Direction: What will come in place of Direction: What will come in place of
the question mark (?) in the following the question mark (?) in the following
number series? number series?
6. 20, 10, 12, 24, ?, 325.5 13. 15 19 83 119 631 (?)
A. 72 B. 48 A. 731 B. 693
C. 96 D. 75 C. 712 D. 683
E. None of these E. None of these
7. In the following number series, one
number is missing. What should Direction: What will come in place of
come at the place of missing number the question mark (?) in the following
(?) number series?
20, 29, 54, 103, 184, ? 14. 3240, 540, 108, 27, ?, 4.5
A. 301 B. 302 A. 7 B. 10
C. 303 D. 304 C. 9 D. 8
E. 305 E. None of these
8. What will come in place of question 15. Directions: What should come in
mark (?) in the following number place of question mark (?) in the
series? following number series?
13 21 36 58 87? 3 14 39 84 155 258 ?
A. 122 B. 128 A. 398 B. 347
C. 133 D. 123 C. 399 D. 315
E. None of These E. 445
Direction: What should come in the 26. 2, 7, 27, 107, 427, 1708, 6827
place of question mark ‘?’ in the given A. 2 B. 7
questions. C. 27 D. 1708
20. 1, 4, 21, ?, 715 E. 6827
A. 112 B. 115
C. 117 D. 116 Direction: Find the wrong term in
E. None of these the given series:
27. 415, 506, 604, 709, 820, 940
Direction: What will come in place of A. 506 B. 604
the question mark (?) in the following C. 709 D. 820
number series? E. 940
21. 7, 12, 19, 28, 39, ?
A. 56 B. 46 Direction: In the following number
C. 58 D. 52 series, only one number is incorrect.
E. 57 Find out the incorrect number.
28. 82, 65, 84, 61, 88, 59
Direction: What should come in A. 65 B. 84
place of the question mark '?' in the C. 61 D. 88
following number series? E. 59
22. 15, 19, 28, 44, 69, 105, (?)
A. 172 B. 154 Direction: In these question, a
C. 140 D. 174 number series is given. Only one
E. 180 number is wrong which doesn’t fit in
the series. Find out the wrong
Direction: What will come in place of number.
the question mark (?) in the following 29. 15, 19, 81, 119, 631, 731
number series? A. 81 B. 19
23. 7, 14, 40, 103, 227, ? C. 119 D. 631
A. 345 B. 442 E. 731
C. 375 D. 455
E. 285 Direction: Find the wrong term in
the given series:
Direction: What will come in place of 30. 7.2, 8.7, 10.8, 14.1, 19.8, 30.2, 50.4
the question mark (?) in the following A. 10.8 B. 14.1
number series? C. 19.8 D. 30.2
24. 12, 8, 16, …, 184, 860 E. 50.4
A. 32 B. 48
C. 128 D. 420 Direction: A number is wrong in the
E. None of these following number series. Select the
wrong number.
Direction: What will come in place of 31. 7.5, 9.8, 14.4, 25.6, 42, 78.8
the question mark (?) in the following A. 7.5 B. 9.8
number series? C. 42 D. 78.8
25. 9999, 6624, 4427, 3096, 2367, ? E. 25.6
A. 1234 B. 2024
C. 1184 D. 1367 Direction: A number is wrong in the
E. None of these following number series. Select the
wrong number.
Direction: In this question, a 32. 6250, 6025, 5856, 5735, 5650, 5605
number series is given. Only one A. 5650 B. 5856
number is wrong which doesn’t fit in C. 6025 D. 5605
the series. Find out the wrong E. 6250
A. 9 B. 19
Direction: Find the wrong term in C. 57 D. 231
the given series: E. 1156
47. 95 142 187 260 331 410 50. A, B and C started a business with a
A. 95 B. 187 capital of Rs. 80000, 120000 and
C. 142 D. 331 150000, respectively and they
E. 260 decided to share their profit
according to the ratio of their capital.
Direction: Find the wrong term in But A is also working in the same
the given series: company and so takes 12.5% of the
48. 3 5 15 41 90 173 total profit as salary. If C withdraws
A. 5 B. 15 his capital after 6 months and the
C. 90 D. 41 profit after one year is Rs. 88000
E. 173 then find the total share of A.
A. Rs. 22400 B. Rs. 33600
Direction: Find the wrong term in C. Rs. 33400 D. Rs. 21000
the given series: E. None of these
49. 9, 10, 19, 57, 231, 1156, 6935
1. Ans. B.
26× +1=40
81× +1=203.5
2. Ans. A.
Hence option D is correct
3. Ans. E.
9. Ans. C.
4. Ans. C.
Given series - 12, 7, 8, 13, 27, ?
10. Ans. E.
12 x 0.5 + 1 = 7
100 * 6/4 = 150
150 * 5/4 = 187.5
8 x 1.5 + 1 = 13
187.5 * 4/4 = 187.5
13 x 2 + 1 = 27
187.5 * ¾ = 140.625
27 x 2.5 + 1 = 68.5
140.625 * 2/4 = 70.3125
5. Ans. B.
11. Ans. C.
14 = 5*3 – 1
41 = 14*3 – 1
122 = 41*3 – 1
? = 122*3 – 1, i.e. ? = 365
Hence option B is the right answer. 1094 = 365*3 – 1
6. Ans. D. 12. Ans. A.
Solution- 23+5=8+5=13
The pattern of the series is 33+5=27+5=32
20 × 0.5 - 0 = 10 43+5=64+5=69
10 × 1.5 - 3 = 12 53+5=125+5=130
12 × 2.5 - 6 = 24 63+5=216+5=221
24 × 3.5 - 9 = 75 13. Ans. A.
75 × 4.5 – 12 = 325.5 The pattern of the number series is:
7. Ans. E. 19 - 15 = 4 = 22
119 - 83 = 36 = 62
631 - 119 = 512 = 83
→ ?=631+102 = 631+100 = 731
14. Ans. C.
540 = 3240/6
108 = 540/5
27 = 108/4
8. Ans. D. ? = 27/3, i.e. ? = 9
4.5 = 9/2
15. Ans. C.
23. Ans. B.
Given series - 7, 14, 40, 103, 227, ?