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Concrete Pavement Recycling and The Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Concrete Paving Mixtures

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“Moving Advancements into Practice”

MAP Brief March 2016

Best practices and promising technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving

Concrete Pavement Recycling and the Use

of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Concrete
www.cproadmap.org Paving Mixtures
March 2016
Introduction 20%–30% of the cost of pavement con-
struction materials and supplies (Halm
PROJECT TITLE Concrete pavement recycling is a relative- 1980) and 10%–15% percent of total con-
Concrete Pavement Recycling ly simple process that involves breaking,
and the Use of Recycled struction costs (excluding engineering and
removing, and crushing hardened con- right-of-way acquisition). Cost savings
Concrete Aggregate in Concrete
Mixtures crete from an acceptable source to pro- from concrete pavement recycling vary
duce recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) but have been reported to be as high as $5
TECHNICAL WRITER (see figure 1), a granular material that can million on a single project (CMRA 2008).
Mark B. Snyder be produced for any application for which
virgin aggregate might be used (ACPA In addition, concrete pavement recycling
2009). is a smart and environmentally sustain-
Sabrina Shields-Cook
able choice that conserves aggregate and
Concrete recycling has been used exten- other resources, reduces unnecessary con-
sively in Europe since the 1940s and in the sumption of limited landfill space, saves
U.S. since the 1970s (NHI 1998). Concrete energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions,
Federal Highway Administration
National Concrete Consortium recycling for paving applications is now and captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from
performed in at least 41 states (FHWA the atmosphere. Concrete recycling can
MORE INFORMATION 2004). Annual production of RCA in the eliminate the need for mining or extract-
Mark B. Snyder U.S. from all sources (both pavements and ing new virgin aggregates, and can reduce
Engineering Consultant demolition debris) was recently reported haul distances and fuel consumption as-
717-441-3506 as about 140 million tons (CDRA 2014).
mbsnyder2@yahoo.com sociated with both aggregate supply and
The recycling of paving materials (includ- concrete slab disposal.
ing concrete pavement) into new paving
applications is supported by the Federal Uses of RCA
Highway Administration, which states
that “reusing the material used to build RCA has been successfully used in many
the original highway system makes sound paving applications, including new
The Long-Term Plan for Concrete
Pavement Research and economic, environmental, and engineer- concrete paving mixtures for single- or
Technology (CP Road Map) is a
ing sense” (FHWA 2002; also Hall et al. two-lift concrete pavements, HMA pav-
national research plan developed
and jointly implemented by the 2007, Van Dam et al. 2015). ing mixtures, bound and unbound sub-
concrete pavement stakeholder base applications (e.g., cement-treated
community. Publications and
and granular base), drainage layers, fill
other support services are
funded by the Federal Highway Reasons for Concrete
Pavement Recycling
Moving Advancements into There are many good reasons to recycle
Practice (MAP) Briefs describe
innovative research and concrete pavement, including the in-
promising technologies that can creased demand for quality aggregates
be used now to enhance concrete
paving practices. The March 2016 in the face of limited resources, the
MAP Brief provides information
relevant to Track 12 of the CP
reduced availability of landfill space, and
Road Map: Concrete Pavement the adoption of sustainable construction
practices. Economics is a component of
This MAP Brief is available at
sustainability, and concrete recycling
publications/MAPbriefMarch2016. offers the potential for major savings in
the costs of aggregate, which comprises Figure 1. Photo of stockpiled coarse RCA
CP Road MAP Brief March 2016

material, and more. Foundation layer and fill applications or alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) damage into new concrete
are most common for RCA produced from concrete pave- pavements. The use of RCA in the lower lift of two-lift
ments because of the ease of processing the materials on concrete paving is common in some European countries
site (and resulting cost savings), the tolerance for minor (e.g., Austria) and is increasingly allowed in the U.S. (e.g.,
contaminants (e.g., sealant materials, residual steel, etc.) in the recent Illinois Tollway reconstruction of I-90).
these applications, and the fact RCA typically provides a RCA intended for use in concrete paving mixtures must be
strong, stable subbase through the angular nature of par- treated as an engineered material, with due consideration
ticles and a degree of secondary cementing that takes place given to differences in physical and mechanical properties,
in the presence of moisture over time. such as absorption capacity, coefficient of thermal expan-
The drive for more sustainable pavements demands that sion, etc., and the impact that these differences have on the
consideration be given to using recycled materials in their plastic and hardened properties of the resulting concrete.
highest possible use when it is feasible to do so (Van Dam Consideration of these properties may result in the need to
et al. 2015). For example, a particular RCA may be of suf- modify the concrete mix design through the use of chemi-
ficient quality for producing a durable concrete paving cal and/or mineral admixtures, different mix component
mixture that might otherwise require transport of a high- proportions, and/or aggregate blending. They may also
quality, non-local aggregate (or even a more expensive require the consideration of different pavement structural
high-quality local aggregate). A lower-quality local aggre- characteristics (i.e., thickness, panel dimensions, reinforc-
gate source might then be used (rather than the RCA) in ing, etc.). The need for mixture adjustments and design
the subbase layer. The cost-effectiveness of this approach modifications are discussed briefly at the end of this docu-
must consider the costs of material handling, preparation ment and extensively in ACPA 2009.
for reuse, and transportation (from both monetary and en-
vironmental perspectives). Life-cycle cost analyses (LCCA)
and life-cycle assessment (LCA) tools can help to deter-
Performance of Pavements Constructed
mine the highest or “optimized” use of recycled materials using RCA Concrete Mixtures
(Van Dam et al. 2015). Snyder et al. (1994) identified nearly 100 RCA concrete
Since the 1940s, RCA has been successfully used in con- paving projects in the U.S., including several where D-
crete mixtures in the U.S. for roadway surfaces, shoulders, cracked or ASR-damaged pavements were recycled. Cut-
median barriers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, building tell et al. (1997) evaluated the performance of nine of these
and bridge foundations, and even structural concrete. One projects with ages ranging from 6 to 15 years. Gress et al.
of the first applications of RCA in concrete paving mix- (2007) re-evaluated these nine projects and two others in
tures was on U.S. Route 66 (Epps et al. 1980). Since that 2006.
time, RCA has been used in the construction of hundreds Most of these projects, and the others that have since been
of concrete pavement construction projects in the U.S. and built, have performed well and are considered successes.
around the world. Figure 2 presents a summary of the Some projects, however, have failed prematurely and have
states that have used RCA in concrete paving mixtures. provided lessons in the design and construction of RCA
RCA concrete paving projects have included relatively concrete pavement details or have led to RCA concrete
low-volume roads (e.g., U.S. 75 in Iowa) and some very mixture design modifications to produce concrete proper-
heavily traveled urban freeways (e.g., Interstate 10 near ties and pavement performances similar to (and, in some
Houston, Texas). They also have included the recycling cases, superior to) those of conventional concrete materials
of pavements that were severely damaged by D-cracking and pavements. For example, RCA concrete pavements
constructed with longer (>20 ft) mesh-reinforced panels
have often rapidly developed deteriorated mid-panel
transverse cracks because the coarse RCA didn’t provide as
much potential (or durable) aggregate interlock across the
crack. For similar reasons, undoweled RCA concrete pave-
ments have sometimes developed faulting more quickly
than their natural aggregate counterparts. Key findings
and “lessons learned” from studies of RCA concrete pav-
ing projects that failed prematurely are presented in detail
in Cuttell et al. (1997), FHWA (2004) and Gress et al. (2006),
and are summarized in the Recommendations section of
this brief.
Summaries of a few interesting and successful RCA con-
Figure 2. Map of states that have used RCA in new concrete paving crete paving projects are presented below.
2 mixtures (FHWA 2004)
CP Road MAP Brief March 2016

RCA from Composite Pavements Used in Two-Lift CRCP Using 100 Percent RCA (Both Coarse and Fine)
I-10 near Houston, Texas - 1995
US 75, Iowa - 1976 A 30-year-old section of I-10 CRCP was crushed to pro-
The Iowa DOT reconstructed a portion of U.S. 75 near duce RCA that was used to provide 100% of the coarse and
Rock Rapids using two-lift paving in 1976, incorporating fine aggregate for the new CRCP mixture. The RCA was
about 60% recycled concrete aggregate and 40% recycled required to meet Texas DOT standards for concrete paving
asphalt pavement (from the original pavement) in the aggregate.
9-inch lower lift and all virgin materials in the 4-inch top The contractor initially had difficulty in producing con-
lift. Many of the long reinforced panels have developed sistently workable concrete due to inadequate moisture
transverse cracks, which have faulted due to failure of control of the RCA stockpiles; this problem was remedied
the reinforcing steel, but the pavement was otherwise in with the installation of improved stockpile sprinkler sys-
good condition in 2006 and is still in service today (see tems. There were also some problems with variability of
figure 3). The project is noteworthy because of the use of strength, generally as a result of occasional very low test
a significant quantity of recycled HMA (typically consid- results. The contractor on this job was required to modify
ered a contaminant in RCA concrete mixtures) in the lower the mix design to produce higher average strengths and
paving lift. Texas DOT has since limited the use of fine RCA to less
than 20% replacement of the total fine aggregate.
The relatively low elastic modulus of the RCA concrete is
considered a key factor in the excellent performance of this
project to date (see figure 4).

Figure 3. U.S. 75 near Rock Rapids, IA in 2006 after 40 years of ser-

vice and some rehabilitation

Austria – 1980s to present

A similar approach was taken in the renovation of the Figure 4. I-10 near Houston, TX in 2006 after 11 years of service
(photo source: Prof. Moon Won)
Austrian Salzberg-Vienna A-1 concrete motorway, which
was also reconstructed in the late 1980s using two-lift con-
RCA of Pavements with MRD
struction and recycled concrete and HMA aggregate in the
lower lift. The success of this project led to the adoption of The following projects are notable as two of the first major
two-lift paving using recycled materials in the lower lift projects to recycle D-cracked (MN) or ASR-damaged (WY)
as standard practice in Austria and an increasingly used concrete back into new concrete pavement.
construction technique in other European countries.
U.S. 59 near Worthington, MN (1980)
Illinois Tollway The 16-mile-long Minnesota project used coarse RCA (3/4-
The Illinois Tollway recently began to encourage the re- in top size) from the original severely D-cracked pavement
cycling of 100% of all existing pavement materials within to produce concrete for a new 8-in jointed plain concrete
the limits of their reconstruction projects on I-90 between pavement with edge drains and a 13-16-14-19 ft skewed
Rockford and Chicago. Their current specifications allow transverse joint pattern. The longer panels eventually
for the use of both crushed concrete products and fraction- developed transverse cracks and the undoweled joints
ated recycled asphalt pavement (FRAP) in the lower lift of faulted badly (both problems were addressed in a 2004
two-lift concrete pavement. pavement rehab project), but the D-cracking did not recur
(see figure 5).
CP Road MAP Brief March 2016

• crushing the concrete and sizing the RCA;

• treating the RCA to remove any additional contaminants
(a process commonly known as beneficiation), if necessary;
• stockpiling the RCA.

The same basic equipment used to process virgin aggre-

gates also can be used to crush, size, and stockpile RCA
(see figure 6). However, the selection of crushing processes
can affect the amount of mortar that clings to the recycled
aggregate particles and, therefore, the properties of the
RCA (as is described later). Jaw crushers generally are
more effective at producing higher quantities of coarse
Figure 5. 2006 photo of U.S. 59 near Worthington, MN (after 2004
rehabilitation and 26 years of service) recycled aggregate, but the resulting RCA particles of-
ten contain relatively high amounts of reclaimed mortar,
I-80 near Pine Bluff, Wyoming (1985) which usually increases aggregate absorption capacity.
Impact crushers are more effective at removing mortar
By 1985, portions of I-80 in eastern Wyoming had devel-
from natural aggregate particles, resulting in coarse RCA
oped severe ASR damage. Recycling this pavement to pro-
with properties that are more similar to virgin aggregate,
duce aggregate for a new 10-in JPCP concrete surface (with
but resulting in the production of lower amounts of coarse
“randomly” spaced and undoweled skewed joints) was
RCA from any given volume of processed concrete.
determined to be a feasible and economical rehabilitation
solution. Extensive testing was performed to determine
combinations of materials that would prevent the reoccur-
rence of ASR: 1) the use of a low-alkali Type II cement; 2)
blending the coarse and fine RCA with high-quality virgin
aggregates; and 3) using a Class F fly ash. There was little
evidence of recurrent ASR in 2006 when a major pavement
rehabilitation (dowel bar retrofit, diamond grinding and
joint resealing) was performed to address developing joint
faulting. However, some recurrent ASR was reported an-
ecdotally in 2015 (approximately 30 years after the recon-
struction using RCA).

Both of these pavements indicate that concrete mixtures Figure 6. Typical concrete pavement recycling crushing and stockpil-
ing operation
containing RCA can produce long-lasting, good-perform-
ing concrete pavements, even when the RCA is produced
from concrete with significant materials-related distress, When being constructed in or near environmentally sensi-
provided appropriate steps are taken in mixture design tive areas, stockpiles of RCA should be protected from
and proportioning and materials processing. precipitation or provisions should be made to capture and
treat the runoff, which is initially highly alkaline due to
the leaching of calcium hydroxide (a product of cement
Production of RCA hydration) from the freshly crushed material. Runoff alka-
Following are the major steps in concrete pavement recy- linity usually decreases rapidly with time as the exposed
cling: calcium hydroxide is depleted. Exposure to precipitation
may also result in some secondary cementation of previ-
• evaluation of the source concrete (to determine its suitabil- ously unhydrated cement grains, which can cause the RCA
ity for various potential applications); particles to agglomerate, particularly for fine aggregate
• preparation of the slab (e.g., removal and separate recycling
of asphaltic materials, joint sealants, etc., as necessary for
the intended application); Properties of RCA
• breaking and removing the concrete; RCA particles are comprised of reclaimed virgin ag-
• removal of any steel mesh, rebar, or dowels; gregate, reclaimed mortar, or both. Concrete crushing
4 processes generally produce relatively angular, rough-
CP Road MAP Brief March 2016

textured particles. The properties of a specific recycled design and admixture usage can reduce (and sometimes
concrete aggregate depend upon many factors, including eliminate) many differences in the properties of RCA con-
the properties of the original concrete and the amount crete mixtures. (ACPA 2009)
of reclaimed mortar in the RCA. Higher amounts of
reclaimed mortar typically result in increasingly higher
Fresh (Plastic) RCA Concrete Properties
absorption, lower specific gravity, lower particle strength,
and lower abrasion resistance than would be found in the RCA particles tend to be angular and rough-textured,
included natural aggregate. which can increase the harshness of fresh concrete mix-
tures. The shape and texture of coarse RCA particles gen-
erally does not cause significant workability problems, but
Table 1. Typical properties of natural and recycled concrete
aggregate (after Snyder et al. 1994)
the use of significant amounts of fine RCA can result in a
very harsh, unworkable paving mixture. Fine RCA content
Property Natural RCA
Aggregate is commonly limited to 30 percent or less replacement of
Absorption Capacity (%) 0.8–3.7 3.7–8.7 natural sand to provide adequate workability. The use of
Specific Gravity 2.4–2.9 2.1–2.4
pozzolanic and chemical admixtures can also improve
mixture workability.
L.A. Abrasion Test Mass 15–30 20–45
Loss (%)
The higher absorption capacity of RCA (especially fine
Sodium Sulfate Soundness 7–21 18–59
Test Mass Loss (%)
RCA) can lead to a rapid loss of workability. This probably
can be successfully addressed by washing or wetting the
Magnesium Sulfate 4–7 1–9
Soundness Test Mass Loss aggregate and maintaining it in a moist condition until
(%) batching.
Chloride Content (lb/yd3) 0–2 1–12

Hardened RCA Concrete Properties

RCA must generally meet the same requirements as virgin Table 2 provides a summary of the ranges of typical
aggregate for the target application (e.g., concrete mixture, changes in concrete properties that result from the use of
subbase layer, etc.). With proper care and process control, RCA as a replacement for natural aggregate while holding
RCA generally can be produced to meet standard aggre- all other factors constant (i.e., no compensating mixture
gate quality and grading requirements. Typical properties adjustments are made). Mixture design modifications can
of natural aggregate and RCA are presented and compared partially offset or eliminate many of these differences (e.g.,
in Table X. Sulfate soundness tests do not provide reliable reducing w/(c+p) to offset reductions in strength or using
tests for RCA (Hansen 1986) and are typically waived in fly ash in the mixture to decrease concrete permeability).
favor of actual freeze-thaw testing (e.g., AASHTO T161). Other differences (e.g., coefficient of thermal expansion
and shrinkage) can be accounted for in the pavement
RCA should be considered an engineered material for
structural design (e.g., modifications of panel dimensions
which the properties must be determined prior to use so
and reinforcing).
that appropriate mixture design or construction adjust-
ments can be made as required.
Table 2. Typical properties of RCA concrete compared to similar mix-
As noted in Table 1, high levels of chlorides have been tures comprising all natural aggregate (after ACI 2001, FHWA 2007
and Hansen 1986)
found in RCA (especially in RCA with high reclaimed
Property Coarse RCA Only Coarse and Fine
mortar content) produced from sources with long-term ex-
posure to deicing chemicals. When RCA from such sources
Compressive 0%–24% lower 15%–40% lower
is to be used in concrete pavements and the chloride levels Strength
are high enough to be of concern epoxy-coated steel or Tensile Strength 0%–10% lower 10%–20% lower
other corrosion-resistant/non-corroding materials should
Variability of Slightly greater Slightly greater
be considered for use as tie bars and slab reinforcing (for Strength
jointed and continuous reinforced concrete pavements). Modulus of 10%–33% lower 25%–40% lower
Coefficient of 0%–30% higher 0%–30% higher
Properties of Concrete with RCA Thermal Expansion/
When RCA is used to produce new concrete mixtures, its
Drying Shrinkage 20%–50% higher 70%–100% higher
effect on the properties of those mixtures can range from
Permeability 0%–500% higher 0%–500% higher
minimal to significant, depending upon the nature, com-
position, and gradation of the RCA. Changes in mixture Specific Gravity 0%–10% lower 5%–15 % lower

CP Road MAP Brief March 2016

It should be emphasized that concrete with adequate levels • Moisture control of stockpiles is essential in ensuring the
of compressive and flexural strength for paving and other production of uniform RCA concrete.
applications can be produced even when virgin aggregates
are completely replaced by RCA products. Use in PCC Mixtures
RCA concrete can be highly durable provided that the • In general, RCA products intended for use in new concrete
mixture proportioning (including the use of chemical and pavements should meet the same quality requirements as
mineral admixtures) is done properly and the construction virgin aggregate. RCA intended for use in high-quality
(including concrete curing) is of good quality, even when concrete should be free of potentially harmful components.
the RCA is produced from concrete with D-cracking or More than 90% of the material should be cement paste
alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) problems. D-cracked pave- and aggregate. Small amounts of joint sealant material,
ments have been successfully recycled into new concrete motor oil and other pavement surface contaminants have
layers since at least the early 1980s by producing RCA not been found to cause problems in RCA used in concrete
coarse aggregate with a maximum size of ¾ inch or less mixtures (FHWA 2007). RCA washing prior to batching
(ACPA 2009). ASR-damaged pavement has also been suc- is not generally required (except as needed to meet speci-
cessfully recycled into new concrete pavement through the fication requirements limiting minus #200 material), but
use of Class F fly ash and/or slag cement, admixtures (e.g., may be beneficial in reducing moisture absorption and
lithium nitrate), and aggregate blending (i.e., limited or associated mixture workability problems, and in enhancing
partial substitution for natural aggregate). paste-aggregate bond.
• Evaluate and test suspected ASR-affected and D-cracked
sources to ensure that selected mitigation measures will
Sustainable Aspects of Concrete effectively prevent recurrent problems. Techniques that
Recycling may be effective in preventing recurrent ASR include: the
The use of RCA can save money and time and reduce use of Class F fly ash and/or slag cement in place of a por-
the environmental impact of concrete paving. Its use can tion of the cement; limiting the use of fine RCA; reducing
potentially shorten project delivery as a result of expedited concrete permeability through lower water content; the use
construction schedules due to reduced haul times. The of admixtures such as lithium nitrate; and reducing slab
potential for increased material transportation savings is exposure to moisture (e.g., sealed joints, drainable base,
even greater when there is no locally available aggregate subdrainage systems, etc.). Recurrent D-cracking may be
and aggregate has to be trucked in from farther away. prevented by reducing coarse RCA top size to 3⁄4 in. (19
Expedited construction schedules result in fewer lane mm) or less and by reducing slab exposure to moisture
closures, which improve public safety. Public safety is also through the same techniques described above. (ACPA
improved if processing of the aggregate is in close proxim- 2009).
ity to the project and there are fewer commercial vehicle- • The basic proportioning of concrete containing RCA can
miles required for transport. Using RCA in new construc- be accomplished using the same procedures recommended
tion benefits the environment because it reduces the for proportioning concrete containing only virgin aggre-
amount of material typically disposed of in landfills and gate.
conserves resources related to mining virgin aggregates.
–– To achieve similar workability to a conventional PCC
mixture 5%–15% more water and/or a water-reducing
Recommendations for using RCA admixture and/or the use of fly ash (substitution for
Portland cement) may be required (FHWA 2007).
RCA Production –– Additional cementitious material may be necessary to
produce the required strength (FHWA 2007).
• Jaw crushers are effective at removing any embedded steel
reinforcing or dowels and also tend to produce fewer fines –– FHWA (2007) recommends a water-to-cementitious
than other types of crushers, which boosts the yield of material ratio (w/cm) of 0.45 or less. However, many
coarse RCA. Impact and cone crushers are more effective highway agencies are currently limiting w/cm to 0.42
at removing mortar to produce coarse RCA with properties or less for all concrete paving mixtures to provide a
that are similar to those of the original concrete aggregate less permeable and more durable pavement.
(ACPA 2009). –– The use of fine RCA should be limited to 30% of the
• “Closed system” aggregate processing plants are preferred total fine aggregate to avoid the production of a harsh
because they allow greater control over the aggregate par- mix.
ticle size distribution and provide a more uniform finished –– There are no general limits on the use of coarse RCA
material. in concrete paving mixtures and 100% coarse RCA
CP Road MAP Brief March 2016

has been successfully used in many projects, often with Additional Cited References
chemical and/or mineral admixtures or other mix pro-
portioning adjustments to address potential workability Construction and Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA)
issues. Limits on coarse RCA use have been imposed 2014. “Good Economic Sense.” http://www.cdrecycling.org/
on some projects when the source concrete exhibited index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=80:concr
materials-related distress (e.g., D-cracking or ASR). ete-recycling-home&catid=20:site-content&Itemid=141 (last
(Snyder et al. 1994). accessed 2/28/2016). Construction and Demolition Recycling
Association. Aurora, IL.
–– RCA substitutions for natural aggregate should be done
volumetrically (rather than by weight) because of the Cuttell, G. D., M. B. Snyder, J. M. Vandenbossche and M.
generally lower specific gravity of RCA. Wade 1997. “Performance of Concrete Pavements Contain-
ing Recycled Concrete Aggregate.” Transportation Research
Pavement Structural Design Record 1574. Transportation Research Board. Washington,
• Determine and consider the physical and mechanical prop-
erties of RCA concrete in the development of RCA concrete Epps, J.A., D.N. Little, R.J. Holmgren and R.L. Terrell, 1980.
pavement design details. Guidelines for Recycling Pavement Materials. NCHRP Re-
–– Increased shrinkage and thermal response of concrete port 224. Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.
containing RCA can cause larger joint movements,
FHWA 2002. “Formal Policy on the Use of Recycled Materi-
requiring different sealant materials or reduced panel
als.” http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/legsregs/directives/policy/
recmatmemo.htm (last accessed 2/28/2016). Federal Highway
–– Reduced potential for aggregate interlock at transverse Administration. Washington, D.C. February 7, 2002.
cracks in jointed, mesh-reinforced RCA concrete pave-
ment may need to be offset with higher amounts of FHWA 2004. Recycled Concrete Aggregate – Federal High-
reinforcing. way Administration National Review. www.fhwa.dot.gov/
pavement/recycling/rca.cfm (last accessed 2/28/2016). Federal
–– Lower RCA concrete strength and elastic modulus may
Highway Administration. Washington, D.C.
result in slightly increased pavement thickness require-
ments and different reinforcement requirements for Gress, D., J. Sturtevant and M. B. Snyder 2007. “Performance
continuously reinforced pavement. of Rigid Pavements Containing Recycled Concrete Ag-
• ACPA (2009) provides additional structural design guide- gregates: 2006 Update.” Design and Construction Practice-
lines and recommendations. Ready Papers. Transportation Research Board. Washington,

Hall, K.T., D. Dawood, S. Vanikar, et al. 2007. Long-Life Con-

User Resources crete Pavements in Europe and Canada. FHWA-PL-07-027.
The following resources provide guide specifications and Federal Highway Administration. Washington, D.C.
detailed information concerning the production of RCA and
its use in new concrete paving mixtures. Hansen. T.C. 1986. Recycled Aggregates and Recycled Aggre-
gate Concrete, Second State-of-the-Art Report: Developments
AASHTO MP 16-13 2013. Standard Specification for Re- 1945-1985. Materials and Structures, Vol. 1, No. 111. Springer.
claimed Concrete Aggregate for Use as Coarse Aggregate in The Netherlands.
Hydraulic Cement Concrete. American Association of State
and Highway Transportation Officials. Washington, DC. NHI 1998. Techniques for Pavement Rehabilitation: a Train-
ing Course – Participant’s Manual. FHWA-HI-99-006. Na-
ACI 2001. Removal and Reuse of Hardened Concrete. ACI tional Highway Institute. Federal Highway Administration.
555R-01. American Concrete Institute. Farmington Hills, MI. Washington, D.C.
(currently under revision)
Snyder, M.B., J.M. Vandenbossche, K.D. Smith and M.J.
ACPA 2009. Recycling Concrete Pavements. Engineering Wade, 1994. Synthesis on Recycled Concrete Aggregate. In-
Bulletin EB043P. American Concrete Pavement Association. terim Report – Task A, DTFH61-93-C00133. Federal Highway
Rosemont, IL. Administration. Washington, D.C.

FHWA 2007. Use of Recycled Concrete Pavement as Ag- Van Dam, T.J., J.T. Harvey, S.T. Muench, K.D. Smith, et al.
gregate in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Pavement. Techni- 2015. Towards Sustainable Pavement Systems: A Reference
cal Advisory T 5040.37. Federal Highway Administration. Document. FHWA-HIF-15-002. Federal Highway Adminis-
Washington, DC. tration. Washington, D.C.
Neither CP Road Map participants or sponsors nor the Federal Highway Administration assumes liability for the information contained in this publication or 7
endorses products or manufacturers mentioned herein.

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