English Part Watermark - PDF 78
English Part Watermark - PDF 78
English Part Watermark - PDF 78
1. Directions: In the following number series only one 23 × 17.5 + 63.774 – 321.3 ÷ 52.6 = ?
number is wrong. Find out the wrong number. A. 460 B. 520
26, 37, 50, 63, 82 C. 600 D. 400
A. 26 B. 37 E. 370
C. 82 D. 63 10. What approximate value should come in place of
E. None of these the question mark (?) in the following questions?
2. Directions. What will come in place of the question (You are not expected to calculate the exact
marks (?) in the following Number series? value.)
4, 9, 25, 49, 121, 169,(?) 970% of 14 + 310% of 43 = ?
A. 240 B. 225
A. 225 B. 289
C. 270 D. 300
C. 361 D. 191
E. 320
E. None of these
3. Directions: What will come in place of the question Direction (11-15): Study the Table carefully to
mark (?) in each of the following series? answer the questions that follow:
1430, 714, ?, 177, 87.5, 42.75 Number of Students Appeared (A) and Qualified
A. 266 B. 772 (Q), in an Examination from Various Institutes over
C. 564 D. 474 the Years
E. None of these
4. What should come in the place of question mark in
the following series?
5, 6, 16, 57, ?, 1245
A. 244 B. 148
C. 296 D. 271
E. None of these
5. Direction: What will come in place of the question
mark (?) in the following number series?
1332, 1729, 2198, 2745, ?
A. 3376 B. 4097 11. What is the difference between the number of
C. 3275 D. 3126 students appeared but not qualified in the exam
E. None of these from Institute B in the year 2004 and the number
of students appeared but not qualified in the exam
6. Directions: What will come in place of the question
from the same Institute in the year 2006?
marks (?) in the following questions?
44% of 125 + 75% of 840 = ? A. 187 B. 88
A. 600 B. 666 C. 275 D. 373
C. 685 D. 765 E. None of the above
E. None of these 12. What is the approximate average number of
7. Direction: What should come in place of question candidates appeared for the exam from
mark (?) in the following questions? Institute E over the years?
A. 1759 B. 1586
C. 1671 D. 1924
A. 23326 B. 36 E. 1837
C. 216 D. 46656 13. Percentage of candidates qualified over appeared
E. None of these from institute D is the lowest during which of the
8. Direction: Calculate the value of x in the following following years?
question. A. 2003 B. 2004
C. 2005 D. 2007
E. None of these
A. 15 B. 72 14. What is the percentage of the candidates qualified
C. 51 D. 33 over the number of candidates appeared for the
E. None of these exam in the year 2005 from all Institutes together?
9. Direction: What approximate value should come in (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
place of the question mark (?) in the following A. 92.34 B. 73.47
questions? (You are not expected to calculate the C. 66.94 D. 83.59
exact value.) E. None of these