Prieto Vs Alpadi Development
Prieto Vs Alpadi Development
Prieto Vs Alpadi Development
11 Rollo, p. 31. necessarily giving due course to the Petition in G.R. No. 191025,
required ADC to file its Comment.
746 ADC, in its Comment, prays for the outright denial of the
74 SUPREME COURT REPORTS Petition on the following grounds: (1) G.R. Nos. 190282 and 191025
both involve Prieto’s appeal of the Decision dated August 28, 2009
6 ANNOTATED and Resolution dated November 12, 2009 of the Court of Appeals in
Prieto vs. Alpadi Development CA-G.R. SP No. 91714, and in the Resolution dated February 10,
Corporation 2010, the Court already granted Prieto’s motion to withdraw the
Petition in G.R. No. 190282 and considered G.R. No. 190282 closed
view on Certiorari before the Court, requesting an extension of 30
and terminated; (2) even with the grant of Prieto’s previous motion
days from December 9, 2009, or until January 8, 2010, within which
for extension of time, she only had until January 8, 2010 within
to file Prieto’s appeal of the Decision dated August 28, 2009 and
which to appeal the adverse judgment of the Court of Appeals in CA-
Resolution dated November 12, 2009 of the Court of Appeals in CA-
G.R. SP No. 91714, so the filing of the Petition in G.R. No. 191025
G.R. SP No. 91714. The Motion was docketed as G.R. No. 190282.
on February 10, 2010 was already out of time; and (3) Prieto’s
However, on January 12, 2010, Atty. Azcueta filed before the
arguments in her Petition in G.R. No. 191025 merely rehash or
Court a Manifestation with Motion, alleging that:
restate those already resolved by the Court of Appeals.
3. On 06 January 2010, the petitioner, Rhodora Prieto,
personally visited the undersigned counsel’s office and after a Prieto claims in her Reply that she was not aware that Atty.
thorough discussion of the case with her, [Prieto] had a change of Azcueta filed a Motion for Extension of Time to file a Petition for
heart and has decided not to further appeal her case anymore, Review, docketed as G.R. No. 190282 and that she did not authorize
considering that she still has the chance to present her evidence Atty. Azcueta to file a Manifestation with Motion withdrawing her
before the lower court and at the same time the chance to have the appeal of the adverse judgment of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
case settled amicably if the lower court allows; SP No. 91714. According to Prieto, she went to the PAO from time to
4. After careful deliberation and exhaustive discussion with time to follow-up on her case, but she felt that her case was not being
the undersigned counsel, [Prieto] is now voluntarily signifying her
diligently attended to, so she decided to hire the services of a private
desire to withdraw the filing of the Petition for Review
on Certiorari; lawyer with money raised by her relatives. When she asked for a
5. For this reason, the undersigned humbly and profusely copy of the Court of Appeals Resolution dated November 12, 2009
apologizes for the inconvenience that the non-filing of the petition denying her Motion for Reconsideration, she was told by the PAO
may have caused to this Honorable Court. The motion for extension that a copy of the same would be sent to her
was filed solely for the purpose of protecting and serving the interest _______________
of [Prieto]. 12 14 Id., at pp. 88-89.
Atty. Azcueta then prayed for the Court to note the Manifestation 749
with Motion and to dispense with the filing of the Petition for Review VOL. 702, JULY 31, 2013 749
on Certiorari.
Prieto vs. Alpadi Development
In its Resolution dated February 10, 2010 in G.R. No. 190282,
the Court resolved: Corporation
(1) to NOTE the manifestation of Public Attorney’s Office that [Prieto] decided not to through mail. She received a copy of said Resolution only on January
appeal her case
12 Id., at pp. 114-115.
26, 2010, giving her until February 10, 2010 to appeal. Consequently,
her Petition in G.R. No. 191025 filed on February 10, 2010 was filed
747 within the reglementary period.
At the outset, the Court notes that both G.R. Nos. 190282 and
VOL. 702, JULY 31, 2013 747 191025 involve Prieto’s appeal of the Decision dated August 28,
2009 and Resolution dated November 12, 2009 of the Court of
Prieto vs. Alpadi Development
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 91714. On February 10, 2010, the
Corporation motion to withdraw the appeal in G.R. No. 190282, filed by the PAO,
considering that she still has the chance to present her evidence before the lower court and was granted by the Court; and on the same date, the Petition in G.R.
at the same time has the chance to have the case amicably settled;
(2) to GRANT the said counsel’s motion to withdraw the filing of the petition for review No. 191025 was filed by Prieto’s new counsel.
on certiorari; and The Court hereby outrightly denies Prieto’s Petition in G.R. No.
(3) to consider this case CLOSED and TERMINATED. 13
191025 for being filed out of time, without the need of delving into
Entry of Judgment was eventually made in G.R. No. 190282 on the propriety of the institution of G.R. No. 191025 in light of the
April 5, 2010. previous withdrawal of G.R. No. 190282.
Meanwhile, also on February 10, 2010, Prieto, through another The reglementary period for filing a Petition for Review on
counsel, Atty. Xilexferen P. Barroga (Barroga) of Barroga, Nario & Certiorari is set forth in Rule 45, Section 2 of the Rules of Court,
Associates Law Offices, filed the instant Petition for Review which provides:
on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, praying for the
SEC. 2. Time for filing; extension.—The petition shall be indefinite, tentative, and subject to reopening at any time by the mere
filed within fifteen (15) days from notice of the judgment or final subterfuge of replacing counsel. x x x.
order or resolution appealed from, or of the denial of the petitioner’s
motion for new trial or reconsideration filed in due time after notice _______________
of judgment. On motion duly filed and served, with full payment of 17 327 Phil. 928, 935; 258 SCRA 291, 296-297 (1996).
the docket and other lawful fees and the deposit for costs before the
expiration of the reglementary period, the Supreme Court may for 752
justifiable reasons grant an extension of thirty (30) days only within 75 SUPREME COURT REPORTS
which to file the petition.
In this case, Prieto, through her counsel of record, the PAO, Prieto vs. Alpadi Development
received a copy of the Resolution denying her Motion for
Reconsideration of the adverse judgment of the Court of Appeals on Corporation
November 24, 2009. The 15-day period to appeal would Prieto herein not only alleges mistake or negligence on the part
750 of the PAO, but more seriously, attributes to her former counsel
75 SUPREME COURT REPORTS deliberate acts which deprived her of her right to appeal, i.e., refusing
to give her a copy of the Resolution dated November 12, 2009 of the
0 ANNOTATED Court of Appeals in CAG.R. SP No. 91714 and misrepresenting to
Prieto vs. Alpadi Development the Court that it was authorized by Prieto to withdraw her appeal in
G.R. No. 190282. However, other than Prieto’s bare allegations, there
Corporation is no other evidence of the purported detrimental acts of the PAO. In
have ended on December 9, 2009, but with the 30-day extension addition, Prieto’s allegations are so contrary to the past conduct of the
period prayed for by the PAO in G.R. No. 190282, the last day for PAO, which diligently represented her before the RTC, the Court of
filing the appeal was moved to January 8, 2010. Clearly, the filing of Appeals, and even up to this Court, with the PAO even timely filing
the Petition in G.R. No. 191025 by Prieto’s new counsel was already the Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Review
beyond the reglementary period for appeal. on Certiorari before this Court, docketed as G.R. No. 190282.
Time and again the Court has declared that the right to appeal is It must be stressed that anyone seeking exemption from the
neither a natural right nor a part of due process. It is merely a application of the reglementary period for filing an appeal has the
statutory privilege and may be exercised only in the manner and in burden of proving the existence of exceptionally meritorious
accordance with the provisions of law. Thus, one who seeks to avail instances warranting such deviation. Parties praying for the liberal
of the right to appeal must comply with the requirements of the interpretation of the rules must be able to hurdle that heavy burden of
Rules. Failure to do so often leads to the loss of the right to appeal. 15
proving that they deserve an exceptional treatment. It was never the
Prieto prays for the liberal application of the rules of procedure Court’s intent “to forge a bastion for erring litigants to violate the
and posits that the 15-day reglementary period be counted from rules with impunity.” Unfortunately for Prieto, she was unable to
January 26, 2010, the day she actually received a copy of the discharge this burden of proof.
Resolution denying her Motion for Reconsideration of the adverse Procedural rules should not be so easily brushed aside with the
judgment of the Court of Appeals, sent to her through mail by the mere averment of the “higher interest of justice,” as the Court
PAO. discussed in Building Care Corp./Leopard Security & Investigation
The Court is not persuaded. Agency v. Macaraeg: 20
21 G.R. No. 183526, August 25, 2009, 597 SCRA 159, 173.
VOL. 702, JULY 31, 2013 755
Prieto vs. Alpadi Development
Petition denied.