Lab 9 Gross Anatomy of The Muscular System
Lab 9 Gross Anatomy of The Muscular System
Lab 9 Gross Anatomy of The Muscular System
musculAr system
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
Questions eXeRCise 1
A. List a muscle shown in Figures 3 and 4 that is a prime mover/agonist for
pivoting the head.
Levator scapulae
C. List one muscle that is the prime mover/agonist for depression of the
mandible and list one muscle that is the antagonist for depression of the
E. List one muscle that raises your eyebrow as if you were questioning what someone
com 22 ©Hands-On
Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
com 22 ©Hands-On
Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
Questions eXeRCise 2
A. List one muscle shown in Figures 5 through 7 that is a prime
mover/agonist for adducting the arms.
Pectoralis major
C. Which muscle is the prime mover for shoulder flexion (upper arm moving toward the
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
E. What are the muscles between the ribs called? What do they do?
Intercostals- aid in movement of chest cavity during breathing
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
Questions eXeRCise 3
A. List three agonist muscles that flex
the elbow.
Biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis
C. List two muscles that flex the wrist and allow a human to make a fist.
Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris
D. List two muscles that allow extension of the wrist and flaring of the fingers.
Extensor carpi radialis longus & extensor carpi radialis brevis
E. List one muscle that allows supination of the hand and one muscle that
allows pronation of the hand.
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
Questions eXeRCise 4
A. List one muscle that performed extension
of the hip.
Gluteus maximus
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
Prepare tables similar to Data Tables 5 and 6 below to record
your observations. Label Figures 13a and 13b in Data Tables 5
and 6.
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
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Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
com 23 ©Hands-On
Experim Gross AnAtomy of the
musculAr system
B. Compare the cat and human muscles of the thigh and lower leg. Why
are their structural differences in these muscles?
There are structural differences in these muscles because they move differently than the human
C. Cats have additional, arm, chest and upper leg muscles that humans do
not have. Propose a reason for these differences.
Cats require these extra muscles in their arms, chest and upper legs because they are mobile on
four limbs
as opposed to the two limbs humans move on. Cats need to have more strength in their arms and chest to
support the
rest of their body weight as most of the pressure is put on their arms and legs.
Why can’t individual muscles work all by themselves to produce a movement?
Muscles need to work in pairs to produce steady movements. Individual muscles
need to connect to something else in order to actually produce a functional movement.
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