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RRL Dr. Komal Nagrani 2021 A Study On Impact of Digital Marketing On Consumer Behaviour.

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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (6) (2021) Page 61-66

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421

A Study on Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behaviour

Dr. Komal Nagrani , B.V.D.S Sai Pavan Kumar

Amity global business school – Hyderabad,India


Digital marketing has transformed how business and other organisations communicate with their audience. The 5D‟s of digital marketing includes digital
devices, digital platforms, digital media, digital data and digital technology which can be used alongside traditional marketing techniques, to get closer to
audiences than ever before. Consumers now have access to a much wider choice of entertainment, products , services and prices from different suppliers and a
more convenient way to select and purchase items. Organisations have the opportunity to expand into new markets ,of new services , interact with audiences in
new ways and compete on a more equal footing with larger businesses. Marketers working within these organisations have the opportunity to develop new skills
and to use these new tools to improve the competitiveness of the company.

Keywords: AI , digital marketing , consumer behaviour .

1. Introduction

Marketing includes the identification of needs of the prospects, producing and delivering the product and services which can satisfy the needs of them.
So, marketing refers to satisfy the needs and wants of the target consumer. Marketing includes the Promotion, Creating awareness of the Product and
Service. Marketing Activities includes advertising, promoting, selling and delivering the product and service to end-user and other business too. The use
of technology in Marketing helps marketers to precisely know the customer preferences, their behaviour and a purchasing trend which ultimately helps to
design the most effective marketing strategy to target them. It also helps to reach the prospects and existing customers to market the products and services
through the combination of digital marketing channels.. Digital marketing is also known as e-marketing, web-marketing and online-marketing. It helps to
identify the right prospects for their products and service. Digital marketing includes the promotion of product and service by using various forms of the
electronic medium. The main purpose of digital marketing is to attract the prospects and existing customers and also allow them to interact with the brand
through digital media. The uses of the internet and information and communication technology have changed the way of doing business and the way of
marketing. E-commerce is known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, it means the purchasing and selling of merchandise or
administrations utilizing the web, and the exchange of cash and information to execute these exchanges. Electronic commerce is regularly used to allude
to the offer of actual items on the web

2.Literature Review

Bagozzi 1974 in his study concluded that the e-shopping behavior of online buyer is complicated process. The consumer makes buying decision as
per family needs and their budget limits. Accordingly, they are likely to minimize transaction costs and maximize compatibility with needs. Further, it was
found that e-shopping is influenced by social norms and competitive offers.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: vsspavankumar2001@gmail.com
62 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (6) (2021) Page 61-66

Mehta &Sivadas 1995 have found that irrespective of gender, online shopping is positively related to income, household size, domestic requirement s
and uniqueness of products.
Wolhandler 1999 has concluded that the internet proves to be blessings, which provides maximum shopping convenience, which makes shopping
online-anytime and anywhere.
Donthu et.al 1999 conducted the study on, “Internet based online-Shoppers”, which reveals that the online consumer as more as are older; are
variety seeker, prefer convenience innovative products, behaves impulsive, less conscious about brand and price of goods and their behavior is influenced
by direct marketing and advertising for domestic needs.
Jahng et.al 2000 e-commerce has changed the perceptions of online buyers, because of its flexibility and variety of offers at the click. Altoget her 57
dimensions of online goods and services have been examined in e-commerce environment, which found different one to other on different e-commerce
Girish Punj 2012 studied “Consumer Decision Making on the Web: A Theoretical Analysis and Research Guidelines”. Author studied that
customers can possibly settle on better quality choices while shopping on the web. Regardless, whether or not such potential is being recognized by most
clients is a questionable issue. Consequently, the inspiration driving this investigation is to perceive how certain features of electronic circumstances well
influence the limits of purchasers to make better decisions, and perceive information getting ready methods that would engage clients to make better
quality decisions while shopping on the web. A cross-disciplinary theoretical assessment reliant on forms drawn from monetary angles (e.g., time costs),
figuring (e.g., proposition administrators), and cerebrum science (e.g., decision philosophies) is directed to perceive factors that conceivably sway decision
quality in electronic conditions. The investigation is critical from a theoretical perspective since it breaks down a huge piece of online purchaser dynamic,
to be explicit, the impact of the electronic condition on the limits of purchasers
Kalpana Mathur, Arti Sharma 2014 has made study on habits of online consumers in India the key objective of the study was to analyse habits of
online shopping consumers with respect to India and identify the key factors that influence their shopping patterns this stud y was conducted on a sample
of 100 different backgrounds such as businesspeople, working professionals, students etc . the study had used you choose such as percentage analysis ,
chi square testing and ranking method to analyse the data that is obtained from the survey. By analysing the data that is obtained from the survey
researcher concluded that access to market , availability of Internet , low prices , 24/7 services , free delivery , cash on delivery . Were few of key aspects
that had influenced customers purchase habits
PratiksinhVaghela 2014 had made a study on gender wise consumer perception towards online shopping The primary motive of this study is to
know the gender wise conumer attitude while shopping online. The study was made on 150 respondence from various regions of Surat , researcher had
used various analysis techniques such adchisquare frequency distribution etc and finally concluded that there is very significant difference between male
and female attitude towards online shopping , the study had Furthermore concluded that female are more inclined than mal e towards online shopping ,
majority of the female purchases clothing , groceries , fashion accessories whereas male are more likely to purchase electr onics, home appliances etc
Shanthi &DestiKannaiah 2015 had made a research on consumers perception towards online shopping the key objective of is study was to know the
type of products purchased by the customers online , study was executed on a sample of 100 Majority of the respondents belo ngs to that student
community . The study had found that product information , flexibility, price, range of products, convenience , delivery speed ,were few of the factors
that has motivated customers to purchase online
.Nausherwan et.al 2016has focused on the major key factors that are being considered by the customers while shopping online the findings also
included how customers safety and privacy concerns about the online shopping of goods and services influence their purchase patterns and buying
Manisha & Shukla 2016 made a research on “An Analysis of Consumer Behaviors in respect of Online Electronic Purchase of Electronic Devices
with respect to Bhopal and Jabalpur city ”. the key objective of the researcher was to clarify and gain insight from the consumer Behavior in relation to
the online purchase of electronic goods, in order know consumer expectations in online stores, find out influential features for users who go online
purchasing and analyzing customer needs and requirements especially in Bhopal and Jabalpur in the city of Madhya Pradesh. The sample size of the study
was 40 be respondents from Bhopal and Jabalpur city. Proposed findings the research work stands as follows as customer -oriented , Time Saving , Product
Quality, Product Price ,Easy Accessibility , Buy Anywhere Anytime . these are some of the most important factors that affect customers attitude towards
online product purchasing. The small factors that influence customer attitudes towards Online electronics purchases are a matter of technology features,
guaranteed quality, delivery fee and variety promotions and discounts .The concept regarding the internet shopping is differe nt in Bhopal and Jabalpur
city. from the data analysis, the researcher concluded that the online product market captures a high percentage of people buy from it

2. Conceptual Model

The research model for this study is depicted in Figure 1. The study proposes aconceptual model in which four m-commerce usage activities, i.e.,
content delivery, transactions, location based services, and entertainment act as dependent variables. Demographic variables, i.e., age, gender and
education and behavioural intention variables are treated as independent variables. The study proposes how these independent variable impact the
dependent variables.
The research model for this study is depicted in Figure 1. The study proposes a conceptual model in which three factors, i.e., trust, perceived value and
positive reviews as dependent variables
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (6) (2021) Page 61-66 63

consumer buying behavior on social media is treated as independent variables. The study proposes how these independent variables impact the
dependent variables.


3.Research Methodology

3.1 Objectives  
 To study the role and effectiveness of digital marketing
 To explore the influence of digital marketing on consumer behaviour 
 To Analyse the relationshipbetweenconsumerbuyingbehaviour and andtrust,perceivedvalueandpositivereviews

3.2 Research Philosophy  
The first and foremost step in research is choosing the appropriate research philosophy , , research philosophy is a set of believes how the data need to be
gathered and analysed about a particular phenomenon. There are namely 5 different types of research philosophies they are interpretivism , Positivism , 
Realism, postmodernism, and pragmatism.  The philosophy that  is chosen for this study is interpretivism. Interpretivism highlights the difference among the
people from physical phenomena for which they create meanings Interpretivists explore these meanings. Humans from diverse cultural backgrounds,
under dissimilar circumstances and at different time horizons create different social realities and make different meanings. Interpretivists believe that rich
insights into people are lost when trying to create universal „laws‟ generalized to everybody. Interpretation yes mostly suitable for the research in business
and management in some particular fields such as marketing.  In order to create deeper understanding, create meaning for interpretations interpretivism is

3.3 Approach To Theory Development  
There are namely 3 approaches for the theory development inductive , deductive and abductive approaches for the topics like digital marketing and
artificial intelligence in marketing which has limited existing literature the inductive approach will be more appropriate and effective. Since the research
during this study has been articulated around customers, it is critical to develop an understanding of the way in which custo mers interpreted their social
world. The inductive approach enables us to develop an understanding of people. As digital marketing is an emerging area that has rapidly developed the
last years it is important to understand the way that customers think around this topic. 

3.4 Methodological Choices  

As shown in the figure above there are various methods by which research can be carried out for the purpose of this study mono method is used, and
quantitative data will be collected for this research.  

3.5 Research strategy  
 There are various research strategies in order to conduct research. Few of them include experimental research , survey research , archival research, case
study, ethnography, action research, grounded theory and narrative inquiry....etc .  For the purpose of this study survey  research  strategy is used. The
64 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (6) (2021) Page 61-66

survey is a popular strategy in business and management research . Moreover, this survey uses questionnaires that permit the collection of a large volume
of data in a cost-effective manner. 

3.6 Nature Of Study 
The nature of this study is descriptive ,  descriptive study focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where questions and describes 
about the population , situation or phenomenon .  

3.7 Time Horizon  
There are two distinguished  categories of time horizons which are cross-sectional studies that can be taken at a particular time and longitudinal studies
that are used for the representation of events over a given period in order to study change and development , Due to the reason that this research has to be
taken in a short time period, the method that is applicable to the study is the cross-sectional. This study  focuses on the impact of digital marketing on
consumer behaviour in a particular time and the aim of the research is to discover what is going on this research area at a particular moment. 


3.8 Data Collection   

3.8.1 Primary data  

The primary data are those, which was collected afresh for the first time, and thus happens to be original character. With reference to this study, data was
collected through questionnaire It is a fresh data, which was collected from the customers having discussion and interaction and filling up
of questionnaire.  
  3.8.2 Secondary data  
The secondary data is collected from various articles, published research and review papers, magazines,  published statistics, documents from
government agencies, case studies. etc 
3.8.3 sample design  
The sample design that is used to articulate this research is Judgemental sampling , all the respondents have experienced digital marketing  at least once .  
3.8.4 sample size 
The sample size on which the survey conducted on 100 people 

3.9 Hypothesis formulated.  
H1-Trustis positivelyrelatedtoconsumer buying behaviourin digital marketing context .
H2-Perceived valueispositivelyrelatedto consumerbuying behaviour in digital marketing context.
H3-Positivereviews onsocialmediapositivelyaffectsconsumerbuying behaviourin digital marketing context

3.10 Ethical considerations  
In this study all the ethical values were taken into consideration . The research  se was executed by  respecting the anonymity of the participant of the survey
in order to minimize social pressures  and collect the data accurately.  All the participants of this  survey has  participated voluntarily .  

3.11 Limitations  
A major limitation of this research is the lack of access to comprehensive scientific literature in relation to chatbots in marketing . Previous  studies that
could provide theoretical foundations for research questions were limited. In addition, In addition, due to time constraints in achieving the results of this
study did not allow for a large sample size test. 

4.Results and Analysis

The following table shows the demographical features of the sample
Categories Percentage

Male 53%
Female 47%

Lessthan25yrs 39%

25-40yrs 46%

Above 40yrs 15%
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2) Issue (6) (2021) Page 61-66 65

Multiple regression Analysis

To find relationship between consumer buying behavior (dependent variable) and trust, perceived value and positive reviews (independent variables)
regression analysis was done.
The general linear regression model used is of the following form:
Y =βo+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+e
Where Y is the dependent variable, the β‟s are the parameter estimates, the x‟s are the
Independent variables, and e is the residual term. Y-variable is consumer‟s buying behavior on social media. Here the trust, perceived value and
positive response act as independent variables


Independentvariables β SE(β) t-value Sig.t(α) R2 Model F-value Sig. F

Constant 1.643 0.209 7.592 0.000 0.60 47.83 0.000

Trust 0.496 0.049 7.220 0.000
Perceived 0.543 0.069 14.042 0.000
Positive 0.268 0.039 6.416 0.000

Table 2 shows that the variables trust, perceived value and positive review are all statistically significant predictors (α ≤ 0.05) of consumers‟ buying
behavior in digital marketing. R2 is 0.60, which explains 60 percent of the variance in consumers‟ buying behavior on digital marketing. As seen in table
2 all variables i.e. trust, perceived value and positive reviews are positively related to consumers‟ buying behavior in digital marketing. Inspection of the β
coefficients shows that perceived value is the most influential explanatory variable at .543, followed by trust at .496 and positive reviews at .268 for
consumers‟ buying behavior on social media. As seen in table 2, our hypothesis 1 is accepted i.e. trust is positively related to consumer buying behavior in
digital marketing. Results of Regression analysis as depicted in table 2 also support hypothesis 2 i.e. perceived value is positively related to consumer
buying behavior in digital marketing. Hypothesis 3 is also supported by our results as seen in table 2 i.e. positive reviews on social media positively
affects consumer buying behavior in digital marketing.


Advancement in technology infrastructure, Internet penetration and access by the rural & urban people shows there is a huge market for online shopping
in the future. Online shopping and e- commerce play an integral part of India. The success of online shopping and e-commerce resides in the hands of
online retailers by making necessary changes in their business models, and more they understand their consumers. It has been witnessed that the
government support, FDI investment, rapid internet penetration, and young age population all these factors favouring e-commerce have wider scope in the
coming years


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