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Master of Engineering: Dissertation-I Presentation

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Master of Engineering

Dissertation-I presentation

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

Shree L.R. Tiwari College of Engineering, Kanakia Park, Mira
Road(E), Thane-401107


Dissertation-I presentation on

“Bandwidth Enhancement on printed antennas”



University Registration No:. L.R. Tiwari 22 , dated : 20/09/2013

Under the guidance of


Narrow bandwidth of microstrip antenna has been one of the
most serious limitation for its use for high data rate wireless applications.
This subject has thus received considerable attention from researchers
throughout the world in the last few decades. This report discusses the
suitability of printed monopole antenna for high date rate applications and
various techniques which can be incorporated for enhancing the
bandwidth of printed antenna like using slots in patch and/or ground
structure, bevelling, feedpoint location variations etc.

1. Introduction
• Antenna being the interfacing organ of any electronic communication
system is one of the key area of research and design. Morever the recent
trend of miniaturizing the bulky antenna structure to accommodate the
compact communication devices has drew attention of many researchers
worldwide and microstrip antenna has thus become a very key subject to
explore and optimize.

• One of the major limitation with patch antennas is their inherently

narrowband performance due to its resonant nature. With bandwidths as
low as a few percent, broadband applications using conventional patch
designs are limited.
• Planar Monopole antenna is a good candidate for wireless communication
services because of its wide impedance bandwidth, omni directional
radiation pattern, compact simple structure and ease of fabrication.
Recently, many techniques to tailor and optimize the impedance BW of
these antennas have been investigated. These include the use of bevels,
slots and shorting posts.
• It is the purpose of this report to present the techniques for enhancing the
bandwidth of planar monopole antenna which are good candidates for wide
bandwidth and also to propose a structure based on extensive review of
literature presented herein which will further improve VSWR bandwidth

2. Review of Literature
[1] Rajender Singh, Prof Girish Kumar, “Broadband Planar Monopole
Antennas”, M.Tech credit seminar report, Electronic Systems group,
EE Dept, IIT Bombay submitted Nov 2003.

In this report, various planar monopole configurations such as

circular, triangular, rectangular, and annular ring structure have been
studied. Many techniques to tailor the bandwidth are presented like using
bevels, slots, and shorting posts.

Inference Drawn: Circular and elliptical disc monopoles, yields multi-octave

bandwidth and ultra wide bandwidth. The combination of beveling and
shorting posts yield broad bandwidth. Planar monopole antennas can be
used for multiband operation as well.
[2] K. P. Ray and Y. Ranga, SAMEER, IIT Campus, Powai, “Printed
Rectangular Monopole Antennas”, IEEE explore 2006.

In this paper, parametric study on printed rectangular monopole

antenna is discussed. Further the effect of feed gap is discussed at different
frequencies. Variation in bandwidth due to changes in basic rectangular
structure are also discussed.

Inference Drawn: Feed gap is a frequency dependent parameter which

shows a large variation in bandwidth of these antennas. By changing the
basic structure of rectangular design into square shape leads to changes in
upper edge frequency resulting in bandwidth enhancement.

[3] Jyoti Ranjan Panda, and Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum ,Indian
Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, “Parametric Study of Printed
Rectangular Monopole Antennas”, International Journal of Recent
Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009.

This paper demonstrates an exhaustive parametric study of the printed

rectangular monopole antenna (PRMA). The effect of varying the feed gap,
plate length, plate width, feed-line width, substrate width and dielectric
constant of the substrate is studied.

Inference Drawn: The lower start frequency of the bandwidth (fL) is

almost unaffected from the variation of the feed-line width, dielectric
constant of the substrate and the substrate width, but decreases linearly with
the increase of the feed gap, plate length and width.

[4] K. P. Ray, S. S. Thakur & S. S. Kakatkar (2014) “ Bandwidth
Enhancement Techniques for Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna”,
IETE Journal of Research, 60:3, 249-256.
PRMAs with single, dual and triple microstrip line feed have been
studied to show the effect of feed network to enhance the impedance
bandwidth. The increase in bandwidth in the case of off-centred feed
PRMAs is from 1.7 GHz (1.4- 3.1GHz) to 3.9 GHz (1.3- 5.2 GHz); this is
more than 2.2 times as compared to single centre-feed PRMA.
Inference Drawn : The PRMAs with dual and triple microstrip line feed
enhance the BW because of improved uniformity in surface current
distribution. The BW of PRMA is also improved by optimizing the feed
point and the width of the patch.

[5] Jagath Kumara Halpe Gamage, Irene Anite Jensen, “Double-fed
Wideband Printed Monopole Antenna”, at SINTEF Information and
Communication Technology.
A double-fed printed monopole antenna having a rectangular shape
and is fed by a 50 ohms two-branch microstrip line. The antenna is
designed and prototyped on a FR4 substrate. The impedance bandwidth of
the antenna is 2.2 GHz to 7.5 GHz covering all WLAN bands and
frequencies in between. The antenna possesses approximately omni-
directional radiation properties throughout this bandwidth.
Inference Drawn: In the case of dual-feed configurations the vertical
components get enhanced, leading to more uniformity in current
distribution and thus relatively less variation in impedance. This leads to
increase in BW.

[6] Yusnita Rahayu , Razali Ngah and Tharek Abd. Rahman, “Slotted
ultra wideband antenna for bandwidth enhancement”, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia.
From various bandwidth enhancement techniques, there are three
techniques adopted for this proposed UWB antennas design. The three
techniques are the use of slots, truncation ground plane, and cutting notches
at the bottom which can lead to a good impedance ban dwidth.
Inference Drawn: The discontinuity occurred from cutting the notches at
the bottom side of a rectangular antenna has enforced the excitation of
vertical current mode in the structure whereas the slotting done on the
feeding strip produces more vertical current thus improves the impedance
matching at higher frequencies.

3. Problem statement and Objectives
• Rectangular Microstrip antenna (RMSA) with microstrip edge feeding and
finite ground structure is not suitable for high data rate applications like

• Hence to achieve the bandwidth from 2GHz to 6GHz suitable for WLAN
applications and ISM band we wish to modify the conventional RMSA into
Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna (PRMA).

• The VSWR bandwidth of the obtained result in PRMA configuration

though better than RMSA, is unable to yield a wide bandwidth suitable for
ISM band and WLAN applications.

• The objective of this project will be to achieve a VSWR≤ 2 BW between 2GHz to
6GHz for ISM band i.e. 2.4 GHz (2.4 to 2.4835 GHz) (IEEE 802.11b/g operates in
this frequency range) and 5 GHz (5.15 to 5.35 and 5.725 to 5.825 GHz) (IEEE
802.11a operates in this frequency range) using printed monopole antenna.

• On the background of the problem statement defined we propose to improve the

bandwidth of printed rectangular monopole antenna by using different techniques
discussed in the review of literature like by using beveling on patch element,
reducing and truncating ground plane, slotting the patch or ground plane etc. The
proposed antenna is expected to cover the ISM and WLAN band from 2 GHz to 6

4. Design & implementation
Simulation Envioronment:
IE3D which is a full-wave, method-of-moments (MoM) based EM tool for
the design of general 3D and planar structures for microwave frequencies
will be used for our purpose.

Hardware requirements:
 FR-4 substrate material.
 50Ω impedance Coaxial Cable.
 SMA connector
 Vector Network Analyser

5. Results and Discussions

Fig.5.1 Rectangular Microstrip Antenna design

Fig 5.2. VSWR plot for RMSA

Fig 5.3. Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna design

Fig 5.4. VSWR plot for PRMA Fig 5.5. Impedance plot for PRMA

Fig. 5.6. Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna design with 10o bevelling

Fig 5.7. VSWR plot for bevelled Fig 5.8. Impedance plot for bevelled

Expected Results:

From the review of literature and the result & discussion it can be
concluded that printed rectangular monopole antenna is suitable for
obtaining the required bandwidth between 2 GHz to 6 GHz which will
cover ISM band and WLAN frequencies. Hence from our objective we
expect our proposed antenna to achieve the specified bandwidth with
compact design using printed monopole antenna.

6. Conclusions

The results presented above shows that PRMA is better option as

compared to edge feed RMSA for our required bandwidth. Morever the
bevelling technique attempted shows improvement in bandwidth response
as compared to PRMA. The increase in bandwidth is due to better
impdance matching by using symmetrical bevelling. This technique
alongwith various other techniques mentioned earlier are expected to
achieve the desired objective.

[1] C. A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design.” 2nd ed. New York,
NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1997.

[2] G. Kumar, and K. P. Ray, “Broadband Microstrip Antennas. Boston”, MA:

Artech House, 2003.

[3] Rajender Singh, Prof Girish Kumar, “Broadband Planar Monopole

Antennas”, M.Tech credit seminar report, Electronic Systems group, EE
Dept, IIT Bombay submitted Nov 2003.

[4] K. P. Ray and Y. Ranga, SAMEER, IIT Campus, Powai, “Printed

Rectangular Monopole Antennas”, IEEE explore 2006.

[5] Jyoti Ranjan Panda, and Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum ,Indian Institute of
Technology, Guwahati, India, “Parametric Study of Printed Rectangular
Monopole Antennas”, International Journal of Recent Trends in
Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009.

[6] K. P. Ray, S. S. Thakur & S. S. Kakatkar (2014) “ Bandwidth Enhancement

Techniques for Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna”, IETE Journal of
Research, 60:3, 249-256.

[7] Jagath Kumara Halpe Gamage, Irene Anite Jensen, “Double-fed Wideband
Printed Monopole Antenna”, at SINTEF Information and Communication

8] Yusnita Rahayu, Razali Ngah and Tharek Abd. Rahman, “Slotted ultra
wideband antenna for bandwidth enhancement”, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia. 24
--Roopesh Ramesh Patil


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