintaining a high level of commitment to Performance
the GHG reduction targets, which support a process in a universal and legally
binding agreement.
For the fulfilment of the objectives, a reliable and efficient supporting Germany 2013 Under
infrastructure is under performance allowing analyzing complex issues and Performance
summarizing this information to delegations, as well as developing negotiating
strategies, establishing effective communication structures and negotiation
Triangular South-South Cooperation Initiative between Spanish-speaking Latin Multilateral 2016 Under
American countries and international donors that aims to increase the quality Performance
of inventories and their reports through capacity-building activities and the
exchange of experience among the member countries.
ECLAC. (2012). The Economics of Climate Change in Chile Santiago: United Nations.
UNFCCC. (2012). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its seventeenth session, held in Durban from 28 November to 11 December
2011. Conference of the Parties, (p. 93). Durban.
UNFCCC. (2015). Summary Report on the Technical Analysis of the First BUR of Chile submitted on 10 December 2014. Obtained from United
Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change:
Deuman Ingenieros. (2003). Technology transfer for climate change. Final Report.
GEF. (2013). Global Environment Facility. Obtained from Technology Transfer for Climate Change:
The Government of Chile. (2015). National Contribution attempt to Chile for the Paris 2015 climate agreement,
International Partnership on mitigation and MRV. (2014). International Partnership on mitigation and MRV. Obtained from About the Partner-
IPCC. (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and vulnerability. Part B: Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC
IPCC. (2014). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Obtained from Working Group III: Mitigation : Technology Transfer: http://www.
LARIOCC. (2012). Latin American Network of Climate Change Offices. Obtained from who we are:
LEDS GP. (2012). Global Partnership LEDS. Obtained from About the Partnership:
Mitigation Momentum. (2013). The Mitigation Momentum Project. Obtained from Project:
MMA. (2014). The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change. Santiago:
MMA. (2014). The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change.
MMA. (2016). Second biennial update report of Chile to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Environmental Poch. (2009). Strategy and technology transfer potential for climate change. Study for CORFO, Santiago, Chile.
UNEP Risoe. (2013). Understanding the Concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action. Denmark: UNEP Risø Center.
UNFCCC. (September 2014). United Nation Convention on Climate Change: Climate Finance . Obtained from
UNFCCC. (September 2014). United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change. Obtained from Glossary of Climate Change acro-
UNFCCC. (September 2014). United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change. Obtained from Capacity Building: Background:
ECLAC. (2012). The Economics of Climate Change in Chile Santiago: United Nations.
GEF. (2013). Global Environment Facility. Obtained from Technology Transfer for Climate Change:
The Government of Chile. (2015). National Contribution attempt to Chile for the Paris 2015 climate agreement,
International Partnership on mitigation and MRV. (2014). International Partnership on mitigation and MRV. Obtained from About the Partner-
IPCC. (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and vulnerability. Part B: regional aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC
IPCC. (2014). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Obtained from Working Group III: Mitigation : Technology Transfer: http://www.
LARIOCC. (2012). Latin American Network of Climate Change Offices. Obtained from who we are:
LEDS GP. (2012). Global Partnership LEDS. Obtained from About the Partnership:
Mitigation Momentum. (2013). The Mitigation Momentum Project. Obtained from Project:
MMA. (2014). The National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation
MMA. (2014). The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change.
MMA. (2014). First Biennial Update Report of Chile to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
POCH, A. (2009). Strategy and technology transfer potential for climate change. Study for CORFO, Santiago, Chile.
UNEP Risoe. (2013). Understanding the Concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action. Denmark: UNEP Risø Center.
UNFCCC. (September 2014). United Nation Convention on Climate Change: Climate Finance . Obtained from
UNFCCC. (September 2014). United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change. Obtained from Glossary of Climate Change acro-
UNFCCC. (September 2014). United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change. Obtained from Capacity Building: Background:
1.A.1. Energy
T1, IE D, IE T1, IE D, IE T1, IE D, IE
1.A.2. Manufacturing
industries and T1, IE D, IE T1, IE D, IE T1, IE D, IE
T1, IE, D, IE, T1, T2, T1, T2,
1.A.3. Transport D, IE D, IE
1.A.4. Other sectors T1, IE D, IE T1, IE D, IE T1, IE D, IE
1.A.5. Non-specified IE, NE IE, NE IE, NE IE, NE IE, NE IE, NE
1.B. Fugitive emissions T1, NA, D, NA, T1, NA, D, NA, NA,
from fuels NE NE NE, NO NE, NO NE
T1, NA, D, NA,
1.B.1. Solid fuels NA, NE NA, NE NA NA
1.B.2. Oil and natural NA,
T1, NE, D, NE, T1, NE D, NE NA, NE
gas. NE
1.B.3. Other
emissions from energy NO NO NO NO NO NO
1.C. Transportation
and storage of CO2
1.C.1. Transportation
of CO2
1.C.2. Injection and
1.C.3. Other NO NO
T1, T2, D, NA, NA,
2. Industrial Processes D, NA, T1, IE, D, IE, T2, NA, D, NA, T1, NA, NA, T1, NA, D, NA,
and product use NE, NO NA, NO NA, NO NE, NO NE, NO NE, NO NE, NO NO NO
T2, NE, D, NE,
2.A. Mineral industry
T1 ,
2.B. Chemical industry D, NO T1 , NO D, NO T2, NO D, NO NO NO
T1, T2, D, CS,
2.C. Metal industry IE, NO IE, NO NO NO NO NO
2.D. Non-energy
products from fuels T1 D
and solvent use
2.E. Electronics
2.F. Use of products as
substitutes for ozone T1 D NE NE
depleting substance
2.G. Other product NA, NA, NA, T1, NA, D, NA,
manufacture and use NE NO NO NO NO
2.H. Other
T1, T2, CS,D, T1, T2, CS, D,
T1, NO, D, NO,
3. Agriculture NE, NO, NE , NO, NE, NO, NE, NO,
3.A. Enteric T1, T2, CS, D,
fermentation NO NO
3.B. Manure T1, T2, CS, D, T1, T2, CS, D,
management NO NO NO NO
D, NE,
3.C. Rice cultivation T1
T1, T2, D, CS,
3.D. Agricultural soils
3.E. Prescribed
burning of savannas
3.F. Field burning of
T1 D T1 D
agricultural residues
3.G. Liming T1 D
3.H. Urea application T1 D
3.I. Other carbon-
containing fertilizers
3.J. Other NA NA NA NA NA NA
4. Land use, land-use T1, T2, D, CS,
T1, T2 D, CS T1, T2 D, CS
change and forestry NE, NO NE, NO
T1, T2, D, CS,
4.A. Forest land T1, T2 D, CS T1, T2 D, CS
T1, T2, D, CS,
4.B. Cropland T1 D T1 D
T1, T2, D, CS,
4.C. Grassland T1, T2 D, CS T1, T2 D, CS
T1, T2, D, CS,
4.D. Wetland NO, NO,
T1, T2, D, CS,
4.E. Settlements
T1, T2, D, CS,
4.F. Other Land T1, T2 D, CS T1, T2 D, CS
4.G. Collected wood
4.H. Other (please
T1 = Level 1; T2 = Level 2; T3 = Level 3; C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = By default; IE = Included elsewhere;
NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated; NO = Does Not Occur
The non-estimated (NE) categories in Chile’s NGHGI, series 1990-2016, due to lack of activity data are the following:
The non-estimated (NE) categories in Chile’s NGHGI, series 1990-2016, due to lack of a relevant methodology, are:
·· 1.B.3. Other emissions from energy production (CO2, CH4 and N2O)
The categories included elsewhere (IE) in the Chile’s NGHGI, series 1990-2016, due to lack in data disaggregation and the
category in which they were included appear in the following table:
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 removals (kt)
Total national emissions and removals 84,837.1 -101,624.7
1. Energy 30,405.6 0.0
A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 30,403.0
1. Energy industries 5,822.2
2. Manufacturing industries and construction 12,139.4
3. Transport 9,036.9
4. Other sectors 3,404.6
5. Other (non-specified) IE, NE
B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 2.6
1. Solid fuels
2. Oil and natural gas 2.6
2. Industrial Processes 2,808.9 0.0
A. Mineral products 780.3
B. Chemical industry 603.3
C. Metal industry 1,425.3
D. Other production Do not
E. Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
F. Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
G. Other Do not
3. Solvent and other products use 75.1
4. Agriculture
A. Enteric fermentation
B. Manure management
C. Rice cultivation
D. Agricultural soils
E. Prescribed burning of savannas
F. Field burning of agricultural waste
G. Other
5. Land use, land-use change and forestry 51,547.4 -101.624.7
A. Forest land 43,343.8 -101.607.2
B. Cropland 834.4 0.0
C. Grassland 6,638.1 -17,5
D. Wetlands 116.7 NA
E. Settlements 272.0 NA
F. Other Land 342.4 NA
G. Other NA NA
6. Waste 0.0
A. Solid waste disposal
B. Wastewater treatment and discharge
C. Incineration of waste 0.0
D. Other
7. Other NA NA
Memo items
International Bunker 923.9
International Aviation 334.6
International Navigation 589.3
CO2 emissions from biomass 12,001.1
IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated; NO = Does Not Occur
Source: CoordinatingTechnical Team of the MMA
Do not Do not NA NA NA NA
NE 0.1
284.0 16.0 5.9 155.0 63.6
53.4 0.6 6.5
6.6 IE NE
NE 15.3 1.7 57.1
4.5 0.1 4.2 155.0 NA
5.2 0.3 3.4 119.1 NA NA
5.2 0.3 3.3 117.4 NA NA
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 NA NA
0.0 0.0 0.1 1.3 NA NA
111.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0
91.5 6.0
0.4 0.0 NE
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
19.6 0.6 0.0
NA, NO 0.003
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 removals (kt)
Total national emissions and removals 110,111.4 -117.733.8
1. Energy 34,632.1 0.0
A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 34,630.2
1. Energy industries 4,577.4
2. Manufacturing industries and construction 13,191.5
3. Transport 12,298.9
4. Other sectors 4,562.4
5. Other (non-specified) IE, NE
B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.9
1. Solid fuels
2. Oil and natural gas 1.9
2. Industrial Processes 3,767.5 0.0
A. Mineral products 1,319.0
B. Chemical industry 611.4
C. Metal industry 1,837.1
D. Other production NO
E. Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
F. Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
G. Other NO
3. Solvent and other products use 86.2
4. Agriculture
A. Enteric fermentation
B. Manure management
C. Rice cultivation
D. Agricultural soils
E. Prescribed burning of savannas
F. Field burning of agricultural waste
G. Other
5. Land use, land-use change and forestry 71,625.7 -117.733.8
A. Forest land 63,048.9 -117.646.5
B. Cropland 1,129.4 0.0
C. Grassland 6,638.1 -87,3
D. Wetlands 116.7 NA
E. Settlements 306.4 NA
F. Other Land 386.1 NA
G. Other NA NA
6. Waste 0.0
A. Solid waste disposal
B. Wastewater treatment and discharge
C. Incineration of waste 0.0
D. Other
7. Other NA NA
Memo items
International bunker 1,715.4
International aviation 655.6
International navigation 1,059.8
CO2 emissions from biomass 14,268.6
NE 0.1
314.77 17.6 5.2 117.0 72.7
63.00 0.7 4.4
6.12 IE NE
NE 16.8 2.1 68.3
3.43 0.1 3.2 117.0 NA
11.75 0.7 7.6 268.3 NA NA
11.60 0.6 7.4 264.1 NA NA
0.01 0.0 0.0 0.4 NA NA
0.13 0.0 0.2 3.8 NA NA
121.64 0.7 0.0 0.0 6.5 0.0
101.08 6.5
0.36 0.0 NE
0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
20.20 0.7 0.0
NA, NO 0.003
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 removal (kt) CH4 (kt)
Total national emissions and removals 128,103.7 -135.759.5 587.3
1. Energy 49,367.0 0.0 102.3
A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 49,365.3 40.7
1. Energy industries 14,855.1 0.2
2. Manufacturing industries and construction 12,856.2 2.3
3. Transport 16,946.8 4.3
4. Other sectors 4,707.2 33.9
5. Other (non-specified) IE, NE IE, NE
B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.7 61.6
1. Solid fuels 3.5
2. Oil and natural gas 1.7 58.1
2. Industrial Processes 5,268.5 0.0 6.8
A. Mineral products 1,312.2
B. Chemical industry 1,961.0 6.8
C. Metal industry 1,995.4 IE, NO
D. Other production NO
E. Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
F. Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
G. Other NO NO
3. Solvent and other products use 114.8
4. Agriculture 332.4
A. Enteric fermentation 249.8
B. Manure management 74.8
C. Rice cultivation 5.2
D. Agricultural soils NE
E. Prescribed burning of savannas NO
F. Field burning of agricultural waste 2.6
G. Other NA
5. Land use, land-use change and forestry 73,353.3 -135.759.5 2.3
A. Forest land 64,147.3 -135.567.6 2.3
B. Cropland 1,641.4 0.0 0.0
C. Grassland 6,638.1 -192,0 0.0
D. Wetlands 116.7 NA NA
E. Settlements 358.0 NA NA
F. Other Land 451.7 NA NO
G. Other NA NA NA
6. Waste 0.1 143.4
A. Solid waste disposal 122.9
B. Wastewater treatment and discharge 0.4
C. Incineration of waste 0.1 0.0
D. Other 20.1
7. Other NA NA NA
Memo items
International bunker 3,082.1 0.2
International aviation 1,046.4 0.0
International navigation 2,035.6 0.2
CO2 emissions from biomass 18,952.6
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
NE 0.1
17.9 4.6 88.6 76.4
0.8 5.1
17.0 2.2 71.3
0.1 2.4 88.6 NA
0.1 1.5 53.0 NA NA
0.1 1.5 51.8 NA NA
0.0 0.0 0.3 NA NA
0.0 0.1 1.0 NA NA
0.8 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0
0.0 NE
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.8 0.0
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NE
NA, NO 0.004
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 removals (kt) CH4 (kt)
Total national emissions and removals 154,450.1 -156.530.5 542.5
1. Energy 65,978.1 0.0 76.5
A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 65,976.8 28.2
1. Energy industries 25,711.8 0.4
2. Manufacturing industries and construction 13,758.0 2.8
3. Transport 20,394.2 4.5
4. Other sectors 6,112.8 20.4
5. Other (non-specified) IE, NE IE, NE
B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.3 48.3
1. Solid fuels 1.9
2. Oil and natural gas 1.3 46.4
2. Industrial Processes 3,447.6 0.0 2.3
A. Mineral products 1,551.1
B. Chemical industry 645.1 2.3
C. Metal industry 1,251.4 IE, NO
D. Other production NO
E. Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
F. Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
G. Other NO NO
3. Solvent and other products use 241.0
4. Agriculture 289.9
A. Enteric fermentation 210.0
B. Manure management 73.4
C. Rice cultivation 4.9
D. Agricultural soils NE
E. Prescribed burning of savannas NO
F. Field burning of agricultural waste 1.5
G. Other NA
5. Land use, land-use change and forestry 84,783.1 -156.530.5 6.9
A. Forest land 79,817.6 -156.259.5 6.8
B. Cropland 2,128.2 0.0 0.0
C. Grassland 1,874.8 -271,0 0.1
D. Wetlands 20.6 NA NA
E. Settlements 377.6 NA NA
F. Other Land 564.3 NA NO
G. Other NA NA NA
6. Waste 0.3 167.0
A. Solid waste disposal 125.7
B. Wastewater treatment and discharge 1.7
C. Incineration of waste 0.3 0.0
D. Other 39.6
7. Other NA NA NA
Memo items
International bunker 3,631.9 0.2
International aviation 1,336.2 0.0
International navigation 2,295.7 0.2
CO2 emissions from biomass 15,830.1
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
NE 0.1
18.5 4.9 50.3 122.6
0.9 5.2
17.6 3.6 117.4
0.0 1.4 50.3 NA
0.4 4.5 157.4 NA NA
0.4 4.3 154.3 NA NA
0.0 0.0 0.3 NA NA
0.0 0.2 2.8 NA NA
1.1 0.0 0.0 9.3 0.0
0.1 NE
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.1
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
0.003 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 NE
NA, NO 0.011
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 removals (kt) CH4 (kt)
Total national emissions and removals 170,502.8 -161,446.5 570.6
1. Energy 77,018.3 0.0 77.2
A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 77,016.8 34.7
1. Energy industries 32,924.3 1.1
2. Manufacturing industries and construction 14,076.3 7.5
3. Transport 24,234.6 4.8
4. Other sectors 5,781.7 21.3
5. Other (non-specified) IE, NE IE, NE
B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.5 42.5
1. Solid fuels 4.4
2. Oil and natural gas 1.5 38.1
2. Industrial Processes 3,337.7 0.0 0.8
A. Mineral products 1,559.8
B. Chemical industry 200.5 0.8
C. Metal industry 1,577.4 IE, NO
D. Other production NO
E. Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
F. Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
G. Other NO NO
3. Solvent and other products use 142.0
4. Agriculture 291.9
A. Enteric fermentation 211.7
B. Manure management 74.6
C. Rice cultivation 4.2
D. Agricultural soils NE
E. Prescribed burning of savannas NO
F. Field burning of agricultural waste 1.4
G. Other NA
5. Land use, land-use change and forestry 90,004.5 -161,446.5 1.5
A. Forest land 85,066.2 -161,204.2 1.5
B. Cropland 2,113.3 0.0 0.0
C. Grassland 1,874.8 -242.3 0.0
D. Wetlands 20.6 NA NA
E. Settlements 373.2 NA NA
F. Other Land 556.4 NA NO
G. Other NA NA NA
6. Waste 0.3 199.1
A. Solid waste disposal 153.3
B. Wastewater treatment and discharge 1.3
C. Incineration of waste 0.3 0.0
D. Other 44.5
7. Other NA NA NA
Memo items
International bunker 2,596.6 0.1
International aviation 1,374.5 0.0
International navigation 1,222.1 0.1
CO2 emissions from biomass 35,893.2
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
0.125 0.002 0.009 0.000 0.001 0.007 0.000 NE
NA, NO 0.010
Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 removals (kt) CH4 (kt)
Total national emissions and removals 183,728.1 -161,541.7 562.6
1. Energy 84,121.0 0.0 75.5
A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 84,119.8 35.5
1. Energy industries 35,483.7 1.6
2. Manufacturing industries and construction 15,684.7 6.7
3. Transport 26,231.2 5.3
4. Other sectors 6,720.2 21.8
5. Other (non-specified) IE, NE IE, NE
B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.2 40.0
1. Solid fuels 3.7
2. Oil and natural gas 1.2 36.3
2. Industrial Processes 3,192.6 0.0 0.9
A. Mineral products 1,601.7
B. Chemical industry 263.3 0.9
C. Metal industry 1,327.6 IE, NO
D. Other production NO
E. Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
F. Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride
G. Other NO NO
3. Solvent and other products use 129.9
4. Agriculture 263.6
A. Enteric fermentation 187.3
B. Manure management 69.9
C. Rice cultivation 5.3
D. Agricultural soils NA
E. Prescribed burning of savannas NO
F. Field burning of agricultural waste 1.1
G. Other NA
5. Land use, land-use change and forestry 96,284.1 -161,541.7 5.1
A. Forest land 91,476.1 -161,328.1 4.9
B. Cropland 1,995.2 0.0 0.0
C. Grassland 1,874.8 -213.6 0.1
D. Wetlands 20.6 NA NA
E. Settlements 368.7 NA NA
F. Other Land 548.6 NA NO
G. Other NA NA NA
6. Waste 0.5 217.5
A. Solid waste disposal 172.2
B. Wastewater treatment and discharge 1.3
C. Incineration of waste 0.5 0.0
D. Other 44.0
7. Other NA NA NA
Memo items
International bunker 2,249.1 0.1
International aviation 1,479.7 0.0
International navigation 769.4 0.1
CO2 emissions from biomass 35,042.3
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
C = Confidential Information; CS = specific country; D = by Default; IE = Included elsewhere; NA = Not applicable; NE = Not estimated;
NO = Does Not Occur
0.004 0.017 0.000 0.001 0.015 0.000 NE
NA, NO 0.012
Table A. 15. GHG emissions and removals (kt CO2 eq), series 1990-2003
IPCC Code Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases 1990 1991 1992 1993
All national emissions and removals 1,955.0 4,435.7 3,257.3 6,154.4
1. Energy 33,679.7 31,861.9 32,751.2 34,974.1
1.1A. Fuel combustion activities (reference approach) 30,051.9 28,635.7 29,723.1 31,636.9
1.A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 31,425.0 29,970.9 31,024.3 33,356.7
1.A.1. Energy industries 5,843.4 4,671.5 2,849.7 4,353.5
1.A.1.a. Main Activity Electricity and heat production 3,871.9 2,607.6 665.2 1,936.1
1.A.1.a.i. Electricity Generation 3,871.9 2,607.6 665.2 1,936.1
1.A.1.a.ii. Combined heat and power generation (CHP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.1.a.iii. Heat plants 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.1.b. Petroleum Refining 1,691.9 1,708.7 1,779.3 1,931.1
1.A.1.c. Manufactur of solid fuels and other energy industries 279.6 355.3 405.2 486.3
1.A.1.c.i. Manufacture of solid fuels 279.6 355.3 405.2 486.3
1.A.1.c.ii. Other energy industries 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction 12,261.5 11,152.3 12,722.0 12,259.2
1.A.2.a. Iron and steel 1,495.0 1,532.8 1,917.1 1,950.7
1.A.2.b. Non-ferrous metals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2.c. Chemical 141.1 108.4 168.2 170.6
1.A.2.d. Pulp, paper and print 557.5 751.3 822.6 755.9
1.A.2.e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco 3,600.3 2,682.8 3,050.6 1,981.7
1.A.2.f. Non-metallic minerals 572.7 517.0 708.0 701.6
1.A.2.g. Transport equipment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2.h. Machinery 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2.i. Mining (excluding fuel) and quarrying 3,799.9 3,506.5 3,521.9 3,764.1
1.A.2.j. Wood and wood products 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2.k. Construction 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2.l. Textiles and leather 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.2.m. Non-specified industry 2,095.0 2,053.5 2,533.6 2,934.6
1.A.3. Transport 9,229.9 9,658.6 10,477.0 11,620.9
1.A.3.a. Civil aviation 567.8 331.6 465.2 581.9
1.A.3.a.i. International aviation (international Bunkers)
1.A.3.a.ii. Domestic aviation 567.8 331.6 465.2 581.9
1.A.3.b. Road Transportation 7,493.7 7,861.9 8,543.8 9,459.5
1.A.3.b.i. Cars 2,402.3 2,272.3 2,499.8 2,708.8
1.A.3.b.i.1. Passenger cars with 3- way catalysts 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.3.b.i.2. Passenger cars without 3-way catalysts 2,402.3 2,272.3 2,499.8 2,708.8
1.A.3.b.ii. Light-duty trucks 1,844.5 1,745.4 1,922.0 2,084.5
1.A.3.b.ii.1. Light duty trucks with 3-way catalysts 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.3.b.ii.2. Light duty trucks without 3-way catalysts 1,844.5 1,745.4 1,922.0 2,084.5
1.A.3.b.iii. Heavy-duty trucks and buses 3,217.9 3,814.7 4,090.4 4,633.7
1.A.3.b.iv. Motorcycles 29.0 29.5 31.6 32.5
1.A.3.b.v. Evaporative emissions from vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Urea-based catalysts 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.A.3.c. Railways 64.2 62.5 67.5 57.3
1.A.3.d. Water-borne Navigation 880.5 1,169.1 1,143.7 1,235.9
1.A.3.d.i. International waterborne navigation (International bunkers)
1.A.3.d.ii. Domestic water-borne Navigation 880.5 1,169.1 1,143.7 1,235.9
467.9 657.6 757.2 1,021.8 990.7 817.8 682.7 906.5 764.6 598.3
10,665.0 11,671.3 12,620.5 13,219.9 13,914.6 14,562.3 14,996.0 14,075.5 14,623.0 14,616.3
3,060.6 3,360.3 3,639.6 3,815.8 4,001.8 4,224.5 4,295.5 3,955.2 3,929.5 3,871.1
0.0 291.6 603.6 910.9 1,224.4 1,538.9 1,801.4 1,868.5 2,052.1 2,207.5
3,060.6 3,068.6 3,036.0 2,904.9 2,777.4 2,685.6 2,494.0 2,086.7 1,877.5 1,663.6
2,358.1 2,541.6 2,709.2 2,800.7 2,902.6 3,042.8 3,098.9 2,846.8 2,882.3 2,827.4
0.0 172.0 358.7 545.2 739.2 947.6 1,137.2 1,200.5 1,370.9 1,497.1
2,358.1 2,369.7 2,350.5 2,255.5 2,163.4 2,095.1 1,961.7 1,646.3 1,511.4 1,330.2
5,210.6 5,734.7 6,238.2 6,571.9 6,980.7 7,266.9 7,577.8 7,253.5 7,793.4 7,901.5
35.6 34.7 33.4 31.4 29.5 28.1 23.9 20.0 17.8 16.3
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
48.7 41.5 51.3 46.1 52.3 65.2 63.8 61.2 66.1 66.5
1,046.5 1,158.1 1,285.9 1,322.8 1,494.4 1,151.3 1,079.0 848.2 927.1 876.0
1,046.5 1,158.1 1,285.9 1,322.8 1,494.4 1,151.3 1,079.0 848.2 927.1 876.0
1,588.5 1,356.0 1,270.2 1,238.4 1,201.6 1,333.3 1,541.6 1,603.4 1,547.4 1,438.8
238.7 194.1 152.7 111.5 100.3 64.8 88.3 59.1 51.6 51.5
238.7 194.1 152.7 111.5 100.3 64.8 88.3 59.1 51.6 51.5
216.2 172.7 129.5 86.1 77.6 57.4 82.6 49.9 44.6 46.9
189.8 151.6 113.7 75.6 68.1 50.4 72.5 43.8 39.2 41.2
26.4 21.1 15.8 10.5 9.5 7.0 10.1 6.1 5.4 5.7
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
22.5 21.4 23.2 25.3 22.8 7.4 5.7 9.2 7.0 4.6
20.8 19.7 21.4 23.4 21.0 6.8 5.3 8.5 6.5 4.2
1.7 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.8 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.4
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1,349.8 1,162.0 1,117.5 1,126.9 1,101.2 1,268.6 1,453.2 1,544.3 1,495.8 1,387.3
542.9 384.5 335.9 252.9 228.4 225.8 253.0 240.2 201.0 166.2
0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
542.7 384.4 335.8 252.8 228.4 225.8 252.9 240.1 201.0 166.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
536.9 378.3 329.4 246.1 221.1 218.1 245.2 232.4 193.3 157.9
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6
4.6 4.9 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.6
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
806.9 777.4 781.7 874.0 872.8 1,042.7 1,200.3 1,304.1 1,294.8 1,221.1
21.4 20.6 20.7 21.8 19.5 22.0 23.9 25.3 24.9 21.3
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
785.5 756.8 761.0 852.2 853.2 1,020.7 1,176.4 1,278.8 1,269.9 1,199.8
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
666.1 641.1 643.8 678.9 607.3 684.7 742.6 787.1 774.0 663.3
11.1 10.8 10.9 16.2 23.0 31.4 40.5 45.9 46.3 50.1
28.1 27.3 27.6 40.8 57.9 79.1 102.2 115.8 116.8 126.4
80.1 77.7 78.6 116.3 165.1 225.5 291.1 330.0 332.8 360.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1,731.6 1,827.1 1,532.3 1,959.5 2,402.8 2,483.0 3,111.3 3,327.7 3,661.3 3,982.8
661.2 646.9 647.5 749.1 1,076.4 1,105.7 1,055.4 1,056.0 1,200.5 1,081.2
1,070.4 1,180.2 884.8 1,210.4 1,326.4 1,377.4 2,056.0 2,271.7 2,460.9 2,901.6
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14,268.6 15,280.7 16,382.4 16,309.1 17,506.3 18,142.4 18,952.6 18,915.9 19,216.5 18,154.8
IPCC Code Categories of source and sink of greenhouse gases 2004 2005 2006 2007
All national emissions and removals 15,739.4 18,234.0 15,630.4 37,556.9
1. Energy 56,472.0 57,958.9 58,805.0 68,348.7
1.1A. Fuel combustion activities (reference approach) 53,367.9 55,718.9 55,449.8 63,664.7
1.A. Fuel combustion activities (sectorial approach) 55,014.6 56,472.7 57,409.7 67,207.3
1.A.1. Energy industries 19,636.5 18,955.2 19,789.5 26,632.8
1.A.1.a. Main Activity Electricity and heat production 16,080.9 15,429.9 16,327.6 23,969.4
1.A.1.a.i. Electricity Generation 16,080.9 15,429.9 16,327.6 23,969.4
1.A.1.a.ii. Combined heat and power generation (CHP) - - - -
1.A.1.a.iii. Heat plants - - - -
1.A.1.b. Petroleum Refining 2,475.0 2,506.6 2,437.3 1,675.1
1.A.1.c. Manufactur of solid fuels and other energy industries 1,080.6 1,018.7 1,024.6 988.3
1.A.1.c.i. Manufacture of solid fuels 1,077.8 1,017.7 1,023.3 985.0
1.A.1.c.ii. Other energy industries 2.8 1.0 1.3 3.3
1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction 12,172.1 12,969.2 13,543.8 14,543.7
1.A.2.a. Iron and steel 1,290.7 1,452.2 1,485.7 1,523.9
1.A.2.b. Non-ferrous metals - - - -
1.A.2.c. Chemical 354.7 1,258.5 586.7 272.3
1.A.2.d. Pulp, paper and print 760.7 828.6 1,011.5 1,234.1
1.A.2.e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco 393.2 415.4 361.9 324.5
1.A.2.f. Non-metallic minerals 961.2 867.5 869.6 960.2
1.A.2.g. Transport equipment - - - -
1.A.2.h. Machinery - - - -
1.A.2.i. Mining (excluding fuel) and quarrying 4,215.9 4,459.7 4,837.7 5,134.1
1.A.2.j. Wood and wood products - - - -
1.A.2.k. Construction - - - -
1.A.2.l. Textiles and leather - - - -
1.A.2.m. Non-specified industry 4,195.7 3,687.2 4,390.8 5,094.7
1.A.3. Transport 17,338.9 19,096.9 18,707.4 20,273.5
1.A.3.a. Civil aviation 702.6 949.0 886.8 980.8
1.A.3.a.i. International aviation (international Bunkers)
1.A.3.a.ii. Domestic aviation 702.6 949.0 886.8 980.8
1.A.3.b. Road Transportation 14,581.7 15,740.3 15,683.1 16,767.2
1.A.3.b.i. Cars 3,911.1 4,004.5 3,957.8 4,184.9
1.A.3.b.i.1. Passenger cars with 3- way catalysts 2,440.5 2,677.5 2,857.6 3,255.7
1.A.3.b.i.2. Passenger cars without 3-way catalysts 1,470.6 1,327.0 1,100.2 929.3
1.A.3.b.ii. Light-duty trucks 2,730.1 2,787.5 2,722.5 2,857.2
1.A.3.b.ii.1. Light duty trucks with 3-way catalysts 1,595.1 1,783.6 1,896.4 2,153.8
1.A.3.b.ii.2. Light duty trucks without 3-way catalysts 1,135.0 1,004.0 826.1 703.4
1.A.3.b.iii. Heavy-duty trucks and buses 7,926.2 8,932.2 8,981.5 9,692.2
1.A.3.b.iv. Motorcycles 14.3 16.0 21.3 32.8
1.A.3.b.v. Evaporative emissions from vehicles - - - - Urea-based catalysts - - - -
1.A.3.c. Railways 62.8 59.8 64.9 68.6
1.A.3.d. Water-borne Navigation 1,419.2 1,763.3 1,545.3 1,942.7
1.A.3.d.i. International waterborne navigation (International bunkers)
1.A.3.d.ii. Domestic water-borne Navigation 1,419.2 1,763.3 1,545.3 1,942.7
1.A.3.e. Other transportation 572.6 584.6 527.2 514.2
1.A.3.e.i. Pipeline transport - - - -
1.A.3.e.ii. Off-road 572.6 584.6 527.2 514.2
1.A.4. Other sectors 5,867.1 5,451.3 5,369.1 5,757.2
1.A.4.a. Commercial / Institutional 954.6 841.9 874.9 1,014.2
1.A.4.b. Residential 4,197.9 4,107.2 4,149.6 4,406.7
Table A. 1. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions in the Energy sector
Management Regulatory 2004 In the framework of Law The objective of the In July 2015, Regulation
concessional system Implemented 19,657/2000 and its rules exploration grant is to was modified in order to
of geothermal energy and active of procedure, establishes the perform a set of operations be more precise for the
procedure by which every to determine the potential of requirements to obtain
natural or legal person to geothermal energy. an exploration grant in
request a grant of geothermal perpetuity, adding the
energy and to participate in a The objective of the ability to incorporate
public tender for the granting exploitation grant is to give conditioning factors in the
of a concession of geothermal the right to use and take decree to give accounting
energy. advantage of the geothermal of the territorial reality
energy that exists within its of grants, among other
boundaries. subjects.
Law of Non- Regulatory 2008 The law establishes the Law 20,257/2008 established In 2013 Law 20,257 was
Conventional Implemented mandatory nature for power that between 2010 and 2014, amended by Law 20,698,
Renewable Energies and active generation companies with a 5% of power should come extending the quota to a
(NCRE) installed capacity of over from NCRE, increasing from 20% of NCRE to 2025 for
(Law 20,257/ 200MW, to certify the 2015 in a 0.5% per year until contracts signed after July
2008 amended participation of NCRE in achieving a 10% in 2024. 1st, 2013.
by the Law Chile’s power generation
20,698/2013) matrix.
Rural and social Project 2008 Program coordinated Contributing to the access and Electrification of rural
electrification Completed with other State agencies improvement of rural electricity schools and emergency
program (PERyS) (Regional Governments, supply in an equitable, efficient rooms without power
Municipalities, etc. ) and sustainable manner supply or a deficit of it.
developed in three lines of through training of technical
action: units and transfer of successful Developing demonstration
- Rural Schools and experiences. projects with small-scale
Emergency Rooms Promoting and disseminating renewable energy.
Electrification solutions with RE.
- Demonstration Projects o the Generating conditions for Implementing a program
Application of Renewable research, development and for strengthening local
Energies (RE) innovation. capacities.
- Technology Transfer and Developing a regulatory
Human Capital Development framework and encouragement
for the Development of for access and improvement of
solutions with RE on a small rural and social energy supply.
Information source of:
Information Source: Access and Equity Division of the Ministry of Energy and web page:
In 2017 the requirement imposed by The integration of NCRE in the CO2, As of 2017, An estimate of monthly emissions was
Law 20,698 for NCRE generation matrix will be analyzed to increase N2O, CH4 the mitigation calculated avoided from a monthly
was 3,642GWh and it was achieved participation while maintaining the of GHG is balance of generation from non-
11,087 GWh, which is equivalent to system security. estimated at conventional renewable sources, and it
a 300% compliance1. around 13,100 was multiplied by the factor of emissions
ktCO2eq. of the electrical system during that
month. Then, the total avoided emissions
correspond to the addition of avoided
monthly emissions. This balance was
performed separately for the systems
before called SIC and SING.
Energy Efficiency Economic 2009 Part of Efficient Residential 5% reduction of electricity Ministry of the Interior
Program in Public Incentive Implemented Lighting and public lighting consumption in public and Public Security and
Buildings (PEEEP) and active programs. It includes the buildings. the Ministry of Energy
Diagnosis, Implementation, formalize a protocol
Measurement and Verification, on the application of
and Capacity Building, aimed energy-saving measures
to tackle energy efficiency in public administration.
projects in public buildings The follow-up of it will
integrally. be led by the Agency
of Energy Sustainability
through the platform for
the registration of energy
consumption in public
Public information Information 2009 The Ministry of Energy These platforms allow Development of browsers:
platforms for Education Implemented keeps a public platform for providing public information wind, solar, rights of
renewable energy and active renewable energies, focused on our resources, guiding non-consumptive water
on providing information for private investment decisions, use (DAANC), forestry
the development of projects. the adequacy or design of bioenergy and marine.
Delivery of geo-referenced public policies on renewable
information on potential energies and supporting Measuring campaigns of
renewable energies and energy planning processes wind and solar resources.
projects. in accordance with current
Solar thermal systems Fiscal 2010 Law 20,365/2009 Development of market for Law 20,897 of 2016
in new households Implemented establishes a tax exemption solar thermal systems (SST) renewed the validity of
(Law 20,365/2009) and active for solar thermal systems (SST) through demand stimulation. the tax exemption for
for hot water in new houses Providing access and energy the installation of solar
and a direct subsidy for SST equity to the most vulnerable thermal systems (SST)
installation in new social population through a means to for the period 2015 to
housing. get sanitary hot water. 2020 and it adds a direct
The tax benefit is equal to Expected impact between subsidy for the provision
100% of the aggregated cost 2015-2020: Approximately of this technology in new
of the installation investment, 66,500 housing units will be social housing.
plus the cost of a maintenance benefited
program for houses under
UF2,000 with a linear
decrease until 0% for houses
of UF3,000.
Solar thermal systems Fiscal 2011 Direct subsidy for SST Improving the existing housing Transfer of funds from
in existing social Implemented installation in existing of the most vulnerable and MINENERGIA to MINVU.
housing and active social housing, driven by deprived population, with the Development of regulatory
Law N°20,365 through the installation of a solar system bodies.
Program for Protection of the for heating water. Training to SERVIUs
Family Property by MINVU. to assess and grant
The browser was updated with a self- It considers renewing the Wind - - -
consumption approach for SST and Browser and updating the Marine
SFV, orienting households, trade and Browser. In addition, improving the
industry. Solar Browser information, keeping
the focus on self-consumption. It
is intended to approach thermal
technology different from the
Thermal Solar Systems.
From 2011 to 2017 SST has been Incorporating the SEC in the - - -
installed in 43,530 existing social enforcement of SST that are installed
housing: 131,395 houses in 2016, in social housing through MINVU
and 15,347 houses in 2017. grants.
Net Billing Act (Net Regulatory 2012 Grants regulated clients of Establishes a right without Development of policy
Billing) Implemented distribution companies the specific goals. Without and regulatory framework
(Law 20,571/2012) and active right to generate their own prejudice to the foregoing, supplementing the Law.
electricity, self-consuming it envisages the increasing use Training seminars on the
and that the value of their of such right, in particular for Law.
surpluses contributed to photovoltaic projects. Creation of specialized
the network are discounted unit for support and
from their bills. Projects control projects.
can only be of renewable Supporting the
or efficient cogeneration, development of
with an installed capacity photovoltaic systems
per customer not over 100 suppliers, through the
kilowatts. Program of Public Solar
Generation of public
information about costs
and suppliers.
Implementation of online
tools for self-assessment
Action Plan for Energy Policy 2013 The PAEE2020 poses Reducing by 12% the final The Inter-ministries
Efficiency (PAEE2020) Implemented efficiency actions in the work energy demand projected to Committee on Energy
and active areas of: 2020 compared to 2010, Efficiency (CIEE) was
- Industry and Mining equivalent to savings of created.
- Transportation 43,000 Tcal. The appliances labeling
- Building program has been
- Appliances strengthened and actions
- Firewood were started to define
- Other EE minimum standards
The EE seal for companies
was launched.
Programs were created
for promotion and
implementation of EE
measures in the public
sector ("Program for
Energy Efficiency
in Public Buildings"
and "Replacement of
Efficient Public Lighting
for Municipalities”)
and households ("My
efficient home"), some
supported by the Agency
of Sustainability Energy
Energy efficiency Regulatory 2013 The labelling of energy Fostering energy efficiency Labelling of energy
labelling and and Implemented efficiency (EE) in order to achieve a 20% efficiency on appliances .
minimum standards Information and active allows improving consumer reduction in the use of energy
information at the time of projected for year 2025. EE minimum standards .
making a purchase and
encourages companies to
produce and import more
efficient products.
Replacement Project 2014 Support program for energy The program will change Training on Replacement
Program of Efficient Implemented management of municipalities around 205,000 streetlights of streetlights
Public Lighting for and active through the replacement of in 121 towns, approximately
Municipalities public streetlights for more 10% of the total streetlights in
efficient ones, allowing the country
inhabitants to enjoy better
levels of lighting and energy
savings to the municipality.
Promoting the Project 2014 The project seeks to increase Reducing GHG emissions by Study of gaps for the
development of the Implemented biogas generation at PYMES promoting investment and biodigesters registration
biogas energy in and active in the dairy industry of Los development of the biogas with the SEC.
small and medium- Lagos and Los Ríos regions, energy technologies market at Technical and economic
sized agricultural granting value to a waste, PYMES of the dairy sector. pre-feasibility of biogas
industries selected reducing energy costs and projects.
at Los Ríos and Los mitigating greenhouse gas Promotion and
Lagos regions (Biogas (GHG) emissions. The focus is dissemination of
dairy sector) on dairy farms between 100 information and best
and 500 cows. practices in biogas
technologies for small and
medium-sized agricultural
Construction of an
experimental biodigester
for the dairy sector.
Handbook l for the design,
construction, operation
and maintenance of
biogas plants in Chile.
Development of existing
digesters diagnosis.
Information Source :
As of April 2018, close to 175 The program will finish at the end - - -
thousand streetlights have been of 2018.
replaced, with estimated savings of 34 After 2019, the Ministry
GWh/year. will continue supporting the
municipalities in the creation of EE
projects for public lighting.
Energy Efficiency Economic 2014 The Draft Law will include Its purpose is promoting, During the first quarter of
Draft Law Incentive Planned at least three components: guiding and regulating 2018 amendments were
Regulatory (a) Energy Efficiency in the rational and efficient made to the Draft Law.
Industry and Mining; use of energy resources,
(b) Energy Efficiency for with the aim of fostering
households, small industries improvements in productivity
and businesses; (c) Energy and competitiveness of our
Efficiency in the public sector. economy, improving people’s
quality of life, thus contributing
to the sustainable development
of the country.
"More Dry Firewood" Project 2014 The program promotes the It seeks to increase the supply The program envisages
Program Implemented production and marketing of firewood with a humidity incorporating technology
and active of dry wood in the south- level of less than 25%, and innovative techniques
central zone of the country, which generates more heat, for drying wood, in
for which a fund exists to spends less and produces less addition to training
finance the construction and pollution. and human capital
implementation of collection development in drying
and drying of wood centers. techniques and business
100 Plan Mini-hydros Policy 2014 Plan developed to promote To promote the development of A register of existing
Completed development of mini-hydro 100 new mini-hydro projects in projects.
projects (<20 MW) in the the period 2014-2018. Identification of relevant
country. aspects that delay the
obtaining permits or
postpone the investment
Monitoring of main
barriers for the
development of projects.
Meetings with financial
Design and
implementation of public
Supply improvement Project 2014 It comprises the technical The purpose is to reduce the Implementation of projects
program in isolated IImplemented and financial support for the dependence on diesel fuel for electrical supply in
areas and Active execution of projects of: and improve the quality of life islands by incorporating
(I) improvement of existing of communities, prioritizing renewable sources (hybrid
electrical service in different the use of renewable energy systems).
islands and isolated locations sources and technological
in the country that currently improvements in electricity Implementation of
are supplied with energy from supply. In addition, to individual photovoltaic
diesel; reduce the cost of subsidy to systems.
(Ii) deliver power to houses operation granted by Regional
that did not have electricity Governments.
(Iii) increase the number of
hours of electricity supply in
those cases in which supply
was of 6, 12 or 18 hours.
Between 2016 and April 2017, the The program will continue its - - -
development of 160 collection centers implementation in the context of
was benefited, with estimated sales the Energy Roadmap that sets the
of 150 thousand m3 of dry wood support to investment initiatives
estereo, equivalent to an avoided associated to the market of solid
consumption of firewood of 50 biofuels.
Since March 2014 58 mini-hydro The plan was completed in March CO2, In 2017 an For the estimation of emissions reduction
(191 MW) power plants have been 2018. However, to date there is N2O, CH4 emissions the annual installed power and an
start up, and 10 stations (64 MW) are a follow-up of the projects under reduction of average plant factor of 40% were
under construction. construction, so that they are around 224 considered. The annual emission factor
completed in a satisfactory manner. ktCO2eq was of the SIC published by the Ministry of
estimated, and Energy at was
for the period also considered.
a cumulative
reduction of
approx. 540
ktCO2eq was
With the support of the SUBDERE and The program will continue - - -
Regional Governments, 2 projects implementing generation projects
have been implemented in islands, 4 both in islands and isolated systems,
islands are under construction and 6 in addition to individual projects of
are in the definition phase. photovoltaic energy self-generation.
In addition, 5 projects of individual
photovoltaic generation were
implemented (2016-2018).
Fund for Energy Project 2014 Competitive Fund aimed Allowing social organizations Projects for energizing
Access4 Implemented at communities, social to access energy resources in community facilities
and active organizations, neighborhood a sustainable way by means and public spaces,
councils and municipalities, of small-scale solutions based through the installation
among other organizations, on NCRE. of solar thermal systems,
to finance small-scale RE photovoltaic systems and
projects to facilitate and photovoltaic lighting.
promote access to energy
in vulnerable, rural and/or
isolated communities.
Energy District Policy 2015 The program is a tool aimed 10% of all the municipalities Development of a
Program Implemented to contribute to the energy of the country involved and methodological guide
and Active development of Chile, through participating in this program in for preparation of local
the analysis of the power 2018 (approx. 36 districts). energy strategies.
scenario of each district and Funding for development
implementing allowing for of local energy strategies.
exploitation of the potential of Implementation of BOILER
energy efficiency and use of 30+ project (installation
renewable energies from the of SFV in at least 30 roofs
local community. in districts of Caldera,
Intended to raise awareness Copiapo and Tierra
by citizens on the subject Amarilla).
of global energy and to Delivery of Portable Solar
generate a responsible and Kits to population that
participative consumption given the conditions of
behavior. their productive work are
without electricity part of
the day.
Solar thermal Fiscal 2015 Subsidy for the installation of In response to the Transfers from
systems in houses of Implemented Solar Thermal Systems (SST), reconstruction needs arising MINENERGIA to MINVU.
the Reconstruction and active to heat sanitary water and from the earthquake of the Training public and
Programs photovoltaic systems (SFV), Great North and the fire of private actors.
for electricity generation at Valparaiso in 2014, it was Donation of SST
houses that are the subject of determined to promote a laboratories to technical
the reconstruction program subsidy for SST installation, at education centers of the
where there is technical the households covered by the regions involved.
feasibility. Reconstruction Program.
In addition, in 2015 a new
Program of Reconstruction
was implemented to face the
consequences of the flood
experienced at Atacama and
Antofagasta regions. On this
occasion, it was determined
that both the houses to be
rebuilt as those to be repaired
would benefit from SST and
Public Solar Roofs Project 2015 The program is an initiative Stimulate the market for Identification of public
Program Implemented oriented to install photovoltaic photovoltaic solutions through buildings.
and Active systems (SFV) on the roofs of the demand by the State to be
public buildings, in order to installed in public buildings. Project selection.
contribute to the maturing of Generate information of public Solution design.
the photovoltaic market for and free access on costs and
self-consumption. conditions of the FV projects Invitation to tender for
oriented to consumption within installation projects.
Chilean reality.
To assess in practice the rules Assessment of the program
and procedures for PV facilities (annual monitoring).
for self-consumption.
To contribute to the reduction
of energy costs in public
Policy of use of Policy 2015 The policy delivers guidelines Contributing to the efficient Creation of the Firewood
firewood and its Implemented and defines the lines of work and sustainable use of Unit at the Ministry of
derivatives for heating and active in the short, medium and firewood in Chile, with Energy.
long term to improve the emphasis on the center south Creation of the Inter-
manner in which wood and of the country, under a State ministries Committee on
its derivatives are produced, vision, in a comprehensive Firewood.
marketed and consumed as and inter-ministries manner, EE standards for heaters.
the main source of energy prioritizing air pollution Training.
for heating buildings in the reduction, matrix diversification
country. and progress towards energy
The policy is divided into independence, integrating the
6 strategic areas: I. More current productive actors of the
efficient buildings; II. sector to improve the quality
Sustainable and quality of life of both rural and urban
firewood; III. Other sources citizens.
of energy derived from wood
for heating; IV. More efficient
technologies for heating; V.
institutional framework, and
VI. Education.
Energy Policy: Energy Policy 2015 The policy proposes a vision PEN proposes goals in There have been
2050 (PEN2050) Implemented of the energy sector to 2050 renewable energies (at least multiple actions aimed at
(Decree and active which corresponds to a sector 60% of electricity generation promoting the penetration
N°148/2015) that is reliable, sustainable, comes from renewable of renewable energies in
inclusive and competitive, sources in 2035 and 70% in the energy matrix and the
based on 4 pillars: 2050), in EE (i.e. 100% of implementation of energy
1. Security and quality of large consumers haveenergy efficiency measures. The
supply, management systems and progress in the goals
2. Energy as an engine for in 2050 100% of main can be reviewed in the
development, appliances are energy annual follow-up reports of
3. Compatibility with the efficient), in the use of fuel PEN20505.
environment and low in GHG emissions and At the end of 2017 the
4. Efficiency and Energy atmospheric pollutants (50% in Plan for GHG mitigation
Education. the energy matrix in 2035 and in the Energy Sector was
65% in 2050), in addition to approved at the Council of
application of the Mitigation Ministers.
Plan by 2035.
In 2050 it is expected that
GHG emissions in the sector
are consistent with defined
boundaries by the science and
national goal, promoting cost-
effective measures.
Solar Strategic Technological 2016 This program, implemented The main goals of the program To date, pre-feasibility
Program Implemented by CORFO’ Solar Committee, are: studies are being carried
and Active aims to take advantage of • LCOE technologies PV out.
the unique landscape of the adapted USD 25 MWh.
Atacama Desert to develop • Investment Attraction.
a national solar industry • Local Value Capture 55 %.
with relevant technological • Export of: engineering
capabilities to face local services, technological
challenges and competitively services, photovoltaic systems,
insert in the international solar etc.
industry. In its implementation • 100 companies to 2025 as
institutions in the public, a part of the value chain in the
private, academia and solar industry.
civil society, both at central
and regional level, work
collaboratively. As a part of
the pathway more than 50
initiatives to be developed
between 2016 and 20125
have been considered,
within which it is possible to
- Technological Program
modules and photovoltaic
systems for deserts.
- Solar Technology Center.
- Strengthening of quality
- Open Innovation platform
and funding for innovation.
- Solar Corridor of Salado
River Basin.
Support mechanisms Economic 2016 Design and implementation Having one more financial Preparation and
for funding the Instrument Implemented of support mechanisms for support mechanism to enable implementation of a
implementation of and Active financing of NCRE projects in micro and small business to browser for financing of
photovoltaic systems micro and small companies. finance the implementation of self-consumption projects
for self-consumption photovoltaic systems for energy NCRE6 (active and updated
in micro and small self-generation. monthly) which collects
enterprises information from state
institutions that have lines
of financing or co-financing
for NCRE projects on a
small scale.
Design and implementation
of a financing mechanism
for photovoltaic systems for
self-consumption in micro
and small companies.
“My Efficient Home” Project 2016 Training program created To sensitize and to train Training and delivery of
Program Implemented in 2016 by the Ministry beneficiaries in matters related efficient kits to families of
and Active of Energy, which delivers to energy efficiency, regarding the municipalities in the
training for energy efficiency the benefits brought by program.
to the most vulnerable families technological replacement and
in the country, a certificate, other practical advice that can Preparation of a booklet
educational material and an be performed both inside and with practical EE advice
efficient kit. outside the home. for the home.
Its implementation is carried Enable the most vulnerable
out by the Regional Ministerial sectors to access energy- EE campaigns focused on
Secretaries (SEREMIS) of efficient technologies. all citizens.
energy through collaboration
agreements with the
municipalities of each region
and/or Provincial Governors.
Electromobility Policy 2017 The Strategy deliveries Articulating public and private "Energy Roadmap 2018-
Strategy in Chile Implemented guidelines and defines the efforts in this field, in order 2022" Agenda which
and active lines of work in the short, to accelerate the introduction features measures that
medium and long term, to of more efficient technologies should be implemented in
facilitate the arrival and use in the country's vehicles and the short term.
of electric cars, considering that Chile is prepared for the Development of work and
the technical and regulatory massive arrival of electric international dissemination
aspects. vehicles. of electromobility.
Browser for financing (
Information source:
SING-SIC Project 2017 The interconnection of the Take advantage of the clean Creation of the National
Interconnection Completed two largest electrical systems energy generated in various Electric System (SEN).
in the country (the Central areas of Chile that previously
Interconnected System and were not interconnected; Creation of the National
Great North) on a single provide security in the delivery Electrical Coordinator.
system (National Electric of electric supply for families
System). and businesses; to allow
for entry of new players to
the sector; and in the future,
increase the flow of energy
to be exchanged through the
international interconnection
with neighboring countries.
Greenhouse Gas Policy 2017 The GHG mitigation plan in Contributing to the mitigation Plan
Mitigation Plan for the Implemented the energy sector performs an objectives in the country. Dissemination
Energy Sector and active analysis of mitigation actions
proposed in the PEN2050 Development of studies
and proposes a package and proposal of
of mitigation measures for alternative carbon pricing
the sub-sectors of energy instruments (IPC), within
generation, transportation, the framework of the PMR
industry and mining and Chile project.
commercial, public and
residential (CPR).
Long-term energy Regulatory 2017 Within the framework of Develop a process of long-term The Ministry of Energy
planning Implemented the Electricity Transmission energy planning every five developed the first Long-
(Law N° and Active Law (Law N° 20,936 of years for the various energy Term Energy Planning
20,936/2016) 2016), the Ministry of Energy scenarios for expansion in Process (PELP), which
develops the Long-Term generation and consumption, considers scenarios of
energy planning process in a horizon of at least thirty future development of the
(PELP) every five years for the years, so that these scenarios sector and the respective
different energy scenarios of are considered in the planning development poles.
expansion in generation and of transmission systems to be
consumption, in a horizon carried out by the National
of at least thirty years, so Energy Commission.
that these scenarios are
considered in the planning of
the transmission systems to be
carried out by the National
Energy Commission.
Information source:
Information source: and
Currently, the Ministry is in the process Define a portfolio of mitigation CO2, Expected The plan has defined three mitigation
of dissemination of the plan, and projects. N2O, CH4 reductions to scenarios:
promptly will begin its process of 2030 with - Case of Reference "Current Policies":
implementation. Monitoring of the measures. respect to BAU: projection of emissions based on current
In the IPC area, in August 2017 - PEN Goals policies (BAU).
the first stage of the PMR Chile Start a process at a regional level. Scenario: - PEN Goals: It consists principally of
was completed, during which the 17,330 goals and policies associated with the
implementation of the green tax Within the framework of the PMR ktCO2eq National Energy Policy.
was supported, and studies were Chile additional phase: developing - Additional - Additional Effort: built under the
developed to assess IPC alternatives a platform of mitigation actions in Effort Scenario: assumption of a more demanding goal
in Chile, and a proposal for IPC the energy sector. 24,140 of reduction, always within the PEN
alternatives was made. In September ktCO2eq framework .
2017 the additional phase of the Development of a model of impact
project was started. analysis of climate change policies.
On March 9, 2018 the Long- Every five years the PELP will - - -
term Energy Planning Decree was be updated pursuant to Law N°
published, in the time and manner as 20,936.
determined by the General Law for Annually, the inputs used in the
Electrical Services and the respective PELP can be updated, keeping the
Regulation9. energy scenarios.
A new PELP could be triggered
before five years, if the Ministry
considers it appropriate due to
important modifications of the
assumptions applied in the previous
Decarbonization table Voluntary 2018 Under a market vision the Not to build more coal-fired Currently, the Ministry
of the energy matrix Actions Implemented companies signed a voluntary power plants that do not is carrying out the work
and active agreement to undertake a include CO2 capture. tables.
process of decarbonization
of the matrix. The Ministry It is expected in the future
cooperates through a not to count on emissions
multidisciplinary coordination by coalpower plants,
and the collection of either through the gradual
background information, cessation of their operation
in order to strengthen the or reconversion of the plants,
discussion at the labor, supply or the implementation of
security , economic and technology to capture CO2.
environmental areas.
2018-2022 Policy 2018 The 2018-2022 Energy Some of the main goals in In June 2018, the
Energy Roadmap Implemented Roadmap defines the work to mitigation are: decarbonization table of
and active be prioritized in the energy - Increase in at least 10 times the energy matrix was
sector over the next four the electric vehicles in the started.
years, based on 7 axes of country.
work: - Establish a regulatory In July 2018, the tradable
1: Energy Modernization framework for energy emission mechanisms
2: Energy with a social seal efficiency (EE). table and the tradable
3: Energy Development - Updating and incorporation emission certificates table
4: Low-carbon energy of new products to the EE were started.
5: Efficient transportation labelling program.
6: Energy Efficiency - Start Process of
7: Energy Education and decarbonization of the energy
Training matrix
- Reach four times the
current capacity of small
scale renewable distributed
- Create public-private work
tables on mechanisms of
tradable emission and tradable
- Implement the GHG
Mitigation Plan in the Energy
S/I: no information.
Management Policy 2017 In order to comply with this specific measure, there Generation of infrastructure to support
of the Public Implemented and are plans to carry out the following transportation and inclusion of more
Transportation active actions: clean technologies.
System in Santiago A1. Build new axes of mobility with segregated A1. 30 kilometers of segregated
(Transantiago) public transportation lanes.
provided with buses. A2. 60 kilometers of priority lanes.
A2. Enable new priority lanes for the public A3. 40 % of the current buses fleet
transportation provided with buses. renewed by 2022.
A3. Renew fleet of buses. A4. 100 clean technology buses in
A4. Promote the use of buses with clean operation.
Renewal of the Project 2018 Santiago's Public Transportation System Improve the quality of transportation,
fleet of the Public Implemented and (Transantiago) needs to renew 2,855 operating increase the efficiency of the
Transportation active buses out of a total of approx. 6,500 by means of transportation system, and reduce
System in Santiago a tender of new buses with better technology. local and global emissions.
Renew your bus Economic 2011 Subsidy associated to the law of Subsidy to Public Modernize the existing fleet public
program Incentive Implemented and Transportation (Law 20,378), which allows to transportation buses with less
active access for funding the renovation of old buses for polluting vehicles, more efficient and
public transportation, either in regions and in the safer. Replace old buses with newer
rural area of the Metropolitan Region, by new and more efficient buses in different
buses with better technology and less polluting. areas of the city of Santiago. The
program considers the possibility of
scrapping and replacement with used
Renew your Economic 2015 The Law of National Subsidy to Public Modernization of the existing
collective taxi Incentive Implemented and Transportation creates a subsidy delivered by collective taxis fleet with less polluting
Program active Regional Governments (GORE) for the replacement vehicles, with standards of superior
of collective taxis with less polluting vehicles in quality, more efficient and safer.
Replacement program of collective taxis with
more efficient vehicles. Delivery of subsidies for
replacement of light vehicles used as collective
taxis with more modern vehicles, considering
scrapping of vehicles replaced in some cases.
11 And 12
Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Public Account, 2017
Vicuña Mackenna corridor implementation in March Improvement by 34% in the buses’ movement by During 2018 the new authorities will
2018, and segregated bus lanes of 8.8 kilometers the new corridor Vicuna Mackenna during the continue conducting assessments to the
from a total of 24 kilometers of new only buses lanes first month of full operation of the segregated lane various infrastructure projects that have
in streets of high traffic flow between 2014 and project, that allows exclusive movement of buses been made in recent years, and that are
2017. between Puente Alto and Santiago. The works have beginning to operate to make progress
also made it possible to reduce travel times between in new segregated lanes for public
2 electric buses operating in Transantiago since 2017. 20 and 30 minutes. transportation or priority lanes.
In 2017, a preliminary definition was carried out of In June 2018, the bidding process is in the process During the second half of 2018 the
the conditions for the bidding process to renew the of re-structuring. bidding rules will be prepared. During
fleet of the Transantiago, where an instance of public 2019, a new tender system will be
consultation was carried out in order to consider and awarded, which is an essential part of
gather the opinion of the citizenship. the Transportation Project of the Third
Implementation of the program in all regions of the Since the start of the program and until 2017, there The renew your bus program will
country. has been a replacement of 4,094 more modern continue to perform at least until 2020.
buses with better technology, environmentally
Implementation of the program in all regions of the The program for the renewal of collective taxis The program renew your collective taxi
country. allowed to subsidize until 2017 the replacement of will continue to perform until at least
more than 6,200 older vehicles with more modern 2020.
cars, efficient and safer for users.
Expansion of Private Sector 2017 In 2012 the construction of 2 new metro lines was Increase in 37 kilometers the Metro
Metro de Santiago Implemented and announced, line 6 and line 3, which would start de Santiago network, benefiting
network active their operation in 2017 and 2018 respectively, about 1.1 million inhabitants,
adding a total of 37 km to the current network. improving public transportation by
The total investment of lines 3 and 6 is USD3,049 reducing travel times considerably,
million. and therefore the quality of life of
Santiago inhabitants.
Suburban Railway Private Sector 2017 The service of the suburban railway MetroTren Reduce travel times from the south
MetroTren Implemented and Alameda Nos is a part of the Integrated System area of Nos to Santiago downtown,
Alameda Nos active of Public Transportation and is an alternative of and increase the number of
mobilization for thousands of people who must passengers moved downtown safely
travel to the center of Santiago, it was inaugurated and more efficiently.
in March 2017. The investment was USD635 MM.
Plan of Prevention and Atmospheric Decontamination for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, S.D. N°31, 2016, the MMA, published 24
November 2017 in the Official Gazette
, and 17 Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Public Account 2017
14 16
Metro de Santiago, retrieved on July 23, 2018:
It is an action of compulsory nature contemplated in a S/I From November 2019, the new
decree of the Ministry of Environment, published in the buses of public transportation in the
Official Gazette in November 2017. Metropolitan Region must comply with
the Euro VI standard or EPA2010,
emission control methods will be
implemented in the public roads for
diesel vehicles to detect damaged
vehicles, machinery out of route with a
power between 56 and 560 kW shall
use particle filters used by the public
sector, other machinery shall comply
with the emission standard Stage IIIA of
the European Community of 2004.
Line 6 was inaugurated on November 2nd 2017, with Line 3 is in 80% of progress status. In addition, it In January 2019 Line 3 will open, with
an extension of 15 kilometers, 10 stations and a route is expected that 60% of the energy requirements in an extension of 22 kilometers and 18
that connects 7 districts14. Line 3 of metro are covered with NCRE15. stations. Considering the next Line
3, the metro network will have 140
kilometers of tracks and will mobilize
daily more than 2.3 million people16.
It features 20.3 kilometers long, connects the district of On February 19, 2018 the service of the suburban Starting in 2019, progress will be made
Estación Central with Nos district, with 10 stations. railway reached 10 million trips, which means a shift in the construction of underground paths
of 50,000 passengers daily on average on work to implement a new service of Metrotren
days of week. While the weekends the average is Rancagua17.
Sustainability Project 2017 The project seeks to generate an evaluation Having a tool validated by the sector
Certification Implemented and tool allowing to address major environmental, to assess the sustainability of public
Project for active economic and social challenges of port activity and private ports at the end of
ports of the in Chile, considering feasibility, gradualness and 2018. Its objective is to consolidate
Logistics Program willingness as key points in the implementation. It and ensure the viability of clean
Transforma by is led by the Agency of Sustainability and Climate production agreements in all public
CORFO for cargo Change, and at the Committee participate SEP, and private ports.
transportation by UNAB, Transforma Logística, Under Secretary
road and ports. of Transportation, CEPAL, Grupo EFE, Embassy
of Denmark, Camport, Corfo. In addition, other
collaborators are the port of Valparaiso, port of
San Antonio, Agunsa, Portuaria TSV, Ultramar,
SAAM, SAG, Direcon, Directemar, Anagena, port
of Arica, GNL Quintero, Puerto Ventanas.
Suburban railway Project 2017 Biotren is a suburban metropolitan service that has Increase the suburban passenger
in Biobio region, Implemented and gradually evolved to position itself in the public transportation in greater Concepción,
Biotren. active transportation of Greater Concepcion. Extended reducing travel time and the
to Coronel district on February 29, 2016, the consumption of fossil fuels.
passengers increased from 5,500 to more than
18,000 per day.
Merval Suburban Project 2018 Merval is a suburban metropolitan service of Increase the suburban passenger
train in Valparaíso Implemented and integrated public transportation of passengers, transportation of the Great Valparaiso
Region active through an efficient and reliable system, which reducing travel time and the
contributes to improve mobility in the conurbation consumption of fossil fuels.
of Great Valparaiso and the quality of life of its
As of March 2018, the results of the study: Currently, the Agency of Sustainability and Climate The goal during 2018 is collecting the
"Sustainability Standard for ports of Chile", prepared Change submitted to the Managing Committee a base line in at least all public ports.
by Deloitte and the German-Chilean Chamber, proposal for the next steps, including validation
developed during 2017, and which objective is to activities with public and private ports, and the
generate an assessment tool that allows to address performing of a pilot that allows to test the tool in
major environmental, economic, and social challenges some ports of Chile on a voluntary basis, to test
of port activity in Chile. the applicability of the tool proposed by the above
mentioned study.
The last extension of Biotren was to Coronel and Biotren frequency has been improved. Continue promoting Biotren service,
considered the construction of 40 kilometers of tracks. through the use of the Law of National
Subsidy to Public Transportation, and
the acquisition of new rolling material
and infrastructure improvement.
Studies on the line expansion from Limache to La Studies in the development stage of detailed It is expected to initiate a bidding
Calera. engineering are available, which is the last stage process for the expansion of the Merval
prior to the tender. line.
Smart Cities Policy 2014 Sets the framework for the development of smart Guide the actions towards the
Strategy Implemented and cities for transportation in Chile, also known as technological development of the
2014-2020 active Smart Mobility, which is based on the definition transportation system (ITS) and
of a vision, objectives, fundamental principles, ecosystems in collaboration around
agents involved, approach to the process of it, where different actors that are a
transformation, base conditions, priority focus and part of the city co-build collaborative,
roadmap. sustainable and inclusive spaces,
to respond to the current and future
mobility needs.
Measures for the Policy 2017 The Plan of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Reduce GHG emissions in the
Transportation Under the Energy Sector was published in December, Transportation sector, in particular
Sector contained implementation 2017 and it considers five lines of action for the the most important subsector: road
in the Energy Transportation Sector: 1) To foster the market transportation, which is responsible
Mitigation Plan. for low-emission means of transportation; 2) for 88.9% of the total emissions of the
technological replacement of public transportation; sector. Emphasizes that the Energy
3) investment in efficient ways; 4) Increasing Plan also mentions that the objective
the standards of energy efficiency in road is to reduce the local and global
transportation; and 5) supporting policies to pollutants.
improve urban planning for sustainable urban
S/I: no information.
Table A. 3. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses
S/I: no information.
Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Public Account 2017
Collaboration has been given to companies and Continue to improve access to transit information for No later than June 2019, a mobile
public entities to analyze traffic patterns through both private vehicles and public transportation. app will be launched that allows users
mobile signals, developing pilot use of GPSs and to review journey times and the arrival
bluetooth for transit management. In addition, an of public transportation buses, without
agreement was signed with Waze company, that meaning a decrease in data traffic from
allows reporting incidents of transit in the mobile app. your mobile plan.
Law N° 20,920 Regulatory 2016 It establishes that producers The objective is to reduce waste generation and
Framework Law for Waste Implemented (manufacturers and importers) to promote reuse, recycling or valuation, thus pro-
Management, Extended and respective of "priority products" must be tecting the lives of people and the environment,
Liability of Producer and regulations accountable for the goods once they which requires both manufacturers and importers
Promotion of Recycling under finish their useful life. For this, the of six priority products to recover a percentage
(REP). development law sets goals for the collection and of their products once they finish their life: lubri-
recovery differences by product. cating oils, electrical and electronic equipment,
Priority products are: lubricating oils, automotive batteries and batteries, packages and
electrical and electronic equipment, packing material, tires.
batteries, packages and packing
material, tires.
Recycling Fund Economic 2017 Fund for the prevention of generation, The objective is to finance all or part of projects,
Incentive Implemented the promotion of waste reuse and programs and actions to prevent the generation
and active recovery. of waste, encourage their source separation,
Allows financing projects of selective collection, reuse, recycling and other
municipalities and associations of valuation performed by municipalities or their
municipalities, aimed at preventing associations.
the generation of waste in their
districts and to promote its separation,
reuse, recycling and other type of
recovery, in two lines of action:
citizens awareness, and promotion of
municipal technical knowledge and of
base recyclers.
S/I: no information.
Table A. 5. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions of the Mining sector
Energy efficiency Projects 2014 Since 2014, an agreement exists between the Mining Council and the Ministry of
measures for mining Under Energy which aim is that mining companies implement and/or strengthen the Energy
by the Agency of implementation Management System (SSG) with international standards, to incorporate Energy
Sustainable Energy. . Efficiency in the assessment and design of mining projects, awareness their staff and
suppliers in the efficient use of energy resources".
S/I: no information.
Table A. 6. Measures related to mitigation of GHG emissions of the Building, Urbanization and Public Infrastructure (Public Works)
Incorporation of non-conventional Policy 2017 Currently, several of the Directorates implementing projects include NCRE in their
renewable energies (NCRE) in Information Planned infrastructure works, such as the Port Works Directorate, the Airports Directorate
the execution of MOP Public and the Roads Directorate. These initiatives do not respond to a public policy of the
Infrastructure MOP, rather to isolated actions related to the budget allocated to the work.
Incorporating Energy Efficiency in the The companies members of the Council underwent S/I S/I
assessment and design of mining projects, independent energy audits, on the basis of which
reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse action plans were developed, analyzed with the
gas emissions. Ministry of Energy.
That 25% of the bids in public infrastructure The inclusion of NCRE is S/I During 2018 it considers the
include criteria for energy efficiency and currently envisioned in some development of a methodology
sustainability by 2022. projects, but not as a public that will quantify GHG reduction
policy. in infrastructure works.
Incorporation of energy Policy 2006 Inside the MOP an institution has been created from this subject, with the Sub-
efficiency and environmental Regulatory Implemented department of Energy Efficiency at the Architecture Directorate. However, all this
comfort in public building Technological Planned effort has not been linked to climate change, even if there is a direct relationship.
performed by the MOP Therefore, it is necessary to account for and systematize GHG reduction that is
being carried out through the construction of public building, so as to make visible
and contributing to the commitments that Chile has undertaken regarding mitigation
to climate change.
Measurement and management Information 2018 It is in the interest of the Ministry to calculate the Carbon Footprint (HdC) during
of the Carbon Footprint in the Planned the construction phase of the infrastructure works in order to assess the measures
works of infrastructure and public that allow for reduction in the short, medium and long-term. In order to facilitate
building performed by the MOP the incorporation of this management tool, it is considered to incorporate this
tool gradually, and to carry out the calculation through pilot cases by the type of
work, in particular emphasizing the measures related with the reduction of GHG
Reduction of GHG emissions in Technological 2017 Currently, the Roads Directorate (DV) has heavy machinery and it is in its interest to
the MOP machinery. Implemented provide the machinery with the eco-efficiency criterion, thereby contributing to the
Planned reduction of GHG emissions. To this end, there are plans to incorporate equipment
to the fleet, to measure and report GHG emissions in the stage of idle speed.
Implementing a platform to Information 2018 It is required to implement a technological development so that executing
measure and account for the Planned Directorates may enter a GHG reduction per project, and at the same time having
reduction of GHG emissions from tools that enable measuring, reporting and verifying such reductions.
the MOP
S/I: no information.
Table A. 7. Measures related to the mitigation of GHG emissions of the Building, Urbanization and Public Infrastructure (Housing
and Urban Planning) sector
• 25% of the bids in public building include Of a total of 24 projects For 2018, 5 projects During 2018, in accordance to
energy efficiency and sustainability criteria to designed by the Architecture CES certified and 37 pre- what was considering in the
2019 and with Certification of Sustainable Directorate of the MOP in 2017, certified were available. It Infrastructure plan, work will
Buildings (CES). 20 considered energy efficiency should be noted that, as a be done on the development
• 30% of the bids in public building include in their designs. And of these, 22 result of the rationale for of a methodology to quantify
criteria for energy efficiency and sustainability to had the CES Certification. projects performance of the GHG emissions, both at the
2021 and CES Certification. Architecture Directorate, base line as savings resulting
• 40% of the bids in public building include which acts on the basis of from the implementation of
criteria for energy efficiency and sustainability to third parties’ requirements, energy efficiency criteria and,
2022 and CES Certification. the projects portfolio of is in addition, to incorporate this
determined during the year. calculation in the Certification of
Sustainable Building.
• Counting with methodologies for measuring To date, a study carried out In 2018, it will start with Carry out trainings to MOP
and managing HdC by typologies of MOP in 2012 is available, which the development of studies workers; search for funding to
works. analyzed a public building and to fulfill the commitment carry out specific studies and
• In 2022, having 35% of MOP portfolio proposed a methodology to incrementally. development of pilot cases.
incorporating measurement and management of measure the HdC in the stage of
HdC to tenders. operation.
• Implement eco-efficiency measures to DV fleet A pilot case was conducted Currently there are 7 The installation of filters for 5
of machinery. to determine the filters and machines with particle filter machines per year has been
• Training operators of machinery of the DV implementing then in the DV for black carbon. scheduled until completing the
of the MOP, regarding to the importance machinery. The total fleet of the entire machinery of the DV.
of avoiding idling in the operation of the DV is 550 machines.
machinery, in order to avoid generation of GHG
• Incorporating measures of efficiency in public
works contracts for the operation of machinery
off road.
• In 2022, 25% of machinery off road of the DV
incorporate eco-efficiency criteria, considering
both new machinery and the already existing.
• In 2022 to have a 100% operational platform There are not implemented Measure to be implemented Search for financing and/or
and that 45% of MOP projects report their GHG actions. in five years. strategic alliances with other
emissions. ministries for the fulfillment of this
Energy Rating of Information In 2012, starts The Energy Rating of Housing (CEV) is an Promoting energy efficiency through the
Houses to operate. instrument designed and implemented by the delivery of objective information about the
Between 2016 MINVU and the Ministry of Energy. This tool energy performance of a house (incorporate
and 2017, allows making an objective and standardized energy criterion in the decision to purchase).
development assessment to estimate and classify the
of updated energy requirement of a house to obtain a
version. In temperature considered comfortable for its
2018, entry users.
into force of
the updated
Sustainable Information In 2016, in The standard corresponds to voluntary Being a reference document of high standard
construction Voluntary force, and standards of sustainable construction for the design, construction and operation
standards for Actions updated in for houses in six categories: Health and of new or renovated houses, based on the
Chilean houses 2017 Wellbeing, Energy, Water, Environmental incorporation of sustainability parameters,
impact, Materials and Waste and surrounded promoting continuous improvement in
environment. sustainable construction.
Certification of Economic Under Voluntary system of housing environmental Accelerating the transition towards a
Sustainable Housing Instrument development, certification, which assess different construction that incorporates sustainability
Information to be launched sustainability criteria of the construction attributes, through the valuation of housing
in 2019 throughout its life cycle (design, construction, providing objective and reliable information.
Reduce the deficit Project 2015 Parks are an urban equipment offering Parks Construction Plan:
of green areas Implemented multiple eco-systemic services. They offer open 34 new Urban Parks.
in the country, and spaces allowing to carry out a wide variety Park Conservation Program:
through investment active of outdoor activities that are beneficial for according to the budget for the
in conservation people’s health. They also play an important following years, the corresponding annual
and construction of environmental role in climate regulation, runoff goals will be defined.
parks and squares. regulation, infiltration of rainwater, capture of
pollutants, being the habitat for wildlife and
contribute with biodiversity to urban habitats.
Nine processes of accreditation for energy assessors. In December 31, 2017: Implementation of updated
Development of updated version that refines the calculation 744 accredited energy assessors version during 2018.
engine and includes new parameters of the thermal About 37,000 houses have been assessed The performance of two
regulations contained in article 4.1.10 bis of the OGUC (for (approximately 69% social and 31% private). accreditation processes for
areas with PDA). Approximately 60% of the homes assessed energy assessors per year is
Development of control protocol. achieved rating D or higher (houses with good expected.
efficiency standard). In the private houses It is expected to implement the
assessed, more than 60% achieves rating C or control protocol. .
higher. It is expected that the CEV is used
as an Accreditation mechanism
of thermal regulation.
In November 2016 the Sustainable Construction Standards During 2017 standards were updated simplifying There is not any planned action.
were launched, based on the sustainable construction code. some processes, references, formulas and
calculation methodologies were amended.
The following stages have been completed so far: Currently, under calibration phase and starting in 2018 activities are: Application
May the pilot stage will start. Guide, finish computer platform,
Definition of minimum variables to declare a housing system control, development
sustainable. of courses for advisors and a
A weighting pattern for scores was established by category communications event.
and by variables.
Scores were set using the weighting pattern mentioned
above, regarding as reference surveys conducted at a
national level.
A model of governance and sustainability has been defined
for the system.
Definition of a regulatory framework.
Definition of a documentary control system.
Guidelines for the implementation of a computer platform for
the management of the certification.
• Begins the implementation of the Urban Parks Construction Urban Parks Construction Plan: the construction It is projected that in 2018 the
Plan, and financing for the Conservation of new Urban Parks. of 16 urban parks has been completed. There construction of 16 urban parks
are 17 parks under construction, and 1 park in will be completed. One park at
the awarding process. the end of 2019 and another in
Conservation Program for Urban Parks: 2020.
Currently the MINVU runs the conservation of Regarding the Conservation of
11 urban parks, distributed in different regions Parks Program, it is expected that
of the country. 3 of the parks that are currently
under construction complete this
process during the current year,
and initiate their Conservation.
Master Plan Project 2013 - 2032 Initiative that includes the design and Design and construction of 932 kilometers of
of Santiago´s Implemented construction of a network of 932 km of bikeways.
Bikeways19 and active bikeways for Santiago, and that is a part
of the Santiago Transportation Master Plan
S/I: no information.
Information provided by the Planning Department of the Metropolitan Regional Government of Santiago (March 2018).
Construction of bikeways. As of March 2018, there are 311.2 km of Bikeways planned: 63.7 km.
existing bikeways and 98.73 km of bikeways
finished, in progress or at tender.
Stage Conceptual/Feasibility.
Planned or in planning.
1. Increase the insertion of renewable non-conventional energy systems at a small and medi-
um-scale for self-consumption in the different productive sectors, through the creation of technical
and financial conditions for the early stages of development of this emerging industry.
2. Contribute to the achievement of the national goal of Chile to reach a deviation of 20% of GHG
emissions below BAU to 2020
4. Encourage the development of an industry and market maturity of the for non-conventional
renewable energy technologies for self-supply in Chile.
5. Improve the knowledge and local capacities in SSRE technologies through technical support.
The NAMA will achieve these objectives through a comprehensive program that addresses simul-
taneously the technical and financial barriers for the implementation of renewable energies at a
small scale. The NAMA is coordinated by the Division of Renewable Energies of the Ministry of
1. Financial component: (i) Co-financing for pre-investment studies; (ii) Co-financing for investment
projects; (iii) partial credit guarantee fund for local financial institutions; and (iv) counselling ser-
vices for institutions of the financial sector.
i) Dissemination and awareness: The NAMA will help raising awareness on the options of use of
ERNCs for self-supply in the Chilean industry. Technological tours and field trips sponsored by the
NAMA will contact potential investors with the technologies and with current users.
ii) Training and capacity building: through workshops and training courses. Stakeholders in the
private and public sectors (excluding the financial sector, which is covered by the financial com-
ponent) will be trained in the following areas: analysis of SSREs projects’ feasibility; projects
assessment and management; introduction to ERNC technologies; etc. Design and carry out an
exchange program with national and international experts, to share experiences and knowledge.
(iii) Preparation of projects: technical assistance through a technical help desk and a virtual plat-
form that provides guidance and technical support to projects’ developers on queries related to the
technologies, projects development, connection to the network and regulatory and legal affairs.
Technical support will be the main entry point for project developers and other interested parties.
(iv) Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV): Development of a system of MRV for the
NAMA. Design of templates and formats for the report, data inclusion and process of the NAMA
Nature or type of action X Strategy, Policy, or Programs. Specify instrument related1: Dissemination and awareness,
Training and capacity development, Technical assistance through a technical help desk ,
Platform for monitoring, Reporting and Verification, Pre-investment subsidies, Subsidies to
investment, the guarantee fund to facilitate access to bank credit and capacity building.
Instrument of economic, governmental, inventive, voluntary agreements, regulatory, normative, information management,
capacity building, research, etc. type
Gas (es) covered by the NAMA X Carbon dioxide (CO2) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
Year-end 2022
2. Contribute to the achievement of the national goal of Chile to reach a deviation of 20 % of GHG emissions below the BAU to 2020.
4. Encourage the development of an industry and maturity of the market for non-conventional renewable energy technologies for self-supply in Chile.
5. Improve the knowledge and local capacities in SSRE technologies through technical support.
1. Human Resources:
(i) SSRE projects face a lack of access to qualified technicians because the market is new and underdeveloped) which will depend on the particular RE
technology. There is a limited number of consultants or consulting firms specializing in the development of projects. At the same time, there is a limited
availability of installers that can implement the projects.
(ii) Insufficient companies with experience and a lack of monitoring to projects development causes an increased perception of the risk involved in SSRE
(iii) Once the SSRE projects have been implemented, there is a limited number of qualified technicians to operate and maintain plants and equipment, in
particular in those cities located outside the Metropolitan Region.
(i) The amount of SSRE projects that can be funded is limited, mainly due to a lack of willingness to invest in (pre) feasibility studies, particularly in less
developed Renewable Energy technologies, due to high initial costs and a high-risk perception.
(ii) There is a limited access to loans offered by financial institutions because these entities prefer to invest in projects of greater capacity so as to achieve
scale economies.
(iii) The lack of familiarity of the banks with respect to the investment in SSRE projects leads to higher costs of credits resulting from the perception of risk,
which reduces the financial feasibility of SSRE projects.
(iv) The high transaction costs for projects such as "Small Means of Distributed Generation" (PMGD) could become significant economic barriers.
(v) Generally, the high expectations of companies are being overshadowed by the high costs of some technologies, the low return on investment and long
payback for investors, which could slow down the investment in projects SSRE since the investment could be less attractive compared to other business
3. Awareness Barriers:
(i) The general knowledge in relation to Renewable Energy systems is limited, in particular in specific applications of SSRE addressed to certain industrial
The owners of companies in various industrial sectors do not understand the working of SSRE technologies, so they do not have certainty with respect
to the technological and economic potential that technologies offer in the operation of their business.
Average cost of delivery: PV 2,046 $/kWe, thermal Biomass 812 $/kWt, thermal Biogas
4,000 $/kWt, cogeneration Biogas 4,500 $/kWe, solar water heaters 1,345$/kWt, hydraulic
micro 5,500 $/kWe.
Average emission factors: 598 gCO2e/kWhe replacing electrical installations and 204 gCO2e/
kWt substituting thermal installations.
Half-life of the facilities: PV 25 years, thermal Biomass 25 years, thermal and Cogeneration
Biogas 25 years, solar water heaters 27 years, hydraulic micro 30 years.
Steps from the Action (s): activities/years Status of Progress Reductions achieved or expected2
- Development of a virtual information The incorporation of the ESCO model for energy supply is being encouraged.
platform related to SSRE projects. The first SFV was implemented through the ESCO model in the building of
a public service.
4. Monitoring, Reporting and
Verification (MRV) Technical component of the NSP
- Support to the design of an MRV
system for the SSRE sector comprising The results achieved of the technical component are listed in the following
the NAMA Support Project (NSP) table of "Co-benefits achieved or expected by stage".
They can be time series.
Allows customers to regulate the right to generate their own electricity, self-consume it and sell their surpluses to the distribution company.
Small means of Distributed Generation.
Public Solar Roofs Program which main objective is to contribute to the maturing of the photovoltaic market for consumption in Chile, through
the implementation of photovoltaic projects connected to the electrical distribution networks under the scheme of the Law of Distributed
Other tenders are under development.
Results achieved:
Co-benefits may consider social, economic and environmental effects other than the reduction of GHG emissions. They can be qualitative or
For example, a value of 1:2 would indicate that for every $1 spent in the program $2 were provided by the private sector.
Support Required
Financial Required amount 0
Type of resources required N/A
Comments N/A
Technology Required amount N/A
Type of resources required N/A
Comments N/A
Capacity Required amount 0
Type of resources required N/A
Comments S/I
Description of MRV
The National Center for Innovation and Promotion of Sustainable Energy Development (CIEDS, an institution that currently has been dissolved), fullfilled the creation
of a digital platform to obtain a database of NCRE projects. The platform was initially conceived as a project management system that allows to: standardize and
organize projects; monitor the variables of each project; collect information, indicators, state, etc. of different kinds of NCRE projects.
From its initial conception the possibility has emerged that this platform becomes an MRV system for the management of SSRE projects information that are imple-
mented through the NAMA Support Project. The platform is currently not in use as since a computing point of view, it is not possible to update it (it has an obsolete
system), consequently it will be necessary to create a new MRV system.
The development of an MRV model will allow the Technical Component of the NSP project to contribute with an MRV system for the Renewable Energy sector, for
self-supply. This applies to both the mitigation of GHG emissions resulting from the NSP, as to the NAMA for domestic self-supply, without focusing on additional
activities, impacts or co-benefits implemented for or resulting from the NSP project. The goal is an MRV system to individually calculate GHG reduction from a
bottom-up approach.
This way, the future goal of the platform is that professionals of public institutions have the information available so that they can develop reports as they deem
necessary, in accordance with the requirements established by, for example, the MMA or donor funds. The platform should specify, at each stage, what are the
parameters that should be controlled and generate the indicators that allow to optimize projects management.
Currently, an MRV system is being implemented for the SSRE sector, which is being developed jointly with the Division of Renewable Energies (DER) of the Ministry
of Energy. This will make it possible to quantify the reduction of GHG emissions from renewable energy projects for self-supply. The purpose is to develop an MRV
system allowing to individually calculate GHG reduction from a bottom-up approach. Renewable energy technologies considered in the quantification of emissions
reduction are: photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind, micro and mini hydro, geothermal heat pumps, biogas and biomass.
NDC, Nationally Determined Contribution of Chile toward the Climate Agreement of Paris 2015, link:
(562) 23656686,
Alternate Contact
Alternate Contact N/A
X Adopted: in implementation.
Registered in United Nations X Yes
Category Unilateral in search of recognition
1) Promotion of vehicles from zero and low emissions in the fleets of light vehicles (taxis and munici-
pal fleet) and charging stations; 2) More efficient buses for public transportation; 3) Promotion of use
of non-motorized vehicles, including the implementation of new lanes of high standard for bicycles,
a system of public bicycles, a solution for connectivity of existing bikeways, and signals for bikes
in two areas of the ZVTS; 4) Management and redesign of transit, with new pedestrian streets and
semi pedestrian streets, exclusive bus lanes of zero and low emission levels, and bicycle parking.
These initiatives are scalable and replicable. The first target set for the NAMA (2011 and under im-
plementation since 2014) would be carried out within a defined area of Santiago downtown, Chile,
area which corresponds to the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Santiago.
The geographical perimeter proposed for the ZVST was defined together with the Municipality of
Santiago. The area includes the historical triangle of the city’s downtown, which covers about two
square kilometers. Many historical places of interest may be found within the ZVST, including Plaza
de Armas, the Cathedral of Santiago, the Government Palace "La Moneda", the Municipal Theater,
the Central Market of Santiago and the Forest Park, among other. The selected area is a very popular
area, for tourism and commercial, which guarantees a high impact and high visibility for all the initi-
atives of the ZVST. One of the main conclusions of the participatory process with the actors interested
in developing the ZVST, is that it must be regarded as a pilot project with great potential for scaling
and replicability, contributing to the redefinition of a model of urban passenger transportation with a
new approach to integrated transportation and sustainable development. The implementation of the
ZVTS will also provide new ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local pollutants.
In its 2016 update (April and September) work was done on the scalability of the entire city of San-
tiago and replication of two (2) Green Zones: one in a city in the north of the country and another
in the south of the country.
Other(s) ………..………………………….
Sector (s) the NAMA considers Agriculture Waste
A modal shift, from private vehicle to other modes such as cycling or public transportation.
Gas (es) covered by the NAMA X Carbon dioxide (CO2) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
Instrument of economic, fiscal, voluntary agreements, regulatory, information management, capacity building, research, etc. type
Economic: technological measures involve a high increase in the capital cost which makes the holder of technology (buses and taxis operators) assume too much risk
in the investment, considering that it is a non-proven technology in the country. For this early stage, providers are offering, in several cases, the financial instrument
of operating lease which includes instalment.
Cultural: the measures for the promotion of non-motorized vehicles and management and redesign of transit are smaller in popularity because it implies removing
space for private vehicles to give space to bicycles and pedestrians, respectively. To overcome this barrier, technology exists of flow automatic meters, both for
pedestrians and bicycles, which may argue with real figures the impact of these measures in terms of mobility of individuals and not of vehicles. Also, the electric
vehicle technologies are unknown by the operators and users, which requires making dissemination of results and testing such as those covered by the first goal of
the Green Zone NAMA for transportation in Santiago.
38 electric taxis
5 electric buses
5 hybrid buses
1.25 km bikeways
8 Tricycles
Goal for Great Santiago: Accumulated tCO2 emission reduction Considers evaluation for 10 years of the fully im-
plemented goal:
260.6 M tCO2
-250 electric vehicles
300 km bikeways
Scalability Goal: Activities undertaken (quantity of vehicles ZLEV, Considers evaluation for 10 years of the fully im-
quantity of buses ZLEV, km of high standard plemented goal:
120.4 MM tCO2 bikeways, managed blocks).
-300 electric vehicles
18 km bikeways
Initiative 1: Promotion of ZLEV light In December 2015, 3 electric taxis were inaugurated, which quotas The initiative includes 39 taxis and 15 municipal
vehicles (vehicles of zero and low were granted by the SEREMITT RM. For the operation of such vehicles vehicles. Expected reductions under estimation
emission). there are 2 chargers installed in the area covered by ZVTS. process.
Initiative 2: More efficient buses for In May 2016, the first electric bus in Chile was inaugurated for the Initiative 2 includes 5 electric buses and 5
public transportation transportation of passengers, with a free, district tour. hybrid buses. Expected reductions under
estimation process.
Initiative 3: Promotion of non-motor- Regarding the system of public bicycles, the SIPB11 has been Expected reductions under estimation process.
ized vehicles implemented with great success. 18 stations were installed in the
territory instead of the projected 13, widely exceeding the demand
estimates for this service. Bikeways at Rosas and Teatinos streets in
operation with high rates of daily use.
Initiative 4: Transit management and Compañía axis implemented 2016 (semi-pedestrianization) Expected reductions under estimation process.
San Antonio axis under implementation in 2016 (semi-pedestrianization)
- Rate of accidents
These can be time series.
SIBP: Integrated System of public bicycles, it integrates 10 districts.
Co-benefits may consider social, economic, environmental and other than the reduction of GHG emissions. Can be qualitative or quantita-
Calculation description The 2016 update of the goal that defines the first Green Zone for
transportation in Santiago includes:
Calculation description The total cost includes 200 light vehicles of zero and low emission,
100 electric and 300 hybrid buses (both for Transantiago),300 km
of bikeways and according to the number of inhabitants, transit
management and urban redesign of initiative 4 were estimated. It
should be noted that the cost of full implementation considers the
entire implementation of each initiative, for example, in the case of
Initiative 1, it includes: charging points, stops, indications.
Calculation description The total cost includes 300 light vehicles of zero and low emission,
150 electric buses and 300 hybrids, 180 km of bikeways and
according to the number of inhabitants, transit management and
urban redesign of initiative 4 were estimated. It should be noted
that the cost of full implementation considers the entire implemen-
tation of each initiative, for example, in the case of Initiative 1, it
includes: charging points, stops, indications.
Calculation description Referred only to the differential cost for full implementation of in-
itiatives 1 and 2 that are of a technological issue. In addition, it
considers 200 charging points for Great Santiago.
Calculation description Referred only to the cost differential for full implementation of in-
itiatives 1 and 2 that are of a technological issue. In addition, it
considers 200 charging points at regions
Funding Source
Own resources for the Goal In relation to what has already been implemented, for the case of the goal, defined as the first
Green Zone for transportation in Santiago, the national contribution amounts to USD 31.7 million
(95% public and 5%private contribution). The contribution has been mainly granted to initiatives 3
and 4 of the NAMA ZVTS, which are those of integration of sustainable modes of transportation.
Another contribution which considered in the future implementation of the Goal corresponds to the
amount equivalent to a conventional technology for the case of light vehicles and buses, equivalent
to USD 2.8 million.
Own Resources for Scaling (Santiago) Contribution that is considered in the future implementation to scale the NAMA ZVTS to the Great
Santiago, it corresponds to the amount equivalent to a conventional technology in the case of light
vehicles and buses, equivalent to USD 83.4 million (within 3 years).
Own resources to replicate (Regions) Contribution that is considered in the future implementation to replicate the NAMA ZVTS in regions
of Chile, corresponds to the amount equivalent to a conventional technology for the case of light
vehicles and buses, equivalent to USD 95.1 million (within 3 years).
In addition, for the case of electric taxis in regions, a public contribution is considered (subsidy from
the Ministry of Transportation to renew fleet of this segment). For 300 taxis in regions, the additional
public contribution would be USD 2.7 million (additional to the previous amount).
Type of resources required Soft loan and subsidies from the State and private investment
Comments The funding required given the current level of implementation (2016) has its main focus financing
the technological components of the NAMA Green Zone for transportation in its initiatives 1 and
Comments The Municipality of Santiago would require additional human resources in order to adequately
lead the NAMA ZVTS during the implementation process and the MRV process. In addition, the
implementation of international financing will require a high administrative work to put in place
the budget and support properly, and to inform to international donors.
MRV Description
In 2015, CAF - Development Bank of Latin America - through the Climate Change Unit (UCC), signed a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Santiago
(IMS). The objective of this cooperation was to provide technical support, guidance and knowledge deemed necessary for the review, adjust and supplement of
the NAMA ZVTS, with special emphasis on the preparation of the base line, the measurement, reporting and verification system (MRV), and the quantification of
the co-benefits.
So, with the financing of CAF and the sponsorship of the IMS, the study called Baseline, Measurement, Reporting and Verification System (MRV) and quantification
of the co-benefits of the NAMA "Green Zone for Transportation in Santiago-ZVTS" was prepared by Sustainable Systems. The overall objective of the study was
to carry out a plan of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) to determine the baseline and assessment of impacts on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
and co-benefits of the NAMA ZVTS.
To carry out the main goal and specific objectives, a methodology was developed which included three (3) phases of work:
Phase 1 of "Update". This phase of the project updated the NAMA Green Zone in its four (4) initiatives, in addition to identifying relevant actors and characterize
the national sectorial context in terms of policies and regulations.
Phase 2 of "Quantification". In this phase the base line was characterized, the reduction potential was determined and the plan for Monitoring, Reporting and
Verification (MRV) was developed for the NAMA Green Zone allowing assessing the impacts of the NAMA on emissions and co-benefits.
With regard to the MRV design, standardized methodologies were used for the assessment of GHG mitigation projects and corresponding co-benefits: 1) the
document prepared by the Ministry of Environment "Guidelines for a generic framework of MRV for NAMAs in Chile"; and 2) the international document of the
World Research Institute "Standard for Policy and Action". The result of the MRV system design for the Green Zone allows assessing the impacts of projects in
different scopes (local, regional, national) that integrate into any of the four (4) initiatives of the NAMA Green Zone. All the products associated to the MRV system
leave standardized tools in order to be able to give continuity to the escalation phase of the NAMA Green Zone, which has been called the "National Strategy
for Sustainable Transportation". These standardized tools allow evaluating both ex-ante and ex-post the impacts defined in consulting, through the definition of six
(6) input indicators, 17 indicators of activity, 23 indicators of intermediate effect, four (4) GHG Indicators and 18 non-GHG indicators where 10 of the latter are
co-benefits. All these indicators have detailed protocols for their assessment, framed in the MRV Plan for the NAMA Green Zone, in addition to a tool that allows
for follow-up and assessment of each of these indicators and the entire NAMA Green Zone.
Phase 3 of "Sustainability". This phase was intended to establish the conditions to support the NAMA Green Zone in the medium and long term, analyzing barriers
and the requirements for financial and technical assistance.
2. The DTPM13 is developing a study to improve the incentive program in the contracts to operators to encourage the use of clean technologies, in view of the
fleet renovation associated with current contracts and also for the upcoming concessions that begin in 2018.
3. The promotion of Non-motorized vehicles is being diverted mainly to partnerships between local governments or municipalities, which are supported by the
central government, represented by the SEREMIT and the MTT
4. In the case of management and redesign, something similar happens as in the previous initiative, majors are searching to improve their civic centers, giving
more space to pedestrians.
Related NAMAs
DTPM: Board of Metropolitan Public Transportation
Alternate Contact N/A
Alternate Contact N/A
Registered in United Nations X Yes14
Category Unilateral in search of recognition
Description The objective of the NAMA is included within the framework of the ENCCRV, serving as technical and economic support for
the development of studies and activities aimed at identifying and reducing weaknesses of baseline information, in addition to
increasing the capacities of national and regional technical teams related to ENCCRV.
During the preparation stage of the ENCCRV, funding obtained through the NAMA has been used to;
1. Define initial conceptual frameworks and preliminary approaches for estimating changes in forest carbon content and in xeric
formations, which will be key inputs for the future development of reference levels of forest emissions for the northern regions
of the country and island territories.
2. Develop a preliminary design of the scope that an MRV system should include, and a registration system for carbon dioxide.
3. Design Indicators of adaptation and vulnerability to climate change.
4. Develop models of forestry territorial management preventing forest fires.
5. Training activities have been developed crosswise, aimed at the creation and promotion of regional capacities through the
South-South exchange on issues related to the ENCCRV.
Nature or type of action X Strategy, Policy, or programs15: National Strategy on Climate Change and Vegetation Resources of Chile (ENCCRV).
Other(s) ………..………………………….
Instrument of economic, governmental, voluntary agreements, regulatory, information management, capacity building, research, etc. type
X Forestry/LULUCF
The activities and action measures of the ENCCRV have been prepared on the basis of multiple technical studies, projects, pro-
grams, and participatory programs and processes, which have made it possible to generate the necessary inputs for the imple-
mentation phase, an important part of which were generated within the framework of the forest NAMA which has the technical
and financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE), representing the first international sup-
port received by CONAF within the framework of the ENCCRV. It is also important to clarify that all actions developed with the
NAMA’s technical support and funds are inserted and aligned within the activities developed in the framework of the ENCCRV.
At present, the NAMA project has already been completed, being its main contributions and products the following:
Developing a methodological protocol to determine the degree of vulnerability to climate change reduction. Through this frame-
work, attributes of adaptation and vulnerability to climate change were defined, effectively measurable from the technical and
economic point of view, generating a protocol for the assessment of measures implemented to reduce vulnerability and strength-
en resilience where these are implemented. The inputs used for the creation of the protocol were technical studies conducted by
experts and professionals of CONAF and the participatory consultation process already described.
This protocol contributes with key inputs in the determination of the Social and Environmental Indicators framework of the ENC-
CRV, which shall be used as a basis to generate the reports that will contain the Safeguards Implementation System (SIS). This
study was carried out with the support of a consortium formed by the Santiago Climate Exchange (SCX), FORECOS, CQuest
Capital, Global Adaptation Institute (GAIN) and Winrock International.
Two projects of territorial nature at Maule and Valparaiso regions were performed with the purpose of implementing forestry
activities for the prevention of forest fires in the forest-urban interface, in addition the costs of implementation of these activities
were determined and incorporated in the table of values of Law N° 20,283, as well as improving the definition of action meas-
ures linked to preventive forestry activities of forest fires.
Forestry projects were implemented with the technical support of the Protection Management against Forest Fires (GEPRIF) by
CONAF, the University of Chile and professionals of Valparaiso and Maule Regions. Another objective of this implementation
project is related to the generation of inputs and management models in the territory, scalable at a national level to reduce the
potential danger of fire spreading, with activities that are replicable in other areas of the country, contemplating modeling that
identify risk levels in other areas of the country. Demonstration modules have been used for training practices to various stake-
holders, such as decision-makers (congressmen, government authorities) and owners of forest land, with the purpose of having
communities more aware and adapted to forest fires.
Also, a powerful line of work that has been fostered by COSUDE is South-South Cooperation, where Chile has positioned itself
as a leader in the region, with countries in Latin America strengthening the dissemination of the work carried out by CONAF in
the framework of the ENCCRV, inside and outside the country through the performance of thematic courses with international
participants in the context of vegetation resources, climate change and desertification, as well as, the generation of cooperation
partnerships with other regional projects funded by the Swiss government, such as the Andean Forests Program.
The international courses are conducted jointly with the Chilean International Cooperation Agency (AGCI) of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, offering scholarships to ensure the attendance of participants from countries that maintain government actions
relating climate change to their vegetation resources, or are, just as Chile, developing their strategies to tackle climate change
and fight against desertification.
Gas (es) covered by the X Carbon dioxide (CO2) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
X Gas Methane (CH4) Perfluorocarbonos (PFC)
Methodologies Assumptions
The methodology for estimating emissions at the baseline is defined in detail in the Sub- All assumptions that have been used for estimation are described in the
national NREF/NRF of Chile. Subnational NREF/NRF and in the Annex of REDD+ results.
The methods used to estimate results are the same used in the NREF/NRF in order to
maintain consistency.
In the case of emissions that are associated with changes in land use, the "Gain and
Loss" method was applied, defined by IPCC. Maps of Forest Cadastre and the dasometric
information coming from the National Forest Inventory used as a source of information.
In the case of emissions that occur in forests that remain as forests, the "Stock Change"
method was applied. In the latter case, a method of estimating carbon contents and
flows is used based on forest inventory data and space extrapolation on satellite images
through the K-nn methodology.
These can be time series
Related NAMAs
• NAMA of Georgia financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water of Austria, under the name "Adaptive, Sustainable Forest
Management in Borjomi-Bakuriani Forest District".
• NAMA of Mali, which expects funding for implementation, under the name "NAMA in the forestry sector"
• NAMA initiative "Green Route of the Panama Canal". Integrates reductions for vessels transiting the Canal, for energy efficiency and renewable energy
use in the operation of the Canal and forest carbon projects in the Panama Canal basin.
Contact details with coordination and management of the NAMA
Responsible Institution National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Contact professional José Antonio Prado, National ENCCRV, Chief of Climate Change and Environmental Services Unit (UCCSA), Management of
Forestry Development and Encouragement (GEDEFF), CONAF.
X Implemented.
Recorded with United Nations X Yes
Category X Unilateral in search of recognition
Description In Chile, the promotion of cleaner production is carried out by the Agency of Sustainability and Climate
Change (ASCC), Committee depending of Corporación de Fomento - Chilean Economic Development
Agency (CORFO) CORFO. The ASCC is defined as an instance for dialogue and joint action among the
public sector, companies, their workers, communities and civil society, in order to establish and disseminate
an environmentally productive management approach that focuses on prevention and promotion of
The ASCC goal for 2020 is contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions through its main instrument, the
Cleaner Production Agreement (CPA).
This instrument is developed by the Government of Chile with staff dedicated to its participation,
management and coordination, as well as through a financial support instrument: The Clean Production
Fund18, which co-finances up to 70% of the costs associated to the elaboration of an CPA, which are
divided into three lines of financing: the preparation of a general diagnosis of a productive sector, the
implementation phase and the acceptance asssement. The remaining fraction is funded by associations or
organizations representing the companies adhering to CPAs.
In the early years, CPAs did not consider actions aimed specifically to GHG reduction, however, a number of
measures that were agreed within the framework of these agreements have the effect of obtaining reductions.
That is why in 2010, with 54 implemented CPAs and certified by the ASCC until that year, a study was
retained to calculate GHG reductions of 16 CPAs in different industrial sectors. The results estimated
reductions in GHG emissions of 4,050,973 tCO2e19. In 2012 the ASCC registered CPAs with the UNFCCC20
as the first Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAS) of Chile and the world. This NAMA is in
operation and has incorporated a variety of actions with the effect of GHG mitigation, as well as indicators
to track their progress, which are delivered in this report.
Nature or type of action X Strategy, Policy or Programs. Specify related instrument21: policy or national or sectorial or program,
through Cleaner Production Agreements supported by the Fund for the Promotion of Cleaner Production.
Other(s) ………..………………………….
Sector (s) considered by the NAMA X Agriculture X Waste
X Forestry/LULUCF
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Instrument of economic, fiscal, voluntary agreements, regulatory, information management, capacity building, research, etc. type.
Regulation Committee National Council for Clean Production:
Systematization of a little more than 30 agreements presents more than 1700 actions. See Working paper linked:
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Calculation at the aggregate level contains implicit assumption that CPA is causing changes in productive structure of group of companies
that adhere to it. Although this could occur to some extent, it is a strong untested assumption.
Biennial Update Report.
It is the addition accrued from 2012 to 2020 of the GHG categories collected.
This is the addition of GHG categories collected. It is also a value associated to an indicator 9.4.1 ODS, for which there is no data on sales
price available, enabling to report it directly.
According to the Based on the established planning, the The expected reductions according to the NAMA registration are 13,500,000 tCO2e in
NAMA registration, to expected value corresponds to 105 the period 2012-2017. However, the impact is estimated at 457,438 tCO2e, a 3% of the
2012 there were 45 CPAs signed as of 2017. There are 79 anticipated. To explain part of this difference, it is worth reviewing the calculations and
CPA under diagnosis CPAs signed in 201730, which means assumptions used in the original estimate of NAMA reductions: (1)31 16 CPA (2) over 8
that should have re- a 75% progress in CPA signing. It is years (3) 4,050,973 tCO2e reduced. This result into 31,600 tCO2e by CPA per year. Then
ductions before 2016; important to note that of these 79 CPAs it is assumed that the (4) 45 CPAs existing and under diagnosis at the date of the NAMA
over 10 CPAs signed signed in the period 2012 - 2017, only registration (5) would generate reductions equal to those 31,600 tCO2e by CPA per year
per year from 2012 to 9 CPAs are considered in the current (6) since 2012 to 2016. This results into 7 MM tCO2e. Then at assuming (7) that 10 CPAs
2020. report. per year will be additionally signed, which would generate (8) reductions of 31,600 tCO2e
On site by CPA per year (9) to 2020, which results into a value of approximately 11.4 mm tCO2e
cl/sfe/resumen-estadístico-ascc appear which in addition to the above results into a total of 18.4 MM tCO2e. Then, on that basis
periodically updated operational data reductions are estimated for 2.25 tCO2e per year. These assumptions are problematic for
of the different Agreements managed by the following reasons:
the Agency. Assumptions (2), (6) and (9) are inconsistent, because they assume different periods of
validity for CPAs. Assumption (6) includes in 2012 impact calculation 45 CPAs that are
under diagnosis that same year, not yet signed. On the other hand, assumptions (4), (6) and
(7) would lead to assume that in 2012, 55 CPAs were signed, a figure five times greater
than the historical maxima existing prior to 2012. Assumptions (3), (5) and (8) assume that
all CPAs behave as the average of CPAs used in the Green Solutions study. In practice, this
has not been observed. The possible selection bias in the original study32, that over 80%
of the result is explained by a single CPA; verification of these values did not exist, and
standard deviation is three times the average should have led to the selection of a more
conservative or robust value. Related to the above, the assumption (2) of eight years is
completely arbitrary, since the green solutions study conducted before/after analysis without
setting years for these impacts, but a review of the individual results enables to infer them.
On the other hand, the assumptions used for each CPA in this study are not equivalent to the
assumptions currently used in the estimation of impacts33.
Other reasons that significantly influence the result obtained is that most of the CPAs
signed in the period 2012-2017 have not yet recorded their values34, and that there still
are emission categories that have not been estimated, such as reductions associated to
These can be time-series.
This considers the pilots of new types of territorial agreements and pre-investment studies characterized by a methodology for generation
and mode of operation different from that of the CPA based on the technical standard, pre-investment 3 associated with commitments in the
framework of the installation of productive plants of sufficient size to have to issue statements or environmental assessments, 3 of watershed
management and management 1 territory for fire prevention.
Assumptions in format (no course).
It is reasonable to think that those CPAs envisaging greater reductions have been selected
In the following worksheet it is possible to find a number of analyses in support of this paragraph:
Only 9 CPA of 78, with data of 60 of the 5,396 participating establishments in this period.
Co-benefits may consider social, economic and environmental other than GHG reduction. Can be qualitative or quantitative. There are other
co-benefits that were not included in this report because data were not processed in term, but in following updates this list should increase
Negative value indicates a reduction.
This was an indicator registered in the Agreement because there was a measurement action of it, but as there are no direct actions variation,
it is not attributable to the CPA.
This was an indicator registered in the Agreement because there was a measurement action of it, but as there are no direct actions variation,
it is not attributable to the CPA.
This was an indicator registered in the Agreement because there was a measurement action of it, but as there are no direct actions variation,
it is not attributable to the CPA.
Funding Source
Own resources USD 40 million
Resources received N/A, NAMA recognition
Resources to be requested (total, N/A, NAMA recognition
detail appears below)
Support Required
Financial Resources Amount required N/A, NAMA recognition
Type of resources N/A, NAMA recognition
Comments N/A, NAMA recognition
Technology Amount required N/A, NAMA recognition
Type of resources N/A, NAMA recognition
Comments N/A, NAMA recognition
Capacity building Amount required N/A, NAMA recognition
Type of resources N/A, NAMA recognition
Comments N/A, NAMA recognition
1. Data are transferred to the association or to the consultant hired by the association, who conducts impact estimates in an impacts report once the CPA has
finished, report that sometimes includes some of the data collected. More frequent case.
2. Data are transferred through a spreadsheet to the association or to the consultant hired by the association, who delivers them to the ASCC together with
the impacts report. Recent practice as a result of changes introduced as a part of the MRV.
3. Data are transferred to NBC40 or uploaded to CompiteMAS platform within the context of the CompiteMAS public good. Then NBC estimates GHG impact
in a mitigation report which sometimes includes some of the data collected. Around 4 cases.
4. Data are delivered by company to verification entity (NBC) during the completion of a field verification, these data are subsequently sent to the ASCC. 13
cases, only one has been consolidated in this report.
5. Data are transferred from companies, Associations or consultant to the ASCC due to a subsequent process of data collection made from the ASCC in order
to retrieve data by establishment not previously reported, or to verify data previously reported. Around 5 cases.
Once obtained, data must be systematized in a spreadsheet and classified according to categories consistent with the existing ones in the national inventory, so
as to be able to use the corresponding emission factors. In the case of categories not associated to the national inventory, data are categorized so that they can
be compared between companies. In addition, all data are converted to a single base unit, which depends on the category. Additionally, a review is conducted
to indicate if the category to which the data belongs was effectively managed at the CPA41. Calculations are then applied to estimate scenarios, as well as other
control computations. A processing model is assigned to each base category, which usually coincides with an intermediate effect, for the calculation of base
scenarios and scenario with CPA:
1. Model "0" is used for qualitative, informative or evaluation data of the CPA by the participants, where modelling a base scenario is not required.
2. Model "1" is used in cases where it is assumed that in the base scenario the value for the category was "0", and in the scenario with CPA values are
those collected during it. This model is used in the statement of investments associated to the CPA or trainings for implementation of the CPA42.
3. Model "2" is used in those categories in which it is assumed that the CPA affects any productive parameter. The base scenario corresponds to the value
of the parameter in the year prior to the execution of the CPA, or the first annual data available after execution. This value is projected by assuming that the
parameter remains constant. For the case of a scenario with CPA, the data used are those actually measured for up to 7 years43 since the CPA execution, af-
ter which it is assumed that the CPA has no effect because the companies would had made the changes anyway. If such data are not available, it is assumed
that the last annual data available are kept constant.
4. Model "3" is used in those categories in which it is assumed that the CPA affects the intensity of use or generation of any substance given a certain level of
activity44 . The base scenario corresponds to the data prior to the CPA execution, or the first annual data available after execution. This value is projected by
assuming that intensity remains constant, hence the use or generation of each substance is projected on the basis of data activity of each year. For the case
of a scenario with CPA, the data used are those actually measured up to 7 years since the CPA execution, after which it is assumed that the CPA has no effect
because the companies would had made the changes anyway. In case these data are not available, the last annual data available are used and projected
on the basis of activity data for each year. If the activity data for a given year are not available, the adjustment of last year’s production for which data were
collected on the terms of variation of annual indicator of this particular sector are used as a proxy. If there are no sectorial data available, then the activity
data is assumed constant from the last year collected. Calculation is performed by establishment whenever possible, and results are subsequently added.
Once the modeling of categories on the basis of the resulting values are multiplied by emission factors, global warming potentials (GWP)45 and/or other
values46, as appropriate, so as to obtain the scenarios for the impact categories that are derived from the base categories (as is the case in all categories of
Greenhouse Gases reported). The difference between scenarios is the effect of the CPA.
NBC: Biotechnological Nucleus Curauma Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
Under process of implementation at the time of publication this report.
It is questionable whether to declare the hours of training, or if investment is effectively only those associated with CPA, which would have not
been performed had it not existed. The shortage of historical data series makes it difficult to use a more sophisticated model.
The value of 7 years is used according to rule 49 (a) of the Clean Development Mechanism,
the choice of that period would be justified in time of technological change according to "The Complete Guide to Climate Change" section,
page 83.
This is inspired on some of the base lines of the Clean Development Mechanism.
GWP used are those of the AR5 (Assessment Report 5) for all GHGs considered, with the possible exception of the emissions associated with
the consumption of electric power, because the manner in which the Ministry of Energy estimates emission factors from the electric network is
not clear.
Default values were selected from the national inventory, in case it did not exist then national sectorial information was used, if this was not
possible then the standard values for the IPCC Guidelines were used, and in case this was not possible, then any value found in the available
1. Law 20,416 which sets special rules for small companies. Link:
2. Supreme Decree 160 which sets the rules of the "National Council of Clean Production". Link:
3. Affected Resolution 242 implementing Council Agreement N° 2,947 of 2016, which modifies the name of the "National Council Committee for Clean Produc-
tion - CPL" by "Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change - ASCC" and amends resolution (a) No. 303, of 2007, Corfo. Link:
4. Agreement 22/2017 of the Council of Ministers for Sustainability that endorses the National Action Plan on Climate Change. Link:
Related NAMAs
CPAs may be related with all sectorial NAMAs accounting for reductions achieved by companies participating in both mitigation actions. Without prejudice to
the foregoing, to date there has not been any case in which this effectively happens. The reason for the latter may be the low amount of companies considered in
the report, but also the lack of a record allowing to identify these cases.
Contact details for NAMA coordination and management
Responsible Institution Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change (ASCC), CORFO committee of the Ministry of Economy, Government of Chile.
Contact professional Ambrosio Yobanolo, Responsible for Business Intelligence Unit and Process Design.
Amanda Labarca 124, Second Floor, Santiago, Chile.
(562) 2688 4500
Alternate Contact Ximena Ruz, Head of the Clean Production Agreements Office.
Amanda Labarca 124, Second Floor, Santiago, Chile.
(562) 2688 4500
Due to the fact that one of the companies involved declined the verification visit, the guild acted as an intermediary, and finally a correction
to the data was made.
Because in both cases the original data were incorrect, reductions were overestimated in more than a million tCO2e, this is the main reason
for the decision that from this report atypical results will be excluded from the official result.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Link:
Reporting standard of greenhouse gases. Link:
Objectives of sustainable development. Link:
R,M 2017 "Information Matters Support the understanding of identification and estimation GIZ
Capacity Building of mitigation actions in relevant sectors; to familiarize par-
Workshop: Mitigation ticipants with the guides on report for mitigation actions
Action Reporting" developed by the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
R 2017 Technical workshop on Share experiences on top of the existing initiatives of UNDP/UNEP
the "Capacity Building MRV and transparency, and discuss the efficient use
Initiative for Transparency and coordination of the Capacity Building Initiative for
(CBIT) Global Coordination Transparency (CBIT) Program and providing inputs to the
Platform. content of the next Platform of Global Coordination, under
the responsibility of UNDP and UN Environment, with the
purpose of making progress in the implementation of the
enhanced transparency framework as defined by the Paris
T 2017 Regional dialogue on To facilitate exchange between representatives of the GIZ/UNDP
Nationally Determined countries and geographical groups of countries, discussing
Contributions (NDC) Latin in detail the continuity in the implementation of the techni-
America cal and communication aspects of the NDC submitted by
countries of the region to United Nations, on the occasion
of the COP21 of Paris.
M 2017 "Long-term strategies for the To facilitate exchange between the representatives of the Government of Canada and German
implementation of the Paris countries of the Latin American region, discussing in detail and Danish Cooperation Agencies.
Agreement" the technical aspects of opportunities in respect of Article
4, paragraph19 of the AdeP.
R 2017 Latin American Regional To facilitate exchange between the representatives of the Government of Canada, GGGI and
Forum: "Defining an agen- countries of the Latin American region, discussing in detail German Cooperation Agency.
da to improve transparency the technical aspects of opportunities for the implementa-
through the strengthening tion of MRV systems to improve transparency related to
of MRV mechanisms" NDC contributions submitted to the United Nations, as a
part of the commitments associated with the ratification of
countries of the Paris Agreement (ADP). Specifically, what
is referred to in Article 13 of the AdeP.
R,M 2017 Workshop on construction To provide additional technical support to Parties not UNFCCC
of National Systems for included in annex I to improve their internal capacities
GHG inventories and the in order to facilitate the continuity of the fulfilment of the
Sustainable Use of the requirements of reporting, among other, training in the use
2006 IPCC Guidelines for of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse
the Latin America and the Gas Inventories, as well as the sustainable construction
Caribbean region. of national systems of management of greenhouse gas
R,N 2017 Regional Workshop for Exchange of regional experiences on progress in trans- PATPA
Latin America and the parency and accounting of contributions determined at a
Caribbean Partnership for national level (NDC).
Transparency in the Paris
R 2017 Second Working Meeting To follow up on the activities of the network in the period UNDP
of the Latin American 2016-2017; to exchange experiences regarding quality
Network of National assurance and quality control, filing and dissemination of
Greenhouse Gas Invento- NGHGIs; agree and define the relevance to standardize
ries (RedINGEI). NGHGI reports; and define activities and future products
on the network.
N,R 2017 "APA inter-sessional work- Inter-sessional workshop under item 5 of the APA agenda: UNFCCC
shop on agenda item 5: modalities, procedures and guidelines for the enhanced
modalities, procedures and framework of transparency for actions and support re-
guidelines for the transpar- ferred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.
ency framework for action
and support referred to
in Article 13 of the Paris
A 2017 Regional Dialogue for Exchange of regional experiences on the importance and Convention on Biological Diversity
the integration of climate opportunities for integration of climate change in its links
change and biodiversity at with biodiversity conservation.
a national level.
T 2017 Regional dialogue on To meet and discuss the visions of the countries in the European Commission.
Nationally Determined region regarding the next steps and challenges for the
Contributions. implementation of the National Contributions (NDCs).
R 2017 2nd Information Matters Exchange of experiences on capacity-building in transpar- GIZ
"Peer-to-Peer Exchange ency and reporting of climate action.
Workshop" + "International
BUR Champions Work-
T 2016 Regional Workshop of the (1) Increasing understanding on the FVC and advances re- FVC
Green Climate Fund in lated to their work, such as support for NDCs and national
Latin America. planning processes for adaptation;
(2) To exchange experiences among the different actors on
addressing climate change at a national level and expec-
tations with respect to the role of FVC in the financing of
adaptation and mitigation measures in Latin America
(3) to develop a roadmap to articulate national priorities
and opportunities of access to available resources with
the Fund.
T 2016 Regional dialog on NDC, To know and discuss the visions of the countries in the UNDP, PMR, International Partnership on
July 2016 region regarding the next steps and challenges for the mitigation and MRV.
implementation of the National Contributions (NDCs).
T 2016 XIII Annual Meeting of the Discuss the main challenges and other relevant LARIOCC
Iberian-American Network crosswise elements for the implementation of the national
of Climate Change Offices. contributions to the Paris Agreement and opportunities for
cooperation through the RIOCC taking into account the
needs and strengths of the national contributions to the
Paris Agreement and cooperation opportunities through
the RIOCC taking into account the needs and strengths of
the region.
A 2016 VI Regional Seminar EURO- Share the progress made by EUROCLIMA during the EUROCLIMA
CLIMA and EUROCLIMA+ first half of 2016, which main emphasis was placed on
Seminar. the exchange of information and experience, capacity-
building and advances in sustainable agriculture, food
safety and climate change.
M,R 2016 Workshop "MRV and Eval- The main objective of the workshop "MRV and Evaluation Information Matters/Netherlands
uation of Energy Efficiency of Energy Efficiency Measures and related GHG Enterprise Agency (RVO).
Measures and related Emission Reductions” was giving an overview of the main
GHG Emission Reductions" elements and practical tools for the evaluation of energy
and "International Energy savings and GHG emissions, as well as the exchange of
Policies & Programs Evalua- experiences and good practices.
tion Conference (IEPPEC)".
The "International Energy Policies & Programs Evaluation
Conference (IEPPEC)", for its part, whose primary purpose
is to link both to evaluators as implementers of policies and
low carbon programs in the field of energy efficiency.