Screw Mount Leicas PDF
Screw Mount Leicas PDF
Screw Mount Leicas PDF
With the six screws removed, you can slide down the body You can still cock and release the shutter. Notice the pawl
at the top of the take-up sleeve (the shaft from which you
removed the take-up spool). The pawl provides the one- RELEASE BUTTON
way clutch for the cocking action. When you turn the wind
knob to cock the shutter, the pawl disengages. Now the gears
can turn freely. But when you release the wind knob, the
pawl moves into engagement with the gear teeth. So, if you
stop turning the wind knob before the shutter is fully cocked,
the pawl prevents the curtains from returning to the released
position. SPROCKET
From the back of the film aperture, you can now check the
shutter curtains. Note the condition of the curtains as you
cock and release the shutter. Also check the shutter speeds
to see if you're getting a slit all the way across the aperture CURTAIN-WIND
at 1/1000 second. GEAR TAKE-UP
The operation at 1/1000 second is your best guide as to the
camera's condition. You may find that you get no light at
all through the film aperture. Or you may get light at the BODY SHELL REMOVED
opening side of the aperture but not at the closing side. In
either case, the camera needs cleaning and lubrication—
and probably curtain-tension adjustments.
Both actions take place as you push down the release but-
ton. As the release button moves down, the curtain-wind
gear also moves down. Remember, the curtain-wind gear is
under the sprocket—interlocking studs on the sprocket and
curtain-wind gear engage the film-advance gears to the cur-
tain-wind mechanism.
Notice that pushing down the release button also moves the
end of the flat release spring, Fig. L3, toward the bottom of
the camera. The flat release spring finally pushes the lst-
curtain latch out of engagement with the lst-curtain cam.
Now the 1st curtain crosses the film aperture.
There's one more operation you can see from the bottom of
FIG. L7 BACK OF CAMERA, RELEASE the camera—the curtain brake. The curtain brake goes into
BUTTON PUSHED DOWN action after the 1st curtain has crossed the film aperture.
As the 1st curtain nears the end of its travel, the lst-curtain ECCENTRIC
cam strikes the brake lever, Fig. L8 and Fig. L9. The brake
lever now causes a brake shoe to engage the inside of the
brake drum.
You can't as yet see the brake parts—they are on the other RELEASED
side of the bottom plate in Fig. L8. Fig. L10 shows the
brake shoe and drum that sit on the inside of the bottom
plate. A flatted end of the brake-lever shaft fits in the open
area of the brake shoe. When the lst-curtain cam drives the
brake lever as shown in Fig. L9, the brake-lever shaft spreads
the brake shoe. The brake shoe then comes against the in-
side of the brake drum. FIG. L9 During the release cycle, the 1st-
curtain cam drives the brake lever as shown
The brake drum rotates with the lst-curtain curtain drum. by the curved arrow.
So, as the brake shoe slows the rotation of the brake drum,
the brake drum slows the rotation of the lst-curtain drum.
The 1st curtain comes to a gradual—rather than an abrupt—
How about the 2nd curtain? Some focal-plane shutters also
provide a brake for the 2nd curtain. But many focal-plane
shutters, like the Leica IIIf, have only a lst-curtain brake. BRAKE
The lst-curtain brake also tends to brake the 2nd curtain. DRUM
After the 1st curtain has crossed the aperture, it doesn't move
all the way to its stop—the lst-curtain brake prevents the
1st curtain from moving to a solid stop. Now the 2nd cur- BRAKE SHOE
tain fires across the film aperture. As the 2nd-curtain drum
nears the released position, it comes against the lst-curtain
drum (you saw this operation in your study of drum-type FIG. L10 Brake shoe and brake drum.
focal-plane shutters). And the 2nd-curtain drum drives the
lst-curtain drum a little further in the release direction—
against the pressure of the brake. Now the brake cushions cam strikes—is an eccentric, Fig. . The eccentric provides
the 2nd curtain to prevent bounce. your adjustment for the brake. Later in this section, we'll
cover the brake adjustment. The procedure for adjusting
The end of the brake lever—the end that the lst-curtain curtain brakes applies to all focal-plane shutters.
On the bottom of the speed knob, you can see the half- SAFETY SWITCH
moon cutout that operates the sync contacts. The sync con-
tacts, Fig. L14, remain in the center of the sync dial. As the
speed knob rotates with the lst-curtain drum, its cutout
determines when the sync contacts close. SYNC CONTACTS
It may seem that the sync contacts would also close during
the cocking cycle. They do. But, thanks to a safety switch,
Fig. L12, the flash doesn't fire. FIG. L13 During release cycle.
The use of a safety switch is common in focal-plane shut- MOVABLE SYNC CONTACT
ters. As you cock the shutter, the contacts that fire the flash
close. But the safety switch is open, Fig. L12. The open
safety switch disconnects the sync contacts from the CONTACT
flashcord terminal. BOTTOM
The safety switch closes during the release cycle. Now the SPEED
closed safety switch connects the sync contacts to the KNOB
flashcord terminal. When the sync contacts close, Fig. L13,
the flash fires. FIG. L14 Shutter cocked.
In the Leica IIIf, the safety switch is under the 2nd-curtain
latch—you'll be able to see the safety switch with the top
cover removed. SYNC
Set the rewind lever (the lever just in front of the release
button) to the advance position. Then remove the screw hold
ing the rewind lever. Lift off the rewind lever and the bush-
ing that fits over the rewind shaft (the shaft from which you
removed the rewind lever). Moving the rewind lever to the
rewind position disengages the sprocket. The sprocket can
then turn in the reverse direction as you rewind the film.
FIG. L15 During release cycle.
The wind knob screws onto the top of the take-up sleeve,
Fig. L16. A setscrew locks the wind knob in place. You can
reach the setscrew through the hole in the outer circumfer-
ence of the wind knob, Fig. L17 (you may have to lift and
rotate the film-reminder dial to locate the setscrew). Loosen
the setscrew around two turns. Then unscrew the wind knob
from the take-up sleeve.
The take-up sleeve and the counter dial arc now loose. But
you can hold the take-up sleeve in place to see how the
counter dial operates. The top portion of the take-up sleeve
is an eccentric that fits in the center of the counter gear,
Fig. L18. A slot in the counter gear fits over a pin, Fig. L19.
The pin allows the counter gear to slide back and forth. But
the pin only allows the counter gear to rotate slightly.
But the wind knob always turns the same amount. The slip-
FIG. L21 Take-up sleeve removed from
ping clutch then allows the take-up spool to stop after the
correct amount of film has been advanced—yet you can camera.
continue turning the wind knob to complete the shutter-
cocking cycle. A clutch that slips too freely causes another problem. The
film then isn't wound tightly enough around the take-up
You can often trace film-advance problems to the slipping spool. The loose film may cause a bind in the film trans-
clutch on the take-up spool. For example, suspect the slip- port.
ping clutch if the camera tears the perforation holes in the
film. Torn perforation holes indicate that the clutch isn't The slip spring in the film-advance clutch should be clean
slipping freely enough. and normally dry (no lubrication). Lubrication may cause
the clutch to slip too freely—dirt may cause the clutch to
After the film has advanced the proper amount, the sprocket be too tight. At times it may be necessary to increase the
stops. But the take-up spool keeps turning as you advance spring tension on the slip spring.
the wind knob. If the clutch doesn't slip freely enough, the
film will be pulled past the locked sprocket—and perfora- Continuing with the disassembly, you'll see other features
tion holes will tear. that are fairly standard in 35mm cameras. To remove the
You can now reach the rangefinder-focus lever that sits un-
der the rewind knob. The rangefinder-focus lever moves a
lens within the rangefinder; use the control to adjust the
focus of the rangefinder image.
A notched retaining ring holds the rangefinder-focus lever. REWIND FORK
Use a spanner wrench with flat tips to unscrew the retain-
ing ring. Then lift out the rangefinder-focus lever. For reas- FIG. L22 Back of camera, rewind-knob end.
sembly reference, note the brass rangefinder-focusing disc
under the top cover at the position of the rangefinder-focus
lever. The pin on the underside of the rangefinder-focus Some versions have two top-cover screws located under the
lever fits into the hole in the rangefinder-focusing disc. counter dial, Fig. L19. Remove the two screws if present.The
top cover is now free—only the sync wire still attaches the
The procedure for removing the rewind knob is a little flashcord terminal to the camera. Lift the top cover straight
different in the Leica IIIf than in most 35mm cameras. up and off the camera body, Fig. L24—you'll probably have
With most. 35mm cameras, the rewind knob screws onto to slightly spring out the front of the top cover to clear the
the rewind shaft. Normally you just hold the rewind fork rangefinder assembly. Then unsolder the sync wire from
to prevent it from turning—and you then unscrew the the contact plate, Fig. L24.
rewind knob. But also check for a screw at the top of the
rewind knob. If so, the screw may be holding the rewind Lift out the loose spacer washer that sits on top of the
knob to the rewind shaft. Remove the screw rather than rangefinder-focusing disc at the rewind end of the camera.
unscrewing the rewind knob. You might also temporarily replace the eyelens frame, Fig.
L22, with its two screws. The eyelens frame then holds the
Remove the eyelens frame, Fig. L22, by taking out its two rangefinder eyelenses in place.
screws. Also remove the accessory shoe at the top of the
top cover—it's held by four screws.
From the front of the camera, note the screw next to the ACCESS HOLE FOR RANGEFINDER ACCURACY
viewfinder—the screw covers a rangefinder adjustment, LENS FOR FIXED IMAGE
Fig. L23. Remove the screw. You can then see the accuracy
adjustment—a screw accessible through the top-cover open-
ing, Fig. L23. If the only problem is that the rangefinder
images don't superimpose at infinity, you need only remove
the screw to reach the adjustment.
The lens for the fixed image, Fig. L23, screws into the
rangefinder. But the wedge for the movable image has a WEDGE FOR MOVABLE IMAGE BEZEL
friction fit. The movable-image wedge prism provides your
alignment rangefinder adjustment. By rotating the wedge,
you can align the images vertically. FIG. L23 Front of top cover.
You've also seen how the 1st curtain releases. The speed-
control disc rotates clockwise, carrying the 2nd-curtain re-
lease lever, as (the 1st curtain crosses the aperture. But the
2nd curtain remains held—the 2nd-curtain latch engages
the 2nd-curtain cam, Fig. L26.
FIG. L26 2nd-curtain release lever striking
At 1/30 second, the 1st curtain completely crosses the fo- 2nd-curtain latch.
Fig. L28 and Fig. L29 show the 2nd-curtain cam as if you
could see through the 2nd-curtain release lever and the
speed-control disc. The retard lever moves into the path of
the 2nd-curtain cam. After the 2nd-curtain release lever dis-
engages the 2nd-curtain latch, the 2nd-curtain cam can only
move a slight distance before it strikes the retard lever, Fig.
L29. The 2nd curtain moves slightly in the release direc- FIG. L29 On slow speeds, the 2nd-curtain
tion—but not far enough to enter the film aperture. cam must push aside the retard lever.
Now the 2nd-curtain cam must push aside the retard le-
ver—against the opposition of the slow-speed governor. The
As you cock the shutter for the next exposure, the 2nd-
curtain cam rotates counterclockwise. Now it appears that
the retard lever is in the way of the 2nd-curtain cam.
But,until you release the shutter, the retard lever sits below FIG. L30 Time action.
the plane of the 2nd-curtain cam. The 2nd-curtain cam then
passes above the retard lever. Then, when the 1st curtain you can slide the time plate closer to or further from the
crosses the film aperture, the retard lever moves up—into retard lever. Adjust the position of the time plate for proper
position to catch the 2nd-curtain cam. time operation. If the time plate doesn't catch the retard
lever at the time setting, slide the time plate closer to the
The part that moves up the retard lever is the retard-rod retard lever. If the time plate catches the retard lever at the
spring at the bottom of the camera, Fig. L31. The lower 1-second setting, slide the time plate away from the retard
end of the retard rod sits on the top of the retard-rod spring; lever.
the retard lever attaches to the upper end of the retard rod.
A pin on the underside of the lst-curtain cam operates the
retard-rod spring. With the shutter cocked, the end of the You may wish to disassembly the speed-control parts for
retard-rod spring moves down—toward the bottom of the cleaning and lubrication. It's especially critical that the 2nd-
camera. The retard-lever spring, Fig. L24, then pushes down curtain latch is clean and properly lubricated.
the retard rod. Now the retard lever sits below the plane of
the 2nd-curtain cam. To remove the 2nd-curtain release lever, take out its center
screw. Careful—there's a loose compression spring under
But when the lst-curtain cam reaches the released posi- the screw. The compression spring holds the 2nd-curtain
tion, Fig. L31, its downward-projecting pin pushes up the release lever against the speed-control disc. Remove the
end of the retard-rod spring. The retard-rod spring pushes compression spring and lift off the 2nd-curtain release le-
up the retard rod. And the retard lever moves into the plane ver.
of the 2nd-curtain cam.
Next remove the screw on the
The slow-speed knob also has a time setting. At time, the outer circumference of the speed-
retard lever moves its maximum distance toward the 2nd- control disc—the screw holds the
curtain cam. Here the time plate, Fig. L30, blocks the move- speed-control disc to the shaft of
ment of the retard lever. The 2nd-curtain cam can't push the lst-curtain drum. Lift off the
the retard lever aside. And the shutter stays open until you speed-control disc.
turn the slow-speed knob to another setting.
You can now reach the 2nd-cur-
The time plate has an adjustment—after loosening the screw, tain cam, Fig. L28. If you cock
The slow-speed cam has two cam surfaces. The cam face
of the slow-speed cam positions the retard rod—for deeper
retard-lever engagement, the slow-speed cam pushes the
retard rod toward the camera body. The cam edge of the
slow-speed cam controls the pallet in the slow-speed gov-
The retard lever must now return to the ready position— PALLET
from left to right in Fig. L29—in preparation for the next
exposure. A spring on the first-gear segment in the slow-
speed governor returns the retard lever. Since the 2nd cur-
tain has disengaged the pallet, the retard lever can move
easily to the ready position—the spring-loaded first-gear
segment doesn't have to move against the opposing action
of the pallet.
Two screws hold the slow-speed governor, Fig, L39—one FIG. L38 Slow-speed governor, shutter
of the screws also helps secure the retard rod spring. Re- released.
move the two screws and lift out the slow-speed governor.
You may also want to remove the pallet-control gear for But with the Leica IIIf—and, as a general rule with other
cleaning and lubrication. Since the pallet-control gear ro- focal-plane shutters as well—you don't want to remove the
tates with the 2nd curtain, it must be clean and properly curtains for cleaning. Removing the curtains is very time-
lubricated. Remove the shoulder screw that holds the pal- consuming—and reassembly can be difficult.
let-control gear.
Fortunately, it's rarely necessary to remove the curtain roll-
FLUSH CLEANING THE SHUTTER ers. You can even replace the curtains without further dis-
assembly—we described the technique in Making and Re-
You can now clean the slow-speed governor as described in placing Shutter Curtains (Section 10).
Section 3, Cleaning & Lubrication. Lubricate the gear piv-
ots of the slow-speed governor with oil. Flush cleaning is the technique for cleaning with mini-
With a focal-plane shutter, you can use a small brush— REMOVING THE RANGEFINDER
such as an artist's brush. Use the brush to deposit the clean-
ing solution into a bearing. For example, say you're clean- For most repairs, it isn't necessary to remove the rangefinder
ing the tension rollers. Deposit the cleaning solution be- assembly, Fig. L40. But you can remove the rangefinder
tween the central shaft and the outer shell at the top of one after taking off the front plate.
tension roller.
The roller on the rangefinder lever, Fig. L35, rides against
Use your thumb to rotate the tension roller back and forth. a cam formed at the back of the lens. The rangefinder lever
And slide the tension roller up and down, working in the then moves a prism in the rangefinder. And the prism moves
cleaning solution. Then blow out the cleaning solution. the movable rangefinder image.
The cleaning solution carries out the dirt and dry lubrica-
tion. Repeat the procedure a couple of times to make sure A screw holds the rangefinder lever to the rangefinder.
the bearing is clean. Then proceed to the next bearing sur- Working from inside the shutter opening, Fig. L35, remove
face- the screw and washer at the end of the rangefinder lever.
Make sure you clean all four bearing surfaces for the ten- Lift out the rangefinder lever.
sion roller (two tension rollers, top and bottom). Also clean
both ends of the curtain drum. Reach under the 2nd-curtain Three screws hold the complete rangefinder assembly—
two are under the rangefinder lever you just removed. The
cam to clean the upper bearing of the 2nd-curtain drum.
third is next to the flange for the rewind shaft. Remove the
And reach under the lst-curtain cam to clean the lower bear- three screws and lift out the rangefinder assembly.
ing of the lst-curtain drum.
Looking at the underside of the rangefinder assembly, you
Remember to repeat the cleaning procedure for each bear- can see a screwhead extending from the eyelens tube—the
ing. The process may seem slow. But it's a lot faster than screw provides the coupling for the eyelens-focus adjust-
removing and replacing the curtain rollers. After cleaning ment. Remember that you can adjust the focus of the
the shutter, lubricate each bearing with a tiny drop of oil. rangefinder image for your own eyesight. Moving the scre-
whead slides a lens within the eyelens tube.
You may prefer to remove the pallet-control gear, Fig. L34,
for cleaning and lubrication. Since the pallet-control gear The screwhead fits in the slot of a coupling lever at the top
turns with the 2nd curtain, it must be very clean and prop- of the camera body. A fork at the end of the coupling lever
erly lubricated. Lubricate the shoulder of the shoulder screw straddles a projection on the rangefinder-focusing disc (the
that holds the pallet-control gear with shutter (clock) oil. disc around the rewind flange that's engaged by the
rangefinder-focus lever). When you replace the rangefinder
REPLACING THE PALLET- assembly, fit the screwhead in the slot of the coupling le-
Remember that all parts that rotate with the
curtains should be lubricated with shutter oil—
that includes the pallet-control gear. Lightly
lubricate the inside of the pallet-control-gear
center hole.
Install the light shields, Fig. L35 and Fig. L34. Remember TENSION-ROLLERS
the positions of the drum light shield and the light shield by LIGHT SHIELD
the tension rollers—both light shields pass to the insides of
the upturned edges of the lower light shield, Fig. L41. LOWER
One of the screws around the lens mount also passes into a
threaded cleat, Fig. L41. The cleats are separate parts held
to the camera body by screws. You can see one of the
threaded cleats in Fig. L35—this is the cleat for the screw
around the lens mount.
It's possible that the threaded cleats may have shifted out of
position. The screw hole in the cleat won't then align with
the screw hole in the front plate.
ADJUSTING THE CURTAIN TENSIONS Precise adjustments require proper testing equipment. But
you can visually adjust for proper operation. Set the shutter
You can adjust the curtain tensions and the shutter speeds speed to 1/1000 second. Then check to see if you're getting
before replacing the top cover. The top cover must be re- a slit all the way across the film aperture. Remember that
moved to adjust the slit-width shutter speeds. But you can you can use a florescent lamp to get an indication as to the
temporarily replace the take-up sleeve, the counter gear, accuracy of the shutter speed and the uniformity of the shut-
the counter dial, and the wind knob. You can then cock the ter speed across the aperture.
shutter with the wind knob rather than trying to rotate the
sprocket. If you only get light at the opening side of the aperture, the
2nd-curtain is catching the 1st curtain. You then know you
Also replace the speed knob. Seat the 2nd~curtain release have to add tension to the 1st curtain.
lever in the bulb hole, Fig. L43. Then replace the speed
knob with its "B" calibration pointing to the center of the But what if you get no light at all through the aperture?
camera. Change the shutter-speed setting to 1/500 second. Then re-
check the operation. If you now gel light at the opening
Replacing the speed knob serves two purposes. For one, it's side—but not at the closing side—increase the lst-curtain
The shutter should now operate. From here, make all your
tension adjustments on the 1st curtain as previously
FIG. L43 2nd-curtain release lever at bulb
ADJUSTING THE SHUTTER SPEEDS IN (top) and at 1/1000 second (bottom), shutter
THE LEICA IIIf cocked.
Unfortunately, it's not always possible to find information If the ammeter housing rotates, there's another danger—
on the older cameras. If there's no information available— the housing is probably spring-loaded. The linkage then
and if you can't find a "junker" for practice—you may have moves the housing in one direction; the spring moves the
to prepare your own repair manual as you go. But again— housing in the other direction.
if the camera has value, don't attempt repairs until you've
gained proficiency. You can determine what part is moving before disassem-
bly. Change the shutter speed. Is the exposure-meter needle
You might make a photo record of your disassembly. The moving? Or is a doughnut moving? Also check the opera-
photos you take will provide invaluable reassembly refer- tion while you're changing the diaphragm setting and the
ence. Or make sketches to show spring positions, wire con- film-speed setting.
nections and routing, timing points, etc. The better your
sketches and photos, the more useful your repair informa- To prevent damage—and to give you a chance to note tim-
tion will be. ing points—it's desirable to let off as much tension as pos-
sible from the ammeter spring. Usually, the shutter-speed
Here are some tips you can apply when working on an un- and film-speed controls rotate the ammeter housing. And
familiar camera: in most cases, you can let off the maximum amount of spring
tension by the following settings:
Removing the top cover may disturb timing points—espe- You may also lose, spring tension when you remove the
cially if the camera has a cross-coupled exposure meter. As counter dial. A spring may return the counter dial to the
mentioned in the section Exposure Meters, the old cameras start position when you open the back cover. When the
use mechanical linkage. counter dial reaches the start position, it comes against a
stop. Here, there's still some tension remaining on the
The linkage couples the ammeter to the camera controls. counter-dial spring-that's the initial tension. You'll lose the
Frequently the ammeter housing rotates as you change the initial tension when you remove the counter dial.