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Citation: Hazra, S., “Engine Mounting System Design Approach for Electric Vehicles,” SAE Technical Paper 2019-26-0116, 2019,
drive, then the mounting system is a three or four point system
s we are moving towards complete electrification from with bush type mounts in most cases.
combustion engine to electric motor, the system As E-motors provide vibration & noise excitation particu-
design approach also changes due to application. For larly in high frequency range (up to several kHz), a low dynamic
a range of 100-150 kg EV powertrain weight, number of hardening is beneficial. The methodology of decoupling and
mounts as well as mount locations, orientations and stiffnesses separating the powertrain rigid body modes is the same.
plays a significant role during system design. The electric However, the targets for modal alignment should be adjusted,
powertrains are usually lighter and their mounts are usually as idle isolation is not required anymore, because there is no
stiffer than the mounts for typical combustion engines, the idle excitation with electric powertrains. That is also the reason
static displacements at dead load are usually lower. However, why a mounting system for an electric powertrain can be much
currently it seems like there is no common direction of all stiffer than the mounting system for a combustion engine,
OEM’s regarding the question of how stiff an e-motor which has positive effects for engine shake and helps to control
mounting system should actually be. Due to the high torque the high torque and quick torque changes of e-motors.
of the EV’s one could even think about switching to a four In addition, as there is no clutch anymore, the influence
point mounting instead of a pendulum mounting. That is of the drive shafts on the powertrain eigen modes should
actually something we observe in some benchmarks - that be considered if possible. In the paper various configuration
(modified) pendulum systems are used mainly for e-motors, with generic system design approaches for EV engine
which share a common vehicle platform with combustions mounting system have been presented along with a case study
engines, but if a vehicle is developed exclusively for electric with three point mounting system.
EV, Engine mount
Second approach is develop on a fresh platform where all
urrently most of the Indian OEM are using conven- motor mounts can be designed optimally based on requirements.
tional type engine which is either Petrol or Diesel or Therefore, an investigation has to be done to identify the
CNG and a few high end vehicles are using Hybrids. design parameters of EV engine mounting system
However, there is a recent trend on usage of electric vehicle as The vibration isolation effectiveness of powertrain mount
it is cost effective to the common user. There are two configurations is examined for electric vehicle application by
approaches which OEMs are following. First approach is to considering the effect introduced by internal mount reso-
install a new electric motor in the engine compartment of nances. Unlike internal combustion engines where mounts
existing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, for this are typically designed only for static support and low frequency
some components are required to be removed, whilst some 6-16 Hz dynamics, electric motors have higher excitation
functional parts are required to be retained. The demerits of frequencies in a range of KHz where mount resonances often
motor mounts are limitation in design due to its original occur. The problem is first analytically formulated by consid-
position (conventional engine). ering a simple 3-dimensional powertrain system, and the
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FIGURE 1 a[4] & 1.b - EV unit fitted on conventional FIGURE 3 driveshaft torque and mount elastic centre
mounting system
Types of EV Mountings
and Design Approaches
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ii. Locate the mounted unit at the required location in FIGURE 5.3 Progression curve in Z direction
the vehicle
iii. Mount/locate the unit and react all loads (gravity,
torque and dynamic).
iv. Restrain its movements to within the required
package envelope.
TABLE 1 Various Types of EV mounting system FIGURE 7 Conceptual 1D model of a mounting system
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Architecture (Front/Transverse & Rear/Transverse)
ém1 0 0 ù é x1 ù
ê úê ú
ê 0 m2 0 ú ê x2 ú +
ê0 0 m3 úû êë x3 úû
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Let’s consider
x1 = x1 sin ( wt ) (5)
Case Study: Problem
x2 = x2 sin ( wt )
Formulation (6)
Engine mounting adopted system: The scope of this paper to x3 = x3 sin ( wt ) (7)
study the adopted 3 point mounting system for EV and its
NVH result é -m1 w 2 0 0 ù ì x1 ü ì x1 ü ì 0 ü
ê 2 úï ï ï ï ï ï
ê 0 - m2 w 0 ú í x2 ý + éëk ùûí x2 ý = í 0 ý
ê 0 0 - m w2 ú ïx ï ï x ï ïF ï
ûî 3 þ î 3þ î þ
Analytical Model ë 3
ì x1 ü ì 0 ü
The drive unit is initially analyzed as a simplified 1D model as ( z ( w ) ) ïíx2 ïý = ïí 0 ïý (8)
shown in Figure 7. The drivetrain components are lumped into ï x ï ïF ï
î 3þ î þ
a single mass with different mounting systems represented in
a simplified spring mass system. The motion is considered in
only one direction. The system includes forced vibration with ì x1 ü ì0 ü
ï ï ï ï
í x 2 ý = (z ( w )
force applied on the drive unit. The response of the system is í 0 ý (9)
analyzed in the frequency domain. Damping of the mounts is ïx ï ïF ï
î 3þ î þ
not considered in this analysis for simplification.
The governing equations at excitation frequency are
written in matrix form as ç ÷
ad j (z (w )ç 0 ÷
m1 x1 - k13 ( x3 - x1 ) + k1 x1 = 0 (1) ì x1 ü çF ÷
ï ï è ø
íx 2 ý = (10)
ïx ï ê
ë z ( w ) ú
m2 x2 - k23 ( x3 - x2 ) + k2 x2 = 0 (2) î 3þ
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TABLE 2 No. of mounts and its configuration FIGURE 8.2 Comparison of different mounting systems
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A 2 0,1
B 3 0,1
C 4 0,1
Configuration 0 - Identical mount
Configuration 1 - Non identical mounts set
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y = Cx + Du (12)
y = éC ( iw I - A ) B + D ù u
ë û
y = M u (14)
æ ( c + iwd ) y 3 ö
ç ÷
y = M ç u1 ÷ (15)
ç u2 ÷
è ø
æ0ö æ0 0 c + iwd ö
ç ÷ ç ÷
y = M ç u1 ÷ + M ç 0 0 0 ÷ y (17)
çu ÷ ç 0 ÷ø
è 2ø è0 0
-1 Mass: 60 Kg,
é æ0 0 c + iwd ö ù æ0ö Powertrain CG: [-x, y, z]
ê ç ÷ú ç ÷
y = ê E - M ç 0 0 0 ÷ ú M ç u1 ÷ (18) Powertrain inertia matrix:
ê ç0 0 0 ÷ø úû çu ÷
ë è è 2ø é Ixx Ixy Ixz ù
ê Iyx Iyy Iyz úú
êë Izx Izy Izz úû
Design Analysis Modal analysis using 6DOF Model of Engine in Vehicle
System – Powertrain rigid body modes at no toque
TABLE 4 Engine Mount static stiffness
•• Overall modal couplings are moderate. Critical pitch
Static Stiffness (N/mm) Position (mm) mode is only coupled with less significant roll mode
•• Modal separations are sufficient >0.5 Hz
X 55 76 85 -210 310 270
Y 55 60 10 -200 -320 265 •• Powertrain Rigid Body modes at no torque
Z 95 112 10 90 -100 -45 •• Moderate coupling and Pitch mode is coupled with Roll
© SAE International and © SAE India mode. Modal separations are good. Overall good
modal alignment.
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electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE International.
Positions and opinions advanced in this work are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE International. Responsibility for the content of the work lies
solely with the author(s).
ISSN 0148-7191