5-17 Endocrine Handout
5-17 Endocrine Handout
5-17 Endocrine Handout
Karen L. Lancour
National Rules Committee Chairman – Life Science
The endocrine system is a chemical control system. It functions in conjunction with the nervous system to
control the internal environment (homeostasis).
Nervous System vs. Endocrine System – both systems enable cells to communicate with other by using
chemical messengers.
Nervous System Endocrine System
Chemical Messenger neurotransmitters hormones
Location of message synapses target cells
Effects rapid & short-lasting slower & longer lasting
Controls muscles & glands activities of cells
Type of Glands
Endocrine Glands
• The glands and hormones of the endocrine system influence almost every cell and organ in the body
Homeostasis – a stable internal environment - (nutrition, metabolism, excretion, water and salt balances).
Feedback Mechanisms
o change in homeostatic environment
o signal sent to CNS
o signal sent from CNS
o produce effect & body returns to homeostasis
Feedback Mechanisms
Negative Feedback - response that opposes the original change – an increase in A will decrease in B.
• Most common control mechanism
• Level of hormone in blood or body’s return to
homeostasis shuts off loop at hypothalamus and
• Examples – body temperature and sugar
Positive Feedback- reinforces the original change – an increase in A will cause an increase in B.
• Not common – examples – lactation and labor contractions
• Action of OXYTOCIN on uterine muscle during birth.
o Baby pushes on cervix
o Nervous signal to Hypothalamus
o Hypothal. manufactures OXY
o OXY transported to POSTERIOR PITUITARY & released
o OXY stimulates uterine contraction
o Loop stops when baby leaves birth canal
Glands of the Endocrine System
• Hypothalmus:
o Also part of the brain, attached to the posterior
pituitary gland
o Its function is to synchronize the information from
the brain and the secretions of hormones
o Neurosecretory cells – specialized neurons that
synthesize & secrete hormones
o The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the
pituitary gland through nervous stimulation
(posterior pituitary) and releasing hormones secreted
to the anterior pituitary
RH = Pituitary releasing hormones
RIH = Pituitary release inhibiting hormones
• Pituitary:
o Located at the base of the brain and is no larger than the size of
a pea.
o Considered the most important part of the endocrine system
and is often called the “master gland”.
o Controls many other endocrine system glands. The pituitary
gland helps control body and tissue growth.
o Also secretes endorphins, chemicals that reduce sensitivity to
o Divided into anterior and posterior sections
• Anterior Pituitary:
o This is considered the master gland because its secretions regulate many other glands
o It secretes:
o Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which regulate
production of estrogen and progesterone
o Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which stimulates the thyroid to release thyroxin
o Adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH) which stimulates release of chemicals from the
adrenal cortex
o Growth hormone (GH) stimulate cell growth
o Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) which increases production of the skin pigment
o Prolactin stimulates production of milk in nursing mothers
• Posterior Pituitary:
o The posterior pituitary secretes two hormones:
o Oxytocin which stimulates contractions of the uterus during childbirth and allows the milk to be
released from the breast tissue
o Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb more water from the
collecting ducts in the kidneys so there is more water in the blood
• Pineal:
o The pineal gland is located in the brain
o It secretes melatonin, which regulates our internal clocks and any
rhythmic activities
o It plays a large role in our sleep and wake cycles
• Thyroid:
o It wraps around the trachea at the base of the neck
o Secretes a hormone called thyroxine
o Thyroxine regulates the metabolic rates of almost all the cells in
the body
o As the thyroxine levels in the blood increase so does the rate of
cellular respiration
o The thyroid gland needs iodine to create thyroxine, that is why
salt is iodized now
• Parathyroid:
o These four little glands are embedded in the thyroid
o They secrete parathyroid hormone which regulates the
amount of calcium in the blood and its absorption by
• Thymus:
o Located below the thyroid between the right and
left lung
o Secretes thymosin which stimulates T-cell (that is
a type of white blood cell) production in
o This gland shrinks with age as we are exposed to
more germs and build up our stores of antibodies
• Adrenal:
o There are two located on top of the kidneys
o Medulla secretes epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine
which regulate our fight or flight response at times of extreme stress
o Cortex secretes aldesterone which regulates reabsorption of
nutrients from the kidney
o It also secretes cortisol which controls the rate of metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
• Pancreas:
o Located behind the right side of the stomach
o Secretes insulin which tells the liver and muscles
to remove sugar from the blood and store it as fat
o Also secretes glucagon which tells the liver to
break down fat stores and release sugar back into
the blood
• Ovaries:
o Secrete estrogen and progesterone which regulate the
female menstrual cycle
o Endometrium in the uterus also secretes a female
hormone when a fertilized egg binds to it to stop the
menstrual cycle from progressing to menstruation
• Testicles:
o Secretes male steroid hormones such as testosterone.
o Testosterone controls development of male characteristics such as
formation of male sex organs in the womb, sperm development, and
secondary sex characteristics at puberty (deep voice, facial hair, chest and
armpit hair, etc)
Pancreatic Disorders:
• Diabetes mellitus = a group of disorders caused by an inability to produce or use insulin
• Type I or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is caused by an absolute deficiency of insulin
• Type II or insulin-independent diabetes is caused by down-regulation of insulin receptors
• Hyperinsulinism results when too much insulin is present and causes hypoglycemia (low blood
sugar) and possibly insulin shock.
Mechanism of Hormone Action
Peptides and Amines – non-steroid water soluble – large & can’t fit through membrane of target cell
Protein hormones (1st messengers) - bind to receptor
on target cell triggering 2nd messenger to affect cell’s
• hormone (1 messenger) does not enter the cell
• bind to receptor on the plasma membrane receptors
• hormone-receptor complex activates G protein
• generates chemical signal (2 messenger) – most
common is cAMP and IP3
• 2 messenger chemical signal activates other
intracellular chemicals to produce response in target
• responses may be phosporylation, activation of
enzymes release of calcium ions into cytosol from
ER, turn on transcription factor CREB for protein
• Hydrophilic
• Large
• Can't fit through membrane
• Second messenger mechanism of action
• Most common hormone
• translated, packaged, & sent
• Hydrophilic/Lipophobic
• Bind surface receptors at target
• Binding mediates signal transduction/2nd messenger system
• Example: Insulin
• Synthesized from a single amino acid
• Melatonin from tryptophan
• Thyroid hormone from tyrosine
• Catecholamines (EPI, DA) from tyrosine
• Produced from 20-carbon fatty acid, arachadonic acid
• Produced in all cells except RBCs
• 2nd messenger
• Prostaglandins and leukotrienes
• inflammation
Steroid Hormones
• Small
• Hydrophobic/Lipophilic
• Travel in blood w/carrier
• Cytoplasmic or nuclear receptors
• change protein synthesis
• Example: estradiol