Why God Became Man
Why God Became Man
Why God Became Man
Your spiritual success is determined by your personal knowledge of WHO God is: WHAT
He can and WILL do and who YOU are and what YOU are authorized to do.
The infant apostolic church shook the powerful Roman Empire, overturned religious
traditions, amazed authorities, pestered pagans and made hell tremble. What did this primitive
church have that we don’t have? The modern church has money, people, instant
communications, photo cell phones, text messaging with worldwide internet and church
buildings the size of a football field yet society barely blinks. The original Christians didn’t have
TV faith teachers or the written Word yet they plundered hell to populate heaven.
Jesus said in Luke 11:21-23 “If I cast out evil spirits with the finger of God, surely the
Kingdom has come upon you.” People bound by Satan aren’t in the Kingdom yet.
JOHN wrote in 1 Jn. 3:8) “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested to destroy the
works of the devil.” In Rev 12:12 he wrote: “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom
of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been
thrown down.”
PAUL wrote in 2 Cor 5:9 that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself,” and in
Col. 1:13:” for He delivered us from the dominion of darkness, and transferred us to the
kingdom of His beloved Son.”
Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, Gaul was a contemporary with Polycarp who sat and learned
at the feet of John the Apostle said, “For what purpose did Christ come down from heaven?
That he might destroy sin, overcome death, and give life to man. But through the Second Man
He bound the strong one, and spoiled his goods, and annihilated death. For Adam had become
the devil’s possession.” Against Heresies II, 23.1 125-202 AD.
This powerful message, called the patristic view of the atonement, was preached for
most of the first four centuries, but as the organized institutional church grew theologians
gradually modified the gospel message. Jesus’ resurrection completely defeated Satan so he
immediately instigated doubt about Jesus’ Person and the Atonement.
Tertullian (150-230 AD) was the first to suggest the novel idea of “satisfaction and
merit”” and Cyprian expanded it to include surplus religious works which are reserved in a
heavenly account and can be drawn upon by others. All Christ’s good works are available for
others to draw upon. Fasting, voluntary celibacy, martyrdom etc. make it possible for men to
earn an over plus of merits; more than they need for their personal salvation. Eventually
purgatory became the place where the dead could satisfy their unpaid debt for sin and draw on
these merits. This theory was codified in 1000 AD when Anselm of Canterbury published a
book Cur Deus Homo concluding Christ’s death satisfied God’s wrath and it remains the primary
doctrine of the Latin Church. Christ did not come to “destroy” the works of the devil, as the
Bible and apostolic church taught, but to “satisfy” an offended God.
These Church Fathers assumed spiritual gifts ceased with the end of the apostolic age.
Historically, the charismata did not cease nor were they withdrawn, but the spiritual state of
the Church became so cold and unspiritual spiritual gifts were not manifested so excuses were
invented to cover their absence. The Lord Jesus corrected the Seven Churches in Rev 2 and 3
because there was already error in the Church, especially the practice and doctrine of the
Nicolataines, the separation of clergy and laity. Most of those errors are still around today.
The Church Fathers questioned whether the power of the Holy Spirit was still available.
They questioned and doubted until the Middle Ages when they reached an intellectual pinnacle
and debated about how many demons could sit on the head of a pin. Meanwhile the sick
remained sick, the demonized remained possessed and the Church became like the world
around it: The Living Dead.
When Jesus cried “It Is Finished” they said His former existence ended and He became a
perpetual sacrifice. The sacrifice of the Mass is an offering of bread and wine which
mysteriously becomes the literal flesh and blood of Jesus and it is the only means of salvation.
Until and unless the sinner eats “this” flesh and drinks “this” blood they are not and cannot be
Hebrews contradicts this assertion. Nine times in chapters 9 and 10 the word “once” is
The conclusion is clear: since Christ died once and for all He can’t be sacrificed again and
again and again, because He body has been raised from the dead. Christ died once, He was
resurrected once and He ascended to heaven once.
When Jesus cried: “It is finished” the Old Covenant animal sacrifices, the temple,
priesthood, holidays and the entire Jewish religious system which was a type was fulfilled. The
Old Covenant was finished and a New Covenant begun.
According to Scripture Jesus entered the strong man’s house. He entered Satan’s
domain, confronted him and successfully defeated him. Satan tempted Him just as he tempted
Adam. The Mother of all battles; the clash of two mighty kingdoms; the final test between
obedience and disobedience, between life and death began. His only weapon was the Word of
God. To emerge as Christus Victor He must use the same weapons Adam could have used.
“The strong man guards his homestead” (Mt. 12:29). No one had ever challenged
Satan’s authority before. He mustered his angelic army and forcefully protected his
possessions. Satan used what had always worked for him and questioned Jesus’ identity. “If you
are the Son of God,” he sneered, “Prove it.” The Wilderness temptation was the temptation of
all temptations.
The Son came to expose Satan as the thief, accuser and liar and overcame him as man’s
sinless substitute. Satan dominates man because man is a descendent of Adam so Christ legally
overcame Satan by identifying with man.
“Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise
shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that
is, the devil: (Heb.2:14). Adam disobeyed, but the Last Adam obeyed. He said,” I delight to do
thy will, O God.” (Psa40:8), and “My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me” (Jn. 4:34).
Adam disobeyed; Jesus obeyed (Heb 5:8).
Before the Incarnation Christ was the Creator (Jn. 1:1-3), but He laid that equality aside
and took the place of a servant (Phil. 2:5-8). He was born under the Law and fulfilled its
requirements. “He was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin” (Heb 4:15). Having
been made perfect (mature, complete, finished) He became the author of salvation to all who
obey Him (Heb. 5:9).
Satan watched as John baptized Jesus and heard God say, “This is my Son in whom I’m
well pleased.” He watched Him decisively wander into the lonely wilderness, but he waited and
waited for the right time before tempting Him with three carefully crafted challenges. He
questioned His identify:” If you’re the Son God…” How did Jesus overcome? With three
carefully crafted words: It is written.
2 Cor. 8:9 informs us He “became poor.” Became in the Greek is the aorist tense, a
completed action. As deity, before He was made man, He had need of nothing. Deut. 28
portrays poverty as part of the “curse” and Gal. 3:13 says Jesus was made a curse to deliver us
from the curse. It’s past tense, completed and done.
He was Heaven’s King born in an unclean stable to a poor family in very small town. He
died penniless and deeply humiliated for US. He became poor that you and I may become rich.
He fed multitudes, healed all who came to Him, delivered from demons and gave hope. From
the cross He provided for His Mother and promised redemption to the thief at His side. He
mastered the laws of nature, storms, drought, hunger and poverty as the Lord over all. He is
our all!
Isa. 53: 3-4 says He was made sick with our sicknesses. Man’s stubborn unbelief is
strange. The Jews believed Jesus healed the sick, but could not forgive sins. Today’s doubters
believe Jesus forgives sins, but He doesn’t heal the sick. He entered the strong man’s house and
systematically overcame the Law of Sin; the Law of Sickness; the Law of Poverty; the Law of
Spiritual bondage and the Law of Death. He forgave sins, healed the sick, fed the poor, released
the demonized and raised the dead. WOW, what a Savior.
However, His substitution for sinful man severed His relationship with His Father. He did
not become a sinner, commit an act of sin or partake of man’s sinful nature; He was a sinless
substitute. He did not go to hell to experience the suffering of the lost, but to defeat the devil
who had the power of death (Heb 2:14). Hell is prepared for the devil and his angels, not man.
Because man is an eternal spirit hades is the only place to jail the rebellious; it is the eternal
prison for the unrepentant.
The wage of sin is death, but Jesus never sinned so how could He die? Neither man, the
Jews or the Romans killed Him; He willingly laid down His life in death just as He had the power
to take it up again. He didn’t deserve death, but He died in order that you and I who deserve
death – all have sinned and come short of God’s glory- can have life.
The mystery of Calvary is: “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.” God is
both the Reconciler and the Reconciled.