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Preference of Customers Towards Online Shopping Applications

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Preference of Customers towards

Online Shopping Applications
Dr. M. Rifaya Meera1, R. Padmaja2 and R. Mohammed Abubakkar
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College,
Sivakasi – 626 124
2, 3
Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College,
Sivakasi – 626 124

Abstract: Online shopping consumer behaviour is of the online shopping is a great example of the
also called E-shopping consumer buying business revolution in India.
behaviour. The research or case studies of online
consumer buying behaviour are important because Online shopping consumer behaviour is
it helps to know about consumers demands, it helps also called E-shopping consumer buying
to understand and analyse that when consumers behaviour. The research or case study of online
buy products online? Who buy products online? consumer buying behaviour is important because it
And how consumers mindset for purchasing the helps to know about consumers demands, it helps
products online?. The purpose of this study is to to understand and analyse that when consumers
examine and analyse the consumer’s buying buy products online? And who buy products
behavioral pattern towards online shopping and online? and how consumers mindset for purchasing
also tried to find out various attitudes of online the products online? I think the whole concept of
shopping application users of Sivakasi towards the online shopping has altered in terms of consumer’s
online shopping. The data was collected from 80 purchasing or buying behaviours and the success of
respondents through scheduled containing E-tailers is depending upon its quality, its branding
questions. The study result concluded that future of image, its uniqueness and its popularity etc. This
e-tailers in India especially in cities looking very study aims to identify the respondent’s perception
bright. Online stores are offering best prices, good about online shopping. The study also analyses
products and completely hassle-free shopping awareness of consumers towards online shopping.
experience for our customers. The success of any e- Nature of study is analytically as well as
tailer company in India is depending upon its descriptive in this study both primary & secondary
popularity, its branding image, its unique & fair data have been used.
policies, and its customer relations etc.
Keywords: Consumer Buying behaviour; E-tailing; The rapidly increasing popularity of
E-commerce; online stores; Sivakasi; Online online shopping is a truly global phenomenon.
Shopping. Online shoppers can be found scattered across the
globe, but the world‘s most avid Internet shoppers
1. INTRODUCTION hail from South Korea – 99 percent of Internet
users in South Korea have shopped online.
Online shopping is the process whereby German, UK and Japanese 9 consumers come in a
consumers directly buy goods or services from a close second. US consumers are slightly more
seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, recalcitrant, clocking in at number eight. At the
over the Internet. It is a form of electronic other end of the spectrum, the world‘s slowest
commerce. In the modern business world, adopters come from Egypt, where 67 percent of the
particularly at present time online shopping or E- online population have never made a purchase over
tailing is the new trend (Transformative Change) of the Internet, followed by Pakistan (60%) and the
shopping in India, that is used to refer to computer- Philippines (55%).
based-shopping or E-shopping same like Internet
banking or E-banking. Over that past few years, 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
online shopping or E-tailing has increased
percentage of online buyer’s in India. New concept Haugtvedt, Machleit & Yalch, 2005, were analyze
that, for each product references for online methods

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 577

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

decrease across successive shopping stages, period of rapid development currently in China; for
especially between the searches and compare stage. the expansion of the online shopping market, large
Online firms need an offline presence if they want number of Internet users provides a good
to compute the sale. This is more important for foundation. After studying and analyzing different
some products than for others, as indicated by the variables this research found that there were
varying online purchase preferences. If consumers’ relationships between the perceived usability,
experience with online shopping leads to the perceived security, and perceived privacy,
development of more trust and less aversion to perceived after-sales service, perceived marketing
closing the sale online, then offline firms need to mix, perceived reputation and consumers’ attitude
be aware of the perceived advantages of online to adopting online shopping in China. However,
shopping for products like books, CDs, and only marketing mix and reputation were
electronic products, which have traditionally been significantly influence consumers’ attitude to adopt
shopped for a brick-and-mortar stores. This online shopping. After studying this journal we
indicates that offline firms in these product able to understand consumers’ online purchase
categories need to cultivate an online presence. behaviour.

Wang & Yang, 2010, presents that, the electronic According to Burkolter & Kluge, 2011, online
equipment takes a high percent of the individuals shopping entering in a consolidation phase, so there
shopping. Compared with other goods, online is a need for research differentiating online
shopping of electronic goods adds great consumer behavior for a range of product
convenience to the life of the people. Buying categories. Also, individual differences in online
electronic gadgets online gives customers an shopping need to be considered. Therefore, in this
opportunity to find a great variety of product research a survey is conducted for nine different
online, and customers can review a wide selection product categories for online information search
of products and find special offers and discount and online shopping as well as socio-demographic
with the best deals online. In the coming years, the and individual variables (shopping orientation,
development of online retailers is improving and need for emotion, and fashion leadership) was
promises a bright future. However, the tangible and conducted in Germany. Results showed significant
intangible problems of electronic product online differences in online information search as well as
shopping still exist and the online store retailers shopping regarding gender, status of employment,
lack the customer knowledge in some extent. and education. Moreover, individual variables were
Therefore, our intention is to explore customer differently related to online shopping behavior.
behavior when purchasing electronic products
through investigating the factors that can affect According to Salehi, 2012, The Internet as a global
online shoppers’ attitudes, intention and actual medium is quickly gaining interest and
buying behavior. In this research, we offered the attractiveness as the most revolutionary marketing
online retailers some suggestions to improve their tool. The global nature of communication and
sales and attract more customers. shopping has as well redefined, seeing that it is the
perfect vehicle for online shopping stores.
Keisidou, Sarigiannidis, Maditinos, 2011, studied Convincing the consumers to shop online is still a
that, online shopping is among the most popular challenging task for web retailers in Malaysia. The
activities of the internet, yet the reasons why growth of Internet technology in Malaysia has
consumers buy online are still unclear. Although it enormous potential as it reduces the costs of
is implied that consumer acceptance of online product and service delivery and extends
shopping is affected by different products. geographical boundaries in bringing buyers and
Consumer’s attitude while making online purchase sellers together. Independent variables namely
was examined in the context of different product appearance, quick loading, security, sitemap and
types. Many factors were selected to be analyzed, validity influence consumers towards online
which are Personal Innovativeness of Information shopping and security is the factor that contributes
Technology (PIIT), Self-efficacy, Perceived most towards online shopping.
security, Privacy, Product involvement and how
they affect consumer attitude towards online Gao, 2012, presents that, Online seekers are the
shopping. PIIT, perceived security and product main sources of online shopping. Online shoppers
involvement have an effect on the attitude towards always want to seek information within few clicks
online shopping. and reach to the most relevant information
according to their requirements such as competitive
According to Jun and Jaafar, 2011, business brands, best price offers, product specification and
revolution is a good example which is provided by consumer word-of-mouth.
online shopping. Ecommerce is experiencing a

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 578

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

According to Kapoor ,2012, online decision access to see the product. The purpose of the
making and online shopping phenomena are research was to study the consumer behavior in
governed by a number of consumer acceptance and online shopping of electronics especially in
behavior characteristics and grounded in theoretical Pakistan. The main research question in thesis is
aspects of consumer decision making. There are how consumers behave while shopping online.
number of factors that affect what we buy, when Primary data was collected through the
we buy, and why we buy. In reference to buying questionnaire survey and by emails from personal
online, the factors that influence consumers are contacts in two major cities of Pakistan. Price, time
marketing efforts, socio-cultural influences, saving and convenience were identified as
psychological factors, personal questions, post important factors which lead to certain buying
decision behavior, and experience. behavior in online shopping. The www is rebuild
around people where social circles influence and
Javadi, Nourbakhsh, Saeedi & Asadollahi, 2012, lead to online buying.
analyze factors affecting on online shopping
behavior of consumers that might be one of the Dr.S.Saravanan and K.Brindha Devi studied a
most important issues of e-commerce and study on online buying behaviour with special
marketing field. The objectives of in this study are reference to coimbatore city, 2015 Online shopping
covering the shortcomings of previous studies that is the new mantra of selling products effectively
didn't examine main factors that influence on and efficiently but the criteria must be met.
online shopping behavior. This goal has been According to a study, “About 44 percent students
followed by using a model examining the impact of use Internet in India and overall 72% of young
perceived risks, infrastructural variables and return people access Internet on regular basis. Due to the
policy on attitude toward online shopping behavior vast usage of Internet, the buying patterns have
and subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, been changed. It has changed the way goods are
domain specific innovativeness and attitude on purchased and sold, resulting to the exponential
online shopping behavior as the hypotheses of growth in the number of online shoppers. Online
study. This study can be considered as an applied shopping is a new technology that has been created
research from purpose perspective and descriptive- along with the development of the Internet. It is a
survey with regard to the nature and method (type convenient method of shopping and allows for a
of correlation). The outcome of this study vast array of products to be at your fingertips.
identified that financial risks and non-delivery risk However, fraudulent use of the Internet is often a
negatively affected attitude toward online concern for many shoppers. Cyber thieves steal
shopping. Results also indicated that domain identities of shoppers and then exploit them
specific innovativeness and subjective norms causing a theft of their identity. This leads to a
positively affect online shopping behavior. variety of problems, causing fraudulent credit card
Furthermore, attitude toward online shopping charges, opening new credit accounts, and misuse
positively affected online shopping behavior of of current accounts. understanding who are the
consumers. ones consuming and why they choose to use or
keep away from the Internet as a distribution
Chandra and Sinha, 2013, studied that, now days channel, is a critical matter for both e-marketing
the new and latest type of retail shopping are online managers and consumers. Online consumers tend
shopping. It has now been adopted all over the to be better educated. Higher computer literacy
world including India. In many other countries this makes internet shopping smarter. Their awareness
shopping method is still not as well known or about the internet also makes them better
accepted, and though the knowledge of online positioned to identify and take decision for
shopping in India is now beginning to increase products and services.
rapidly. To analyze factors affecting on online
shopping behavior of consumers that might be one 3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
of the most important issues of e-commerce and
marketing field, this is the main objective of the The current study focuses on the
study. It is a complicated socio-technical Preferences of customers towards online shopping
phenomenon and involves too many factors so that applications in the market. There is a vast growth
there is very limited knowledge about online in the number of mobile users nowadays. People
consumer behavior. were adopting themselves to the emerging
technology; hence smart phone usage is rapidly
Bashir, 2013, analyze that E-commerce has made increasing. As, there were more number of smart
life simple and innovative of individuals and phone brands in the market people like to purchase
groups; consumer Behavior in online shopping is things by a single click with the help of mobile
different from the physical market where he has applications. Hence, this study is taken to know

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 579

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

preference of customers towards online shopping Statistical Tools

applications. The statistical tools used to present
analysis and interpret the collected data of the
4. SCOPE OF THE STUDY present study are Tables, Percentage analysis,
Scaling Technique and Weighted average
This study enables to have clear insight Arithmetic Mean.
about the preference of customers towards online
shopping applications. This study is relevant to the 7. ANALYSIS OF DATA (A)
present day’s problems and the needs of the public
as applications occupy an important position in Table 1 Gender Wise Classification
entertainment, social and political life.
Gender No. of Respondents Percentage
An attempt is made to find out the Male 45 56.20
website, which is popular among the existing Female 35 43.80
shopping websites. This study will also help to Total 80 100.00
understand the factors. Which influence the Source: Primary Data
consumers to purchase through mobile It is inferred from that most of the
applications? The study is carried out in Sivakasi respondents (56.20 per cent) are Male.
Table 2 Age Wise Classification
No. of
 To know the socio-economic lifestyle of Age
the users.
 To study the factors influence the users to buy Below 25 years 31 38.80
through shopping apps. 25 years - 35 years 19 23.80
 To evaluate the users satisfaction towards 36 years- 45 years 18 22.50
shopping apps. Above 45 years 12 15.00
 To suggest measures that helps in the
improvement of the apps according to the Total 80 100.00
satisfactory level of the users. Source: Primary Data
It is clear that the majority of the
6. METHODOLOGY respondents (38.80 per cent) come under the age group
below 25 years.
Data has collected from both primary and
secondary sources. Table 3 Occupational Status

Primary Sources No. of

Occupational Percentage
As the study is related to user attitude, the Respondents
study is mainly based on primary data. The primary
is derived from the views obtained from consumers Professional 18 22.5
with the help of the questionnaire. Entrepreneur 14 17.5
Private employee 10 12.5
Secondary Sources
The study has also depends on the Government
09 11.2
secondary data regarding the history, recent trend employee
and feature of shopping apps in India. The Students 15 18.8
secondary data were further collected from Others 14 17.5
standard text books of related topic, journals,
Total 80 100.0
dissertation and thesis.
Source: Primary Data
Sampling Design It shows that majority of the respondents
Judgment sampling is adoptable since the (22.5 per cent) are professionals.
population is unknown. The respondents accessible Table 4 Influencing Factor
at ease, at time and right place will be selected. Influencing No. of
Care has been taken to include all type of Factors Respondents
consumers, with varying income level. In total the Advertisement 43 53.8
researcher has contacted 80 sample informants in
Sivakasi Town. Friends and
relatives 24 30.0

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 580

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Flux and banners 6 7.5 Flipkart 52 26 1 0 1 80

Others 7 8.75
Shopclues 43 36 0 0 1 80
Total 80 100.0
Source: Primary Data Others 22 39 14 4 1 80
It declares that majority of the respondents
(53.8 per cent) were influenced by the Source: Primary Data
advertisement. Table 8 Ranking the Usage of Applications
Table 5 Preference of Apps Benefits WAM Rank
No. of
APPS Percentage Snap deal
Respondents 4.50 II
Snapdeal 21 26.2 Amazon 4.34 IV
Amazon 9 11.2
Ebay 4.19
Ebay 10 12.5 V
Filpkart 18 22.5 Flipkart 4.60 I
Shopclues 14 17.5
Shopclues 4.49
Others 8 10.0 III
Total 80 100.0 Others 3.96 VI
Source: Primary Data
It shows that majority of the respondents Source: Computed Data
(26.2 per cent) uses snap deal. From the above analysis, it is clearly
indicated that most of the customers are using the
Table 6 Reasons for Preference Flipkart Shopping Applications.
No. of
Reason Percentage 8. FINDINGS
 It is inferred from that most of the
Variety of
respondents (56.20 per cent) are Male.
Brands 30 37.5
 It is clear that the majority of the
Offers and respondents (38.80 per cent) come under
Discounts 20 25.0 the age group below 25 years
24X7  It shows that majority of the respondents
Shopping 11 13.8 (22.5 per cent) are professionals.
Quality 4 5.0  It declares that majority of the respondents
(53.8 per cent) were influenced by the
Saves time &
Cost 15 18.8
 It shows that majority of the respondents
Total 80 100.0 (26.2 per cent) uses snapdeal.
Source: Primary Data  It is clearly indicated that most of the
Most of the respondents prefer online customers are satisfied by the Flipkart
shopping for the wide choices of brands. Shopping Applications.
 Most of the respondents prefer online
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ABOUT shopping for the wide choices of goods.
Table 7 Satisfactory Level of Usage of  Companies should have more risk
Applications reduction activities as perceived risk could
strongly influence consumer’s online



purchase decisions.

 Companies should improve consumer’s

Snapdeal 44 33 2 0 1 80 value perceptions about the products.
 Most of the people feel that products
Amazon 29 41 7 2 1 80
available through online shopping are
costly because of the shipping charges
Ebay 32 45 2 0 1 80
whereas in the traditional shopping there
are no such charges.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 581

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-1, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

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that future of e-tailers in India looking very bright. Journal of Advanced Research in
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purchasing or buying behavior and the success of [12] Mishra Vipul and Bajpai Dr. Anand, “E-
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