Design of Broadband Dual-Band Dipole For Base Station Antenna
Design of Broadband Dual-Band Dipole For Base Station Antenna
Design of Broadband Dual-Band Dipole For Base Station Antenna
3, MARCH 2012
[8] J. T. Rowley and R. B. Waterhouse, “Performance of shorted microstrip to accommodate several wireless communication systems with excel-
patch antennas for mobile communications handsets at 1800 MHz,” lent electrical characteristics such as wide impedance bandwidth, low
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 815–822, 1999. cross-polarization, low back radiation, and stable gain over the oper-
[9] J. S. Row and Y. Y. Liou, “Broadband short-circuited triangular
patch antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 7, pp. ating band for cost effectiveness, space utilization and environmental
2137–2141, 2006. friendliness. Moreover, the dual-band antenna is more attractive be-
[10] Nasimuddin, X. Qing, and Z. N. Chen, “Compact asymmetric-slit cause it reduces the numbers of antenna units and minimizes the in-
microstrip antennas for circular polarization,” IEEE Trans. Antennas stallation area for the base station antenna. Several studies have been
Propag., vol. PP, pp. 1–1, 2010.
[11] Nasimuddin, Z. N. Chen, and X. Qing, “Asymmetric-circular shaped
focused on the development of dual-band antenna elements [1]–[4].
slotted microstrip antennas for circular polarization and RFID applica- For examples, a dual-band patch antenna excited by two L-probes has
tions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 3821–3828. proposed in [2], wide impedance bandwidths of 17.9% and 20.8% are
obtained for each band. In addition, another dual-band antenna [3] with
shorted pin and shorted wall can acquire the bandwidths of 22.9% and
20.3%. Moreover, some proposed by using patch monopole antennas
[4], [5] to have wideband dual-band antennas. However, the above ex-
Design of Broadband Dual-Band Dipole for Base amples of dual-band antennas cannot maintain a stable radiation pat-
terns over the entire operating bandwidths.
Station Antenna
Recently, a wideband complementary antenna element, designed as
Wen Xing An, Hang Wong, Ka Leung Lau, Shu Fang Li, and the magneto-electric (ME) dipole, has proposed [6], [7]. This antenna
Quan Xue has a wide impedance bandwidth of 43.8% (for SWR 1:5). Good
radiation characteristics such as low back radiation, symmetric E-and
H-plane radiation patterns and stable antenna gain over the operation
band are observed. Several studies on investigating the ME dipole can
Abstract—A novel dual-band unidirectional antenna composed of an ir- be found in the literatures [8], [9]. Although the antennas presented in
regular shorted patch and planar dipole elements is presented and studied. [6]–[9] are excellent in the electrical characteristics, there is no example
This proposed antenna employs an L-shaped feeding strip for exciting dual-
to demonstrate the dual-band operation by using the ME dipole design.
band operations. For the lower frequency band, a V-slot is loaded on the
planar dipole for acting as a capacitive loading for having wide impedance A wideband dipole antenna composed of two E-shaped patches and a
matching of the antenna. Then, two additional smaller planar dipoles are staircase-shaped feeding strip is described in [10]. Compared to the an-
placed and connected to the irregular short patch for achieving another tenna in [7], it has at least one additional resonance in the SWR against
wideband performance at the higher frequency band. The proposed an- frequency curve which are created by modifying the patch shape. If
tenna has wide dual-band impedance bandwidths of 34% and 49.5% in the
lower and the upper bands, ranged from 0.78 GHz to 1.1 GHz and from 1.58 we adjust these resonances to two different frequency bands by mod-
GHz to 2.62 GHz, respectively. More importantly, the antenna has stable ifying the shape and height of the patch, a dual-band operation could
gains of 7 dBi and 8 dBi across each band, demonstrating the high stability be realized.
of the radiation characteristic for the two radiation modes. The radiation In this communication, a wideband dual-band antenna composed of
patterns are symmetric, low back-lobe radiation and low cross-polariza-
an irregular shorted patch and three planar dipoles is introduced. Com-
tion. Analysis and parametric studies of the proposed antenna are provided.
pared with the antenna in [7], a broadband dual-band dipole antenna
Index Terms—Base station antenna, dipole, dual-band, L-probe, mag- can be excited by one L-shaped feeding strip. The proposed antenna
neto electric dipole, shorted patch, V-slot, wideband. covers the frequency bands from 0.78 GHz to 1.1 GHz (34%) and from
1.58 GHz to 2.62 GHz (49.5%). The average gain of 7 dBi and 8 dBi
are achieved for the lower band and the upper band, respectively. The
I. INTRODUCTION radiation patterns are stable across the entire pass-band with low cross
Recent communication services, such as 2G, 3G, LTE, Wi-Fi, and
WiMax, boost the high demand of wideband unidirectional antennas
The basic geometry of a dual-band dipole antenna is shown in
Manuscript received March 29, 2011; revised July 31, 2011; accepted Au-
gust 16, 2011. Date of publication December 16, 2011; date of current version
Fig. 1. The proposed antenna is designed with the center frequency
March 02, 2012. This work was supported in part by The National Basic Re- at fL = 0:94 GHz (L = 319:15 mm) and at fH = 2:1 GHz
search Program of China (973 Program, 2011CB302900), Shenzhen Science (H = 142:85 mm) respectively. It comprises of a triangular shaped
and Technology Planning Project for the Establishment of Key Laboratory in dipole with V-slot loaded (for the lower frequency) and two pairs of
2009 (CXB 200903090021A), National Natural Science Foundation of China the trapezoidal dipoles (for the upper frequency). The three dipole
(Grant No. 61002005) and in part by the New Generation Broadband Wireless
Mobile Communication Network, Major Projects (2008ZX03001). elements are connected and supported by metallic shorting walls.
W. X. An is with the Department of Information Communication Engi- These shorting walls with an irregular shape are mounted symmetri-
neering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China cally with respect to the center of a square ground plane of size 220
and also with City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Research Institute, mm2 220 mm. The separation between the vertical shorted walls is
Shenzhen, China (e-mail:
H. Wong and Q. Xue are with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves,
17 mm (0:053L ; 0:119H ) where L corresponding to the center
City University of Hong Kong, China. frequency of the lower band at 0.94 GHz, and H corresponding to
K. L. Lau is with the City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Research the center frequency of the upper band at 2.1 GHz). A trapezoidal
institute, Shenzhen, China. (instead of a rectangular) shape is used for better impedance matching
S. F. Li is with the Department of Information and Communication Engi-
for a lower patch, since trapezium provides more degree of freedom
neering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are avail- for impedance tuning.
able online at An L-shaped feeding strip [11], [12] is used for exciting the antenna,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2011.2180336 which is placed between the vertical metallic shorting walls with 1 mm
Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed dual-band antenna, (a) 3D view and L-shaped feeding strip, (b) top view, (c) side view (All dimensions are shown in millimeters).
Fig. 5 depicts responses of gains with different L (fixed all other Fig. 8. Reflection coefficient and gain against frequency for a wideband dual-
parameters as shown in the table of Fig. 1). When L is increased, the band dipole antenna.
gain in the lower frequency range is decreased but the gain in the upper
frequency range is slightly increased.
Figs. 6 describes responses of gains with different L1 (fixed all other E5071C network analyzer and the Near Field Antenna Measurement
parameters as shown in the table of Fig. 1). When L1 is increased, System, Satimo.
the gain in the upper frequency range is decreased but the gain keeps Fig. 8 shows the result of reflection coefficient and gain against fre-
constant in the lower frequency range. quency of the proposed antenna. As seen from the reflection coefficient
Similarly, Fig. 7 represents the responses of gains with different L2. curves, the antenna has dual-band characteristics, its wide impedance
The gain response of the upper frequency range is very sensitive to this bandwidths are 34% from 0.78 GHz to 1.1 GHz for the lower frequency
parameter. When L2 is larger than 26 mm, the gain variation is very band, and 49.5% from 1.58 GHz to 2.62 GHz for the upper frequency
large. However, this parameter is not sensitive to the gain in the lower band. The gains were measured for two frequency ranges from 0.8 GHz
frequency range. to 1.1 GHz and 1.65 GHz to 2.6 GHz. The antenna can obtain the av-
erage gains of 7 dBi and 8 dBi across two operating bandwidths in-
dividually. The measured radiation patterns at several frequencies of
0.9 GHz, 1.7 GHz, and 2.3 GHz are plotted and shown in Fig. 9. The
To verify the simulated results, a prototype of the proposed antenna antenna has good directional radiation patterns, with very low cross-po-
was build and tested. Dimensions of the antenna are listed in the table larization level at the two principal planes. Detailed radiation charac-
inserted in Fig. 1. Experimental results were obtained by the Agilent teristics of the proposed antenna are summarized in Table I.
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Fig. 9. Measured radiation pattern at 0.9 GHz, 1.7 GHz and 2.3 GHz.
A wideband dual-band dipole antenna is designed, fabricated and
tested. Experimental results demonstrated that the antenna has wide
impedance bandwidths of 34% and 49.5% in the lower and upper
bands, ranged from 0.78 GHz to 1.1 GHz and from 1.58 GHz to
2.62 GHz respectively. Other than the wide dual-band characteristic,
it also has stable directional radiation patterns with the average gain