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I Prequalification Documents

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[Name of Project]

Prequalification Documents

Design, Build and Operate Contract


[Date of Issuance]
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Date: [insert date]

Contract No: [insert contract number]

1. The [Borrower] has received a Loan from the [International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, hereinafter referred to as the IBRD], in various currencies toward the cost of the
[Insert Project Name] Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of the loan to
payments under the contract for which this Invitation for Prequalification is issued.
Disbursement of the IBRD Loans and IDA Credits will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and
conditions of the Loan Agreement, including the disbursement procedures and the 'Guidelines for
Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits’.

2. The [Insert Owner’s Name], hereinafter referred to as “the Owner”, intends to prequalify eligible
firms for a project comprising the following services and works:

[Insert description of the project, for example:]

[i. the preparation of a detailed design to upgrade and expand the existing municipal solid
waste disposal facility at [location], in accordance with modern international

[ii. the construction of a new cell of the sanitary landfill, together with all associated
infrastructure, and the re-development of the existing cell currently being used for the
disposal of municipal solid waste;]

[iii. the procurement of any fixed and mobile plant and equipment required to upgrade the
standard of operations at the disposal facility; and]

[iv. the operation and maintenance of the waste disposal facility including the provision of
training to the Local Government Unit staff in all aspects of site operation and

3. A prequalification meeting with the Owner and the World Bank, will be held at [insert time, date
and location]. All prospective Applicants are invited to attend in order to be briefed on the
project and the prequalification process.

4. It is expected that Invitations to Bid will be made in [insert date].

5. Prequalification is open to firms and voluntarily formed joint ventures from eligible source
countries, in accordance with the Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits
(May 2004 Edition. The World Bank. ISBN 0-8213-5829-X).

6. Eligible applicants may obtain the prequalification documents from [insert dates] from the
Owner, at the address noted below, upon the submission of a written application stating the
contract number accompanied by the payment of a non-refundable fee of [insert currency(ies)
and amount(s)].

7. The Owner will promptly dispatch the documents by [registered airmail], but under no
circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so mailed.
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8. Submissions of Applications for Prequalification must be received in sealed envelopes, either

delivered by hand or by registered mail to the Owner at the address noted below not later than the
time and date set out in the PITA and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for [insert
contract name and description]”.

9. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject late applications.

10. Applicants will be advised, in due course, of the results of their applications. Only firms and
joint ventures prequalified under this procedure will be invited to bid.

[Insert Owner’s name,

address and
contact information]


1.1 Source of Funds.............................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope of Work................................................................................................................1
1.3 Bid Invitation.................................................................................................................1
1.4 Type of Contract............................................................................................................1
1.5 Solid Waste Disposal Facility Information.....................................................................1
1.6 Prequalification Documents...........................................................................................1
SECTION 2 - FRAUD AND CORRUPTION......................................................................................2
2.1 Fraud and Corruption.....................................................................................................2
SECTION 3 - ELIGIBILITY OF COUNTRIES AND BIDDERS........................................................3
3.1 Eligible Countries..........................................................................................................3
3.2 Eligible Bidders.............................................................................................................3
SECTION 4 - QUALIFICATION CRITERIA......................................................................................4
4.1 General...........................................................................................................................4
4.2 Subcontracting...............................................................................................................4
4.3 Operator’s Responsibility...............................................................................................5
4.4 General Solid Waste Disposal Experience......................................................................5
4.5 Particular Solid Waste Disposal Experience...................................................................5
4.6 Financial Capabilities.....................................................................................................6
4.7 Personnel Capabilities....................................................................................................6
4.8 Litigation History and Legal Matters.............................................................................6
4.9 Right to Waive...............................................................................................................6
SECTION 5 - JOINT VENTURES......................................................................................................6
5.1 Eligibility.......................................................................................................................6
5.2 Qualification Criteria.....................................................................................................6
5.3 Lead Participant.............................................................................................................7
5.4 Participant Limitation and Joint Venture Company........................................................7
5.5 Joint and Several Liability.............................................................................................8
5.6 Joint Venture Agreement................................................................................................8
5.7 Dissolution of Joint Venture...........................................................................................8
SECTION 6 - REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION............................................................................8
6.1 Notification and Response.............................................................................................8
SECTION 7 - SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS.............................................................................8
7.1 Delivery.........................................................................................................................8
7.2 Late Applications...........................................................................................................9
7.3 Language........................................................................................................................9
7.4 Form of Application.......................................................................................................9
7.5 Lack of Information.....................................................................................................10
7.6 Material Changes.........................................................................................................10
SECTION 8 - OWNER’S NOTIFICATION AND BIDDING PROCESS..........................................10
8.1 Notification of Prequalification and Invitation for Bids...............................................10
8.2 Conditional Prequalification........................................................................................10
8.3 One Bid Per Applicant.................................................................................................10

8.4 Bid Security and Performance Security (Bidding Process)..........................................11

8.5 Changes after Prequalification.....................................................................................11
8.6 Owner’s Rights.............................................................................................................11
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1.1 Source of Funds

The Borrower named in the Particular Instructions to Applicants (“PITA”) has applied for
or received a loan or credit (the “Loan”) from the World Bank, the International Development Association
or the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereafter interchangeably referred to as
the “Bank”) equivalent to the amount in U.S. dollars indicated in the PITA toward the cost of the Project
named in the PITA. The Borrower intends to apply a part of the proceeds of this Loan to eligible
payments under the contract to design, build and operate a solid waste disposal facility for which this
prequalification is issued (the “Contract”). Bidders shall note that the Borrower and the owner named in
the PITA (the “Owner”) may, in many projects, be the same entity.

1.2 Scope of Work

The Owner, as named in the PITA, intends to prequalify prospective operators for the work
described in the PITA through a competitive process that is in general compliance with the procurement
guidelines of the World Bank. The first step in the competitive process is the prequalification of
applicants (the “Applicants”) based on their submission of applications in response to these
Prequalification Documents (the “Applications”).

1.3 Bid Invitation

It is expected that prequalified Applicants will be invited to submit bids during the month
and year indicated in the PITA.

1.4 Type of Contract

The bidding documents, type of contract and method of payment, whether prices are fixed
or adjustable, and the term of the Contract are indicated in the PITA.

1.5 Solid Waste Disposal Facility Information

General information with respect to the service area and the characteristics of the solid
waste disposal facility that will be the subject of the Contract is attached as Annex 1 to the PITA.

1.6 Prequalification Documents

(1) These Prequalification Documents consist of,

(a) General Instructions to Applicants (“GITA”);

(b) Particular Instructions to Applicants (“PITA”); and

(c) Annexes to the Particular Instructions to Applicants as follows:

(i) Annex 1 – General Solid Waste Information and Solid Waste Disposal
Facility Information;
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(ii) Annex 2 – Letter of Application;

(iii) Annex 3 – Information Forms;

(iv) Annex 4 – Sample Forms – Notification of Prequalification and

Invitation for Bids; and

(v) Annex 5 – Map of Service Area.

(2) These documents, collectively, are the “Prequalification Documents”.


2.1 Fraud and Corruption

It is the Bank’s policy to require that Borrowers, including beneficiaries of Bank credits, as
well as bidders, suppliers or contractors under Bank-financed contracts, observe the highest standard of
ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Bank,

(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,

directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of a
public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and

(ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in

order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract;

(iii) “collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two or

more bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Borrower, designed
to establish bid prices at artificial, noncompetitive levels; and

(iv) “coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or

indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in the
procurement process or affect the execution of a contract;

(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for
award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent collusive
or coercive practices in competing for the contract in question;

(c) will cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any
time that representatives of the Borrower or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged
in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the procurement or
the execution of that contract, without the Borrower having taken timely and
appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to remedy the situation;

(d) will sanction a firm or individual, including declaring them ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Bank-financed contract
if it at any time determines that they have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a Bank-financed
contract; and
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(e) will have the right to require that a provision be included in bidding documents
and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring bidders, suppliers, contractors
and consultants to permit the Bank to inspect their accounts and records and
other documents relating to the bid submission and contract performance and to
have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.


3.1 Eligible Countries

(1) An Applicant may have the nationality of any country, subject to the restrictions pursuant to
Section 3.1(2). An Applicant shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Applicant is a
citizen, or is constituted, incorporated or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the
laws of that country, as evidenced by its articles of incorporation or documents of constitution, and its
registration documents.

(2) Applicants from an eligible country may be excluded if,

(a) as a matter of law or official regulation, the Borrower’s country prohibits

commercial relations with that country, provided that the Bank is satisfied that
such exclusion does not preclude effective competition for the supply of goods or
services required; or

(b) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council
taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s
country prohibits any import of goods or contracting of works or services from
that country or any payments to persons or entities in that country.

(3) The list of ineligible countries is set out in the PITA.

3.2 Eligible Bidders

(1) A firm, and any of its affiliates and firms from the same economic or financial group, that has
been engaged by the Borrower to provide consulting services with respect to,

(a) the preparation of the Contract documents;

(b) work carried out in preparation for or in anticipation of the Contract; or

(c) the Contract procurement process,

shall be disqualified from subsequently providing goods, services or other works, other than a
continuation of the firm’s earlier consulting services, to either the bidders under the bidding process or the
operator under the Contract.

(2) No dependent agency of the Borrower or Sub-Borrower under a Bank-financed project shall
be permitted to bid or submit a bid for the procurement of goods, works or services under the
project.Government-owned enterprises in the Borrower’s country may participate only if they can
establish that they,

(a) are legally and financially autonomous; and

(b) operate under commercial law.

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(3) An Applicant that is under a declaration of ineligibility by the Bank in accordance with
Section 2.1(c), at the date of submission of the application or thereafter, shall be disqualified. The Bank
maintains a list of firms and individuals that have been sanctioned by the Bank pursuant to Section 2.1
and are not eligible to participate in procurement financed by the Bank. The list is regularly updated, and
its address is set out in the PITA.


4.1 General

(1) Prequalification will be based on Applicants meeting all the following minimum pass-fail
criteria regarding their general design, build, operation and management experience and particular solid
waste disposal facility experience, financial position, personnel capabilities, and other relevant
information as demonstrated by the Applicants’ responses in the Information Forms that they submit
attached to their Letters of Application. Additional requirements for joint ventures are given in Section 5.

(2) Applicants may submit an Application either as,

(a) a stand-alone firm or entity; or

(b) a joint venture,

provided that they meet the requirements of the Prequalification Documents. For the purpose of assessing
some prequalification criteria, the qualifications and experience of subcontractors may be included and
the specific provisions in this regard are set out in Section 4.5(2).

4.2 Subcontracting

(1) Applicants will be evaluated based on the qualifications of,

(a) the Applicant; and

(b) nominated subcontractors and subconsultants only with respect to the experience
evaluation as set out in Section 4.5(2), and only if the subcontractors and
subconsultants are nominated in the Application.

For the purposes of Section 4.7, Applicants may nominate personnel of subcontractors and subconsultants
to fill the key positions listed in the PITA.

(2) The Applicant shall provide a detailed list of all nominated subcontractors and subconsultants
and a record of their experience and qualifications in the applicable Information Forms. The operator
under the Contract shall be prohibited from entering into an contract or contracts that will result in the
operator exceeding the maximum percentage of subcontracting and subconsulting permitted by the
Owner, as set out in the PITA.

(3) The Owner may require the Applicants to provide more information about subcontractors and
subconsultants nominated in their Applications. If the Owner determines that any nominated
subcontractor or subconsultant is ineligible or unsuitable to carry out the assigned task, the Owner may
request the Applicant to propose an acceptable substitute, and may conditionally prequalify the Applicant
accordingly, before issuing an Invitation for Bid.
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(4) Applicants will not be permitted to change the subcontractors and subconsultants nominated
in their Applications without the prior written consent of the Owner. Successful Applicants must request
such a consent prior to the submission of bids in response to the bidding process. The Owner shall not
unreasonably withhold such consent.

4.3 Operator’s Responsibility

After award of the Contract, the subcontracting of any part of the work, except for those
subcontractors and subconsultants nominated in the Application, shall require the prior written consent of
the Owner. Notwithstanding such consent, the operator shall remain responsible for the acts, defaults, and
neglects of all subcontractors and subconsultants during Contract implementation.

4.4 General Solid Waste Disposal Experience

(1) The Applicant shall provide evidence that,

(a) it has been actively engaged in designing, building, operating, managing and
maintaining solid waste disposal facilities, including measurement, billing and
revenue collection in respect of those facilities, for at least the period stated in the
PITA immediately prior to the date of submission of the Applications; and

(b) it has generated an average annual turnover, in respect of designing, building,

operating, managing and maintaining solid waste disposal facilities during the
period stated in the PITA, that is greater than the amount stated in the PITA.

The average annual turnover is defined as the total payment received for general design and construction
work and work related to designing, building, operating, managing and maintaining solid waste disposal
facilities by the firm or firms comprising the Applicant, divided by the number of years stated in the

(2) For the purpose of these Prequalification Documents, a “solid waste disposal facility” means
a sanitary landfill site that is designed to receive non-hazardous domestic, commercial and industrial solid
waste or a landfill site designed to receive hazardous wastes.

4.5 Particular Solid Waste Disposal Experience

(1) The Applicant shall provide evidence that it has successfully carried out or substantially
carried out at least the number and type of solid waste disposal projects or assignments stated in the PITA
within the period stated in the PITA. The projects or assignments may have been executed by the
Applicant as prime contractor, or proportionately as a member of a joint venture, or as a subcontractor or
subconsultant, with references being submitted to confirm satisfactory performance.

(2) For the purpose of demonstrating its experience in accordance with Section 4.4(1)(a) and 4.5,
the Applicant, including a joint venture Applicant, may include the experience of the subcontractors and
subconsultants nominated in the Information Forms.

4.6 Financial Capabilities

(1) The Applicant shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets,
unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other means, independent of any contractual advance
payment, sufficient to meet the cash flow requirements for the Contract in the event of stoppage, start-up,
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or other delays in payment, of the minimum estimated amount stated in the PITA, net of the Applicant’s
commitments for other contracts.

(2) In the relevant Information Form, the Applicant shall also demonstrate, to the satisfaction of
the Owner, that it has adequate sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on works currently
in progress and for future contract commitments.

(3) The Applicant’s audited balance sheets or, if not required by the laws of the Applicant’s
country, other financial statements acceptable to the Owner, for the last five years shall be submitted and
must demonstrate the current soundness of the Applicant’s financial position and indicate its prospective
long-term profitability. If deemed necessary by the Owner, the Owner shall have the authority to make
inquiries with the Applicant’s bankers.

4.7 Personnel Capabilities

The Applicant shall supply general information on the management structure of the firm,
and shall make provision for suitably qualified personnel to fill the key positions listed in the PITA, as
required during Contract implementation. The Applicant shall supply information on a candidate for each
key position, who shall meet the experience requirements specified. The Applicant may nominate
personnel of subcontractors and subconsultants to fill key positions listed in the PITA.

4.8 Litigation History and Legal Matters

(1) The Applicant shall provide accurate information on the “Historical Contract Non-
Performance Form” about contract non-performance and pending litigation with respect to contracts
completed or ongoing under its execution over the last five years. A consistent history of awards against
the Applicant or any participant of a joint venture may result in failure of the Application.

4.9 Right to Waive

The Owner reserves the right to waive minor deviations in the qualification criteria if they
do not materially affect the capability of an Applicant to perform the Contract.


5.1 Eligibility

If the Applicant comprises a number of firms combining their resources in a joint venture,
the legal entity constituting the joint venture and the individual participants in the joint venture shall meet
the requirements of Section 3 above.

5.2 Qualification Criteria

(1) Each participant in a joint venture shall provide the information set out in Section 5.2(2) and
(3) as it applies to the participant’s own firm.

(2) For the purpose of satisfying the qualification criteria set out in Section 4 the following data
of each participant in the joint venture may be added together to meet qualifying criteria:

(a) general design, build, operation, management and maintenance of solid waste
disposal facilities as stated in Section 4.4(1)(a);

(b) average annual turnover as stated in Section 4.4(1)(b);

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(c) particular solid waste disposal experience as stated in Section 4.5; and

(d) personnel capabilities as stated in Section 4.7.

(3) For the purpose of satisfying the qualification criteria set out in Section 4 each joint venture
participant must satisfy the following qualification criteria individually:

(a) financial soundness as stated in Section 4.6(1);

(b) adequate sources to meet financial commitments as set out in Section 4.6(2); and

(c) legal disclosure as stated in Section 4.8.

(4) The Applicant shall include all information in respect of joint venture participants that is
required to meet the qualification criteria in Section 4, in accordance with Section 5.2, in the Application.

5.3 Lead Participant

One of the joint venture participants who is responsible for performing a key function in
contract management or in executing a major component of the proposed Contract shall be nominated as
being in charge during the prequalification and bidding process periods and, in the event of a successful
bid, during Contract execution (the “Lead Participant”). The Lead Participant shall be authorized to incur
liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all participants of the joint venture. This
authorization shall be evidenced by the submission of a power of attorney signed by legally authorized
signatories of each of the joint venture participants as part of the Application.

5.4 Participant Limitation and Joint Venture Company

(1) If an Applicant,

(a) submits as a joint venture;

(b) is prequalified to receive the bidding documents and submits a bid; and

(c) is selected by the Owner as the successful bidder in the bidding process,

the Applicant shall incorporate a separate legal entity, comprised of the joint venture participants, prior to
signing the Contract.

(2) For the purposes of submitting an Application for prequalification, the joint venture
participants are not obliged to incorporate a separate legal entity. The joint venture participants shall,
however, indicate in their Application the percentages in which they shall hold shares in the separate legal
entity, when established.

5.5 Joint and Several Liability

All participants of the joint venture shall be legally liable, jointly and severally, during
the bidding process and for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a
statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization required under Section 5.3.
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5.6 Joint Venture Agreement

A letter of intent to execute a Joint Venture Agreement (“JVA”) in the event of a successful
bid shall be signed by all participants and submitted with the Application. Pursuant to Sections 5.3 to 5.5,
the letter of intent shall include, among other things, a description of the objectives of the joint venture,
the proposed management structure, the contribution of each participant to the joint venture operations,
the commitment of the participants to joint and several liability for performance of the Contract, recourse
or sanctions within the joint venture in the event of default or withdrawal of any participant, and
arrangements for providing the required indemnities.

5.7 Dissolution of Joint Venture

The prequalification of a joint venture does not prequalify any of its participants to submit a
bid individually or as a participant in any other joint venture or association. In case of dissolution of a
joint venture prior to the submission of bids, any of the constituent firms may prequalify if they meet all
of the prequalification requirements, subject to the written approval of the Owner. Individual members of
a dissolved joint venture may participate as a subcontractor or subconsultant to prequalified Applicants
subject to the provisions of Sections 4.2, 4.3 and 8.3.


6.1 Notification and Response

(1) Applicants are responsible for requesting any clarification of the Prequalification Documents.
A request for clarification shall be made in writing to the address indicated in the PITA no later than the
number of days stated in the PITA prior to the deadline for submission of Applications (the “Clarification
Deadline”). The Owner will respond to any request for clarification that it receives prior to the
Clarification Deadline no later than 14 days prior to the deadline for submission of Applications. Copies
of the response of the Owner, including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source, will
be forwarded to all purchasers of the Prequalification Documents.

(2) No oral explanation provided by the Owner, or any other person or entity, in response to a
request for clarification shall modify the Prequalification Documents in any way whatsoever.


7.1 Delivery

(1) Applications for prequalification must be received by the Owner, not later than the date for
submission stated in the PITA,

(a) in sealed envelopes delivered either by hand or by courier to the address stated in
the PITA; or

(b) when so specified in the PITA, Applicants shall have the option of submitting
their applications electronically, in accordance with electronic application
submission procedures specified in the PITA.

(2) The name and mailing address of the Applicant shall be indicated on the envelope, which
shall be clearly marked as indicated in the PITA. A receipt will be given for all Applications submitted.
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7.2 Late Applications

The Owner may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Applications by
amending the Prequalification Documents in which case all rights and obligations of the Owner and the
Applicants subject to the previous deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

7.3 Language

Applicants shall provide all information requested for prequalification in the language
indicated in the PITA. Information may be provided in another language, but it shall be accompanied by
an accurate translation of its relevant passages into the language indicated in the PITA. This translation
will govern and will be used for interpreting the information.

7.4 Form of Application

(1) The Applicant’s Form of Application shall contain:

(a) completed Information Forms;

(b) information required by Section 4.8 and the notes contained in Information Form

(c) the joint venture information required by Section 5 including,

(i) a document confirming the percentage shareholding of each joint venture


(ii) a description of the role and responsibility of each joint venture


(iii) the appropriate powers of attorney;

(iv) a confirmation of each joint venture participant’s agreement to joint and

several liability in accordance with Section 5.5; and

(v) in accordance with Section 5.6, a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement or
letter of intent to execute a joint venture agreement entered into by the
participants; and

(d) a completed Letter of Application.

(2) Applicants shall submit their Applications for prequalification in accordance with the Letter
of Application and Information Forms attached as Annexes to the PITA.

(3) Applicants shall complete their submissions and provide all answers to all questions posed in
the order, format and organization in which they are set out in the Letter of Application and Information
Forms attached as Annexes to the PITA.

(4) Applicants shall submit any information supplemental to the answers to questions posed in
the Letter of Application and Information Forms in a separately bound document labeled “Supplemental

(5) Each Applicant shall submit the number of copies of its Application as set out in the PITA.
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7.5 Lack of Information

Failure of an Applicant to provide comprehensive and accurate information that is essential

for the Owner’s evaluation of the Applicant’s qualifications, or failure to provide timely clarification or
substantiation of the information supplied, may result in disqualification of the Applicant.

7.6 Material Changes

Applicants, and those subsequently prequalified or conditionally prequalified, shall inform

the Owner of any material change in information that might affect their qualification status. Respondents
to the bidding process shall be required to update key prequalification information at the time of bid
submission. Prior to the award of the Contract, the successful bidder will be required to confirm its
continued qualified status in a postqualification review process.


8.1 Notification of Prequalification and Invitation for Bids

Within the period stated in the PITA after the date for submission of Applications, the
Owner will notify all Applicants in writing of the results of their Application, and of the names of all
prequalified and conditionally prequalified Applicants (see Section 8.2 below). As soon as possible after
this notification, prequalified Applicants will be invited, by way of a letter in the format attached as
Annex 4 to the PITA, to submit a bid.

8.2 Conditional Prequalification

An Applicant may be “conditionally prequalified”, that is, qualified subject to certain

specified non-material deficiencies in the prequalification requirements being met by the Applicant to the
satisfaction of the Owner, before submitting a bid. Upon full compliance with the prequalification
requirements, other prequalified Applicants will be notified accordingly.

8.3 One Bid Per Applicant

Only firms and joint ventures that have been prequalified under this procedure may submit
a bid. A firm shall submit only one bid in the bidding process, either individually as a bidder or as a
participant in a joint venture. No firm can be a subcontractor or subconsultant while submitting a bid
individually or as a participant in a joint venture in the same bidding process. A firm, if acting in the
capacity of subcontractor or subconsultant in any bid, may participate in more than one bid, but only in
that capacity. A bidder who submits, or participates in, more than one bid will cause all the bids in which
the bidder has participated to be disqualified.

8.4 Bid Security and Performance Security (Bidding Process)

Prequalified bidders will be required to provide bid security (only at the time of bidding,
not during the prequalification process) in the form and amount indicated in the bidding documents. The
successful bidder will be required to provide performance security in the form and amount indicated in
the bidding documents.

8.5 Changes after Prequalification

Any change in the structure or formation of an Applicant after being prequalified and
invited to submit a bid shall be subject to prior written approval of the Owner prior to the deadline for
submission of bids. Such approval will be denied if as a consequence of any change,
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(a) an individual firm, or joint venture as a whole, or any individual participant of

the joint venture, fails to meet any of the collective or individual qualifying

(b) the new participants to a joint venture were not prequalified in the first instance,
either as individual firms or as another joint venture; or

(c) in the opinion of the Owner, a substantial reduction in competition may result.

8.6 Owner’s Rights

The Owner reserves the right to take the following actions, and shall not be liable for any
such actions:

(a) amend the scope and value of the Contract to be bid under this project, in which
event bids will be invited only from those Applicants who meet the resulting
amended prequalification requirements;

(b) reject or accept any prequalification Application, or any late Application; and

(c) cancel the prequalification process and reject all Applications.

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These particular instructions and related Information Forms are intended to complement, amend, or
supplement the provisions in the GITA. In the event of conflict or ambiguity, the provisions in the PITA
shall prevail over those in the GITA.

Reference Required Information

1.1 Source of Funds

The Borrower:

The [Name of Country]

Amount of [Credit or Loan]:

Approximately US$ [ ] million equivalent

Name of Project:

[Name of Project]

The objectives of the project are:

[Details of project objectives inserted here. Source: Project Appraisal Document]

The Owner:

The [Name of Owner]

1.2 Scope of Work


Contract to Design, Build and Operate A Solid Waste Disposal Facility, [Name of Project].

The Work:

The operator selected pursuant to the bidding process will provide services that are necessary
to design, build, operate, manage and maintain a solid waste disposal facility in [location] over
a period of [For example, 8 years]. The operator will be expected to, among other things,

[Insert description of the role of the operator, for example:]

(a) [design, build and operate a new solid waste disposal facility];
[Note: Other alternatives should be listed here if applicable. For example,
rehabilitate an existing facility or close an existing facility.]

(b) [develop and implement standard operating procedures, equipment maintenance

Page 13 of 18

Reference Required Information

procedures, water monitoring and sampling programs, gas control programs and
safety programs at the new solid waste disposal facility];

(c) [develop and implement weighing, billing and revenue collection systems at the new
solid waste disposal facility];

(d) [develop and implement waste separation and reuse and recycling programs at the
new solid waste disposal facility];

(e) [develop and implement public information and customer service programs for the
new solid waste disposal facility];

(f) [develop and implement information management systems at the new solid waste
disposal facility]; and

(g) [develop and implement comprehensive training programs related to all phases of
the management and operation of an effective solid waste disposal facility].

The Operator will be required to undertake and execute the work and services required to fulfil
the project objectives as outlined in Annex 1.

[Note: THIS IS A SAMPLE OF “SERVICES” ONLY. The description of the role of the
Operator will need to be reviewed for each project.]

1.3 Bid Invitation

Expected date of Invitation for Bids:


1.4 Type of Contract

Bidding Documents and Type of Contract:

Bidding Documents for a Contract to Design, Build and Operate a Solid Waste Disposal

The Contract will be to design, build and operate a solid waste disposal facility comprising the
following elements:
[Insert a description of the elements of the Contract, for example:]
 [the detailed design of the works necessary to upgrade the existing disposal
 [the construction of the works necessary to upgrade the existing disposal facility;]
 [the operation and maintenance of the expanded solid waste disposal facility for a
defined period.]

Method of Payment:
Page 14 of 18

Reference Required Information

[A combination of fixed lump sum based upon quantity for the design and construction
elements of the contract and a fixed monthly fee for providing operations and management

[Incentive Compensation]

Term of Contract:

Design-Build [For example, 3 years]

Management, Operations and Maintenance [For example, 5 years]

1.5 Service Area and General Solid Waste Information

See Annex 1 and Annex 5 to the PITA.

3.1(3) List of Ineligible Countries

[Insert list of ineligible countries.]

3.2(3) List of Debarred Applicants

The electronic address of firms debarred by the Bank is:


4.2(2) Maximum Percentage of Subcontracting or Subconsulting

________ percent
Page 15 of 18

Reference Required Information

4.4 General Design, Build, Operation and Management Experience

Time period:
The Applicant must have been actively engaged as prime contractor, management contractor,
partner in a joint venture, or subcontractor or subconsultant, in the execution of a minimum of
[two] projects of a nature and complexity comparable to this project within the last [five] years
immediately prior to the submission of the Application. Without limiting the generality of
GITA Section 4.4(1)(a), the following are examples of comparable experience:

(i) [general and specialist earthmoving and construction experience, including road
construction, soil stripping and site preparation;]

(ii) [installation of surface water control and drainage measures;]

(iii) [construction of embankments;]

(iv) [construction, operation and management of wastewater management systems;


(v) [construction, operation and management of support facilities and buildings.]

4.4(1)(b) Required Annual Turnover:

The average annual turnover is defined as the total of certified payment certificates for works
in progress or completed by the firm or firms comprising the Applicant over the previous
[five] years, divided by [five].

(a) the Applicant should have generated a minimum average turnover during the
above period greater than the equivalent of [insert and amount] per annum
(equivalent to approximately US$ [450,000] per annum).

(b) the Applicant should have generated a minimum turnover in at least one year of
the five year period of not less than the equivalent of [insert amount]
(equivalent to approximately US$ [900,000]).

4.5 Particular Solid Waste Disposal Experience

4.5(1) Time Period

All experience cited by the Applicant in respect of GITA Section 4.5 shall be within the 10
year period immediately prior to the date of submission of its Application.
Page 16 of 18

Reference Required Information

4.5(2) Experience:

The Applicant, or the Applicant and its subcontractors and subconsultants as nominated in the
Application, shall demonstrate, at a minimum, successful experience in providing technical
and contracting services in the design, construction and operational management of engineered
sanitary landfills and associated environmental management systems, as follows:

Design – minimum of 7 years total general experience in solid waste disposal, and experience

(i) [geology and hydrology or hydrogeology;]

(ii) [geotechnical engineering;]
(iii) [landfill design;]
(iv) [landfill operation and management;]
(v) [leachate treatment or waste water management and landfill gas control;]
(vi) [environmental management and monitoring; and]
(vii) [resource recovery (ecological waste management, including recycling and

Construction – experience in no fewer than three of the following five categories:

(i) [preparation (excavation, grading and compaction) of a minimum of 3 Ha.

(30,000 m2) of land development projects;]
(ii) [excavation and haulage of a minimum volume of soil/rock of 10,000 m3;
(iii) [placement of structural fill to specified compaction requirements of a minimum
volume of 5,000 m3;
(iv) [construction of single storey buildings, with a minimum floor area of five
hundred (500) m2; or]
(v) [3 years of executing works in strict accordance with an approved
environmental management and monitoring plan.]

Operations – the following specified experience:

(i) [sanitary landfill operation and management;]

(ii) [management of leachate or wastewater treatment systems; or]
(iii) [executing services in strict accordance with an approved operations plan or
environmental management and monitoring plan.]

[Insert requirements, for example: No specific construction equipment required. However, at
the time of bidding, prequalified Applicants will be required to demonstrate that they own, or
have assured access to (for example, through hire, lease purchase agreement, etc.), the full
range of earthmoving and other specialist equipment in full working order, appropriate to the
proposed contract. The Applicant, if it so wishes, is invited to list all equipment that could and
would be made available for the Contract.]
Page 17 of 18

Reference Required Information

4.6(1) Financial Capabilities

Minimum Required Cash Flow amount: US $ equivalent.

[The cash flow requirement may be calculated for a number of months to the nearest half
month not to exceed six months determined as total time needed to pay an Operator’s invoice,
allowing for (a) the time of commencement of services from the beginning of the month
invoiced, (b) the time needed by the Owner to issue the monthly certificate, (c) the time needed
to pay the amount, and (d) a contingency of one month.]

4.7 Personnel Capabilities

Suitably qualified personnel to fill the following key positions, with the specified minimum
years of experience of similar works in that position:

1. [Project Manager with 7 years experience;]

2. [Construction Manager with 5 years experience;]
3. [Sanitary Landfill Operations Manager with 3 years experience;]
4. [Landfill Design Engineer with 5 years experience;]
5. [Process Control Engineer with 3 years experience;]
6. [Resource Recovery Specialist with 2 years experience; and]
7. [Plant Manager or Electro-Mechanical Engineer with 5 years experience.]

6.1 Request for Clarification


[Insert address and telephone and fax numbers]

Clarification Deadline:
No later than [21] days prior to the deadline for submission of Applications

Responses to requests for clarification:

The Owner will respond to any request for clarification that it receives prior to the
Clarification Deadline no later than [14] days prior to the deadline for submission of
Page 18 of 18

Reference Required Information

7.1 Submission of Applications


[Insert address and telephone and fax numbers]

Date for Submission:


Envelope Marking:

“Prequalification Documents – Contract to Design, Build and Operate A Solid Waste Disposal
Facility, [Name of Project]”

7.3 Language

[State language here.]

7.4 Form of Application

Number of Copies:


8.1 Notification of Prequalification

Time period from submission of Applications for notification of Applicants of prequalification:

[45] days
Annex 1

General Solid Waste Information/Solid Waste Disposal Facility Information

[Note: Add a sheet behind this cover page with general information as to solid waste
facts/figures/conditions in the service area.]
Page 1 of 1

[Note: The following is a sample of the kinds of background information that might be provided to

(i) population and locations served by the new or existing facility

(ii) types and quantities of wastes received by an existing facility over a period of time (or at
comparable facilities where a new facility is proposed)

(iii) infrastructure
– size of new or existing facility
– capacity of the new or existing facility
– volume filled of an existing facility
– a description of the leachate collection system
– a description of the gas collection system

(iv) operating information (existing or anticipated)

– methods of disposal (e.g. compaction only, compaction/incineration)
– compaction rates
– cover material and supplies
– recycling programs
– waste separation programs
– storage of wastes; and

(v) staffing
– number of employees]
Annex 2

Letter of Application
Page 1 of 4


[letterhead paper of the Applicant or

participant responsible for a joint venture,
including full postal address, and telephone,
facsimile and telex numbers, and cable



[name and address of [Owner]

Name of Project: Contract to Build, Design and Operate a

Solid Waste Disposal Facility,
[Name of Project]

1. Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of

(hereinafter referred to as “the Applicant”), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the
prequalification requirements and information provided, the undersigned hereby applies for
prequalification to submit a bid on the Contract to Build, Design and Operate a Solid Waste
Disposal Facility, [Name of Project] (the “Contract”).

2. Attached to this letter are copies of original documents defining 1:

(a) the Applicant’s legal status;

(b) the Applicant’s principal place of business; and

(c) the Applicant’s place of incorporation (for Applicants that are corporations), or the place
of registration and the nationality of the owners (for Applicants that are partnerships or
individually owned firms).

3. With reference to GITA Section 4.2(2), it is our intention to subcontract more than the percentage
stated in PITA Section 4.2(2) of the approximated Bid Price, details of which are provided herein.

4. Your agency and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conduct any inquiries or
investigations to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in connection with
this Application, and to seek clarification from our bankers and clients regarding any financial
and technical aspects. This Letter of Application will also serve as authorisation to any individual
or authorised representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information to provide
such information deemed necessary and as requested by yourselves to verify statements and

For Applications by joint ventures, except as provided, all the information requested in the
Prequalification Documents is to be provided for the joint venture and for each participant in the joint
venture separately. The Lead Participant should be clearly identified. Each participant in the joint venture
shall sign the letter.
Page 2 of 4

information provided in this Application, such as the resources, experience, and competence of
the Applicant.

5. Your agency and its authorized representatives may contact the following persons for further

General and managerial inquiries

Contact 1 Address and communication facilities

Contact 2 Address and communication facilities

Technical inquiries
Contact 1 Address and communication facilities

Contact 2 Address and communication facilities

Financial inquiries
Contact 1 Address and communication facilities

Contact 2 Address and communication facilities

6. This Application is made with the full understanding that:

(a) bids by prequalified Applicants will be subject to verification of all information

submitted for prequalification at the time of submission of bids;

(b) your agency reserves the right to:

(i) amend the scope and value of the Contract to be bid under this project, in which
event, bids will be invited only from those Applicants who meet the resulting
amended prequalification requirements; and

Applications by joint ventures should provide on a separate sheet equivalent information for each
joint venture participant.
Page 3 of 4

(ii) reject or accept any Application, cancel the prequalification process, or reject all

(c) your agency shall not be liable for any such actions under 5(b) above.

Applicants who are not joint ventures should delete paras. 7 and 8 and initial the deletions.

7. Appended to this Application, we give details of the participation of each participant, including
capital contribution and profit/loss agreements, in the joint venture or association. We also
specify the financial commitment in terms of the percentage of the shares in the joint venture
company to be created, and the responsibilities for execution of the Contract.

8. We confirm that if we submit a bid, that bid, as well as any resulting Contract, will be:

(a) signed so as to legally bind all joint venture participants, jointly and severally; and

(b) submitted with a joint venture agreement providing the joint and several liability of all
participants in the event the Contract is awarded to us.

We also acknowledge that each joint venture participant may, in the discretion of your agency, be required
to sign the Contract.

9. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in the duly completed
Application are complete, true, and correct in every detail.



For and on behalf of [name of Applicant or Lead Participant of a joint venture]



For and on behalf of [name of joint venture participant]


Page 4 of 4

For and on behalf of [name of joint venture participant]

Annex 3

Information Forms

Supplementary information may be provided by Applicants in a separate volume.


General Information

All individual firms and each participant in a joint venture applying for prequalification are required to
complete the information in this form. Nationality information should be provided for all owners or
Applicants that are partnerships or individually owned firms.

If the Applicant proposes to use nominated subcontractors or subconsultants, the following information
should also be supplied for the subcontractor(s) and subconsultant(s).

1. Name of firm

2. Head office address

3. Telephone Contact

4. Fax Telex

5. Place of incorporation / registration Year of incorporation / registration

Nationality of owners1
Name Nationality





1. To be completed by all owners of partnerships or individually owned firms.

(ref. GITA Section 4.4)

General Design, Build, Operation and Management Experience Information

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

All individual firms and all participants of a joint venture are requested to complete the information in this
form with regard to their experience in designing, building, operating, managing and maintaining solid
waste disposal facilities or equivalent facilities.

Description of Contract/Solid Waste Disposal


Name of Joint Venture Participant Responsible

Name of City/Urban area


Population served

Contract Role (joint venture participant,

subcontractor, subconsultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date of contract termination

Contract value (US$)

Individual for reference

Fax for reference
(ref. GITA Section 4.4)

General Turnover Information

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

All individual firms and all participants of a joint venture are requested to complete the information in this
form with regard to their experience in designing, building, operating, managing and maintaining solid
waste disposal facilities. The information supplied should be the annual turnover of the Applicant (or each
member of a joint venture) in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or
completed, converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported. The annual
periods should be calendar years, with partial accounting for the year up to the date of submission of

Use a separate sheet for each participant of a joint venture.

Applicants should not enclose testimonials, certificates, and publicity material with their Application as they
will not be taken into account in the evaluation of qualifications.

Annual turnover data (solid waste disposal work only)

Year Turnover (amounts billed to US$ equivalent (converted at
clients) the rate of exchange rate at the
end of the period reported)






Joint Venture Summary

Names of all participants of a joint venture

1. Lead Participant

2. Participant

3. Participant

4. Participant

Total value of annual turnover relating to designing, building, operating, managing and maintaining solid
waste disposal facilities, in terms of work billed to clients, in US$ equivalent, converted at the rate of
exchange at the end of the period reported:
Annual turnover data (solid waste disposal work only; US$ equivalent)

Form (2A)
Participant page no. [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year]
1. Lead
2. Participant

3. Participant

4. Participant

Applicants shall append to Form 2B:

(a) A document confirming the percentage shareholding of each joint venture participant in
the company to be established; and

(b) A description of the role and responsibility of each joint venture participant. (Applicants
shall make the precise role of each joint venture participant clear in this description).

Applicants are reminded to submit the appropriate powers of attorney as required by GITA Section 5.3
and to provide all other information required in the powers of attorney (see GITA Section 5, in particular
Sections 5.3, 5.5(1) and 5.6).
(ref. GITA Section 4.5)

Designing a Solid Waste Disposal Facility (Particular Solid Waste Disposal Experience)

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

Description of Contract/Solid Waste Disposal


Name of Joint Venture Participant Responsible

Name of City/Urban area


Population served

Contract Role (joint venture participant,

subcontractor, subconsultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date of contract termination

Contract value (US$)

Individual for reference

Address, Telephone,
Fax for reference

Provide a complete description of the services provided under this contract demonstrating that the
definition of a solid waste disposal facility in GITA Section 4.5(3) has been met.
(ref. GITA Section 4.5)

Construction of a Solid Waste Disposal Facility (Particular Solid Waste Disposal Experience)

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

Description of Contract/Solid Waste Disposal


Name of Joint Venture Participant Responsible

Name of City/Urban area


Population served

Contract Role (joint venture participant,

subcontractor, subconsultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date of contract termination

Contract value (US$)

Individual for reference

Fax for reference

Provide a complete description of the services provided under this contract demonstrating that the
definition of a solid waste disposal facility in GITA Section 4.5(3) has been met.
(ref. GITA Section 4.5)

Operation of a Solid Waste Disposal Facility (Particular Solid Waste Disposal Experience)

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

Description of Measurement and Billing and

Revenue Collection Systems

Name of Joint Venture Participant Responsible

Name of City/Urban area


Population served

Contract Role (joint venture participant,

subcontractor, subconsultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date of contract termination

Contract value (US$)

Individual for reference

Fax for reference

Provide a complete description of the services provided under this contract.


Financial Capabilities
Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

Applicants, including each partner of a joint venture, shall provide financial information to demonstrate that
they meet the requirements stated in the GITA. Each Applicant or participant of a joint venture shall
complete this form. If necessary, separate sheets shall be used to provide complete banker information. A
copy of the audited balance sheets shall be attached.

Autonomous solid waste disposal subdivisions of parent conglomerate businesses shall submit financial
information related only to the particular activities of the subdivision.

Banker Name of banker

Address of banker

Telephone Contact name and title

Fax Telex

Summarize actual assets and liabilities in U.S. dollar equivalent (at the rates of exchange current at the end
of each year) for the previous five calendar years. Based upon known commitments, summarize projected
assets and liabilities in U.S. dollar equivalent for the next two calendar years, unless the withholding of such
information by stock market listed public companies can be substantiated by the Applicant.

Financial information in Actual: Projected:

US$ equivalent Previous five years Next two years

[Year] [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year]

1. Total assets

2. Current assets

3. Total liabilities

4. Current liabilities

5. Profits before taxes

6. Profits after taxes

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and
other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction cash flow
demands of the subject Contract or contracts as indicated in PITA 4.6(2).

Source of Financing Amount ($US equivalent)





Attach audited financial statements—including, as a minimum, profit and loss account, balance sheet, and
explanatory notes—for the period stated in GITA 4.6 (for the individual Applicant or each participant of a
joint venture).

If audits are not required by the laws of Applicants' countries of origin, partnerships and firms owned by
individuals may submit their balance sheets certified by a registered accountant, and supported by copies of
tax returns.
(ref. GITA Section 4.7)

Personnel Capabilities

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

For specific positions noted below, Applicants must provide the names of a candidate qualified to meet
the specified requirements stated for each position. The data on their experience should be supplied on
separate sheets using one Form (5A) for each candidate.

Applicants may propose alternative management and implementation arrangements requiring different
key personnel, whose experience records should be provided.

1. Title of position*

Name of candidate

2. Title of position*

Name of candidate

3. Title of position*

Name of candidate

4. Title of position*

Name of candidate

5. Title of position*

Name of candidate
6. Title of position*

Name of candidate

7. Title of position*

Name of candidate

*As listed in PITA 4.7 in respect of GITA 4.7

(ref. GITA Section 4.7)

Candidate Summary

Name of Applicant or participant of a joint venture

Position Candidate

Candidate Name of Candidate Date of Birth

Professional qualifications

Present Name of Employer

Address of Employer

Telephone Contact (manager/personnel officer)

Fax Telex

Job title of candidate Years with present employer

Summarize professional experience over the last twenty years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate
particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project.

From To Company/Project/Position/Relevant technical and management


[The following table shall be filled in for the Applicant and for each partner of a Joint Venture]

Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

Date: [insert day, month, year]
Joint Venture Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
ICB No. and title: [insert ICB number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Non-Performing Contracts in accordance with Section 4.8

Contract non-performance did not occur during the [number] years specified in Section 4.8

Contract(s) not performed during the [number] years specified in Section 4.8

Year Non performed Contract Identification Total Contract

portion of Amount (current
contract value, US$

[inser [insert amount Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract [insert amount]
t and percentage] name/number, and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]

Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]

Reason(s) for non performance: [indicate main


Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section 4.8

No pending litigation in accordance with Section 4.8

Pending litigation in accordance with Section 4.8

Annex 4

1. Sample Form – Notification of Prequalification

2. Sample Form - Invitation for Bids

Page 1 of 2



To: [Name of Firm]


Reference: [Insert IBRD Loan No. or IDA Credit No.]

Contract Name, and Identification No. ________ / ________*

Dear Sirs:

We hereby inform you that you are prequalified to submit a bid for the above-noted Contract.

The following are the prequalified and conditionally prequalified Applicants:

[List of prequalified Applicants.]

Please confirm receipt of this letter immediately in writing by cable, fax, or telex. If you do not
intend to submit a bid, we would appreciate being so notified at your earliest opportunity.

Yours truly,

Authorized signature

Name and Title

[Name of
Page 2 of 2


To: [Name of Firm]

Reference: [Names of Country and Project]

[IBRD Loan No. or IDA Credit No.]
[Contract Name and Identification No. / ]
Dear Sirs:

Recently, you were informed that you were prequalified to submit a bid for the above cited
Contract. A list of prequalified Applicants is attached to this invitation.

We now invite you and the other prequalified Applicants to submit sealed bids for the execution
and completion of the cited Contract.

You may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at our offices at the
address given below from [Insert office hours]. The procurement process for this contract will be
generally in compliance with World Bank guidelines.

A complete set of bidding documents in [Insert name of language] may be purchased by you
upon sending a written request to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of [Insert
amount in local currency] or in [Insert amount in specified convertible currency]. The method of
payment will be [Insert method of payment]. The bidding documents will be sent by [Insert delivery

Bids must be delivered to the address set out below at or before the date set out in the timetable in
the Bid Data Sheet. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of [Insert amount of bid security] or
an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in
the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address and at the time set out in the
bidding documents.

Please confirm receipt of this letter immediately in writing by cable, fax, or telex. If you do not
intend to submit a bid, we would appreciate being so notified also in writing at your earliest opportunity.

Yours truly,

Authorized signature

Name and title

[Name of Owner]

Address: [Insert postal or street address]

Telephone: [Insert telephone number with country and city code]
Facsimile: [Insert telephone number with country and city code]
Cable: [Insert cable number if applicable]
Annex 5

Map of Service Area

[Note: Insert map of service area.]


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