Research Article: A Dual-Band Printed End-Fire Antenna With DSPSL Feeding
Research Article: A Dual-Band Printed End-Fire Antenna With DSPSL Feeding
Research Article: A Dual-Band Printed End-Fire Antenna With DSPSL Feeding
Research Article
A Dual-Band Printed End-Fire Antenna with DSPSL Feeding
Copyright © 2016 Daofeng Ye et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A novel dual-band printed end-fired antenna with double-sided parallel-strip line (DSPSL) feeding is presented. The DSPSL acts
in wideband transition using balanced transmission. Two different modes of the parasitic patches allow the antenna to work in
different bands. The printed antenna is designed as a quasi-Yagi structure to achieve directivity in the lower band, and the parallel
rectangular patches serve as the parasitic director. These patches act as radiation patches with end-fire direction characteristics
in the upper band. The measured bandwidths were 18.3% for the lower frequency band (2.28–2.74 GHz) and 12.6% for the upper
frequency band (5.46–6.2 GHz).
y Director
Top layer
Bottom layer
x L5
S2 W2
y W1
z W1
L1 L2 L3
S1 W1
Table 1: Parameter of the proposed antenna. ensure end-fire direction without offset. The characteristic
impendence of DSPSL is calculated with the modified ratio
Symbol 𝐿1 𝐿2 𝐿3 𝐿4 𝐿5 𝑊1 𝑊2 𝑆1 𝑆2
of the patch’s width to the thickness of the substrate in [11];
Size (mm) 25 35 20 25.35 17.6 2 5 0.5 1 that is,
the parallel rectangular patches are positioned on the top 𝑍0 = , (1)
√𝜀eff [𝑊 + 1.393 + 0.667 ln (𝑊 + 1.444)]
plane in place of the conventional parasitic dipole, allowing
two independent modes, parasitic mode and radiation mode. where 𝜀eff is the effective dielectric constant of the substrate.
The DSPSL acts as the feeding structure because it can The suitable expression of 𝜀eff is
provide balanced current at any frequency and broaden the
bandwidth. Overall, the structure is simple. The reflector 𝜀𝑟 + 1 𝜀𝑟 − 1 1
dipole is bent and its overall length is about twice the 𝜀eff = + , (2)
2 2 √1 + 10/𝑊
length of the driver dipole. The difference in the arms of the
reflector allows changing the directivity of the two operating where 𝜀𝑟 is the relative dielectric constant of the substrate. 𝑊
frequencies. The parameters of the proposed antenna are is the modified ratio. For the nonoffset DSPSL,
shown in Table 1.
All the patches, including the driver dipole, the parallel 𝑇
𝑊= − 1, (3)
rectangular patches, the periodic offset DSPSL structure, and ℎ
the bent reflectors, are printed on a Wangling Teflon woven
glass fabric substrate with relative dielectric constant of 𝜀𝑟 = where 𝑇 is the width of the patch and ℎ is the thickness of the
2.65, the dielectric loss tangent of tan 𝜃 = 0.0015, and the substrate in the DSPSL.
thickness of ℎ = 0.8 mm. In the traditional design, the length According to (2), the characteristic impendence of this
of the driver dipole (2×𝐿4) is approximately a half wavelength DSPSL is about 50 Ω. The bandwidth is wider compared to
(𝜆/2) and about twice the length of the DSPSL (𝐿1). To the conventional printed quasi-Yagi antenna because of its
achieve a good match between the DSPSL and the driver, the balanced transmission structure.
widths of them are the same. The 𝐸-field magnitudes of two operating frequency are
shown in Figure 3, and they are obviously different. This
difference results from two different modes of the parallel
3. Antenna Analysis rectangular patches, a director mode and a radiation mode.
Due to the opposite current direction in DSPSL, the trans- In Figure 3(a), the proposed antenna is a traditional quasi-
mission structure has no electromagnetic wave radiation and, Yagi antenna, and the electric field distributed in the dipole
compared with the antenna presented in [8], the current is apparently stronger than the rectangular patch at 2.4 GHz.
directions of the double arms of the dipole are the same to The radiation of the antenna is mostly generated by the
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3
E-field (V/m)
1.0000e + 004
9.2861e + 003
8.5722e + 003
7.8584e + 003
7.1445e + 003
6.4306e + 003
5.7167e + 003
5.0028e + 003
4.2890e + 003
3.5751e + 003
2.8612e + 003
2.1473e + 003
1.4334e + 003
7.1955e + 002
5.6716e + 000
E-field (V/m)
1.0000e + 004
9.2858e + 003
8.5716e + 003
7.8574e + 003
7.1432e + 003
6.4291e + 003
5.7149e + 003
5.0007e + 003
4.2865e + 003
3.5723e + 003
2.8581e + 003
2.1439e + 003
1.4297e + 003
7.1556e + 002
1.3729e + 000
Figure 3: 𝐸-field magnitude of the antenna at (a) 2.4 GHz and (b) 5.8 GHz.
x x
y z
−10 dB
−20 dB
−30 dB
(a) Top layer
Copolarization (2.4 GHz) Cross-polarization (2.4 GHz)
Copolarization (5.8 GHz) Cross-polarization (5.8 GHz)
(b) Bottom layer z
Figure 5: Fabricated dual-band printed end-fired antenna.
−10 dB
−20 dB
−30 dB
S11 (dB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (GHz)
6 1 6 1
5 0.8 5 0.8
Total efficiency
Total efficiency
4 4
0.6 0.6
3 3
0.4 0.4
2 2
1 0.2 1 0.2
0 0 0 0
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Gain and efficiency of (a) lower operating band and (b) upper operating band.
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