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Compact Multiband Antenna For Mobile Terminal Applications: 4 Conclusion

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slot antenna. IEEE Trans Antennas Propag. 2016;64(1):290–
pared results show that the proposed antenna has the advan-
tages in terms of impedance bandwidth, AR bandwidth, and
compact size.
How to cite this article: Wei C, Zhou M, Ding K, Yu
4 | CONCLUSION F-X, Mo J-J, Zhao X-L. Compact wideband dual circu-
larly polarized L-shaped slot antenna. Microw Opt
A wideband dual CP antenna with L-shaped slot has been Technol Lett. 2018;60:1685–1691. https://doi.org/10.
presented. By exciting two CP modes and merging them 1002/mop.31222
together, a broadband CP characteristic is achieved. Meas-
ured results show that the designed antenna obtains a 97.9% Received: 14 November 2017
fractional impedance bandwidth and a wide 3-dB AR band-
DOI: 10.1002/mop.31229
width of 94.9% (5.6 GHz, 3.1–8.7 GHz). In addition, the iso-
lation between two ports is better than 12 dB. Because of the
attractive advantages, the designed antenna has potential Compact multiband antenna
applications in various wireless systems.
for mobile terminal applications
Min Zhou http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2326-5223 Jing Ya Deng | Jiao Yao | Li Xin Guo
Jiong-Jiong Mo http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5613-7706
School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University,
Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071, China
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1692 | DENG ET AL.

using metal frame.14 The printed monopole antennas has
been widely used for mobile terminals because of their small
matching network, mobile terminal antenna, multiband antenna
size, wide frequency band, low profile, light weight, and
small backward radiations. There are some modes of the
monopole antenna, including quarter-wavelength mode, half-
wavelength mode, one-wavelength, and higher order
1 | INTRODUCTION mode.3–7 To obtain wide impedance bandwidth, the parasitic
antenna and shorted strip were applied.3–6 The lumped-
Recently, the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard in 4G element matching circuit was also adopted for further
wireless wide area network (WWAN) systems has been enhancement of the bandwidth.6
developed fast, and 5G technologies has been paid increas- In this article, a small multiband antenna with parasitic
ingly attentions. For worldwide roaming, the antenna in structures for mobile terminal operations is proposed. The
mobile terminals should cover multiple frequency bands or a antenna consists of 1 bended feeding strip, 2 parasitic shorted
wide frequency band. Meanwhile, to meet the limit of space strips, and a matching network which include a parallel
of ultra-small mobile terminals, the size of the antenna capacitor, a parallel inductor, and a series inductor. The
should be compact.1,2 bended feeding strip generates 0.25k resonance at 1.83 GHz,
There are several classical types of modern mobile termi- the long folded strip generates 0.25k resonance at 730 MHz,
nal antennas including monopole antenna,3–7 PIFA and 0.5k resonance at 2.13 GHz, respectively, the short para-
antenna,8,9 loop antenna,9–13 slot antenna,7 and the ones sitic strip generates 0.25k resonance at approximately

F I G U R E 1 Antenna geometry. A, 3-D view with ground plane. B, Detailed geometry of the antenna in front view [Color figure can be viewed at
| 1693

2.55 GHz. Then the bandwidth of the antenna is enhanced

through loading a matching network, and the impedance
matching is further improved by etching slots on ground
plane. The overall antenna size is 60 mm 3 11 mm 3
5 mm. The proposed antenna can be adopted for mobile ter-
minal applications. Section 2 gives the structure and details
of the antenna design. To understand the working mecha-
nism of the presented antenna, the analysis from the view of
S11 and surface current distribution are provided in Section
3. Section 4 gives the simulated and measured results, and a
conclusion is given in Section 5.


Figure 1A provides the structure of the presented antenna.

The substrate is FR4 and its dimension is 115 mm 3 60 mm
3 0.8 mm, the antenna is placed at the edge of the substrate
F I G U R E 2 Simulated S11 of Ant 1, 2 and proposed one [Color figure
within 38 mm 3 11 mm, and the folded copper strip is sup-
can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
ported by foam. Figure 1B shows the geometries of the

F I G U R E 3 Simulated surface currents distributions at A, 730 MHz; B, 1.83 GHz; C, 2.13 GHz; and D, 2.55 GHz [Color figure can be viewed at
1694 | DENG ET AL.

especially at the low frequency. When the matching circuit is

involved as shown in Ant 2, a new resonance at about 920
MHz is generated, the series inductor is used to improve the
impedance match of the lower band, but the impedance
match of the higher frequency has not been improved. Then
the slots on the ground are etched. Final configuration of the
proposed antenna is obtained in this way, in which the
impedance match of the higher band has been improved.

3.2 | Discussion of working modes

Figure 3 shows the surface current distributions of the pre-
sented antenna at 730 MHz, 1.83, 2.13, and 2.55 GHz,
respectively. From Figure 3A, we can see the surface cur-
rents concentrate on the folded strip BE at 730 MHz. In this
case, the proposed antenna works at the 0.25k mode (mode
1). Figure 3B indicates the currents are mainly distributed on
F I G U R E 4 Photograph of the fabricated antenna. A, Front view. B,
the bent feeding strip at 1.83 GHz, and the antenna works at
Back view [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
the 0.25k mode (mode 2). Figure 3C shows the currents dis-
antenna in detail. The proposed antenna is fed at point A by tributed on the folded strip BE at 2.13 GHz. A zero current
a coaxial probe. The total length of the bended feeding strip spot exists at point H, indicating the resonance at 2.13 GHz
is 29 mm, which is approximately 0.25k at 1.83 GHz. Two is generated by the higher order mode of strip BE, so it
parasitic strips are shorted to the ground at Point B and point works at the 0.5k mode (mode 3) at 2.13 GHz. Figure 3D
C, respectively, through via-holes. The length of strip BE is shows that the surface currents concentrate on the strip CF at
84 mm, which is about 0.25k at 730 MHz. The wide folded 2.55 GHz indicating a 0.25k mode (mode 4).
copper strip is used to broaden the bandwidth at lower fre-
quency. The length of strip CF is 16 mm, which is about 4 | MEASURED RESULTS AND
0.25k of 2.55 GHz. Another resonance at 2.13 GHz is gener- DISCUSSION
ated as a result of the coupling between the bent feeding strip
and parasitic shorted strip. To further broaden the lower The proposed antenna is simulated, fabricated, and
band, a matching network is added, which comprises of a measured; the picture of the fabricated antenna is given in
parallel capacitor (4.7 pF), a parallel inductor (3.3 nH), and a Figure 4. The simulated and measured S11 are provided in
series inductor (1.5 nH). The matching circuit generates a Figure 5. The measured impedance bandwidths (S11 < 26
new resonance at about 920 MHz. As a result of the combi- dB) are 360 MHz (0.69–1.05 GHz, 41.4% FBW) and
nation of the 2 resonances, the lower band gets wider. To 1.29 GHz (1.71–3 GHz, 54.8% FBW), covering LTE700,
optimize the impedance matching, a series chip inductor is
added, and several small slots are etched on the ground plane
as shown in Figure 1B.


To show the working mechanism of the presented antenna,

the evolution process is studied in this section. Then the
working modes of the presented antenna are investigated by
simulating surface current distributions.

3.1 | Evolution process

To show the evolution process, the reference antennas as
well as corresponding S11 are given in Figure 2. It can be
seen that Ant 1 can generate 3 resonant frequencies at 800 F I G U R E 5 Simulated and measured S11 of the presented antenna
MHz, 2, and 2.4 GHz, but the bandwidths are too narrow, [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
| 1695

FIGURE 6 Measured radiation patterns at A, 730 MHz; B, 1.83 GHz; C, 2.13 GHz; and D, 2.55 GHz [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli-

GSM850/900, GSM1800/1900, UMTS, and LTE2300/2500 5 | CONCLUSION

bands. The measured radiation patterns at 730 MHz, 1.83,
2.13, and 2.55 GHz are given in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows A multiband mobile terminal antenna covering the LTE700,
the radiation efficiency. The efficiencies are between 70% GSM850/900, GSM1800/1900, UMTS, and LTE2300/2500
and 87% at the lower frequency bands and 62–87% at higher bands is proposed. The antenna consists of a bent feeding strip,
frequency bands. 2 parasitic shorted strips, and an extra matching network. The

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This work was supported by the Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (No. 61471280 and 61431010), the key
R&D plan of Shaanxi Province (No. 2017ZDCXL-GY-04- How to cite this article: Deng JY, Yao J, Guo LX.
01), the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the Compact multiband antenna for mobile terminal appli-
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. cations. Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2018;60:1691–1696.
61621005), and 111 Project (B17035). https://doi.org/10.1002/mop.31229

Jing Ya Deng http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3195-5769 Received: 14 November 2017

DOI: 10.1002/mop.31228
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