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GCC Interconnection Project – Kuwait to Iraq Revision Part I

Transmission Line – Technical Specification # Date Page

00 May 2019



GCC Interconnection Project – Kuwait to Iraq Revision Part I

Transmission Line – Technical Specification # Date Page

00 May 2019 1-1




1.1 Description of Transmission Line - Al Zour to Al Faw 1-2

1.2 General 1-3
1.3 Coordination 1-4
1.4 Documentation 1-4
1.5 Submittals 1-5
1.5.1 Work Control Schedules 1-5
1.5.2 Progress Report 1-6
1.6 Selection of the Transmission Line Route 1-6
1.7 Survey 1-7
1.7.1 General 1-7
1.8 Plans and Profiles Drawings and Tower Spotting 1-7
1.9 Tower Schedule and Material Lists 1-8
1.10 Submittal of Survey Data 1-8
1.11 Soil Investigations during Survey 1-8
1.12 Access to Site 1-9
1.13 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 1-9
1.14 Quality Control during Performances of Work 1-10
1.15 Safety Measures 1-11
1.15.1 Safety Plan 1-11
1.15.2 Prevention of Accidents 1-11
1.15.3 Work in Energized Area 1-12


2.1 General 2-1

2.2 Clearances 2-1
2.3 Climatic Data 2-2
2.4 Soil Conditions 2-3
2.5 Limiting Tension of Cable 2-3
2.6 Strength and Safety Factors 2-4


3.1 General 3-4

3.2 Services for Mobile Office and Residential Accommodation 3-4
3.3 General Requirements for Mobile Units 3-5
3.4 Approximate Space Requirements 3-5
3.5 Mobile Unit Carport for GCCIA's Staff 3-5
3.6 Generators 3-6
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Transmission Line – Technical Specification # Date Page

00 May 2019 1-2


The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority is proceeding with the implementation
of the planned High Voltage interconnection of the transmission systems from Kuwait to Iraq
through the construction of Double Circuit (DC) 400 kV transmission lines between the
substations of Al Zour in Kuwait and Al Faw in Iraq. The following is a short project description
intended to help the bidders visualize the extent of this project.

The Route Map of Kuwait to Al Abdali (Kuwait-Iraqi border) and Al Zour-Al Abadali OHL MEW
corridor including the “Tower Design” is enclosed in the Part III for reference purposes.

1.1 Description of Transmission Line - Al Zour to Al Faw

The section of the overhead transmission line is located in two different countries: Kuwait and
Iraq. From the existing GCCIA 400 kV Substation at Al Zour, the transmission line will take a
northward route towards 400 kV substation in Al Faw.

The total estimated distance for Al Zour to Al Faw is 300 km. (approx. 230 km are in Kuwait
territories and 70 km in Iraq).

The project is broken down into 3 separate lots. These were:

Lot 1 – From Al Zour Substation to Lot 2 Border that is almost halfway (as per the
coordinates below) of the route length from Al Zour Substation in Kuwait to Al Abdali
(Kuwait-Iraq Border).

Zone 38 R

Easting 772566.00 m E

Northing 3232956.00 m N

Lot 2 – From the Border of Lot 1 as mentioned to Al Abdali (Kuwait-Iraq Border as per
below coordinates)

Zone 38 R

Easting 761476.00 m E

Northing 3331994.00 m N

Lot 3 – From Kuwait-Iraq border to Al Faw Substation.

For smooth and orderly connections between the adjoining towers, and in the event that each
lot will be awarded to different Contractors, the assigned Contractors of Lot 1 should be
responsible for the complete conductor stringing up to the 1st tower of the Contractor for Lot 2 in
Lot 1 & 2 border. Similarly, the Lot 3 Contractor should be responsible for the conductor
stringing to the last tower of Lot 2 in the Kuwait-Iraq border.
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1.2 General

The Contract includes:

 Selection of final line route;

 Fabrication of suitable lattice steel transmission line towers including all
associated body and leg extensions;
 Subsoil investigation for tower foundation design;
 Design of foundations to suit towers and soil conditions;
 Conductor motions study including vibration damping effect and Wake-Induced
 Line route survey, plan and profile, tower and foundation selection, foundation
 Clearing of the right-of-way, including disposal of timber, together with
construction of all necessary access tracks and preparation of tower sites;
 Providing aircraft warning lights, aircraft warning spheres, tower painting when
 Providing a maintenance road along the line complete with the finger roads and
structure pads.
 Supply and delivery of spare materials;
 Foundation testing, concrete and grout cube compressive strength tests, rock
anchor pull-out tests, and other tests. Supply of materials, tools and equipments
and labor needed for the tests shall be provided by the contractor;
 All works required to comply with the environmental mitigation measures;
 Preliminary and final soil resistivity measurements and tests;
 Provision for the prevention and control of soil erosion at tower sites as well as
construction of embankment against traffic and flood where required;

 Sand stabilization of tower ground against scour effects of wind action in identified
areas of Aeolian soft sand;
 Provision of steel casing in Sabkha areas in cases where required;
 Supply, delivery to site and erection of all necessary materials to complete the
works, including, but not limited to, towers, foundations, conductors, aluminum-
clad steel ground wire, optical fiber overhead ground wire, line hardware, optic
fiber terminations and junction boxes, insulators, vibration dampers, spacer
dampers, tower signs, earthing materials and other auxiliary items including
installation of jumpers in Gantries.
 Testing and commissioning of completed works;
 Provision of operations and maintenance manuals;
 As-Built Drawing
 Any other works required to complete the Overhead Transmission Line in
accordance with the Contract.
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The Contractor shall be solely responsible for detailed design, scheduling, coordinating,
supply, construction, installation, testing and commissioning the Works as provided
under the Contract.

2. Not withstanding that not all details of components, accessories etc. required for the
complete installation and satisfactory operation of the Transmission lines are specifically
mentioned in this specification. Design and provision of such components and
accessories are to be considered as part of the Scope of Work under the Contract and
included in the Contract price, unless otherwise specified.

3. The lines comprise four (4) conductors per phase and one (1) optical ground wire

1.3 Coordination

1. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling all different phases of works, as well
as for coordinating the activities and operations of his suppliers and subcontractors.

2. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all design work and shall ensure
that all components of the overhead transmission system are compatible to permit the
connection between each other in terms of dimensions and design loads.

3. In particular, the design of hardware connection to any existing terminal structure or

tower shall be compatible with the existing connection point.

4. The Contractor shall coordinate with his material and equipment suppliers so that the
delivery of these items is compatible with the construction schedule.

5. The Contractor shall schedule all testing of materials and equipment that is specify to be
witnessed by GCCIA in a timely fashion which is compatible with the timely delivery of
materials and equipment to the Site. Such schedule will be subject to GCCIA prior

1.4 Documentation

The Supplier must prepare and submit, for review by GCCIA, all required drawings and
documents. The drawings must be A1 format (841 x 594 mm), A3 (420 x 297 mm) or A4 (297 x
210 mm) format and include in the lower right-hand corner, a title block as indicated in Annex 1,
Drawings Title Block. Text documents must be in A4 (297 x 210 mm) format. The language of
all submitted documents shall be the English language.

The Supplier must submit, no later than six (6) months after award of contract, one (1) Autocad
(2018) computer file on a CD-ROM Disk and by E-mail, plus four (4) paper copies of each of the
drawings. The copies marked by GCCIA will be returned to the Supplier, at the latest, 60 days
after presentation of each item. The corrected drawings will be submitted once more, following
the same procedure, if necessary.

An updated Autocad (2018) computer file, plus six (6) paper copies of the final version of the
drawings, must be submitted by the Supplier, at the latest one (1) month before concerned
item's delivery.
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1.5 Submittals

At the time of submitting his proposal, the Tenderer shall provide the following technical

 General outline drawings

 Estimated work control schedules
 Completed technical data schedules
 Type test reports
 Quality assurance program
 Complete set of catalogues

The Contractor shall provide the following additional information before proceeding with
manufacturing, or during the manufacturing period:
 Drawings schedules
 Assembly drawings, list of materials, etc.
 Instruction and service manuals
 Paint samples, if requested
 Test reports and certificates
 Shop testing program
 Packing drawings, if requested
 Marking models, if requested
 List of test required for commissioning
 Detailed guide for installation
 Detailed guide for commissioning
 Work control schedules
 Progress report of manufacturing

The Contractor is responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the submittals
whether these have been reviewed by GCCIA or not, provided that such discrepancies, errors
and omissions are not due to inaccurate information or particulars furnished in writing by
GCCIA to the Supplier.

All reports or drawings must be provided in the SI unit system.

1.5.1 Work Control Schedules

Within 15 days following the contract award, the Contractor must submit to GCCIA a detailed
work control schedule. The delivery schedule must be consistent with the control schedule.
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The Work Control Schedules shall indicate for each section and sub-section of the Work as
given in the Schedule of Prices the commencement and completion dates for the principal
activities of the Works including:

 Design and submittal of design briefs for review

 Submittal of drawings for review
 Receipt of final drawings
 Placement of purchase orders
 Receipt of material
 Fabrication or manufacture
 Instruction manuals
 Factory testing
 Shipment

1.5.2 Progress Report

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer a weekly and monthly progress report indicating
progress made during the preceding period. The report shall show cumulative progress towards
schedule completion, expressed as a percentage of all items shown in the Work Control
Schedules. In case/s of minus or backlog in the progress, valid reason or justification shall be

1.6 Selection of the Transmission Line Route

1. The route of the transmission line shall be designed as the shortest route within the
approved corridor, taking into account physical and environmental requirements and
constraints. Accessibility for construction and operation is another important factor. The
transmission line design shall take into account such factors as pollution level, and
geotechnical conditions for stability of foundations. The design shall also ensure
acceptable maximum levels of audible noise, radio, and harmonic interference, and

2. The general preliminary location of the transmission line route shown on the drawings
has been agreed upon in principle by countries involved. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the compliance of its final selection of line route and its approval. The
ground survey shall be executed along the selected line route and without departure
from it except with GCCIA's approval. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work
involved in selecting the transmission line route as part of the Contractor’s design. The
transmission line shall have minimal impact on farmland and residential or commercial

3. The survey of the route and preparation of the line plan and profile shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor and part of the Contractor’s design. The Contractor shall
perform all survey work required to establish a true tangent line between angle points.

4. Encroaching or adjoining features such as villages, buildings, roads, railways, streams,

fences, pipelines, power lines, etc. shall be identified and mapped.
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5. Profiling and survey work shall consist of determining and laying out the centerline and
elevation of all the reference points based on the key maps and plans, together with side
slopes across the right-of-way. The Contractor shall determine the minimum clearance
of conductors crossing existing roads, railways, waterways, telecommunication lines,
power lines, buildings and any other obstruction along the right-of-way, based on the
minimum vertical and horizontal clearances.

6. The survey shall include a side clearance survey to ensure that the minimum specified
clearance to each structure is adhere too.

1.7 Survey

GCCIA will release the complete survey documents as soon as the document is ready or
on or before the end of July 2019 to the Tenderers. The Tenderers will be informed
accordingly. However, the Contractor is responsible to submit the detailed design
including validated survey.

1.7.1 General

Qualified experienced personnel supervised by a qualified surveyor shall perform surveying

works. Surveying team qualifications and proposed surveying equipment shall be submitted for
GCCIA’s approval, not less than 15 days prior to start.

1.8 Plans and Profiles Drawings and Tower Spotting

1. The contractor shall submit for GCCIA's approval digital data format as well as plan and
profile drawings of the transmission line survey including tower spotting.

2. Plan and profile drawings shall include the tower spotting using the latest edition of PLS-
CADD Software. The optimized tower locations shall be plotted on the plans and
profiles using PLS-CADD and shall comply with the span limitations and clearance
requirements. Optimization shall be based on towers and foundations prices submitted
by the Contractor.

3. For all towers, the Contractor shall ensure the following:

 The weight and wind spans are not more than those used for the design;
 the weight span is not less than the acceptable design span;
 Clearances specified in Clause 3.2 are satisfied;
 The foundations and towers are loaded within their specified design capacity.

4. In addition, the following information shall be shown on the plan and profile drawings:

 On the profile view: identification number, type, extensions, chainage and ground
elevation at each tower location; individual and equivalent span lengths;
maximum conductor sag curves and clearance curves.
 On the plan view: identification number at each tower location, line angle and
cumulative chainages at each line angle and dead-end tower.
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1.9 Tower Schedule and Material Lists

The Contractor shall prepare the tower schedule for the entire length of the line and submit it to
GCCIA for approval before start of work. The schedule shall include, but is not limited, to the
following information:

 Individual spans and sections ruling spans;

 Line deviation angles;
 Tower types;
 Body and individual leg extensions;
 Tower crossing details (streams, ditches, roads, power lines, etc.);
 Chainage equations;
 Provisions for remarks, revisions and final structure numbers;
 Weight and wind spans for each tower;
 Type of insulators sets;
 Applicable jumper sets;
 Number of dampers per tower;
 Number of spacer dampers per span;
 Armour rods;
 Cable joints, splices and any other required information.

1.10 Submittal of Survey Data

1. The proposed route line map, survey data, plan and profile drawings, with tower
spotting, tower schedule and materials lists, shall be submitted to GCCIA.

2. The diagonal profile and plan drawings of hillside towers (including the proposed
individual leg extensions) shall be submitted to GCCIA for approval.

1.11 Soil Investigations during Survey

1. Required soil investigation at each approved tower site is detailed in Clause 11.
Nevertheless, the contractor shall undertake a number of soil surveys (at least, each 10
kilometers) as part of the land surveying process. The Contractor shall:

 Make exploratory borings by means of exploration wells and/or boreholes;

 Complete each boring with dynamic penetrometric tests, local density
measurements, soil samples for grain size analysis; soil identification and
classification and water sample for analysis of the corrosiveness.

2. After the completion of this work, the Contractor must prepare and supply a complete
and detailed report which contains, among other items:

 The location of the borings, the boring log along with the identification of the soil
layers encountered;
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 The level of the water table in accordance with ASTM D4750 and water analysis
conforming to ASTM G51;
 The tests done on-site and in the laboratory;
 The interpretation of the results and recommendations (load bearing capability,
friction angle, specific weight, etc.).

1.12 Access to Site

1. General

The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of all access
necessary for line construction. The locations of such accesses, which shall be subject
to the approval by GCCIA, shall cause minimum impact to the environment. Access
track surfaces shall be trimmed with a grader.

2. Existing Access Roads

 The Contractor shall be responsible for the use of any existing access and
access facilities.
 It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to inspect any bridges, culverts, grids
and existing access roads to ensure that they are adequate and safe for
construction purposes. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements
and perform work and/or pay all costs associated with bridges, culverts and grid
strengthening or repairs and any improvements or upgrading necessary to
existing access and access facilities.

3. Access Road Maintenance

 The Contractor shall ensure that all private roads and tracks in use by property
owners or occupiers and utilized for construction of the line are kept in a sound
condition suitable for use by such property owners or occupiers at all times during
the course of line construction under the Contract.
 The Contractor shall restore the surface and the drainage of all roads, utilized
both on and for the work, to a sound condition satisfactory to GCCIA.

4. Site Leveling and Work Platforms

 The Contractor shall construct any access works around the structure sites,
together with any benching, leveling, erosion control or work platforms that may
be necessary.
 The extent of such works shall be kept to a minimum consistent with safe working
conditions, and shall minimize the possibility of soil erosion and landslips.

1.13 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

1. The Contractor shall prepare complete, detailed and reliable operation and maintenance
manuals necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Transmission Line.

2. In particular, the Contractor shall provide operation and maintenance instructions

covering all line components including:
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 Foundations;
 towers;
 Conductors - including joints and terminations;
 Overhead ground wire - including joints and terminations;
 Insulators;
 Line hardware;
 Vibration dampers;
 Spacer dampers;
 Overhead optical ground wire - Including joints, terminations and junction

1.14 Quality Control during Performances of Work

The Contractor shall implement a quality control program for the performance of the work. This
program shall be based on the principles of ISO 9001 standard.

The program must be submitted to GCCIA within 30 days of contract award for review and
acceptance shall address among others the following issues:

 Q.A. organisation chart ;

 Level of authority and competence of quality control personnel;
 Control of materials;
 Test facilities, tools and instruments;
 Follow-up and inspection of each piece of work in accordance with the drawings;
 Non conformance report and corrective measures;
 Q.A. log book;
 Control of documentation at site.

The Contractor shall maintain the following Q.A. records at Site (as a minimum requirement)
which can be reviewed by GCCIA at any time:

 Files with verification forms and test results for the materials used for the Works. The
various steps of compulsory inspection, defined for each element of work, shall be
submitted to GCCIA for approval.
 Non-conformance report (NCR) report files: These reports will be kept current until
satisfactory corrective measures have been implemented. A periodic review of NCR
reports shall be performed with GCCIA to appraise the degree of quality of the work
performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall keep a rigorous follow-up of all NCR
 “As-built” drawings: the Contractor shall keep at Site an updated, “as-built”, marked-up
copy of each, available for inspection by GCCIA. Any substantial deviation from the
original construction drawings shall be documented by generating an NCR for which the
Contractor shall be asked to provide explanation and justification.
 The marked-up drawings will then be used by the Contractor to prepare the final “as-
built” drawings that will be handed to GCCIA on completion.
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 The resident Contractor’s representative shall be responsible for the implementation of

the quality assurance program at site and for keeping the corresponding records.

 At the end of the Works, the Contractor shall submit all quality documentations to
GCCIA. The Works will not be considered as being complete and cannot be approved
by GCCIA until the required documentation has been received.

1.15 Safety Measures

The Contractor shall implement a safety program for his personnel in accordance to safety
regulations applicable in the Country and meeting sound construction industry standards.

The Contractor shall comply with Sub-Clause 6.7 of the Particular Conditions of Contract. In
particular, the Contractor shall designate an officer in charge of safety who has the training and
experience, as well as the necessary equipment, to meet emergency situations. This officer will
have the authority to stop the work at any time, if he judges that safety of personnel is
compromise, or the method or equipment employed to perform the work is risk prone, and stop
any individual who does not comply with safety rules.

1.15.1 Safety Plan

Within two months from the contract award, the Contractor shall present a safety plan for
GCCIA’ s review and acceptance; among other, the plan shall cover the following aspects:

 Name of safety officer and proof of adequate training;

 Safety rules for Contractor’s personnel and visitors;
 Means for fast transportation of injured personnel;
 Hygiene on site of works (potable water supply, clean facilities, etc.)
 Prevention measures against accidental electrical shock;
 First aid measures on site;
 Accessibility to nearby hospital and clinic at any time with arrangement for standby
medical personnel;
 Supply to personnel of security hats, boots and glasses.

1.15.2 Prevention of Accidents

All Contractor’s personnel shall properly be identified to control their access to the work sites.
Unauthorized persons shall be prevented to enter the premises. Identification tags shall also be
issued to GCCIA and his representatives.

Among others, the following measures shall be implemented:

 At least one out of every 30 workers must be trained to impart first aid and have, readily
available, a suitable first-aid kit;
 Any worker responsible for operating electrical equipment shall be trained to cut power
and attend to any worker jolted by electric current;
 No worker shall be allowed to manually handle loads exceeding 25 kg;
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 All tools shall be provided with hardwood handle, devoid of loose parts or cutting edges;
 Cutting tools shall come with an adequate handle, safety lock and storing case;
 Wrenches shall have a lever of convenient length to avoid the use of tube extension;
 Handling conductors or metallic cables close to energized lines or substation bus shall
be avoided;
 Ladders shall be safe, preferably metallic.

1.15.3 Work in Energized Area

When the work involves modifying or extending an existing substation, where the workers will
access energized areas of the switchyard, the Contractor shall present to GCCIA a detailed
work plan where the Contractor explains the method he will be using to perform each operation.
GCCIA will coordinate with the substation operator to obtain the permit for the Contractor to
access the area and, when necessary, to put the corresponding section of the switchyard out of
service. Work on energized parts is strictly prohibited.

The Contractor will be responsible to implement safety measures when operating in energized
surroundings. Such measures may include use of temporary barriers with padlocks, warning
signs, grounding tools, colored tape to limit the zone, etc.

These measures shall be agreed with GCCIA and the operator of the substation.

The detailed work plan shall also address, at least, the following issues:

 Safety rules:
- Identification of each electrical isolating point in the area
- Request for temporary shutdown of the equipment
- Setting out of protected zone
- Shutting down the equipment (with installation of barriers, padlocks, signs, etc.
- Issue work permits to authorized personnel
- Definition of work safe zone (apprise all involved of safety measures,
identification of dangerous points, etc.)
- Instructions to personnel
- Ensure continual presence of person in charge of works
- Instructions for interrupting the work, if necessary
- Test on completion of the work in protected zone
- End of work and leaving work zone
- Dismantling the protection measures
- End of work notification
 Work rules (authorizations, self-protection, interface with operator)
 Training of personnel
 Control of safety equipment
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2.1 General

1. Components to be provided by the Contractor shall include, but not be limited to:

 Towers;
 Tower foundations;
 Conductors;
 Overhead ground wire (aluminum-clad steel and optical);
 Insulators;
 Line hardware, including suspension assemblies, tension assemblies, bridging
assemblies, mid-span joints, repair rods, vibration dampers and spacer dampers
for conductors and OPGW;
 Copper-clad cable and associated fittings for earthing;
 Number plates, identification plates and aircraft warning signs;
 Other materials and work necessary for the completion of the Transmission Line
such that the transmission system shall operate in accordance with the
requirements of the Contract.

2. The quality of design and manufacture of all materials, components and fittings shall be
in conformance with the Specification, relevant standards and accepted good practice,
supported by test certificates where applicable.

2.2 Clearances

1. Vertical clearances

Minimum vertical clearances to conductor based on its final sag at its maximum
temperature of 93°C in still air shall be:

Ground Clearances: m

 Railways 18.0
 Major highways and roads 18.0
 Cultivated areas, ground accessible by vehicles 10.6
 Ground accessible to pedestrians, uncultivated land 10.6
 Open deserts 10.6
 Pipelines 13.5

Crossing Clearances: m

 115 to 380 kV lines 6.50

 Communication lines 4.30
 Distribution lines 4.30
 Buildings Not permitted
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2. Horizontal clearances:

The minimum horizontal clearances of conductors are listed below:

Horizontal Clearances: m

 Major highways 50.00

 Railways 50.00
 Country roads 35.00
 Farm lanes, dirt roads, cart tracks 25.00
 Canals 20.00
 Buildings 50.00
 380/400 kV lines 50.00
 220 to 275 kV lines 35.00
 Transmission and distribution lines 132 kV and less 25.00
 Gas pipe lines 50.00
 Water pipelines 100.00
 Oil wells and GOSPs 200.00
 Oil trunk 150.00
 Ground flares and burn pits 150.00
 Elevated flare stacks 60.00
 Oil – water separators and skimming ponds 60.00
 Other oil process areas 60.00

3. Tower Clearances m

 Between conductor and tower steel

 Without wind 3.50

 Maximum wind 1.35
 Minimum distance between conductor and
overhead shield wire 10.0
 Minimum horizontal and vertical distances between two phases 11.0
 Shield angle of the overhead shield wire 00
 At any day temperature, in any span, the overhead shield wire sag shall be 15
per cent less than the line conductor sag.

2.3 Climatic Data

1. The climatic conditions to be used for the transmission line design shall be as follows:

 minimum temperature -50C

 mean daily temperature 400C
 annual mean temperature 300C
 maximum temperature 550C
 maximum wind speed VM 130 km/h
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 reduced wind speed 90 km/h

VR is the reference wind velocity which = VM * KR where KR = 1.08 is the roughness

value (see Clause 3 of IEC 826).

2. The atmospheric conditions in the project area are:

Item Value
Relative Humidity 0-100%
Average Rainfall 100 mm/year
Number of days with rain/mist 24/year
Maximum Solar Radiation 1200 w/m2
Isokeraunic Level 20
Atmosphere – General Corrosive, Salt, Dust and Sand Laden
Atmospheric Pollution Corrosive

2.4 Soil Conditions

The soil conditions in the project area are harsh and have the following adverse conditions:

Item Value *
Maximum soil temperature
 Surface 60°C
 1 m and below 40°C
Soil condition Corrosive, widespread salt deposits
Ground water table level Varies from deep to very near the surface
Soil pH 7.0-8.5
Salt concentrations
 sulphates, by weight 0 – 10%
 chlorides, by weight 0 – 5%

2.5 Limiting Tension of Cable

1. The conductors shall not exceed the following tension limits:

 Final tension with no wind at a temperature of 27°C shall not exceed 21 percent
of the ultimate strength.

 Final tension with 109 kg/m2 wind on bare conductor at a temperature of 27°C
shall not exceed 50% of the ultimate strength.

 Initial tension with 44 kg/m 2 wind on bare conductor at a temperature of minus

one (-1) °C shall not exceed 33% of the ultimate strength.
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For purposes of calculating the final tensions and sag values, the effect of conductor
creep shall be taken at 20°C.

2. Limiting conditions for the shieldwire and OPGW:

 Final tension with no wind at a temperature of 27°C shall not exceed 15 percent
of the ultimate strength.

 Final tension with 109 kg/m2 wind on bare conductor at a temperature of 27°C
shall not exceed 40% of the ultimate strength.

 Initial tension with 44 kg/m 2 wind on bare conductor at a temperature of minus

one (-1) °C shall not exceed 25% of the ultimate strength.

For purposes of calculating the final tensions and sag values, the effect of conductor
creep shall be taken at 20°C.

2.6 Strength and Safety Factors

1. Strength and safety factor and overload factors for tower design, if any, shall be as given
in Clause 8 of this document.
2. Safety factor for foundation designs are given in Clause 9 of this document.
3. Based on the minimum failing load of the insulators, the size and mechanical strength of
units shall provide a safety factor of 2.0 under the most unfavorable loading conditions.
All fittings shall have the same or higher mechanical strength as the insulator.


3.1 General

1. The Contractor shall supply and maintain one mobile two-man office and residential
accommodation unit for use by GCCIA's staff. The Contractor shall supply the unit with
furnishings as outlined in Table 4.1 and pertinent drawing. The unit shall consist of
either separate or integral traction and accommodation modules and shall be designed
to withstand the climatic conditions of the region together with being capable of
negotiating the desert terrain. The unit shall be designed for a minimum life of ten years.

3.2 Services for Mobile Office and Residential Accommodation

1. The servicing of the complete unit shall be performed by the Contractor at regular
intervals for the duration of the Contract or as requested by GCCIA. The Contractor
shall supply and maintain the following services at every location at which the mobile
office and residential accommodation unit is located.

2. Water

A supply of clean potable water and sufficient water storage capacity shall be provided
to accommodate the number of persons and appliances specified.

3. Bottled gas
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A supply of bottled gas shall be furnished which is adequate for the appliances specified.

4. Electricity

Electricity shall be supplied at a voltage and current adequate for simultaneous

operation of all the appliances specified.

5. Sewage disposal

Facilities shall be supplied for the safe disposal of effluents without risk of spillage or

6. Garbage disposal

Refuse shall be removed and disposed of in a suitable manner at least once a week.

7. Others services

All other reasonable services and facilities as may be necessary to provide for the safe
and comfortable accommodation of GCCIA's staff shall be provided.

3.3 General Requirements for Mobile Units

1. Minimum height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 m.

2. Any structural timbers used shall be treated against termites.

3. Roofs and walls shall have a minimum of 50mm of thermal insulation. A sun-roof shall
be provided to reduce solar radiation grain.

4. Floors shall be covered with carpet, tile and other approved material with the exception
of the kitchen area that shall be covered with vinyl floor covering or equivalent.

5. Air conditioning shall be installed to provide a comfortable environment throughout the

mobile unit.

6. Venetian blinds shall provided at all windows.

7. Insect-proof screens shall be installed outside all windows and exterior doors.

3.4 Approximate Space Requirements

 One office room, 16 sq m

 One bedroom, 16 sq m
 Kitchen, bathroom and dining room, 16 sq m

3.5 Mobile Unit Carport for GCCIA's Staff

The carport minimum requirements include a covered area not less than 6m x 8m with a roof
height not less than 2.5m. Roof material shall be non-metallic and suitable for providing shade
from the sun. The roof shall be supported on pillars. The carport shall not have walls.
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3.6 Generators

A separate generator shall be supplied for the power and lighting loads of the mobile unit. All
necessary operation and maintenance manuals, spares, etc., for the generator shall be
furnished. Ease of access for maintenance shall be a feature of the generators supplied.

A separate generator suitable for operation from the traction power vehicle also be included.

Table ‎3-1: “Furnishings for GCCIA's Staff

Two-Man Mobile Office and Residential Accommodation Unit

Miscellaneous Items:

 Two anti slip entrance steps (adjustable)

 One outdoor refuse bin
 Two door mats
 One outdoor rotary clothes line
 Two fire extinguishers
 One first aid kit
 Two hand-held battery operated flashlights with batteries
 One breakdown warning kit
 Spare wheel(s)


 Two computers with MS Office and relevant line design softwares

 Two color printers with adequate stationary supplies
 Two desks, minimum size 1.0m x 0.75m with lockable drawers
 Four chairs
 Two lockable filing cabinets
 One wall mounted map board, 0.9m x 1.8m
 Two overhead electric lights
 One 2-hook coat rack, wall mounted


 One flush toilet, eastern style

 One hand wash basin with instantaneous electric water heater, minimum 10 liters
 One shower unit with shower tray and instantaneous electric water heater, minimum 20
 One splash back for h.w.b. with mirror, electric shaver socket and electric light
 One toilet paper holder
 One toilet brush and holder
 One 2-hook coat rack, wall mounted
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 One paper towel dispenser

 One paper towel disposal bin
 Bedroom:
- Two bed minimum width 0.75m with inter spring mattress
- Two bedside lockers
- Two bedside lamps
- Two overhead lights
- Two wall-mounted mirrors, minimum size 0.3m x 0.6m
- One portable partition 2.2m high and 2.8m long
- One floor rug, minimum 2m x 2m
- Four wool blankets
- Four pair cotton sheets
- Four pillows
- Eight cotton pillow cases
- Two bedspreads
- Two cotton bath towels
- Two cotton hand towels
- Two wardrobes min. 1m width and 2.2m high

 Common Kitchen and Dining Area:

- One Stove with 2 burners, oven, grill and grill pan

- One refrigerator with frozen food storage space 12 cu ft
- One stainless steel sink unit with single drainer
- One water heater, minimum capacity 25 liters
- Two floor cabinets with counter tops
- Two wall cabinets
- Complete set of tableware for 4 persons
- Complete set of cooking pans, tea pot, coffee pot
- Four cotton dish cloths
- Two cotton hand towels
- One broom
- One pedal bin
- One table 0.8 m to seat 4 people
- Four chairs
- One set of kitchen tools
- One set of carving knife, fork and sharpener
- One paper towel dispenser
- One Vinyl floor mat
- Two overhead lights
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Section 4 - Part I – Scope of Works

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