Voting Record of Derek Thomas MP For ST Ives Constituency, Cornwall
Voting Record of Derek Thomas MP For ST Ives Constituency, Cornwall
Voting Record of Derek Thomas MP For ST Ives Constituency, Cornwall
During his tenure as MP for St Ives since 2015, Derek Thomas has voted to: ....... 3
Cut local government funding ............................................................................................ 3
Cut school funding and promote academies ............................................................... 6
Cut welfare support for the most vulnerable ........................................................ 7
Reduce taxation for the better off .............................................................................. 9
Block measures to prevent climate change ............................................................. 12
Restrict the role of Trade Unions .............................................................................. 14
Weaken our human rights ...................................................................................................... 15
Promote failed market solutions to the housing crisis .............................. 19
Reject electoral reform ...................................................................................................... 20
1. Text in blue is hyperlinked
e.g. ‘Derek Thomas almost always voted to….’. You will need to
click on the blue hyperlinked text to see why his voting is qualified
by the term ‘almost always’. Right click on blue text to open up
drop-down menu then click ‘Open Link in New Tab’. Then scroll
down to see how he voted
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
On 5 Feb 2019: Derek Thomas voted to set the main central government grant to
local government for 2018-19 at a level 56% lower than it was set for 2017-18.
On 7 Feb 2018: Derek Thomas voted to set the main central government grant to
local government for 2018-19 at a level 28% lower than it was set for 2017-18.
On 22 Feb 2017 Derek Thomas voted to set the main central government grant to
local government for 2017-18 at a level 44% lower than it was set for 2016-17.
By 2020 councils will have lost 60p out of every £1 the Government had
provided to spend on local services in the last 10 years
“Without additional resource, the worst is yet to come." Cllr Paul Carter,
chairman of the County Council Network and leader of Kent County Council
Cornwall Council funding cuts from central government has already amounted to £300
million with a further projected £75 million of cuts by 2020. Nationally the picture is
worse: funding cuts of £16 billion mean councils will have lost an average 60p out of
every £1 the Government had provided to spend on local services in the last 8 years. 168
councils will receive no revenue support grant at all next year1.
Local Government Association press release 1 Oct 2018
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
To plug the council funding gap, councils are being pushed to raise local
taxes and sell off public assets.
Nearly all English councils plan on increasing council tax this year while slashing
frontline services due to Government cuts, survey reveals2. This includes cuts to
libraries, adult social care and recycling.
For Cornwall, recent figures suggest that an “extra” £17 million promised
by this government to Cornwall Council will come entirely from local
While the government trumpets income tax cuts and raising the tax threshold, it
quietly shifts the burden of taxation on to local councils.
Short term funding to stave off the crisis in social care has failed to
address 8 years of real term reductions
That’s according to an open public letter to the Prime Minister by the Directors of
Adult Social Services5. Local authority social care services in England have
experienced 45 per cent cuts to their funding. The most deprived areas have been
Nearly all English councils to increase council tax. LGA press release 14-Feb-2019
Taxpayers will fund extra £17m for Cornwall Council. Falmouth Packet 18-Dec-2018
The Great British Sell-off. Report by Locality (membership network for community organisations)
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
the hardest hit seeing cuts of more than £220 per head compared with under £40
per head for the least deprived authorities6 .
An investigation by GMB, the union for carers, has revealed at least 166,000
people are trapped in debt for their social care7.
“These stark figures show the UK’s social care ticking timebomb has now blown a
gaping hole in families’ finances.”
Sharon Wilde, GMB National Officer
Closer to home project. Centre for Welfare Reform
At least 166,000 trapped in social care debt. GMB Union 4-June-2018
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
When it comes to a comparison in performance between local authority run schools and
independent academies the record is mixed, but on the whole suggests there is no
substantial difference in performance8.
However, when it comes to poorer pupils, one recent study suggests that two in three
academy chains 'fail' poorer pupils. Poorer children in 38 of the 58 academy chains
performed below the national average last year for all state schools, according to
research from social mobility charity the Sutton Trust9.
Academies and Maintained schools: what do we know? By FullFact
Two in three academies fail poorer students. Article in the Independent 20-Dec 2018
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
For example:
• The collapse of the Perry Beeches free school network in Birmingham occurred
after £1.3m was paid into a company owned by a governor for “executive services”
and, from there, a second salary was paid to its chief executive. The schools were
left with £1.5m worth of debt.
• The collapsed Wakefield City Academies Trust sucked up more than £1m of
reserves from the 21 schools it took over, before returning them back to the
government once the cash was depleted. The trust’s chief executive was paid more
than £80,000 for 15 weeks’ work and procured almost £440,000 worth of services
from his own private IT and clerking companies.
• The Bolton Wanderers free school, which paid its football-club namesake more
than £300,000 a year for rent of a classroom in an otherwise empty stadium, but
was punted back to government with a £380,000 debt and a £200,000 pensions
deficit. The school has now closed.
The Guardian article from which these examples are taken stresses that none of this was
illegal. There are no caps on chief executive pay and only poorly policed rules on buying
from related companies. As the trust pointed out at the time, it followed all the rules and
said the contracts were the “best value” available.
"I can no longer represent a government and a party who can't open their
eyes to the suffering endured by the most vulnerable in society, suffering
which we have deepened whilst having the power to fix." Heidi Allen, ex
Conservative MP10
Fact: Amber Rudd, the Work and Pensions Secretary has admitted that
Universal Credit roll-out is a key cause in rise in use of food banks11.
Tory MPs Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston leave party and join ex-Labour Independents. ITV
news 20-Feb-2019
Amber Rudd links universal credit to rise in food bank use. BBC News 11-2-2019
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Since this government came in power the number of food packs given out has
risen from 41,000 food packs in 2009/10 to 1,332,952 in for the year 2017/8.
484,026 of these went to children12
The 2017/8 figure is a 13% increase on the previous year. This is a higher increase
than the previous financial year, where foodbank use was up by 6%.
The top four reasons for referral to a foodbank in The Trussell Trust network in
2017-18 were ‘low income – benefits, not earning’, ‘benefit delay’, ‘benefit change’
and ‘debt’.
These figures come from the Trussell Trust and their report cites the roll-out of
Universal Credit as a significant factor in the increased use of foodbanks (see also
second section of this report Local Constituency Profile, Universal Credit below)
“Households with at least one disabled adult and a disabled child will lose
over £6,500 a year - over 13% of their annual income”
Report by Equality and Human Rights Commission March 2018: The Cumulative Impact
Assessment of Tax and Welfare Reforms
The reports key finding is that changes to taxes, benefits, tax credits and Universal
Credit (UC) announced since 2010 are regressive, however measured –that is, the
largest impacts are felt by those with lower incomes.
Those in the bottom twenty percent will lose, on average, approximately 10% of
net income, with much smaller losses for those higher up the income distribution.
End of year stats: Trussell Trust
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Derek Thomas consistently voted for raising the threshold at which people
pay income tax
While raising the threshold is always a popular measure, this is a sleight of hand because
the biggest beneficiaries are the better off. The top half of households will benefit from
84% if income tax cuts announced in the Autumn 2018 budget14. It also overlooks
increases in VAT that takes money out of the pockets of the poorest.
At the same time local people and businesses are being asked to pay more in council
tax instead. For Cornwall, recent government figures suggest that an “extra” £17 million
promised to Cornwall Council will come entirely from local taxpayers15 This is simply
giving with one hand and taking with the other.
VAT, which hits the poorest hardest, is a growing proportion of UK government revenues,
while corporation tax is shrinking as a percentage of the total tax take. Source
▪ Inequalities from both income (wages and income from rents and share) and
wealth inequality (the actual value of shares, property, land and other assets)
remain deep and enduring.
▪ Between 2010-2012 and 2012-2014, over half of the increase in personal wealth
went to the top 10 per cent of households. A political focus on income inequality
alone has masked the true extent of inequality in the UK. It must widen to include
Financial Times 19-11-2017
Budget income tax cuts 'to overwhelmingly benefit the rich'. Guardian 30 Oct 2018
Taxpayers will fund extra £17m for Cornwall Council. Falmouth Packet 18-Dec-2018
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
▪ Wealth inequality is twice as great as income inequality. The wealthiest 10 per cent
of households own 45 per cent of the nation’s wealth, while the least wealthy half
of all households own just 9 per cent.
▪ The next generation is set to have less wealth, largely due to housing inequalities.
Fewer than half of ‘millennials’ (those born between 1981 and 2000) are expected
to own their own home by the age of 45, based on current trends
Wealth in the twenty-first century, discussion paper by the IPPR Commission on Economic
Justice pub 2017
Tax Justice UK
While the TheyWorkForYou website states that “Derek Thomas voted a mixture of
for and against measures to reduce tax avoidance” this statement does not stand
Tax avoidance estimates vary from £2.5 billion to £25 Billion – the latter
figure is more than the £20 Billion the NHS needs from Philip Hammond
Report by Tax Justice Network 21-10-2018
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
This matters hugely not just because of cash-strapped public services funded through tax
revenue – but also because outsourcing of public services often go to private companies
who avoid paying any tax at all.
Examples include this tender for provision of agency workforce worth £700 million,
awarded to Capita Business Services Ltd. co-owned from the Bermudas (22%), or a £700
million contract awarded by Bath and North East Somerset to Richard Branson’s VIRGIN
CARE LIMITED company co-owned from British Virgin Islands.
The government has recently been accused of defying parliament by delaying plans to
require British tax havens such as the British Virgin Islands to bring in public registers that
reveal the true identity of owners of companies sheltering assets.
▪ Corporate tax avoiders include local popular retail outlets such as Caffé Nero and
Starbucks. Caffè Nero has not paid a penny in UK corporation tax for a decade
despite selling around £2billion of lattes and flat whites.
▪ It also includes popular online retailer Amazon whose UK corporation tax bill
almost halved to £4.5m despite tripling its pre-tax profits at its UK business from
£24m in 2016 to £72m in 2017.
▪ A widely supported proposal to tackle corporate tax avoidance is to implement
Country-by-Country reporting. This requires companies to publish information for
every country they operate in rather than only provide a single set of information
at a global level that blankets all their operations
▪ the compliance costs for multinationals to do country-by-country reporting would
be near zero since they collect the data already. And the impact would be global,
since around one in five of the world’s biggest multinationals are in the UK
▪ The UK government already has power to implement this but has failed to do so (it
passed legislation two years ago)
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
On 8 Sep 2015 Derek Thomas voted to apply the Climate Change Levy
tax to electricity generated from renewable sources.
This was a deeply regressive policy. The Climate Change Levy was originally
conceived as a tax on business energy use from fossil fuel sources (the main
source of carbon emissions) Its aim was to increase energy efficiency and to
reduce carbon emissions.
MPs debate climate after school strike – but only a handful turn up. Article in Guardian 28-Feb-2019
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
In 2018 we have seen forest fires in the Arctic circle; record high
temperatures in parts of Australia, Africa and the US; floods in India
and devastating droughts in South Africa and Argentina.
The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global
warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will
significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds
of millions of people.
Urgent and unprecedented changes are needed to reach the target, but the authors of
the report stress this is affordable and feasible if we act now. The UK has already signed
up to the Paris agreement pledge to keep temperatures between 1.5C and 2C. but
questions remain as to whether the present government is genuinely committed to
implementing them.
Commission report found €12bn (£10.5bn) a year in support for fossil fuels in the
UK, significantly more than the €8.3bn spent on renewable energy17.
Transport emissions
shows no sign of falling
EU Commission report, as reported in Guardian article UK has biggest fossil fuel subsidies in the EU, finds
commission 23 Jan 2019
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
The authority says the declaration "recognises the climate change crisis and the need for
urgent action". It follows a motion debated at a full Council meeting 22 January, where
the Council called on Westminster to provide the powers and resources necessary to
achieve the target for Cornwall to become carbon neutral by 2030 and committed to work
with other Councils with similar ambitions.
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Derek Thomas voted in favour of repealing the Human Rights Act 1998
The Human Rights Act incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights which
sets out civil and political rights among which are: the right to life (article 2), Liberty
(article 5), the protection of property (Protocol 1 article 1), and the right to a fair trial
(article 6); freedom of conscience and religion (article 9), freedom of expression (article
10) and freedom of assembly (article 11).
Other rights include the right to social security, health care, and the right to environmental
protection. For the full list of rights see the English version of the Charter on EUR-LEX, Access to
European Union Law
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
The Human Rights Act has not yet been repealed but it is a long standing intention of the
Conservative government to replace it with a British Bill of Rights which may be much
more restricted in scope.
Without the Rule of Law, we are left with the rule of the strong.
Human rights are often portrayed by the popular press as protecting undeserving others
such as prisoners, and suspected terrorists. But human rights are for all of us.
In addition to reducing our human rights, there is now a crisis in our legal
system as a result of steep cuts to legal aid brought about by this
government’s Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act
(LASPO) in 2013.
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
This Act has overseen cuts of up to 34 per cent to the Ministry of Justice
expenditure from 2010-11 to 2015-16.
Half of all magistrates courts have been closed since 2010( down from 323 to 161)
and land and court buildings that could have been used for cheap housing or
community use have been sold to private developers 19 and the number able to
access legal aid has fallen by 80 percent. This means people have to travel long distances
for their hearing and pay for steep legal fees.
In effect, this means that if you are subject to discrimination at work, experience family
breakdown, are a tenant about to be evicted, or a benefit claimant whose entitlement has
been miscalculated, you are on your own: either you pay for expensive legal help or you
represent yourself in court and risk losing your case - or worse still, wrongful conviction
through failure to understand the criminal justice system.
Charles Falconer, a former Lord Chancellor has highlighted just how serious these
developments are in relation to employment:
“More than 350,000 cases a year will probably no longer attract costs in the future.
This will have a huge impact in particular on claims for employers’ liability for
injuries at work. Many union and non-union employees alike will have to bring
claims themselves rather than with solicitors. The promoter of this change is the
insurance industry. It benefits substantially; the employee loses”.
And the Bach Commission Report also stresses the danger inherent in the breakdown of
the Rule of Law: “unless everybody can get some access to the legal system at the time in
their lives when they need it, trust in our institutions and in the rule of law breaks down.
When that happens, society breaks down”20
The ease with which our rights can be removed and access to justice
denied, demonstrates the urgent need for a proper, codified constitution
for the UK
A written, codified constitution acts as a protective firewall over fundamental laws and
rights but the UK doesn’t have one. Instead, it has an ‘unwritten constitution’; an outdated
set of unwritten rules and conventions, piecemeal legislation and unelected Lords.
Constituency data: Magistrates’ court closures. House of Commons Library 7-Jan-2019
The Right To Justice. The final report of the Bach Commission September 2017
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Rights can be removed by a simple majority of one, the same legislative means to change
the speed limit or amend VAT. By contrast written constitutions insist on a higher order of
democratic approval for their amendment, such as super-majorities in both houses.
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Despite the ongoing housing crisis Derek Thomas has followed the government line and
dutifully voted as follows:
On 12 Jan 2016: Derek Thomas voted to phase out secure tenancies for
On 5 Sep 2018: Derek Thomas voted against higher fines for landlords or
letting agencies breaching the law limiting what tenants can be charged
On 5 Sep 2018: Derek Thomas voted not to further restrict the
circumstances in which landlords and letting agents can charge tenants
for losses arising from a breach of a tenancy agreement.
Fact: local authorities and housing associations in England have built one
home for every two sold under the right-to-buy scheme.
Source: Guardian reference to
Resolution Foundation think tank
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Derek Thomas has voted against electoral reform and the proposal to
replace our present First Past The Post System with Proportional
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall
Published by Progressive Alliance Cornwall