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The Influence of Work Culture and Career Development Toward Employee Performance Through Self-Efficacy As An Intervening Variable On PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU, North Sumatra, Indonesia

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American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)

ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

The Influence Of Work Culture And Career Development

Toward Employee Performance Through Self-Efficacy
As An Intervening Variable On PT PLN (Persero)
UIKSBU, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Yulli Arnida Pohan1*, Isfenti Sadalia2,3 and Amlys Syahputra silalahi2,3
Postgraduate Program, Magister Management, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan,
North Sumatra, Indonesia
Lecturer, Postgraduate Program, Magister Management, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics & Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatra Indonesia
Correspondence Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan

ABSTRACT:- The present study aims to know the influence of work culture and career development toward
employee performance through self-efficacy at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU. The research type is descriptive
research and using causal research design. The sample in this research is 109 respondents at PT PLN (Persero)
UIKSBU. Partial Least Square Structural data analysis model (PLS). Based on the result of the calculation of the
path coefficient, it can be seen that the influence of the variable of work culture on employee performance has
positive and significant influence, the career development variable toward employee performance has a positive
effect but not significant. From the result, it can be seen that work culture has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance through self-efficacy while career development through self-efficacy has a positive
effect but not significant to employee performance.

Keywords: Work Culture, Career Development, Self Efficacy, Employees’Performance

Human resources (HR) determine the success of the company in this global era, as human resources
should be managed as best as possible. The abundance of current human resources requires a company to think
carefully about how it can best utilize human resources. Human resources will grow as technology progresses.
The success of a company depends not only on technology excellence and availability of funds but the human
factor is quite remarkable. Human Resources (HR) is the company's most important asset because of its role as
the subject of the company's policy and operational activities. The company desperately needs competent and
qualified human resources, especially in today's globalization era. The performance of its employees will
significantly influence company performance. Thus, employees as HR are the most vital resources for the
company, as well as PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
State Electricity Company (PLN) is one of the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) engaged in the
provision of electricity which is very much needed by the community. From the government side, SOEs are
often used as one of the essential instruments in economic development, especially in the development of
manufacturing industries and others. While from the community side, SOEs are a vital instrument as a fast,
cheap, and efficient service provider. Therefore, PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU always strives to improve its
performance in providing more excellent service continuously, so improving the quality and effectiveness of
work becomes very important. This work can be seen from how much the level of organizational effectiveness
in performing its function. Where it is also needed the performance improvement of the employees so that the
targeted target can be appropriately realized so that displays the image that is assessed well in the eyes of the
community and provide excellent service to satisfy customers who work with PLN (Persero) UIKSBU.
Measurement of work culture in PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU involves two interrelated things namely
climate and culture itself. Culture is a set of beliefs, values, and assumptions that encourage individuals to
behave. While climate is defined as a policy, regulation, reward system of companies that influence employee
motivation and behavior. The company's climate is measured using the Employee Engagement Survey (EES)
while the corporate culture is measured by the Culture Survey / other tools set by the Central PLN.
The variables chosen in this study can be expected to affect the performance improvement of
employees based on previous research. According to Sinaga (2008), Chasanah (2008) and Sudarmadi (2007)
organizational culture positively and significantly influence employee performance. According to Sutrisno
(2009), career advancement is often the obsession of many people who work and are often more likely to be

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 23 | Page

American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

their mind rather than the company's leadership. The choice of variables in this study is expected to affect the
performance improvement of employees based on previous research.
According to Wibowo (2006) and Watimena (2007), career development has a positive and significant
impact on employee performance. While, according to results from Massie, Tewal and Sendow (2015) state that
simultaneously and partially the career development variables have an adverse effect on employee performance.
In addition to the career development program is necessary for performance improvement, it is also important to
note the self-efficacy of an employee. According to Bandura (1997), self-efficacy reflects individual beliefs
when their ability to perform a specific task at a specific level of performance. of the tasks assigned by
employees to the company so that it will affect the performance of the individual.Previous research by
Handayani (2008) states that self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. While
according to research conducted by Frinelya, Rifa and Herawati (2015) state that self-esteem and self-efficacy
do not affect positively and significantly on individual performance.

Based on the description of the problem background, the problem statement in this research is as follows:
 RQ1: Does the work culture have an effect on employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU?
 RQ2: Does career development have an effect on employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU?
 RQ3: Does the work culture have an effect on self-efficacy of employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU?
 RQ4: Does career development have an effect on self-efficacy employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU?
 RQ5: Does self-efficacy have an effect on performance on employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU?
 RQ6: Does the work culture have an effect on employee performance through self-efficacy at PT PLN
(Persero) UIKSBU?
 RQ7: Does career development have an effect on employee performance through self-efficacy in PT PLN
(Persero) UIKSBU?


Work Culture
Company culture is the values, assumptions, attitudes, and behavioral norms that have been
institutionalized then manifest in appearance, attitude, and action, thus becoming the identity of a company.
Work culture is a repetitive behavior by every individual in an organization or company and has become a habit
in the execution of work. Work culture is a philosophy based on the view of life as values that are characteristic,
habits, and driving forces, culturing in the life of a community or organization that is reflected in the attitudes of
behavior, beliefs, aspirations, ideas, and actions realized as work or work.The textual working culture can be
represented by integrity and professionalism; leadership and exemplary; group togetherness and dynamics;
accuracy and speed; rationality and emotional intelligence.
The fundamental goal of the work culture is to build the full human resources so that everyone is aware
that they are in a relationship of the customer's role, the effective, efficient and satisfying suppliers of
communication with others. Work culture seeks to transform traditional communication into the behavior of
modern management, thereby embedded the trust and spirit of great cooperation and discipline. By familiarizing
quality work, such as trying to do specific work methods, so the results are following the standards or
qualifications determined by the organization. If this can be done correctly or cultured within the employee, the
employee becomes economically viable or provides added value to others and the organization. Also, if the
work performed by an employee can be done correctly by the applicable procedures or provisions, the employee
may work effectively and efficiently. Implementing a work culture has a profound meaning because it will
change the attitude and behavior of human resources to achieve higher productivity in facing the challenges of
the future. Also, there are many more benefits that emerge such as increased job satisfaction, more intimate
relationships, increased discipline, reduced functional supervision, reduced wastage, decreased attendance rates,
continue to learn, want to provide the best for the organization, etc. Based on a view of the benefits work
culture, can be drawn up in a real description that the benefits of working culture are to improve the quality of
human resources, the quality of work, the quantity of work that is expected to be expected
The relationship among work culture, self-efficacy and employees’ performance
Previous studies have shown that there is a relationship between organizational culture and employee
performance. The previous studies showing the relationship are as follows. The results of the research by
Chasana (2008) show that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Strong organizational culture triggers employees to think, behave and behave according to organizational
values. The suitability between organizational culture and the supporters of the organization will lead to
increased job satisfaction and employee performance, thereby improving overall organizational performance

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 24 | Page

American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

(Sutanto, 2002).The research was carried out with the results of the study conducted by Susanto (2010) which
states that the organizational culture has positive and significant influence, and has a positive impact on the
performance of financial officer but not significant to employee performance through job motivation in the
financial land office.

Career Development
Career is a requirement that must be developed in an employee so that it can motivate employees to
improve their performance. Career development includes every activity to prepare a person to pursue a
particular career path. A career plan that has been created by a worker must be accompanied by a realistic career
goal, since career is a set of individual feelings of attitudes and behaviors associated with work experience and
activity during the life span of a person (Gibson et al., 2016) that careers consist of both, attitudes and behaviors,
continuing work activities. Although the concept of career is definitely related to work, the life of an
unemployed person and its role is also an essential part of a career. Organizational career processes vary
depending on whether the organization obtains individual supplies from internal or external sources, as well as
whether the organization assigns its employees to individual or group contributions (Gibson et al., 2016)
Therefore, a career is a series of changes in attitudes, values and behaviors and motivations that occur
on every individual over his lifetime to identify his skills, career goals and needs for development, plan his
career goals, and continue, evaluate, revise and improve his design. Career is also a process of partnership
interaction in the stages and cooperation between the organization/company or management, the direct
supervisor and the individual itself.According to Gibson et al., 2016, career effectiveness is determined not only
by individuals but also by the organization itself. Four career characteristics that always appear are performance,
attitudes, adaptability, and identity.
Generally, individuals move through their career stages during their career journey. Preliminary steps
appear in the early days of a career. Stage improvement is the period of moving from one job to another, both
within and outside the organization. Needs and expectations change as individuals move from a career stage to
the next. These needs and expectations are illustrated with career anchors, namely the self-image we develop
concerning our career moving through life and career (Schein, 1987). Treatment stages are characterized by
efforts to stabilize results from the past. This phase has no results; however, it can also be a full period of
creativity as individuals have been financially and psychologically run over the previous phase. Many people
have a crisis experience in the course of their career in this care phase. They are no longer in need of
improvement and as a result of poor performance, according to Near, 1983 they will lose the support of more
senior managers, and it will lead to health and work problems.Retirement phase of care retirement. Individuals
have completed a career and may be moving to other careers (Shaw, 1981). During this phase, individuals may
have the opportunity to achieve self-actualization through activities that are not likely to be pursued while
working. The relationship between career phases and life stages illustrates the signs in the course of life and
provides a basis for career effectiveness assessment (Thompson, 1986).

The relationship among career development, self-efficacy and employees’ performance

Previous studies that show a relationship such as the results of the study conducted by Kaseger(2013)
show that career development has a significant effect on employee performance while self-efficacy is not
significant to employee performance. The study results by Dika (2011) show that career development has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance. In line with the development of an organization, it is
necessary that efforts to improve the skills and professionalism of employees in giving attention and guidance
are ultimately expected to develop the career of employees.

Self-efficacy according to Bandura (1997), is a perceived individual's ability to achieve a particular
goal. Furthermore, Bandura (1997, in Friedman & Schustack, 2008), says that self-efficacy is the confident
expectation of how far one is capable of conducting one behavior in a particular situation. Someone who has a
positive self-efficacy will be sure to be able to do a particular behavior. Self-efficacy will determine how one
demonstrates an individual behavior, endurance in difficulty or failure, and how success or failure can affect our
future behavior. Bana (1986, in Haycock, McCarthy, & Skay, 1998), distinguishes self-efficacy components
consisting of efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations is a person's self-
confidence that he/she can successfully perform the behavior he or she wants to do.According to Bandura (in
Feist & Feist, 2009), four things affect the low self-efficacy in a person including past performance, vicarious
experience, verbal persuasion, emotional cues.
According to Bandura (1997), which falls into the dimension of self-efficacy is Level, a person's level
in the business or action that they can perform. Strength, confidence in the ability to survive and seek solutions

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 25 | Page

American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

in doing something. Generality, how one can use self-efficacy in different situations.Kaseger (2013) concludes
that self-efficacy has a positive effect on employee performance

Every human being has the potential to act in various forms of activity. The ability to act can be
acquired naturally (either from birth) or studied. Although humans have the potential to behave the behavior is
only validated at certain moments. The potential for a particular behavior is called ability, while the expression
of this potential is known as performance.Mangkunegara (2016) describes the definition of performance is the
result of quality and quantity work achieved by an employee in performing his duties by the responsibilities
assigned to him. Performance is the result of a process that refers to and measured over a settled period based on
the terms or arrangements that have been set before (Edison, 2016). In general, performance can be interpreted
as the whole process of working from an individual whose results can be used as the basis for determining
whether individual work is good or vice versa (Roziqin, 2014)
Performance is a condition to be known and to inform certain parties to find out the level of
achievement of an institution linked to the vision of an organization and to know the positive and negative
impacts of an operational policy taken. Sedarmayanti (2007) states that performance is a system used to assess
and know whether an employee has carried out his or her overall work and competence (how one achieves it).
Robertson in Mahsun (2006) also stated that performance measurement is a process of assessing work progress
toward predetermined goals and objectives including information on the efficiency of resource use in producing
goods/services, quality of goods/services, results of activities compared to the intended purpose.

Hypotheses Development
The hypotheses of this study are as follows:
 H1: The work culture have an effect on employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
 H2: Careerdevelopment have an effect on employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
 H3: The work culture has an effect on self-efficacy of employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
 H4: Career development has an effect on self-efficacy employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
 H5: Self-efficacy have an effect on performance on employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
 H6: The work culture have an effect on employee performance through self-efficacy at PT PLN (Persero)
 H7: Career development have an effect on employee performance through self-efficacy in PT PLN (Persero)


Population in this research is the worker at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU which amount to 150 people. In
this study, the authors calculate the sample size by using Slovin technique. Based on the calculation, the sample
of this research is 109 people from all total employees at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU. Data were collected
through observation and direct interviews with employees.The data analysis model uses SEM-PLS


Outer Model
Evaluation of Measurement Model (Reflective Model)
Outer models are used to define how each indicator relates to the latent variables. In testing the external
model, it is necessary to test the validity and reliability of the indicators used. Testing is done using SmartPLS
software.The outer model of this research can be seen in the following figure 1.

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 26 | Page

American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

Figure 1. Path Diagram Outer Model with SmartPLS

Evaluation of Measurement Model (Formative Model)

The estimated value for the formative measurement model is shown in the table below

Table 1.Results of t-value indicatorstest

Indicators T-Count T-Table Results
X11 29,770 1,96 Significant
X12 32,998 1,96 Significant
X13 29,761 1,96 Significant
X14 27,992 1,96 Significant
X15 35,741 1,96 Significant
X16 28,076 1,96 Significant
X17 24,644 1,96 Significant
X18 34,846 1,96 Significant
X19 40,829 1,96 Significant
X10 35,038 1,96 Significant
X111 29,842 1,96 Significant
X112 33,799 1,96 Significant
X21 15,656 1,96 Significant
X22 13,803 1,96 Significant
X23 15,390 1,96 Significant
X24 17,974 1,96 Significant

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 27 | Page

American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

X25 18,862 1,96 Significant

X26 18,508 1,96 Significant
X27 17,812 1,96 Significant
X28 16,206 1,96 Significant
X29 16,005 1,96 Significant
Z1 20,316 1,96 Significant
Indicators T-Count T-Table Results
Z2 31,017 1,96 Significant
Z3 31,220 1,96 Significant
Z4 29,144 1,96 Significant
Z5 29,222 1,96 Significant
Z6 27,344 1,96 Significant
Z7 30,981 1,96 Significant
Z8 27,374 1,96 Significant
Z9 26,235 1,96 Significant
Z10 30,312 1,96 Significant
Z11 34,484 1,96 Significant
Z12 29,741 1,96 Significant
Y1 31,326 1,96 Significant
Y2 30,996 1,96 Significant
Y3 35,806 1,96 Significant
Y4 36,304 1,96 Significant
Y5 34,693 1,96 Significant
Y6 35,032 1,96 Significant
Y7 29,342 1,96 Significant
Y8 29,381 1,96 Significant
Y9 33,208 1,96 Significant
Y10 29,577 1,96 Significant

Structural Model Test Results (Inner Model)

Hypothesis Test

Table 2. Results of the hypothesis test

Path Coefficient T-statistic P-Value Alpha Conclusion
X1 -> Y 0,575 6,756 0,000 0.05 Ho Rejected
X1 -> Z 0,744 8,084 0,000 0.05 Ho Rejected
X2 -> Y 0,075 0,836 0,403 0.05 Ho Accepted
X2 -> Z 0,143 1,481 0,139 0.05 Ho Accepted
Path Coefficient T-statistic P-Value Alpha Conclusion
Z -> Y 0,339 5,151 0,000 0.05 Ho Rejected
X1  Z  Y 0,252 4,271 0,000 0.05 Ho Rejected
X2  Z  Y 0,048 1,417 0,157 0.05 Ho Accepted

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 28 | Page

American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

The work culture variable to the performance variable has a significant and positive effect because the
t-count is larger than the t-table, and the path coefficient is 0.575. According to the authors, the work culture is
needed to improve the performance of employees who will ultimately affect the performance of the employees
as a whole. Therefore, every company needs to build a strong working culture. PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU
needs to spread its core values to all employees. This work is in line with Fajrina (2009) research which
concludes that work culture has a positive relationship with the company's performance. Positive work culture
will drive the company towards a better, otherwise negative work culture will have a contrary impact on the
company. This work is in line with Chandra (2013) and Gunarsih (2008).
Therefore, if the culture works well, then the performance will be achieved definitely will be good.
Working culture variables to self-efficacy variables have significant and positive influence because t-
calculations are greater than t-tables, and path coefficients are 0.744. According to the researcher, the type of
work culture have influence significantly and a positive to self-efficacy employee at PT PLN (Persero)
UIKSBU. There is a clear employee perception of the work culture of PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU, SIPP, which
is in the company of employees of mutual trust, integrity, caring and always learning in PT PLN (Persero)
UIKSBU so that they can provide support and this can improve the sense individual beliefs. This work is in line
with Gunawan and Sutanto's research, (2013) which concludes that work culture has a positive relationship with
self-efficacy. Officers who tend to believe their abilities tend to be successful, and instead, employees who feel
they have failed are likely to fail.
Career development variables to performance variables have no significant and positive impact because
t-calculations are smaller than t-tables and path coefficients are 0.075. This work is in line with the study by
Katidjan, Pawirosumarto and Isnaryadi's (2017) which conclude that career development has an insignificant
relationship to employee performance. The most robust dimensions of career development variables are
mutations and promotion of quantities of 0.654.Career development variables to self-efficacy variables have no
significant and positive influence because t-calculations are smaller than t-tables and path coefficients are 0.143.
According to Self - efficacy researchers at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU is more influenced by culture through
values, beliefs, and self - regulating process that serves as self-efficacy assessment. This case is incompatible
with the research conducted by Kaseger (2013) which concludes the results of career research development and
self-efficacy effect simultaneously to employee performance.
Self-efficacy variables to performance variables have significant and positive influences because t-
calculations are greater than t-tables and path coefficients are 0.339. According to the researcher, the results
show that self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the better the self-efficacy of employees is the better the performance of employees at PT PLN
(Persero) UIKSBU. High self-esteem can make one believe that he or she can do a good job and can survive
under pressure so that it can do the job well. This work is in line with the research conducted by Sigiro and
Cahyono (2005) where the results of the research prove that high self-efficacy will have a significant effect on
employee performance. High self-efficacy will develop a person's strong personality, reduce stress and not be
easily affected by threatening situations. This case is in line with the research done by Santoso (2012)
Work culture variables to performance variables through self-efficacy variables have a significant and
positive effect because t-calculations are greater than t-tables and path coefficients are 0.252. According to the
researcher, the result of this research shows that work culture has an influence on employee performance
through self-efficacy as an intervening variable at PT PLN (Persero) UIKSBU. In improving the performance of
PT PLN (Persero), UIKSBU employees need a work culture that is quite clear and in the case of delivery from
top to bottom, and supported by high self-efficacy also employee performance will also increase. This case is in
line with Yolanda's (2011) study which concludes that working culture variables to performance variables
through self-efficacy variables have a significant and positive effect.
Career development variables to performance variables through self-efficacy variables have no
significant and positive influence because t-calculations are smaller than t-tables and path coefficients are 0.048.
This case is incompatible with the research conducted by Ribka and Kawet (2014) which concludes that the
results of the tests show that from the career planning and self-efficacy variables have simultaneously effect on
employee performance.


Based on the results of the research and discussion, some of the conclusions that can be taken are as
follows. Working culture variables to performance variables have significant and positive influences as t-
calculations are greater. Working culture variables to self-efficacy variables have a significant and positive
influence. Career development variables to performance variables have no significant and positive impact.
*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 29 | Page
American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM)
ISSN- 2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 2, Issue 4 (April - 2019), PP 23-31

Career development variables to self-efficacy variables have no significant and positive influence. Self-efficacy
variables to performance variables have significant and positive influences. Work culture variables to
performance variables through self- efficacy variables have a significant and positive influence. Career
development variables to performance variables through self-efficacy variables have no significant and positive

Based on the results of the research, some suggestions can be presented as follows for the company PT
PLN (Persero) UIKSBU, work culture is critical in its existence, so that the performance of employees can be
increased, so it is necessary to cultivate in each so that they understand the true meaning related to the work
culture, especially here is adaptation culture to each division each one is a clear mission and purpose. Also, to
build a strong working culture requires a process because of the changes that occur in the organization
concerning changes in people within the organization including differences in perceptions, desires, attitudes, and
behaviors. Strong work culture will trigger employees to think, behave, and behave by organizational values.
The suitability between work culture and the members of the supportive organization encourages employees to
improve performance.
Self-Efficacy has a significant impact on employee performance. For that, it must be in the form of high
self-efficacy, that is, by the way, the management promotes the employee's effectiveness on their comrades in
delivering the work done. Because of the high self-efficacy hence employees performance will also be higher.
Next researcher, If researching with the same theme can make the result of this research as a first step in
conducting further research. Because there are still 24.6% other factors outside the self-efficacy variable that
have not been revealed in this study, among others: motivation, rewards, family support, psychological
readiness, and age and years of work that have been undertaken by employees

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Correspondence Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan
Postgraduate Program, Magister Management, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: Yulli Arnida Pohan1 www.aijbm.com 31 | Page

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