Vaccine Minimum Age at 1st Dose Number of Doses Dose Minimum Interval Between Doses Route Site Reason
Vaccine Minimum Age at 1st Dose Number of Doses Dose Minimum Interval Between Doses Route Site Reason
Vaccine Minimum Age at 1st Dose Number of Doses Dose Minimum Interval Between Doses Route Site Reason
Age at of Interval
1st Dose Doses Between
Bacillus Birth or 1 dose 0.05 none Intradermal Right deltoid BCG given at earliest possible
Calmette- anytime mL region of the age protects the possibility of
Guérin after birth arm TB meningitis and other TB
infections in which infants are
Hepatitis B At birth 1 dose 0.5 none Intramuscular Upper outer An early start of Hepatitis B
Vaccine mL portion of the vaccine reduces the chance of
thigh, Vastus being infected and becoming a
Lateralis (R- carrier.
LR) Prevents liver cirrhosis and liver
cancer which are more likely to
develop if infected with
Hepatitis B early in life. About
9,000 died of complications of
Hepatitis B. 10% of Filipinos
have Hepatitis B infection
Pneumococcal 6 weeks old/ 3 doses 0.5 1 ½ month, 2 Intramuscular Upper outer Pneumococcal conjugate
Conjugate 1 ½ month mL ½ months, 3 portion of the vaccine (PCV) is a
Vaccine (PCV) ½ months thigh; pneumococcal vaccine and a
vastus lateralis conjugate vaccine used to
protect infants, young children,
and adults against disease
caused by the bacterium
Streptococcus pneumoniae (the
Pentavalent 6 weeks old 3 doses 0.5 1 ½ month, 2 Intramuscular Upper outer Protection to a child from 5 life-
Vaccine / 1 ½ month mL ½ months, 3 portion of the threatening diseases:
½ months thigh, Vastus Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus,
Lateralis (L- Hepatitis B and Hib
RL) (Haemophilus influenzae type
Oral Polio 6 weeks old 3 doses 1-2 1 ½ month, 2 Oral Mouth The extent of protection
Vaccine / 1 ½ month drops ½ months, 3 against polio is increased the
½ months earlier the OPV is given.
Keeps the Philippines
Inactivated 3 ½ months 1 dose 0.5 none Intramuscular Upper outer Protect against polio, or
Polio mL portion of the poliomyelitis
Vaccine thigh
Measles and 6 months 1 dose 0.5 none Subcutaneous Posterior triceps The MR vaccine is needed to
Rubella old mL aspect of the protect the child against
upper arm measles and rubella
Measles, 9 months 2 dose 0.5 9 months old Subcutaneous Upper outer The MMR vaccine is a vaccine
Mumps, and old mL / 1 year old portion of the against measles, mumps, and
Rubella arms, Right rubella (German measles)
Vaccine deltoid