Yagi Antenna
Yagi Antenna
Yagi Antenna
A. A. Eldek
Department of Computer Engineering
Jackson State University
JSU Box 17098, Jackson, MS 39217-0198, USA
purity, and high gain and efficiency in the entire operating band. In
addition, wide 3 dB beamwidth is required to allow for wide scanning
capabilities. Besides, end-fire radiation with high front-to-back ratio
is important to make it easy to realize a 2D array by stacking many
cards of linear arrays. This allows space for RF front-end circuitry,
such as low-noise amplifiers (LNA), mixers, etc., behind the antenna
aperture [11]. The low coupling between array elements is also required
in phased array systems in order to avoid scan blindness and anomalies
within the desired bandwidth and scan volume. Among the most
widely used printed antennas in phased array systems are tapered slot
antennas (TSA) [4–9] and quasi-Yagi antennas [10–15].
The stripline-fed TSA array was originally introduced in [4]. Its
potential for wideband (multi-octave) and relatively widescan arrays
makes it good candidate for high-performance phased array systems
[5–9]. However, these TSAs usually require a microstrip-to-slot or
coplanar waveguide (CPW)-to-slot transitions as part of their feeding
network, which not only increases the design complexity but also
imposes a limit on their intrinsically broad frequency bandwidth [11].
In addition, they need large number of contoured vias, computed in
[7] to be more than 7 vias/λg , to eliminate scan blindness, which
adds more complexity and cost. Besides, they usually have larger
electrical size than resonant type patches or slots and often suffer
from the excitation of substrate modes, which can result in reduced
efficiency, strong crosstalk between antennas in an array environment,
and perturbed radiation patterns [13].
The microstrip-fed quasi-Yagi antenna is based on the Yagi-Uda
antenna, firstly presented in 1928 [10]. The quasi-Yagi antenna consists
of a half wavelength dipole and an approximately quarter wavelength
rectangular director to increase the gain and improve the front-to-back
ratio. This antenna exhibits much smaller size than the TSA. A large
operational bandwidth of 48% for VSWR < 2 was demonstrated in the
X band [11–14]. By replacing the dipole and the director of the quasi-
Yagi antenna by a bow-tie the bandwidth improved to 60%, and the
antenna size was reduced 20% [16]. Further research resulted in a novel
microstrip-fed printed antenna, called printed Lotus antenna, with a
modified balun [17]. The printed Lotus provides 57% bandwidth for
VSWR < 1.5, and 60% relative to VSWR < 2. However, the balun
in these designs is based on a half wavelength (λg /2) delay line, which
is designed at the center frequency (fc ). This narrow band delay line
limits the bandwidth of the antenna as reported in [17]. In addition,
the radiation patterns are deteriorated as frequency goes way from fc ,
especially in the E-plane.
Alternative method of feeding such antennas is presented in [18–
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 59, 2006 3
Top view
Top Layer
Ld2 L2
z y Substrate
x εr = 10.2 hd1
h = 25 mil
Ld1 L1
Bottom Layer
x Wf
and height hd1 . Section three is an extra extension of the feedline with
length L2 , which is connected to the short dipole of length Ld2 and
height hd2 through a 45◦ mitered transition. The proposed antenna is
printed on a Rogers RT/Duroid 6010/6010 LM substrate of a dielectric
constant of 10.2, a conductor loss (tan δ) of 0.0023 and a thickness of
25 mil (0.635 mm).
The operation of this antenna depends mainly on both the high
dielectric constant substrate material and antenna shape. Due to the
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 59, 2006 5
The final design of this antenna has L1 = 5.2, Ld1 = 5.7, hd1 =
0.6, L2 = 4.15, Ld2 = 2.7, and hd2 = 0.75 mm. The input impedance
and return loss of the final design are presented in Figs. 2 and 3,
respectively. The real part of the input impedance is slightly oscillating
around 50Ω between 5.3 and 15.3 GHz, while the imaginary part is
fluctuating around zero, which shows the wideband characteristics of
this antenna. The antenna is resonating around 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and
16 GHz. Two of these resonances may result from the lengths of the
two dipoles. The longitudinal feed line along with each dipole may
act as two quarter-wavelength monopole antennas. The truncation
of the substrate and the ground plane also may interfere with the
aforementioned resonances and change their locations, and it may
cause extra resonances. By tuning the antenna parameters the return
loss level between resonances is reduced and as a result wide bandwidth
is obtained. The antenna operates over a wide range that extends from
5.5 GHz to 14.2 GHz. Therefore, this antenna is a good candidate for
the modern wireless communications applications that require ultra
In addition, it is worth mentioning here that in spite of its
large bandwidth, the width of the antenna is only 12 mm, which is
approximately equivalent to 0.23 and 0.69 free space wavelength at
the lower and upper operating frequencies, respectively. This length
6 Eldek
allows this antenna to fit into phased arrays with only minor grating
lobes at the frequencies.
The radiation patterns for this antenna are shown in Figs. 4 and
5, at selective frequencies that cover almost the entire operating band.
In the H-plane (y-z), as shown in Fig. 4, the antenna provides end
fire radiation patterns in the entire band, with high front-to-back
ratios between 13 and 30 dB. The maximum cross polarization level
is around −10 dB considering only the 3 dB beamwidth range. The
3 dB beamwidth spans from 60◦ to 150◦ . According to the E-plane
(x-y) shown in Fig. 5, the antenna is also providing end fire radiation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 59, 2006 7
Eφ Eθ
Eφ Eθ
180o phase
x 14 mm shift
Port 1 Port 2
Eφ Eθ
Eφ Eθ
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24. Zheng, G., A. A. Kishk, A. B. Yakovlev, and A. W. Glisson, “A
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25. Eldek, A. A., A. Z. Elsherbeni, and C. E. Smith, “Wideband
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