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Method Statement of Piling Concrete For Fire Water Tank MT

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Method of statement

Basrah Gas Company

Rehabilitation of MT long-term project

Method of statement of pilling work for the

new 2000m3 water storage tank.
Company logo and business name Project name
Refrigeration project

Basrah Gas company

Contractor logo and business name Project no. WO-B026/WG 00 33

Albilal group for general contract

Facility name :marine terminal (fire Scale NA Sheet of sheets

water tank pilling work ) 1/13
Location : on shore
Document title: Method of statement
of pilling work for the new 2000m3 water
storage tank.

Ab Rev Date Description Prepared by Checked Approved

Rev no no by by
A - First issue Mohammad
Table of Contents
OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................ 1

Scope of application …………………………………………… 2

DEFINITIONS ..........................................................................................................................3

REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...............................................................................................4

RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................5
Personnel .............................................................................................................................5.1

Equipment ........................................................................................................................5.2
Program of work……………………………………………………………………………………6

Preliminary site

setting out the piles ……………………………………………………………………………….6.2

site clearance......................................................................................................................6.3

Sequence of works ……………………………………………………………………………………7

Risk assessment of piling works………………………………………………………………….8

Health, safety, environment requirements ……………………………………………..……….9

Method of statement

1. Objective
This document specifies methods and procedure accordance with
construction drawing and adhering to applicable specifications with
consideration to local rules and regulations.

The scope of this document is confined to civil construction pilling
works, which are listed below. These include material, machineries,
workforce, temporary activities & materials, mobilization and
demobilization of the team & stuff assigned to complete the pilling
scope. All the pilling activities to be performed in accordance with
relevant international codes & standards or recognized good
engineering practice
Method of statement


PROJECT Refrigeration project phase 1





Work pack no. Work pack title

9500-WGEL-S003-ISGP-G00000- Civil construction work pack for foundation

BA-5794-00096 of fire water tank
Method of statement


5.1 Personnel
Work will be carried out by qualifies personnel as

 Civil Engineers.

 Surveyor
 QA QC civil engineer.

 Skilled labors.

 Skilled Equipment Operators

5.2 Equipment

In accordance to work requirements, the following machineries and

equipment will be used in general:
 grinder.
 Pile Hammer (hydraulic or diesel).
 Crane.
 Concrete breaker.
 Total station.
 Level.
 Water level
 Welding machine

Method of statement


6.1 Preliminary site investigation

 A preliminary site investigation report shall be maintained for the

existing ground levels and the proposed excavation levels exactly in
accordance with the lines, levels, grades and curves shown on the plan
or as directed as per the approved drawing for earth works.

 As per the site condition all the earth works shall be limited to the area
inside the plot boundary.

 The entire are required for construction of fire water tank will be
identified and marked with chalk powder (white) and will be barricaded
with a suitable hard barricading material with access

 The underground utilities shall be identified prior to start the works

6.2 setting out the piles

 The surveyor should establish all the control point (through primary
datum line) in respect to lines/ grids, lines/cut lines, install and maintain
The reference marks, benchmarks, and maintain them as long as
required for setting out.

6.3 site clearance

 Rock projection boulders or any hard spot, if any, shall be removed to a

depth specify by BGC supervisor below the formation level

Method of statement

7.Sequence of works

 The pile driving rig from Delmag company .

 Data sheet for pile driving rig D30 .

 Establish rig on site
Method of statement

 Check the pile position, locations, the surveyor will mark the corner of
the pile and the center point by using a short bar in order to identify the
location of the corners and the center line by total station equipment
we will start from pile no.7 to pile no.14 (the red colored pile) as a first
stage for both driven and survey phase. The next stage will be to the
south side of this picture. we will follow this plan in order to reduce the
obstacles that might face us in the field during the installation phase.
also the advantageous of this plan is to get paralleled line of pile which
in turn it will minimize the survey work.
Method of statement

 Pitching of the pile is carried out by looping the chain around the pile
approximately 1 m from the end and winching up into the helmet of the
hammer by rig operator

 Pile is then guided to pile clamp by the assistant on ground

 Set up piling rig with the pitched pile over the marked position then the
driver placed the pile onto the ground

 Assistant on ground checks the pile is plum with the level

 Then the driver lowers service winch and proceeds to operate driving
hammer at low drop height until the pile has safely entered the ground

 Assistant will carry the verticality check if necessary

 Pile is then driven to the required height which is one meter above the
ground for each phase of pitching process. and as the picture below
Method of statement

 The pitched pile dose not satisfy the designated depth in the
drawing in our case. Then we have to pitch another pile, this pile
will join to the bottom of the pitched pile as shown below

Al-Bilal Proposed of Typical locking joint for precast concrete


 Jointing is carried out by placing the pitched pile over the driven
pile, removing dirt that cover of the pitched pile by the assistance
And lowering of the pitched pile on the top of the driven pile by
the rig driver with direction from the assistant. Jointing in our
proposed tie connection
 The pile is checked for the vertical plum again. Then the service
winch is lowered and removed
Method of statement

 Driving is carried out by using same procedure.

 Once the driven works is completed, and the pile is in the exact
level pile head breaking works will commence
 Marking will be made on each pile periphery at pile cut off level.
And cut with grinder will be made on the marking to prevent
excess breaking of concrete below the cut off level
 Chipping/breaking will be done by air compressor and pneumatic
concrete breaker from the top of existing pile to the cut off level.
Suitable scaffold shall be provided for breaking above 1 meter
 Concrete debris will remove to the approved dumbed area
 The area will fine level and the sub base will be compacted
manually with plate/ mini roller compactor to the required degree

Method of statement

of compaction.

8.Risk assessment for piling operation

 failure to check the manufactures instruction

 overheads power lines

 underground services not identified

 inadequate operator training

 pitching of new pile

 possibility of rig overturning due to unstable ground surface or working

near excavation

 joining pile to existing pile if deeper pile is necessary

 unexpected visitors entering the site

control measures
 always check the manufacture handbook for instruction regarding
pilling rig
 always carry out a walk through survey of the site before bringing the
rig into the operation zone
 inspect all the site maps relating to the ground works to identify if there
are any underlying services present that need to be highlighted
 all the driver will be trained and competent to operate the pile rig
 when pitching a new pile, the assistant must ensure that the chain is
not twisted by using looping technique
 The ground on which the rig has to operate must be inspected so as to
ensure its stability and that excavation don’t pose a threat of
overturning to the operatives
 The joining of the pile must have done safely and the assistant to the
pilling rig operator must be wearing gloves and he does not tray to
align pile by feeling with his finger, he must remove the plastic dirt
covers and then he directed the rig operator to lower the pitch pile on

 the top of driven pile and after joining process can proceed
Only the authorized person may operate in the vicinity of piling rig

Method of statement

9. SAFETY & Environmental

All pilling personnel and supervisors will attend a daily pre-pilling
Toolbox Talk .A specific Risk Assessment will be prepared by the Risk
Assessment Team ranking the hazards associated with the pilling works
and control measures to be taken to mitigate the hazards to an acceptable
level.The pilling work will have an approved Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
identifying the potential hazards and control measures that will be
implemented to protect people and environment.

The JSA will be used by the pilling Supervisor as the basis of

conducting his Pre-Task meeting and his daily Tool Box Talk (TBT).

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