Epi Reviewer
Epi Reviewer
Epi Reviewer
1. The attainment of effective antibody level in active immunization takes some time
2. Live uttenuated vaccines likes MMR, OPV evoke more effective and longer lasting
immunologic response that inactivated ones. However, they are contraindicated in
pregnant and immunocompromised patients
3. Booster does are needed to maintain adequate level of immunity
4. A high percentage (90% or more) of susceptible individuals should be immunized
for community protection
5. Interruption of schedule, with a delay between doses, does not necessitate starting
with the series again
6. There is no contraindication to giving multiple vaccines at the same time provided
they are given at different sites using different syringes
7. Opened vaccines should be discarded properly: BCG after 4 hours; discard DPT,
OPV, TT, measles and hepa B vaccines at the end of the working day
8. OPV and measles are most sensitive to heat with storage temperature of -15 degrees
celcius to 25 degrees celcius