Java 1c
Java 1c
Java 1c
for mathematicians
E. Horozov
E-mail: and
0 Introduction 4
0.1 Phenomenology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0.2 Mathematical view on QFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Quantum mechanics 20
2.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Heisenberg picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 The Harmonic oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4 Symmetries 31
4.1 The Group SO(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 The Groups SO(3) and SU(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3 The Lorentz and Poincaré groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.4 Clifford algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5 Classical fields 32
5.1 Multidimensional Variational Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2 Klein-Gordon Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.3 Electromagnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.4 Dirac Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.5 Weyl, Majorana, Yukawa fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6 Quantum fields 35
6.1 Scalar Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.2 Cross Sections and S-matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7 Fermions 36
7.1 Linear Superspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7.2 Supermanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.3 Calculus on Supermanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.4 Fermionic Gaussian Integrals and Correlators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
7.5 Fermionic Quantum Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.6 Path Integrals for Free Fermionic Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
8 Renormalization 42
8.1 Renormalizability of Field Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.2 Dimensional Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
9 Quantum electrodynamics 43
10 Gauge theories 43
10.1 Chern-Simons theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
10.2 Yang-Mills Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
11 Appendix 43
11.1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
11.2 Differential Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
11.3 Classical Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
11.4 Functional Analysis and Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
11.5 Relativistic Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
11.6 Miscellaneous Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
0 Introduction
From the times of Newton Physics and Mathematics have lived most of the time in
symbiosis. Physics has supplied Mathematics with deep problems. On its hand Math-
ematics has developed a language for writing the physical problems and laws and tools
for solving the problems posed by physicists. Only for some part of 20-th century there
was the fashion of ”pure mathematics”, which means the neglect of any motivation of
mathematical research but the intrinsic mathematical problems. For some time this has
been maybe useful for the advance of abstract algebraic geometry, number theory, etc.
But after some really fruitful years for Mathematics there came the new marriage –
Mathematics and Physics once again became very close. Now there is a new ingredient
in their relations – Physics started to supply not only ideas but also intuition and tools
for posing and solving mathematical problems. Let us mention here the problem of com-
puting the intersection numbers of Chern classes on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces
[17, 28], knot invariants, mirror symmetry, etc.
0.1 Phenomenology
–F. J. Dyson
The title of this subsection is a little bit misleading. Here we present only one
simple (but very important) experiment whose goal is to justify the introduction of path
integrals in physics. It is taken from R. Feynman’s numerous popular lectures (see e.g.
V (φ) exp( )D[φ] (0.1)
M ap(Σ,N ) ~
Here V (φ) is ”an insertion function” in physicist’s language. This is a smooth function
on M ap(Σ, N ), whose meaning will be explained later. The function exp( −S(φ) ~ ) has the
meaning of probability amplitude of the map φ ∈ M ap(Σ, N ) to the integral.
The set of the objects Σ, N, S(φ), φ ∈ M ap(Σ, N ) is called by physicists ”theory”.
In the case when V ≡ 1 the above integral (0.1) is called partition function of the theory
and is denoted by
Z = exp( )D[φ] (0.2)
M ap(Σ,N ) ~
The superscript ”E” means that the theory is ”euclidean”, e.i. the manifold Σ is Rie-
mannian. When Σ is pseudoeucledian manifold with Lorentzian metric (of signature
(-,+,+,+)) we call the theory relativistic QFT. The first coordinate is reserved for the
time. In that case we replace the sign (−) with the imaginary unit i:
ZM = exp( )D[φ] (0.3)
M ap(Σ,N ) ~
In this case the theory is Minkovskian QFT, the letter M designating this fact. We
are going to start with 0-dimensional theory. Of course here there is no time or spacial
coordinates. Let us start with the case when Σ is one point and N is the real line. Now
the set M ap(Σ, N ) consists of all real constants, e.i. it is the real line. The partition
function becomes
Z ∞
e−S(x)/~dx (0.4)
This integral is studied by the method of the steepest descent, which will be explained in
one of the next sections.
The physicists are in particular interested in the integral (0.3) when the manifold Σ
has dimension ≥ 3. As a rule its value cannot be computed explicitly. So they (Feynman)
have invented an algorithm to ”find” its asymptotic expansion in ~. From mathematical
point of view even the definition needs clarification. One reasonable definition is to
define the integral (0.3) just by a series (asymptotic, not convergent!), whose members
are indexed by different types of graphs. (This is the reason why we put ”find” in
quotation marks.)
But this is not the end. The problem is that the members of the series are defined
via integrals that are not well defined. Then there comes a painful procedure to put
meaning in each of this integrals (renormalization). The methods of renormalization are
found by physical intuition but further the predictions are confirmed by experiments.
− 21 ax2
e dx = .
−∞ a
Its multidimensional generalization is defined via a symmetric quadratic positive-
definite form B(x, x) defined on a d-dimensional space V in terms of a positive-definite
symmetric matrix B(x, y) = (Bx, y). Then the integral we want to study is
e− 2 (Bx,x) dx. (1.2)
By a change of variables x → Sx where S ∈ SO(d) we can diagonalize the matrix B.
Then the integral (1.2) is easily computed:
− 21 (Bx,x)
e dx = . (1.3)
V det B
Sometimes it is useful in to consider slightly more general integrals, namely – with a
linear term in the exponent:
Zb = e− 2 (Bx,x)+(b,x) dx. (1.4)
It is easy to check that
1 −1 b) 1 −1 b
Zb = (2π)d/2 (det B)−1/2 e 2 (b,B = Z0 e 2 (b,B ) (1.5)
We also will be interested in integrals with insertions
P (x)e− 2 (Bx,x) dx. (1.6)
To compute the above integral it is enough to consider the case when the polynomial
P (x) is homogeneous and moreover that it is a product of linear forms l1 (x)l2 (x) . . . l2m (x).
Such an integral is a major object in quantum physics (and not only there!) and is called
correlation function or correlator. It is denoted as follows
< l1 , l2 , . . . , lm >= l1 (x)l2 (x) . . . lm (x)e− 2 B(x,x) dx, (1.7)
Z0 V
The correlators can be computed by using the integral Zb as follows. First notice that
Zb = e− 2 (Bx,x)+(b,x) xj dx
∂bj V
Then for any product of coordinate functions xi1 xi2 . . . xik , not necessarily different, we
∂ ∂
... Zb = e− 2 (Bx,x)+(b,x) xi1 xi2 . . . xik dx.
∂bi1 ∂bik V
1 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ 12 (b,B −1 b)
< xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xim >= ... Zb |b=0 = ... e (1.8)
Z0 ∂bi1 ∂bik ∂bi1 ∂bik |b=0
In particular the two-point correlation functions are given by the matrix elements of
B −1 :
without fixed points and such that σ 2 = 1. Any pair consists of an element i and its
image σ(i). Now we are ready to formulate the Wick’s lemma.
Theorem 1.2 (Wick’s lemma)
(P Q
σ∈Πm i∈{1,...,m}/σ < li , lσ(i) > if m is even
< l1 . . . lm >= . (1.9)
0 if m is odd
Proof. As before we shall first prove the theorem for coordinate functions. In this case
our formula takes the form
< xi , xσ(i) > if m is even
i1 im σ∈Πm i∈{1,...,m}/σ
< x ,...,x >= .
0 if m is odd
∂ ∂ 1 (b,B −1 b)
... e2 .
∂bi1 ∂bik
where Q is some homogenous polynomial of degree two and P has only even power terms,
the free term (B −1 )ik giving the result in this case. In general we proceed in the same
way. Denote by Pi1 the corresponding polynomial in b (but when it is clear we will
drop the indeces):
∂ ∂ 1 (b,B −1 b) 1 −1
... e2 = P (b)e 2 (b,B b) .
∂bi1 ∂bis
Each new application of a derivative ∂j has the following effect on P
1 −1 1 −1 1 −1
∂j P (b)e 2 (b,B b) = ∂j P (b) e 2 (b,B b) + P (b) ∂j e 2 (b,B b) ,
i.e. P → ∂j + m (B −1 )jm bm P (b). Notice that the function Pi1 is either even or
odd depending on the number s. This proves the formula for odd m. At the same time
we obtained a formula for Pi1 :
(B −1 )i1 m bm . . . ∂is + (B −1 )is m bm · 1.
Pi1 = ∂i1 +
m m
From this formula we see that the free term consists of sum of products of the type
(B −1 )l1 m1 . . . (B −1 )lp mp , where 2p = s and lj mj is a pair from the set of indices i1 , . . . is .
Moreover, each pair is present exactly once.
The general case can be obtained using linearity as above. 2
Notice that each summand in the formula can be represented by simple graphs. For
each σ and each pair (ij) ∈ σ draw an unoriented subgraph with two vertices – i and j
and a wedge connecting them. The disconnected union of these subgraphs is the desired
graph Γσ , corresponding to the partition σ. Then our sum (1.9) becomes sum over the
graphs Γσ .
1 /2 1 2 1> 2
3 /4 3 4 3 4
Figure 1.
Although this is just change of notation we are going to use widely it in the compu-
tations involving general action, i.e. when S is the perturbed function
B(x, x) X Ur (x, . . . , x)
S= +
2 r!
Theorem 1.3 Let the functions f (x) and g(x) are smooth functions defined on an in-
terval [a, b] ∈ R. Assume that the function f (x) has a unique global minimum at a point
c ∈ [a, b] and f (c) > 0. Then the integral
Z b
g(x)e−f (x)/~ dx
has the following asymptotic expansion:
Z b
g(x)e−f (x)/~ dx = ~1/2 e−f (c)/~I(~), (1.10)
where I(~) is continuous function on (0, ∞), which extends in 0 as
√ g(c)
lim I(~) = π p 00 . (1.11)
~→0 f (c)
Proof. To simplify slightly notations we can consider that c = 0. Then we are going to
cut the singular point from the integration region, i.e. we define the integral over a small
neighborhood of 0. This we will do as follows. Take a small real number ε satisfying
1/2 > ε > 0 and define I1 (~) by the equation
Z ~ 2 −ε
1/2 −f (0)/~
~ e I1 = 1
g(x)e−f (x)/~ dx
−~ 2 −ε
Then it is clear that the difference |I(~) − I1 (~)| decays faster than ~N for any N . So it
suffices to show that I1 (~) has the asymptotics (1.10). Let us introduce new variable y
by x = y~. Then the function I1 can be written as
Z ~ε √ √
I1 = g(y ~)e(f (0)−f (y ~))/~dy
Now it is clear that the integrand is a smooth function in ~. Then we can replace I1 (~)
by I2 (~) which is the Taylor expansion of I1 (~) modulo N . Then |I1 (~) − I2 (~)| ≤ C~N .
At the end we replace I2 (~) by I3 (~) which is the same integral but with limits from −∞
to ∞. Then the difference I2 (~) − I3 (~) is rapidly decaying.
Hence it is enough to show that the I3 (~) has Taylor expansion in ~1/2 . In fact
I3 (~) is a polynomial in ~1/2 . Also the odd powers of ~1/2 vanish as the corresponding
coefficients are integrals of odd functions. So we find that the Taylor expansion exists.
Let us compute the value of I3 (~). We have
∞ 00
(0)y 2
I3 (0) = g(0) e 2 dy,
Using the value of the Gaussian integral (1.2) we get the desired result. 2
(−1)n y 4n
an = √ e− 2 n !dy
2π −∞ 22n
The method of stationary phase is slightly more complicated and uses the Fresnel
Z ∞
2 √
eix /2 dx = 2πeπi/4
instead of Gaussian integral.
We are going only to formulate the result.
Theorem 1.5 Assume that f has unique critical point in c ∈ (a, b) with f (c) 6= 0 and
g vanishes with all its derivatives at the ends a and b. Then
Z b
g(x)eif (x)/~ dx = ~1/2 eif (c)/~I(~), (1.12)
where I(~) extends to a smooth function on [0, ∞), such that
√ g(c)
I(0) = 2πesign(f (c))iπ/4 p 00
| f |
The methods of steepest descent and the stationary phase easily extend to the mul-
tidimensional case. We introduce the following notation. By V we denote a real vector
space of dimension d and by B – a closed d-dimensional box in it. We assume that the
functions f (x) and g(x) are defined on B and smooth.
Theorem 1.6 Let the function f have a unique global minimum at a point c ∈ B and
the form D 2 f (c) be positive-definite. Then
g(x)e−f (x)/~ = ~d/2 e−f (c)/~I(~), (1.13)
where I(~) extends as smooth function on [0, ∞), such that
I(0) = (2π)d/2 p .
det D2 f (c)
Theorem 1.7 Let the function f have a unique global minimum at a point c ∈ B and
let the form D2 f (c) be non-degenerate. Then
g(x)eif (x)/~ = ~d/2 eif (c)/~I(~), (1.14)
where I(~) extends as smooth function on [0, ∞), such that
I(0) = (2π)d/2 eπiσ/4 p .
det D2 f (c)
l1 . . . lN e−S(x)/~dx.
in terms of some combinatorics. The result will be useful as it gives the model to define
Feynman integrals in physically meaningful theories. Here
1 X gj Uj (x)
S = (Bx, x) +
2 n!
The functions Uj (x) are homogeneous polynomials of degree jq i.e. symmetric j-tensors.
The integral is a formal power series in ~ and gm in a form that will be explained below.
For simplicity assume that c = 0 and S(0) = 0. The expansion will be done in terms
of Feynman diagrams, which are√ a major object in quantum field theory. Also we make
the change of the variables x/ ~ → x. We use the same variables. The correlator above
Z gj Uj (x)
(N +d)/2
~ l1 . . . lN e−(Bx,x)+ n! dx.
In what follows we are going to drop the factor ~(N +d)/2 . We expand the exponential
function above as follows:
~ j/2 gj Uj (x)
− 12 (Bx,x)+
P 1
1 X j/2 gj Uj (x)
e = e− 2 (Bx,x) 1 +
j! ~ +
1! j!
1 X j/2 gj Uj (x) 2 1 X j/2 gj Uj (x) k
~ + ... + ~ + ...
2! j! k! j!
The correlator becomes
1 1/2 U (x)
ZU = e− 2 (Bx,x)+~ dx
Proposition 1.8
1/2 U ( ∂ ) 1 −1 b)
ZU = Z0 e~ ∂b e 2 (b,B |b=0 .
Next we define the correlation function of f1 , . . . , fm with respect to the above per-
turbed action:
1 1/2 U (x)
< f1 , . . . , fm >U = f1 . . . fm e− 2 (Bx,x)+~ dx
And again we have
Proposition 1.9
Z0 ~1/2 U ( ∂ ) ∂ ∂ 1 −1
< f 1 , . . . , f m >U = e ∂b f (
1 ) . . . fm ( )e 2 (b,B b) |b=0 .
ZU ∂b ∂b
3. Take the contraction of the tensors along the edges of Γ, using the bilinear form
B −1 . The result will be a number denoted by FΓ . This is the Feynman amplitude.
We will give another version of this theorem, easier to prove. Before that let us
introduce some notation.
Let n = (n0 , n1 , . . .) be a sequence of nonnegative integers, only a finite number of
which are nonzero. Let G(n) be the set of isomorphism classes of graphs with n0 0-valent
vertices, n1 1-valent vertices, etc.
The version of Feynman’s theorem that we have in mind goes as follows.
Theorem 1.11 The partition function has the following asymptotic expansion
√ X Y n X ~b (Γ)
Z = Z0 det B gi i FΓ (l1 , . . . , lN )
i Γ∈G(n)
Proof. First expand the exponential function in Taylor series. The partition function
Z= Zn ,
1 Y
e− 2 B(x,x) − ~i/2−1 Ui (x, . . . , x)ni dx
Zn = n
V (i!) i ni !
We can write the terms Ui as sums of products of linear functions. Then we can apply
Wick’s lemma. It gives that each Zn can be computed as follows.
1. Define a flower – a graph with one vertex and i outgoing edges (see fig. 1). Attach
it to the tensorUi .
Figure 2.
2. Consider the set T of these outgoing edges (see fig.) and for any pairing of this
set, consider the corresponding contraction of the tensor −Ui using the form B −1 .
This will give the a number Fσ corresponding to this pairing.
We can visualize a pairing σ by drawing its elements as points and connecting the
points in each pair them by an edge (see fig .). In this way we obtain an unoriented
graph Γ = Γσ . The number Fσ is called an amplitude of the graph Γ.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.
It is easy to see that each graph with ni i-valent vertices can be obtained in this
way. But it can be obtain many times and need to count this number. This means that
we need to count how many σ-s can produce a fixed graph Γ. For this we need to find
the group G of permutations which preserve the ”flowers”. It consists of the following
(1) Permutations which permute the set of flowers of fixed valency;
(2) Permutations which permute the edges of a fixed flower.
Q Q ni
We see that the group G is a semi-direct product ( i SQ ni )< ( i Si ) where Sj is
the permutation group of j elements. Its cardinality |G| is i (i!)ni ni !. This is exactly
the product of the integers at the denominators in (1.18). The group G acts on the set
of all pairings of T . The action is transitive on the set PΓ of the pairings which produce
a fixed graph Γ. On the other hand the stabilizer of a fixed pairing is Aut(Γ). Thus the
number of the pairings producing Γ is
i (i!) ni !
In this way we obtain a formula connecting the sum of the numbers Fσ and the sum of
the amplitudes with weights:
X X Q (i!)ni ni !
Fσ = FΓ
At the end we will compute the powers of ~ at the amplitudes. We note that the power
of ~ is given by the number of edges of Γ minus the number of vertices, i.e. b(Γ). This
gives exactly i/2 − 1. This proves the theorem.2
Now we are going to extract Feynman’s theorem.
Proof. of Theorem 1.10. As in Wick’s lemma we can use the symmetry of the correlation
function with respect to lj . So it is enough to consider the case of l1 = l2 = . . . = lN =
l. The corresponding correlation function is denoted by < lN > and is also called
expectation value of lN . Let us compute the expectation value < et l >. Obviously this
is the generating function of the expectation values < lN > N1 ! . If we put in Theorem
1.11 gi = 1, i ≥ 3, g0 = g2 = 0, g1 = −~t and B1 = l, B0 = B2 = 0 we get the result.2
Theorem 1.12 The logarithm of the partition function ln(ZU ) has the following asymp-
totic expansion:
XY n X ~b(γ)
ln(ZU ) = gi i FΓ (1.19)
i Γ∈Gc (n)
Proof. Denote by Γ1 Γ2 the disjoint union of two graphs Γ1 and Γ2 . Following this
notation we use Γn for the disjoint union of n copies of Γ. Thus any graph can be
written as Γk11 . . . Γkl l with some connected graphs Γj . Then we have FΓ1 Γ2 = FΓ1 FΓ2 ,
bΓ1 Γ2 = bΓ1 + bΓ2 and |Aut(Γk11 Γk22 )| = |Aut(Γ1 )|k1 k1 !|Aut(Γ2 )|k2 k2 !
After exponentiating (1.19) and expanding the r.h.s. in Taylor series we find the
expression of the partition function, given by Theorem 1.11. 2
1.5 Computations with Feynman’s graphs
1.5.1 Loop expansions
Note that the number b(Γ) in Theorem 1.12 is the number of the loops of Γ minus 1.
For this reason this expansion is referred to as ”loop expansion”.
Denote by Gn the set of graphs from Gc (n) with j loops. Also denote the j-loop
term of ln(Z) by
XY n X ~b(γ)
ln(Z) j = gi i FΓ
i Γ∈G( j)(n)
We are especially interested in the 0-th and the first terms, i.e. in the tree expansion and
the one-loop expansion.
Theorem 1.13 (i) The tree expansion of ln(Z) is given by the value of the action S
with minus sign at the singular point:
ln(Z) 0 = −S(x0 ). (1.20)
(ii) The value of ln(Z) 1 is:
1 det(B)
ln(Z) 1 = ln . (1.21)
2 det D2 S(x0 )
Proof. It is enough to study the case when S is a polynomial U = m
j gj Uj /j!. Also
assume that the numbers gj are small enough and that the integration takes place on
small box B around x0 . Then the function S has a global maximum at x0 and we can
apply the method of steepest descent. It gives
I(~) = (2π)d/2 (1 + a1 ~d/2 + . . .) (asymptotically)
det D2 S(x0 )
−S(x0 )/~ det B
Z=e .
det D2 S(x0 )
1 det B
ln(Z) = −S(x0 )/~ + ln( ) + O(~)
2 det D2 S(x0 )
which are exactly the desired equalities.
1.5.2 1-particle irreducible diagrams
A powerful method widely used by physicists to compute the partition function is to find
a new action Seff |0 , called effective action such that
ln(Seff )0 = ln(S)
Then using the simple formula (1.20) for ln(Seff )0 we can find the partition function for
the initial action. Before that we need some definitions.
Definition 1.14 An edge of a connected graph is called a bridge if when removed the
graph becomes disconnected. A connected graph without bridges is called 1-particle
irreducible (1PI).
Figure 6.
The graph on Fig.4 obviously isn’t 1-particle irreducible. The graph on Fig.6 is an
example of 1PI graph. Note that the 1PI graphs are what in mathematics are known as
We are ready to describe the rules for computing of the effective action.
We will consider graphs with at least one internal and one external vertices. Such a
graph is called 1PI if the graph obtained by removing the external vertices is 1PI. Denote
by G1P I (n, N ) the set of isomorphism classes of 1PI graphs with N external vertices and
ni i-valent vertices. Here the isomorphisms are taken to keep the external vertices fixed.
(Bx, x) X Ui
Seff = − ,
2 i!
X Y X ~b(Γ)+1
Ui (x, x, . . . , x) = gi FΓ (x∗ , . . . , x∗ ).
i Γ∈G1P I (n,N)
Before giving the proof let us make few comments. Write Seff as a power series:
Seff = S + ~S1 + ~2 S2 + . . .
The expression ~j Sj is called j-loop correction to the effective action. The theorem
formulated above shows that we can work only with 1PI diagrams. Physicists rarely
use other diagrams, see e.g. the cited textbooks. Notice that the 1PI diagrams are
considerably less than all the diagrams.
Proof. of Theorem 1.11 We will make use of the following theorem from graph theory
(see e.g. [3]).
Proposition 1.16 Any connected graph can be uniquely represented as a tree (called
skeleton), whose vertices are 1PI subgraphs (with external edges) and the edges of the
tree are bridges of Γ.
Graph Skeleton
R −S(x)+(b,x)
e ~ dx
ZU (b) = RV −(Bx,x)/2
V e dx
Theorem 1.12 tells us that Seff (x, b) is given by the expansion in 1PI graphs. One of
these graphs is the graph having a single wedge with vertices – tensors (b, x). The only
one of them is a wedge connecting two vertices labeled by (b, x).
2 Quantum mechanics
2.1 Preliminaries
There is a dictionary that translates the objects from classical mechanics into the cor-
responding objects from quantum mechanics. Naturally we start with the phase space
M . Its analog in quantum mechanics is a Hilbert space H. This Hilbert space here will
be the space L2 (M ) of functions on the configuration space with integrable square. The
observables, i.e. functions of positions and momenta become self-adjoint operators in
this Hilbert space. The eigenvalues and the eigenvectors are interprest as follows. An
eigenvalue a of a self-adjoint operator A is the probability to measure an observable A
at the eigenstate |a > (= normed eigenvector).
In particular, the position qj translates into the operator qˆj of multiplication by qj
and the momentum pj translates into the operator of differentiation i~∂j . Then we see
that the Hamiltonian translates into the Schrödinger operator:
−~2 X 2
Ĥ = ∂qj + V (q) (2.1)
The function V (q) is again called potential and obviously Ĥ = − −~ 2m ∆ + V (q). The
constant ~ is called Planck’s constant. The rule (naı̈ve) to write the Schrödinger operator
is obvious: we put i~∂xj instead of pj . Much more important is the analog and the
interpretation of the Hamiltonian equations. They read
i~ = Ĥψ (2.2)
This is the famous Schrödinger equation. It describes a particle (or more particles)
under the action of a potential V . The unknown function ψ(x, t) is called wave function.
Its physical interpretation is that |ψ(x, t)|2 is a probability density, i.e. the probability
to find a particle, described by the equation (2.2) in an infinitesimally small volume
d3 x at the point x and the time t, is |ψ(x, t)|2 d3 x. The standard method for solving
Schrödinger equation is by the method of separation of variables. We seek solution of
the form ψ(x, t) = ψ(x)e−iEt/~ where the constant E means energy. Then the spacial
part ψ(x) of the wave function satisfies the time-independent Schrödinger equation
Ĥψ = Eψ (2.3)
The main problem of quantum mechanics is to solve the eigenvalue problem (2.3).
Unfortunately most of the operators needed in quantum mechanics have no eigenfunc-
tions in H. E.g., the operator − ∂i∂q , acting in L2 (R), which is basic for quantum physics
has no eigenfunction in that space. On the other hand naı̈vely one can say that any
function of the form eipq is an eigenfunction with an eigenvalue p in some bigger space.
The operator q is even worse; it has no eigenfunction in the class of functions but only
in the class of distributions. One standard way to get out of this situation (but not the
only one) is to consider the sequence S ⊂ H ⊂ S ∗ , where S is the space of C∞ -functions
that decay faster than any polynomial and S ∗ is the space of its functionals.
Example 2.1 (Fourier transform.) Consider the operator −i dq . Its eigenfunctions are
e−ipq with any fixed p. The linear functional
f (q) → f (p) = f (q)e−ipq dq, (2.4)
f (q) = fˆ(q)eipq dq,
gives the expansion of f in the eigenfunctions of the operator −i dq . Of course, they do
not belong to the Hilbert space.
Each physical state is represented by a vector, i.e. a L2 -function. We are going use
Dirac’s ”ket” and ”bra” notation. By the ”ket” |ψ > we (following Dirac) are going to
denote the states (vectors in H. Here ψ could, be e.g. an eigenvalue, a vacuum state
or any letter denoting some physical object. In a similar way we denote by ”bra” < φ|
the dual vector. The scalar product (φ, Aψ) will be denoted by < φ|A|ψ > and called
matrix element of A. The name comes from the situation when |φ > and |ψ > are both
members of an orthogonal basis of H. In that case < φ|A|ψ > is really an element of the
matrix of A in that basis.
Let {a} be a complete orthonormal set of eigenvectors of a self-adjoint operator A in
H. One can expand any vector ψ as
|ψ >= |a >< a|ψ >
i.e. - in Fourier series. This equality will be used quite frequently and referred to as
insertion of a complete set of states. In a general form it reads:
|a >< a| = 1,
Example 2.2 Let |ψ > be a state. We want to find the average value of the measure-
ments of the observable A at the state |ψ >. We have
a| < a|ψ > |2 = a| < ψ|a >< a|ψ >=
a a
< ψ|A|a >< a|ψ >=< ψ|A|ψ >
The most important observables are the coordinates qj and the momenta pj . Using
their definition
q̂ j f (q) := qj f (q), p̂j f (q) := −i~
Another important observable is the energy given by the Hamiltonian Ĥ. Further we
are going to skip the hat denoting quantization.
We can consider Schrödinger equation (2.1) as a dynamical system in the Hilbert
space H. Then we can solve it by the formula:
= −i[A, H], (2.6)
(this is obtained by differentiation) but the states stay constant.
2.3 The Harmonic oscillator
In classical mechanics the simplest but very important system is the harmonic oscillator.
The importance lies in the fact that roughly speaking all other systems can be considered
as sets of connected oscillators. The situation in quantum mechanics and quantum field
theory is the same.
The classical harmonic oscillator is governed by the Hamiltonian
p2 kx2 p2 mω 2 x2
H= + = + (2.7)
2m 2 2m 2
”Quantizing” it gives for the Schrödinger operator
−∂x2 mω 2 x2
H= + (2.8)
2m 2
Here we assume that the Planck constant ~ = 1. Our Hilbert space will be L2 (R). The
above operator is essentially the Hermite operator whose eigenfunctions are expressed
in terms of the Hermite polynomials. This is well known fact but we will derive it here
In what follows we are going to use simple arguments from representation theory.
Instead of using the operators x and p we are going to present H in terms of the following
two operators:
r r
mω 1
a = x + ip (2.9)
2 2mω
r r
† mω 1
a = x − ip (2.10)
2 2mω
Notice that the operators a and a† satisfy the canonical commutation relation [a, a† ] = 1,
which plays a crucial role below. Obviously the Hamiltonian can be written in the form
ω † 1
H= (a a + aa† ) = ω(N + ), (2.11)
2 2
where N = aa† . The Hermitian operator N satisfies the relations
The equations (2.14) explain the names of the operators a† and a – operators of
creation and annihilation.
The last equations show that we can build new eigenstates from old ones. In partic-
ular we can obtain eigenstates with arbitrary negative eigenvalues. Below we are going
to show that this cannot be true.
The operator (2.7) H is a sum of squares of Hermitian operators. This shows that
it cannot have negative eigenvalues. This shows that from some positive k further the
vectors ak |n > are zero and we do not produce new eigenvectors from it. Let us denote
by |0 > the last non-zero vector of the sequence |n >, a|n >, . . . , ak |n >, . . .. The
vector |0 > is called vacuum. (Notice that here we have denoted a non-zero state by
|0 >! This is the vacuum and not the zero vector.) The uniqueness of the vacuum is
also easy to prove, see below. We have a|0 >= 0. On the other hand all eigenvectors
|0 >, a† |0 >, . . . , a†k |0 >, . . . are non-zero. Let us show this.
Take a normalized eigenvector |n > as above. The squared norm of a† n can be
computed as follows.
< a† n|a† |n >=< n|aa† |n >= (a† a + 1)|n >= (n + 1)|n + 1 > .
0 0
N a|n >= (n − 1)a|n >, N a|n >= (n − 1)a|n > .
0 0
This shows that a|n − n >= 0 and hence |n − n > is the vacuum. On the other hand
0 0
N |n − n >= n|n − n > contradicting to the fact that the vacuum has zero eigenvalue.
Finally the fact that the eigenvectors of N form a complete orthogonal system in
L (R) is well known fact, e.g. from the theory of Hermite polynomials.
In this way we obtained an orthogonal basis of L2 (R) formed by the eigenvectors of
H with eigenvalues ω(n + 1/2).
S(q) = L(qj , q̇j )dt
Then we need to define the Feynman integral, having the meaning of correlation function.
Remark 3.1 An obvious but important remark is that q(tj ) has the meaning of a func-
tional. Here tj is fixed and q is the variable.
The notation Gn (t1 , . . . , tn ) refers to another name of the correlator – Green’s func-
tion. Of course we consider first the Euclidian picture. For this we need to make Wick’s
rotation, i.e. to rotate the time in the complex domain. We are going to consider only
Lagrangians of the form L(q, q̇) = (q) ˙ 2 /2 − U (q) Then our action will become:
− (q̇)2 /2 − U (q) idt
Here m2 q 2 = 2U2 . The coefficient m has the meaning of mass. Integrating by parts we
where A = −d2 /dt2 + m2 . This will help us define the inverse B −1 ; namely we put
B −1 (f, f ) =< A−1 f |f >. The operator A−1 is defined as in differential equations: if
Aq = f , then the solution of this equation is given by q = A−1 f . In differential equations
this is the integral operator with kernel the Green function G(x, y):
q(x) = G(x, y)f (y)dy.
It is well known that in our case the Green’s function is given explicitly by the formula:
G(x, y) = . (3.3)
We see that our Hilbert space H has to be the space of quadratically integrable functions
L2 . But we are going to work with Schwartz spaces S(Rn ) and S ∗ (Rn ) as explained in
Section 2.
Now we are ready to give definition of the Feynman integral (3.1) (Euclidean version).
Introduce some numeration of the internal vertices. The formula below does not depend
on the choice.
Definition 3.2 The correlation (Green’s) function (3.1) is given by the asymptotic series
X ~b (Γ)
G(t1 , . . . , tN ) = FΓ (t1 , . . . , tN ) (3.4)
Γ∈G∗≥3 (N )
To define the numbers FΓ we fix the graph Γ. Then the following rules hold:
1. Put the variable tj (the functional q(tj ) at the j-th external vertex of Γ.
3. For each edge connecting u and v write the Green’s function G(α, β).
FΓ = (−uv(j) ) G(t, s)ds, (3.5)
Example 3.3 (Wick’s Lemma.) Let us examine in detail the free theory:
q̇ 2 m2 q 2
S= (− − )dt.
2 2
In this case each graph is disconnected union of subgraphs with two vertices and edge
connecting them. The above formula gives us that
G(t1 , . . . , t2k ) = ~k G(ti − tσ(i) ).
σ∈Πm i∈{1,...,2m}/σ
Figure 8.
3.2 Computations
3.2.1 The partition function
Let us consider the partition function with slight modification – partition function with
external current J: Z
Z(J) := eiSE (q)/~+<J|q> Dq. (3.6)
Here the arbitrary function J ∈ S (the space of fast decaying functions S. Then we have
the equality (only formally!):
Z(J) X ~−n
= Gn (t1 , . . . , tn )J(t1 ) . . . J(tn )dt1 . . . dtn .
Z(0) n
n! Rn
This will be our definition for Z(J) Z(0) . We see that this the generating function of all
the Green’s functions Gn (t1 , . . . , tn ).
As in the 0-dimensional QFT here we have
Proposition 3.5 The following formula holds:
Z(J) X ~−n
W (J) := ln = Gnc (t1 , . . . , tn )J(t1 ) . . . J(tn )dt1 . . . dtn .
Z(0) n
n! Rn
The Proof. is the same as in the 0-dimensional QFT. In this way we have generating
function of all the Green’s functions Gnc (t1 , . . . , tn ).
Also as in 0-dimensional QFT we have j-loops expansion:
W1 (J) = − ln det LJ ,
where LJ is the linear operator on H such that d2 SE
J (q )(f , f ) = d2 S 0 (0)(L f , f ).
j 1 2 E J 1 2
In a similar vein we can write explicitly a generating function for the one-particle irre-
ducible Green functions Gn1P I (t1 , . . . , tn ), i.e. the Green functions that are defined only
over the 1PI-graphs.
3.3 Motivation
3.3.1 ”Derivation” of Feynman’s formula
3.3.2 Feynman-Kac formula
3.4 Example - the Harmonic Oscillator
3.5 Example - φ3 Theory
3.6 Momentum space formulation
The computations in the position variables are quite heavy. In particular the Feynman
amplitude is given by an integral over a space of dimension equal to the number of internal
vertices, which can be enormous even for trees. Instead one can pass to momentum
representation by applying Fourier transform. Let us start with the classical equation:
(− + m2 )G(x) = δ
Applying Fourier transform to it (with the variable p instead of ξ) we obtain:
(p2 + m2 )Ĝ = 1
This gives
Ĝ(E) =
E2 + m2
Of course
eip(t−s) dp
G(t − s) =
2π(p2 + m2 )
We can change the order of integration by first integrating with respect to s and after
that – with respect to p. We obtain the following integral:
YZ 1
F (t) = 2 2
eipj (α(pj )−β(pj )) dsdpj =
j pj ∈R 2π(pj + m ) s
YZ Y eitl El Y X
δ( pk )dpj .
j pj ∈R 2π(p2j + m2 ) ver
l k∈ver
Here we have denoted the dual variables on the external wedges by El and by ver –
the vertices of the graph. Finally we perform Fourier transform on FΓ (t1 , . . . , tN ) (with
respect to (t1 , . . . , tN )).
We obtain
F̂ (E) = Q 2 2
dpj .
pj ∈R j 2π(pj + m )
From the δ-functions we obtain some relations between the p-s and the E-s. One of them
is E1 + . . . + EN . The rest define an affine subspace Y (E) where the variables p take
Example 3.7 Consider as an example the diagram on Fig. 8. We can first write the
propagator as inverse Fourier transform:
eip(t−s) dp
G(t − s) =
2π(p2 + m2 )
Then we plug it in the formula for the amplitude:
eip4 (t1 −s1 ) eip5 (t2 −s2 ) ei pj (s1 −s2 ) dp
F (t) = ds.
bf s bf p 2π(p2j + m2 )
P3 P3 ip4 t1 +ip5 t2
δ(p4 − j=1 pj )δ(−p5 − j=1 pj )e
F (t) = Q5 2
j=1 2π(pj + m2 )
This gives the equations p4 + p5 = 0 and 3j=1 pj = p4 . Next perform Fourier transform
with respect to t. The dual variables are denoted by E. This gives
F̂ (E) = Q5 2
j=1 2π(pj + m )
where the variables satisfy the relations E1 = −E2 and j=1 pj = E1 and p4 = E1 ,
p5 = E2 . The final answer is:
1 dp1 dp2
F̂ (E) = 2 , (3.7)
(E1 + m2 )2 (2π)5 (p21 + m2 )(p22 + m2 )((E1 − p1 − p2 )2 + m2 )
Below we give the rules defining Feynman’s amplitude in momentum variables. Recall
that the dual variables to t are denoted by E. The dual variables to s will be denoted
by Q.
Definition 3.8 (Feynman’s rules for the amplitudes in momentum variables.) The
Fourier transform of an amplitude FΓ are as follows:
1. Put a variable Ej at each external edge and a variable Qj at each internal one;
2. Assign a propagator p2 +m 2 to each edge and substitute p by Ej for the external
edges and by Qj by the internal ones. Multiply all the propagators and denote the
result by ΦΓ (E, Q);
5. For each internal vertex write ”the Kirchhoff law”: the sum of the incoming vari-
ables is equal to the sum of the outgoing ones.
PN This will produce relations among
the variables Q and E. One of them is j Ej = 0. The rest define a linear
subspace Y (E) of the space of the Q-s;
F̂Γ (E) = (−av(l) ) Φ(E, Q)dQ.
l Y (E)
= G(t)eiEt dt.
E + m2
Let us make the Wick’s rotation τ = teiθ in the Green’s function G(t). We obtain
G(teiθ ), where θ changes from 0 to −π/2. In momentum coordinates the propagator G
undergoes the deformation:
G(te−iθ )eiEt dt.
Let us put E = ξe−iθ , t = τ eiθ . The above formula becomes:
where the contour C is taken along the real line from −∞ to a negative value of ε, going
around the half-circle |E| = ε, ReE > 0 and continuing along the real line to +∞.
The same result can be obtained working directly with Minkowski’s propagator.
4 Symmetries
Symmetries are everywhere around us. Quite often we attribute beauty to some visible
symmetry. In science they are less visible but no less important. In classical mechanics
the symmetries are responsible for the integrability of mechanical equations. Some of
the corresponding symmetries can be seen easily, e.g. – the rotational symmetry yields
the conservation of the momentum. But other, as some of the symmetries in rigid body
equations (e.g. in Kowalevskaia case) are not at all obvious.
The adequate mathematical tool describing symmetries is group theory. In this
section we assume some knowledge of groups and present some of the theory needed
in the course. On the other hand we are going to consider simple enough examples
that presumably would help the reader to get more insight even without preliminary
acquaintance with groups.
As the definition of a group is simple let’s recall it.
g1 · (g2 · g3 ) = (g1 · g2 ) · g3 .
If the order of multiplication is irrelevant, i.e. g1 · g2 = g2 · g1 we say that the group is
commutative or Abelian.
In the subsections that follow we study few examples all important for QFT.
cos θ sin θ
− sin θ cos θ
Definition 4.3 Clifford algebra is an algebra spanned by the elements of V and the
complex numbers C, satisfying the relation
ξη + ηξ = 2(ξ, η), ξ, η ∈ V.
5 Classical fields
5.1 Multidimensional Variational Problems
Here we going to generalize the variational approach in mechanics to some other phys-
ical problems, where the configuration space is infinite-dimensional. In more detail we
consider vector space with dimension l ≥ 2 with coordinates (x1 , . . . , xl ). Let us first
consider the simplest case of one scalar field ψ. We define the action
S(ψ) = L(∇ψ(x), ψ(x))dl x
Exactly as in the 1-dimensional case the Euler-Lagrange equations
∂L X ∂L
− ∂xj = 0.
∂ψ ∂xj ψ
In an obvious manner we can study several scalar fields with Lagrangian L(∇ψ1 (x), . . . , ∇ψr (x), ψ1 (x), . . . , ψr (x)
But it is much more tricky to understand fields with values in some vector bundles, spinor
fields etc. In this section we do not aim at studying the general picture but rather con-
sider some cases of physical importance. All of these need to have some properties, e.g.,
to be Poincar/’e-invariant.
1 1
L = ∂µ φ∂ µ φ − m2 φ2
2 2
Klein-Gordon equation is the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation for the action S =
L(∇φ, φ)d4 x:
(2 + m2 )ϕ = 0. (5.1)
a) ∇ · B = 0, b) ∇ × E + =0 (5.2)
c) ∇ · E = ρ, d) ∇ × B − =j (5.3)
The meaning of the equations is the following. Equation a) means that there are no
magnetic charges. Next comes Faraday’s law b) of induction: if the magnetic field is
changing, then an electric field appears. Equation c) is nothing but Gauss’s (Stokes,
Green, Ostrogradsky, etc.) theorem in differential form. Finally equation d) is the
Ampère’s circuital law, with the Maxwell correction.
By Helmholtz’s theorem, B can be written in terms of a vector field A, called the
magnetic potential:
B = ∇ × A.
F µν = ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ = −F νµ . (5.4)
Component-wise it reads:
0 −E 1 −E 2 −E 3
E1 0 −B 3 B 2
F =
E2 B3
. (5.5)
0 −B 1
E 3 −B 2 B 1 0
It is quite obvious that the electromagnetic tensor is invariant under the transformation
Aµ → Aµ + ∂ µ χ
0 0 1 i 0
γ = , γ = , (5.6)
1 0 −σ i 0
where σ i are the Pauli matrices 1 .
This representation is called Weyl or chiral representation
In terms of Dirac matrices we can write Dirac equation as:
(iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ(x) = 0,
5.5 Weyl, Majorana, Yukawa fields
6 Quantum fields
6.1 Scalar Fields
We start with one scalar field φ on Minkowski space. This meansR that we have a vector
space V with a signature −1, . . . , 1. We also have an action S = Ldx with Lagrangian
L(ψ, ∇ψ). In QFT there is an operator of time ordering T acting on fields as follows. If
(x − y)2M ≥ 0 then T (φ(x)ψ(y)) = φ(x)ψ(y). Otherwise T (φ(x)ψ(y)) = ψ(y)φ(x).
We want to put sense in expressions of the form:
We will proceed as in quantum mechanics. The rules are the same but new problem
arises. Let us consider the simplest example of Klein-Gordon action.
The Lagrangian for φ4 Klein-Gordon theory is:
1 2 1X
LKG = (∂0 φ) − (∂j φ)2 − m2 φ2
2 2
Uj φj , i.e.
perturbed by j
L = LKG + Uj φj . (6.2)
LE (∇φ)2 + m2 φ dx.
KG = −
Denote the Green’s function of the Euclidian Klein-Gordon equation by GE
KG (x − y).
In other words we look for solution of the equation
(−∆ + m2 )GE
KG (x − y) = δ(x − y)
Performing Fourier transform on both sides yields:
1 dl k
KG (x − y) = e−i(x−y)k .
(2π)l k 2 + m2
As in quantum mechanics we see the advantages of Wick’s rotation – the integrand has
no poles in the real domain. We can define the Euclidian correlation functions exactly
in the same way is in quantum mechanics. The formulation in momentum variables is
the same, too.
But here we need some attention.
Example 6.1 Consider again the diagram on Fig.8. By the rules the amplitude is
F̂ (E) =
1 dl p1 dl p2
(E12 + m2 )2 (2π)5 l(p21 + m2 )(p22 + m2 )((E1 − p1 − p2 )2 + m2 )
The power of the numerator is 2l, while the power of the denominator is 6. We see
that the integral is divergent for l ≥ 3.
In this example we meet one of the greatest problems of QFT – the amplitudes are
quite often divergent. We postpone the ways to get out of this situation in the section
Renormalization. Until then we will consider our integrals only formally.
7 Fermions
Elementary particles are divided into two types: bosons and fermions. Examples of the
former are photons, W , and Z particles. The electrons, protons, neutrons are examples
of fermions. The bosons are characterized by the fact that several bosons can occupy the
same quantum state, while fermions cannot. Mathematically this difference is expressed
by the corresponding Hilbert spaces. If the Hilbert space for a single particle is H then
for k bosons it is S k H (the k-th symmetric power of H), while for k fermions it is Λk H
(the k-th exterior power of H). The quantum theory we have developed up to now
describes mostly bosons – the fields commute. Now we need to develop field theory of
anti-commuting fields. The relevant mathematical tool is the notion of supermanifolds.
Definition 7.1 A supervector space (or superspace) V is Z2 -graded vector space – V =
V0 ⊕ V1 with the following additional structure. We define tensor product v ⊗ u of two
vectors, where v ∈ Vi , u ∈ Vj , i, j ∈ {0, 1} satisfying the rule v ⊗ u = (−1)ij u ⊗ v. Let
us define the operation of changing parity Π, by ΠVi = V1−i , i, j ∈ {0, 1}. With this
notation we can define the following extension of the notions of symmetric and exterior
The elements of V0 are called even and the elements of V1 are called odd.
We define the algebra of polynomial functions O(V ) on a superspace V as SV ∗ , where
S acts as defined above on the superalgebra V ∗ . In more details if x1 , . . . , xn are linear
coordinates on V0 ,called even variables and ξ1 , . . . , ξm , called odd variables are linear
coordinates V1 then O(V ) is R[x1 , . . . , xn , ξ1 , . . . , ξm ] with the relations
xi xj = xj xi , ξi ξj = −ξj ξi , xi ξj = ξj xi .
The algebra spanned only by the odd variables ξ1 , . . . , ξm is called Grassmann or exterior
algebra. Using the standard notation of anticommutator – {a, b} = ab + ba we can write
the defining relations {a, b} = 0 for any a, b of the Grassmann algebra. It is a finite-
dimensional space, while O(V ) is (in general) an infinite-dimensional supervector space.
7.2 Supermanifolds
More generally we can define the algebra of smooth functions C ∞ (V ) on V as C ∞ (V0 ) ⊗
ΛV1∗ . We can look on the smooth functions on a supermanifold V as functions of the
F (x, ξ) = fi (x)ξ1α1 . . . ξm
where αi = 0 or 1.
1dξ = 0, ξdξ = 1,
ξ2 ξ1 dξ1 dξ2 = ξ2 ξ1 dξ1 dξ2 = 1
Next we define an integral for functions in both even and odd variables. Consider
functions f (x, ξ) that in even variables are compactly supported, i.e.
f (x, ξ) = fα (x)ξ α ,
and the functions fα are with compact support. It is enough to define the integral for
the summands: fα (x)ξ α . The integral will be
fα (x)ξ dxdξ = fα (x)dx ξ α dξ.
V V0 V1
Obviously the same formula has to be applied to odd spaces in any dimension.
To guess the formula for change the variables in general, i.e. when we have integral
f (x)ξ1 . . . ξm we can apply the above arguments. Again take two odd variables.
The linear map will be
x = Ay + b11 η1 + b12 η2 ,
ξ1 = c1 y + d11 η1 + d12 η2 .
ξ2 = c2 y + d21 η1 + d22 η2 .
Here A, D have even elements while B, C have odd elements. The matrix B is m × 2
and the matrix C is 2 × m.
The change (7.1) gives
f (x)ξ1 ξ2 dxdξ2 dξ1 = f (x)η1 η2 (Ady + b1 dη1 + b2 dη2 )
(c1 dy + d11 dη1 + d12 dη2 )(c2 dy + d21 dη1 + d22 dη2 ).
ξ1 ξ2 dxdξ1 dξ2 =
η1 η2 (det A det D)dydη1 dη2 −
η1 η2 det(BD−1 C) det Ddydη1 dη2 =
η1 η2 det A − BD−1 C det Ddydη1 dη2
Having in mind that the integral of ξ1 ξ2 dξ1 dξ2 must be 1 we finally find that the formula
for the change of the variables is given by
f (x)dxdξ = f Ber(F )dydξ
det(A − BD−1 C)
Ber(F ) = .
det D
We also need to learn how to differentiate functions of anticommuting variables. Here
we are going to distinguish between left derivative ∂∂ξ and right derivative – ∂∂ξ . It is
enough to define them for the function ξ1 ξ2 . We have
∂L ∂R
ξ1 ξ2 = δi1 ξ2 − δi2 ξ1 , ξ1 ξ2 = δi2 ξ1 − δi1 ξ2 .
∂ξi ∂ξi
e(Bξ,ξ) dξ
aij ei ej .
Pf(A) = 1. One can also use the following equivalent definition. Let ω = i<j
1 n
∧ ω = Pf(A)e1 ∧ . . . ∧ e2n .
Let V be an odd space with coordinates ξ1 , . . . , ξn and B(ξ, ξ) be a bilinear symmetric
form on it.
Lemma 7.3
e 2 B(ξ,ξ) dξ = Pf(B).
λ1 (ξ) . . . λm (ξ)e− 2 B(ξ,ξ) dξ = Pf(−B)Pf(B −1 (λi , λσi )).
1 X Br
S(v) = B(v, v) +
2 r!
The computation in many respects repeats the one for the bosons. Let us explain the
differences. The diagrams now contain odd and even edges, depicted by straight and
wiggly lines respectively. They are obtained in the following manner. Expand the r-th
term Br of the action:
X r
Br = Bs,r−s (v0 , . . . , v0 ; v1 , . . . , v1 ),
where Bs,r−s is a homogeneous function of degree s with respect to v0 and homogeneous
of degree r − s with respect to v1 . We associate with Bs,r−s a flower with s even outgoing
edges and r − s odd outgoing edges. For the set of odd edges we specify which orderings
are even. Then given a set of flowers we pair the odd edges among them selves and the
same with the even. For each pairing σ we define an amplitude Fσ by contracting the
tensor Bs,r−s using the form B −1 . Of course we have to use Theorem 7.4. The answer
is the following:
dimV0 −dimV1 Pf(−B ) X ~b (Γ)
I(~) = (2π)dim V0 /2 ~ 2 √ FΓ .
det B0 |Aut|Γ
7.5 Fermionic Quantum Mechanics
The simplest fermionic Lagrangian is
L(t) = ψ(t)ψ̇(t).
This is quantum-mechanical Lagrangian of a single massless fermion. Here ψ(t) is an
odd function of the even variable t ∈ R (time). Notice that unlike the even case ψ(t)ψ̇(t)
is not a derivative, hence this Lagrangian defines non-trivial theory. On the other the
hand the standard bosonic Lagrangian ψ̇ 2 − m2 ψ 2 is trivial for fermions.
Let us compute the corresponding quadratic form B. First, notice that the Euler-
Lagrange equations are
d ∂L ∂L
= ,
dt ∂ ψ̇ ∂ψ
which gives −ψ̇ = ψ̇, i.e. ψ̇ = 0. As in the bosonic case we want to define integrals of
the form:
ψ(t1 ) . . . , ψ(tN )eiS(ψ)/~Dψ.
Let us consider the massive case. If we have only one field the only quadratic term
is ψ 2 which is zero. Hence we need at least two fields. Let us consider the Lagrangian
L(t) = ψ1 (t)ψ̇1 (t) + ψ2 (t)ψ̇2 (t) − mψ1 ψ2 ,
where m > 0 denotes the mass. The Euler Lagrange equations in this case read:
G = −( signtI + aA)eAt .
Here I is the identity matrix and a is a number.
7.6 Path Integrals for Free Fermionic Fields
We already know some fermionic Lagrangians – Weyl, Majorana, Yukawa... ..................
Dirac Lagrangian is
LD = ψL† σ∂ψL + ψR
† †
ψL + ψL† ψR .
σ̄∂ψR + im ψR
It describes a pair particle-antiparticle, for example electron and positron. Unlike Ma-
jorana’s Lagrangian here the antiparticle is different from the particle.
Using the four-component Dirac’s spinor
ΨD =
we can express Dirac’s Lagrangian in a compact form:
Z= ei [LD +iΨ̄D ζ+iζ̄ΨD ]dx
Denote by Ψ̂D (ξ) the Fourier transform of ΨD . Then the equation for the propagator in
momenta variables reads:
8 Renormalization
Unfortunately many of the diagrams have divergent amplitudes. We have already con-
sidered the four-point function for the diagram on Fig. 8. In the case of d ≥ 4, which
we need in QFT, the integral is divergent at ∞. This is the so called ultra-violet (UV)
The physicists have invented a number of ways to overcome this difficulty. The
objective of this section is to give idea of some of these methods.
8.1 Renormalizability of Field Theories
8.2 Dimensional Regularization
9 Quantum electrodynamics
10 Gauge theories
10.1 Chern-Simons theory
10.2 Yang-Mills Theories
11 Appendix
11.1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Here we give some definitions. For a more detailed treatment of the topics see e.g.
[13, 14].
Let U, V and E be a vector spaces.
Definition 11.1 We say that the mapping φ from U V to E is bilinear if it is linear
in each argument when the other is fixed.
Exactly in the same manner we define a multilinear mapping from j Vj to E.
Definition 11.2 Let the mapping φ from V U to E is bilinear. We sayLthat E is a
tensor product of U and V if the image of φ is E and if ψ is a map from U V to some
vector space F then there exists a linear mapping χ from E to F such that ψ = χ ◦ φ.
In other words the following diagram is commutative:
L φ
V U /E
FF χ
function defined on an open set R × U of R2d . Let q(t) be a smooth path with q̇, q
taking values in U .
Action is the functional (= function in which the variable is the path q(t)):
Z t1
S(q) = L(q̇(t), q(t))dt
The function L is called Lagrangian. Most of the time we will consider Lagrangians of
the form
L = T − U (q) = − U (q).
The quadratic form T is called kinetic energy and the function U is called potential
One can define variational derivative of S with respect to the path q as usually. Let
δq(t) is a small change of the path q(t). The difference:
The paths for which the variational derivative becomes zero satisfy the Euler-Lagrange
d ∂L ∂L
− = 0, j = 1, . . . , d. (11.1)
dt ∂ q̇j ∂qj
We will need also the equivalent formulation of classical mechanics (and field theory)
in Hamiltonian form. Let us first recall the notion of Legendre transform. Consider a
convex (or concave) function f (x) and define the function in p and x
For a fixed p ∈ V ∗ find the unique extremum of F (x, p) as a function in x. This yields
the equation:
p − Df (x) = 0.
Due to the convexity of f this equation has a unique solution x = x0 ∈ V . The Legendre
transform of f is the function g(p) defined by
∂H ∂H
q̇j = , ṗj = − , j = 1, . . . , d. (11.2)
∂pj ∂qj
We will often use the following terminology. The variables q will be called position
variables this implying that q̇ are velocities. The variables p are momenta. The set where
the position variables are defined is called configuration space. The entire space where
the Hamiltonian is defined is called phase space.
Definition 11.3 Hilbert space H is a linear space over R (or C) with a vector product
(x, y) (hermitian vector product (x, ȳ) which is complete with respect to the norm ||x|| =
(x, x).
Example 11.4 Let X be a set with a Lebesgue measure dµ. Denote by L2 (X) the
R of complex functions 2with integrable square X |f | dµ. Define a scalar2 product
by X f ḡdµ where f, g ∈ L (X). Then by the theory of Lebesgue integral L (X) is a
Hilbert space. This is the most important example.
The continuous operators are exactly those which satisfy ||Ax|| ≤ c||x|| with some
constant c. They are also called bounded. However we will need operators that are
unbounded as well as operators that are defined only on subspace of H. For example the
operators x̂j in L2 (Rn ) (multiplication by xj is neither defined everywhere, nor bounded.
The same is true for the Schrd̈inger operator −δ+U (x). We will need to find the spectrum
of such operators. In fact this problem is in the center of quantum mechanics. More
generally we will need to find solutions of partial differential equations. Even when
they have ”good solutions” (which is not so often) it is very convenient to have broader
spaces of ”functions” to operate with. The corresponding spaces are different spaces of
distributions (= generalized functions). We are going to work with the space of tempered
distributions, which we define below. First define the Schwartz space S of all infinitely
differentiable functions on Rn which decay at infinity faster than any power of xj . We
define topology on this space by the semi-norms
δ(f ) = f (0).
fˆ(ξ) = f (x)e−i(x,ξ) dx
f (x) = fˆ(ξ)ei(x,ξ) dξ
(2π)n Rn
F̂ (φ) := F ( φ̂),
where F ∈ S ∗ and φ ∈ S for any test function φ ∈ S. Let us compute the Fourier
transform of δ. We have
1 1 1
δ̂(φ) = δ( n
φ̂) = n
φ̂(0) = φ(x)dx.
(2π) (2π) (2π)n Rn
This yields that δ̂ = (2π) n. In physics and mathematics we often need δ-functions
supported at more complicated sets than one point.
Hermitian operator A is an operator, satisfying the equality (Ax, y) = (x, Ay) for all
vectors from the definition domain of A.
Differential equations
Spectral theorem
Representation theory
11.6 Miscellaneous Notations
∇ · A = ∂1 A1 + ∂2 A2 + ∂3 A3 − − called nabla of A
∇ × A = (∂2 A3 − ∂3 A2 , ∂3 A1 − ∂1 A3 , ∂1 A2 − ∂2 A1 ) called rotor, or curl of A
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