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English Part Watermark - PDF 78

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1. Directions: In the following number series only one 23 × 17.5 + 63.774 – 321.3 ÷ 52.6 = ?
number is wrong. Find out the wrong number. A. 460 B. 520
26, 37, 50, 63, 82 C. 600 D. 400
A. 26 B. 37 E. 370
C. 82 D. 63 10. What approximate value should come in place of
E. None of these the question mark (?) in the following questions?
2. Directions. What will come in place of the question (You are not expected to calculate the exact
marks (?) in the following Number series? value.)
4, 9, 25, 49, 121, 169,(?) 970% of 14 + 310% of 43 = ?
A. 240 B. 225
A. 225 B. 289
C. 270 D. 300
C. 361 D. 191
E. 320
E. None of these
3. Directions: What will come in place of the question Direction (11-15): Study the Table carefully to
mark (?) in each of the following series? answer the questions that follow:
1430, 714, ?, 177, 87.5, 42.75 Number of Students Appeared (A) and Qualified
A. 266 B. 772 (Q), in an Examination from Various Institutes over
C. 564 D. 474 the Years
E. None of these
4. What should come in the place of question mark in
the following series?
5, 6, 16, 57, ?, 1245
A. 244 B. 148
C. 296 D. 271
E. None of these
5. Direction: What will come in place of the question
mark (?) in the following number series?
1332, 1729, 2198, 2745, ?
A. 3376 B. 4097 11. What is the difference between the number of
C. 3275 D. 3126 students appeared but not qualified in the exam
E. None of these from Institute B in the year 2004 and the number
of students appeared but not qualified in the exam
6. Directions: What will come in place of the question
from the same Institute in the year 2006?
marks (?) in the following questions?
44% of 125 + 75% of 840 = ? A. 187 B. 88
A. 600 B. 666 C. 275 D. 373
C. 685 D. 765 E. None of the above
E. None of these 12. What is the approximate average number of
7. Direction: What should come in place of question candidates appeared for the exam from
mark (?) in the following questions? Institute E over the years?
A. 1759 B. 1586
C. 1671 D. 1924
A. 23326 B. 36 E. 1837
C. 216 D. 46656 13. Percentage of candidates qualified over appeared
E. None of these from institute D is the lowest during which of the
8. Direction: Calculate the value of x in the following following years?
question. A. 2003 B. 2004
C. 2005 D. 2007
E. None of these
A. 15 B. 72 14. What is the percentage of the candidates qualified
C. 51 D. 33 over the number of candidates appeared for the
E. None of these exam in the year 2005 from all Institutes together?
9. Direction: What approximate value should come in (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
place of the question mark (?) in the following A. 92.34 B. 73.47
questions? (You are not expected to calculate the C. 66.94 D. 83.59
exact value.) E. None of these


15. Approximately what is the percentage of A. 120% B. 150%

candidates qualified over appeared from all the C. 215% D. 250%
Institutes together in 2007? E. None of these
A. 68 B. 55 18. What was the difference between the number of
C. 74 D. 92 students who cleared the entrance exam in 2008
E. 86 and number of students who cleared the entrance
Direction (16-20): Study the following pie-charts exam in 2010?
carefully and answer the questions given below: A. 1120 B. 1020
Year-wise Breakup of the number of candidates C. 960 D. 912
appeared for an entrance exam and Year-wise E. None of these
Breakup of the number of candidates who cleared
the entrance exam. 19. The total number of students who cleared the
Total Number of candidates appeared in the entrance exam from all years together is what percent of the
exam from 2007-2012 = 260000 total number of students appeared for the exam in
all years together?
A. 17.5% B. 15%
C. 11.5% D. 12.3%
E. None of these
20. What was the total number of students cleared the
entrance exam in 2007 and 2012 together?
A. 10240 B. 15200
C. 11520 D. 11220
E. None of these

Directions (21-25): Study the following graph

carefully and answer the questions given below it:

Production of three types of mobiles by a company

Total Number students who cleared the entrance over the years (in lakh
test from 2007-2012 = 32000

16. What was the ratio of the number of students

appeared for the entrance exam in 2009 and the
number of students who cleared the exam in 2007
A. 18 : 4 B. 325:29
C. 325:24 D. 111 : 24
E. None of these 21. What was the percentage drop in the number of R
type mobiles manufactured from 2013 to 2014?
17. The total number of students appeared in entrance
A. 18.18 B. 21.25
exam from 2008 and 2011 was what percentage of
C. 23.25 D. 19.50
number of students appeared for the entrance
E. None of these
exam in 2009?


22. What was the difference between the number of Q 30. I. p2 = 9

type mobiles manufactured in 2013 and 2014? II. q2 + 6q = −9
A. 6 lakh B. 5 lakh A. If p > q B. If p ≥ q
C. 5.5 lakh D. 4.75 lakh C. If p < q D. If p ≤ q
E. None of these E. If p = q or the relationship cannot be
23. The total number of all the three types of mobiles
31. Anuj invested a certain amount in two schemes A &
manufactured was the least in which of the
B in the ratio of 4:5. At the end of one year, he
following years?
earned total dividend of 30% on his investment.
A. 2014 B. 2015 After one year, he reinvested the amount including
C. 2011 D. 2013 the dividend in the ratio of 6:7 in schemes A & B
E. None of these again. If the amount reinvested in scheme B was
24. In which of the following years was the percentage 94,500 rs. What was the original amount invested
production of Q type to R type mobiles the in scheme B?
maximum? A. 71,000 Rs B. 75,000 Rs
A. 2013 B. 2011 C. 95,000 Rs D. 60,000 Rs
C. 2014 D. 2012 E. None of these
E. None of these 32. In one hour a swimmer goes 11 km along the
25. The total production of R type mobiles in 2011 and stream and 5 km against the stream. The speed of
2012 together was what percentage of Q type the swimmer in still water (in km/h) is
mobiles in 2013? A. 5 B. 6
C. 8 D. 9
A. 220 B. 210
E. None of these
C. 195 D. 185
33. The simple interest accrued on a sum of certain
E. None of these
principal is 4000 in four years at the rate of
8 p.c.p.a. What would be the compound interest
Directions (26-30): In the following question two accrued on same principal at same rate in two
equations numbered I and II are given. You have years?
to solve both the equations and answer the A. Rs. 1920 B. Rs. 1890
question. C. Rs. 2080 D. Rs. 2160
E. None of these
26. I. p2 + 24 = 11p 34. An amount of money is to be divided among K, L,
II. 2q2 + 24 = 14q and M in the ratio of 3:5:7 respectively if the
amount received by M is Rs.3500 more than the
A. If p > q B. If p ≥ q amount received by L, what will be the total
C. If p < q D. If p ≤ q amount received by K and L together.
E. If p = q or the relationship cannot be A. Rs. 14000 B. Rs. 14500
established C. Rs. 13500 D. Rs. 13800
E. None of these
27. I. p2 + 36 = 12p 35. Pradeep invested 20% more than Mohit. Mohit
II. 4q2 + 64 = 32q invested 10% less than Raghu. If the total sum of
A. p > q B. p ≥ q their investment is ₹ 17880, how much amount did
C. p < q D. p ≤ q Raghu invest?
E. p = q or the relationship cannot be established A. ₹ 6000 B. ₹ 8000
28. I. 3p2 + 21 p + 30 = 0 C. ₹ 7000 D. ₹ 5000
II. 3q2 + 17q + 24 = 0 E. None of these
36. The ages of Nishi and vinnee are in the ratio of
A. If p > q B. If p ≥ q
6: 5 respectively. After 9 yr the ratio of their ages
C. If p < q D. If p ≤ q
will be 9: 8. What is the difference in their ages?
E. If p = q or the relationship cannot be
A. 9yr B. 7yr
C. 5yr D. 3yr
29. I. p2 + 16p + 55 = 0 E. None of the above
II. q2 + 16q + 63 = 0 37. Seema sold a mobile phone at the cost of Rs 1950
A. If p > q B. If p ≥ q at a loss of 25%. At what cost will she have to sell
C. If p < q D. If p ≤ q it to get a profit of 30%?
E. If p = q or the relationship cannot be A. Rs 3300 B. Rs 2600
established C. Rs 2535 D. Rs 3380
E. None of these


38. Train-A crosses a pole in 25 seconds and another A. 7 B. 8

Train-B crosses a pole in 1 min and 15 sec. Length C. 6 D. 4
of Train-A is half length of Train B. What is the E. None of these
respective ratio between the speeds of Train-A and 40. There are 5 Red, 5 Blue and 5 Green balls in a Bag.
Train-B? Two balls are drawn at random. Find the
A. 3 : 2 B. 3 : 4 probability that at least one ball out of drawn balls
C. 4 : 3 D. Cannot be determined is Green
E. None of these A. 2/7 B. 1/3
39. 6 women alone can complete a piece of work in C. 3/7 D. 4/7
10 days, whereas 10 children alone take 15 days to E. None of these
complete the same piece of work. How many days
will 6 women and 10 children together take to
complete the piece of work?



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