An Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna System For Long
An Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna System For Long
An Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna System For Long
An Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna System for Long-Distance
Electromagnetic Detection
Jinjing Ren 1 , Hezhihan Fan 1 , Qi Tang 2 , Zhongyuan Yu 1 , Yang Xiao 1 and Xiang Zhou 1, *
1 Research Center for Electromagnetic Environment Effects, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China; (J.R.); (H.F.); (Z.Y.); (Y.X.)
2 Science and Technology on Near-Surface Detection Laboratory, Wuxi 214035, China;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Enlarging or reducing the antenna beam width of antennas can improve the positioning
capability of detection systems. A miniaturized and easily fabricated ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna
system for long-distance electromagnetic detection is proposed in this article. Two ultra-wideband
Vivaldi antennae were designed. One was the transmitting antenna with a beam width of 90◦ or
above, the other was a narrow beam antenna array with beam width less than 10◦ , as a receiving
antenna. Both proposed antennae feature broadside gain diagrams with stable radiation patterns and
wideband impedance matching in the frequency range between 2.5 GHz and 4 GHz. After detecting
their frequency and time-domain behaviors, the detection system can achieve measurements covering
a radius of 30 m.
This article designed a set of receiving and transmitting antennas based on Vivaldi
antennae, and built a long-distance electromagnetic detection system. In the target detection
test, the transmitting antenna is used as illumination feed, and the receiving antenna obtains
the signal reflected by the target from scanning angle to find the target and the azimuth
angle. Then, with the Time Domain Transmissometer (TDT) measurement results, the
target position is judged.
The working frequency band of the detection system is 2.5~4 GHz. According to the
working principle of the detection system, the beamwidth of the transmitting antenna
needs to cover a wide angle to ensure that the target under test can receive and reflect
the signal radiated by the transmitting antenna. Therefore, the half-power beamwidth
(HPBW) of the transmitting antenna should be larger than 90◦ . Correspondingly, in order
to quickly and accurately determine the azimuth angle and judge the position of the target,
the beamwidth of the receiving antenna is required to be as narrow as possible and have
good directivity. Therefore, the receiving antenna should be a typical one that has narrow
HPBW and good directional performance and that should also be miniaturized. To achieve
long-distance detection, the target detection system should have a high transmitting power,
and the antennae should be characterized by boasting better impedance matching and
higher gain performance [21].
y = C1 e ax + C2 (1)
y2 − y1
C1 = (2)
e ax2 − e ax1
y2 − y1
C1 = ax (3)
e 2 − e ax1
where (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ) are the peak and bottom point, respectively, of the exponential
tapered shape and a is the exponential factor of the antenna. The optimized dimensions of
the proposed antenna are tabulated in Table 1.
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Figure1. 1.
Structure of the
Structure transmitting
of the antenna.
transmitting antenna.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a)Return
Return lossofofthe
the measuredand
and simulatedtransmitting
transmitting antenna.(b)
(b) Thegain
gain ofthe
Figure 2.2. (a)
Figure (a) Return loss
loss of themeasured
measured andsimulated
simulated transmitting antenna.
antenna. (b) The
The gain of
of the
transmitting antenna.
Simulated Measured
Simulated Measured
10 0
330 30
330 30
0 300 60
300 60
-20 270 90
-20 270 90
240 120
0 240 120
210 150
210 180 150
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
0 10
10 330 0 30
330 0 30 10
10 330 30
330 30
0 0
0 0 300 60
300 60
300 60 300 60
-10 -10
-20 270 90 -20 270 90
-20 270 90 -20 270 90
-10 -10
-10 240 120 240 120
240 120 0 240 120
0 0
210 150
10 210 150
210 180 150 10
10 210 180 150
180 10
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. Cont.
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(e) (f)
3. Simulated E-plane E-plane
3. Simulated radiationradiation
patterns of the transmitting
patterns antenna with
of the transmitting structure
antenna withat structure
(a) 2.5 at
GHz; (a)
(b) 2.5
3 GHz; (c) 3.5 GHz; and (d) 4 GHz; (e) 5 GHz; (f) 6 GHz.
GHz; (b) 3 GHz; (c) 3.5 GHz; and (d) 4 GHz; (e) 5 GHz; (f) 6 GHz.
2.2. Ultra-Wideband
2.2. Ultra-Wideband Narrow Narrow
Beam Beam Antenna
To ensure
To ensure the the detection
detection accuracy
accuracy ofofthe
detection system,
system, the
be featured by owing ultra-wideband, narrow beam and high gain
should be featured by owing ultra-wideband, narrow beam and high gain performance. performance. Therefore,
the beam
Therefore, widthwidth
the beam of theof
antenna unit was
the antenna unitrequired to be reduced.
was required to be reduced.
For Vivaldi antennae, the main solutions
For Vivaldi antennae, the main solutions for reducing for reducing the antenna
the antenna beambeamwidthwidth
in- in-
cluded adding a director and slotting the metal patch. It should be noted
cluded adding a director and slotting the metal patch. It should be noted that both meth- that both methods
ods will affect the
the standing
standing wave
wave ratio
antenna.The Theantenna
antenna adopting
adopting a gradual slotting
a gradual
slotting method yields better
yields results
better in the
results direction
in the of the
direction main
of the beam
main when
beam compared
when comparedwith the
method of ordinary slotting, and such a method can help increase the
with the method of ordinary slotting, and such a method can help increase the gain of the gain of the antenna.
At the same time, the triangular director of the antenna can also help
antenna. At the same time, the triangular director of the antenna can also help increase increase the gain of
the antenna and reduce the beam width of the antenna.
the gain of the antenna and reduce the beam width of the antenna.
To improve
To improve radiation
radiation characteristics
characteristics of theofantenna,
the antenna, a series
a series of symmetric
of symmetric slots were
slots were
installed in the extremities of the antenna. The modifications are shown in Figure 4. The
installed in the extremities of the antenna. The modifications are shown in Figure 4. The
modified antenna with optimized slots can secure a compact structure with improved
modified antenna with optimized slots can secure a compact structure with improved ra-
radiation patterns and better impedance bandwidth. Each slot operates as an RLC resonator
diation patterns and better impedance bandwidth. Each slot operates as an RLC resonator
where the resonant wavelength can be estimated by the following expression:
where the resonant wavelength can be estimated by the following expression:
λ0 2
l𝜆= 2 (4)
𝑙= 4 1 + εr (4)
4 1+𝜀
where l is the length of slot and ε r is dielectric constant of the substrate.
where l is the length of slot and 𝜀 is dielectric constant of the substrate.
After CST modelling and multiple simulation analysis of the parameters, the final
optimized triangular slot height registered 8 mm and the width was recorded as 4 mm.
The length of the triangle slot adopted an arithmetic sequence, and the minimum slot
height is 5 m. The height difference between two adjacent rectangles is 3 mm. At the same
time, three additional triangular slots are opened near the wide side of the antenna, which
can contribute a lot without affecting other electrical properties of the antenna. The final
the frequency range between 2.5 and 8 GHz. The HPBW of proposed antenna is smaller
than the antennas in [19,24,27], and the bandwidth is larger than the antennas in the oth-
ers. Meanwhile, the minimum beam width is 59.4°. What’s more, Figure 5b show the gain
of the proposed antenna, which is greater than 4.54 dBi and the directivity consistency is
good. According to the characteristics, the proposed antenna can be an excellent candidate
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 528 6 of 14 sys-
for the array element of the receiving antenna in an ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna
b d2
l2 d4
W w d5
The final model of the designed ultra-wideband narrow-beam Vivaldi antenna was
simulated. As shown in Figure 5a, the return loss of the simulated narrow beam Vivaldi
antenna was adjusted to −10 dB over the frequency band from 2.5 to 8.5 GHz. The simulated
E-plane radiation pattern of the antenna at different frequencies are shown in Figure 6. In
addition, the HPBW of the antenna with structures at different frequencies are shown in
Table 4. It also lists out the comparison between the proposed antenna and other published
related antennas. From Table 4, the proposed Vivaldi narrow-beam antenna structure
was smaller in dimension than the antennae as reported in [19,24–28]. In addition, the
comparative results show the improvement in maintaining an HPBW less than 70◦ in the
frequency range between 2.5 and 8 GHz. The HPBW of proposed antenna is smaller than
the antennas in [19,24,27], and the bandwidth is larger than the antennas in the others.
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Meanwhile, the minimum beam 1.5 width is 59.4◦ . What’s
C more, Figure 5b show
16 the gain of
the proposed antenna, which2.5is greater than 4.54 dBi and the directivity consistency is good.
According to the characteristics, the proposed antenna can be an excellent candidate for the
array element of the receiving antenna in an ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna system.
Figure 5. (a)
Figure 5. Return lossloss
(a) Return of the simulated
of the narrow
simulated narrowbeam
The gain
gain of the simulated
lated narrow beam Vivaldi antenna.
narrow beam Vivaldi antenna.
Table 4. Comparison
Table between
4. Comparison proposed
between antenna
proposed andand
antenna literature.
Dimension Operating Fre- HPBW
Ref. No. Dimension Operating HPBW
Ref. No. (mm2)
2 quency 2 GHz 3 GHz 4 GHz 5 GHz 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz
(mm ) Frequency 2 GHz 3 GHz 4 GHz 5 GHz 6 GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz
[24] 120 × 90 2–5 GHz 130 - 75 65 - - -
[24] 120 × 90 2–5 GHz 130 - 75 65 - - -
[19] 200 × 80 3–14 GHz - 85° - - - 50° -
[19] 200 × 80 3–14 GHz - 85◦ - - - 50◦ -
[25][25] 297 × 297
190× 1900.6–3.2 GHz 51.4°
0.6–3.2 GHz 51.4 55°
◦ 55 -
◦ - - - - - - - - -
◦ ◦ 54.3◦71.1° 71.1◦ 58.6° 58.6◦
150× 1500.5–6 GHz
[26][26] 258 × 258 0.5–6 GHz48.7° 48.745.1° 45.154.3° - - - -
[27] 274 × 282 0.4–9.8 GHz - 74◦ - - - - 74° 74
[27] 274 × 282 0.4–9.8 GHz - 74° - - - -
[28] 100 × 90 3–6 GHz - 55◦ - - 55◦ - -
proposed 100 × 90
82 × 55 3–6 GHz 2.5–8.5 GHz - 65.9◦55° 65.2◦ - 59.4◦ - 55.4◦ 55° 44◦ - 46.7◦ - 66.2◦
proposed 82 × 55 2.5–8.5 GHz 65.9° 65.2° 59.4° 55.4° 44° 46.7° 66.2°
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0 10
330 30
330 30
0 5
300 60 0 300 60
270 90 270 90
240 120 0 240 120
0 5
210 150
210 150
180 10
(a) (b)
330 30
0 300 60
-20 270 90
0 240 120
210 150
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 6. E-plane pattern of narrow beam Vivaldi antenna with structure at (a) 2 GHz; (b) 3 GHz;
Figure 6. E-plane pattern of narrow beam Vivaldi antenna with structure at (a) 2 GHz; (b) 3 GHz;
and (c) 4 GHz; (d) 5 GHz; (e) 6 GHz (f) 7 GHz; (g) 8 GHz.
and (c) 4 GHz; (d) 5 GHz; (e) 6 GHz (f) 7 GHz; (g) 8 GHz.
that the antenna array can be assembled on the turntable support.
The final model of the designed narrow-beam eight-element antenna array was si
ulated and measured, and the simulated and measured E-plane radiation patterns of
antenna at different frequencies were obtained as shown in Figure 8. As shown in Fig
9a, the original Vivaldi antenna works in the frequency range from 2.5 to 4 GHz. The
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 528 9 of 14
turn loss is less than −10 dB in the whole band, except that 3.9 GHz is about −9.5 dB. T
main lobe beam width at 2, 3, 4 GHz respectively is shown in Table 6. The HPBW in
E-plane of the proposed array are shown in Table 6. The HPBW are all less than 10°, a
To strengthen
thethe directional
gains are greaterradiation
than 10 capability
dBi, whichofarethe antenna
shown and meet
in Figure 9b. the require-
ment that the beam Phase
has to be less the
within than 10◦ , the Vivaldi
operational antennae
bandwidth with improved
is an important aspect of wideba
beam width were arranged
antenna into
design. It an 8-element
is observed array.
from To 9c
Figure reduce thegroup
that the feed delay
a powerof the tra
divider was used to feedantenna
mitting the antenna array.
is almost flat,The antenna
which array
indicates model is shown
distortionless in FigureThe
transmission. 7 maxim
and the array antenna parameters
group delay are shown
of the receiving in Table
array 5. is within 2ns, which is acceptable.
Parameter Value
L 440
W 146
D1 16
D2 35
L1 239
L2 385
L3 17.5
l1 3.2
l2 1
θ 60◦
The single element is 82 mm long and 55 mm wide. The power divider is a microstrip
T-branch power divider which is enlarged in the Figure 7. The length below the T-shaped
knot is 16 mm, which is about λ/4, and the width is 3.2 mm. The width on both sides is
1 mm, and the width of the antenna unit feeder is also 1 mm. The distance between the
last-level power divider line and the leftmost side of the antenna array is 239 mm, and the
other levels of power divider are distributed in a symmetrical structure. The length of each
level of power division microstrip line is 16 mm and the width is 1 mm. Three positioning
points were marked, and a hole with an inner diameter of 6 mm was drilled so that the
antenna array can be assembled on the turntable support.
The final model of the designed narrow-beam eight-element antenna array was sim-
ulated and measured, and the simulated and measured E-plane radiation patterns of the
antenna at different frequencies were obtained as shown in Figure 8. As shown in Figure 9a,
the original Vivaldi antenna works in the frequency range from 2.5 to 4 GHz. The return
Appl. Sci. 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 15
Parameter Value
L 440
loss is less than −10 dB in the whole band, except that 3.9 GHz is about −9.5 dB. The main
W 146
lobe beam width at 2, 3,
4 GHz respectively is shown in Table 6. The16 HPBW in the E-plane
of the proposed array are shown in Table 6. The HPBW are all less than ◦
𝐷2 35 10 , and the gains
are greater than 10 dBi,𝐿1which are shown in Figure 9b. 239
𝐿2 385
Table 6. Narrow beam Vivaldi
𝐿3 8-element array E-plane pattern main lobe width.
𝑙1 3.2
Frequency/GHz HPBW (Measured)/◦ HPBW (Simulated)/◦
𝑙2 1
2 GHz 𝜃 9.8◦ 60° 8.3◦
3 GHz 7◦ 5.6◦
4 GHz 4 ◦ 4.2◦
Table 6. Narrow beam Vivaldi 8-element array E-plane pattern main lobe width.
Phase HPBW bandwidth
linearity within the operational (Measured)/° HPBW
is an important (Simulated)/°
aspect of wideband
2 GHz 9.8°
antenna design. It is observed from Figure 9c that the group delay response 8.3°of the trans-
3 GHz
mitting antenna 7°distortionless transmission. 5.6°
is almost flat, which indicates The maximum
4 GHz
group delay of the receiving array antenna is4° 4.2°
within 2 ns, which is acceptable.
Simulated Measured
0 0
330 30 330 30
300 60 0 300 60
-30 270 90 270 90
240 120 0 240 120
210 150 210 150
180 180
(a) (b)
330 30
0 300 60
-30 270 90
0 240 120
210 150
Figure 8. 8.E-plane
8-element array
array with
with structure
structure at
at (a)
(a) 22 GHz;
GHz; (b)
4 GHz.
(c) 4 GHz.
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(a) (b)
Figure9.9. (a)
Figure (a) Return
Return loss
simulated8-element Vivaldi
8-element array
Vivaldi antenna.
array (b) (b)
antenna. TheThe
of the
of sim-
ulated 8-element Vivaldi array antenna. (c) Group delay profile of the proposed transmitting
simulated 8-element Vivaldi array antenna. (c) Group delay profile of the proposed transmitting an-
tenna and the receiving array antenna.
antenna and the receiving array antenna.
AA miniaturized
miniaturized and and easily
easily fabricated
fabricated ultra-wideband
ultra-wideband (UWB) (UWB) antenna
antenna system system forfor
long-distance electromagnetic detection is proposed. The transmitting
long-distance electromagnetic detection is proposed. The transmitting antenna is the ultra- antenna is the ul-
tra-wideband wide beam antenna discussed in 2.1, and the photograph
wideband wide beam antenna discussed in Section 2.1, and the photograph is shown in is shown in Figure
10a. The
Figure 10a.receiving antenna
The receiving is theisultra-wideband
antenna the ultra-wideband narrow beam
narrow eight-element
beam eight-element array de-
signed in 2.2 and the photograph is shown in Figure 10b, which
designed in Section 2.2 and the photograph is shown in Figure 10b, which was placed was placed on a turntable
on The distance
a turntable support.between the two
The distance antennas
between thewas
twofixed. During
antennas was thefixed.
test, the transmit-
During the
ting and receiving antennas were connected to two ports of the
test, the transmitting and receiving antennas were connected to two ports of the E5071C E5071C vector network
vector (VNA)analyzer
network to form(VNA)the Ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna
to form the Ultra-wideband system
Vivaldi for long-distance
antenna system for
electromagnetic detection.
long-distance electromagnetic detection.
We measuredthe thedistance,
distance,w,w, between
between thethetwo two antennas.
antennas. TheTheVNA VNA transmits
transmits elec-
magnetic wave wave signals
signals through
through the the transmitting
transmitting antenna
antenna through
through portport TheThe receiv-
ing antenna
antenna has ahas a smaller
smaller beam beam width.
width. We placed
We placed it onitthe
on rotating
the rotatingtabletable
andand connected
connected it toit
to port
port twotwo of the
of the VNA, VNA,andandthe the schematic
schematic diagram
diagram of the
of the experiment
experiment is shown
is shown in Figure
in Figure 11.
11. We observed the S21 parameter of the VNA and adjusted the
We observed the S21 parameter of the VNA and adjusted the angle of the rotating table angle of the rotating table
to findout
azimuthangle angleθθofofthethetarget.
maintainedthe theazimuth
azimuthangle angleandandthen
changed the
changed the VNA to time-domain.
time-domain.We Wethen
measured thethe
time difference
time difference T from
T fromthe mo-
ment when
moment when thethetransmitting
signal to
to the moment when when the thereceiving
antenna receives the signal, and the sum distance. Then, the target position can be obtained.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 11,Appl.
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Figure 12.
Figure 12.TDT
The actual and tested position map of the target are plotted in Figure 13. The two
blue square dots at the bottom are the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna.
The coordinates (3.278, 30.13) is the measured target point, and (3.138, 29.86) is the esti-
mated result point of the test. It can be seen from the results that the error of the coordinate
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 528 13 of 14
Figure 12. TDT test results.
Figure 13.
Figure Actual and
13. Actual and tested
tested position
position map of the target (Unit: m).
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
In this article, an UWB Vivaldi antenna system for long-distance electromagnetic
In this article, an UWB Vivaldi antenna system for long-distance electromagnetic de-
detection has been proposed. In the frequency range of 2.5~4 GHz, the transmitting antenna
tection has been proposed. In the frequency range of 2.5~4 GHz, the transmitting antenna
was an ultra-wide bandwidth beam Vivaldi antenna with HPBW above 90◦ in the frequency
was an ultra-wide bandwidth beam Vivaldi antenna with HPBW above 90° in the fre-
range 2.5–5 GHz. The receiving antenna was an ultra-wideband narrow-beam Vivaldi
quency range 2.5–5 GHz. The receiving antenna was an ultra-wideband narrow-beam Vi-
antenna array. The array unit maintained HPBW less than 70◦ in the frequency range
valdi antenna array. The array unit maintained HPBW less than 70° in the frequency range
between 2.5 GHz and 8 GHz, and the receiving antenna was a eight-element Vivaldi
between 2.5 GHz and 8 GHz, and the receiving antenna was a eight-element Vivaldi array
array with HPBW less than 10◦ in the frequency range of 2.5~4 GHz. It was verified by
experiments that after detecting their frequency and time-domain behaviors, the detection
system can achieve measurement covering a radius of 30 m.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.R.; methodology, H.F.; software, Z.Y., and J.R.; validation,
Q.T., and H.F.; formal analysis, J.R.; investigation, Y.X.; data curation, J.R., H.F. and Q.T.; writing—
original draft preparation, J.R. and Z.Y.; writing—review and editing, J.R. and X.Z.; supervision, X.Z.;
project administration, Y.X.; funding acquisition, Q.T. and J.R. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province
under Grant BK20180360, the Aero-Science Fund of China under Grant 201926069001, and the
National Defence Basic Research Program of China under Grant No. JCKYS2020 DC404. And we are
grateful for the assistance of the reviewers and editors.
Data Availability Statement: The data used to support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest: There is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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