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Principles of Almen Strip Selection: Academic Study

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The key takeaways are that proper selection of Almen strip thickness, variability, and shape are important for satisfactory shot peening. Thickness selection depends on the required peening intensity, with thicker strips used for higher intensities. Variability can come from factors like the elastic modulus, hardness, and pre-bow of the strips.

The most important factor for thickness selection is the required peening intensity, with thicker strips (C, A, N) used for higher intensities. The article also discusses relationships between sensitivities of different thickness strips.

Sources of variability discussed include the elastic modulus, which can vary with the orientation of steel crystals; hardness, which can affect induced arc heights; and pre-bow, which the specifications control for.

academic study

Prof. Dr. David Kirk | Coventry University, U.K.

Principles of Almen Strip Selection

INTRODUCTION of A strips, (2) that the sensitivity of A strips is 3.5 times that
The guiding principles for Almen strip selection are thickness, of C strips (3) recommended limits for the use of A strips and
variability and shape. Thickness selection, N, A or C is a (4) a lower limit zone from 0.10mm downwards where there
normally matter for users rather than shot peeners. is an increasing lack of measurement precision.
Thickness is the most important factor, because it is
directly connected to the users’ peening intensity requirement.
As a general rule, the greater the required peening intensity
the thicker will be the most appropriate Almen strip.
Every Almen strip has some variability – in spite of having
to meet specification requirements. The tighter the specifica-
tion the greater will be the cost incurred in satisfying those
requirements. It follows that critical components (for which
shot peening generates a large added value) will justify the use
of higher quality Almen strips than non-critical components.
Almen strips are normally rectangular and are available
in both standard size and as ‘mini-strips’. Circular ‘strips’
are also available for the continuous generation of peening
intensity curves.
This article aims to show why proper selection of
thickness, variability and shape of Almen strips are important
factors in satisfactory shot peening. There are a very large
number of ’in-house’ specifications for Almen strips as well
as the familiar SAE specifications J442 and J443. To avoid
unnecessary complexity, the article is based on the SAE spec-
Fig.1 Almen strip sensitivities and recommended
THICKNESS ranges of application.
SAE J442 specifies three standard thicknesses of Almen strips
– designated as N, A and C. The corresponding allowed The majority of shot peening is carried
thickness ranges are 0.76/0.81, 1.27/1.32 and 2.36/2.41 mm out with Almen A strips being involved.
respectively. All three have the same major dimensional They are, however, the only ones that
ranges of 75.6/76.6 mm length and 18.85/19.05 mm width. have specified upper and lower peening
The approximate relationships between peening intensity arc intensity limits. These recommended
heights are that: limits are illustrated in fig.1 and in fig.2.
C strip reading x 3.5 = A strip reading and An important question is:
Why are upper and lower limits
A strip reading x 3.0 = N strip reading.
recommended for Almen A strips?
SAE J443 recommends that A strips be used for peening
intensities from 0.10 mm to 0.60 mm. For intensities Specified Lower Limit when using
below 0.10 mm N strips are recommended and C strips for Almen A strips
intensities above 0.60 mm. These recommendations are A recommended lower limit of 0.10mm
simplistic because (a) they do not allow for overlapping is specified because it has been judged
specified intensity ranges, (b) no lower or upper limits for N
strips are recommended and (c) no upper limit for C strips is
recommended. The overall situation is summarized in fig.1. Fig.2 Recommended Peening Intensity
This indicates (1) that the sensitivity of N strips is 3 times that Limits for Almen A Strips.

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that any value below 0.10mm cannot be measured with thickness. Applying this ratio to N strips shows that the upper
sufficient precision. This is logical if we compare measure- limit should be 0.39mm (0.785 x 0.5). The lower limit should
ments less than 0.10mm with the specified Almen gage be the same as for A strips – 0.10mm - applying the same
precision of 0.001mm. For example, a reading measurement of argument about acceptable precision of measurement.
0.050mm reflects an actual strip deflection anywhere between
0.0495mm and 0.0505mm – for which the instrument would Upper and Lower Limits when using Almen C strips
have to round to 0.050mm. With this example there is a ± 1% Applying the ‘half of strip thickness’ concept to C strips would
inaccuracy range. If, for the same shot stream, the thinner N indicate that an upper limit of 1.20mm would be reasonable.
strip was being used then the gage would now read 0.150mm The lower limit could be the same as for N and A strips –
rather than 0.050mm (deflections being some three times 0.10mm - applying the same argument about acceptable
greater). Instead of a ± 1% inaccuracy range we now have ± precision of measurement.
⅓% accuracy.
Specified Peening Intensity Ranges
Specified Upper Limit when using Almen A strips Users specify an allowed range for their required peening
The specified recommended upper limit when using A strips intensity as well as specifying the thickness of strip that has
is an intensity of 0.60mm. This compares with the strips’ to be used (N, A or C). Any specified range may, however,
thickness of 1.295mm. Hence the ratio of allowed peening span over a ‘recommended limit’ e.g. 0.50 to 0.70mm using
intensity to strip thickness is approximately 0.5. This limiting A strips. This is not a problem because it is recognized
ratio can, and probably should, be applied to the other that measurements do not suddenly become invalid if they
thicknesses of Almen strips. exceed a recommended limit. To allow a limited amount of
Shot peening produces a surface layer of plastically- overlapping is perfectly logical. Fig.1 includes a represen-
deformed, compressively-stressed, material. The depth of tation of reasonable amounts of overlapping - based on the
this layer increases with peening intensity. Increased peening previous arguments (gage precision and depth of deformed
intensity is generated by using a combination of increased layer induced by peening). Users could use the mid-point
shot diameter and shot velocity. If the depth of the deformed of their required intensity range as a guide. For example the
layer becomes too high a proportion of the strip thickness mid-point of a 0.50 to 0.70mm range when using A strips
then strip deflection decreases. For the extreme example of is 0.60. This does not exceed the recommended limit of
using flat-ended needles it has been found that strip deflection 0.60mm, so that A strips should be specified. On the other
becomes negative! The theoretical reasons for this behavior hand a range of 0.08 to 1.10mm using A strips would have a
have been given in previous articles in this series. mid-point of 0.95mm so that N strip usage should therefore
Fig.3 is a schematic representation of observed findings be specified (with the three-fold correction) to become 0.24
for A strips. There is a linear response in terms of measured to 0.33mm using N strips.
peening intensity against ‘true’ peening intensity from A to B.
This is the ‘working range’ for A strips. Beyond point B there Effect of Strip Thickness on Gage Reading
is an increasingly-rapid deviation from linearity. Conventional Almen gage dials have a measuring tip that
necessarily contacts the unpeened strip surface with some
degree of force. This force is reported to vary between from
about 50g up to 300g - depending on the manufacturer and
the indicator mechanism involved. The force is a combination
of an internal spring’s force and the elastic resistance of any
protective bellows surrounding the indicator’s stem. Almen
strips held on an Almen gage are therefore subjected to a tip
force and must therefore bend – even if they have not been
peened. Deflection of Almen strips under load has been the
subject of detailed analysis in a previous article (TSP Fall
2009). The appropriate text-book, universally-recognized,
bending of beams equation is that:
Fig.3 Schematic representation of measured peening intensity h = F*s3/(48*E*I) (1)
varying with ‘true’ peening intensity.
where h = maximum deflection at the center of the beam, F =
Upper and Lower Limits when using Almen N strips force applied to the center of the beam, s = distance between
It was pointed out previously that the recommended peening support points, E = Elastic modulus of the beam and I =
intensity upper limit for A strips was half of the strip Second moment of area of the beam (equal to w*t3/12 for

26 The Shot Peener | Winter 2013

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rectangular beams when w is width and t is the thickness). Force meters are generally very sophisticated (and therefore
Equation (1) assumes that the beam is supported on expensive) but at least one simple but effective instrument is
rollers whereas an Almen gage uses four support balls. available for less than $20. Fig.5 illustrates that instrument
Some additional transverse deflection is therefore generated. together with a typical analogue dial gage. ‘UHU White Tack’
This additional deflection is one-eighth of the longitudinal was used to secure the push/pull spring balance to a heavy
deflection (assuming no anisotropy of elastic modulus). block whilst the dial gage was clamped.
Equation (2) incorporates the additional transverse deflection.
h = 1.125*F*s3/(48*E*I) (2)
The units for the force, F, are Newtons (N). A mass of 1kg
will normally exert a force of 9.81 Newtons (the 9.81 being
the numerical value of the standard acceleration due to
gravity). Hence a mass of 1g will exert a force of 9.81 x 10-3N.
Substituting E = 200kNmm-2, s = 31.75mm and w = 18.95mm
into equation (2) gives the following relationship between
strip deflection, h (in mm), tip force, T (in grams) and strip
thickness, t (in mm):
h(in mm) = T*9.81*10-3 *31.753*12/(48*200*103*18.95*t3 (3)
which simplifies to: Fig.5. Push/pull spring balance testing resistance force of an
analogue dial gage tip.
h(in mm) = T*2.071*10 /t -5 3
Fig.6 shows the same push/pull spring balance being
Equation (4) can be used to plot the variation of strip applied to a standard EI Almen gage – placed in a horizontal
deflection caused by a range of gage tip forces. This has been position for ease of measurement. The arrangement allows
done in fig.4 where the average thicknesses of Almen strips the ‘force meter’ to be ‘inched’ towards the dial gage (or
have been substituted. should that read “micrometered”!).

Fig.6. Push/pull spring balance testing resistance

force of an EI TSP-3 Almen gage.

Table 1 shows some of the values obtained for dial gage tip
resistance when testing the author’s two analogue dials and
Fig.4 Effect of gage dial force on Almen strip deflection. two digital dial gages. General conclusions can be made –
For a specified gage dial precision of 0.001mm (1 micrometer), in spite of having tested only four dial gages. These are that
strip deflection would not be detectable for C strips, barely (1) analogue gages impart a substantially larger tip resistance
detectable for A strips but would be expected for N strips. than do digital gages and (2) the tip resistance increases with
As an example consider a perfectly-flat unpeened Almen N
Table 1. Dial gage tip resistance forces
strip being placed on an Almen gage whose dial exerted a tip
force equivalent to 140g. Fig.4 predicts that the gage would Gage Initial Resistance - g
Resistance at 1.00 mm
deflection - g
read a positive deflection of 0.006mm. Turning the perfectly-
flat strip over on the gage would again indicate a positive Analogue gage A 110 135

deflection of 0.006mm. This is equivalent to a “double Analogue gage B (jeweled) 75 105

phantom pre-bow”! Digital gage - EI TSP-3 40 50

A simple experiment was carried out to examine the Digital gage - EI TSP-3 Aero 40 50
unsupported claim that “dial gages exert a force of up to 300g”.

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gage deflection. For the digital gages the tip force exerted on manufacture are unlikely to vary substantially within the
an Almen N strip would be predicted to induce a deflection short time scale needed to produce one batch of strips. This is
of between 0.001 and 0.002mm (according to fig.4). For the particularly true for strip thickness. Cold-rolling of steel strip
analogue gages the corresponding deflection would be in the is a well-established precision operation. Strip manufacturers
range 0.003 to 0.006mm. can, therefore, obtain individual batches of strip material that
have virtually constant thickness. There will, however, be
VARIABILITY OF ALMEN STRIPS differences between the mean thicknesses of any given batch.
Almen strip variability is only one of the several factors that The difference is illustrated by fig.8. This assumes that the
shot peeners have to cope with. Others include shot size, shot mean thickness of two acceptable N strip batches, A and B,
shape, velocity, stand-off distance, impact angle, component is 0.77 and 0.80mm respectively and that both have the small
shape and hardness. Collectively these variables mean that thickness standard deviation of 0.001mm.
saturation curves must have a corresponding variability. This
is illustrated by the ‘reference example’ shown in fig.7. For
this example it is assumed that the mean peening intensity for
a number of saturation curves, produced using a given quality
of Almen strips and fixed peening conditions, was found to
be 10 (imperial units).

Fig.8 Thickness distributions of two acceptable batches

of N strips.
A very important question is “Is the difference in mean
thickness between batches A and B significant?” The answer
is an emphatic “Yes”.
For a given amount of shot peening the generated arc
Fig.7. Example of saturation curve range with a peening
height reduces as the square of the
intensity standard deviation of 1.
strip thickness increases.
The curves in fig.7 have a scatter that has a standard deviation For the N strip example shown in fig.8 the measured peening
of 1 (imperial unit). This implies that more than two-thirds of intensity would vary by 7.5%, 6.0% for A strips and 2.5%. for
the peening intensities would lie within ±1 (imperial unit) of C strips Referring back to fig.7 the mean peening intensity of
a target figure of 10. If the customer requirement was 8 – 12 10 (imperial units) would be 7.5% different if Batch B strips
most shot peeners would (presumably) be quite happy with were substituted for Batch A strips – and vice versa. A 7.5%
that sort of predictable range. difference corresponds to 0.75 in terms of mean arc height.
Almen strip variability has two quantifiable components: That is significant.
mean and standard deviation. Thickness, elastic modulus, Producing a saturation curve using a mixture of Batch
pre-bow, steel composition and steel hardness are readily- A and Batch B strips would broaden the ‘scatter band’ of
identifiable factors that contribute to strip variability. A clear saturation curves. That is why manufacturers exhort users
distinction must, however, be made between batch variability to “only use strips from a given batch when producing a
and inter-batch variability. saturation curve”.

Thickness Variability Elastic Modulus Variability

SAE J442 specifies allowed ranges of thicknesses for N, A The arc height induced in any given strip is directly propor-
and C strips. The process variables associated with strip tional to the elastic modulus of the strip. SAE J442 only

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requires that the Almen strips be produced from SAE 1070 beware” - very appropriate when purchasing Almen strips.
cold rolled spring steel. SAE 1070 has a range of allowed The best strip manufacturers expend a great deal of care in
carbon contents and stated elastic moduli – 190 – 210 GPa. the selection of strip material, in the various stages of strip
Of itself, that range of elastic moduli would be equivalent manufacture and employ in-house shot-peen testing using
to ±0.5 (imperial units) for the reference example shown as laboratory-standard peening controls. In practice, Almen
fig.7. The quoted elastic modulus range does not allow for strip batches can have a remarkable consistency. That is the
the variations of preferred orientation induced by mechanical converse of the sum of the possible variabilities presented in
working of the strip steel. Steel has an anisotropy factor of 2.5 this article.
meaning that the elastic modulus can vary by a factor of up to Consistency depends primarily on purchasing good
2.5 as working changes the randomly-orientated steel crystals quality strips. This can be complemented by regular checking
into the equivalent of a single crystal’s orientation. Aero strips of force gage reaction to a given batch of strips. The reaction
use an aluminum alloy for which the orientation relative to to a given applied force may vary during the lifetime of a
rolling direction is specified. given Almen gage. One effective test is to use a force meter
to initially measure and periodically check the force being
Hardness exerted by the dial gage. Different displacements can be
SAE J442 allows the hardness of A and C strips to vary by applied with a force meter so that the variation of resisting
±6% and that of N strips to vary by ±2.4%. Assuming that force with point travel can be checked.
induced arc height is proportional to strip hardness then Two areas have been highlighted that are not properly
there could be a corresponding effect on the mean of a set of covered by specifications such as J442. The first is the
derived peening intensities. actual elastic modulus of the Almen strips. This should be
specified for actual strip material - rather than by relying on
Pre-bow the single-condition value quoted for SAE 1070. A second,
This is a well-recognized effect with SAE J442 restricting very significant, area is the thickness variability allowed
pre-bow to 0.025mm for N and A strips and to 0.038mm for for the three thicknesses of Almen strips. The thickness
C strips. The extent of pre-bow for any given strip is easily ranges quoted in J442 are the same ±0.025mm for all three
allowed for when producing saturation curves. thicknesses. This roughly equates to ASTM A109 and A568
tolerances which do, however, increase with the strip thickness
DISCUSSION of cold-rolled steel strip. A thickness range of ±0.025mm is
The availability of three different thicknesses of Almen strips crude when compared to the much smaller tolerances offered
normally allows users to adequately regulate the peening by numerous rolled-strip producers – such as those using
intensity that they require. There are, however, ‘overlap cluster mills. If specifications such as J442 allowed a tighter
regions’ between N and A and between A and C strip usage. tolerance grade of strip thickness then inter-batch variability
The study presented here indicates that A strips would be the problems would be greatly reduced. l
preferred option for both overlap regions.
Dial pointer force has been shown to be an important
factor when using N strips. This is based on equation (4)
which predicts that measurable dial pointer deflections
of N strips are to be expected – equivalent to a “pseudo
double pre-bow”. This can be allowed for by assuming that
it is a genuine pre-bow. An alternative solution, particularly
appropriate for aluminum-based aero strips with their lower
elastic modulus, is to use a non-contacting displacement
meter. The validity of the important equation (4) has been
confirmed by employing the same push/pull spring balance
described earlier. The procedure is illustrated in fig.9 and the
earlier prediction that 140g of force would induce a 0.006mm
deflection was verified exactly. N Almen strip deflections
predicted in fig.4 were also verified.
Variability of measured strip response to peening is an
ever-present problem when sourcing Almen strips. Eventually Fig.9 N strip reaction to
this comes down to the quality of strips purchased. “Caveat known applied force.
emptor” is a famous Latin legal phrase meaning “Let the buyer

32 The Shot Peener | Winter 2013

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