A Study On Customers' Awareness Towards Online Shopping: Parveen Kumar Garg, DR - Sunita Sukhija
A Study On Customers' Awareness Towards Online Shopping: Parveen Kumar Garg, DR - Sunita Sukhija
A Study On Customers' Awareness Towards Online Shopping: Parveen Kumar Garg, DR - Sunita Sukhija
Parveen Kumar Garg1, Dr.Sunita Sukhija2
Research Scholar, University College of Commerce & Management,
Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (India)
Associate Professor, University College of Commerce & Management,
Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (India)
With the rapid development of network technology, electronic commerce and electronic marketing had been
formed and developed gradually, thereby forming new business model and business chance which exerted an
important influence on the country's economic future competitiveness. In the coming field of online business,
On-line shopping will become the future of shopping world. There are so many companies who are doing online
business of different product & services. It gives the better option to online customers to easily identify the
products and their prices on the website in the global market. So development in the global market, all
necessities and desires able products are available on the online market. The paper aims to study about the
consumer awareness towards online shopping. The present research study has used non-probability
convenience sampling research methods include Chi-Square to study the impact of awareness of consumers on
on-line shopping, respondent’s behaviour, awareness about the rules and regulations of online shopping and
benefits and services of online shopping. Simple percentage analyses have been used in the analysis. The
analysis of this study is that on-line shopping in India is significantly influenced by various demographic factors
like age, gender, marital status, family size and income.
Keywords: Online shopping, Customer Awareness, Demographic factor, Age, Gender, Occupation,
In this era of fast moving lifestyle, customers are busier than what they were few years back. So that is the
reason, customers are also buying products as well as services through online shopping. Now E-Global market
is taking place of Marketplace Everything is buying and selling on the internet. Daily there are so many buyers
and sellers are registered on the global internet market to sell and buy the different- different product.
Traditionally, there has been a feeling of thrill associated with getting good discounts. There is a sense of
achievement attached with cracking a great deal. It is this sense that e-entrepreneurs have successfully targeted
upon through „deal sites‟ like snapdeal, flipkart, shopclues etc.
Now days, everybody is connected with global market through internet, so that behaviour of consumer is
continuously change according to demands. Internet vendors are also knows that how to give importance to
customers. Once there was a time when people had so much of time to visit the store and purchase the products
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the stores but now changing business scenario the customer prefer the electronic purchase of goods or services
as it saves time.
Review of Literature
Day & Landon, (1977) explained that, Sometimes strategies of online marketers are not according to the online
shoppers, so that they are not satisfied with the delivery system of online shopping.
Crawford, (1997) in his study, said that the traditional consumer behaviour shopping has its own model, where
firstly they identify the problem, get the information, search the alternative, then purchase.
Dubrovski, 2001 said that internet marketing having so much of alternative available to customers where the
can screen the items & services and avail them.
George 2002 used theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to develop a model for consumers‟ online purchasing
behaviour. A strong correlation between how trustworthy an individual finds on the internet and how positive an
individual's attitude is towards online purchasing and that an individual's attitude towards online purchasing has
strong effect on the intention to make them purchase by internet is highly supported.
Vyas and Srinivas (2002), in their study stated that majority of the internet users were having Positive
behaviours towards online shopping. There exists a need for developing awareness about consumers‟ rights and
cyber laws.
Ahasanul Haque& Ali Khatibi, 2007 in this, Customers like online shopping, because it saves time because no
need to go anywhere. By rapid access customers get information quickly. It removes of physical appearance.
Miyazaki and Finandez (2001) made an attempt to explore the relationship among the internet experience
levels, risk perception and online purchasing rates. They analyzed that higher level of internet experience could
lead to lower risk perception regarding online shopping, fewer concern regarding system security or fraud and
more concern regarding privacy, consumer participation on another remote purchase methods related to lower
risk perception regarding online shopping. It was concluded that higher internet experience and the use of other
remote purchasing methods were related to lower levels of perceived risk towards online shopping which could
result in higher online purchase rates.
Smith and Alan (2005) in their paper observed that over years, the internet has provided an inexpensive and
efficient way for companies to create an additional electronic sales channel to market their products. Like any
marketing channels, the goal is to increase sales and one method that delivers content that is relevant to
electronic commerce termed as e- personalization. The current E- commerce channels can be enhanced through
the use of personalization techniques provided that companies with the products, contents and information them
alive. However, privacy and accuracy of personal information plays an important role in personalized contents
which has raised the questions of government intervention in to the realm of e- personalization.
Sita Mishra (2007) in his paper he empirically studied a sample size of 200 Internet users in Delhi. From this
study he explained that customers have positive attitude towards online shopping. The analysis revealed that in
null hypothesis that the age and income do not have significant association with consumer purchasing attitude.
The study concluded that the consumers with higher income do online shopping more and also found that the
respondents having different age groups demonstrate different attitudes towards online shopping. Finally,he said
that convenience and technological advancement plays a major role in online shopping.
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Delafrooz, Narges et al. (2010) analyzed that consumers‟ attitude towards online shopping are affected by four
main factors. Those factors are utilitarian orientation, convenience, price and wider selection. He discussed that
there were three more things which were personalities of consumers, online shopping perceived benefits and
promotions of shopping sites.
Saprikis, Vaggelis et al. (2010) analyzed the perceptions of Greek university Student‟s on online shopping in
terms of demographic profile, expectations of online stores, advantages and problems related to online
purchases. He found that there were lot of differences regarding online purchases between various customers
depend upon their behaviours. The results showed significant differences between the two groups of customers,
who were involved in the online shopping and who were not interested in online shopping. Interested customers
were having higher expectations from e-marketers on issues related to privacy policy and risk. The differences
found were related to perceptions on benefits and problems of online shopping.
Syed et al. (2008) analyzed that there were four key factors which affected the young consumers‟ perceptions
towards online shopping that those factors were website design, website reliability, customer service and
privacy. The very important factor that was affect customers behaviour towards online shopping was trust,
reliability which is everything for the buyers.
Asakawa and Okano (2007) analyzed the factors influencing consumers‟ perception of online shopping and
explained that were convenience, anxiety regarding security and poor navigation. He found that convenience
had a positive influence on online shopping whereas anxiety regarding security and poor navigation had a
negative influence.
Shergill and Chen.(2005), discussed the relationship between the factors affecting the buyers‟ behaviour
towards online shopping and the type of online buyers that were website design, website reliability, website
customer service and website security or privacy.
Adams et al. (2004) discussed the underlying factors related to personal online shopping in the workplace.
The reasons for online shopping at work that were boredom, connection speed, convenience, work life
balance, efficiency etc. In their study they found that Americans were more found of shopping online at
workplace than Canadians. So the main reason that they realized was faster connection.
Changchit (2006), examined the perception of customers towards online shopping and the various factors
which were perceived differently by the groups of consumers. Those factors were past experience with online
shopping, perceived risk with online shopping, perceived benefits of online shopping, perceived uncertainty
of online shopping and perceived ease of online shopping.
Objective of the Study
1. To know the awareness level of the customers towards online shopping.
Hypothesis of the Study
H01: There is no significant difference between the awareness level of the customers towards online shopping.
Research Design
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Sr.No Description Contents
1 Problem Statement A Study On Customers‟ Awareness towards Online Shopping
2 Group of Problems Objective of the Study
3 Area of Population Punjab (Bathinda, Patiala, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar)
4 Sampling Technique Convenience Sampling
5 Data Collection Primary Data
6 Research Variables 9 Variables
7 Sample Size 500 respondents
8 Respondents Business persons, Service persons, Students.
Apart from that demographic information, respondents were asked to rate their opinion according to five point
Likert rating scale, with rating five being “Strongly Agree” and one being “Strongly Disagree”.
Analysis of data has been using various descriptive and inferential statistical tools like Frequency distribution,
Percentage, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation Reliability Analysis (Cronbach‟s Alpha). For hypothesis
testing and analyzing significant difference Analysis of Variance test using General Linear Model (Multivariate
Analysis) applied employing SPSS 22
Frequency Percentage %
≥20<40 465 93
≥40 18 3.6
Female 97 19.4
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Married 80 16
35001-45000 48 9.6
Student 29 5.8
Bachelor degree 75 15
In average monthly income 67.6 % described themselves from (25000-35000), 15.6% (15000-25000), 9.6%
(35000-45000), 5.6 % (No income), 1.6% ( 45000 and above).
In occupation category, 1.8% of the respondent classified themselves to others category as compare to 85.8%
(Service/Executive) category & 6.6% (Business Class) & 5.8% (Student).
In education category, 1.6 % of the total respondents were up to the school level of their education compare to
1.8 % (doctorate), 15 % (Graduates), 81.6 % (Post graduates).
The following were the pictorial distribution of the demographic variables Age, Gender, Marital Status,
Monthly Income, Occupation category & Education category. The information provided by the above table was
supplemented in below charts for each variables category.
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Figure 2 : Gender of Respondent
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Reliability Analysis
To assess internal consistency of the items for each of the theoretical concepts, a Cronbach‟s Alpha was
computed for each factor assessing that the items were measuring the same concept. While desired α levels were
0.70 (Stevens, 2002; Vogt, 1998).
This study has overall construct Cronbach‟s alpha (α) = 0.707 where is considered as acceptability and
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products and screen them in order to choose the one I like” because it is found that they can review and
compare dozens of stores and products at once. They compare price, quality and customer service and they
can do it all online. But some of the respondents are not in agreement w.r.t research statement “like to shop
on the Internet where it is easy to compare many products and screen them in order to choose the one I
like” because it is found that customers are interested to buy products by bargain with the shopkeepers and
get the one which they want.(Mean= 3.05, SD= 1.089). Statistically, the results of independent samples
levene's test show that there is no significant difference among the respondents of different age group (p =
0.095), different genders (p= 0.864) towards the statement that like to shop on the Internet where it is easy
to compare many products and screen them in order to choose the one I like at 0.05 level of significance by
accepting the hypotheses (H01). Based on the different monthly income (p= 0.000) differ significantly and
rejected the hypotheses (H01) that like to shop on the Internet where it is easy to compare many products
and screen them in order to choose the one I like.
4. When shopping on the Internet pictures and colours are clear and representative of the products.
This study has evaluated that 25 per cent of the respondents (age-wise, gender-wise, income wise) are in
the agreement w.r.t research statement “When shopping on the Internet pictures and colours are clear and
representative of the products” because it is found that different colours or variations of product, customers
really appreciate it when they can see exactly what that product will look like in a specific colour. But
some of the respondents are not in agreement w.r.t research statement “When shopping on the Internet
pictures and colours are clear and representative of the products” because it is found that quality of colours
of products on shopping website is based on photo editing skills which attract the customer to buy product
online.(Mean= 3.01, SD= 0.983). Statistically, the results of independent samples levene's test show that
there is no significant difference among the respondents of different age group (p = 0.148), different
genders (p= 0.610) towards the statement that when shopping on the Internet, pictures and colors are clear
and representative of the products at 0.05 level of significance by accepting the hypotheses (H 01). Based on
the different monthly income (p= 0.001) differ significantly and rejected the hypotheses (H01) that when
shopping on the Internet pictures and colours are clear and representative of the products.
5. Internet shopping provides more variety of products.
This study has evaluated that 42 per cent of the respondents (age-wise, gender-wise, income wise) are in
the agreement w.r.t research statement “Internet shopping provides more variety of products” because it is
found that several brands and products from different sellers at one place. If you find that the product you
need is out of stock online, you can take your business to another online store where the product is
available.(Mean= 3.21, SD= 1.151). Statistically, the results of independent samples levene's test show that
there is no significant difference among the respondents of different age group (p = 0.942), different
genders (p= 0.463), different monthly income (p= 0.087) towards the statement that internet shopping
provides more variety of products at 0.05 level of significance by accepting the hypotheses (H 01).
6. The primary computer use by respondent for Internet shopping is too slow.
This study has evaluated that 22 per cent of the respondents (age-wise, gender-wise, income wise) are in
the agreement w.r.t research statement “The primary computer use by Respondent for Internet shopping is
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too slow” because it is found that it is based on speed of internet connection(Mean= 3.38, SD= 0.667).
Statistically, the results of independent samples levene's test show that there is a significant difference
among the respondents of different age group (p = 0.000), different genders (p= 0.038), different monthly
income (p= 0.000) towards the statement that the primary computer use by respondent for Internet
shopping is too slow at 0.05 level of significance by rejecting the hypotheses (H 01).
7. Online shopping service provider apprise you of the new scheme, it starts through communication.
This study has evaluated that 40 per cent of the respondents (age-wise, gender-wise, income wise) are in
the agreement w.r.t research statement “Online shopping service provider apprise you of the new scheme,
it starts through communication” this is because of awareness, dual spousal income and increasing role of
females in the society. In Indian culture, youngers whether male or female do prefer more online shopping
than others. (Mean= 3.77, SD= 0.764). Statistically, the results of independent samples levene's test show
that there is no significant difference among the respondents of different age group (p = 0.391), different
genders (p= 0.196), different monthly income (p= 0.328) towards the statement that online shopping
service provider apprise you of the new scheme, it starts through communication at 0.05 level of
significance by accepting the hypotheses (H01).
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