Sublevel Caving
Sublevel Caving
Sublevel Caving
Sublevel Caving
Blasting in each sublevel starts at the hanging wall side and retreats
towards the footwall. Large ore bodies can be divided into panels,
each of which containing a number of stopes. The inter-
relationship between both developments and ore production from
different stopes and even between panels is more important than
most other methods. Hence a high degree of pre-production design
work is an integral requirement of the method.
Blasting the holes breaks the ore and the surrounding area and
causes the mineral to fall into the production drift. The broken ore
is loaded from the end of the production drift and dumped into the
ore pass.
The rock in the hanging wall also breaks and fills the voids created
in the ore body in a continuous cave. In the production drift, this is
only realized as the dilution of the loaded mineral gradually
Some of the ore therefore inevitably remains in the caved area (ore
loss) and cannot be recovered. Since the ore is brought down into
the production drift by some waste rock, dilution becomes another
inevitable occurrence in the method.
- Dilution and ore loss are the main factors that influence the use or
otherwise of sublevel caving.
- The method is preferred for ores that can be easily separated from
the waste.
Mineral Transport
In the drifts, mineral transport consists of loading the ore,
transporting and dumping it down the ore passes. These
conditions favor the use of LHD. Different sizes of these suit
different circumstances. Slushers are also occasionally used.
Waste dilution and ore loss are the disadvantages that cannot
always be accepted. A lot of research work has been done to
minimize these.
General Description
The original application of the method started where the ground
was too weak even to stand around a narrow heading without
support. Heavily timbered headings were therefore driven in
the ore body and when the timber was removed at the end of
the heading, the mineral would cave in and then slushed out.
When the ore was too diluted, the loading would stop and the next
round of supports removed. This method gave high dilution,
low recovery and it was slow; but it was the only way to mine
such ore bodies at that time.
The sublevels are accessed from the haulage drift through a raise,
near the contact between ore and the footwall rock. When a
sufficient number of sublevels are driven, production starts.
In the beginning when only a small area is mined, caving does not
occur continuously but it soon starts after blasting.
1) Rock Characteristics
The most important problem in sublevel caving is to control and
minimize dilution. The ore is surrounded by dilution on 3 sides,
therefore strong brows and good fragmentation is required to gain
control of dilution.
These all have a strong effect on the application and the layout of
the method. A vertical dip is the best.
For the medium dip although some ore is lost when loading, but
recovery is relatively good.
So, best conditions for sublevel caving are fairly compact ore,
weak walls and steep dip.
4) High mechanizability.
Sublevel Height
Attempts have been made to increase sublevel height, but they
usually have been reduced later.
For optimum draw, the back should be flat. In this case ore will be
drawn evenly across the width of the drift’s ceiling. If the roof is
arched, then ore may be moved to the centre instead of the sides
and waste may come in before ore is finished.
If the drift has to be arched for support reasons, then the production
drifts have to be closer.
When loading is being done, some ore inevitably remains in the
end of the drift because loaders cannot reach them. The quantity of
this increases as the height of the drift increases. Therefore the drift
height should be as low as possible, usually limited by the size of
drilling equipment and ventilation considerations. Drifts of 3-3.5m
high are not uncommon.
Brow Support
If the brow collapses, ore floods the drift and covers the next row
or rows of holes to be blasted. The holes can sometimes be dug out
but are mostly lost.
Technical Requirements
- Drilling holes where there are unblasted holes present (i.e.
loaded with explosives)
The most critical areas for support are the brows. If the
ground is strong, extra support may not be required. But if it
is medium, then rockbolts, shotcrete, grouting, timber or steel
bars may be needed. However, the brow must be held up.
The charging and blasting of the ore must be done with much
care. It is essential that holes are loaded right to the top.
If holes are not carefully drilled, loaded and blasted, a solid
bridge may be left of the ore above and only the lower part of
the area above may be caved down.
Draw Control
The point at which loading stops and the next round of holes is
blasted is call the cut-off point.
If loading stops before the true cut-off point then the achieved
recovery is below the maximum figure.
If, on the other hand, loading stops later than the cut-off-point, then
the achieved dilution is higher than the minimum achievable.
Cut-off point is derived from the cut-off grade and given to the
loading personnel. But even having an accurate cut-off point in
hand, it is not easy to decide when the loading operation should
cease. There are two possible methods to do this:
- Visual
- Sampling and assaying
Visual Method
The ore blasted in any round is calculated. Then if, for example,
the grade of the ore in place is 2% and the cut-off grade is 0.5%,
loading ceases when the pile loaded contains 25% ore and 75%
rock. The total number of loads (for example LHD buckets) to
approximately achieve this percentage is given to the operator.
Sample and Assay Method
For an LHD, in good working conditions and about 200m run, with
bucket capacity of 4m^3, approximately 450 tons of ore per shift
can be loaded.