Informational Gadgets Glitches Choice Board
Informational Gadgets Glitches Choice Board
Informational Gadgets Glitches Choice Board
★ I can read an informational text and make inferences about unknown words and
vocabulary using context clues and inside-outside-outside word comprehension strategy:
○ Reread the line or sentence that the word is INSIDE of
○ Read the words, lines, or sentences OUTSIDE of the sentence with the unknown
word for more context
○ Look-up the unknown word in the dictionary and skim all definitions for best,
logical word meaning
○ Look- up the unknown word in the thesaurus and skim all synonyms for best,
logical word meaning
○ Make your best inference based all context and word meaning clues
★ I can read an informational text and paraphrase key details and main ideas in the text.
★ I can read an informational text and make inferences about the author’s craft (the literary
devices used to delivery the author’s message).
★ I can read an informational text and make connections about the purpose of text features
and graphic elements in the text.
1. Pick a choice of interest to read, write about, and discuss this week.
2. Be prepared to question and/or argue the author’s message in either text.
3. Be prepared to demonstrate understanding of either text.
4. Be prepared to compare similar and different ideas presented in either
choice of texts.
and and
“Robotic Cars Must Prove That They “WATCH OUT: CELL PHONES CAN BE
Are Safer Than Human Drivers On ADDICTIVE”
The Road”