RemRev Rulings Finals
RemRev Rulings Finals
RemRev Rulings Finals
(3)The identity in the two cases should be such that the This means that the subject matter must refer to a deed, will,
judgment that may be rendered in one would, regardless of contract or other written instrument, or to a statute or
which party is successful, amount to res judicata in the other. ordinance, to warrant declaratory relief. Any other matter not
144 mentioned therein is deemed excluded. This is under the
principle of expressio unius est exclussio alterius. (Emphasis
All of the requisites must be present.145 Absent one supplied.)
requisite, there is no litis pendentia.146
The foregoing holding was reiterated in Natalia Realty, Inc.
In this case, there is no litis pendentia since there is no v. Court of Appeals,45 wherein this Court stressed that court
identity of parties in the nullification of deed of dation in orders or decisions cannot be made the subject matter of a
payment case and the interpleader case. Zuellig Pharma is declaratory relief
not a party to the nullification case filed in the Davao trial
court. Then again in a recent ruling of this Court, it was
There is also no identity of rights asserted and reliefs prayed
for. Lui Enterprises filed the first case to nullify the deed of A petition for declaratory relief cannot properly have a court
dation in payment it executed in favor of the Philippine Bank decision as its subject matter
of Communications. Zuellig Pharma subsequently filed the
interpleader case to consign in court the rental payments and In the instant case, petitioners Erlinda Reyes and Rosemarie
extinguish its obligation as lessee. The interpleader case was Matienzo assailed via Declaratory Relief under Rule 63 of
necessary and was not instituted to harass either Lui the Rules of Court, the orders of the trial courts denying their
Enterprises or the Philippine Bank of Communications. motions to suspend proceedings. This recourse by petitioners,
unfortunately, cannot be countenanced since a court order is
Thus, the pending nullification case did not bar the filing of not one of those subjects to be examined under Rule 63.
the interpleader case.
The proper remedy that petitioner Erlinda Reyes could have
=========================================== utilized from the denial of her motion to suspend proceedings
in the Caloocan City MeTC was to file a motion for
DECLARATORY RELIEF reconsideration and, if it is denied, to file a petition for
certiorari before the RTC pursuant to Rule 65 of the Rules of
REYES vs.ORTIZ Court. On the other hand, petitioner Matienzo should have
filed a special civil action on certiorari also under Rule 65
Petitioners insist that this is mainly a petition for declaratory
with the Court of Appeals from the denial of her motion by
relief. Section 1, Rule 63 of the 1997 Rules of Court the Caloocan City RTC. The necessity of filing the petition to
provides:X.....X.....X..... the RTC in the case of Erlinda Reyes and to the Court of
Appeals in the case of Matienzo is dictated by the principle
The foregoing section can be dissected into two parts. The
of the hierarchy of courts.48
first paragraph concerns declaratory relief, which has been
defined as a special civil action by any person interested
Finally, while a petition for declaratory relief may be treated
under a deed, will, contract or other written instrument or as one for prohibition if it has far reaching implications and
whose rights are affected by a statute, ordinance, executive
raises questions that need to be resolved, there is no
order or regulation to determine any question of construction allegation of facts by petitioner tending to show that she is
or validity arising under the instrument, executive order or entitled to such a writ. The judicial policy must thus remain
regulation, or statute and for a declaration of his rights and that this Court will not entertain direct resort to it, except
duties thereunder. The second paragraph pertains to (1) an when the redress sought cannot be obtained in the proper
action for the reformation of an instrument; (2) an action to
courts or when exceptional and compelling circumstances
quiet title; and (3) an action to consolidate ownership in a warrant availment of a remedy within and calling for the
sale with a right to repurchase.43
exercise of this Court's primary jurisdiction. (Emphasis
The first paragraph of Section 1 of Rule 63 enumerates the
subject matter to be inquired upon in a declaratory relief
To make matters worse, petitioner Matienzo obviously
namely, deed, will, contract or other written instrument, a availed of the instant declaratory relief to substitute for a
statute, executive order or regulation, or any government petition for certiorari, a remedy which she sadly lost by
regulation. This Court, in Lerum v. Cruz,44 declared that the inaction. From this, it can be inferred that petitioner
Matienzo’s recourse is a belated attempt designed to salvage Without any justiciable controversy, the petitions have
her lost opportunity to assail the order denying her motion to become pleas for declaratory relief, over which the Court has
suspend proceedings. no original jurisdiction.
The petition has to be dismissed for the following reasons: Petitioner herself disproved the absence of the required
statements. She questioned the trial court’s appreciation of
1. Our power to review COA decisions refers to money
her arguments and defenses; the sufficiency of evidence to
matters and not to administrative cases involving the
prove encroachment; and the existence of a clear title to the
discipline of its personnel.
alleged encroached properties in Errors (I), (II), and (III).
2. Even assuming that We have jurisdiction to review Errors (IV), (V), and (VI) pertain to legal questions such as
decisions on administrative matters as mentioned above, We whether there was violation of forum-shopping; whether the
can not do so on factual issues; Our power to review is award of attorney’s fees is proper; and the validity of the
counterclaims. A petition for the writ of certiorari does not
limited to legal issues.
deal with errors of judgment. Nor does it include a mistake in
Accordingly, the petition is dismissed. the appreciation of the contending parties' respective
evidence or the evaluation of their relative weight.7 Verily,
=========================================== the errors ascribed by petitioner are not proper subjects of a
petition for certiorari.
Anent the third requisite, a writ of certiorari will not issue
TAN vs.. ANTAZO where the remedy of appeal is available to the aggrieved
party. The party aggrieved by a decision of the Court of
The pivotal issue in this case is the correctness of a special Appeals is proscribed from assailing the decision or final
civil action for certiorari before the Court of Appeals as a order of said court via Rule 65 of the Rules of Court because
remedy against the Decision and Resolution of the Regional such recourse is proper only if the party has no plain, speedy
Trial Court. and adequate remedy in the course of law.8 Furthermore,
certiorari cannot be availed of as a substitute for the lost
A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court remedy of an ordinary appeal.9
is a pleading limited to correction of errors of jurisdiction or
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of In this case, the remedy of appeal under Rule 42 of the Rules
jurisdiction. Its principal office is to keep the inferior court of Court was clearly available to petitioner. She however
within the parameters of its jurisdiction or to prevent it from chose to file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
committing such a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction. It may issue only when the ===========================================
following requirements are alleged in and established by the
petition: (1) that the writ is directed against a tribunal, a CAWAD vs. ABAD,
board or any officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
functions; (2) that such tribunal, board or officer has acted The petition is partly meritorious.
without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and (3) At the outset, the petition for certiorari and prohibition filed
that there is no appeal or any plain, speedy and adequate by petitioners is not the appropriate remedy to assail the
remedy in the ordinary course of law.4 validity of respondents' circulars.
Only the first requisite is here present. Petitioner correctly Thus, on the one hand, certiorari as a special civil action is
available only if: (1) it is directed against a tribunal, board, or
impleaded the trial court judge in her certiorari petition.
officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions; (2) the
tribunal, board, or officer acted without or in excess of Based on the foregoing, certiorari and prohibition do not lie
jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to against herein respondents' issuances. It is beyond the
lack or excess of jurisdiction; and (3) there is no appeal nor province of certiorari to declare the aforesaid administrative
any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary issuances illegal because petitions for certiorari seek solely to
course of law.11 correct defects in jurisdiction, and not to correct just any
error committed by a court, board, or officer exercising
On the other hand, prohibition is available only if: (1) it is judicial or quasi-judicial functions unless such court, board,
directed against a tribunal, corporation, board, officer, or or officer thereby acts without or in excess of jurisdiction or
person exercising functions, judicial, quasi-judicial, or with such grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
ministerial; (2) the tribunal, corporation, board or person jurisdiction.19
acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of It is likewise beyond the territory of a writ of prohibition
jurisdiction; and (3) there is no appeal or any other plain, since generally, the purpose of the same is to keep a lower
speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. court within the limits of its jurisdiction in order to maintain
12 Based on the foregoing, this Court has consistently the administration of justice in orderly channels. It affords
reiterated that petitions for certiorari and prohibition may be relief against usurpation of jurisdiction by an inferior court,
invoked only against tribunals, corporations, boards, officers, or when, in the exercise of jurisdiction, the inferior court
or persons exercising judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial transgresses the bounds prescribed by the law, or where there
functions, and not against their exercise of legislative or is no adequate remedy available in the ordinary course of
quasi-legislative functions.13 law.20
Considering that the residents who need a feeder road are all
subdivision lot owners, it is the obligation of the Davsan II
predominantly for that citizen’s own private gain, is offensive
to our laws.42
A condemnor should commit to use the property pursuant to
The Court’s Ruling the purpose stated in the petition for expropriation, failing
which it should file another petition for the new purpose. If
In light of these premises, we now expressly hold that the not, then it behooves the condemnor to return the said
taking of private property, consequent to the Governments property to its private owner, if the latter so desires. The
exercise of its power of eminent domain, is always subject to government cannot plausibly keep the property it
the condition that the property be devoted to the specific expropriated in any manner it pleases and, in the process,
public purpose for which it was taken. Corollarily, if this dishonor the judgment of expropriation. This is not in
particular purpose or intent is not initiated or not at all keeping with the idea of fair play,
pursued, and is peremptorily abandoned, then the former
owners, if they so desire, may seek the reversion of the The notion, therefore, that the government, via expropriation
property, subject to the return of the amount of just proceedings, acquires unrestricted ownership over or a fee
compensation received. In such a case, the exercise of the simple title to the covered land, is no longer tenable. We
power of eminent domain has become improper for lack of suggested as much in Heirs of Moreno and inTudtud and
the required factual justification.39(Emphasis supplied.) more recently in Lozada, Sr. Expropriated lands should be
differentiated from a piece of land, ownership of which was
Clinging to Fery, specifically the fee simple concept absolutely transferred by way of an unconditional purchase
underpinning it, is no longer compelling, considering the and sale contract freely entered by two parties, one without
ensuing inequity such application entails. Too, the Court obligation to buy and the other without the duty to sell. In
resolved Fery not under the cover of any of the Philippine that case, the fee simple concept really comes into play.
Constitutions, each decreeing that private property shall not There is really no occasion to apply the "fee simple concept"
be taken for public use without just compensation. The twin if the transfer is conditional. The taking of a private land in
elements of just compensation and public purpose are, by expropriation proceedings is always conditioned on its
themselves, direct limitations to the exercise of eminent continued devotion to its public purpose. As a necessary
domain, arguing, in a way, against the notion of fee simple corollary, once the purpose is terminated or peremptorily
title.1avvphi1 The fee does not vest until payment of just abandoned, then the former owner, if he so desires, may seek
compensation.40 its reversion, subject of course to the return, at the very least,
of the just compensation received.
In esse, expropriation is forced private property taking, the
landowner being really without a ghost of a chance to defeat To be compelled to renounce dominion over a piece of land
the case of the expropriating agency. In other words, in is, in itself, an already bitter pill to swallow for the owner.
expropriation, the private owner is deprived of property But to be asked to sacrifice for the common good and yield
against his will. Withal, the mandatory requirement of due ownership to the government which reneges on its assurance
process ought to be strictly followed, such that the state must that the private property shall be for a public purpose may be
show, at the minimum, a genuine need, an exacting public too much. But it would be worse if the power of eminent
purpose to take private property, the purpose to be domain were deliberately used as a subterfuge to benefit
specifically alleged or least reasonably deducible from the another with influence and power in the political process,
complaint. including development firms. The mischief thus depicted is
not at all far-fetched with the continued application of Fery.
Public use, as an eminent domain concept, has now acquired Even as the Court deliberates on these consolidated cases,
an expansive meaning to include any use that is of there is an uncontroverted allegation that the MCIAA is
"usefulness, utility, or advantage, or what is productive of poised to sell, if it has not yet sold, the areas in question to
general benefit [of the public]."41 If the genuine public Cebu Property Ventures, Inc. This provides an added
necessity—the very reason or condition as it were— dimension to abandon Fery.
allowing, at the first instance, the expropriation of a private
land ceases or disappears, then there is no more cogent point Given the foregoing disquisitions, equity and justice demand
for the government’s retention of the expropriated land. The the reconveyance by MCIAA of the litigated lands in
same legal situation should hold if the government devotes question to the Ouanos and Inocians. In the same token,
the property to another public use very much different from justice and fair play also dictate that the Ouanos and Inocian
the original or deviates from the declared purpose to benefit return to MCIAA what they received as just compensation
another private person. It has been said that the direct use by for the expropriation of their respective properties plus legal
the state of its power to oblige landowners to renounce their interest to be computed from default, which in this case
productive possession to another citizen, who will use it should run from the time MCIAA complies with the
reconveyance obligation.43 They must likewise pay MCIAA
the necessary expenses it might have incurred in sustaining pursue expropriation proceedings over a particular private
their respective lots and the monetary value of its services in property.
managing the lots in question to the extent that they, as
private owners, were benefited thereby. 2. The power of eminent domain is exercised for public use,
purpose or welfare, or for the benefit of the poor and the
=========================================== landless.
BELUSO vs. THE MUNICIPALITY OF PANAY 3. There is payment of just compensation, as required under
Section 9, Article III of the Constitution, and other pertinent
We find the petition to be impressed with merit. laws.
Eminent domain, which is the power of a sovereign state to 4. A valid and definite offer has been previously made to the
appropriate private property to particular uses to promote owner of the property sought to be expropriated, but said
public welfare, is essentially lodged in the offer was not accepted. 30
legislature. 21 While such power may be validly delegated to
local government units (LGUs), other public entities and The Court in no uncertain terms have pronounced that a local
public utilities the exercise of such power by the delegated government unit cannot authorize an expropriation of private
entities is not absolute. 22 In fact, the scope of delegated property through a mere resolution of its lawmaking
legislative power is narrower than that of the delegating body. 31 R.A. No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local
authority and such entities may exercise the power to Government Code expressly requires an ordinance for the
expropriate private property only when authorized by purpose and a resolution that merely expresses the sentiment
Congress and subject to its control and restraints imposed of the municipal council will not suffice. 32
through the law conferring the power or in other
legislations. 23 Indeed, LGUs by themselves have no A resolution will not suffice for an LGU to be able to
inherent power of eminent domain. 24 Thus, strictly expropriate private property; and the reason for this is settled:
speaking, the power of eminent domain delegated to an LGU
is in reality not eminent but "inferior" since it must conform x x x A municipal ordinance is different from a resolution. An
to the limits imposed by the delegation and thus partakes ordinance is a law, but a resolution is merely a declaration of
only of a share in eminent domain. 25 The national the sentiment or opinion of a lawmaking body on a specific
legislature is still the principal of the LGUs and the latter matter. An ordinance possesses a general and permanent
cannot go against the principal’s will or modify the same. 26 character, but a resolution is temporary in nature.
Additionally, the two are enacted differently -- a third reading
The exercise of the power of eminent domain necessarily is necessary for an ordinance, but not for a resolution, unless
involves a derogation of a fundamental right. 27 It greatly decided otherwise by a majority of all
affects a landowner’s right to private property which is a the Sanggunian members.
constitutionally protected right necessary for the preservation
and enhancement of personal dignity and is intimately If Congress intended to allow LGUs to exercise eminent
connected with the rights to life and liberty. 28Thus, whether domain through a mere resolution, it would have simply
such power is exercised directly by the State or by its adopted the language of the previous Local Government
authorized agents, the exercise of such power must undergo Code. But Congress did not. In a clear divergence from the
painstaking scrutiny. 29 previous Local Government Code, Sec. 19 of R.A. [No.]
7160 categorically requires that the local chief executive act
Indeed, despite the existence of legislative grant in favor of pursuant to an ordinance. x x x 33
local governments, it is still the duty of the courts to
determine whether the power of eminent domain is being As respondent’s expropriation in this case was based merely
exercised in accordance with the delegating law. on a resolution, such expropriation is clearly defective. While
the Court is aware of the constitutional policy promoting
Sec. 19 of R.A. No. 7160, which delegates to LGUs the local autonomy, the court cannot grant judicial sanction to an
power of eminent domain expressly provides: XXX LGU’s exercise of its delegated power of eminent domain in
contravention of the very law giving it such power. 34
It is clear therefore that several requisites must concur before
an LGU can exercise the power of eminent domain, to wit:
Clearly, the state through the agency causing the taking Clearly, as a general rule, there is no right of redemption in a
complies with the requirements for the issuance of a writ of judicial foreclosure of mortgage. The only exemption is
possession only when it pays the owner. when the mortgagee is the Philippine National Bank or a
bank or a banking institution. Since the mortgagee in this
Of course, the owner may contest the proffered value by the case is not one of those mentioned, no right of redemption
agency1 or the power of the agency to exercise eminent exists in favor of petitioners. They merely have an equity of
domain, the necessity of the taking, or the public character of redemption, which, to reiterate, is simply their right, as
the use for which the property is being condemned. In such mortgagor, to extinguish the mortgage and retain ownership
cases, the value required by Section 4(a) will be deposited of the property by paying the secured debt prior to the
with the trial court with jurisdiction over the case. confirmation of the foreclosure sale. However, instead of
exercising this equity of redemption, petitioners chose to
This case does not present these issues, and I am of the view delay the proceedings by filing several manifestations with
that the pronouncements should be limited only to cases the trial court. Thus, they only have themselves to blame for
where there are no objections to the taking of the property. the consequent loss of their property.
We find no merit in the petition. Litis pendentia as a ground for the dismissal of a civil action
refers to that situation wherein another action is pending
The Court of Appeals correctly between the same parties for the same cause of actions and
applied Rosales[11] and University Physicians Services, Inc.
that the second action becomes unnecessary and vexatious.
[12] in sustaining the dismissal of the action for declaratory [22] We have set the relevant factors that a court must
relief to give way to the ejectment suit.
consider when it has to determine which case should be
dismissed given the pendency of two actions. These are:
At any rate, while the said case before the Court of First
Instance of Cavite appears to be one for specific performance (1) the date of filing, with preference generally given to the
with damages, it cannot be denied that the real issue between first action filed to be retained;
the parties is whether or not the lessee should be allowed to
continue occupying the land as lessee. (2) whether the action sought to be dismissed was filed
merely to preempt the latter action or to anticipate its filing
The situation is not novel to Us. and lay the basis for its dismissal; and
It has been settled in a number of cases that the right of a
(3) whether the action is the appropriate vehicle for litigating
lessee to occupy the land leased as against the demand of the the issues between the parties.[23]
lessor should be decided under Rule 70 (formerly 72) of the
Rules of Court. The mere fact that the action for declaratory relief was filed
earlier than the case for unlawful detainer does not
There is no merit to the contention that the lessees supposed necessarily mean that the first case will be given preference.
right to a renewal of the lease contract can not be decided in
the ejectment suit. In the case of Teodoro v. Mirasol, supra, An action for unlawful detainer is filed by a person from
this Court held that if the plaintiff has any right to the whom possession of any land or building is unlawfully
extension of the lease at all, such right is a proper and withheld by another after the expiration or termination of the
legitimate issue that could be raised in the unlawful detainer latters right to hold possession under a contract, express or
case because it may be used as a defense to the action. In implied.[25] Clearly, the interpretation of a provision in the
other words, the matter raised in the Court of First instance SLDA as to when the SLDA would expire is the key issue
of Cavite may be threshed out in the ejectment suit, in that would determine petitioners right to possess the gasoline
consonance with the principle prohibiting multiplicity of service station. When the primary issue to be resolved is
suits. And the mere fact that the unlawful detainer case was physical possession, the issue should be threshed out in the
filed later, would not change the situation to depart from the ejectment suit, and not in any other case such as an action for
application of the foregoing rule. declaratory relief to avoid multiplicity of suits.
Clearly, the case was filed within one year from February ===========================================
20, 1983, the date of the last demand to vacate addressed to
petitioners. CO TIAMCO, petitioner, vs. POMPEYO DIAZ
Private respondents do not deny this. What they assert, We believe, and so hold, that the order of dismissal is
however, is that the one-year period should be reckoned from erroneous on the following grounds: (1) It relies on a wrong
the time oral demand was made by them on petitioners in construction of the Rules of Court; (2) it is unwarranted
1979.This is error. As we have already stated, where there are under the circumstances of the case; and (3) the complaint
several demands made, the period of unlawful withholding filed is sufficient in itself.
starts to run from the date of the last demand on the theory
that if the lessor brings no action shortly after the demand, it 1. We will begin by reviewing the construction placed by the
may be because he has agreed to the renewal of the lease. respondent court on a provision of our Rules of Court. The
position taken by the respondent court is that, in all actions
Third. The Court of Appeals held petitioners estopped from for unlawful detainer by a landlord against a tenant, a
questioning the jurisdiction of the trial court on the ground demand, as required by Rule 72, section 2, is jurisdictional.
that in the beginning they denied having received the notice Such provision of the Rules is as follows:
to vacate sent to them dated February 20, 1983 and it was
only in their answer later filed that they said that if ever there Landlord to proceed against tenant only after demand. — No
was any demand it was on February 20, 1983 for the purpose landlord, or his legal representative or assign, shall bring
of arguing that the case should have been filed in the MTC. such action against a tenant for failure to pay rent due or to
comply with the conditions of his lease, unless the tenant
The Court of Appeals said: shall have failed to pay such rent or comply with such
conditions for a period of fifteen days, or five days in the
. . . Now, considering that defendants effectively denied in case of building, after demand therefore, made upon him
both their motion to dismiss and answer having received the personally, or by serving written notice of such demand upon
notice to vacate dated February 20, 1983, they are now the person found on the premises, or by posting such notice
estopped from questioning the jurisdiction of the court on the on the premises if no persons be found thereon. (Emphasis
particular ground that the complaint was filed less than one supplied.)
(1) year from the last letter of demand.[12]
It is apparent from this provision that a demand is a pre-
But if private respondents are to be bound by any requisite to an action for unlawful detainer, when the action
representation that no demand had ever been served on them, is "for failure to pay rent due or to comply with the
then, as provided by Rule 70, 2, all the more no action can be conditions of his lease," and where the action is to terminate
brought against them. Thus, Rule 70, 2 provides: the lease because of the expiration of its term.
SEC. 2. Landlord to proceed against tenant only after A lease ceases upon the expiration of its term without the
demand. - No landlord, or his legal representative or assign, necessity of any notice1 to the tenant who thenceforth
shall bring such action against a tenant for failure to pay rent becomes a deforciant withholding the property unlawfully
due or to comply with the conditions of his lease, unless the "after the expiration or termination of the right to hold
tenant shall have failed to pay such rent or comply with such possession by virtue of any contract, express or implied," as
conditions for a period of fifteen (15) days, or five (5) days in provided in Rule 72, section 1. In other words upon the
the case of building, after demand therefor, made upon him expiration of the term of a lease, the landlord may go into the
personally, or by serving written notice of such demand upon property and occupy it, and if the lessee refuses to vacate the
the person found on the premises, or by posting such notice premises, an action for unlawful detainer may immediately
on the premises if no persons be found thereon. be brought against him even before the expiration of the five
days provided in Rule 72, section 2.
Pursuant to this provision, no action could be brought against
petitioners for alleged violation of the terms and conditions Indeed, upon the expiration of the lease, there may be a tacit
of their lease agreement unless a notice to vacate is given to renewal thereof (tacita reconduccion), as when, with the
the lessee. On the other hand, if as the appellate court held, acquiescence of the lessor, the lessee continues enjoying the
the action for unlawful detainer is based on the expiration of thing leased for fifteen days, as provided in article 1566 of
the lease, no notice is required. Any notice given only serves the Civil Code; and the lessor's acquiescence may be inferred
to negate any inference that the lessor has agreed to extend from his failure to serve a notice to quit. (10
the period of the lease. Such a notice is needed only when the Manresa, Codigo Civil, 619.) But tacit renewal in such case,
being a new contract (10 Manresa Codigo Civil, p. 619), is a much less was it based on any contract, express or implied.
matter of defense which may be alleged by defendant in his We stress that the possession ofthe defendant in unlawful
answer, no allegation being necessary in the complaint by detainer is originally legal but became illegal due to the
way of anticipation of such defense (Canfield vs. Tobias, 21 expiration or termination of the right to possess.18
Cal., 349).
To justify an action for unlawful detainer, it is essential that
=========================================== the plaintiff’s supposed acts of tolerance must have been
present right from the start of the possession which is later
ZACARIAS, vs. ANACAY sought to be recovered. Otherwise, if the possession was
unlawful from the start, an action for unlawful detainer
The invariable rule is that what determines the nature of the would be an improper remedy. As explained in Sarona v.
action, as well as the court which has jurisdiction over the Villegas:
case, are the allegations in the complaint.11 In ejectment
cases, the complaint should embody such statement of facts But even where possession preceding the suit is by tolerance
as to bring the party clearly within the class of cases for of the owner, still, distinction should be made.
which Section 112 of Rule 70 provides a summary remedy,
and must show enough on its face to give the court If right at the incipiencydefendant’s possession was with
jurisdiction without resort to parol evidence.13 Such remedy plaintiff’s tolerance, we do not doubt that the latter may
is either forcibleentry or unlawful detainer. In forcible entry, require him to vacate the premises and sue before the inferior
the plaintiff is deprived of physical possession of his land or court under Section 1 of Rule 70, within one year from the
building by means of force, intimidation, threat, strategy or date of the demand to vacate.
stealth. In illegal detainer, the defendant unlawfully
withholds possession after the expiration or termination of xxxx
his right thereto under any contract, express or implied.14
A close assessment of the law and the concept of the word
The MCTC and CA both ruled thatthe allegations in "tolerance" confirms our view heretofore expressed that such
petitioner’s complaint make out a case for forcible entry but tolerance must be present right from the start of possession
not for unlawful detainer. sought to be recovered, to categorize a cause of action as one
of unlawful detainer - not of forcible entry. Indeed, to hold
In Cabrera v. Getaruela,15 the Court held that a complaint otherwise would espouse a dangerous doctrine. And for two
sufficiently alleges a cause of action for unlawful detainer if reasons:First. Forcible entry into the land is an open
it recites the following: challenge tothe right of the possessor. Violation of that right
authorizes the speedy redress – in the inferior court -
(1) initially, possession of property by the defendant was by provided for in the rules. If one year from the forcible entry
contract with or by toleranceof the plaintiff; is allowed to lapse before suit is filed, then the remedy ceases
to bespeedy; and the possessor is deemed to have waived his
(2) eventually, such possession became illegal upon notice by right to seek relief in the inferior court. Second,if a forcible
plaintiff to defendant of the termination ofthe latter’s right of entry action in the inferior courtis allowed after the lapse of a
possession; number of years, then the result may well be that no action of
forcible entry can really prescribe. No matter how long such
(3) thereafter, the defendant remained in possession of the defendant is in physical possession, plaintiff will merely
property and deprived the plaintiff of the enjoyment thereof;
make a demand, bring suit in the inferior court – upon a plea
and of tolerance to prevent prescription to set in - and summarily
throw him out of the land. Such a conclusion is unreasonable.
(4) within one year from the last demand on defendant to
Especially if we bear in mind the postulates that proceedings
vacate the property, the plaintiff instituted the complaint for
of forcible entry and unlawful detainer are summary in
nature, and that the one year time-bar to suit is but in
The complaint failed to allegea cause of action for unlawful pursuance of the summary nature of the action. (Italics and
detainer as it does not describe possession by the respondents underscoring supplied)
being initially legal or tolerated by the petitioner and which
It is the nature of defendant’s entry into the land which
became illegal upon termination by the petitioner of
determines the cause of action, whether it is forcible entry or
suchlawful possession. Petitioner’s insistence that she
unlawful detainer. If the entry is illegal, then the action which
actually tolerated respondents’ continued occupation after her
may be filed against the intruder is forcible entry. If,
discovery of their entry into the subject premises is incorrect.
however, the entry is legal but the possession thereafter
As she had averred, she discovered respondents’occupation
becomes illegal, the case is unlawful detainer.
in May 2007. Such possession could not have been legal
from the start as it was without her knowledge or consent,
Indeed, to vest the court jurisdiction to effect the ejectment of NUÑEZ, Petitioner, vs. SLTEAS PHOENIX
an occupant, it is necessary that the complaint should SOLUTIONS, INC.,
embody such a statement of facts as brings the party clearly
within the class of cases for which the statutes provide a The Court’s Ruling
remedy, as these proceedings are summary in nature. The
complaint must show enough on its face the court jurisdiction We find the petition bereft of merit.
without resort to parol testimony.
Designed to provide an expeditious means of protecting
The jurisdictional facts must appear on the face of the actual possession or the right to possession of the property
complaint. When the complaint fails to aver facts constitutive involved,19 there can be no gainsaying the fact that
of forcible entry or unlawful detainer, as where it does not ejectment cases fall within the original and exclusive
state how entry was affected or how and when dispossession jurisdiction of first level courts20 by express provision of
started, the remedy should either be an accion publicianaor Section 33 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, in relation to Sec. 1,
an accion reivindicatoria in the proper regional trial court. Rule 70 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.21 In addition
to being conferred by law,22 however, a court’s jurisdiction
It is settled that one whose stay is merely tolerated becomes a over the subject matter is determined by the allegations of the
deforciant illegally occupying the land the moment he is complaint23 and the character of the relief sought,
required to leave. It is essential in unlawful detainer cases of 24 irrespective of whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to
this kind, that plaintiff’s supposed acts of tolerance must recover all or some of the claims asserted therein.25 In much
have been present right from the start of the possession the same way that it cannot be made to depend on the
which is later sought to be recovered. This is where exclusive characterization of the case by one of the parties,
petitioners’ cause of action fails. The appellate court, in full 26 jurisdiction cannot be made to depend upon the defenses
agreement with the MTC made the conclusion that the set up in the answer, in a motion to dismiss or in a motion for
alleged tolerance by their mother and after her death, by reconsideration.27
them, was unsubstantiated. x x x
The rule is no different in actions for forcible entry where the
In the instant case, the allegations in the complaint do not following requisites are essential for the MeTC’s acquisition
contain any averment of fact that would substantiate of jurisdiction over the case, viz.: (a) the plaintiffs must
petitioners’ claim that they permitted or tolerated the allege their prior physical possession of the property; (b) they
occupation of the property by respondents. The complaint must assert that they were deprived of possession either by
contains only bare allegations that "respondents without any force, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth; and, (c) the
color of title whatsoever occupies the land in question by action must be filed within one (1) year from the time the
building their house in the said land thereby depriving owners or legal possessors learned of their deprivation of the
petitioners the possession thereof." Nothing has been said on physical possession of the property.28 As it is not essential
how respondents’ entry was effected or how and when that the complaint should expressly employ the language of
dispossession started. Admittedly, no express contract existed the law, it is considered a sufficient compliance of the
between the parties. This failure of petitioners to allege the requirement where the facts are set up showing that
key jurisdictional facts constitutive of unlawful detainer is dispossession took place under said conditions.29 The one-
fatal. Since the complaint did not satisfy the jurisdictional year period within which to bring an action for forcible entry
requirement of a valid cause for unlawful detainer, the is generally counted from the date of actual entry on the land,
municipal trial court had no jurisdiction over the case.It is in except that when the entry is through stealth, the one-year
this light that this Court finds that the Court of Appeals period is counted from the time the plaintiff learned thereof.
correctly found that the municipal trial court had no 30
jurisdiction over the complaint. (Emphasis supplied.)
Even prescinding from the fact that the parties had admitted
The complaint in this case is similarly defective as it failed to the MeTC’s jurisdiction,31 our perusal of the record shows
allege how and when entry was effected. The bare allegation that respondent’s 9 January 2004 amended complaint was
of petitioner that "sometime in May, 2007, she discovered able to make out a cause of action for forcible entry against
that the defendants have enterep the subject property and petitioner. As the registered owner of the subject parcel,
occupied the same", as correctly found by the MCTC and respondent distinctly alleged that, by its representatives and
CA, would show that respondents entered the land and built thru its predecessors-in-interest, it had been in possession of
their houses thereon clandestinely and without petitioner's the subject parcel and had exercised over the same all
consent, which facts are constitutive of forcible entry, not attributes of ownership, including the payment of realty taxes
unlawful detainer. Consequently, the MCTC has no and other expenses; that an ocular inspection conducted in
jurisdiction over the case and the RTC clearly erred in October 2003 revealed that petitioner and his co-defendants
reversing the lower court's ruling and granting reliefs prayed have succeeded in occupying the property by means of
for by the petitioner. stealth and strategy; and, that its subsequent demands to
vacate had been unheeded by said interlopers.32 Considering possession of the property, which is one of the attributes of
that the test for determining the sufficiency of the allegations his ownership
in the complaint is whether, admitting the facts alleged, the
court can render a valid judgment in accordance with the
prayer of the plaintiff,33 we find that the Court of Appeals The petitioners, however, insist that the deeds of sale deserve
correctly ruled that the MeTC had jurisdiction over the case. more credence because they are valid contracts that legally
transferred ownership of the property to Melu-Jean.
Then as now, petitioner argues that, aside from the admission
in the complaint that the subject parcel was left idle and However, it should be noted that the CA merely affirmed the
unguarded, respondent’s claim of prior possession is clearly power of the trial court to provisionally resolve the issue of
negated by the fact that he had been in occupancy thereof ownership, which consequently includes the power to
since 1999. While prior physical possession is, admittedly, an determine the validity of the deeds of sale. As previously
indispensable requirement in forcible entry cases, the dearth stated, such determination is not conclusive, and the issue of
of merit in petitioner’s position is, however, evident from the ownership and the validity of the deeds of sale would
principle that possession can be acquired not only by material ultimately be resolved in the case for annulment of the deeds
occupation, but also by the fact that a thing is subject to the of sale.
action of one's will or by the proper acts and legal formalities
established for acquiring such right.34 Because possession In a number of cases, the Court had upheld the registered
can also be acquired by juridical acts to which the law gives owners' superior right to possess the property. the Court held
the force of acts of possession, e.g., donations, succession, that the court a quo correctly relied on the transfer certificate
execution and registration of public instruments, inscription of title in the name of petitioner, as opposed to the
of possessory information titles and the like, it has been held unregistered deeds of sale of the respondents.
that one need not have actual or physical occupation of every
square inch of the property at all times to be considered in
possession.351avvphi1 In the present case, there is no dispute that petitioner is the
holder of a Torrens title over the entire Lot 83. Respondents
=========================================== have only their notarized but unregisteredKasulatan sa
Bilihan to support their claim of ownership. Thus, even if
GINA ENDAYA, Petitioner, v. ERNESTO V. VILLAOS respondents' proof of ownership has in its favor a juris
tantum presumption of authenticity and due execution, the
same cannot prevail over petitioner's Torrens title.
The Petition must be granted.
In Vda. de Legaspi v. Avendaño, the Court suspended the
In resolving the Petition for Review, the CA lost sight of the enforcement of a writ of demolition rendered in an ejectment
legal principle that in resolving the issue of possession in an case until after a case for annulment of title involving the
ejectment case, the registered owner of the property is property to be demolished was decided. The Court
preferred over the transferee under an unregistered deed of ratiocinated:
sale. In Co v. Militar,21 this Court held that -
x x x. Where the action, therefore, is one of illegal detainer,
In the instant case, the evidence showed that as between the as distinguished from one of forcible entry, and the right of
parties, it is the petitioner who has a Torrens Title to the the plaintiff to recover the premises is seriously placed in
property. Respondents merely showed their unregistered issue in a proper judicial proceeding, it is more equitable and
deeds of sale in support of their claims. The Metropolitan just and less productive of confusion and disturbance of
Trial Court correctly relied on the transfer certificate of title physical possession, with all its concomitant inconvenience
in the name of petitioner.
and expenses. For the Court in which the issue of legal
possession, whether involving ownership or not, is brought to
restrain, should a petition for preliminary injunction be filed
It is settled that a Torrens Certificate of title is indefeasible with it, the effects of any order or decision in the unlawful
and binding upon the whole world unless and until it has detainer case in order to await the final judgment in the more
been nullified by a court of competent jurisdiction. Under substantive case involving legal possession or ownership. It
existing statutory and decisional law, the power to pass upon is only where there has been forcible entry that as a matter of
the validity of such certificate of title at the first instance public policy the right to physical possession should be
properly belongs to the Regional Trial Courts in a direct immediately set at rest in favor of the prior possession
proceeding for cancellation of title.
regardless of the fact that the other party might ultimately be
found to have superior claim to the premises involved,
As the registered owner, petitioner had a right to the thereby to discourage any attempt to recover possession thru
force, strategy or stealth and without resorting to the courts.
LIM, petitioners, vs. UNI-TAN MARKETING conducted. Even if the executed judgment is later on reversed
CORPORATION, on appeal, and there are provisions for restitution, damages
that cannot be fully compensated may oftentimes arise.
The Lim spouses allege that while the RTC correctly directed [15] That is why the Rules provide defendants with a remedy
respondent and/or the Branch Sheriff of the Metropolitan to stay execution. The problem is that petitioners failed or
Trial Court to return their personalties that had not been sold neglected to avail themselves of it.
on execution, it should have likewise ordered respondent to
return to them the items that had already been sold on Those who exercise their rights properly do no legal injury. If
execution. Since they had been prejudiced by damages result from their exercise of their legal rights, it
the ejectment suit, they assert that the RTC should have is damnum absque injuria -- a loss without injury, for which
awarded them actual, moral and exemplary damages as well the law gives no remedy.[16]
as attorneys fees.
The law always presumes good faith; thus, any person who
We are not convinced. As pointed out by the RTC in its seeks damages because of the tortuous acts of another has the
Order[12] denying petitioners Motion for Reconsideration, burden of proving that the latter acted in bad faith or with ill
neither the plaintiff nor the sheriff may be faulted for the motive. Certainly, petitioners have not discharged this
items sold on execution, because the Lim spouses had failed burden, and a recovery for damages under the circumstances
to file a supersedeas bond to stay the execution of the MTC is unwarranted.
In sum, petitioners themselves were the ones who caused the
Section 19, Rule 70 of the Rules of Court expressly provides damage which they claim to have suffered, because they had
the manner in which immediate execution in failed to follow the strict legal requirements for perfecting an
an ejectment case is conducted: appeal. If they had filed the requisite supersedeas bond, the
execution of the judgment would have been stayed. Hence,
Sec. 19. Immediate execution of judgment; how to stay their loss or misfortune can be attributed to no less than their
same. -- If judgment is rendered against defendant, execution own inaction or failure to follow the law.
shall issue immediately upon motion, unless an appeal has
been perfected and the defendant to stay execution files a ===========================================
sufficient supersedeas bond, approved by the Municipal Trial
Court and executed in favor of the plaintiff to pay the rents, CONTEMPT
damages, and costs accruing down to the time of the
judgment appealed from, and unless during the pendency of Burgos vs Macapagal-Arroyo
the appeal, he deposits with the appellate court the amount of
The CA also held that the petitions for habeas corpus and
rent due from time to time under the contract, if any, as
determined by the judgment of the Municipal Trial Court. contempt as against President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
x x x. must be dropped since she enjoys the privilege of immunity
from suit. The CA ruled that the President’s immunity from
Indeed, immediate execution in an ejectment judgment in suit is a settled doctrine citing David v. Arroyo.23
favor of the plaintiff is normal. The defendant may stay it
only by perfecting an appeal, filing a supersedeas bond, and
making a periodic deposit of the rental or reasonable
compensation for the use and occupancy of the property
during the pendency of the appeal.[13]
The immediate execution of a judgment favorable to the THE PHILIPPINES
plaintiff is mandated, and the courts duty to order it is
practically ministerial.[14] Hence, petitioners cannot ascribe
Contempt of Court: Concept and Classes
any error, much less grave abuse of discretion, on the part of
the RTC. The execution sale was conducted in accordance Contempt of court has been defined as a willful disregard or
with the rules and was well within the bounds of law. disobedience of a public authority. In its broad sense,
contempt is a disregard of, or disobedience to, the rules or
Furthermore, there is no basis for petitioners claim for
orders of a legislative or judicial body or an interruption of
damages, because respondent was in the lawful exercise of
its proceedings by disorderly behavior or insolent language
its right at the time of the execution sale. Although the
in its presence or so near thereto as to disturb its proceedings
judgment of the Metropolitan Trial Court in favor of
or to impair the respect due to such a body. In its restricted
respondent was eventually reversed by the RTC, the
and more usual sense, contempt comprehends a despising of
execution sale was undeniably lawful at the time it was
the authority, justice, or dignity of a court.21 The phrase
contempt of court is generic, embracing within its legal Plainly, therefore, the word summary with respect to the
signification a variety of different acts.22 punishment for contempt refers not to the timing of the
action with reference to the offense but to the procedure that
The power to punish for contempt is inherent in all courts, dispenses with the formality, delay, and digression that result
23 and need not be specifically granted by statute.24 It lies at from the issuance of process, service of complaint and
the core of the administration of a judicial system. answer, holding hearings, taking evidence, listening to
25 Indeed, there ought to be no question that courts have the arguments, awaiting briefs, submission of findings, and all
power by virtue of their very creation to impose silence, that goes with a conventional court trial.36
respect, and decorum in their presence, submission to their
lawful mandates, and to preserve themselves and their A distinction between in-court contempts, which disrupt
officers from the approach and insults of pollution.26 The court proceedings and for which a hearing and formal
power to punish for contempt essentially exists for the presentation of evidence are dispensed with, and out-of-court
preservation of order in judicial proceedings and for the contempts, which require normal adversary procedures, is
enforcement of judgments, orders, and mandates of the drawn for the purpose of prescribing what procedures must
courts, and, consequently, for the due administration of attend the exercise of a court’s authority to deal with
justice.27 The reason behind the power to punish for contempt. The distinction does not limit the ability of courts
contempt is that respect of the courts guarantees the stability to initiate contempt prosecutions to the summary punishment
of their institution; without such guarantee, the institution of of in-court contempts that interfere with the judicial process.
the courts would be resting on a very shaky foundation.28 37
Contempt of court is of two kinds, namely: direct contempt, The court may proceed upon its own knowledge of the facts
which is committed in the presence of or so near the judge as without further proof and without issue or trial in any form to
to obstruct him in the administration of justice; and punish a contempt
constructive or indirect contempt, which consists of willful
disobedience of the lawful process or order of the court.29 committed directly under its eye or within its view.38 But
there must be adequate facts to support a summary order for
The punishment for the first is generally summary and contempt in the presence of the court.39 The exercise of the
immediate, and no process or evidence is necessary because summary power to imprison for contempt is a delicate one
the act is committed in facie curiae.30 The inherent power of and care is needed to avoid arbitrary or oppressive
courts to punish contempt of court committed in the presence conclusions.40 The reason for the extraordinary power to
of the courts without further proof of facts and without aid of punish criminal contempt in summary proceedings is that the
a trial is not open to question, considering that this power is necessities of the administration of justice require such
essential to preserve their authority and to prevent the summary dealing with obstructions to it, being a mode of
administration of justice from falling into disrepute; such vindicating the majesty of the law, in its active manifestation,
summary conviction and punishment accord with due process against obstruction and outrage.41
of law.31There is authority for the view, however, that an act,
to constitute direct contempt punishable by summary Proceedings for contempt are sui generis, in nature criminal,
proceeding, need not be committed in the immediate but may be resorted to in civil as well as criminal actions,
presence of the court, if it tends to obstruct justice or to and independently of any action.42 They are of two classes,
interfere with the actions of the court in the courtroom itself. the criminal or punitive, and the civil or remedial. A criminal
32 Also, contemptuous acts committed out of the presence of contempt consists in conduct that is directed against the
the court, if admitted by the contemnor in open court, may be authority and dignity of a court or of a judge acting
punished summarily as a direct contempt,33 although it is judicially, as in unlawfully assailing or discrediting the
advisable to proceed by requiring the person charged to authority and dignity of the court or judge, or in doing a duly
appear and show cause why he should not be punished when forbidden act. A civil contempt consists in the failure to do
the judge is without personal knowledge of the misbehavior something ordered to be done by a court or judge in a civil
and is informed of it only by a confession of the contemnor case for the benefit of the opposing party therein.43 It is at
or by testimony under oath of other persons.34 times difficult to determine whether the proceedings are civil
or criminal. In general, the character of the contempt of
In contrast, the second usually requires proceedings less whether it is criminal or civil is determined by the nature of
summary than the first. The proceedings for the punishment the contempt involved, regardless of the cause in which the
of the contumacious act committed outside the personal
knowledge of the judge generally need the observance of all contempt arose, and by the relief sought or dominant
the elements of due process of law, that is, notice, written purpose.44 The proceedings are to be regarded as criminal
charges, and an opportunity to deny and to defend such when the purpose is primarily punishment, and civil when
charges before guilt is adjudged and sentence imposed.35 the purpose is primarily compensatory or remedial.45Where
the dominant purpose is to enforce compliance with an order
of a court for the benefit of a party in whose favor the order considered.50 Where the act complained of is ambiguous or
runs, the contempt is civil; where the dominant purpose is to does not clearly show on its face that it is contempt, and is
vindicate the dignity and authority of the court, and to protect one which, if the party is acting in good faith, is within his
the interests of the general public, the contempt is criminal. rights, the presence or absence of a contumacious intent is, in
46 Indeed, the criminal proceedings vindicate the dignity of some instances, held to be determinative of its character.51 A
the courts, but the civil proceedings protect, preserve, and person should not be condemned for contempt where he
enforce the rights of private parties and compel obedience to contends for what he believes to be right and in good faith
orders, judgments and decrees made to enforce such rights.47 institutes proceedings for the purpose, however erroneous
may be his conclusion as to his rights.52 To constitute
Indirect contempt is defined by and punished under Section contempt, the act must be done willfully and for an
3, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, which provides: illegitimate or improper purpose.53
Section 3. Indirect contempt to be punished after charge and Unfounded accusations or allegations or words tending to
hearing. — After a charge in writing has been filed, and an embarrass the court or to bring it into disrepute have no place
opportunity given to the respondent to comment thereon in a pleading. Their employment serves no useful purpose.
within such period as may be fixed by the court and to be On the contrary, they constitute direct contempt of court or
heard by himself or counsel, a person guilty of any of the contempt in facie curiae and, when committed by a lawyer, a
following acts may be punished for indirect contempt: violation of the lawyer’s oath and a transgression of the Code
of Professional Responsibility.
(a) Misbehavior of an officer of a court in the performance of
his official duties or in his official transactions; II.
Utterances in Sea Transport Update,
(b) Disobedience of or resistance to a lawful writ, process, Not Contemptuous
order, or judgment of a court, including the act of a person
who, after being dispossessed or ejected from any real The petitioners did not sufficiently show how the
property by the judgment or process of any court of respondents’ publication of the Sea Transport Update
competent jurisdiction, enters or attempts or induces constituted any of the acts punishable as indirect contempt of
court under Section 3 of Rule 71, supra.
another to enter into or upon such real property, for the
purpose of executing acts of ownership or possession, or in The petitioners’ mere allegation, that "said publication
any manner disturbs the possession given to the person unfairly debases the Supreme Court because of the
adjudged to be entitled thereto; scurrilous, malicious, tasteless, and baseless innuendo therein
that the Court allowed itself to be influenced by the
(c) Any abuse of or any unlawful interference with the petitioners as concocted in the evil minds of the respondents
processes or proceedings of a court not constituting direct thus leading said respondents to unjustly conclude: Supreme
contempt under section 1 of this Rule; Court ruling issued in one month only, normal lead time is at
least 3 to 6 months,"54 was insufficient, without more, to
(d) Any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to sustain the charge of indirect contempt.
impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of justice;
Nor do we consider contemptuous either the phrase
(e) Assuming to be an attorney or an officer of a court, and contained in the Sea Transport Update stating: "The Motion
acting as such without authority;
for Reconsideration filed with the Supreme Court was denied
based on technicalities and not on the legal issue DMAP
(f) Failure to obey a subpoena duly served;
presented",55 or the phrase in the Sea Transport Update
(g) The rescue, or attempted rescue, of a person or property reading "Supreme Court ruling issued in one month only,
normal leadtime is at least 3 to 6 months." Contrary to the
in the custody of an officer by virtue of an order or process of
a court held by him. petitioners’ urging that such phrases be considered as
"scurrilous, malicious, tasteless and baseless
But nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent innuendo" 56 and as indicative that "the Court allowed itself
the court from issuing process to bring the respondent into to be influenced by the petitioners"57 or that "the point that
court, or from holding him in custody pending such respondents wanted to convey was crystal clear: ‘defy the
proceedings. (3a) decision, for it was based on technicalities, and the Supreme
Court was influenced!’",58 we find the phrases as not critical
Misbehavior means something more than adverse comment of the Court and how fast the resolutions in G.R. No. 152914
or disrespect.48 There is no question that in contempt the were issued, or as inciting DMAP’s members to defy the
intent goes to the gravamen of the offense.49 Thus, the good resolutions. The unmistakable intent behind the phrases was
faith, or lack of it, of the alleged contemnor should be to inform DMAP’s members of the developments in the case,
and on the taking of the next viable move of going back to respect for court processes and impaired the judiciary’s duty
MARINA on the issues, as the ruling of the Court of Appeals to deliver and administer justice. Petitioner tried to impose
instructed.1avvphi1 his will on the trial court.
We have long recognized and respected the right of a lawyer, Contempt of court involves the doing of an act, or the failure
or of any other person, for that matter, to be critical of the to do an act, in such a manner as to create an affront to the
courts and their judges as long as the criticism is made in court and the sovereign dignity with which it is clothed.6 It is
respectful terms and through legitimate channels. defined as "disobedience to the court by acting in opposition
to its authority, justice and dignity."7 The power to punish
Courts and judges are not sacrosanct. They should and expect contempt is inherent in all courts, because it is essential to
critical evaluation of their performance. For like the the preservation of order in judicial proceedings, and to the
executive and the legislative branches, the judiciary is rooted enforcement of judgments, orders and mandates of the
in the soil of democratic society, nourished by the periodic courts; and, consequently, to the due administration of
appraisal of the citizens whom it is expected to serve. justice.8
Well-recognized therefore is the right of a lawyer, both as an The Rules of Court penalizes two types of contempt, namely,
officer of the court and as a citizen, to criticize in properly direct contempt and indirect contempt.
respectful terms and through legitimate channels the acts of
courts and judges. In relation to the foregoing, Section 38 of Rule 39 of the
Rules of Court also provides that "a party or other person
The test for criticizing a judge’s decision is, therefore, may be compelled, by an order or subpoena, to attend before
whether or not the criticism is bona fide or done in good the court or commissioner to testify as provided in the two
faith, and does not spill over the walls of decency and preceding sections, and upon failure to obey such order or
propriety. Viewed through the prism of the test, the Sea subpoena or to be sworn, or to answer as a witness or to
Transport Update was not disrespectful, abusive, or subscribe his deposition, may be punished for contempt as in
slanderous, and did not spill over the walls of decency and other cases." This provision relates specifically to Section
propriety. Thereby, the respondents were not guilty of 3(b) of Rule 71 of the Rules of Court.
indirect contempt of court. In this regard, then, we need to
remind that the power to punish for contempt of court is Indirect contempt may either be initiated (1) motu proprio by
exercised on the preservative and not on the vindictive the court by issuing an order or any other formal charge
principle, and only occasionally should a court invoke its requiring the respondent to show cause why he should not be
inherent power in order to retain that respect without which punished for contempt or (2) by the filing of a verified
the administration of justice must falter or fail.61 As judges petition, complying with the requirements for filing initiatory
we ought to exercise our power to punish contempt pleadings.10 In the present case, the trial court initiated the
judiciously and sparingly, with utmost restraint, and with the proceedings for indirect contempt by issuing two
end in view of utilizing the power for the correction and orders11 directing the petitioner to show cause why he
preservation of the dignity of the Court, not for retaliation or should not be punished for indirect contempt.
Contempt, whether direct or indirect, may be civil or criminal
=========================================== depending on the nature and effect of the contemptuous act.
Criminal contempt is "conduct directed against the authority
MONTENEGRO vs MONTENEGRO and dignity of the court or a judge acting judicially; it is an
act obstructing the administration of justice which tends to
The core issue to be determined is whether, based on the bring the court into disrepute or disrespect."12 On the other
facts found by the trial court, the latter erred in holding the hand, civil contempt is the failure to do something ordered to
petitioner guilty of indirect contempt for willfully disobeying be done by a court or a judge for the benefit of the opposing
the orders of the trial court requiring him to appear for party therein and is therefore, an offense against the party in
purposes of examination as a judgment obligor at in the whose behalf the violated order was made.13 If the purpose
hearings scheduled on 22 March 2002, 10 April 2002, and 23 is to punish, then it is criminal in nature; but if to
October 2002. compensate, then it is civil.14
We rule in the negative. In the present case, the contemptuous act was the petitioner’s
refusal to attend a hearing for his examination as judgment
The totality of petitioner’s acts clearly indicated a deliberate, obligor, upon motion by the respondent Teresa. It must be
and unjustified refusal to be examined as a judgment obligor pointed out that the purpose of Section 36 of Rule 39 is to
at the time the examination was scheduled for hearing by the provide the judgment obligee a remedy in case where the
trial court. His Such acts tended to degrade the authority and
judgment obligor continues to fail to comply with its
obligation under the judgment. Petitioner’s refusal to be INOTURAN, Regional Trial Court, Branch 133, Makati
examined, without justifiable reason, constituted indirect City, vs. JUDGE MANUEL Q. LIMSIACO, JR.,
contempt which is civil in nature.
For a judge to exhibit indifference to a resolution requiring
Petitioner’s deliberate willfulness and even malice in him to comment on the accusations in the complaint
disobeying the orders of the trial court are clearly shown in thoroughly and substantially is gross misconduct, and may
the pleadings he himself had filed before the trial court. even be considered as outright disrespect for the Court. The
office of the judge requires him to obey all the lawful orders
In the present case, the nature of the contemptuous acts of his superiors. After all, a resolution of the Supreme Court
committed are civil in nature. Section 7 of Rule 71 of the is not a mere request and should be complied with promptly
Rules of Court provides for indefinite incarceration in civil and completely. Such failure to comply accordingly betrays
contempt proceedings to compel a party to comply with the not only a recalcitrant streak in character, but has likewise
order of the court. This may be resorted to where the been considered as an utter lack of interest to remain with, if
attendant circumstances are such that the non-compliance not contempt of the judicial system.
with the court order is an utter disregard of the authority of
the court which has then no other recourse but to use its We also cited in that case our ruling in Josephine C. Martinez
coercive power.16 It has been held that "when a person or v. Judge Cesar N. Zoleta5 and emphasized that obedience to
party is legally and validly required by a court to appear our lawful orders and directives should not be merely
before it for a certain purpose, when that requirement is selective obedience, but must be full:
disobeyed, the only remedy left for the court is to use force to
bring such person or party before it."17 [A] resolution of the Supreme Court requiring comment on
an administrative complaint against officials and employees
The reason for indefinite incarceration in civil contempt of the judiciary should not be construed as a mere request
proceedings, in proper cases, is that it is remedial, from the Court. Nor should it be complied with partially,
preservative, or coercive in nature. The punishment is inadequately or selectively.
imposed for the benefit of a complainant or a party to a suit
who has been injured. Its object is to compel performance of Respondents in administrative complaints should comment
the orders or decrees of the court, which the contemnor on all accusations or allegations against them in the
refuses to obey although able to do so.18 In effect, it is administrative complaints because it is their duty to preserve
within the power of the person adjudged guilty of contempt the integrity of the judiciary. Moreover, the Court should not
to set himself free. and will not tolerate future indifference of respondents to
administrative complaints and to resolutions requiring
In the present case, however, the act which the trial court comment on such administrative complaints.
ordered the petitioner to do has already been performed,
albeit belatedly and not without delay for an unreasonable ===========================================
length of time. As such, the penalty of imprisonment may no
longer be imposed despite the fact that its non- SANTIAGO vs ANUNCIACION, JR.,
implementation was due to petitioner’s absence in the
It is well-settled that a contempt charge partakes the nature of
a penal proceeding. Being so, it is subject to the rules on
We are not unmindful of the nature of the judgment from criminal procedure and the rules on the intervention of the
which the present controversy arose. Six years have elapsed offended party in criminal actions. The rule is that: SEC. 16.
from the time the compromise agreement for the support of Intervention of the offended party in criminal action. —
the children of petitioner and respondent was executed. We Unless the offended party has waived the civil action or
take judicial notice of the amount of expenses which a travel expressly reserved the right to institute it separately from the
outside the country, particularly to Canada, entails, much criminal action, and subject to the provision of Section 5
more so when the person traveling to Canada is trying to hereof, he may intervene by counsel in the prosecution of the
establish himself in the said country as an immigrant. offense. Aside from the above exceptions, the intervention of
Petitioner’s claim for insolvency is negated by his frequent the offended party is subject to the direction and control of
travels to Canada. We thus exhort the parties, specifically the the fiscal, and for the sole purpose of enforcing the civil
petitioner, to resort to all reasonable means to fully satisfy liability of the accused, and as we have held, "not of
the judgment for support based on the compromise demanding punishment of the accused." Thus: Consequently,
agreement, for the paramount interests of their minor where from the nature of the offense, or where the law
children. defining and punishing the offense charged does not provide
for an indemnity, the offended party may not intervene in the
prosecution of the offense.
In the case at bar, there is no justification for the prosecution qualification in a ponencia of Justice J.B.L. Reyes in Amoren
of the case by a private prosecutor. In this instance, the kind v. Pineda: "Likewise, the ruling that an acquittal from a
of contempt (indirect) for which the petitioner is sought to be contempt charge is not appealable, like an acquittal in a
held liable provides for no indemnity because the alleged criminal case (Pajao v. Board of Canvassers, 88 Phil. 588)
"obstruction" committed was an offense against the State, the does not apply to the case before us, since there has been no
respondent court in particular, which involves no private adjudication on the merits of the charge, but a ruling upon a
party. Thus, the appearance of Atty. Eleazar Ferry, on behalf motion to dismiss on jurisdictional ground."
of Mrs. Carolina Orozco, was unwarranted.
It is true that in [Converse Rubber Corp. v. Jacinto Rubber &
Plastic Co., Inc., Nos. L-27425 & 30505, April 28, 1980, 97 CRUZ VS. GINGOYON
SCRA 158] we sought to distinguish between the civil and
criminal features of an accusation for contempt; our effort, A person may be adjudged in direct contempt of court
however, was not to halve contempt into a civil and penal pursuant to Section 1, Rule 71 of the Rules of
proceeding, because contempt is inherently criminal in Court[34] without need of a hearing but may thereafter avail
character. (In the Converse case, contempt was said to be of the remedies ofcertiorari or prohibition.[35]
"criminal" "when the purpose is to vindicate the authority of
the court and protect its outraged dignity." It is "civil" "when Section 2, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court provides:
there is failure to do something ordered by a court to be done
Section 2. Remedy therefrom. The person adjudged in direct
for the benefit of a party.") But whether the first or the
contempt by any court may not appeal therefrom, but may
second, contempt is still a criminal proceeding in which
avail himself of the remedies of certiorari or prohibition. The
acquittal, for instance, is a bar to a second prosecution. The
execution of the judgment shall be suspended pending
distinction is for the purpose only of determining the
resolution of such petition, provided such person files a bond
character of punishment to be administered. We held
fixed by the court which rendered the judgment and
thus: . . . the Supreme Court of the United States, through
conditioned that he will abide by and perform the judgment
Chief Justice Taft, said: "In the Gompers case this court
should the petition be decided against him. (Emphasis
points out that, it is not the fact of punishment, but rather its
character and purpose that makes the difference between the
two kinds of contempts. For civil contempts, the punishment In this case, we find that the respondent court properly
is remedial and for the benefit of the complainant, and a denied petitioners Ex-Parte Motion there being no proof that
pardon cannot stop it. For criminal contempts, the sentence is he already filed a petition for certiorari. Petitioner thus
punitive in the public interest to vindicate the authority of the cannot attribute abuse of discretion on the part of respondent
court and to deter other like derelictions."cralaw virtua1aw court in denying the Ex-Parte Motion. To reiterate, at the
time the said Ex-Parte Motion was filed and acted upon by
the respondent court, petitioner was not yet entitled to the
But the fact, say, that the punishment, in the words of Slade remedy prayed for.Clearly, the respondent court did not
Perkins, is "remedial and for the benefit of the commit error, nor did it overstep its authority in denying
complainant," (which makes contempt one of the "civil" petitioners Ex-Parte Motion.
kind), does not convert the criminal contempt proceeding
into a civil case, in which an appeal lies in the event of a All told, we take a similar stand as Judge Gingoyon and
denial. Thus: . . . It is not the sole reason for dismissing this affirm the Order adjudging petitioner guilty of direct
appeal. In the leading case of In re Mison, Jr. v. Subido, it contempt.
was stressed by Justice J.B.L. Reyes as ponente, that the
contempt proceeding far from being a civil action is "of a ===========================================
criminal nature and of summary character in which the court
exercises but limited jurisdiction." It was then explicitly held: BACULI, vs. BELEN,
"Hence, as in criminal proceedings, an appeal would not lie
from the order of dismissal of, or an exoneration from, a Administrative complaint cannot
charge of contempt of court." Such a doctrine is traceable to substitute for lost judicial remedies
an opinion by Justice Street in Lee Yick Hon v. Collector of
Customs. A later decision is that of Pajao v. Provincial Board The OCA correctly found that these administrative cases
of Canvassers of Leyte. Justice Alex Reyes, speaking for the cannot be resorted to as substitutes for the remedies not
Court, pointed out that with contempt proceedings being "in availed of in the contempt proceedings. The complaints, in
their nature penal," its denial "after trial amounts to a virtual the main, challenge several Orders issued by Judge Belen in
acquittal from which an appeal would not lie. (II Moran’s the respective contempt proceedings, and the four contempt
Comments on the Rules of Court, 3rd ed. 125)." There is this Decisions issued on December 18, 2006 and June 7, 2007.
But as correctly observed by the OCA, issuances in the
exercise of judicial prerogatives may only be questioned Even assuming that the Orders are infirm, they have already
through judicial remedies under the Rules of Court and not become final and executory, which even this Court cannot
by way of an administrative inquiry, absent fraud, ill review or disturb. Public policy demands that even at the risk
intentions, or corrupt motive.24 The institution of an of occasional errors, judgments or orders rendered by a court
administrative complaint is not the proper remedy for of competent jurisdiction should become final at some
correcting the action of a judge alleged to have gone beyond definite time fixed by law and that parties should not be
the norms of propriety, where a sufficient judicial remedy permitted to litigate the same issues over again.27 Quieta non
exists.25 movere.
Rule 71, Secs. 2 and 11 of the Rules of Court lay down the Complainant failed to prove bad faith, evil motive
proper remedies from a judgment in direct and indirect
contempt proceedings, respectively. For direct contempt, the or corrupt intention on the part of Judge Belen
Rules states:
Complainant Baculi tags all the contempt proceedings
Sec. 2. Remedy therefrom.––The person adjudged in direct against him as sham, and were taken, so he claims, as a direct
contempt by any court may not appeal therefrom, but may result of a prior incident between him and Judge Belen where
avail himself of the remedies of certiorari or prohibition. The he issued a Resolution recommending that Judge Belen be
execution of the judgment shall be suspended pending charged for libel. He has belabored this point in his
resolution of such petition, provided such person files a bond complaint and supplemental complaints, pointing out that the
fixed by the court which rendered the judgment and judge has deep-seated hatred for him and is bent on
conditioned that he will abide by and perform the judgment repeatedly citing him in contempt.
should the petition be decided against him.
Aside from his bare allegations, the complainant, however,
In indirect contempt proceedings, the Rules states: has not presented any credible evidence to support his
allegations against Judge Belen. The fact that Judge Belen
Sec. 11. Review of judgment or final order; bond for stay.–– had initiated contempt proceedings against him, and in fact
The judgment or final order of a court in a case of indirect convicted him in such contempt proceedings, does not by
contempt may be appealed to the proper court as in criminal itself amount to ill motives on the part of Judge Belen. The
cases. But execution of the judgment or final order shall not initiation of the contempt proceedings stemmed from the acts
be suspended until a bond is filed by the person adjudged in of the complainant himself. His unsupported claim that the
contempt, in an amount fixed by the court from which the prior libel case he filed against Judge Belen created
appeal is taken, conditioned that if the appeal be decided animosity between them is not sufficient to prove his claim
against him he will abide by and perform the judgment or of evil motives on the part of Judge Belen.
final order.
As the proponent of these allegations, the complainant should
The remedies provided for in the above-mentioned Rules are have adduced the necessary evidence to prove the claim of
clear enough. The complainant could have filed an appeal bad faith. This he failed to do. In the absence of any evidence
under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court on the Decisions in the to the contrary, the following presumptions stand: (1) that
indirect contempt cases. For the direct contempt citations, a official duty has been regularly performed;28 and (2) that a
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 was available to him. He judge, acting as such, was acting in the lawful exercise of
failed to avail himself of both remedies. He chose instead to jurisdiction.29
question the proceedings and the judgments in the form of
motions and manifestations, and administrative complaints. Judge Belen cannot be administratively liable on the
Due to the failure of the complainant here to avail himself of final and executory decision, in the absence of evil
these remedies, Judge Belen correctly ruled that the assailed
judgments have become final and executory. They cannot or corrupt motives or gross ignorance of the law
anymore be reviewed by this Court.
A judge cannot be held administratively liable at every turn
Time and again, We have stressed that disciplinary for every erroneous decision. The error must be gross and
proceedings and criminal actions brought against a judge in deliberate, a product of a perverted judicial mind, or a result
relation to the performance of his or her official functions are of gross ignorance of the law. This is as it should be, for no
neither complementary nor suppletory to the appropriate one tasked to determine the facts in light of the evidence
judicial remedies. They are also not a substitute to such adduced or interpret and apply the law, following prescribed
remedies. Any party who may feel aggrieved should resort to rules, can be infallible.30 All that is expected from a judge is
these remedies, and exhaust them, instead of resorting to to "follow the rules prescribed to ensure a fair and impartial
disciplinary proceedings and criminal actions.26 hearing, assess the different factors that emerge therefrom
and bear on the issues presented, and on the basis of the
conclusions he finds established, adjudicate the case discretion orders the consolidation of the contempt charge
accordingly." and the principal action for joint hearing and decision.
35 (Emphasis added.)
As We have already stated, the complainant has failed to
adduce evidence in support of his claim of evil or corrupt Thus, where there is a verified petition to cite someone in
motives on the part of the judge. That, and the fact that the contempt of court, courts have the duty to ensure that all the
subject Decisions are already final and executory, lead Us to requirements for filing initiatory pleadings have been
conclude that no administrative liability can arise on the part complied with. It behooves them too to docket the petition,
of Judge Belen, if the contempt proceedings that he and to hear and decide it separately from the main case,
conducted followed the required procedure under Rule 71 of unless the presiding judge orders the consolidation of the
the Rules of Court. contempt proceedings and the main action.
Judge Belen followed the proper procedure
But in indirect contempt proceedings inititated motu proprio
in citing complainant in contempt of court by the court, the above rules, as clarified in Regalado, do not
necessarily apply. First, since the court itself motu proprio
The OCA Report found that Judge Belen failed to follow the initiates the proceedings, there can be no verified petition to
mandatory procedure under Rule 71, because the contempt speak of. Instead, the court has the duty to inform the
proceedings were heard and decided under the same docket respondent in writing, in accordance with his or her right to
or case number. We cannot sustain this finding of the OCA. due process. This formal charge is done by the court in the
Under the Rules of Court, there are two ways of initiating form of an Order requiring the respondent to explain why he
indirect contempt proceedings: (1) motu proprio by the court; or she should not be cited in contempt of court.
or (2) by a verified petition.
In the case at bar, the Orders issued by Judge Belen are in the
In contempt proceedings, the prescribed procedure must be nature of a show-cause order.1âwphi1 The Orders clearly
followed. Sections 3 and 4, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court directed Baculi, as respondent, to explain within 10 days
provide the procedure to be followed in case of indirect from receipt of the Order why he should not be cited in
contempt. First, there must be an order requiring the contempt. These Orders are formal charges sufficient to
respondent to show cause why he should not be cited for initiate the respective indirect contempt proceedings.
contempt. Second, the respondent must be given the
opportunity to comment on the charge against him. Third, Second, when the court issues motu proprio a show-cause
there must be a hearing and the court must investigate the order, the duty of the court (1) to docket and (2) to hear and
charge and consider respondent’s answer. Finally, only if decide the case separately from the main case does not arise,
found guilty will respondent be punished accordingly. much less to exercise the discretion to order the consolidation
(Citations omitted.) of the cases. There is no petition from any party to be
docketed, heard and decided separately from the main case
As to the second mode of initiating indirect contempt precisely because it is the show-cause order that initiated the
proceedings, that is, through a verified petition, the rule is proceedings.
already settled in Regalado v. Go:
What remains in any case, whether the proceedings are
In cases where the court did not initiate the contempt charge, initiated by a verified petition or by the court motu proprio, is
the Rules prescribe that a verified petition which has the duty of the court to ensure that the proceedings are
complied with the requirements of initiatory pleadings as conducted respecting the right to due process of the party
outlined in the heretofore quoted provision of second being cited in contempt. In both modes of initiating indirect
paragraph, Section 4, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, must be contempt proceedings, if the court deems that the answer to
filed.34 the contempt charge is satisfactory, the proceedings end. The
court must conduct a hearing, and the court must consider the
The Rules itself is explicit on this point: respondent’s answer. Only if found guilty will the respondent
be punished accordingly.37
In all other cases, charges for indirect contempt shall be
commenced by a verified petition with supporting particulars Complainant was afforded the opportunity
and certified true copies of documents or papers involved to present his defense, but he failed to do so
therein, and upon full compliance with the requirements for
filing initiatory pleadings for civil actions in the court In contempt proceedings, the respondent must be given the
concerned. If the contempt charges arose out of or are related right to defend himself or herself and have a day in court––a
to a principal action pending in the court, the petition for basic requirement of due process. This is especially so in
contempt shall allege that fact but said petition shall be indirect contempt proceedings, as the court cannot decide
docketed, heard and decided separately, unless the court in its them summarily pursuant to the Rules of Court.
It cannot be said that Judge Belen did not afford Baculi the encountered in respondent's sala, on one hand, and the filing
opportunity to be heard on the contempt proceedings. Even by complainant Carlos, through Atty. Guerrero, of the
as the respective hearings on the two indirect contempt cases damage suit against respondent, on the other. 23
set in February 2007 did not push through due to the
numerous motions filed by Baculi, Judge Belen still waited The fact that respondent did not accord complainants a
for the former to answer the charges against him. No answer hearing nor informed them beforehand of the charges relative
ever came, however––only numerous manifestations and to the contempt incident cannot, without more, be indicative
motions for postponement. of bad faith or malice. For, respondent labored under the
impression, mistaken as it turned out to be, that complainants
In all, Judge Belen cannot plausibly be blamed for the fact committed an act constituting direct contempt summarily
that the June 7, 2007 Decisions were issued without any punishable. 24 Assuming, as respondent did assume, that
answer from Baculi. The fault belongs to Baculi himself, complainants did indeed commit an act punishable by direct
who insisted on resolving the indirect contempt proceedings contempt, then a formal hearing would hardly be necessary.
in the form of an administrative complaint against the judge.
Baculi was afforded ample time and opportunity to present Needless to underscore, the utilization by respondent of the
his case in court, but he squandered the opportunity. long-terminated criminal cases as the vehicle for his
contempt order formed a part of his error. Bad faith,
=========================================== however, cannot be inferred from this particular error, per se.
The other charges, namely ignorance of the law and issuing In all, the assailed act of the respondent judge appears to be a
an unjust judgment, deserve consideration, since the direct case of error of judgment not subject to disciplinary action.:
contempt order of the respondent judge, under the attending
circumstances it was issued, appears to be clearly erroneous. While the quoted portion of the foregoing ruling speaks only
The supposedly contemptuous language used in a pleading of exemption from criminal or civil liability, there is no
was not submitted to respondent, but filed in another court reason not to include from its reach administrative liability as
presided by another judge stationed in Cebu literally miles well. After all, this Court had occasion to rule that:
away from where respondent holds court in Leyte. As this
Court ruled in Ang vs. Castro: 18 [A] judge may not be administratively charged for mere
errors of judgment in the absence of showing of any bad
Use of disrespectful or contemptuous language against a faith, malice or corrupt purpose. 26
particular judge in pleadings presented in another court or
proceeding is indirect, not direct, contempt as it is not Moreover, it is settled that judges cannot be held to account
tantamount to a misbehavior in the presence of or so near a criminally, civilly, or administratively for an erroneous
court or judge as to interrupt the administration of justice. decision rendered by them in good faith. 27
However, administrative liability for ignorance of the law In sum, there is no legal basis nor convincing evidence, to
and/or knowingly rendering an unjust judgment does not support the proposition that the respondent judge, in issuing
immediately arise from the bare fact of a judge issuing a his controversial contempt order, acted in bad faith or with
decision/resolution/order later adjudged to be erroneous. ill-will or malice as to justify holding him liable for an error
in judgment.
From the record before us we agree with the finding of the
investigating Justice that respondent, in issuing his erroneous
contempt order, was not moved by ill-will or by an impulse
to do an injustice. To be sure, complainants have not
presented evidence or offered logical arguments tending to
show that bad faith accompanied the issuance of the
contempt order. It ought to be remembered that bad faith is
not presumed and he who alleges the same has the onus of
proving it. In this regard, complainants have not discharged
that burden of proof sufficiently.