A Conceptual Design: Prepared by
A Conceptual Design: Prepared by
A Conceptual Design: Prepared by
Prepared by:
February 2018
Table of Contents
PROJECT TITLE: Construction and Establishment of City Park
E-MAIL: munoz-ne@yahoo.com
The main objective of the project is to construct and establish a public park that
the constituents of the city can enjoy during its physical enhancement activities. Aside
from its main objective there are other targets that the project aimed which to include;
ii. Project Conceptualization Phase
4. Drafting of Expression of
Interest, Conceptual Design and Engineering Office, CPDO February 12-16, 2018
Project Proposal Preparation
1. Compliance of documentary
Engineering Office, CPDO, Budget
requirements for submission to February 17-23, 2018
the DBM Central Office
2. Submission of Expression of
Interest, Conceptual Design and Not later than February 23,
Engineering Office, CPDO
Project proposal to the DBM 2018
Central Office
3. Construction, monitoring and Engineering Office, Winning
evaluation Contractor/Bidder
iv. Scope of Works of the Proposed Project
a. Mobilization
b. Surveying and Staking
c. Below Grade Utility Requirements
1. Storm Drainage and Sewerage System
2. Electrical Lay-out
1.1 Street Lights
1.2 Walkway Lights
1.3 Monument/Statue/Signage
1.4 Amenities
1.5 Structures
3. Water Distribution Lay-out
d. Filing and Grading
e. Walks/Sidewalks/Walkway
f. Paving Works
g. Construction of Curbs and Gutter
h. Planting of Trees and Shrub Beds
i. Planting of Green Ways
j. Construction/Installation of Seats
k. Construction of Amenities
1. Parking
2. Grand Entrance Gate
3. Plaza and Event Area
4. Fountain and Iconic Land Mark/Emblem
5. Construction of Pavilion
6. Play Area and Galleria
7. Food Courts and Kiosks
8. Comfort Rooms
9. Play Area and Art gallery
10. Management Office and Storage
l. Land Scaping
1. Application of Top Soil
2. Planting of Trees (to be specified in SD)
3. Green Ways
Note: Item of Works from a-k will be shouldered by LGU and Item l will be
funded under LGSF 116
university built within the forest area in year 1907. Forest and fruit bearing
trees were grown alongside of main campus road, Maharlika Highway that
traverse in the university, and to the open spaces to address the university’s
greening program. Propagation of grafted seedlings of different fruit trees
such as mango, chico, bell fruit and other species of grafted trees were sold
to private individuals for their propagation in their areas. CLSU today is one
of the top sites in the Science City of Muňoz frequently visited by tourists,
both local and international visitors, considering its fresh ambience
environment and being the home of research and development institutions.
vii. Vicinity Map showing the proposed project site
B3. Project Impact – Contribution to the National Agenda
The proposed project is in line with the national agenda on greening program
since the proposed project is consist of establishment of mini-forest in urban area.
Propagation of both forest and fruit-bearing trees was an added feature.
Propagated seedlings will be utilized in reforestation of open spaces and public land
on the Reforestation in urban areas within the city will be a great help to minimize
the growth of hazardous gases such as carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons
which greatly affects the widening of holes in ozone layer.
The construction of new access road will help the city to establish housing
projects for the employees and locals in the city. Relatively, it is an initial project to
address and support the National Urban Development and Housing Framework
which promotes adequate networks of public open spaces of the National
Government. This new road will be a great help to the on-going housing project of
the National Housing Authority.
The project also addresses the UN 2030 Agenda-SDG11 and the new urban
agenda considering that the establishment of City Public Park was near to the
business establishments, such as public market, government and private
institutions such as DENR, PNP, City Hall and schools.
The Twenty One Thousand square meters (2.1 hectares) lot to be developed
as Public Park which is equivalent 1.52% of the total open spaces will be the
intended area to be developed for public open space.
One of the priority projects of the city included in the Annual Investment Plan
(AIP) was the construction/establishment of City Park. This is in line with the city’s
plan to create a public park that can enjoy by physically active and nature-loving
Currently, the parking area in front of the city hall was served as the public
park. Joggers, bikers, skate boarders and other sports related enthusiasts use the
existing parking area as their public park during their physical enhancement
activities. These scenarios will bring public to danger considering that parking is
already made of concrete and vehicles were proliferated around. Other predicament
to consider is during office hour, there was no public park to consider where the
public park that the individual enjoy was served as parking area of employees and
constituents of the city.