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Characterization and Feasibility of Biomass Fuel Pellets Made of Colombian Timber, Coconut and Oil Palm Residues Regarding European Standards

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Characterization and feasibility of biomass fuel pellets

made of Colombian timber, coconut and oil palm residues
regarding European standards

Carlos Andrés Forero Núñez1, Joachim Jochum2, Fabio Emiro Sierra Vargas1
1 Clean Development Mechanisms and Energy Management Research Group, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Department,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Cr 30 45-04, Bogotá, Colombia
2 Mechanical and Process Engineering Department, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Badstrasse 24, D77652,
Offenburg, Germany

Corresponding author: Carlos Andrés Forero Núñez, E-mail caforeron@unal.edu.co, Tel. (+57) 3213430593

Keywords: biomass, coconut shells, oil palm shells, pellets, renewable energy

Received in December 2012. Published in February 2013.

ABSTRACT evaluated to guarantee pellets demand in the near future.

Some of them are agricultural residues. Colombia is a country
Strong correlation between economic development, energy with an interesting potential for biomass production
demand and fossil fuels utilization during last decades has because there is a rising generation of agricultural products.
caused some negative impacts worldwide, based on it, the This work aims to assess main properties of Colombian
renewable resources for energy production should be timber industry residues, coconut shells and oil palm shells
employed to mitigate these effects. Nowadays, biomass is and compare the characteristics of pellets made from these
one of the most prominent renewable sources, but factors raw materials with European standards. Pellets made from
such as low density and high moisture content are some these feedstocks have an average density between 850 and
drawbacks. In order to overcome these problems, some 1025kg·m-3, low ash contents and heating values around
companies use different types of biomass to provide solid 18000kJ·kg-1. Coconut shell pellets have low compression
biofuels with higher energy density, mechanical resistance ratios and problems during pretreatment; whereas,
and standardized dimensions. Wood pellet industry has sawdust, wood shavings and oil palm shell pellets proved to
increased exponentially during last years, faster than timber be an attractive opportunity for pellet industry development
industries; therefore, new raw materials should be in Colombia.

INTRODUCTION during the combustion process and relative ease for

extraction and transportation, there are some serious
The development of humankind has produced a significant effects that could not be neglected. Some of them are
increase of energy consumption. Since the industrial energy dependency, historical wars, social displacement
revolution, the demand of electricity and primary energy and maybe the most known one, global warming caused by
has augmented, from 71,071PWh in 1973 to 141,304PWh greenhouse gases.
in 2009; likewise, electricity generation boosted up 227%, As a consequence of the unrestricted use of fossil fuels
6,115PWh in 1973 and 20,055PWh in 2009 (IEA 2011a). for energy production, CO2 emissions have gone up (Al-
Large scale hydropower systems and fossil fuel mulali and Binti Che Sab 2012); in 1971 global emissions
combustion power systems cover this necessity, causing a were about 15,000Mt, whereas in 2009 reached 30,000Mt.
lot of environmental, economic, political and social In 2009, coal produced 43% of CO2 emissions while 37%
impacts worldwide. Despite of the advantages that these came from oil and 20% from gas (IEA 2011b). An analysis
fossil resources have such as high energy density, stability of these emissions by sector shows that the critical issue



here is to control emissions produced by electricity and 2009a). Likewise, the lower moisture content and the
heat sector, its share was 43% of world emissions in 2009 decreased heterogeneity of the densified biomass also
while transport was 23%, industry 20%, residential 6%, contribute to improve conversion technologies (Erlich et
and others 10%. Based on these and other problems, al. 2006).
some countries have redirected their investments and Wood pellets industry has grown during last years, and
policies on trying to increase the production of clean different production facilities have been installed
energy based on renewable resources. worldwide to support demand of Europe, US and Canada.
Between 2004 and 2010 global new investment in Europe has the largest wood pellet production industry
renewable energy raised up at high rates, in 2004 it with 670 pellet plants under operation, producing 10 million
corresponded to 22 Billion USD and seven years later the tonnes in 2009 (REN21 2011). Most of this industry
investment overpassed 210 Billion USD (REN21 2011), operate with wood residues such as sawdust or wood
this means an increase around 850%. Nevertheless, these shavings; although, there are more types of materials that
investments are not enough to supply the world demand, in should be explored based on the fact that the timber
terms of electricity renewable resources support 18%, industry could not increase in the same rate as wood pellet,
whereas these technologies supply 16% of final energy producing a deficit of raw materials. Some of these
consumption. More research and development should be alternative materials show fascinating results such as
done on renewable resources different from big paulownia (Lopez et al. 2012), corn stover, switchgrass
hydropower systems, based on the fact that they cover no (Kaliyan and Vance Morey 2009a) and poplar (Mediavilla
more than 3.3% of global electricity production. et al. 2012). This work aims to analyze proximate and
Biomass is commonly used for food, feed, fiber, and ultimate analysis of Colombian oil palm shells, coconut
energy production such as power, heat and liquid biofuels. shells, sawdust, wood shavings, dark coal and the feasibility
Among non-hydro renewable resources, biomass is the of pellets produced with these materials in relation to
second most significant source for power production. Wind European standards.
power existing capacity, at the end of 2010, was 198GW
followed by 52GW from biomass. Some of the most
attractive characteristics of biomass are: the huge variety of MATERIAL AND METHODS
species with adequate characteristics for producing energy
(Vassilev et al. 2010), decentralized location of the In this study, two kinds of residues of the timber industry
resources, existing technologies for direct biomass were used; the sawdust and wood shavings produced
utilization such as biodigestors, gasifiers or stoves (Forero- during wood cutting were gathered from carpentry of
Núñez et al. 2012a). Moreover, these characteristics Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Coconut shells are
generate opportunities for promoting employment creation the external part of the coconut; they were supplied by
for technicians and farmers (Di Giacomo and Taglieri Amerteck Ltda, Colombia. During palm oil extraction,
2009). different solid residues are produced; the most notable
Colombia has an attractive opportunity to use biomass are oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB), fibers and shells.
for energy carrier production based on the facts that We used oil palm shells provided by the Colombian
several agricultural processes use a significant share of the company “El Palmar del llano”, an oil palm extraction
territory, leading to large quantities of agricultural plant (Figure 1).
byproducts, and the necessity of electrical supply at some The feedstock used needs to have small particle sizes
off-grid areas which could result on more development. and low water content to ensure that produced pellets have
Energy potential of coconut shells is 854TJ·yr -1 and better physical characteristics such as strength, durability
potential of oil palm solid residues is 6921TJ·yr-1 (Forero- and final density. The pretreatment of these resources
Núñez et al. 2012b). This could supply energy demand for includes some stages; biomass was disposed for natural
2.1 million people, approximately. drying, afterwards they were crushed and ground. Palm oil
Low density values, non-uniform shapes and sizes, high shells require less energy during grinding because they are
moisture contents at production place are some of the most more fragile than coconut shells. Sawdust and wood
serious problems regarding biomass utilization, especially shavings do not require cutting, just drying was done
when solid wastes would be employed. Therefore, biomass (Figure 2).
densification might be applied; this process produces During physical characterization, different properties
bigger structures from biomass powders; typically, the were measured. Bulk density was determined according to
products are cylindrical solids known as pellets or ASTM D5057, where a box with known dimensions is filled
briquettes with standardized dimensions and high with the material; afterwards, the samples are weighed. The
mechanical resistance (Teixeira et al. 2012). Pellet relation between samples mass and box volume gives the
production has some benefits in terms of reduction of value of this property (Equation 1). The proximate analysis is
storage volume, transportation costs and easy handling and performed; moisture content is evaluated by following ASTM
control of feeding systems (Kaliyan and Vance Morey E871-82, where samples are weighed before and after drying
Forero Núñez et al. Fuel pellets made of Colombian agricultural residues 69

Figure 1. A-oil palm and B-coconut shells as received.

Figure 2. Biomass employed for solid biofuel production after pretreatment: A-oil palm shells, B-coconut
shells, C-sawdust, D-wood shavings.

in an oven at 105°C; this test was completed when the mass where HHV (MJ·kg -1) was the higher heating value, %C
difference did not change more than 0.2%. Volatile matter was the carbon mass content, %H 2 was the hydrogen
was determined by ASTM E872, where samples were placed mass content, %O 2 was the oxygen mass content, %S was
in an oven during seven minutes at 950°C; the volatile matter the sulfur mass content, % ash db was the ash mass
was calculated as the ratio between weight difference and content on dry basis, LHV (MJ·kg -1) was the lower
initial dry sample mass. Ash content was measured following heating value, and % m was the moisture content in the
the methodology presented on ASTM E1755-01. Samples sample.
used for volatile matter evaluation were employed and Densification of these materials was made using
burned in an oven at 800°C; the relation of remaining mass a hydraulic press with a 120mm long and 21mm diameter
against initial weight gives the ash content. Fixed carbon was fixed die. It was fitted on a stainless steel base; the press
calculated by mass balance on the samples ASTM 1756-08. plunger moves straight down with no lateral movement.
Each biomass after natural air drying at environment Press force could vary between 113MPa and 200MPa. All
conditions has water, volatile compounds, ash and carbon; samples were densified at the same pressure. The die has
therefore, fixed carbon is defined by the difference of initial not any heating device; hence, all the solids were made at
material weight with moisture content, ash and volatile ambient conditions (18°C and 87.993kPa).
matter fraction, all of these parameters might be at wet basis. The characteristics analyzed for the solids were their
dimensions, final bulk density and the compression ratio.
min The dimensions of the pellets were measured according
ρin = (1) to Obernberger and Thek (2004) by measuring the
V length and diameter of 20 randomly selected samples;
thus, the ratio length/diameter were calculated. Based
where min (kg) was the sample mass weight, ρin (kg·m-3) was on the dimensions, it was possible to reckon the volume,
the bulk density, and V (m3) was the sample volume. thus final bulk density was defined as the ratio between
Ultimate analysis was performed by the staff of green solids weight and volume. The average bulk
Ingeominas Coal laboratory Colombia; carbon, hydrogen, density was calculated for ten measurement series per
nitrogen contents were determined according to ASTM sample. Based on the fact that densification is a
D5373-08, where a LECO Truspec CHN analyzer is used. mechanical process, and no heat was added to the system
Sulfur content was measured with a LECO SC-32 and final heating value, sulfur and nitrogen content were
S-144DR analyzer based on ASTM D4239-08. Hence, it was assumed constant and equal to initial values.
possible to calculate elemental oxygen content. Compression ratio was calculated as the relation
Two methods were followed to determine heating value; between final and initial density (Equation 3).
the samples were analyzed in a bomb calorimeter in
accordance with ASTM D-5865-04, and two analytical ρfin
relations based on ultimate analysis were used (Stahl and CR = (3)
Henrich 2004). The first one corresponds to Dulong ρin
Bertholot equation and the second relates the higher heating
value of lignocellulose and the ash content. Lower or net where CR was the compression ratio, ρfin (kg·m-3) was the
heating value (LHV) was calculated by using the final density and ρin (kg·m-3) was the density before
Equation 2 according to Obernberger and Thek 2004). densification.

%H2 - %O2
HHV = 339·%C + 1213 + 226·%H2 + 105·%S (2)
 8 

HHV = 20490 - 271·%ashdb

1 - %m
HHV - 2.447·%m
 100 
- %H2
100 1 - %H2
LHV = · 18.02 · 2.447
200  100 
Forero Núñez et al. Fuel pellets made of Colombian agricultural residues 71
Table 1. Important parameters of solid fuels classification in Sweden based on EN-14601.

Parameter Test method Unit Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Length Measure 10 pellets mm Max 4·Φ Max 5·Φ Max 5·Φ

Bulk density SS 187178 kg·m-3 >600 >500 >500

Durability SS 187180 mass loss 0.8% <3mm 1.5% <3mm 1.5% <3mm

Low heating value SS-ISO 1928 MJ·kg-1 >16.9 >16.9 >15.1

Ash SS 187171 % massd.b. <0.7 <1.5 <1.5

Moisture SS 187170 % massw.b. <10 <10 <12

Sulfur SS 187177 % massd.b. <0.08 <0.08 To be stated

Chlorides SS 187185 % massd.b. <0.03 <0.03 To be stated

Table 2. Parameters required for Pellet Gold.

Parameter Unit Limit

Moisture content %massw.b. <10

Ash content %massd.b. ≤1

Mechanical durability % >97.7

Binding agents % <2%

Low heating value MJ·kg-1 ≥16.9

Nitrogen content %massd.b. ≤0.3

Chlorine content %massd.b. <0.03

Sulfur content %massd.b. <0.05

Lead content mg·kg-1 <10

Mercury content mg·kg-1 <0.05

Cadmium content mg·kg-1 <0.5

Chromium content mg·kg-1 <8

Formaldehyde mg·100g-1 <1.5

Radioactivity Bq·kg-1 <6

In order to evaluate the properties of the solids, they Bioenergy 2011); number one is designed to fit high
were compared with standard parameters employed in quality systems, especially small scale boilers for
the most influential European markets, i.e. Sweden, residential and private usage. Groups 2 and 3 are
Austria, Germany and Italy. The Swedish pellets defined to supply larger scale systems which do not
Standard SS 18 71 20 was used since 1999; nowadays, require the highest quality.
European standard EN-14601 is used. This standard In Germany and Austria, EN 14961-2 has replaced the
classifies solid biofuel pellets into three groups (IEA existing standards, DIN 51731 and ÖNORM M7135. The

Table 3. Typical parameters for solid biofuel classification in Germany and Austria.

Parameter Test method Unit ENplus-A1 ENplus-A2 EN-B

Diameter To be stated mm 6-8 6-8 6-8

Length To be stated mm 3.15-40.0 3.15-40.0 3.15-40.0

Bulk density EN 15103 kg·m-3 ≥600 ≥600 ≥600

Net calorific value EN 14918 MJ·kg-1 16.5-19.0 16.3–19.0 16.0–19.0

Moisture content EN 14774-1 %massw.b. ≤10 ≤10 ≤10

Mechanical durability EN 15210-1 %massw.b. ≥97.5 ≥97.5 ≥96.5

Ash content EN 14775 %massw.b. ≤0.7 ≤1.5 ≤3.0

Ash melting behaviour EN 15370-1 °C ≥1200 ≥1100 ≥1100

Chlorine content EN 15289 %massd.b. ≤0.02 ≤0.02 ≤0.03

Sulfur content EN 15289 %massd.b. ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.04

Nitrogen content EN 15104 %massd.b. ≤0.3 ≤0.5 ≤1.0

Copper content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤10 ≤10 ≤10

Chromium content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤10 ≤10 ≤10

Arsenic content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1

Cadmium content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤0.5 ≤0.5 ≤0.5

Mercury content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1

Lead content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤10 ≤10 ≤10

Nickel content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤10 ≤10 ≤10

Zinc content EN 15297 mg·kg-1 ≤100 ≤100 ≤100

solid biofuel pellets are classified into three groups RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
based on their characteristics; they are ENplus-A1,
ENplus-A2 and EN-B. Some properties, of each group During raw material pretreatment, coconut shells present
are in Table 1. some problems due to their mechanical durability; the
Most of the pellets used in Italy are for space heating in equipment required needs more power than that used for
small-scale units; the Italian market employed the Pellet palm oil shells grinding. Initial density shows the
Gold label to guarantee adequate pellet characteristics. importance for compressing some of these materials; the
Some of the required properties that pellet needs to wood shavings had the lowest bulk density (165.37kg·m-3)
acquire this label are defined in Table 2. However, during while coconut shells had the highest (468.58kg·m -3 )
the next years these requirements will change according to among examined samples. Nevertheless, these values
EN 14961 in the same manner as in Germany and Austria were very low in comparison with typical ranges for coal
(Table 3). (650–800kg·m -3 ). This parameter is a fundamental
Forero Núñez et al. Fuel pellets made of Colombian agricultural residues 73

Table 4. Proximate analysis of employed raw materials in comparison to a Colombian hard coal sample.

Parameter Unit S.d. W.sh. C.sh. P.o.sh. D.c.

Density kg·m-3 200.59 165.37 468.58 197.86 650-800

Moisture %massw.b. 9.67 12.14 12.01 7.92 2.75

Volatile matter %massw.b. 76.82 76.21 71.45 72.74 37.73

Fixed carbon %massw.b. 11.71 10.56 15.28 16.87 51.02

Ash content %massw.b. 1.80 1.09 1.26 2.47 8.5

S.d. – saw dust

W.sh. – wood shavings
C.sh. – coconut shells
P.o.sh. – palm oil shells
D.c.- hard coal

Table 5. Ultimate analysis of sawdust (S.d.), wood shavings (W.sh.), coconut shells (C.sh.), palm oil shells (P.o.sh.)
and hard coal (D.c.). All data expressed in %massd.b.

Parameter S.d. W.sh. C.sh. P.o.sh. D.c.

Carbon 42.14 45.86 44.76 47.30 71.28

Oxygen 45.82 43.75 44.73 39.39 12.59

Hydrogen 9.07 9.07 8.92 9.72 5.27

Nitrogen 0.98 0.08 0.16 0.84 1.63

Sulfur 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.73

Ash 1.99 1.24 1.40 2.68 8.50

characteristic because it affects transportation costs, add energy for char combustion. Based on proximate
necessary space for storage and energy density. analysis it is possible to comprehend the performance of
Proximate analysis and ultimate analysis indicated the the material during combustion. Thus, solids like
strong relation between some typical characteristics and coconut shells (C.sh.), palm oil shells (P.o.sh.) or hard
the heating value and the potential of biomass for energy coal (D.c.) will release more energy due to combustion,
production. Coconut shells and wood shavings should be but will require more energy for reaction activation
dried beforehand due to their high water content (12%), (Table 4).
whereas sawdust and palm oil shells (>8%) could be used On the same manner, the ultimate analysis supports this
as received (although sawdust had a remarkably low theory; the materials with high fixed carbon content have
density). more elemental carbon. Nevertheless, there is a relevant
Volatile matter content and fixed carbon are relation between oxygen content and volatile matter. If coal
parameters that affect the combustion process directly, results are compared against biomass analysis, it would be
among the examined materials, sawdust and wood possible to establish the relationship between oxygen and
shavings had more volatile compounds than coconut, carbon on the solid structure with volatiles content. For
palm oil shells or dark coal, but fixed carbon levels instance, coal volatile matter is low (12%) due to content of
higher from the latter three. Sawdust and wood shavings oxygen; whereas, biomass has volatiles around 75% due to
will release more volatile material at the first stage of higher oxygen content (approximately 43%) in the structure
the combustion process; although, these materials will (Table 5).

Table 6. Experimental and calculated higher heating value expressed in kJ·kg-1.

Parameter S.d. W.sh. C.sh. P.o.sh. D.c.

Experimental 20130 21055 21300 20160 32323

Calculated (Equation 1) 20393 21968 21234 24062 29919

Calculated (Equation 2) 19950 20154 20110 19763 18187

Low heating value 18181 18497 18740 18561 31433

S.d. – saw dust

W.sh. – wood shavings
C.sh. – coconut shells
P.o.sh. – palm oil shells
D.c.- hard coal

Figure 3. Pellets from sawdust, coconut shells and wood shavings made by pressing.

Table 7. Results obtained after densification.

Parameter Unit S.d. W.sh. C.sh. P.o.sh.

Diameter mm 21 21 21 21

Length mm 32 22 38 24

Density kg·m-3 1028 850 902.9 1023

Heating value kJ·kg-1 17221 19425 18707 19944

Compression ratio * 5.12 5.15 1.92 5.17

S.d. – saw dust

W.sh. – wood shavings
C.sh. – coconut shells
P.o.sh. – palm oil shells
* – undimensional
Forero Núñez et al. Fuel pellets made of Colombian agricultural residues 75

A key parameter that should be evaluated is the ash made the product final density lower.
content. Low ash content prevents multiple problems in Measurement of timber, palm oil solid residues and
boilers and furnaces regarding the formation of fused solids coconut shells main characteristics is necessary in order to
and high emissions of particulate matter. Furthermore, there establish the potential of these materials as energy
is another advantage of biomass. Low sulfur and nitrogen sources for further processes such as combustion or
content mean less SOx or NOx produced in boilers and gasification. Wood shavings, oil palm shells and sawdust
furnaces. Analysis of heating value confirms the relation require to be densified in order of increasing energy
between elemental analysis with energy released during density; however, coconut shells should be used without
combustion; coal with large elemental carbon and low oxygen prior densification.
has the highest HHV (32.3MJ·kg-1); whereas, biomass HHV The utilization of these kinds of materials for energy
is similar for all these residues (approximately 20.1MJ·kg-1), processes and indeed on co-firing systems generates a
but 32% smaller. significant impact on the environment, based on low
Likewise, calculated higher heating values indicate that sulfur content and affordable heating values reported in
equations used and presented before are reliable for this work. This will provide other alternatives for reducing
determining biomass heating values; however, this is not the problems caused by brown coal combustion in some areas
case when coal heating value is considered (Table 6). This of Colombia.
occurs because the Equation (2) is based on heating value of Massive production of fuel pellets from wood and
lignocellulose which is not a component of coal structure. other biomass for small and medium scale energy systems
Moisture content is also a factor that should be considered; could give a positive development of rural areas in
the difference between lower and higher heating values Colombia, where there is a lot of these resources and lack
indicate that energy lost due to moisture evaporation is of stable electrical supply. Therefore, more research on
around 10% for biomass, and no more than 3% for coals. different alternatives for biomass solid biofuel
Therefore, lower heating value should be employed during production, on analysis of their characteristics and their
the design of household, boilers or any other biomass energy behavior on combustion or gasification processes, should
systems if a more reliable and real fuel consumption be performed.
calculation is needed.
After densification, solids produced had the characteristics
presented below, mean length of pellets was around 29mm ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and bulk density varied from 850kg·m-3 to 1028kg·m-3
(Table 7). Sawdust compression ratio was high (5.15) and The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of
final bulk density was over 1000kg·m-3. The relation Dirección de Investigación Sede Bogotá (DIB) through the
between initial and final density of coconut shells and its project No 12651, cooperation of staff of INGEOMINAS
low compression ratio were in accordance with the coal laboratory and the program BESP of Vicerrectoría
problems reported during biomass pretreatment. Coconut Académica Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Meanwhile,
has low plastic and elastic deformation during densification the authors also express gratitude to the staff of the Clean
due to rigid chemical structure and solid strength, which Development Mechanisms and Energy Management
make this material less suitable for pellets or briquettes (MDL&GE) research group of Universidad Nacional de
production. Colombia.
On the other hand, sawdust, wood shavings and oil palm
shells have appropriate compression ratio, final density and
heating value. Pellets produced with these Colombian
materials could be distributed in Sweden and Italy based on
European standards (Figure 3). To achieve requirements for Al-mulali, U., C.N.Binti Che Sab. 2012. The impact of energy
consumption and CO2 emission on the economic and financial
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physical properties. conersion of woody residues to pellets. Energy 34: 724-731.
Erlich, C., E. Björrnbom, D. Bolado, M. Giner, T.H. Fransson.
2006. Pyrolysis and gasification of pellets from sugar cane
bagasse and wood. Fuel 85: 1535-1540.
CONCLUSIONS Forero Núñez, C.A., C.A. Guerrero Fajardo, F.E. Sierra Vargas.
2012a. Producción y uso de pellets de biomasa para la
In Colombia, it is feasible to produce pellets or briquettes generación de energía térmica: una revisión a los modelos del
proceso de gasificación. Revista Iteckne 9: 21-30.
using timber and oil palm solid residues. These could fulfill
Forero Núñez, C.A., A. Cediel Ulloa, J.L. Rivera Gil, A. Suaza
European standard requirements; otherwise, the production Montalvo, F.E. Sierra Vargas. 2012b. Estudio preliminar del
of coconut shell pellets is not a suitable option due to its low potencial energético de cuesco de palma y cáscara de coco en
compression ratio and its high mechanical resistance, which Colombia. Revista Ingeniería Solidaria 8: 19-25.

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