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Direction (1 – 5): Study the D. 35 – Orange - A

information carefully and answer the E. None of these.
questions given below. 4. Who among the following is the
Six people A, B, C, D, E and F are youngest?
born in different years with the A. The one who likes Banana.
current base is taken as 2018. None B. The one who likes Apple.
of them is older than 90 years old. C. The one who likes Cherry.
They like different fruits Apple, D. The one who likes Orange.
Orange, Grapes, Cherry, Mango, E. None of these
Banana. 5. Who among the following likes
Note- The last two digits or reverse Apple?
of the last two digits of the year in A. E B. A
which a person is born can be the age C. B D. C
of some other person. (Like M is born E. None of these.
in 1943 and age of N is denoted by
the last two digits of the birth year of Direction: What will come in place of
M. Then N’s age will be either 34 or the question mark (?) in the following
43). number series?
A was born in the year 1983. The 1. 25, 26, 40, 81, ?
difference of age between A and B is A. 204 B. 203.5
21 years. C’s age is the sum of the C. 192 D. 162.5
digits of the year in which B was E. 205.5
born. The one who likes mango is five
years elder to C. E age is either the Direction: What will come in place of
last two digits or reverse of the last the question mark (?) in the following
two digits of the year in which the number series?
person who likes mango was born. 2. ? , 98, 291, 1160, 5795
Only one person is older to E and C A. 50 B. 70
likes apple. The one likes cherry is C. 98 D. 49
just younger to E. The difference E. 68
between F’s and the one who likes
cherry is 24 years. The one who likes Direction: What should come at the
banana was born in an even year. place of question mark (?) in the
The one who likes orange is younger following number series?
to the one who likes grapes both in 3. 11826, 3942, 1314, 438, ?
an odd number of years. D is younger A. 142 B. 284
than F. C. 346 D. 402
1. In which of the following year D was E. 146
A. 1995 B. 1983 Direction: What will come in place of
C. 1959 D. 1938 the question mark (?) in the following
E. None of these. number series?
2. Which of the following statement is 4. 12, 7, 8, 13, 27, ?
correct? A. 37 B. 65
A. E is three years older than the one C. 68.5 D. 55.5
who likes cherry. E. 72
B. F is the eldest.
C. E is born in 1959 Direction: What will come in place of
D. D is born before C the question mark (?) in the following
E. All are correct. number series?
3. Which of the following combination is 5. 9, 13, 4, 20, ?, 31
true? A. 5 B. -5
A. 80 – Banana - C C. 25 D. -21
B. 18 – Apple - E E. 26
C. 23 – Cherry - B


Direction: What will come in place of Direction: What will come in place of
the question mark (?) in the following the question mark (?) in the following
number series? number series?
6. 20, 10, 12, 24, ?, 325.5 13. 15 19 83 119 631 (?)
A. 72 B. 48 A. 731 B. 693
C. 96 D. 75 C. 712 D. 683
E. None of these E. None of these
7. In the following number series, one
number is missing. What should Direction: What will come in place of
come at the place of missing number the question mark (?) in the following
(?) number series?
20, 29, 54, 103, 184, ? 14. 3240, 540, 108, 27, ?, 4.5
A. 301 B. 302 A. 7 B. 10
C. 303 D. 304 C. 9 D. 8
E. 305 E. None of these
8. What will come in place of question 15. Directions: What should come in
mark (?) in the following number place of question mark (?) in the
series? following number series?
13 21 36 58 87? 3 14 39 84 155 258 ?
A. 122 B. 128 A. 398 B. 347
C. 133 D. 123 C. 399 D. 315
E. None of These E. 445

Direction: What number should Direction: What should come in

come in the place of question mark place of the question mark '?' in the
(?) in the following number series? following number series?
9. 124, 186, 372, 930, ?, 9765 16. 1, 27, 125, ?, 729
A. 3250 B. 1720 A. 512 B. 1331
C. 2790 D. 2680 C. 343 D. 216
E. 2570 E. None of these

Direction: What should come in Direction: What will come in place of

place of question mark (?) in the the question mark (?) in the following
following number series? number series?
10. 100, 150, 187.5, ?, 140.625, 70.3125 17. 300 , 296, 287, 271, ?, 210
A. 192.25 B. 168.85 A. 246 B. 236
C. 156.625 D. 168.5 C. 251 D. 218
E. None of these E. 256

Direction: What should come at the Direction: Study the following

place of question mark (?) in the number series carefully and find the
following number series? missing term.
11. 5, 14, 41, 122, ?, 1094 18. 8, 9, 15, 32, ?, 250.5
A. 361 B. 327 A. 82.5 B. 47.5
C. 365 D. 348 C. 62.5 D. 37.5
E. 344 E. 64.5

Directions: What value should come Direction: What should come in

at the place of question mark (?) in place of question mark (?) in the
the following number series? following number series?
12. 13, 32, 69, 130, ? 19. 2, 9, 34, 95, 216, ?
A. 221 B. 250 A. 427 B. 462
C. 231 D. 254 C. 432 D. 484
E. 265 E. None of these


Direction: What should come in the 26. 2, 7, 27, 107, 427, 1708, 6827
place of question mark ‘?’ in the given A. 2 B. 7
questions. C. 27 D. 1708
20. 1, 4, 21, ?, 715 E. 6827
A. 112 B. 115
C. 117 D. 116 Direction: Find the wrong term in
E. None of these the given series:
27. 415, 506, 604, 709, 820, 940
Direction: What will come in place of A. 506 B. 604
the question mark (?) in the following C. 709 D. 820
number series? E. 940
21. 7, 12, 19, 28, 39, ?
A. 56 B. 46 Direction: In the following number
C. 58 D. 52 series, only one number is incorrect.
E. 57 Find out the incorrect number.
28. 82, 65, 84, 61, 88, 59
Direction: What should come in A. 65 B. 84
place of the question mark '?' in the C. 61 D. 88
following number series? E. 59
22. 15, 19, 28, 44, 69, 105, (?)
A. 172 B. 154 Direction: In these question, a
C. 140 D. 174 number series is given. Only one
E. 180 number is wrong which doesn’t fit in
the series. Find out the wrong
Direction: What will come in place of number.
the question mark (?) in the following 29. 15, 19, 81, 119, 631, 731
number series? A. 81 B. 19
23. 7, 14, 40, 103, 227, ? C. 119 D. 631
A. 345 B. 442 E. 731
C. 375 D. 455
E. 285 Direction: Find the wrong term in
the given series:
Direction: What will come in place of 30. 7.2, 8.7, 10.8, 14.1, 19.8, 30.2, 50.4
the question mark (?) in the following A. 10.8 B. 14.1
number series? C. 19.8 D. 30.2
24. 12, 8, 16, …, 184, 860 E. 50.4
A. 32 B. 48
C. 128 D. 420 Direction: A number is wrong in the
E. None of these following number series. Select the
wrong number.
Direction: What will come in place of 31. 7.5, 9.8, 14.4, 25.6, 42, 78.8
the question mark (?) in the following A. 7.5 B. 9.8
number series? C. 42 D. 78.8
25. 9999, 6624, 4427, 3096, 2367, ? E. 25.6
A. 1234 B. 2024
C. 1184 D. 1367 Direction: A number is wrong in the
E. None of these following number series. Select the
wrong number.
Direction: In this question, a 32. 6250, 6025, 5856, 5735, 5650, 5605
number series is given. Only one A. 5650 B. 5856
number is wrong which doesn’t fit in C. 6025 D. 5605
the series. Find out the wrong E. 6250


Direction: In each of the following A. 192 B. 137

questions , one of the given number C. 178 D. 148
is wrong. Please find the wrong E. None of these
number and mark that as your choice
33. 4, 3, 5, 14, 56, 274 Direction: In the following number
A. 4 B. 56 series only one number is wrong.
C. 5 D. 14 Find out the wrong number.
E. 274 40. 255, 380, 596, 938, 1451
A. 596 B. 380
Direction: A number is wrong in the C. 938 D. 255
following number series. Select the E. 1451
wrong number.
34. 520, 338, 206, 116, 62 Direction: Find the wrong term in
A. 520 B. 338 the given series:
C. 206 D. 62 41. 68, 82, 91, 103, 107, 115
E. 116 A. 91 B. 103
C. 115 D. 68
Direction: A number is wrong in the E. 82
following number series. Select the
wrong number. Direction: Find the wrong term in
35. 64, 130, 264, 536, 1076, 2162 the given series:
A. 536 B. 264 42. 7, 16, 34, 70, 143, 286
C. 130 D. 1076 A. 286 B. 34
E. 64 C. 143 D. 70
E. 16
Direction: In the following number
series only one number is wrong. Direction: Find the wrong term in
Find out the wrong number. the given series:
36. 0, 7, 28, 63, 124, 215 43. 5, 14, 55, 274, 1641, 11500
A. 215 B. 63 A. 55 B. 274
C. 7 D. 28 C. 1641 D. 11500
E. 0 E. 5

Direction: In the following number Direction: Find the wrong term in

series only one number is wrong. the given series:
Find out the wrong number. 44. 2.5, 3.5, 15, 60, 300, 1800
37. 6, 14, 30, 60, 126, 254 A. 3.5 B. 15
A. 6 B. 60 C. 60 D. 300
C. 14 D. 126 E. 2.5
E. None of these
Direction: Find the wrong term in
Direction: In the following number the given series:
series only one number is wrong. 45. 513, 257, 129, 65, 31, 17, 9
Find out the wrong number. A. 257 B. 129
38. 5, 6, 12, 40, 161, 806 C. 65 D. 31
A. 161 B. 6 E. 17
C. 12 D. 5
E. None of these Direction: In the following series,
only one number is incorrect. Find
Direction: In the following number out the incorrect number.
series only one number is wrong. 46. 21, 31.5, 63, 160, 472.5, 1653.75,
Find out the wrong number. 6615
39. 137, 148, 161, 178, 192 A. 63 B. 6615
C. 31.5 D. 21
E. 160


A. 9 B. 19
Direction: Find the wrong term in C. 57 D. 231
the given series: E. 1156
47. 95 142 187 260 331 410 50. A, B and C started a business with a
A. 95 B. 187 capital of Rs. 80000, 120000 and
C. 142 D. 331 150000, respectively and they
E. 260 decided to share their profit
according to the ratio of their capital.
Direction: Find the wrong term in But A is also working in the same
the given series: company and so takes 12.5% of the
48. 3 5 15 41 90 173 total profit as salary. If C withdraws
A. 5 B. 15 his capital after 6 months and the
C. 90 D. 41 profit after one year is Rs. 88000
E. 173 then find the total share of A.
A. Rs. 22400 B. Rs. 33600
Direction: Find the wrong term in C. Rs. 33400 D. Rs. 21000
the given series: E. None of these
49. 9, 10, 19, 57, 231, 1156, 6935


1. Ans. B.

26× +1=40

81× +1=203.5
2. Ans. A.
Hence option D is correct
3. Ans. E.
9. Ans. C.
4. Ans. C.
Given series - 12, 7, 8, 13, 27, ?
10. Ans. E.
12 x 0.5 + 1 = 7
100 * 6/4 = 150
150 * 5/4 = 187.5
8 x 1.5 + 1 = 13
187.5 * 4/4 = 187.5
13 x 2 + 1 = 27
187.5 * ¾ = 140.625
27 x 2.5 + 1 = 68.5
140.625 * 2/4 = 70.3125
5. Ans. B.
11. Ans. C.
14 = 5*3 – 1
41 = 14*3 – 1
122 = 41*3 – 1
? = 122*3 – 1, i.e. ? = 365
Hence option B is the right answer. 1094 = 365*3 – 1
6. Ans. D. 12. Ans. A.
Solution- 23+5=8+5=13
The pattern of the series is 33+5=27+5=32
20 × 0.5 - 0 = 10 43+5=64+5=69
10 × 1.5 - 3 = 12 53+5=125+5=130
12 × 2.5 - 6 = 24 63+5=216+5=221
24 × 3.5 - 9 = 75 13. Ans. A.
75 × 4.5 – 12 = 325.5 The pattern of the number series is:
7. Ans. E. 19 - 15 = 4 = 22
119 - 83 = 36 = 62
631 - 119 = 512 = 83
→ ?=631+102 = 631+100 = 731
14. Ans. C.
540 = 3240/6
108 = 540/5
27 = 108/4
8. Ans. D. ? = 27/3, i.e. ? = 9
4.5 = 9/2
15. Ans. C.


3, 14, 39, 84, 155, 258, ? The pattern is as follows:

= n3 + n2 + n put n = 1, 2, 3, 4 …. 7 + (2^3-1) = 14
7th term = 343 + 49 + 7 = 399 14+(3^3-1) = 40
16. Ans. C. 40+(4^3-1) = 103
If we observe the question, we can draw 103+(5^3-1) = 227
a pattern 227+(6^3-1) = 442
24. Ans. B.
The pattern of the series
12 × 0.5 + 2 = 8
8 × 1.5 + 4 = 16
16 × 2.5 + 8 = 48
48 × 3.5 + 16 = 184
184 × 4.5 + 32 = 860
Hence, C is the correct option. 25. Ans. B.
17. Ans. A. The pattern of the given series is
AS in this series the pattern is →-4,-9,- ⟹9999
16,-25, -36 ⟹9999 – 153 = 9999 – 3375 = 6624
So, in place of ? →246 must be come ⟹ 6624 – 133 = 6624 – 2197 = 4427
18. 1. Ans. A. ⟹ 4427 – 113 = 4427– 1331 = 3096
8×1+1=9 ⟹ 3096 – 93 = 3096 – 729 = 2367
9 × 1.5 + 1.5= 15 ⟹ 2367 – 73 = 2367 – 343 = 2024
15 × 2 + 2 = 32 ∴ ? = 2024
32 × 2.5 + 2.5 = 82.5 26. Ans. D.
82.5 × 3 + 3 = 250.5 This series
19. Ans. A. 2*4-1=7
Pattern difference is : 7*4-1=27
+23−1, +33−2, +43−3, +53−4, So, 1707 will come in place of 1708
+63−5………… 27. Ans. D.
So answer will be 216-(63−5)=427
20. Ans. D.
If we observe the question, we can draw
a pattern

Clearly, to follow a pattern difference

‘111’ should be replaced by 112
So, correct no. after 709 will be 709 +
112 = 821
28. Ans. D.
The series follows the pattern,
21. Ans. D. 65+19=84
The pattern is: 84-23=61
6*1 + 12 = 7 61+29=90
8*1 + 22 = 12 90-31=59
10*1 + 32 = 19 Thus, the incorrect number is 88
12*1 + 42 = 28 So option (d) is the correct answer.
14*1 + 52 = 39 29. Ans. A.
16*1 + 62 = 52
The series is 15 +
22. Ans. B.

23. Ans. B.
Given series - 7, 14, 40, 103, 227, ?


So the wrong term 60 is replace by = 30

+ 32 = 62
Hence, there should be 83 in place of 38. Ans. C.
81. The pattern is 5*1 + 1 = 6, 6*2 + 1 =
30. Ans. D. 13, 13*3 + 1 = 40, 40*4 + 1 = 161,
7.2 + 1.5 ) +0.6 = 8.7 161*5 + 1 = 806
8.7 + 2.1)+1.2 = 10.8 So the wrong term 12 is replace by =
10.8 + 3.3)+2.4 = 14.1 6*2 + 1 = 13
14.1 + 5.7)+4.8 = 19.8 39. Ans. A.
19.8 + 10.5)+9.6 = 30.3 This series is based upon difference of
30.3 + 20.1 = 50.4 two consecutive prime number. So there
31. Ans. E. should be correct number is 197 in place
7.5+2.3=9.8 of 192.
9.8+4.6=14.4 40. Ans. C.
14.4+9.2=23.6 This series is based upon:
23.6+18.4=42 +53, +63, +73, +83,
42+36.8=78.8 41. Ans. A.
32. Ans. A.
The series is
6250 – 152= 6025
6025- 132= 5856 42. Ans. C.
5856 – 112= 5735
5735 – 92= 5654
33. Ans. B.
4×1-1=3 143 is the wrong number in series.
3×2-1=5 43. Ans. C.
55×5-1=274 44. Ans. A.
34. Ans. D.
The series is
520 – (132 + 13) = 338
338 – (112 + 11) = 206 45. Ans. D.
206 – (92 + 9) = 116
116 – (72 + 7) = 60
35. Ans. A. 46. Ans. E.
The series is The Pattern is:-
64*2+ 2= 130
130*2 + 4= 264
264* 2 + 6= 534
534*2 + 8 = 1076
1076*2 + 10 = 2162
36. Ans. D. 157.5
The pattern is = 13 - 1, 23 - 1, 33 - 1, 43
- 1, 53 - 1, 63 - 1
So the wrong term 28 is replace by = 33
- 1 = 26
37. Ans. B.
The pattern is = + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + Thus, the incorrect number is 160
128 So option (e) is the correct answer.
47. Ans. B.


Hence, there must be 197 in place of

187. Hence, there should be 58 in place of
Hence, option B is correct. 57.
48. Ans. C. Hence, option C is correct.
50. Ans. C.
Since C withdraws his capital after 6
Share in which profit will be distributed
= 8 × 12 : 12 × 12 : 15 × 6 = 16 : 24 :
Total profit = Rs. 88000
Share of profit received by A as salary =
88000 × 1/8 = Rs. 11000
Remaining profit to be distributed
Hence, there should be 90 in place of
equally among three = 88000 - 11000 =
Rs. 77000
Hence, option C is correct.
Share of A in the remaining profit =
49. Ans. C.
77000 × 16/55 = Rs. 22400
Total share of A = 11000 + 22400 = Rs.



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