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Service Manual: (KMR 1250 B, KMR 1250 LPG, KMR 1250 D) 1.091-. .

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Service Manual


12 5


12 5



Com trok
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Eng al


KMR 1250
(KMR 1250 B, KMR 1250 LPG, KMR 1250 D)
1.091- . . .

Foreword KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Good servicing requires extensive and relevant training as well as comprehensible reference
We therefore offer basic and advanced training courses for the full range of our products to all
service technicians on a regular basis.
In addition, we produce service manuals for the major units in our product line. While these are
ideal for initial use as instruction manuals, they are designed to serve as an essential reference
in the future.
To augment our product-related communications, we regularly distribute service information
bulletins providing details about ongoing product development.

Copyright Notice

Copyright 2002 by Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, i.e.,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of
Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co.


Customer Service Training
P.O. Box160
71349 Winnenden, Germany


KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Table of Contents

Unit functions ........................................................................................................... 4-15
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 4-5
View from front .......................................................................................................................... 6
Controls ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Gasoline Engine (HONDA GX 270) ........................................................................................ 8-9
LP Gas Engine (HONDA GX 270) ....................................................................................... 10-11
Diesel Engine (YANMAR L 70 AE-DE) ............................................................................... 12-13
Steering and Drive Power ........................................................................................................ 14
Sweeping system .................................................................................................................... 15

Troubleshooting Information ................................................................................... 4-15

Starter Fails to Turn Engine ............................................................................................... 16-18
Starter Turns Engine but Engine Fails to Start ................................................................... 19-20
Engine Runs but Machine Fails to Move ............................................................................ 21-25
Maintenance Procedures (gasoline and LPG engine) ....................................................... 26-27
Maintenance Procedures (LPG engine) ............................................................................ 28-29
Maintenance Procedures (diesel engine) .......................................................................... 30-31
Parking Brake – No Function ................................................................................................... 32
Brush Roller – Poor Performance ..................................................................................... 33-34
Brush Roller – No Rotation ...................................................................................................... 35
Side Brushes – Poor Sweeping Performance ......................................................................... 36
Excessive Unit Dusting ...................................................................................................... 37- 41
Filter cleaning Motor – No Function ......................................................................................... 42
Hydraulic Unit – No Function ................................................................................................... 43
Debris Container – Very Slow Ascent ...................................................................................... 44
Debris Container – No Full Ascent ........................................................................................... 45
Excessive Steering Free Play .................................................................................................. 46

Hydraulic Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 48-49

Electrical Circuit Diagram ...................................................................................... 50-55
Maintenance Procedures for B, LPG & D Models ................................................ 56-57
Technical Specifications ........................................................................................ 58-59
Special Tools ........................................................................................................... 60-62
Index ........................................................................................................................ 63-65

Unit Functions KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Drive system Suction and filtering system

– When the hood is lifted up toward the rear, all – Dust pickup at brush roller.
components become accessible for mainte-
nance purposes. – Large-capacity dust filter with mechanical dust
– Hydrostatic transmission with mechanical free-
wheeling device provides variable control of – Each time engine is shut off, dust filter is sub-
forward and reverse driving speeds. jected to automatic cleaning cycle of approx.
15-second duration.
– Parking brake lever actuates transmission-
mounted disc brake. – Impeller fan with closeable exhaust-air hatch
for wet-sweeping operation.
– No foot brake required. Transmission provides
braking effect. – Quick-change dust filter replacement. No tools
– Transmission, impeller fan, brush roller and
side brushes are belt-driven. – Impeller fan driven by elastic belt. No tension
adjustment required.
– Rear wheels are chain-driven.
– To start engine, driver must occupy operator
seat (seat contact switch).
– Discharge of debris container via electrically
driven hydraulic unit.

Sweeping system
– Brush roller counter-rotates against direction
of unit motion (throw-over principle).
– Debris container is located at rear of brush
– Two-position adjustment of brush roller via
control lever:
Center position: Rigid brush roller suspension
for level surfaces.
Bottom position: Floating brush roller suspen-
sion for uneven surfaces.
– Quick-change brush roller replacement. No
tools required.
– Side brush automatically extends outward
when lowered.
– Coarse-dirt flap accommodates pickup of bev-
erage cans, etc.
– Hydraulic discharge of debris container in
raised position (two-hand operation).

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Unit Functions

Engine KMR 1250 B

– Single-cylinder, air-cooled gasoline engine
(HONDA GX 270) w/ electric starter. Uses
standard grade unleaded gasoline.
– Engine features oil level sensor.

Engine 1250 LPG

With the exception of the conversion to run on
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the unit is iden-
tical to the basic KMR 1250 B version.
– The gasoline engine is the same as in the KMR
1250 B (HONDA GX 270).
– The LP gas cylinder is mounted behind the
driver’s seat. As the gasoline tank is discon-
nected, its use is strictly prohibited.
– The carburetor has been converted to LP gas
– The engine compartment accommodates an
additional gas regulator required to adjust the
air/fuel mixture for the engine.
– The mechanical choke has been converted to
electrical control; it acts upon the gas regula-

Engine 1250 D
With the exception of the different engine type,
the unit is identical to the basic KMR 1250 B
– Single-cylinder, air-cooled diesel engine (YAN-
MAR L 70 AE-DE) w/ electric starter.
– Features compression release for short-term
operation to help overcome top dead center
when starting the engine.

Unit Functions KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

View from front

1 2 3 4


12 5


12 5


12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

1 Gas cylinder (LP Gas)

2 Steering wheel
3 Driver seat
4 Lifting mechanism for debris container
5 Rear wheel, chain-driven
6 Fuel tank for KMR B / D
7 Engine KMR B / LPG / D
8 LH side brush (option)
9 Front wheel
10 Head lights
11 RH side brush
12 Controls (see page 7)

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Unit Functions

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16





18 18

1 Lever dust pickup, Close / Open 12 Lever brush roller, Raise / Lower
2 Button clean dust filter (S2) (suspension: rigid or floating)
3 Button lower debris container (S6)* 13 Lever RH side brush, Raise / Lower
4 Button raise debris container (S8)* 14 Throttle lever
5 Button tilt debris container (S7)* 15 Button horn (S10)
6 Lever parking brake 16 Ignition switch (S1)
7 Lever coarse-dirt flap 17 Choke
8 Headlight switch (S4) 18 Drive pedal ORIGINAL and REVISED
9 Operating hours counter
10 Button two-hand operation, hydraulic (S5) * Function available only in conjunction
with two-hand operation button (10).
11 Lever LH side brush, Raise / Lower
(option) ( ) See circuit diagram.

Unit Functions KMR 1250 B

Gasoline Engine (HONDA GX 270)

2 3 3 4 5 6

1 8





21 20 19 18 17 16 5 15 14

1 Stop screw, throttle valve 12 Emulsion tube

2 Idle jet 13 Air orifice
3 Bypass 14 Float chamber
4 Throttle valve 15 Main jet
5 Idle orifice 16 Adjusting screw, idle mixture
6 Idle jet bore and idle air channel 17 Fuel inlet
7 Carburetor throat (venturi) 18 Inlet, float valve
8 Idle air inlet 19 Float
9 Choke valve 20 Float valve w/ float needle
10 Main air jet 21 Float
11 Idle system

KMR 1250 B Unit Functions

Gasoline Engine (HONDA GX 270)

Float system Full load operation
When float chamber (14) is empty, fuel passes In full load operation, the throttle is wide (4) open:
from fuel tank into float chamber (14) via the float – Air flows through the carburetor throat, or
valve inlet (18). The rising fuel level causes the venturi (7). Because the diameter of the ven-
float (21) to be raised. turi outlet is smaller than that of the intake,
The inflow of fuel is interrupted when the float the air is accelerated as it passes through.
(21) causes the float valve to close. Drawing fuel This increased flow velocity causes nega-
for engine operation from the float chamber (14) tive pressure to occur at the outlet side of the
causes the float (21) to be lowered, which in turn main jet (15).
opens the float valve (18). – Pressure inside the float chamber (14) is
This cyclical procedure ensures a constant level equalized via an atmospheric relief channel.
of fuel inside the float chamber (14). Because atmospheric pressure is higher than
the pressure in the carburetor throat (7), fuel
Float chamber equalization is transported from the float chamber (14),
On the carburetor side, the airspace inside the and pressed through the main jet (15) into
float housing is connected with the outside at- the emulsion tube (12).
mosphere by means of a channel. This facili- – The air flowing through the main air jet (10)
tates the equalization of the pressure equilibri- is blended with the fuel that is flowing through
um inside the float chamber as the fuel level ris- the orifices of the emulsion tube (12).
es or falls. – This mixture is then drawn into the carbure-
tor throat (7), where it is enriched with more
Idling operation air before passing into the engine.
When the engine is idling, the throttle valve (4) is
fully closed. Choke system function
– This causes negative pressure to occur be- The choke valve (9) should be closed only when
tween the throttle (4) and the crown of the starting a cold engine. This causes the following
engine piston, with the latter moving toward to happen:
bottom dead center while the intake valve is – The closed choke valve (9) allows less air to
open. be drawn into the carburetor throat (7).
– The atmospheric pressure inside the float – However, the fuel volume being drawn in
chamber (14) then causes fuel to be con- through the main jet (15) remains the same.
veyed through the main jet (15) and idle jet – This causes the fuel component in the air/
(2). fuel mixture to rise, with the richer mixture
– The idle jet (2) controls the flow of fuel through providing easier engine starting.
the idle bypass channel (3). The fuel then
blends with the air being drawn in through Note:
the idle air channel (6). For information on other maintenance and
– The resulting air/fuel mixture then flows into adjustments of the engine, refer to the Serv-
the engine. ice manual „4-Stroke Internal Combustion
– The idle mixture adjusting screw (16) con- Engines“ (5.905-122).
trols the volume of air/fuel mixture that is al-
lowed to flow through the idle orifice (5).

Partial load operation

Engine speed rises when the throttle valve (4)
opens, and the volume of the air/fuel mixture
being drawn through the idle jet (2) increases.

Unit Functions KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

LP Gas Engine (HONDA GX 270)

4 5 6

3 7

2 8


16 13

15 14 13 12 11 12

1 Valve guard 10 Engine

2 LP gas line 11 Vacuum line
3 Cylinder shutoff valve 12 LP gas line
4 Outlet tube 13 Gas filter
5 LP gas cylinder 14 Solenoid valve, gas supply
6 Sun shield 15 Mixture control screw (MIN eng. speed)
7 LP gas in gaseous state 16 Gas regulator
8 LP gas in liquid state 17 Choke lifting solenoid
9 Carburetor 18 Mixture control screw (MAX eng. speed)

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Unit Functions

LP Gas Engine (HONDA GX 270)

Gas system – The presence of frost on any part of the LP gas
system indicates a possible leak. Close the
– Opening the shutoff valve (3) on the LP gas cylinder shutoff valve (3) immediately. Apply
cylinder (5) causes gas to flow through the gas suitable leak detection medium (soapy water
filter (13). At this point, possible contaminants or Leak Detecting Spray 6.282-033) to gas
are trapped in a paper filter, and metallic par- lines, solenoid valve, gas regulator and gas
ticles from gas cylinder are removed by means hose to carburetor. Open cylinder shutoff valve
of a small magnet. (3), and check for formation of bubbles. The
– Setting ignition key to Pos. 1 (ON) opens so- unit may be returned to service only after thor-
lenoid valve (14), allowing LP gas to flow from ough repairs have been carried out by ap-
gas filter (13) into primary chamber of gas reg- proved specialists.
ulator (16). Here, a spring-loaded valve reduc-
es gas pressure to approximately 150 mbar Note:
(2.2 psi). The LP gas system of the unit must be in-
– When starter begins to crank engine (10), a spected by a licensed expert in 6-month
vacuum is created in the suction channel. intervals. The results of each inspection must
Through vacuum line (11), this vacuum acts be made available in the form of a test cer-
on low-pressure diaphragm in secondary stage tificate.
of gas regulator. Diaphragm opens low-pres-
sure valve, and gas can be drawn into engine. – An expert is deemed to be a person who, based
on his professional education and skills, pos-
– Pressing choke button causes choke lifting sesses sufficient knowledge of, and expertise
solenoid (17) to open low-pressure valve, al- in, the field of LP gas systems, and who is
lowing gas to flow directly through carburetor sufficiently familiar with applicable working
and into engine. This function is particularly directives and accident prevention regulations,
important in cold-starting situations. To pre- as well as commonly accepted procedures of
vent high-level enrichment of intake mixture this technology, all of the above enabling him
with LP gas, choke button should not be to evaluate, determine and assess the safe
pressed for longer than 3-5 seconds. operational state of LP gas systems.

Note: Note:
The connection on cylinder shutoff valve (3) For information on other maintanance and
must face straight up (extraction of LP gas adjustments of the engine, refer to the Serv-
in gaseous state). ice manual “4-Stroke Internal Combustion
Engines” (5.905-122).

Gas regulator
– Engines using LP gas as a fuel are equipped
with a gas regulator which feeds LP gas to the
carburetor of a gasoline engine. The carbure-
tor generates an air/fuel mixture which is drawn
into the combustion chamber for ignition.

1 Gas inlet
2 Air intake
3 Air/fuel mixture outlet
4 Mixing chamber
5 Gas jet
Carburetor in LP gas operation (example)

Unit Functions KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Diesel Engine (YANMAR L 70 AE-DE)




1 11

1 Drive shaft Injection system

2 Housing, engine The injection pump (8) delivers fuel to the injec-
3 Piston tor nozzle (5) via fuel line (6). The fuel, is then
injected into the combustion chamber above the
4 Cylinder head
engine piston (3), where the extreme engine
5 Injector compression causes the fuel to self-ignite.
6 Fuel feed line
7 Fuel line from fuel tank Note:
8 Injection pump For information on other maintenance and
9 Shim adjustments of the engine, refer to the Serv-
ice manual „4-Stroke Internal Combustion
10 Housing, injection pump
Engines“ (5.905-122).
11 Cam shaft

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Unit Functions

Diesel Engine (YANMAR L 70 AE-DE)

Injection pump
The injection cam on the camshaft shuttles the
injection pump piston (1) back and forth. Fuel is
conveyed to the injection nozzle via pressure
valve (7).
6 Injection timing is determined by the thickness
5 and number of shims (2) in shim pack.

7 Note:
Checking injection timing and related fine
adjustment are the exclusive domain of a
4 8 licensed service facility.

In the event that the injection pump fails to deliv-
2 er fuel, the entire injection pump assembly must
be removed and checked.
Injection pump service and repair are the
exclusive domain of a licensed service facil-
10 ity.

Injection pump (cross-section)

Injector assembly
The fuel that is conveyed to the injector by the
injection pump is transported through the feed
channel (14), past the nozzle valve (13), and then
sprayed into the engine combustion chamber.


1 Pump piston
2 Shim pack
12 3 Flange
4 Fuel inlet
14 5 Pressure valve holder
6 Valve spring
7 Pressure valve
8 Housing, injection pump
9 Piston spring
10 Holder, piston spring
13 11 Housing, injector
12 Valve spring
13 Nozzle valve
14 Fuel feed line
Injector assembly (cross-section)

Unit Functions KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Steering and Drive Power

14 6


11 9

1 RH drive chain (option)

2 Impeller fan 10 LH side brush (option)
3 Drive belt, impeller fan 11 Chain, steering
4 Drive belt, hydrostatic transmission 12 RH side brush
5 Hydrostatic transmission 13 Drive belt, brush roller
6 LH drive chain 14 Drive belt, RH side brush
7 Brush roller 15 Steering wheel
8 Drive belt, brush roller M Engine
9 Drive belt, LH side brush

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Unit Functions

Sweeping system

2 6

14 13 12 11 10 9 8

1 Hydraulic unit 8 Rear wheel

2 Engine B / LPG / D 9 Debris container, lowered
3 Steering wheel 10 Hydrostatic transmission
4 Operator seat 11 Brush roller
5 Debris container, raised 12 Coarse-dirt flap
6 Impeller fan 13 Front wheel
7 Dust filter 14 Side brush

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Starter Fails to Turn Engine

Check fuse F1/F2
A1 Fuse F2 protects the entire control voltage cir-
cuitry. This fuse is located on the A1 circuit board.
– Check fuse and replace as required.
F1 A1 Circuit board
(10A) F1 Fuse, motor filter cleaning (10 A)
F2 F2 Fuse, control voltage (7,5 A)
Check battery voltage
– Check battery voltage with voltmeter.
– Check electrolyte level on low-maintenance
– If required, recharge battery using external
battery charger (e.g., P/N 6.654-046).

Fuses F1/F2 on A1 circuit board

Check fuse F4 and wiring

When the engine is running, the battery receives
a steady charge current from the alternator.
The fuse F4 (15 A rating) protects this circuit.
The fuse is located beneath the electrical box.
F4 – Check fuse and replace as required.
(15A) – Check all wiring and connections between
alternator and battery.

F4 Fuse, generator
Fuse F4 in electrical box

Check ignition switch S1

– Remove screws on instrument panel (2), and
carefully lift off instrument panel.
15 15/

/5 50

– Check ignition switch (1) for continuity at its

4 )

various positions (0, 1, 2).

30 50 Key position Connection Function
15 0 30/1 - 15 Engine Stop
1 30 - 15/54 In operation
3 2 30 - 50 Starter

1 1 Ignition switch (S1)

2 Screws, instrument panel
3 Ignition switch, bottom view
Checking ignition switch S1 while removed from unit

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Starter Fails to Turn Engine

Check starter M1
– Hold ignition switch in position II.
– If a voltage is present but starter fails to turn,
starter is defective and must be replaced.

Checking voltage on starter motor M1

Check voltage on starter solenoid

– Hold ignition switch in position II.
– Measure the voltage between solenoid ter-
minal and vehicle ground.
– If the meter fails to indicate a voltage, wiring
must be checked for possible defect.
– If a voltage is present but starter fails to turn,
starter is defective and must be replaced.

The connecting wiring for the starter sole-
noid are not shown in electrical diagram.

Checking voltage on starter solenoid

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Starter Fails to Turn Engine

Check regulator ORIGINAL
When the engine is running, the alternator gener-
ates a continuous current flow. The regulator
automatically adapts this current as required
(depending on battery charge status and electri-
cal load).
– Start engine and allow to run.
– Using a clip-on ammeter, measure regulator
ws charging current on X1 plug coupling (white
wire on male connector or red wire on female
A coupling of X1 connector).
If a charging current cannot be measured, this
1 indicates that the alternator is faulty and must be

Checking regulator charging current

Check regulator REVISED

Units of recent manufacture no longer feature
the X1 plug coupling. Wires are connected by
individual round plug couplings instead.
– Start engine and allow to run.
– Using a clip-on ammeter, measure regulator
charging current on red-and-white wire cou-
If a charging current cannot be measured, this
indicates that the alternator is faulty and must be

A 2
Checking regulator charging current

ws White wire
rt Red wire
1 Plug coupling
2 Round male plug w/ female coupling

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Starter Turns Engine but Engine Fails to Start

Checking S3 seat contact switch

Actuating the starter without a load on the
seat will crank the engine but not start it!
– Disconnect wire connections from seat con-
tact switch.
- S3 – Connect an ohmmeter to check seat contact
switch for continuity.
– With a physical load on the seat cushion, the
switch opens, and there is no continuity.
– In the absence of a physical load on the seat
cushion, switch contacts are closed.
– Adjust or replace seat contact switch as re-
Checking seat contact switch S3

Check spark plug

(gasoline and LPG engine)
– If ceramic insulator shows signs of break-
0,70 - 0,80 mm age of cracking, spark plug must be replaced.
0.028 - 0.031 in. – Heavily fouled spark plugs must be replaced.
– Using a feeler gauge, measure electrode gap,
and bend electrodes to adjust as required.
– To compress captive seal washer on new
spark plug, screw in plug hand-tight, then
tighten 1/2 turn. Tighten used spark plugs
only by 1/8 to 1/4 turn.

Checking spark plug (gasoline & LPG engine)

Check oil level switch S9

(gasoline and LPG engine)
In the event that the engine oil level drops down
too far, the oil level switch cuts out the ignition.
This causes the engine to stall and will prevent
engine restarts.
– Remove the terminal of the yellow wire.
– Using the ohmmeter, check the connecting
terminal for continuity.
– If the oil level is sufficiently high, there will be
no continuity.
– If the oil level is too low, there must be con-
– Top up engine oil or replace oil level switch
as required.

Checking oil level switch S9 (gasoline & LPG


Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Starter Turns Engine but Engine Fails to Start

Check compression release lever (diesel
1 engine)
– Engine is equipped with compression release
lever. During engine starting, it can be actu-
ated for a short while to ease overcoming
engine resistance at top dead center.

To enable engine to start with hood open,
seat contact switch must be jumpered.
Jumper must again be removed once en-
gine has started.

4 3 2
Compression release lever (diesel engine)

Using Diesel fuel (diesel engine)

Exceptionally low outdoor temperatures may
cause diesel fuel to congeal. In this condition,
fuel is no longer supplied to the engine.
– To prevent this condition occurring, add vis-
7 cosity agents (winterized diesel fuel or dena-
tured alcohol) to the tank before cold weath-
er sets in.
– If the fuel congeals, replace fuel tank content
with winterized diesel fuel or add viscosity
– Continue by allowing the power sweeper to
warm up in a cold environment, with engine

Fuel filter (diesel engine only)

1 Oil filler neck

2 Lever, compression release
3 Injector line
4 Injector
5 Tank filler cap
6 Seal ring
7 Fuel filter

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Engine Runs but Machine Fails to Move

Transmission drive belt
The transmission drive belt tension is adjusted
by means of the tension roller. The drive belt
must be sufficiently tight so that it will not wow
through more than 3 to 8 mm (0.12-0.32 in) when
applying a force of 2 kg ( 20 N) to the center of the
longest span.
Replace drive belt as required, ensuring that ten-
sion roller has first been relaxed.

Transmission drive belt with tension roller

Check freewheeling function

1 2
OFF The transmission features a freewheeling lever
which can be used to engage or disengage the
drive power.
Starting with S/N 10121, this freewheeling lever
is permanently mounted on the transmission link-
age. It is held in place in the engaged position by
a stop bracket.
Even with the drive engaged, the unit may be
slowly pushed by hand. However, the drive must
be disengaged (clockwise rotation) if the unit is
to be moved over extended distances.
– Position 1: Transmission engaged
– Position 2: Transmission disengaged

Freewheeling lever on transmission It is important to prevent inadvertent disen-
gagement of the freewheeling lever. Other-
wise, no drive power can be applied, and
engine braking will be ineffective.

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Engine Runs but Machine Fails to Move

Checking drive pedal ORIGINAL
A linkage connects the drive pedal to the shift
lever (2) on the transmission (7). When the drive
pedal is not actuated, the shaft-mounted leg
spring (6) always returns this lever to the center
position .
When at the center position, the drive pedal ad-
justment should provide for equal angles from
the horizontal for both forward and return foot-
An adjusting screw (8) beneath the drive pedal
limits pedal travel and, at the same time, the max.
drive speed (see technical specifications).

This limit must be observed especially in the
Shift lever on transmission case of units licensed for road travel.
It is essential that the shaft-mounted leg spring
(6) securely rests against the dog pin (4) and
stop pin (5), and that it does not slip past these
two limiters (check intermediate plate (3)).
With the drive pedal at center position and with
the parking brake released, the unit may move
neither forward nor backward.
The drive pedal must travel without jerking or
8 binding.

All adjusting screws must be fixed with seal-
ing lacquer.

Adjusting drive pedal

1 Drive pedal linkage

2 Shift lever
3 Intermediate plate
4 Dog pin in shift lever
5 Stop pin in transmission
6 Shaft-mounted leg spring
7 Transmission
8 Adjusting screw

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Engine Runs but Machine Fails to Move

Checking drive pedal REVISED
A linkage connects the drive pedals to the shift
lever (4) on the transmission (1). When the drive
pedals are not actuated, the pull spring (3) al-
ways returns this lever to the center position.
4 When at the center position, the drive pedals
3 should be adjusted so that the forward and re-
verse pedals at equal angles from the horizontal.
2 Two adjusting screws (5 and 6) beneath the drive
pedals limit pedal travel and, at the same time,
determine the max. drive speed (see technical

These limits must be observed especially in
1 the case of units licensed for road travel.
Shift lever on transmission

With the drive pedals at center position and with

5 the parking brake released, the unit may move
neither forward nor backward.
The drive pedal must travel without jerking or

8 All adjusting screws must be fixed with seal-
ing lacquer.

Adjusting drive pedals

1 Transmission
2 Drive pedal linkage
3 Pull spring
4 Shift lever
5 Adjusting screw, FWD drive
6 Adjusting screw, REV drive

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Engine Runs but Machine Fails to Move

Adjust hydrostatic transmission
Starting with serial no. 11482 to serial no. 11882,
the hydrostatic transmission (1) is installed in a
slanted position. As the slant is not adjustable,
engine and transmission drive belts may fail after
1 2 a short while.
Starting with serial no. 11883, it is possible to
3 adjust the incline of the hydrostatic transmission.
To this end, the holding bracket (3) was provided
with an elongated hole.
– Loosen adjusting bolt (2).
2 – Position hydrostatic transmission so that drive
belts run straight in belt pulleys.
– Securely tighten adjusting bolt and seal with
safety paint (2).

Adjusting hydrostatic transmission Note:

Retrofitting kit 2.882-530 is available for units
fer to service bulletin no. 2001-042)
with serial no’s. 11482 through 11883. (Re-
1 Hydrostatic transmission
2 Bolt w/ stop nut
3 Holding bracket, hydrostatic transmission

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Engine Runs but Machine Fails to Move

Insert hydrostatic transmission

Starting with serial no. 10 053, the transmis-
sion is slanted forward, putting less strain
on the drive belt.
Check and observe parking brake effectiveness
and belt tension when a new transmission is in-

Transmission, thru S/N 10366

The KMR 1250 is fitted with three different
transmission shafts.
Owing to their different properties and physi-
cal construction, these transmissions are
not interchangeable.

Part no. Serial no. Features

6.454-074 thru 10336 1 pedal
6.454-088 10337 thru 11481 2 pedals
6.454-116 11482 and up slanted

Transmission, S/N 10337 thru 11481

Transmission, serial no. 11482 and up

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Maintenance Procedures (gasoline and LPG engine)

For operating and maintenance instructions,
consult the Operator Manual for this engine.

Check engine oil level

– Engine oil level must be between the MIN
and MAX markings on the dipstick.

Top up engine oil

– The dipstick hole is used to add new oil to the
engine. For oil type and required volume,
check unit “Specifications”.

Change engine oil

– Place a suitable catch tray beside the unit.
Oil dipstick
– While holding oil drain hose in catch tray,
remove oil plug and allow engine oil to drain.
– Securely replace oil drain plug.
– Fill engine with new oil. For oil type and re-
quired volume, refer to “Specifications”.

Ensure environmentally safe disposal of
used engine oil.

Draining engine oil

Clean air filter element

When filter element is dirty, replace the paper
filter element (2). To clean filter element, blow
1 through with compressed air from the inside out,
or firmly tap on hard surface to dislodge caked-
on dust. Do not brush off because this would
press dust particles into paper fibers.
Wash foam ring (2) with a mild solution of house-
hold detergent. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry.
Immerse foam insert in clean engine oil, and
squeeze to remove excess oil. If too much oil is
allowed to remain in foam insert the engine will
smoke while running.

1 Foam ring
2 Paper element
Air cleaner w/ foam insert and paper element

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Maintenance Procedures (gasoline and LPG engine)

Operating RPM adjustment
The engine operating speed (refer to „Specifica-
tions“) is set by means of the adjustment screw
(1). Once the setting is correct, the screw must
be fixed with sealing lacquer.

Adjusting engine operating speed

Clean sediment bowl

– Set fuel cock (2) to OFF position.
– Remove sedimentation cup (3) complete with
O-ring, and wash out with nonflammable
cleaner or inert cleaning solvent. Allow to dry
thoroughly, then install and tighten securely.
– Set fuel cock (2) again to OPEN position.
Check for possible leaks around sedimenta-
2 tion cup.

Ensure that no spilled fuel remains in area
around carburetor before starting engine.
When engine has started, check sedimen-
tation cup for leaks.

Carburetor w/ fuel cock and sediment bowl

1 Adjusting screw, engine operating RPM

2 Fuel cock
3 Sedimentation cup

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 LPG

Maintenance Procedures (LPG engine)

Set CO value (LPG engine)
To adjust CO value, the following measuring de-
vices will be needed:
– Tachometer, P/N 6.491-361
– Exhaust analyser. Procure suitable CO an-
alyser locally; requires measuring range up
to 2% CO.

Removing muffler guard

1. Set CO value at idle speed

– Start engine, and set accelerator lever on
instrument panel to MIN position. Idle speed
should be between 1250 and 1550 RPM (see
also “technical specifications”).
– Let engine warm up for a few minutes.
– Using a floor jack, raise front of unit, and
remove muffler guard (1). There is no other
way to access the muffler outlet.
– Measure CO value inside muffler tailpipe (2).
– Using the mixture control screw idle speed)
(5), set CO value on gas regulator (4) (nom-
inal CO value is 0.5%).

Measuring CO value inside muffler tailpipe

– With the correct adjustment, engine must run

smoothly and quietly, and provide reliable
– With adjustment completed, fix mixture con-
trol screw (5) by applying sealing lacquer.
1 Muffler guard
2 Muffler
3 Solenoid valve

4 4 Gas regulator
5 Mixture control screw (idle speed)

Setting CO value w/ mixture control screw (idle


KMR 1250 LPG Troubleshooting Information

Maintenance Procedures (LPG engine)

2. Set CO value at operating speed
– Set accelerator lever on instrument panel to
MAX position (operating speed).
– Measure operating RPM and adjust via stop
screw (6) on carburetor as required. Operat-
ing speed has to be between 2600 and 2700
RPM (see also “technical specifications”).
– With adjustment completed, fix carburetor
stop screw (6) by applying sealing lacquer.
6 – Check CO value inside muffler tailpipe.

Adjusting operating speed

– Using the mixture control screw (idle speed)

(7) (operating speed), set CO value on gas
7 regulator (4) (nominal CO value is 0.5%).
– With the correct adjustment, engine must run
smoothly and quietly, and provide reliable
– With adjustment completed, fix mixture con-
trol screw (7) by applying sealing lacquer.

Setting CO value w/ mixture stop screw (oper.


3 Solenoid valve
4 Gas regulator
5 Mixture control screw (idle speed)
6 Carburetor stop screw
7 Mixture control screw (operating speed)

Störungshilfe KMR 1250 D

Maintenance Procedures (diesel engine)

For operating and maintenance instructions,
consult the Operator Manual for this engine.

Check engine oil level

– Engine oil level must be between the MIN and
MAX markings on the dipstick.

Top up engine oil

– The dipstick hole is used to add new oil to the
engine. For oil type and required volume, refer
to “Specifications”.

Oil dipstick, diesel engine

Change engine oil

– Place a suitable catch tray beside the unit.
– While holding oil drain hose in catch tray,
remove oil plug and allow engine oil to drain.
– Securely replace oil drain plug.

Ensure environmentally safe disposal of
used engine oil.

– Fill engine with new oil. For oil type and re-
quired volume, refer to “Specifications”.

Draining engine oil, diesel engine

Check air filter element

When filter element is dirty, replace the paper
filter element. To clean filter element, blow through
with compressed air from the inside out, or firmly
tap on hard surface to dislodge caked-on dust.
Do not brush off because this would press
dust particles into paper fibers.

Air cleaner w/ paper element, diesel engine

KMR 1250 D Störungshilfe

Maintenance Procedures (diesel engine)

Operating RPM adjustment
Engine operating speed (refer to “technical spec-
ifications”) is set by means of the adjusting screw
With adjustments completed, the screw must be
fixed by applying sealing lacquer.

Governor adjusting screw

Governor spring (6) must be hooked
into hole on governor lever (3) exactly
as shown.
Adjusting screw (4) must be fixed with
1 2 sealing lacquer. Screw may not be
tampered with as this would change
Adjusting engine operating speed, diesel engine
the entire engine setup.

Check fuel solenoid valve

Upon engine shutdown at the ignition switch, the
fuel solenoid valve (8) shuts off fuel supply through
the injector line (7).
3 If the engine fails to shut off:
– Check connecting wire (9) for secure con-
– Use magnetic field tester (11) to determine if
a magnetic field is generated upon actuating
the ignition switch (confirmation by beep tone
on magnetic field tester).
– Use Clip-on ammeter (10) to determine
switching on/off at ignition switch will cause
6 5 4 2
a current at connecting wire (9).
Governor adjusting screw, diesel engine In the absence of a current flow, the fuel solenoid
valve (8) is defective and must be replaced.

7 8 9 40

10 406A
Hol k

1 Adjusting screw, operating speed
2 Throttle control cable
3 Governor lever
4 Adjusting screw, governor
5 Governor spring
11 6 Governor spring
7 Injector line
8 Fuel solenoid valve
9 Connecting wire
10 Clip-on ammeter (Multimeter)
11 Magnetic field tester
Checking fuel solenoid valve, diesel engine

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Parking Brake – No Function

Adjust parking brake
4 5 6
3 Note:
With the parking brake released, there must
be NO braking effect, and the wire and cas-
2 ing cable (1) must be fully relaxed.
The parking brake is required to securely hold
the unit in place when applied on a grade of 25%,
and with the unit loaded to capacity.
7 At the same time, tension (X) of the pull spring (7)
1 X may not extend by more than 5 to 10 mm (0.20-
0.40 in).
Brake adjustment is accomplished with adjust-
ing nut (5).

Adjusting parking brake - Starting with serial no. 10600, a pull

spring is installed on the operating lever
(9). This ensures a more easy movement
4 5 6 7 8
of the brake when the operating lever (9)
3 is actuated.


Adjusting parking brake

1 Wire and casing cable
2 Brake caliper
10 3 Brake piston
4 Brake pulley
5 Adjusting nut
10 6 Brake lever
7 Pull spring
8 Pull spring
9 Operating lever, parking brake
10 Pull spring
Parking brake w/ pull spring

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Brush Roller – Poor Performance

Check tire pressure
2 1 Uneven tire pressure in the rear wheels causes
the power sweeper to tilt sideways and run lop-
A sided. The result may be a substandard sweep-
ing pattern and the cleaning result is not satisfy-
Check control cables
The combination of excessive strains at deflec-
tion pulleys and repeated road soiling exert con-
siderable stresses on mechanical control cables.
5 3
If required, check cable routing, clean cables,
4 and lubricate with new grease (P/N 6.288-107).

Replace brush roller

– Stop and park the machine, engage parking
Removing brush roller arm break.
– Using the operating lever, lower brush roller
to center position.
1 – Swing RH side hatch (3) upward.
– Remove safety bolt (2) at lower end of fork
head (A, B), and pivot rod toward the rear.
– Turn knurled screw (3) counterclockwise.
– Remove brush roller arm (4).
– Open turn-lock latch (5), and swing hinged
brush roller hatch toward front of unit.
– Extract brush roller (6).
– Turn brush roller adjustment screw clock-
5 wise until seated.
– Install new brush roller, then replace brush
roller arm.
6 4
Extracting brush roller Ground clearance of raised brush roller must
be at least 10 mm (0.40 in).

1 Side hatch
2 Safety bolt
3 Knurled screw
4 Brush roller arm
5 Turn-lock latch for hinged brush roller
6 Brush roller
Brush roller, installed position. Arrow points FWD.

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Brush Roller – Poor Performance

Check sweeping pattern
– Close dust pickup hatch.
– Drive mobile sweeper onto dusty surface,
and set parking brake.
– Lower brush roller (lever in center position),
and allow to run in place for a few seconds.
– Raise brush roller and, with coarse debris
hatch open, reverse a few feet.

Sweeping pattern width should be between

30 and 50 mm (1.18-1.97 in). Parallel devia-


tion should be less than 15 mm (0.60 in).

Checking sweeping pattern

Modify sweeping pattern

The sweeping pattern is modified by means of
the central adjustment screw:
– To increase pattern contact area: Turn out
adjusting screw counterclockwise (+).
– To increase pattern contact area: Turn in
adjustment screw clockwise (–).

Modifying sweeping pattern

Set correct sweeping pattern

A wedge-shaped sweeping pattern may be set
by adjusting brush roller suspension on the fork
head (1). This may be accomplished by manip-
ulating the fork head on either left-hand or right-
hand side, or on both sides.

1 Fork head
Setting sweeping pattern

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Brush Roller – No Rotation

Check / replace Brush roller
1 2 3 4 5
In the event that wrap-around string or banded
materials block the brush roller, the latter must
be deinstalled and obstructions removed. Adjust
drive belt tension rollers to allow approx. 10 mm
depression of the respective drive belts.

Check / replace brush roller drive belt (4)

This drive belt (4) is located on the vehicle left in
the brush well.
If required, replace drive belt after relaxing ten-
sion roller (2).

Checking brush roller drive belt

8 9 Check / replace sweeping drive belt (6)

This drive belt (6) is located on the smaller sheave
of the belt pulley (7).
- Loosen tension roller (2), remove drive belt
(4) and brush roller arm (3).
- Loosen tension rollers (8) and (10), remove
drive belt (9). Disconnect the drive belt (6)
from the belt pulley (7).
- Remove drive belt (11).
6 - Loosen intermediate shaft at the flange

M mounting (11). The drive belt (6) can now be

- Place new drive belt (6) on intermediate shaft
(12), and on the smaller of the two sheaves
on pulley (7).
- Reinstall all previously removed components
Checking drive belts for sweeper
in reversed sequence, then tighten drive belts.

1 1 Belt pulley, intermediate shaft
2 Tension roller, main roller drive
3 Brush roller arm
4 Drive belt, brush roller
5 Belt pulley, brush roller
6 Drive belt, sweeping drive
7 Belt pulley, engine
8 Tension roller, hydrostatic transmission
11 9 Drive belt, hydrostatic transmission
12 10 Tension roller, sweeping drive belt
11 Flange mounting
12 Intermediate shaft
3 4
M Driving engine
Removing intermediate shaft

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Side Brushes – Poor Sweeping Performance

Check drive belt side brush
1 2 3 4 5 6
The side brush is driven by elastic drive belt (5)
via intermediate shaft (6).
Belt replacement necessitates deinstallation of
intermediate shaft (6) (see page 35, pos. 12).

Check control cable side brush

The control cable (3) is subjected to considera-
ble strain through exposure to road soiling. If
required, check cable routing via deflection pul-
ley (2) for ease of movement. Clean and lubri-
cate with new grease, P/N 6.288-107.

Replace side brush

The side brush is attached to the underside of
8 7 the transmission by means of three bolts.
Side brush drive belt (shown at right)

Sweeping pattern – Check / adjust

5 3 4 4 5 3 2 4
L R – Sprinkle a level surface evenly with fine sand.
Drive machine onto this surface, and set
parking brake.
– Lower side brush, and allow to run for ap-
prox. 15 to 30 seconds. Continue by raising
side brush, backing sweeper off test surface.
– The bottom position of the side brush is ad-
justed by means of the stop screw (7). The
sweeping pattern should be shaped like a
half-moon sickle.
– The top position of the side brush is adjusted
by manipulating the control cable adjustment
(4). Ground clearance of raised side brush
must be approx. 10 to 15 mm (0.40-0.60 in).

Adjusting LH and RH side brushes Note:

The side brush must be easily moved down
and up by means of the control lever. When
operating, it extends approx. 15 cm (5.9 in)
beyond the machine footprint, with exten-
sion radius limited by a chain (1).

1 Chain
2 Deflection pulley
3 Control cable
4 Control cable adjustment, ground clear-
5 Drive belt
6 Intermediate shaft
7 Stop screw, contact pressure
8 Side brush
Checking sweeping patterns

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Excessive Unit Dusting

3 Replace dust filter

A noticeable deposit of dust at the impeller fan
exhaust indicates a poorly installed or defective
2 dust filter.
– Raise debris container (1) to half of its travel,
2 and secure against dropping.
– Unsnap clip fasteners (2) on filter enclosure.
– Swing filter enclosure (3) forward, then lift
– Unfold hand grip (4), pull out, and unlock by
means of a 90-degree turn.
– Remove old dust filter (5).
1 – Insert new dust filter (6).
– Return hand grip (4) to original position, and
snap into place.
Lifting filter box – Install filter enclosure (3), and lock clip fas-
teners (2).

Check rubber sleeve

To prevent filter replacement problems caused
by premature corrosion of the locator pin (7) in
the filter receptacle, a rubber sleeve (9) was in-
stalled on units with S/N 10518 and up.
Defective or missing rubber sleeve (9) should be
5/6 replaced or retrofitted (refer to service bulletin
no. 1998-045).

Replacing dust filter

2 1 Debris container
2 Filter enclosure clip fasteners
3 Filter enclosure
4 Hand grip
5/6 Replace dust filter
7 Locator pin
8 Compression spring
3 9 Rubber sleeve
Installing rubber sleeve

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Excessive Unit Dusting

Check filter receptacle
A noticeable accumulation of dust in the engine
compartment indicates a leaky filter receptacle.
The seal ring (1) is defective or the three open-
ings on flange (2) are too large, and protrude
beyond the welded ring (3).
– Pull off seal ring (1), check and replace as
– To seal the openings, apply silicon sealer
3 around the entire circumference outside the
2 welded ring (3).
– Replace seal ring (1), ensure proper seat-

Sealing shaker motor flange

Check coarse debris flap

When the coarse dirt flap is open, the brush roller
flings the dirt and dust away toward the front
without sweeping it up.
The coarse debris flap (5) must open and shut
easily. If required, clean the control cable (7),
and lubricate with new grease (P/N 6.288-107)
or spray in with teflon spray (P/N 6.288-125).
When opened, the gap of the coarse debris flap
(5) should be at least 40 mm (1.58 in) wide. In its
lowered state, it should trail by approx. 10 to 20
mm (0.40-0.80 in).
The coarse debris flap (5) is adjusted with the
adjusting screw (6).

8 7 5 6 4 Note:
Coarse debris flap in open position If the coarse debris flap trails excessively, it
may get caught in the brush roller.
1 Seal ring
2 Flange assembly
When replacing the control cable (7), care must
3 Welded ring (mating rim for seal ring) be taken that the retainer (4) remains in the orig-
4 Retainer, control cable inal horizontal position. This prevents the coarse
5 Coarse debris flap debris flap from being pulled inward again after
6 Adjusting screw, coarse debris flap a short while, breaking the control cable as a
7 Control cable
To straighten out the retainer (4) or to access the
5 Sheet metal guard
adjusting screw (6), the sheet metal guard (8)
must be removed.

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Excessive Unit Dusting

Check dust pickup
1 – When sweeping on dry ground, the hatch (4)
will be opened with the lever (8) to allow air
to enter the impeller fan.
– When sweeping on moist or wet ground, the
2 hatch must be closed again to prevent mois-
ture from entering the dust filter.
5 3 – When the sweeping debris container is
4 raised, it also automatically closes the hatch
(4). This prevents dust or objects to be drawn
into the large open intake opening (7) in this
The right-hand side panel conceals a forked,
spring-loaded lever (6). When lowered almost to
the bottom position, the container presses the
lever forward. This causes the container to be
Dustpickuphatch locked up in its end position so that it cannot
swing out inadvertently during travel in moun-
tainous terrain.
7 3 6 The control cable (3) for the hatch (4) is attached
to the lever (6). Pressing the lever backward while
raising the debris container closes the hatch.
Pressing the lever forward while lowering the
debris container causes the hatch (4) again to be
opened by the coil spring (5).

When the lever is set to the “SUN” position
(8), the hatch (4) must be fully open.
The lever (4) operating the hatch must travel
easily enough to allow it to be opened by the
coil spring (5) without problems.

6 3
Container locking lever

1 Housing, impeller fan

2 Control cable connected from lever (8) on
instrument panel to hatch (4)
3 Control cable connected from lever (6) to
hatch (4)
4 Hatch
5 Coil spring
6 Debris container locking lever
7 Intake opening
8 Lever, dust pickup close / open
Lever, dust pickup close / open

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Excessive Unit Dusting

Check seal on filter housing
Up until S/N 10033, the seal was applied to the
impeller fan inlet. Later, in an effort to improve
seal effectiveness, it was attached to the filter
With the filter housing lowered, the seal must
reliably seal off the transition to the housing.

Seal on filter housing

Check seals on brush well

The three seals shown at left serve to seal off the
brush roller well from the debris container.
The seals must be replaced as required.

Check impeller fan drive belt

The drive belt (see page 14 pos. 3) is elastic and
cannot be adjusted.
Replace belt as required.

Seals on brush well (rear view with raised container)

Check tire pressure

A too low tire pressure causes a sinking of the
sealing lips and sealing strips and thus a worse
R sweeping result.
(See “Specifications” for tire pressures.)

Checking tire pressure

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Excessive Unit Dusting

Adjust sealing lips / sealing strips in the
10-20 mm sweeping area
The sealing lips and sealing strips serve essen-
tial functions. They maintain the vacuum level in
the sweeping area required for proper function-
ing, ensuring dust-free sweeping operations at
the same time. Damaged or worn sealing lips /
sealing strips must be replaced.
– The front sealing lip (1) cannot be adjusted.
If worn, it should be replaced as soon as
1-3 mm

4 – Adjust lateral sealing strips (3) to provide a
1 3 5 ground clearance of approx. 1 to 3 mm (0.04-
0.12 in).
– Adjust rear sealing lip (4) with an afterrunning
clearance of approx. 10 to 20 mm (0.40-0.80
Adjusting sealing lips & sealing strips in).

Always consider the weight of the driver
when doing setup work.
On original units, the lateral sealing lips (3) were
2 cut in such a way that a gap existed between
these and the rear sealing lip (4). It provided
access for fine dust to be drawn into the engine
5 compartment and engine proper, and enter the
engine. Replace older sealing lips with new lat-
eral sealing lips (4). They are cut differently at
the back.
Check sealing lips at engine air intake
Together, the sealing lip (6 and 7) on the air-
channel carburetor and the seal on the air chan-
5 nel blower provide dust-free air to be drawn into
Lateral sealing lip the engine.
The cross-section of the sealing lip (6 and 7) on
the air-channel carburetor was optimized. Seal-
ing strip must be checked for the new cross-
section and possible damage, and must be re-
1 placed as required.
The seal (8) on the air-channel carburetor must
be checked for damage and deformation, and
2 replaced as required.
1 Front sealing lip
2 Lateral sealing strip ORIGINAL
3 Lateral sealing strip ORIGINAL
3 4 Rear sealing lip
5 Direction of motion
6 Sealing lip ORIGINAL , air-channel carbure-
7 Sealing lip REVISED , air-channel carbure-
Sealing lips, air intake 8 Seal, air-channel blower

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Filter cleaning Motor – No Function

Check terminals (X 10 / X 11) in filter hous-
Power for the filter cleaning motor is supplied via
two spring-loaded contact terminals (1).
With the debris container lowered, spring-load-
ed contact points (1) mounted on the divider baffle
must reliably make connection with rigid mating
contacts (2) on debris container, being depressed
by approx. 3 to 4 mm (0.12-0.16 in) in the proc-
1 ess.
Clean contacts, adjust contact position by install-
ing flat washers, or replace contacts as required.

1 Contacts on divider baffle, spring-loaded

2 Contact points on debris container, rigid
Contact points filter housing

Check input voltage at M3 filter cleaning

X4 X5
-F1 -F2 Each time ignition switch is set to “0” position,
A1 (10 A) (7,5A) -K1 filter cleaning motor automatically runs for ap-
prox. 15 seconds. Pressing filter cleaning button
X1 X2 X3 X6 while engine is running ( ignition switch in “I”
position) starts 15-second filter cleaning cycle.
To prevent dislodged dust from being drawn into
V suction turbine, air flap must be closed before-
X10 X11 – Raise debris container.
– Press filter cleaning button.
M – Check voltage on contact terminals X10/X11.
-M3 – If there is no voltage present, start by check-
ing fuse F1 (10 A) on A1 circuit board, then
check terminals X2/X3.
Checking M3 motor input voltage – If a voltage is present without shaker motor
running, check motor for ohmic resistance.


Fuse F1 (filter cleaning motor) on A1 circuit board

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Hydraulic Unit – No Function

Troubleshooting may proceed with engine
shut off.
(60A) Check hydraulic unit
- Check F3 fuse. The F3 fuse protects only the
hydraulic unit. It is located beneath the elec-
trical box.
- Using a voltmeter, check input voltage of M2
hydraulic unit between thick red cable (pos-
itive polarity, 10 sq. mm cross-section) and
matching black cable (negative polarity).
- Using the voltmeter, check input voltage on
motor relay. Perform measurement with ig-
nition switch set to position “I”.
Checking F3 fuse With buttons S5 and S8 actuated, control
voltage must be present at relay.
If measurements removed components  and
‚ produce a voltage reading but hydraulic motor
is not running, the hydraulic unit is defective and
+ must be replaced.
(60A) Note:
The wiring connections between relay and
hydraulic motor are not shown in the electri-
cal circuit diagram.

Check solenoid valves (Y1 / Y2)

1 Measurements ƒ and „: Using the voltmeter,
-S10 check input voltage on solenoid valves Y1 and
Y2 at connecting plug.
If voltage is present, solenoid valves will switch
with an audible click.
1 qmm
(rt/bl) If there is no voltage present, check power sup-
ply, vehicle ground connections and both but-
1 qmm tons (S5 and S8) for proper functioning.
(rt/bl) (rt/bl) The solenoid valves are not available as spare
1 4
4 parts. If a defect is found, the entire hydraulic
-S6 2 2 5 5
assembly must be replaced.
-S7 -S8

1,5 qmm
0,75 qmm (rt)
(ws) F3 Fuse, hydraulic unit
2,5 qmm
(rt) M2 Hydraulic unit
0,75 qmm +
(br) M
S5 Button, Two-Hand Operation
1 1 S6 Button, Lower Debris Container
4 3 - 1 2 S7 Button, Tilt Debris Container
2 2 -M2
-Y2 -Y1
S8 Button, Raise Debris Container
- Y1 Solenoid valve, Tilt Debris Container
10 qmm
Y2 Solenoid valve, Raise / Lower Container
Checking voltage on hydraulic unit

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Debris Container – Very Slow Ascent

Check hydraulic unit
By contamination within the hydraulic system,
the debris container can no longer be raised after
a brief operating period. The fine orifices in the
hydraulic unit are blocked.
1 As the hydraulic unit is maintenance-free and
should not be opened. It must be replaced as an
assembly if required.
With the debris container lowered, the hydraulic
fluid level should be approx. 2 to 3 cm (0.80-1.18
in) below the edge of the filler neck.

Extremely clean working conditions and
work habits are a prerequisite for working
on the hydraulic system.
Hydraulic unit
After a replacement, all hydraulic system com-
ponents automatically purge themselves when
the raising mechanism is actuated repeatedly.
As a result, only the lifting cylinder must be purged
1 1 Hydraulic fluid filler neck
Y1 Solenoid valve, Tilt Container
Y2 Solenoid valve, Raise / Lower Container

Check hydraulic fluid

Y2 When the unit is cold, the use of nonstandard
hydraulic fluid will cause the debris container to
be raised only very slowly.
The correct choice of hydraulic fluid (see “Spec-
ifications”) facilitates working at temperatures to
-10 °C (14 °F) without difficulty.
Hydraulic unit

Purge lifting cylinder

– Raise container to the top position, and sup-
port to prevent inadvertent descent.
– Press Raise Container button again, while at
the same time cracking the purge screw on
the lifting cylinder. When all air has escaped
and hydraulic fluid exits without bubbles, tight-
en purge screw.
– Wipe up hydraulic fluid runoff, and check flu-
id level in reservoir.


Raised container must be reliably
supported while personnel is working

Bleeding (purging) air from lifting cylinder

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

Debris Container – No Full Ascent

Adjust pressure relief valve
Raise empty or full debris container to maximum
attainable height (two-hand operation). In this
position hold on the two buttons and measure
the current draw of the hydraulic unit (see “tech-
nical specification”). The current draw provides
a measure of the opening pressure set on the
pressure relief valve.

Hydraulic unit,
adjust pressure relief valve ORIGINAL
– Remove hydraulic unit but do not discon-
nect hydraulic hoses.
– Holding valve insert (3) with wrench, unscrew
cap of pressure relief valve (1). The cap
conceals the valve adjusting screw.
Hydraulic unit w/ pressure relief valve – Continue to hold valve insert (3) with wrench,
loosen lock nut (2) on valve adjusting screw.
– Using a flat screwdriver, turn adjusting screw:
One-half CW turn increases current draw by
roughly 4 to 5 A (approx. 10 bar, approx. 145
– Finish by tightening lock nut on adjusting
screw, again installing screw cap (1).
– Install hydraulic unit: Perform function test,
1 and measure current draw.
3 Hydraulic unit,
adjust pressure relief valve REVISED
– Remove hydraulic unit but do not discon-
nect hydraulic hoses.
– Remove screw cap (4). Cap conceals ad-
justing screw (5).
– Using a stubby screwdriver, turn adjusting
Adjusting pressure relief valve
One-half CW turn increases current draw by
roughly 4 to 5 A (approx. 10 bar, approx. 145
– Finish by installing screw cap (4).
– Install hydraulic unit: Perform function test,
and measure current draw.

1 Cap
2 Lock nut
3 Valve insert
4 Screw cap
4 5
5 Adjusting screw
Adjusting pressure relief valve

Troubleshooting Information KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Excessive Steering Free Play

Adjust steering free play
3 Wear and tear and stretching of the steering chain
(1) may cause excessive steering free play.
If steering free play becomes too large, the steering
chain must be tighted, replaced as required
Tighten steering chain
– Loosen nuts of mounting bolts (2), and tighten
chain (1) by shifting steering column (3) in elon-
1 gated holes.
– Retighten mounting nuts.

Replace chain
– Loosen nuts of mounting bolts (2), and shift
steering column (3) in elongated holes far
enough to allow removal of steering chain (1).
– Install new steering chain, ensuring that front
Adjusting steering free play
wheel points straight ahead when steering wheel
1 Steering chain is in center (non-deflected) position.
2 Mounting bolts w/ nuts – Tighten chain (1) by shifting steering column (3)
3 Steering column (shaft inside) in elongated holes.
– Retighten mounting nuts

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D Troubleshooting Information

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Hydraulic Block Diagram 0.087-964 ORIGINAL through S/N 10441









D1 D2

A, B Pressure connection, hydraulic unit R1/R2 Non-return valve

D1 Throttle valve RB Pipe-break valve
D2 Throttle valve Y1 Solenoid valve – Tilt debris container
D3 Throttle valve Y2 Solenoid valve – Raise/Lower debris
DB Pressure relief valve container
HP Hydraulic unit Z1 Lifting cylinder
M2 Electric motor, hydraulic unit Z2 Tilting cylinder w/ gas strut damper
P Hydraulic pump

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Hydraulic Block Diagram 0.088-234 REVISED from S/N 10442




Y2 D




A, B Pressure connection, hydraulic unit R Non-return valve

D Throttle valve RB Pipe-break valve
DB Pressure relief valve S Throttle valve
E Filler / purge screw Y1 Solenoid valve – Tilt debris container
F Filter Y2 Solenoid valve – Raise/Lower debris
HP Hydraulic unit container
M2 Electric motor, hydraulic unit Z1 Lifting cylinder
P Hydraulic pump Z2 Tilting cylinder w/ gas strut damper


Electrical Circuit Diagram 0.087-963 (KMR 1250 B)

10 qmm
-F4 -F3
(15A) (60A)

2,5 qmm
1,5 qmm 1 qmm 10 qmm
(bl/sw) 0,75 qmm
2 (sw/rt) -V2 (rt/sw) (rt)

50a 15/50 15 (ge) -X1 1

0 I II -S10
-S9 -S3 -V4 -S5
0,1 30 30.1
1,5 qmm -S1 1,5 qmm 1,5 qmm
16 qmm (rt) (sw) (rt/sw)
(rt) -A2
3 1 6 4 1 qmm

2,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 2 5

(rt) (rt) H1 1 qmm
X4 X5 (rt/bl) (rt/bl)
+ -F2 1,5 qmm
-F1 -K1 3 1 4
-G1 -A1 (10A) (7,5A) (ge) 1 4
- -S2 -S6
2 2 2 5 5
12V/44 Ah

X1 X2 X3 X6 -S7 -S8

1,5 qmm 1 qmm

(rt/gr) 1,5 qmm
(ge/rt) (ws) 2,5 qmm 2,5 qmm 2,5 qmm (ge)
(ge/rt) (ge/rt) (gr/sw)

16 qmm

(sw) -X1 -X1 -X1 2,5 qmm

(sw/ws) ws -E1 -E3 (rt)

X10 X11
30 (rt/sw) 0,75 qmm 0,75 qmm
50a 1 qmm 1 qmm +
M (ge/sw) (ws) (br) M
M (ge)
G h -P1 1 1

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

-E2 -E4
gn -
(sw) -M3 2 2

-M1 -G2 -Y2 -Y1 -M2

-X1 1,5 qmm

-X1 10 qmm
(sw) (gr)

Note: Unmarked wiring has cross-section of .75 sq. mm

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Electrical Circuit Diagram 0.087-963 (KMR 1250 B)

A1 Filter cleaning control Detachable wiring connection
A2 Ignition Graphic symbol for wiring connection
E1-E4 Headlights Vehicle earth/ground
F1 Fuse - Filter cleaning motor Female coupling (X1 connecting plug)
F2 Fuse - control voltage Male coupling (X1 connecting plug)
F3 Fuse - Hydraulic unit
F4 Fuse - Alternator bl = blue
G1 Battery bn = brown
G2 Alternator ge = yellow
H1 Indicator lamp - Headlights gr = grey
H2 Horn gn = green
K1 Relay - filter cleaning motor rt = red
M1 Starter or = orange
M2 Hydraulic unit rs = rose (pink)
M3 Filter cleaning motor sw = black
P1 Operating hours counter ws = white
S1 Ignition switch
S2 Button - Filter cleaning
S3 Switch - Seat contact
S4 Switch - Headlights
S5 Button - Hydraulics
S6 Button - Lower Container
S7 Button - Tilt Container
S8 Button - Raise Container
S9 Oil level switch
S10 Button - Horn
V1-V4 Diode
X1 Plug, 6-pin
X10/11 Contacts - Filter cleaning motor
Y1 Solenoid valve - Tilt debris container
Y2 Solenoid valve - Raise / Lower debris


Electrical Circuit Diagram 0.088-151 (KMR 1250 LPG)

10 qmm

2,5 qmm
-F4 1,5 qmm (rt/sw)
(15A) -X1 (60A)
1 qmm
(ge) -V2
50a 15/50 15
0 I II 1 1 1
-S3 2 -V3 -S10 10 qmm
2 2
0,1 30 30.1 -S2 -S11 -S5 (rt)
1,5 qmm 2,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 1 qmm
6 qmm
(rt) (rt) (rt) (sw) (rt/sw) (rt/bl)

1 qmm
0,75 qmm (rt/bl) (rt/bl)
X4 X5 (sw/rt)
3 1 6 4 1 1 4 4
-F1 -F2
(10A) (7,5A) -S6
-A1 -A2 -S4 2 -S7 2 5 5
2 H1 5 -S8
X1 X2 X3 X4
1,5 qmm 1,5 qmm
12V/44 Ah

(ge) (rt)
1,5 qmm
2,5 qmm 2,5 qmm 2,5 qmm (rt/gr)
(ge/rt) (gr/sw)
(sw) (ge/rt) 1 qmm
4 (ge)
6 qmm 1 -X1
w) (sw/ws) -X1 2,5 qmm
-X1 6
(ws) (rt/sw) X10 X11
50a -E1 -E3
30 0,75 qmm 0,75 qmm +
M 1 qmm (ws) (br) M
M 1 qmm (ge/sw)
G h -P1

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

(ge) 1 1 1 1
(gn) -
-E2 -E4 2 2 2 2
-M1 -G2 3 -M3 -Y4 -Y3 -Y2 -Y1 -M2
-X1 1,5 qmm
10 qmm
(sw) (gr) (sw)

Note: Unmarked wiring has cross-section of .75 sq. mm

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Electrical Circuit Diagram 0.088-151 (KMR 1250 LPG)

A1 Filter cleaning control Detachable wiring connection
A2 Ignition Graphic symbol for wiring connection
E1-E4 Headlights Vehicle earth/ground
F1 Fuse - Filter cleaning motor Female coupling (X1 connecting plug)
F2 Fuse - control voltage Male coupling (X1 connecting plug)
F3 Fuse - Hydraulic unit
F4 Fuse - Alternator bl = blue
G1 Battery bn = brown
G2 Alternator ge = yellow
H1 Indicator lamp - Headlights gr = grey
H2 Horn gn = green
M1 Starter rt = red
M2 Hydraulic unit or = orange
M3 Filter cleaning motor rs = rose (pink)
P1 Operating hours counter sw = black
S1 Ignition switch ws = white
S2 Button - Filter cleaning
S3 Switch - Seat contact
S4 Switch - Headlights
S5 Button - Hydraulics
S6 Button - Lower Container
S7 Button - Tilt Container
S8 Button - Raise Container
S9 Oil level switch
S10 Button - Horn
S11 Button - Choke
V1-V4 Diode
X1 Connecting plug, 6-pin
X10/11 Contacts - Filter cleaning motor
Y1 Solenoid valve - Tilt debris container
Y2 Solenoid valve - Raise / Lower debris
Y3 Solenoid valve - Fuel shutoff valve
Y4 Choke lifting solenoid

10 qmm

Electrical Circuit Diagram 0.088-097 (KMR 1250 D)


2,5 qmm
-F4 (rt/sw) 1 qmm 1 qmm 1 qmm -F3
(15A) -V1 (rt/sw) (rt/sw) (rt/sw) (60A)


50a 15/54 -V4
0 I II 1
-S5 -S9 -S3
0,1 2
30 (br) (br)
-H2 -Y3
5 qmm 1,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 2,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 1,5 qmm 1 qmm 10 qmm
t) (rt) (rt/sw) (rt) (rt) (rt/sw) (rt/bl) (sw)

1,5 qmm

X4 X5 3 1 4 1 4
+ 3 1 6 4 4
G1 -F1 -F2 K1
-A1 (10A) (7,5A) 2 2 5 2 5 5
- -S2 -S6 -S7 -S8
X1 X2 X3 X6 2 H1 5

5 qmm 2,5 qmm 2,5 qmm 2,5 qmm (rt/gr) 1,5qmm
(gn/ws) (br) (rt)
w) -X1. (sw) (ge/rt) (gr/sw) (ge)

(ws) (gn)
30 50a (ws) (br)
(rt/sw) -E1 -E3 +
-G2 G h -P1 X10 X11
1 1

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

(gn) -E2 -E4
M 2 2
-M1 (gn/ws) -Y2 -Y1 -M2
1,5 qmm 10 qmm
-M3 (sw)

Note: Unmarked wiring has cross-section of .75 sq. mm

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Electrical Circuit Diagram 0.088-097 (KMR 1250 D)

A1 Filter cleaning control Detachable wiring connection
A2 Ignition Graphic symbol for wiring connection
E1-E4 Headlights Vehicle earth/ground
F1 Fuse – Filter cleaning motor Female coupling (X1 connecting plug)
F2 Fuse - control voltage Male coupling (X1 connecting plug)
F3 Fuse – Hydraulic unit
F4 Fuse – Alternator bl = blue
G1 Battery bn = brown
G2 Alternator ge = yellow
H1 Indicator lamp – Headlights gr = grey
H2 Horn gn = green
M1 Starter rt = red
M2 Hydraulic unit or = orange
M3 Filter cleaning motor rs = rose (pink)
P1 Operating hours counter sw = black
S1 Ignition switch ws = white
S2 Button – Filter cleaning
S3 Switch – Seat contact
S4 Switch – Headlights
S5 Button – Hydraulics
S6 Button – Lower Container
S7 Button – Tilt Container
S8 Button – Raise Container
S9 Button – Horn
V1-V4 Diode
X1 Connecting plug, 4-pin
X10/11 Contacts – Filter cleaning motor
Y1 Solenoid valve – Tilt Container
Y2 Solenoid valve – Raise/Lower Contain
Y3 Solenoid valve – Fuel shutoff valve

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Maintenance Procedures for B, LPG & D Models


6 bar

max Maintenance
KMR 1250

Wöchentlich Alle
100 h
Weekly Every

20 mm
1-3 mm
1-5 mm

Maintenance intervals Every 100 hours

Maintenance procedures are performed at the – Check air cleaner/filter for damage
following intervals: – Change engine oil
– Check brush roller and side brushes for wear,
Daily by operator and replace as required.
– Check oil level
– Check tire pressure By service specialist
– Check brush roller for wear and snagged – after 8 hours
strings, banding, etc. – every 100 hours
– Check air cleaner/filter for damage – every 300 hours
– every 500 hours
Weekly by operator – every 1000 hours
– Check sealing lips in sweeping system for (Refer to table on opposite page.)
wear and proper adjustment

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Maintenance Procedures for B, LPG & D (after operating hours)

Maintenance procedures 8 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Engine oil - check O O O O O O O O O O O

Main drive belt tension - check O O O O O O O O O O O

Main drive belt - replace O O

Engine air cleaner - clean / replace O O O O O O O O O O O

Drive chains -
check for wear and tension
Cooling air intake - check seal O O O O O O O O O O
Spark plugs - check / clean
(B and LPG only)
Spark plugs - replace
(B and LPG only)
Fuel sediment cup - clean (B only) O O O O O O O O O O
LP gas cylinder - check; connect-
ion must point up (LPG only)
LP gas system - check for leaks
(LPG only)
Tire pressure - check O O O O O O O O O O

Hydraulic hoses - check O O O O O O O O O O

Hydraulic system fluid level - check O O O O O O O O O O

Control cables & all moving parts -
check for easy travel
Unit drive system functions - check
(forward, reverse, freewheeling)
Parking brake function - check O O O O O O O O O O

Debris container functions - check O O O O O O O O O O

Debris container seals - check O O O O O O O O O O

Filter shaker function - check O O O O O O O O O O

Dust filter - check / replace O O O O O O O O O O

Sealing strips in sweeping system -
check for adjustment & wear
Coarse-dirt hatch function - check O O O O O O O O O O

Brush roller & side brushes - check O O O O O O O O O O

Sweeping pattern, main brush roller
& side brushes - check
Exhaust system - check O O O O O O O O O O

Vehicle lighting - check O O O O O O O O O O

Live electrical wiring and contact
points - check
Fuel filter - change
(B and LPG only)
Valve clearance - check O O O

Drive chains - replace O

CO emissions - check / analyze
(LPG only)

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Technical specifications
Service weight (operational) 420 kg
Permitted gross weight 600 kg
Length 1650 mm / 64.96 in
Width 1000 mm / 39.37 in
Height 1270 mm / 50 in
Driving speed, forward, max. 7-8 km/h
Driving speed, reverse, max. 4-6 km/h
Climbing ability, max. 18 %
Width, sweeping path w/o side brush 750 mm / 29.53 in
Width, sweeping path w/ 1 side brush 1000 mm / 39.97 in
Width, sweeping path w/ 2 side brushes 1300 mm / 51.18 in
Debris container, usable capacity, max. 80 l
Debris container, lifting height (min.) 1400 mm / 55.12 in
Debris container, surface area, dust filter 6 m2
Debris container, lifting weight 105–115 kg
Debris container, filter cleaning cycle (after-running time) 10–15 sec
Main brush, ground clearance, raises 10 mm / 0.39 in
Sweeping pattern, width 30 - 50 mm / 1.17-1.95 in
Main brush, diameter 285 mm / 11.22 in
Main brush, speed (at engine operating speed) 560–580 RPM
Side brush, diameter 450 mm / 17.72 in
Side brush, speed (at engine operating speed) 57–63 RPM
Coarse dirt flap, raised (min.) 50 mm / 1.95 in
Coarse dirt flap, after-running 10 - 20 mm / 0.39-0.78 in
Side sealing strips, ground clearance 1-3 mm / 0.04-0.12 in
Rear selling strip, after-running 10 - 20 mm / 0.39-0.78 in
Tires, diameter 300 mm / 11.81 in
Tires, designation 4.00-4 GPR
Tire pressure, front 6 bar 87 psi
Tire pressure, rear 6 bar 87 psi
Tires, torque, wheel stud make-up 44 Nm
Fuses, filter cleaning motor (F1) 10 A
Fuses, control voltage (F2) 7,5 A
Fuses, hydraulic motor (F3) 60 A
Fuses, generator (F4) 15 A
Steering, turns, full LH / RH deflection 1 3 /4
Steering free play (on steering wheel, max.) 5°
Parking brake, brake lever, tension at spring (at hydrostatic drive) 5 - 10 mm / 0.20-0.39 in
Impeller fan, vacuum with closed suction hose 10 - 12 mbar / 0.1-0.2 psi

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Technical specifications
Engine, KMR 1250 B / LPG (P/N 6.491-573)
Designation HONDA GX 270
Type 4-Stroke
No. of cylinders 1
Displacement 270 cm 3
Drive belt engine, clearance with 20 N 3-8 mm / 0.12-0.32 in
Operating speed 2.600 - 2.700 RPM
Idle speed 1.250 - 1.550 RPM
Output (9 bhp at 3600 RPM) 6,6 kW
fuel tank capacity (standard grade, lead-free gasoline) 6 l
Engine oil capacity (SAE 15 W 40) 1,1 l
Battery, maintenance-free 12 V / 44 Ah
Starter electrical
Exhaust value 0,5 %

Engine, KMR 1250 D (P/N 6.491-604)

Designation YANMAR L 70 AE-DE
Type 4-Stroke
No. of cylinders 1
Displacement 270 cm 3
Drive belt engine, clearance with 20 N 3-8 mm / 0.12-0.32 in
Operating speed 2.600 - 2.700 RPM
Idle speed 1.250 - 1.550 RPM
Output (9 bhp at 3600 RPM) 6,6 kW
fuel tank capacity (Diesel) 6 l
Engine oil capacity (SAE 15 W 40) 1,1 l
Battery, maintenance-free 12 V / 44 Ah
Starter electrical

Hydraulic unit
Class, hydraulic fluid DIN HVLP 51524/2
Type, hydraulic fluid HV 46
System capacity 1,5 l
Protection category splash-water protected
Current draw, hydraulic motor, max. 70 A
(Current draw of 70 A permits lifting
container loadoff approx. 105–115 kg.)

Noise level
Measured in accordance with DIN 45 635 T36 and DIN 45 648 standards
at operating speed of 2700 RPM, subjective reading at operator position is 79,5 dB(A).

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Special Tools
Ignition spark tester
(for gasoline and LP gas engine)
Remove spark plug connector from spark plug
and push onto spark tester. Connect clamp to
suitable conductor (e.g., engine cooling fins). If
ignition is in good working condition, cranking
engine with starter will produce visible sparks
between points of spark tester.

P/N 6.491-359

Ignition spark tester, gasoline & LP gas engine

Mechanical tachometer for gasoline, LP

gas, and diesel engine
Engine speed is determined by reading engine
vibrations. Tachometer is placed at suitable lo-
cation on engine (e.g., valve cover). When res-
onance spring is extended until deflection is larg-
est with engine running, scale indicates engine

P/N 6.491-361

Mechanical tachometer (all engines)

Digital tachometer for gasoline

and LP gas engine
From a distance of approx. 100 mm (4 in.), point
this digital tachometer at spark plug wire, and
switch on tester. Set to 4-Stroke (“4-Taktmotor”)
position to read speed of running engine.

P/N 6.803-012

Digital tachometer for gasoline and LP gas engine

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Special Tools
Multimeter must meet the following minimum re-
– AC / DC measuring (amps, volts)
– Diode test function
– Resistance measuring (0-15 kΩ)

P/N 6.803-022
old k
H ea

A 0A
00 40









Multimeter w/ test probes

Magnetic field tester

For testing magnetic fields on solenoid valves.

P/N 6.803-003

Magnetic field tester

Spark plug wrench

for gasoline and LP gas engine
Unscrews spark plug from cylinder head.

P/N 6.815-088

Spark plug wrench for gasoline and LP gas engine

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Special Tools
CO tester
Measures CO component in exhaust emissions.

– Measuring range > 2% CO content

– Resolution: 0.01%
– Includes suction pump
– LCD display

CO Tester for LPG engine

Dual-function hand pump

For checking integrity of diaphragm in LP gas
regulators (LP gas engines). Hand pump fea-
tures switchover valve to generate vacuum or
pressure (Pressure / Vacuum mode).

P/N 6.473-400

Dual-function hand pump

Leak detection spray (for LP gas engines)

Indispensable when checking LP gas system
for leaks.

P/N 6.282-033

Leak detection spray

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

A sealing lips 41
seat contact switch 19
Adjust solenoid valves 43
hydrostatic transmission 24 spark plug 19
parking brake 32 starter M1 17
pressure relief valve 45 terminals 42
sealing lips / sealing strips 41 tire pressure 33, 40
steering free play 46 voltage 17
Adjusting screw, idle mixture 8 Check / replace
Alternator 51, 53, 55 Brush roller drive belt 35
Sweeping drive belt 35
Choke 7
Battery 51, 53, 55 lifting solenoid 53
Brush Roller system function 9
No Rotation 35 Clean air filter element 26
Poor Performance 33, 34 Clean sediment bowl 27
Brush roller 14, 15 CO tester 62
Button Coarse-dirt flap 15
Choke 53 Connecting plug, 4-pin 55
clean dust filter 7 Connecting plug, 6-pin 53
Filter cleaning 53, 55 Contacts - Filter cleaning motor 51, 53, 55
Filter shaker 51 Controls 7
Horn 7, 51, 53, 55
Hydraulics 51, 53, 55 D
Lower Container 51, 53, 55 Debris Container
lower debris container 7 No Full Ascent 45
Raise Container 51, 53, 55 Very Slow Ascent 44
raise debris container 7 Debris container 58
Tilt Container 51, 53, 55 Debris container, lowered / raised 15
tilt debris container 7 Descent stop valve 49
two-hand operation, hydraulic 7 Diesel Engine (YANMAR L 70 AE-DE) 12, 13
Diesel fuel 20
Digital tachometer 60
Carburetor 10 Diode 51, 53, 55
Chain, steering 14 Drive belt
Change engine oil 26, 30 brush roller 14
Check hydrostatic transmission 14
air cleaner element 30 LH side brush 14
battery voltage 16 RH side brush 14
coarse debris flap 38 impeller fan 14
compression release lever 20 drive chain RH 14
control cable 33, 36 Drive pedal 7
drive belt side brush 36 Drive shaft 12
drive pedal 22, 23 Drive system 4
dust pickup 39 Driver seat 6
engine oil level 26, 30 Driving and sweeping data 58
filter receptacle 38 Dual-function hand pump 62
freewheeling function 21 Dust filter 15
fuel solenoid valve 31
fuse 16 E
hydraulic unit 43, 44 Electric motor, hydraulic unit 48, 49
ignition switch 16 Electrical Circuit Diagram 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
input voltage 42 Engine 6, 10, 14, 15
oil level switch 19 KMR 1250 B 5
regulator 18 KMR 1250 B / LPG 59
rubber sleeve 37 KMR 1250 D 5, 59
seal 40 KMR 1250 LPG 5

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

Engine Runs L
but Machine Fails to Move 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Excessive Steering Free Play 46 Leak detection spray 62
Excessive Unit Dusting 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 Lever
brush roller 7
F coarse-dirt flap 7
dust pickup 7
Filter 49
LH side brush 7
Filter cleaning control 51, 53, 55
parking brake 7
Filter cleaning motor 51, 53, 55
RH side brush 7
No Function 42
Side brush 6
Flange 13
LH drive chain 14
Float chamber equalization 9
LH side brush 14
Float system 9
Lifting cylinder 48, 49
Front wheel 6, 15
Lifting mechanism 6
Fuel feed line 12, 13
LP Gas Engine
Fuel tank for KMR B / D 6
(HONDA GX 270) 10, 11
Full load operation 9
Fuse 58 M
Alternator 51, 53, 55
control voltage 51, 53, 55 Magnetic field tester 61
Filter cleaning motor 51, 53, 55 Maintenance intervals 56
Hydraulic unit 51, 53, 55 Maintenance Procedures
(diesel engine) 30, 31
G (gasoline and LPG engine) 26, 27
(LPG engine) 28
Gas cylinder (LP Gas) 6
B, LPG & D Model 57
Gas regulator 11
B, LPG & D Models 56
Gas system 11
Mechanical tachometer for gasoline, LP gas, and di 60
Gasoline Engine
Mixture control screw (MAX eng. speed) 10
(HONDA GX 270) 8, 9
Mixture control screw (MIN eng. speed) 10
H Multimeter 61

Head lights 6 N
Headlight switch 7
Noise level 59
Headlights 51, 53, 55
Non-return valve 48, 49
HONDA GX 270 5
Horn 51, 53, 55 O
Hydraulic Block Diagram 48, 49
Hydraulic Unit Oil level sensor 51, 53
No Function 43 Operating hours counter 7, 51, 53, 55
Hydraulic unit 15, 48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59 Operating time 59
adjust pressure relief valve 45 Operator seat 15
Hydrostatic transmission 14, 15, 25
I Parking Brake
Idling operation 9 No Function 32
Ignition 51, 53, 55 Partial load operation 9
Ignition spark tester 60 Pipe-break valve 48, 49
Ignition switch 7, 51, 53, 55 Plug, 6-pin 51
Impeller fan 14, 15, 39 Pressure connection, hydraulic unit 48, 49
Indicator lamp Pressure relief valve 48, 49
Headlights 51, 53, 55 Purge lifting cylinder 44
Injection pump 13
Injection system 12
Injector assembly 13 Rear wheel 15
Rear wheel, chain-driven 6
Relay - filter cleaning motor 51

KMR 1250 B, LPG, D

brush roller 33
chain 46
dust filter 37
Side brush 6

Set CO value 28, 29
Operating RPM adjustment 27, 29, 31
Set engine operating speed 31
Side brush 15
Poor Sweeping Performance 36
side brush 6, 14
Solenoid valve
Fuel shutoff valve 53, 55
Raise/Lower Container 48, 49, 51, 53, 55
Tilt Container 48, 49, 51, 53, 55
Spark plug wrench 61
Special Tools 60, 61
Starter 51, 53, 55
Fails to Turn Engine 16, 17, 18
Turns Engine but Engine Fails to Start 19, 20
Steering 58
Steering and Drive Power 14
Steering wheel 6, 14, 15
Suction and filtering system 4
Sweeping mechanism 58
Sweeping pattern – Check / adjust 36
Sweeping system 4, 15
Headlights 51, 53, 55
Seat contact 51, 53, 55

tank capacity 59
Technical specifications 58, 59
Throttle lever 7
Throttle valve 48, 49
Tighten steering chain 46
Tilting cylinder w/ gas strut assist 48, 49
Tires 58
Top up engine oil 26, 30
Transmission drive belt 21
two-hand operation 4, 7, 43, 45

View from front 6

Weights and dimensions 58

YANMAR L 70 AE-DE 5, 12, 13, 59


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