भारतीय प्रौद्यो�गक� संसथान (भारतीय ख�न �वद्यापीठ), धनबाद झारखण्ड - 826004 Indian Institute Of Technology (Indian School Of Mines), Dhanbad JHARKHAND - 826004
भारतीय प्रौद्यो�गक� संसथान (भारतीय ख�न �वद्यापीठ), धनबाद झारखण्ड - 826004 Indian Institute Of Technology (Indian School Of Mines), Dhanbad JHARKHAND - 826004
भारतीय प्रौद्यो�गक� संसथान (भारतीय ख�न �वद्यापीठ), धनबाद झारखण्ड - 826004 Indian Institute Of Technology (Indian School Of Mines), Dhanbad JHARKHAND - 826004
झारखण्ड - 826004
JHARKHAND - 826004
No. 411002/1/2019-Estt
23 August, 2019
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad formerly known as Indian School of Mines,
Dhanbad established in 1926 offers 4 yr. B.Tech., 3 yr. M.Sc. Tech., 2 yr. M.Sc., 5 yr. Integrated M.Sc.
(Tech.)/M.Tech., 5 yr. Dual Degree (B.Tech. & M. Tech./MBA), 2 yr. M.B.A., 2 yr. M.Tech., full time and part
time Ph. D. courses/programmes in Engineering and Basic/ Earth/Social/Applied Sciences, Humanities and
Management disciplines. Other details regarding the Institute and its activities may be obtained from its
The Institute invites application from Indian Nationals for appointment for the following non-teaching
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Eligibility Conditions:
ITI/NCVT recognized vocational training in
appropriate trade# with relevant
experience of 5 years after the
ITI/Vocational Training Certificate.
Note: The above mentioned qualifying degrees are essential. The candidates not possessing the same shall not be
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1. Age relaxation for SC, ST, OBC and Divyang candidates against reserved posts shall be admissible as
per Government of India Norms.
2. In the case of candidates who have served the Institute or other IITs/NITs/CFTIs etc. for at least
three years on a regular post, the maximum age limit may be relaxed by 5 years. (No age relaxation
for the employees from private organisations shall be admissible under this clause)
Age relaxation as per GoI norms shall also be admissible to the regular employees of Central/State
Governments; Ex-Servicemen etc.
3. (a) The Institute reserves its right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be
called for selection process.
(b) Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for selection process.
(c) The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the Advt. in whole or in part
without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final.
(a) The SC/ST/ OBCs-NCL are required to attach a copy of the Caste Certificate with the application
4. in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India [A copy of the same certificate shall be
collected before the interview (wherever applicable), failing which the candidate concerned
may not be allowed for his/ her personal interview.
(b) OBCs-NCL certificate issued only after 31.03.2019 will be considered.
(c) The Institute follows the reservation norms as per GOI rules for SC/ ST/ OBC/EWS and
Divyangs. Central Govt. approved list of SC, ST and OBC categories is applicable at IIT (ISM),
5. The closing date for submission of application shall be considered the cut-off date for age,
educational qualification and experience etc.
The Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected candidates to any
6. section/department within the Institute and appointments will be offered accordingly.
(a) The Institute reserves the right to relax experience in the case of candidates serving in
7. Government Departments/ IITs/ NITs/ Central Autonomous Bodies in analogous positions.
(b) Higher initial basic pay may be given to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidate(s).
The Committee constituted to conduct the Written Test and Trade Test/ Computer Test will decide
the minimum qualifying marks for Written & Computer Test. Only the candidates who will qualify the
Written & Computer Test (step I&II) will be called for Presentation & Interview of the selection
process. The final selection will be on the basis of presentation and interview before the Selection
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(b) For the post of Junior Assistant:
Part-A: The candidates eligible on the basis of their qualification will be called to appear in the
Screening Test (objective type) – 100 marks – for shortlisting the candidates for Main
The candidates shortlisted on the basis of screening test will be called to appear in the Written Test
and Computer Proficiency Test. The candidates shortlisted on the basis of Written & Computer
Proficiency Test will be called to appear in the Typing Speed test, which shall be of qualifying nature.
A merit list of candidates who qualify in the typewriting speed test will be prepared on the basis of
the marks obtained in the Written Test and Computer Proficiency Test. The Committee constituted to
conduct the Written Test, Computer Test and Typewriting Speed Test will decide the minimum
qualifying marks/standards for the aforesaid tests in accordance with the number of vacancies and
performance of the candidates and its decision shall be final.
Part-A: The candidates eligible on the basis of their qualification will be called to appear in the
Screening Test (objective type) – 100 marks – for shortlisting the candidates for Practical Skill
Test of qualifying nature. The candidates declared qualified in the Practical Skill Test will be
called to appear in the Main Examination.
A merit list of candidates who will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in the Written Test
and Computer Proficiency Test. The Committee(s) constituted to conduct the Screening Test, Practical
Trade Test, Written Test and Computer Proficiency Test will decide the minimum qualifying
marks/standards for the aforesaid tests in accordance with the number of vacancies and performance
of the candidates and its decision shall be final.
9 No TA will be paid for written/Computer/skill tests.
10 The candidates recommended for interview for the posts of Assistant Registrar and Deputy
Registrar will be paid for the train journey by AC-III Tier and AC-II Tier respectively by the shortest
direct route on submission of claim and tickets.
11 Recruitment Fee and mode of payment: Recruitment fee to be paid through SBI collect link
available on the website of the Institute (
a) For the posts of Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar : Rs. 1000/-
b) For the posts of Jr. Assistant and Jr. Technician : Rs. 500/-
Note: SC/ST/Divyang/Ex-Service men eligible for reservation and Female candidates are
exempted from payment of recruitment fee.
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12 Applications are to be submitted online through application module available on the Institute’s
website under the head “Recruitment” and the requisite documents (Photograph/
Receipt of fee payment/Degrees/mark sheets/experience certificate/category certificate etc.) should
be uploaded in pdf format. Printout of the duly submitted application form with all attachments is
also required to be submitted to the Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines),
Dhanbad, Dhanbad – 826 004 (Jharkhand) before the scheduled date and time.
Note: Application received after the closing dates and incomplete applications will be summarily
13 Legal disputes, if any, regarding the above will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Dhanbad only.
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